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ORDINANCE NO. 641 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ' AMENDING TIlE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO ABATE- ~" MENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDING AND RELATED NUISANCES. 4 The City of Tustin, California, does ordain as follows. 5 ,~ The Tustin City Code is he'reby amended hy the addition S ~ thereto of Article VI to Chapter 6 to read as follows: !: ~ I.~ ARTICLE Vi Abatement of Dangerous Buildings And ~ Related Nuisances. ~ Section 6-8 Adopted For the purpose of providing a just., equitable and practic- 10~ ~, able method, to be cummulative with and in addition to any other remedy provided in the 1973 Uniform BUildii~g Code, or otherwise available at law, whereby buildings or structures which ~rom any cause endanger the life, limb, bealth, morals, property, safety or welfare of the general public or their occupants, may be required to be repaired, vacated or demolished, all of the provisions of the 1973 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous 17 Buildings, adopted and published ,by the international Conference of Building Officials, including any appendicias thereto, of 19 which not less than three (3) copies have been and now are filed aO " in the office of the City Clerk, City of Tustin, are hereby ~2 adopted and incorporated herein as fully as though set forth in full herein, save and except such porti.ons as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended. Section 6-9 Amendments, Additions and Deletions The 1973 edition of the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, is hereby amended as follows: 28 (A) Chapter " The title of' chapter 4 is hereby amended to read "Notices Anal Orders of Building Official (Summary Abatement)" ~0. (B) Section 40].(b)(2) Sectior~ 401(b)(2) :is hereby amended to read as follows: A statement sworn to under penalty of perjury that the Building Official, or his authorized representative, has · per-sonai].y and by his own knowledge found the building to be dangerous. Such statement shall contain a brief and concise description of the conditions found to render the building dangerous under the provisions of Section 302 of this Code. (C) Section 401 (b) (3) (iii) Section 401(b)(3)(iii) is hereby amended to read as follows: If the Building Official has determined that it is not economically feasib],e to repair the b~ilding or structure and it must be demolished, the order shall require that the building be vacated within such time as the Building Officia,] shall determine is reasonable (not to exceed 60 days from the date of the order); that all required permits secured therefor within 60 days from the date of the order, and tha~. the demolition be completed within such time as the Buildin~ Official shall determine is reasonable. (D) Chapter 4A Chapter ~A is hereby added to read as follows: Chapter 4A - Abatement by Notice and Hearing. Section. 405(a) Commencement of Proceedings. Whenever the' Building Official has inspected or caused to be inspected any building and has found and determined that such building is a dangerous building, he shall commence proceedings to cause the repair, vacation or demolition of the building. Section 405(b) Noti. ce of IIearing The bui]ding. official sh~}ll issue a notice of hearing -~. to the record owner of the building-. The notice sba]! l}e 1. substantially in the following form, but may include other o in f o rma t ion: "YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing will be ~ held before the Board of Appeals at on the ~ day of , 19~, at the hour of. 6 o'clock, _.m., in regard to the disposition ,~.i of the property which is the subject matter of this 8 notice. YOU MAY BE PRESENT AT THE HEARING AND DEFEND '9 TttlS MATTER IF YOU SO WISH, OTIIERWISE, A DEFAULT WILL t0 BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU AND YOU WILL BE BOUND BY THE ].D~ DETERMINATION OF THIS BOARD. You may be, but need not I~ be, represented by counsel. You may present any i~ relevant evidence and will be giv~en full opportunity to l~ cross-examine all witnesses testifying against you. 15" You may request the issuance of subpenas to compel the 16 attendance of witnesses and the production of books, I? documents or other things by filing an affidavit 18 therefor with the Board of Appeals." 19 ~0 ~ The notice shall also conta{n: ~1= (!) The street address and a legal description sufficient 1 ~.