HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78-114l 2. 3 5� 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 I 131 14 +� 15 i! 16 f 17 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 l 29 30 31� 321 RESOLUTION NO. 114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE CLAS- SIFICATION, COMPENSATION AND TERMS OF- EM- PLOYMENT OF NON -ADMINISTRATIVE AND NON- MANAGEMENT POLICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, WHEREAS, the City Management representatives have met and conferred with the representatives of the Tustin Police Employees Association on behalf of the non -masa gement police personnel; and WHEREAS, the Meet and Confer sessions have resulted in a Memorandum of Understanding being entered into between Tustin Police Employees Association and City; and WHE.RE.AS., City Council desires to provide changes in the benefits to the non -administrative and non -management police employees of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: Section !. The classification, compensation and terms of employment for the admin- istrative . and rn anagement of f icers of the City are set forth by separate resoultion of the City Council and the provisions herein set forth shall not apply to those employ: es. Section 2. A. Life Insurance on Employee. City shall provide life insurance on the lifc of earth regular, permanent; full-time, non-adrr �inistrative, non-managetment police employee of the Police [Department of the City of Tustin and pay full annual prerniu,rn tine. of or. The death benefit of said policy shall be one hundred percent (10017. o f the employees' base annual salary to the nearest multiple of $1,O00.O0. 3. Medic21/Health Benefits. City shall provide: a medical/health benefit program for the benefit of regular, permanent, police employees and their depe;ldents, if applicable. City shall contribute to the funding of said program one hundred percent (100%) of the contribution for an employee without dependents or of an employee with dependents who elects not to have said dependents covered, and shall pay ninety percent (900/6) of the contribution toward the funding of said progrann of any employee with dependents whom the employee elects to cover. The City shall establish provisions in the City health plan permitting future retirees of the City to continue their participation in the City health plan at their own full cost and in such a manner as to insure that retiree contribution fully fund that portion of the plan. C,o�r%f i nn -i The General Leave plan is being revised contemporaneously herewith by amendments.to the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of Tustins, gCbrf-i rtin L1_ Uniform Allowance. One hundred and fifty dollars {$.15O.00} Shall be paid semi-annually to each regular, permanent, full-time, non -administrative and non -- 1 of the Police Department of the city of Tustin, plus • , w , (-er ear, effective January 1, 1979. For• the semi-annual period �. -.,sic.;.: ,. ` t•'• ..�f fr 0 i; y , , • . ,.,., .,s. - 19 1978, City shall pay the sures o F X70.00 for uniform allowance, .• •; e j i f .. t i , '-annual advance payment made in July of 1970. a.t:•, .,► t,�..)crnl 3S ,�:•;�.��.:�i:.:����c�l�_ _i'rovisions. ;;�`,i�i�.�t1iCe of Inequities. City Administrator may authorize special r- avoid or eliminate inequities resulting from the strict application of t ;:•;-�:� :_:��: of this resolution. r 'r�istrative Regulations. The City Administrator is authorized to '� a •administrative personnel regulations designed to augment or clarify ri �'►►;� ,:,:-t,vi;;:,r�s of this resolution. o,,1 6. L-_ f f elc t ivy; Date. All provisions set forth herein shall be effective as to non - f - ;i l r::lrTirnlstrative and non --management police employees of the Tustin Police De - 10 �. �}f,:; tr��er�t as of September 11, 1970. PA SS=�D Ai'�D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City 12:: t_,` -1"usi in, held on the 6tli day of November ,_._�..._. 1978. T 13 f H _ .. AYU . 15 ATTESTS: , 1ii �..- CITY CLER ' Tc- ALI" URN ► A ss �`�E ORANGE 9 2� `` Ru i"r-i C. PCE, City Clerk er-ld ex -of ficial Clark of the City Council of the 21 f 22 23. 24 25� 26 27 28 29 301 31 32 City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution_ _ was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the _fit lay of :.q�(mb.er, 1978, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: WELSH r SCHUSTER, SHARP r SALTA EL LI KENNED" NOES: COUNCILMEN: 1 -.-.,ONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE JGR:se:D:10/10/73 JGR:se:R:1G/23/78 JGR:DB:se:R:10/27 /7 0 T/Res/TPI A D:9 2 CITY CLERK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 241 251 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 F i MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CITY OF TUSTIN AND TUSTIN POLICE EMPLOYEE'S ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin has on or about September 19, 1977 and November 21, 1977, adopted Resolutions providing for the payment of compensation and establishing the terms of employment for the non -administrative and non -management police employees of the City of Tustin; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the California Government Code Sections 3500 et seq. and Section 17 of the Personnel Rules & Regulations of the City of Tustin, the City's employee representatives have met and conferred in good faith with the representatives of the Tustin Police Employees' Association pertaining to the subject of wages, benefits and conditions of employment for the non -administrative and non -management police employees of City; and WHEREAS, the meetings between Tustin Police Employees' Association and the City have resulted in an agreement and understanding to recommend that the employees represented by the Tustin Police Employees' Association accept all of the terms and conditions as set forth herein and that the City Council adopt by resolution or resolutions the changes and additions to the wages, hours and conditions of employment for the non -administrative and non -management police employees of City. WITNESSETH Article 1. City has previously recognized Tustin Police Employees' Assoc- iation as the majority