HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 633 (1974) 1 ORDINANCE NO. 633 ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REGULATING .. BURGLARY AND ROBBERY ALARM SYSTEMS AND 3 REQUIRING A PERMIT THEREFOR 4 The City Council of the City of Tustin does ordain as follows 5 Section 1 Title and Purpose 6 This ordinance shall be known as "The Burglary and Robbery ~ Alarm Ordinance". The purpose of this ordinance is to set forth 8 regulations governing burglary and robberg alarm systems, business- 9 es and agents within the City of Tustin, to require permits there- 10 for, to establish fees, and to provide for punishment of violations 1! of provisions of this ordinance. 12 Section 2 Findings 15 The City Council of the City of Tustin finds and determines 14 that the need to control the installation and operation of alarm ' 15 systems is of paramount importance for the protection of the public 16 safety and security. 17 Section 3 Definitions 18 For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and phrases 19 shall be construed herein and set forth in this section, unless 20 it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is 21 intended. 22 (a) Alarm Agent means any person who is employed by an alarm 23 business, either directly=or indirectly, whose duties include any 24 of the following: selling, maintaining, leasing, servicing, re- 25 pairing, altering, replacing, moving, or installing on or in any 26 building, structure, or facility, any alarm system. Provided, ~- 2~ however, the provisions of this section shall not include any 28 person who engages in the manufacture or sale of an alarm system 29 from a fixed location and who neither visits the location where 50 the alarm system is to be installed, nor designs the scheme for 31 physical location and installation of the alarm system in a speci- e2 fic location. 1 (b) Alarm Business means the business by any individual, 2 partnership, corporation or other entity of: selling, leasing, 5 maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving 4 installing any alarm system or causing to be sold, leased, 5 maintained, serviced repaired, altered, ~reptaced, moved or 6 installed any alarm system in or on any building, structure, or ~ facility- ' 8 (c) Alarm System mans any mechanical or electrical device 9 which is designed, or used for the detection of an unauthorized 10 entry into a building, structure or facility or for alerting 1! others of the commission of an'unlawful act within a building, 12 structure or facility, or obth; and which emits a sound or 13 transmits a signal or message when actuated. Alarm systems in- 14 clude, but are not limited to, direct dial telephone devices~ 15 audible alarms and proprietor alarms. Devices which are not 16 designed or used to register alarms that are audible, visible or 17 perceptible outside of the protected building, structure or 18 facility, are not included within this definition, nor are 19 auxiliary devices installed by the telephone company to protect 20 telephone company systems which might be damaged or disrupted by 21 the use of an alarm system. ~2 (d) 'Appellant means a person who submits an appeal pursuant 23 to this ordinance. / (e) Applicant means a person, firm, or corporation who, ~5 or whiuh files an application for a new or renewal permit as 26 provided in this ordinance. 27 (f) Audible Alarm means a device designed for the detectio-~- 28 of unauthorized entry on premises which generates an audible 29 sound on the premises when it is actuated. 30 (g) C__ity means City of Tustin. 31 (h) Day means calendar day. 32 / -2- (i) False Alarm means the activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure, ma]function, or the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or of his employees or agents. False Alarm shall not include, for example, alarms caused by earthquakes, ~iolent winds or external causes beyond the control of the owner or lessee of the alarm system. (j) Finance Department means the Finance Department of the Uity of Tustin. (k) License means a formal authorization granted by competent authority to engage in a business occupation, or activity other- wise unlawful. (1) Licensee means the person licensed. (m) Notice means written notice, given.by personal service upon the addressee, or given by United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the person to be notified at his last known address. Service of such notice shall be effective upon the completion of personal. service, or upon the placing of 'the same in the custody of United States Postal Service. (n) Permittee means any person, firm, partnership, associa- tion, or corporation who, or which shall be granted a permit as provided herein, and his or its agents and representatives. (o) Person means natural person, firm, partnership, associatio' or corporation. (p) Police ChieLmeans the Police Chief of the City of Tustin. (q) Proprietary Alarm means an alarm system used to monitor alarm sad supervisory signals at a control center which is under the' supervision of the proprietor of the protected premises. If a proprietary system includes a signal line connected directly by means of an automatic telephone dialing device to the