~ ~. for identification of th.e premises upon which the ~! building is located; ~= i: (2) A statement sworn to unde~ penalty of perjury that the ~5! Building Official, or his authorized representative, ~6 i. has personally and by 'his own knowledge found tlie ~? ~ building to be dangerous. Such statement shall contain ~8~ a brief and concise description of the conditions 29 !' fonnd to render the building dangerous under the provisi 50 !' of Section 302 of this Code. 52 ~! - 3- . (3) A statement of the proposed action to be taken as determined by the Building Official. Sect:ion 405(_c:~ Time for Hearin8. The hear:[ng shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the date of service of the notice of hearing, but not more than sixty (60) days from the date of said service, except if any party submits to the Board of Appeals af'fid~vits showing good cause why such hearing date shou]_d be moved ahead or postponed, and such change would not prejudice any part~ to the mauter, the Board of Appeals may schedule the hearing' for a date which is just and equitable to all parties concerned. Section 405(d). Service of Notice. ' The notice, and any amended or supplemental notice, 'shall be served upon the record owner, and posted on the property; and one copy thereof shall be served on each of the following, if known to the Building Official or disclosed from official public records: ~he holder of any mortgage or deed of trust or any othe lien or encumbrance ~f record; the owner or holder of any lease of record; and the holder of any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the building or land on which it is located. The failure of the Building Official to serve any person required herein to be served shall not invalidate any proceedings here- under as to any other person duly served or relieve any such person from any duty or obligation imposed on him by the provision of this section. Section &05(e) Method of Service. Service of the notice shall be made upon all persons en- titled thereto either personally or by.mailing a copy of such notice by ccrtif:[ed mail, postage prepaid, ~eturn receipt reques to each such peak'son at his address as it appears on the ]Last equal:i. zed assessment roll of the cockney or is known to the Bu~-lding Official If no address of any'such person so appears or is known to the Building Offici~l, then a copy of the notice shall be so mai].e~l, addressed to such person, at the address of the build-ing involved in the proceedings- The failure of any sucb per'son to receive such notice shall not effect the validity of any proceedings taken under this Section- Service by certified mail in the manner herein provided shall..b.e effective on the date of mailing- Section 405_X.~) i'roof of'Service. Proof of service of the notice shall be certified to at the time of service by written declaration under penalty of perjury executed by the person effecting the service, declaring the time, date, and manner in which service was marie. The declaration, of together with any receipt card returned and acknoledgement receipt of certified mail shall be affixed to the copy of the notice retained by the Building Official- Section 405(g_) Recordation of Notice of Proceedings Pending. At the time of serving the notice of hearing the Building Offi.cial shal] ca~se to be filed in the office of the County Recorder for the County of Orange a verified notice of Proceeding Pending. Such notice shall contain the street address and a legal description sufficient for identification of the premises upon which the building is located, and a brief and concise description 'of the proposed action to be taken by the Building Of-ficial. Whenever the corrections ordered shall thereafter have been completed or the building demolished so that it no longer exists as a daHgerous build:ing on the property described in the notice, the ]]uilding Official shall file a ne~.; notice with said County Recorder certifying that the building has been demolished or all required corrections have been made so that the building is no longer dangerous, whichever is appropr-i. ate- ~i If the building or structure is in suc. h conditiou a.s to make 3 it immediately dangerous to life limb property er safety of the ~H public or its occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacat-ed. 8~ Section 406(a) PostinS Of NOtice. 6 h A notice to vacate sha.lt, in additibn to being served as ~j provided in Section 405(d) be posted at or upon each exit of the 1' 8~ 'building, and shall be in substantially the following form: 9 [i "DO NOT ENTER. UNSAFE TO OCCUPY. 