HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 614 (1974) ORDINANCE NO. 614 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, ALTERATION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ADVERTISING SIGNS AND THEIR SUPPORTS. The City Council of the City of Tustin~ California does hereby ordain as follows: HALL ~.lG ~ZEST S. ECOND STI:E[~'? TU.~TIN, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE ARTICLE VII - ADMINISTRATI'ON 1 Variances 20 2 Use Permits 21 3 Hearings on Variances and Use P~rmits 21 4 Revocation of Variances and Use Permits 22 5 Re-Application for Variance or Use Permit 22 ARTICLE VIII - REGULATIONS 1 Advertising Benches 22 2 Conditional Signs 23 3 Exempted Signs 24 4 Political Signs 25 5 General Restrictions 25' 6 Allowed Signs in Single Family, Duplex 29 Planned Residential Districts " 7 Allowed Signs in Multi-Family Residential 31 Districts ~ 8 Allowed Signs in Commercial District 33 (Single Tenant-Not Part of Shopping Center) 9 Allowed Signs in Commercial District 35 (Shopping ~'-~ 10 Allowed Signs in Professional District 37 11 Allowed Signs in the Industrial Districts 39 TABLE -OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE ARTICLE I - INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose and Scope 1 2 Enforcement 2 3 Review and Approval Requirements 2 \ ARTICLE II - PERMIT PROCEDURES I Plan Review 3 2 Temporary, Portable and Copy Change 3 Sign Permits 3 Structural Permits 3 4 Issuance of Permits 4 5 Permit Fees 4 6 Double Fees 4 7 Permit Not an Approval of Law Violation 8 Illuminated Signs 9 Conformity to Plans 5 ARTICLE III- DEFINITIONS 1 Definitions 5 ARTICLE IV - UNSAFE, PROHIBITED, UNLAWFUL & ABANDONED 'SIGNS 1 Unsafe Signs - Inspection 11 2 Unlawful Signs 12 3 Abandoned Signs 14 4 Maintenance Requirements 15 5 Prohibited Signs ARTICLE V - CONSTRUCTION 1 Design 17 2 Construction 17 3 Clearance and Projection 18 4' Construction and Design (Free-Standing) 18 5 Condition of Site 18 6 Removal of Signs Over Public Right-of-Way 18 ARTICLE VI - NON-CONFORMING SIGNS ! Right of Continued Use 19 2 Voluntary Conformity 19 3 Removal of Off-Premise Signs (Billboards) 19 4 Abatement Schedule for Non-Conforming Signs 19 ARTICLE I - INTRODUCTION, SECTION 1 - PURPOSE AND SCOPE All sections and provisions relative to signs, of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Tustin, Ordinance 157, as amended, are hereby repealed. Ordinance 438, of the City of Tustin, is hereby repealed~ and this Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Section 65850 of the Government Code of the State of California. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide guidance and stan- dards to safeguard life, health, property, and public welfare by the regulation and control of the design, quality of materials, construction, location, illumination, and maintenance of all signs'and sign structures i'n the City of Tustin. The standards required by this Ordinance are an endeavor to make signs ~a~ an integral and compatible entity to the environmental 9~ =~ and objectives of the community. Signs shall be for the purpose of advertising business indentification and functions. it is the intent of this Ordinance to provide regulations to insure that signs are designed with a sense of proportion to both the related structure and the iF~ediate environment to which the sign is related. No sign shall be permitted except as herein p~ovided. SECTION 2 - ENFORCEMENT · The Community Development Director of the Clt of Tustin is hereby authorized and directed to require compliance with all provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3 - REVIEW AND APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS A. Permits Required No person shall install or maintain or cause to be installed and maintained an advertising sign or add to an existing advertising sign or move from one location and install in another location or alter any advertising sign or part thereof, except as provided by this Ordinance, and unless a permit therefor has been obtained from the City of Tustin pursuant to the procedures as specified in Article II of this Ordinance. B. Sign Plan Review Prior to the issuance of a Sign Permit for the installation, movement or modification (except maintenance) of a sign, the plans for said installation, movement or modification shall have been reviewed and approved by the Community Develop- ment Director. This review and approval shall consider the size, design, colors, character and location of signs. C Guidin.g Principles When considering signs, particular attention sha~l be given to incorporating the design, including colors, of the sign into the over-all design of the entire development, so as to achieve homogeneous development, and to assure compliance with the intent of this Ordinance in achieving environmental compatibility. D. Appeal of any decision of the Community Development Director may be made to the Development Preview Board of Appeals pur- suant to the following procedures: 1. Within seven (7) days of any decision an appeal may be filed in writing with the Community Development Depart- ment stating the reasons for said appeal, accompanied by a $ 30.0 0 fee. 2. The Development Preview Board of Appeals shall schedule the hearing of appeals the first Wednesday of each month and at such other times as may be determined from time to time. 3. , The decisio of the Board of Appeals shall be final unless an appeal is filed with the City Council wit[~in 15 calendar days of th~ date of the ac~.oD, ~laken by the