HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1029 (1989) 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1029 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 3 "' THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE 4 RELATIVE TO THE REGULATION OF SECURITY' BUSINESSES. 5 The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby 7 ordain as follows: 8 Section 1. Part 1 of Chapter 5 of Article 3 of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9 BURGLARY AND ROBBERY ALARM SYSTEMS. 10 3511. GENERAL 11 It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to 12 operate in the City of Tustin as an alarm agent or as an alarm company operator, as said terms are defined in lS Business & Professions Code Sections 7590.Z_and_1590.11m/, respectively, without prior compliance with the ~lar_m 14 ~o_m~a_nlE_~ct contained at Business & Professions Code Section 159[[ et seq. 15 3.512. REGISTRATION 16 All alarm agents and_,a!ar_m_co_m~anX_operators 17 shall register their names and' file a copy of their State identification cards with the License & Permit Coordinator 18 of the City of Tustin prior to conducting such business.' _No fee,_oth_er_th_a_n_ for a business lice_n_se_ ~er_mit,_ malE_ be 19 char~_e_d_nor__malE_anlE__aL3]~li_cation_be_re~uire_d_blE_t_h_e_CitlE_for that registration. 3 5 13. ~_N~IJ_AL_~_EE-MITS__A_N_D_FEE~ .~ a~__Ala_r_m_bgent_s__an_d__Al_ar_m_]~gmp_anlE_Dpe rato rs: - ~ll__a!a_r m__as _en_t_s __an~__al_ar_m__co_m~_anlE__o~e_r_a.t o r s 23 _must__meet_the_re~_uirements_for_and_obtain_a_DUsiness_~icens_e f r om_tb_e_Ci_tX_of_Tus_tin_ in__a_c_c_or~an c e w it h __Tustin_ CitlE_ ~.od e 24 _A_r_ticle_L_~hapter_5_l!o_m_men_c£nS_with__s_e_cti-on_Zsllh 2 5 b~__Pe r s o n s Who _Possess_an__A!ar m_SlEste_m: 2 6 mxc_ept_ for_ alar_m_ _aS_en_ts_ _an_d_ a lar _m_ company o~erat_ors,_ ~ersons_ who_ own,_ le_ase,_ re_nt~_ o r othe rwi_s_e Z7 ~_o_s_sess__an_al_ar_m_slEst_em_shall_o_bt_ain__a_permit from the_CitlE to__o~era_te _the__a!_ar_m__slE_s_te_m__and__sh_all,~_alE__annU_a!_pe rm i t f e e s 28 a_s_ establish_e_d_ blE_ X_e_solUtion_ _of_ _~_h_e_ ~itlE_ ~_o_uncil~_ _ E_allure 1 3~14. FALSE ALAR~.~S a_ Eee for False Alarms 4 ................. The owner or lessee of any alarm system 5 shall be assessed a fee as shall be determined by resolution of the City Council of the City of 6 Tustin for each false alarm transmitted to the Police Department. For billing purposes, said fee 7 shall be charged for each false alarm occurring during a calendar month. The Police Chief shall 8 establish a procedure of notification and billing for each false alarm. Such fee shall be paid 9 within thirt~ 1301__calendar da~s of billinS to the City Treasurer for deposit in the general fund. 10 Eail-u_r'e_to_ti_m_el~_pa~_such_fe_e_conz~i~-t~s a violation of this Ehapter_ 11 ....................... b~ Definition of False _Alarm For the purposes of this section, "false 15 alarm" means the activation of any alarm system through mechanical failure, realfunction, 14 mechanical or electrical defect, accidental tripping, misoperation, misuse, or the neglect or 15 negligent act of the owner or lessee of an alarm system, or of his employees or agents and where no 16 violation of law occurred requiring a response by the Police Department. False alarms shall not 1~ include alarms caused by external causes beyond the control of the owner or lessee of the alarm 18 system such as earthquakes, violent winds, or floods. Whether no violation of law occurred, as 19 used in this section, shall be decided by the police officer who responds to the alarm. This 20 determination of the responding officer shall be final. (Ord. No. 875, Sec. 1, 9-20-82) ~S _a!a_r_m_ _is_ t_ra_ns_m_i_tte_d_ _to_ -t_he, ~ol_ic_e_ Dep_ar-t_m_e_n-t_ s_ha!l_ be suspended if an owner or lessee of such s~stem violates this 24 EhaPteL___P_olic_e_resp_onse ma~ be restored upon correction of /// ............................. 25 /// /// 26 /// /// 27 /// /// 1 5 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting-of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 4 16th day of October, 1989. 5 8 ATTEST: 9 10 11 CITY ~E~K 12 BKO: se :D: 12/7/88 ( 4. bko ) 13 L~:lw:R:8/21/89(33.1w) 14 15 16 17 PUB.[ISH lUSTIN NEWS: 18 0CTOBER 26, 1989 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 1029 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 2nd day Df October, 1989, and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 16th.day of October, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILPERSONS: Kennedy, Edgar, Kelly, Hoesterey, Prescott NOES: COUNCILPERSONS: None ABSTAINED: COUNCILPERSONS: None ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: None