representative of all non -administrative and non- management police employees of City for the purpose of representation on issues of wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. As majority representative, the Tustin Police Employees' Association is empowered to act on behalf of all non -administrative and non -management police employees of City, whether or not they are individually members of the Tustin Police Employees' Association. It is further recognized that any individual employee has a legal right at any time to represent himself or herself individually in his or her employee relationship with the City. The parties understand and agree that Sergeants, heretofore sometimes known as Police Supervisors, have been deemed to be non- administrative and non -management police employees of the City of Tustin and included within the unit of representation of Tustin Police Employees' Association, and shall be entitled to receive at least all of the benefits prescribed in this agreement. The parties understand and agree that it is the intention of City to classify Sergeants of the Police Department of the City of Tustin as management employees after appropriate procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, but that by such reclassification Sergeants shall continue during the term of this agreement to be entitled to receive at least all the benefits prescribed herein. Article 2. Medical, Dental and Life Insurance. City agrees that the existing program for medical, dental and life insurance as presently in effect, having been amended after appropriate meeting and conferring in June, 1977, will continue and 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16I 17 18I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 City will provide and pay one hundred percent (100%) of the individual employee's total contribution toward the funding of said program. In the event that the employee has dependents which he choses to have covered, City will pay ninety percent (90%) of the total contribution toward funding of said program for the employee and his dependents. The foregoing ratio of payment by City shall be maintained during the term of this agreement. It is understood and agreed by the parties that the "contribution toward the funding of said program" as set forth above refers to the amount determined at this time by City and City's Health Administrators to be reasonable sums to fund the benefits of the program, and if and to the extent that such contribution for funding is inadequate and results in an excess of benefits of benefits paid over contributions received, that this may result in an excess of benefits paid over contributions received. If, and in the event that the benefits paid are in excess of contributions received, City may advance sums to cover such deficit but other than advancing or lending funds City shall not be obligated for such deficit. Article 3. General Leave. General leave shall be granted upon the following formula: 0-5 years of services - 18 general leave days per year 5 to 10 years of services - 23 general leave days per year Over 10 years of service - 28 general leave days per year Article 4. Uniform Allowance. City will pay $150.00 semi-annually as and for uniform allowance plus City will pay for special motor -officer gear effective January 1, 1979, plus $70.00 for the current semi-annual period. Article 5. Cost -of -Living Compensation Increase. If and at such time prior to January 1, 1979, it is legally permissible for City to grant a cost -of -living pay increase to the non -administrative and non -management police employees of City without being in conflict with, and/or subject to limitation, prohibition, disability or impediment to City including, but not limited to any impediment to City upon any entitlement to share in and/or receive distributions of funds or other benefits, City shall increase salaries of all non -administrative and non -management police employees of City by five percent (51/6). In the event that such a cost -of -living increase may be given prior to January 1, 1979, in an amount of less than five percent (51/6), without the conflicts or disabilities described above, such lesser percentage cost -of -living increase shall be given and the remaining percentage shall be given as soon as permissible in accordance with the limitations described above in this paragraph. If no cost -of -living salary increase is granted prior to January 1, 1979, City agrees that effective January 1, 1979, City shall provide time and one-half premium pay for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per shift and forty (40) hours per week retroactive to September 11, 1978. Provided, however, that standby time shall not be considered in determining entitlement to premium pay. Article 6. Compensation Second Year. If and to the extent that it is legally permissible for, City to grant a cost -of -living pay increase to the non- administrative and non -management police employes of City without being in 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12, 13 14, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 0 conflict with, and/or subject to limitation, prohibition, disability or impediment to City including, but not limited to any impediment to City upon any entitlement to share in and/or receive distributions of funds or other benefits, City shall increase the compensation of non -administrative and non -management police employees of City in the amount by that percentage of such compensation by which the consumer price index, based on the Los Angeles -Long Beach consumer price index, has increased between May 1, 1978, and May 1, 1979, said increase to be effective July 2, 1979, provided further, however, that if and to the extent that such a cost - of -living increase is prohibited or restricted as hereinabove described in Article 5 and Article 6, City shall grant to the non -administrative and non -management police employees of City additional fringe benefits or increased fringe benefits of a dollar value equal to the increase in the consumer price index to the extent that such cost -of -living increase in compensation has not been