Board. Appeals to the City Council shall be filed under the same procedures as other appeals under the Zoning Ordinance° ........... ARTICLE II - PErmIT PROCEDURES SETION 1 - PLAN REVIEW "~ The applicant shtall submit three (3) copies of the proposed sign plan to the CommUnity Development Department for review. Plans shallindicate proposed colors by number or sample, size of letters, location, intensi-ty, elevations of free standing sign or wall area, and plot plan showing all existing and proposed signing on the parcel. SECTION 2 - TEMPORARY, PORTABLE AND COPY CHANGE SIGN PERMITS Application for signs not requiring a structural permit shall be made to the Community Development Department on the forms provided. The placing, attaching or superimposing of letters, figures, or representations in cutouts of irregular form during the change of advertising copy shall not be considered a structuraI change for which a permit is required, provided that such advertising sign has been first approved by the Building Official as an advertising sign capable of receiving such cutouts. 'Approval of such signs shall be contingent upon proof that the sign is so designed and constructed as to adequately suppork the load contributed by the cutouts and/or irregular shapes and that the change does not involve a change of use. SECTION 3 - STRUCTURAL PErmiTS Upon receiving approval of the design and requirements of this Ordinance from the Community Development Department, application for a structural permit shall be made to the Building Official on the forms provided. The forms shall contain, or have attached thereto, such information as the Building Official may require to show full compliance of this and all other applicable laws and Ordinances of the City of Tustin. Two copies of plans and s~ecification's shall be submitted with the application for a permit for each sign. Such plans shall show method of support and/or attachment, location, and materials to be used. Plans for all signs which by reason of their height or characteristics make them subject to excessive stresses shall. be accompanied by structural computations showing that 'the structure is designed for dead load and wind pressures in .the amount required by this Ordinance° Sufficient data shall-be submitted to show that the supporting surfaces and other members of the existing building or structure to which a sign is to be attached are in good condition and are adequate to support any addftional load imposed. The Building Official will require plans and specifications to conform to the Uniform Building Code. SECTION 4 - ISSUANCE OF PERMITS i Temporary, POrtable, Copy Change and Non-Structural .... Permit shall! be issued by the Community Development Director for those signs not requiring a structural permit upon receipt of the required fee and upon a finding that the proposed signing is in compliance with this and other Codes and Ordinances of the City of Tustin. Said permits shall be valid for one hundred and eighty (180) days from -the date of issuance. B. Structural Permits It shall be the duty of the Building Official to examine the plans and specifications upon the filing of a sign permit application; and if it shall appear that the proposed sign is in compliance with this and other applicable codes and Ordinances of the City of Tustin, he shall, upon receipt of the required fee, issue the permit. Failure to begin work within one hundred and twen'ty (120) days and to complete work within one hundred and eighty (180) days after date of issuance shall make said permit null and void, unless an extension is granted by the Building Official for due cause. SECTION 5 - PERMIT FEES A sign permit fee and a plan-checking fee shall be paid in accordance with the schedule established by the City Council. SECTIONs6 - DOUBLE FEES Failure to obtain a sign permit prior to the installation of a sign shall require the payment of a double fee; however, payment of the double fee shall not relieve any person from complying with other provisions of this Ordinance, nor from liability to penalties prescribed herein. SECTION 7 - PERMIT NOT AN APPROVAL OF LAW VIOLATION The issuance or granting of a sign permit shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for or an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance; and no sign permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Ordinance shall be valid except insofar as th~ work or use which is authorized by the issuance of a sign permit is lawful. SECTION 8 - ILLUMINATED SIGNS The installation o~ a sign in which electrical wiring and con- nection are to be used shall, as a condition precedent to the issuance of a sign permit', require a separate electrical?~,'pe.rmit in compliance with the current electric code and orders of' th'e City of Tustin. SECTION 9 - CONFORMITY TO PLANS . When the permit is issued~ 'the plans shall be 'stamped with Departmen'tal. approval. No changes.