Police Communications Center or central station, it shall be deemed an alarm system as defined in this ordinance. -3- (r) Subscriber means any person who purchases, leases, Iontracts for or otherwise obtains an alarm system or for the ervicing or maintenance'of an alarm system. Section 4 Alarm system standards and regulations All alarms and appurtenant equipment shall meet or exceed he standards established, or which may hereafter be established, ,y the Underwriters Laboratories and such regulations as may be ~dopted by the City. All alarm equipment shall be in'~pected // / -3a- 1 upon installation to determine compliance with this ordinance. ~ Section 5 Direct Dial. Telephone Devices 3 On and after the effective date of this ordinance, a person not sell, lease, maintain, service, repair, alter, replace, move, install., or use any alarm system which directly dials any emergency telephone number in any°office of the Police Department. is section does not prohibit the installation or alteration of uch an alarm system if, as a result of such installation or alteration it does not directly dial any emergency telephone er of the Police Department, but rather dials a non-emergency er specially provided by and with the approval of the Chief Df Police. This section shall operate retroactivety and shall equire the deactivation of all alarm systems which, upon the effective date of this ordinance~ are connected and directly dial any emergency number in any office of the Police Department. s removal shall be accomplished within ninety (90) days of the fective date of this ordinance, or the Chief of Police shall be thorized to order said terminal disconnected. Section 6 Postin~ of Premises Every person maintaining an alarm system shall post a notice containing the names and telephone numbers of the persons to be notified to unlock the premises and to render repairs or service ~nd secure the premises during any hour of the day or night that the burglar alarm is actuated.- Such notice shall be posted near the primary entrance in~such a position as to be legible from the ide of the premises where the alarm system is located. PERMITS AND LICENSES REQUIRED Section 7 Alarm 'Business 'No person shall engage in, conduct or carry on an alarm ss without ~irst applying for'and receiving an alarm ness permit therefor in accordance With the provisions of this ordinance. -4- 1 Section 8 Alarm Agent 2 No person shall engage in, conduct or operate as an alarm 3 agent without first applying, for and recei~ing~ an alarm agent per~ 4 mit therefor in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. 5 Every person engaged in the business of repairing, servicing, 6 altering, replacing, removing, designing., selling, leasing, main- ~ taining or installing alarm systems shall carry on his person at 8 all times while so engaged, a valid alarm agen~ permit or identifi- 9 cation card and shall display such permit to any police officer 10 upo~ request. 1! Section 9 Alarm System 12 No person shall possess or use'an alarm system without first 13 applying for and receiving' an alarm permit therefor in accordance 14 with the provisions of this ordinance. Such permit shall be kept 15 on the premises where the alarm system is located. The Police 16 Department shall issue an appropriate permit identification tag 17 and establish requirements for its posting. 18 section 10 ExemptiOns 19 'The provisions of this ordinance are not applicable to 20 audible alarms affixed to automobiles. 21 Section 11 Notice of Change 22 Whenever any change occurs relating to the written informatior 23 required by this ordinanc'e, the applicant or permittee shall give 24 written notice thereof to the Police Department within twenty 25 (20) days after such change or at any hearing conducted under this 26 ordinance if such hearing is conducted before the said notice 27 has been given. 28 Section 12 Issuing Authority 29 The issuing, authority shall be the City Administrator. 50 Section 13 Approving Authorit~ '~1 The approving authority shall be the Chief of Police~ 3~ / -5- 1 Section 14 Applications: Forms: 2 Applications for all permits required hereunder shall be --- 5 filed with the Chief of Police and shall be accompanied by the 4 requisite fee as established by ordinance or resolution of City. 5 The fee shall be established to cover at~ least a part of the cost 6 of investigating and.processing the applications and shall not be ~ refundable. The Chief of Police shall prescribe the form of 8 the application and shall request such information as is 9 necessary to evaluate and act upon the application. The l0 application for alarm systems shall require the name, address 1i and telephone number of the person who will render service or 12 repairs during any hour of the day or night. 13 'Section 15 Application, Investigation and Denial 14 (a) Alarm business and alarm agent. Every application for ~- 15 permit by an alarm business or alarm agent shall require finger- 16 prints of the applicant or agent applying for this applicant. 17 The Police Chief shall conduct an appropriate investigation 18 of the applicant to determine whether said license 'shall be 19 issued. The Police Chief may require' additional information of 20 applicants which he deems necessary to conduct his investigation. 