10 ~ IT IS A MISDEMEANOR TO OCCUPY THIS BUILDING il '~ OR TO REMOVE OR DEFACE THIS NOTICE. lS ~ Building Official I ~itv of Tustin" l~ ~ Section 406(b) Notification and Compliance. ~ Whenever such notice is posted, the Building Official shall - inclnde a, notification thereof in the notice issued by him unde 17 Section 405, reciting the emergency and specifying the conditions !8; ~ which necessitate the posting. No person shall remain in or enter any buildin~ which has heen so posted except that entry gO may be made to repair, demolish or remove such building Under permit. No person shall remove or deface any such notice after it is posted until the required repairs, demolition or removal i: have been completed and a certificate of occupancy issued pur- i suant to the provisions of the Uniform Buildin~ Code. Any person ~ violating this subsection sl~sll be gui].ty of a misdemeanor. I~ Section 407 - Chapter 5 Not A~licable. ~: Chapter 5 of this Code dealing with appeals f'rom notice an'd 29 ~' order pursuant to Section 401 is e:~pressly..made inapplicable to ~i proceeding. s pursuant to Chapter ~0 ~: -, -6- Section I~08 - Procedure for Conduct of Any bearinE pursuant to Chapter 4A sha].] follow the ~ procedures set forth in Chapter VI of this Code with the ~ following exceptions: ~ ~ (a) any refcrence to "appeal" shall be construed as "; reference to "appellant" shall be. "hearing any 6 ,~ construed as "record owner or other interest~d ~ par ty"; 9~ (b) delete Section 602 in its entirety; !O~ (c) Section 605(c) shall be amended to read as fo].]_ows: lt~:~ Section 605(c) - Consideration of Report by Board - ~ Notice. The Board shall fix a time, date and place to consider the examiner's report and proposed decision. Notice thereof shall be mailed to each interested -- ]' party not less than five (5) days (]5 days to out- !6 of-state parties) prior to the date fixed, unless i~ is o~herWise s~ipula~ed by all of ~he pa~hies- 18 ~ (E) Chapter VII 19 ~ , 1. Chapter VII is hereby amended to read as . follows: 21 ~; [. Any reference to "Building Official" shall be ~2~ construed to include the Board of Appeals. ~3 " 2. 'Subsection (d) is hereby added to Section 701 to"read as follows: 25 Immediate Danger. When the Building Official and ~he City Council have ordered actions __ ~ pursusnt to Chapter 4B o~ this Code, the 28~ Builtling Official. and the City Engineer shall SO ~ proceed to t'ake any actions deemed necessary to immediate].y abate the condition purs. uant 31 .~ ~ to S~ct~on 70] (c)(3) and Chapter 2 o'f this 32 ~ (F) Chapter ViII Chapter VIII is hereby amendec] to read as follows:' Any reference to the "direc',tor of public works" shall be construed to mean "City Engineer." (G) Section 80]. (b) Section 80t(b) is' hereby amende'd ~:.o read as follows: Section 801(b) - Costs. The cost of such work shall be paid by the City, and may be made a special 'assessment against the property involved, or may be made the personal obligation of the property owner, whichever the City Council shall determine to be appropriate- (H) Section 802. Section 802 is hereby deleted in its entirety- (I) Chapter IX. Chapter IX is hereby amended to read as follows: Any reference to "director of public works" or "Ci "director" shall be construe'd to mean ty Engineer (J) Section 902. Section 902 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 902. Upon receipt of said report, the City Clerk shall present it to the City Council for consideration~ The City Council shall fix a time date and place for hearing said report, and any protests or objections thereto- The City Cleric shall cause notice of said hea'Ling to be posted upon the property involved, publish.ed once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and served by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the prc~pc.~r~y as his name and address appears on the l. ast equalized assessment roll of the County, if such so appc. ars, or if known to the C. lerk. Such not.ice; sh:~ll br, ,q, ivc, n nt ]easL ten (]0) clays (30 (]{)y~ tO out-of-.~tatct p;1Fi i(',~;) prLor to the date set for hearing ~,~D.d s;hal]. spcc~lfy the d~y, hour, and place when the Council shall hear and pass upon the director's rep~rt, together with any ol~ject:ions or protests which may be fi].ed ss herei,~afte. r .provided by any person interested in or effected by the proposed charge. (K) Section 9].0. Section 9].0 is hereby amended to read"as follows: section 910. If the County Assessor and the County Tax Col.].ector assess property and collect taxes for the City, a certified copy of the assessment shall be filed with the County Auditor. Descriptions of the parcels reported shall be .those used for the same parcels on the County Assessor~s map books for the currb-nt fisdal year. (L) Section 912. Section 912 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 912. All money recovered by payment of the charge or assessment or from the sale of the property at foreclosure sale up to the amount of said charge or assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer. Any sums in excess of the charge or assessment realized in a foreclosure sale shall be paid to the person or persons legally entitled thereto - (M) Chapter 4B Chapter 4B is hereby added to read as follows: Chap,.ter 4B - Emerg_eJj_c-_X Abatement Procedures Section 409'- Commencement of Procecdin~_~. 