HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1944 12 18 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN,HELD IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN MONDAY EVENING AT 7 P.M. DEC. 18,1944 PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN; KIDD, RAWLINGS, HOWELL AND PARK ABSENT WERE: COUNCILMEN: NONE Mayor Kidd and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on the motion of Councilman Rawlings and seconed by Councilman Park. Motion carried. Communications: There was a communication from the War Board re- questing the Mayor to declair a Paper Holiday for Tustin to incourage the turning in of salvage paper. RESOLUTION # 155 was adopted; A resolution appointing O.L.Jacobs to the Council to fill the unexpired term caused by the rec- ogization of Clyde F.Gates. Councilman Rawlings moved the adoption of the resolutionand Councilman Park seconed the motion. The Roll Call was as follows Councilman Kidd Aye, Councilman Rawlings Aye, Councilman Park Aye, and Councilmah Howell Aye. There was none to the contrary. Motion Carried. The matter of closing the alley adjacent to lots 10 and 13 in Block 14 of the Tustin City Tract was up for action and after a full consideration of the matter The Council decited that the Alley should not be abanded unless all property owners adjacent to the alley are in agreement. Councilman Park made a motion to that effect and it was seconed by Councilman Rawlings. Motion Carried. Mayor Kidd appointed Councilman Park Police Commissioner and O.L.Jacobs as Utilities Commisioner. Councilman Park moved that when the County resurfaced Yorba Street that the City of Tustin pay for that part adjacent to the. City if they would resurface for the City and to have the Plans of the Work approved by Street Commissioner, Rawlings, Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Councilman Howell moved that Bills presented be Paid. Councilman seconded the motion. Motion carried. On motion of Councilman Park and seconded by Councilman Jacobs, the meeting adjourned. Chas. E. Morris City Clerk Jerome C. Kidd Mayor