granted. The fringe benefits or increases in fringe benefits to be accorded shall be as determined by discussion and agreement between the Tustin Police Employees' Association and City to the fullest extent permitted by law. Highest priority shall be given to those items which will increase the employees' take-home pay. It is understood that increases in benefit areas such as increased holidays, general leave or other items traditionally classified as "soft cost benefits" shall not be construed as compensation towards satisfying the total compensation due the employees under this section. Provided, however, it is further agreed that additional fringe benefits or increase in fringe benefits which may be accorded pursuant to this paragraph shall not include payment by City of all or any part of the employee's contribution to the Public Employees' Retirement System except by mutual agreement. It is further agreed that in the event that no increase or an increase of less than the increase in the cost -of -living is not permitted to be granted in the form of salary and/or fringe benefits, that City will accord such increase or remaining portion thereof at such time as same may be granted without violation of law or disability as hereinabove described. Article 7. Provisions of the Personnal Rules & Regulations. The Personnel Rules & Regulations of City shall be revised as set forth in the Resolution attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Article 8. Miscellaneous Provisions. A. Avoidance of Inequities. The City Administrator may authorize special adjustments to avoid or eliminate inequities resulting from the strict application of any provision or provisions of this Resolution. B. Administrative Regulations. City Administrator is authorized to issue written administrative personnel regulations designed to augment or clarify the provisions of this Resolution. Article 9. Effective Date. All provisions set forth herein shall be effective as to non -administrative and non -management police employees of the Tustin Police Department as of September 11, 1978. Article 10. The parties agree that the term "employee" whenever used herein, whether singular or plural, means and applies only to those employees of 3 the City included within the representative unit, represented by Tustin Police Employees' Association and that this memorandum covers only said em - 1 ployees. It is not limited solely to the members of the Tustin Police Employees' 2 Association. Article 11. Words used in this memorandum in the singular include the plural, 3 and the plural include the singular. Words appearing in the male gender include the 4 female gender and the female gender include the male gender. 5 Article 12. If any part of this memorandum is rendered or declared invalid by reason of any existing or subsequently -enacted legislation, governmental regulation 6 or order of decree of court, the invalidation of such part of this memorandum shall % not render invalid the remaining part hereof. 8 Article 13. This memorandum shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto and no provisions, terms or obligations herein contained shall 9 be affected or changed in any way whatsoever by the consolidation, merger, sale, 10 transfer or assignment of either party hereto. 11 Article 14. This memorandum contains all the terms and conditions agreed to between the parties. This memorandum shall be of no force or effect unless or 12 until duly adopted, ratified, and agreed to by the City Council of City, or in the 13 alternative, that all of the substantive provisions contained herein are adopted by 14I resolution of the City Council. Article 15. This memorandum can be altered or amended only by written 15 agreement between the parties hereto. 16 Article 16. Notices hereunder shall be in writing and if to Tustin Police jr, I Employees' Association shall be mailed to President, Tustin Police Employees' Association, Post Office Box 1498, Tustin, California 92680, and if to City shall be 18 mailed to City Administrator, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, 19 California 92680. 20 Article 17. In addition to the provisions otherwise provided herein, the 21 parties expressly understand and agree that City shall not be required to accord any compensation, fringe or other benefits to employees which are contrary to any 22 provisions of State law and/or which will or may result in the limitation disability 23 or restriction upon the right of City to receive funds, share in funds, and/or receive other benefits from the State of California. 24 Article 18. This agreement shall be and remain in effect from the date of 25 execution to and including June 30, 1980. 26 Article 19. Conclusion of Agreement. This agreement shall contain all of 27 the covenants, stipulations and the provisions agreed upon by the parties. It is understood that all items relating to employee wages, hours and other terms and 28 conditions of employment not covered in this agreement are covered by existing 29 ordinances, resolutions, and policies of the City as well as the Personnel Rules and Regulations presently in effect. Therefore, for the life of this agreement neither 50 party shall be compelled to bargain with the other concerning any mandatory 31 bargaining issue whether specifically bargained about prior to the conclusion of this 32 agreement or which may have been omitted in the bargaining which led up to the conclusion of this agreement except by mutual agreement of the parties. 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 Article 20. No Change of Benefits. During the life of this agreement there shall be no change of benefits or privileges contained in existing resolutions and rules not specifically revised by the provisions of this agreement, except after compliance with applicable laws. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this document this !; _F day of 1976. CITY OF TUSTIN BY DAN BLANKENSHIP City Administrator ATTESTS: RUTH.C:_POE, City Clerk < - - TUSTIN POLICE EMPLOYEE'S ASSOCIATION BY APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney JGR:se:D:10/10/78 JGR:DB:R:10/13/78 JGR:se:R:10/16/78 MOU/TPEA D:9 Wr�0I M� 5