1. Whenever the Building Official has '[n. spected or c~used to be ~.nspected any building and has found and determined that such constitutes an ~m~nc, di. atc, danger to life, l:~n,,b property or safety of the pub].ic or its occupants he shal~ info~:m the City Council. of such ma~ter and upon their approval shall commence p~oceedings to cau~.;e the repair, vacation or demolition of the building. The essence of the procedure in this chapter ts to provide an expedient remedy to.hbate conditi. ons .of immediate danger. Therefore, -the Building Offices! is expressly empowered to commence the the necessary actions, with or without "notice to the record owner, provided such action has been approved by the City Conncil. 2. An imminent danger may include,' but is not limited to the following conditions: (a) Where the destruction of the building is reasonably deemed necessary, to prevent the spread of communicable disease; (b) Where destruction of the building is reasonably necessary to prevent serious injury to the public from unsafe structures; (c) Where destruction of the building is reasonably dee~ed necessary to prevent the spread of fire to other structures; '(d) Where the building i'tself constitutes an immediate fire hazard; (e) Where the building is built in violation of fire regulations, and it is not economically feasible nor chronologically feasible to correct such violations within. the immediate future, meanwhile the building constituting an immediate fire hazard; --, -10- (f) Conditions which by cor:~mon law or statnte have been declared a nuisance, per or which or by tl~eir 'very nature are palpably and ind~sbutably a nuisance; (g) Where immcd'iate actj. on i~ essential to abate or prevent ~mpending injury or harm to persons or broperty; (h) Where the requirement of preliminary, judicial proceedings or quasi-judicial proceedings would effectively defeat the beneficial purpose of ~xpedient summa. ry abatement sought to be obtained. 3- The.'=above--conditions shall serve as a guideline to the Building Official in determining when an imminent dange~ exists, and the procedures_ of this chapter should be instituted. The Building Official shall. endeavor to enforce the spirit of this chapter with due regard for the constitutional rights of citizens to be secure in their persons and property- Section 409~a) - Notice of PropOsed Action. The Building Official'may issue a notice of the proposed ac[i'ons of the Building Department to the record owner of the building and any other party entitled to notice under Section 401(c)- If ~ssued, the notice shall be substantially in the fol].ox.:i~g form, but may include .other information: "IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARt)ING DiS'POSTION OF PROPERTY LOCATEI) AT "Tht~ City of Tustin Building I}cpartment has determinccl that t-hc~ bu i. lding located at 1 , and legally described as 3 constitutes an imminent danger to the life, ~ li~:~b, property or safety of the public or its 5 occupants ~.:ithin the meani~ng of Section 302 6 '~ and Section 409 of the ]973 Uniform Code for V the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, as 8 amended by 'Tustin City Ordinance No. 9!I and is subject to immediate, corrective 10 measures or domo].it~on." 11 l~ The notice shall also .contain: 1~ il (1) A statement sworn to under penalty of I~-L perjury that the Building Official, or 15i hi~ authorized representative, has 16 personally and by his own knowl. edge t7 found the building to constitute an 18 imminent danger to the life, limb, 19 property or safety of the public or its ~0 occ~pants. Such statement shall contain ~i a brief and concise description of 2~ conditions found to render the building ~% an imminent danger under the aforementioned 24 provisions of the 1973 Uniform (:ode for 25 the Abatemc:nt of Dangerous Buildings. 26 (2) A statement of the proposed action to be 27 taken as determined by the Building 28 i Official. 29 ~I (3) A statement- to the effect that a notice ,50 to vncatc ha,q bee. n"vpQsted upon the i~r~l~c'rt:y, and a copy of said notice 52 .qha ] I 1}c i nc I .ded S,-~ i d no: t i co: to ~ vacate shall be subsi.