21 The Police Chief ma~ dispense with the investigation upon being 22 furnished with an authenticated copy of a current .permit issued 23 by another governmental agency located in the County of Orange. 2~ This permit shall be ~enied by the Chief of Police if: 25 (1) The character or reputation of the applicant is 26 determined to inimical to the s~fety or general welfare of the 2~ community; or 28 (2) The applicant for the alarm business permit or 29 alarm agent permit does not comply with the standards and 50 regulations adopted pursuant to Sectio~ 4 of this ordinance. 31 // 32 / -6- (3) The applicant, his employee or agent has knowingly made any 'false, misleading or fraudulent statement of a material fact in the application for a permit, or'in any report or record required to be filed with any City agency; or (4) That the applicant ha's'had a similar type permit previously revoked for good cause within the past year unless the applicant can show a material change in circumstances since the date of revocation. (b) Alarm systems. The permit shall be' denied by the Police Chief if the alarm system does not comply with standards and regulations adopted pursuan~ to this ordinance. Said permit shall be issued to the person owning, using or possessing the alarm system. Section 16 Permits & Fees Annual permit fees as established by Resolution of the City Council shall be due and payable for: alarm business permits, alarm agent permits and alarm system permits. Section 17 False Alarms-Prevention and Payment of costs (a) When emergency messages are received by the Police Department that evidence a failure to comply with the requirements of this ordinance, the Police Chief is authorized to demand that the owner or lessee of the alarm system initiating such messages, or his representative~ disconnect th~ alarm system until it is made to comply with said requirements. (b) The owner or lessee of any' alarm system shall be assessed a fee of $25.00 for each false alarm tr~hsmitted to the police department in a 12' month p~riod after three such f~lse alarms. Such fee shall be pa~d to the City Treasurer for deposit in the general fund. 7 Section 18 Revocation (a) The violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance or (b) The failure to comply with standards or regulations adopted pursuant to this ordinance; or (c) Where any a~arm bus~ness permittee or alarm agent is charged with a crime involving moral turpitude or where the character, reputation or moral integrity of the permit holder or his employees is determined inimical to pubiic safety or the general welfare of the community; or (d) Where an alarm system actuates excessive false alarms and thereby constitutes a public nuisance; or (e) Where the applicant or permittee, his employee or agent has knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of a material fact in the application for a permit, or in' any report or record required to be filed with any City agency; or (f) 'Where the applicant or permittee has had a similar type permit previously revoked for good cause within the past year unless the applicant can show a material change in circumstances since the date of revocation. Section 19 Suspension Procedure The Police Chief shall cause to be served upon the permittee a Written Order' of Suspension, which shall state the reasons for such suspension. The said Order shall be effective immedia. tely if personally served, or forty-eight (48) hours after the same has been deposited in the course of transmission in the United States Postal Service. Immediately upon such an Order becoming effective, the permittee shall discontinue the use of any alarm system requiring a permit under this ordinance and cease all operations conducted under the authority of any permit issued pursuant to this ordinance. -8- 1 Section 20 Revocation 2 A suspension shall become a' revocation fifteen (15) 3 days after the Order of Suspension becomes effective unless 4 the permittee files an appeal of the Order of Suspension to 5 the City Council. 6 Section 21 Surrender ,of Permit ~ If any permit is revoked pursuant to this'ordinance the 8 permittee shall surrender said permit or license to the 9 Police Department. 10 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of 11 Tustin at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 12 3rd day of September , 1974. MAYOR 15 ATTEST: 16 TY CLERK 18 JGR:sl 19 TS:I 8/21/74 21 -79 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORkNC~E )SS.' CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Cleik and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whcle .number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 633 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of'L ~he City CounCil held on the 19th day of August , 197 4 ,. and was given it~ ~eco~d reading a~d duly passed a~d adopted at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of September , 1974, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN LANGLEY, SHARP, SALTA~RELLI, WELSH, EDGAR NOES: COL~NCILMEN NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE ~it~ Clerk,~CitY of ,Tustin~, Cai'ifor~ /