~:ntjaliy in the 2 i~ form provided in 'Section 410(a) - ~ i} The above notice shal]. be served in !{ 51 compliance ~,~ith the applicable provisions of Chapter 4 of this Code- v i Se .,:io 4 .0- Vacate. 8 }' If the building or structure is in such '9 i~ condition as to make it :immediately dangerous to 10 life, limb, property or safety of the pub].ic or 11 its occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacated. 12 Section 410(a) - Postin.g_ of Noti'ce:" ].~ A Notice to Vacate shall be posted at or upon 1~ each exit of the building, and shall be in substantially 15 the following form: 16 "DO NOT ENTER- UNSAFE TO OCCUPY- 1~ IT IS A MISDEMEANOR TO OCCUPY THIS 18 BUILDING OR TO REMOVE OR DEFACE 19 THIS NOTICE- 20 21 Building Official City of Tustin." ~2 Sect'ion 410(b) - Compliance With Notice To Vacate. 2~ Whenever such notice is posted, no person 24 shalI remain in or enter any building which has 25 been so posted, excep~ that entry may be made to 26 repair, demol:ish or remove such building under 27 permit- No person shall remove or deface any such 2~ notice sfter it is posted unt~il the required 29 repa:/rs, demo].ition or removal have- been completed ~0 and a certificate of occupancy issued pursuant to ~i the provi,~;ions of the Untform-."Buil, d'jng Code. Any ~ per.~;on v~o'l, atTrng th i s sttb-scction sha] t be guilty of a mtsd~.mc, a ~or. -13- Section 4'1 ] - Prc~cc,<lures After Abatement. (1) Within 30 (thirty) days after the ~l~l~gerous condition has been aba[-ed by the Building Official, he shall give written notice to the record ow~er of the p~yoperty or any other interested p;~rty listed in Section 401(c) of said par~.es' right ~:o apt~eal the actions of the Bu:i. lding Official. The service of such notice shall be pursuant to the applicable procedures of' Chapter 4 of this Code. (2) Such notice shall be substantially in the following form: "IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT and legally described as: On or about the Building Official determined that the above- described property constituted an immed'iate danger to the life, limb, property or safety of the' public o.r its occupants, within the meaning of Section 302 and Chapter 4B of the 1973 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, as amended by Tustin City Ordinance No. ~_ - Action was taken by this Department to abate said condition commencin~ on the __ day of , 197_, and be:Ing coml~].eted on the d:~y of , 197_. Such action consisted of.: 1 2 ~! YOU ARE HlCREBY NO'FIFIED that you have -- 3 i rhe right' to at~pe. al said actions of the ~, ]}u.ilding Official within thirty days 5 ~I from the date of service of ..this notice 6 upon you by filing a written appeal ? pursuant to Chapter 5 of the 1973 Uniform 8 Code 'for the. Abatement of Dangerous 9 Buildings. 10 II (S]gned) 12 Ba~lding Official, City of '." i5 Section. 411(a) -_ A.p_peals Procedure, i4 (1) The appeals procedure for this section 15 shall be in accordance with Chapters 5, 6 and 9 of 16 the 1.973 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous !7 Buildings, and any other provisions of the said 18 Code which are found to be applicable, except for 19 the following changes: 20 (a) The proceeding~ under Chapter 9 of this 21 Code and especially Secti. ons 903, 904 '~2 and 905 sba!l be combined into one 2~ hearing with the hearing provided in 24 Section 501 (c) . 25 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an urgency 26 vrdinance which it is necessary ~e in force and effect 27 immediately upon its adoption ~n order to preserve and 28 !~ t,,rotect the puhtic health, safety and we]fare. 29 ~ PASSED AND ADOPTI'2D st a regular meeting of the City 50 Council., City of T,,stin, California, held-on the 6th day of January 1975. / , 52 { 2 ]~IAYOR 4 5 6 ATTEST: 9 10' ll 12 14 STATE OF C~LIFOI~IA) CO~NTY OF O~NGE )SS 18 C~ O~ ~S~ ) -- 16 R~H C. POE, City Clerk and ex-o~Eicio Clerk o~ the City Council ~ the City o~ Tustin, Cali~o~n~ does hs~-s~ certify that ths whole 1V n~e~ o~ ~s~ers o~ the City Council o~ the City o~ ~k~stin, is Eivs~ that' the a~ove and ~o~9oin90~dinance ~o. 6~1 was duly and r~gularly 18 introduced and read at a ~egula~ ~set~n9 o~ ths City Council ~eld o.n the 6th day o~ January, 19V~, and was 9iven its second ~eadin9 and 19 duly passed and ad~ptsd as an u~gency o~dinancs at a ~egula~ meetin9 held on ths 6th day o~ January, 19VE, ~y the Eol. lowin9 vote: ~0 ~YES: ~CI~N ~NGLEY v S~LT~P~ ~I ~ WE~H v EDG~E -B1 NOES: ~CIDIEM MONE B2 ........... City C!ezc~i.ty of Tustin, Cali~ox-nj_a 30 ~hb].ish Tuskin News January !6, 1975 31 32 u