~ alterations, or modifi- cations shall be made thereto. The sign structure shall be installed in conformity with the approved plans unless author- ization to modify is obtained from the responsible city official and the plans and records are so changed and noted. -ARTICLE Iii - DEFINITIONS SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS The following terms, as used in this Ordinance, shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, have the respective meanings herein set forth: ADVERTISING BENCH Any bench or seat upon which advertising matter has been applied or affixed. --. ADVERTISING SURFACE ~ The total area of the face or faces of the sign structure designed to carry copy, whether or not there is copy on all surfaces. Architectural design embellishments a~'~d '- structural elements are not construed to be defined as advertising surface. In the case of a sign of irregular shape, the total area is defined to be that of a rectangle or circle, circumscribing the advertising surface. AGGREGATE AREA The total area of the advertising surface. ANIMATED OR FLASHING SIGNS Any advertising structure which has any visible moving part, visible revolving parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic, or kinetic means, including intermittent electrical pulsations or by action of normal wind currents. 5 ATTACHED SIGN An~ sign attached, painted, pasted, or affixed to a.building o~ affixed to the external surface of a building. r-::--: -. BILLBOARD ..... ~ detached sign promoting an interest other than that of a business, individual or product available on the premises -~pon which-such sign is lacated. ~. OF APPEALS ........ :-- A board established under the provisions of.the current Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Tustin, to consider the appeal of construction standards contained in this Ordinance related to signs. BUSINESS, INDIVIDUAL A commercial enterprise which is neither functionally nor physically designed to relate to any other commercial enterprise, as distinguished from business centers. BUILDING Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. BUILDING OFFICIAL The Director of Building Regulation or the Superintendent of Building and Safety as may be referred to in the Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code, and the Uniform Building Code. CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGN A sign identifying a center or ccmp!ex. Said sign shall not contain Trade Marks, Trade Names, Logos, Symbols, or any form of art that can be construed as the name of any single business in that center. CENTERS Shopping Center: --A group of three or more retail stores, plus any related service facilities utili- zing common facili'~ies including off street parking, access and landscaping. It does not have to be under single ownership. Industrial Center: A group of three or more businesses Utilizing common facilities including off street parking, access and landscaping, which is neither primarily nor functionally designed for retail trade. It does not have to be under single ownership. ~.-~o'~ Professional Center: A group of professional (service ~riented).businesses within one building or several buildings contiguohs, sharing co~on facilities in- cluding off street parking, access and landscaping. ' It does not have to be under single ownership. CONSTRUCTION SIGN Any non-permanent sign stating the names of persons or principals connected to the development of the property to whichJthe sign is attached. DIRECTIONAL SIGN An on or off premise sign designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular .trafEic ....... ~- ELECTRIC SIGN Any sign containing electrical wiring° ERECT To build, construct, attach, place, suspend, affix, or install. FREE STANDING SiGN An independent sign which is neither attached nor a part of a building, permanently affixed in or upon the ground. a. Monument or Ground Sign - Any free-standing sign mounted directly on a planter or pedestal base as distinguished from the support of a pole or poles. b. Pole ="~pe Sign ~ _~y free~standing sign supported by a structural member(s) with air space between the grade level and the sign face. FRONTAGE - AS BASIS FOR MAXIMUM SIGN AREA IN A CENTER The basis for determining the maxim~n sign area for any individual businesses within a complex shall be the width of the individual store frontage~ GRADE The elevation of the sidewalks abutting the parcel nearest the proposed sign location. HEIGHT OF SIGN The distance measured from the sidewalk grade to the~highest projection of the sign structure~ not including architectural design features. INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL Any material which is classified as incombustible in the current i Uniform Building Code INSTALL C.'i '. .... '" To~'~l'd',"'paih~'erect, hang, or in any manner affix. At." r_'; -- - ......... ---: --r. ---_L'_; . -- -.. _-. rz- MARQUEE ~.~° . . ' ~ ~ ~; ~ ....... - ~ ~ u .... ~'u" A permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by ~hef_building and projecting over public or private property. NON_-STRUCTURAL TRIM -. - The molding, battens, caps, nailing strips, latticing, eutouts, or letters, and walkways which are attached to the ~'~ structure. PARAPET For the purpose of this Ordinance, a parapet is an extension ~f the' structural walls, screening from view on; all sides of-a building the roof-top equipment or other unaesthetic features, not extending in height above that required for -~he purpose of screening. PERSONS Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind whatsoever. PLAN~ING CO.~IS S I ON The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, or the Zoning Administrator for those actions within the concurrent juris- diction of the Planning Commission. PLASTIC MATERIALS Materials made wholly or principally from standardized plastics listed and described in the current Uniform Building Code Standards (See Section 5-202 Approved Plastic Material ) . PORTABLE SIGN A small self-supported sign (unattached to any other structure, pole or sign) that can easily be transported or moved. PROJECTING SIGN A sign other than a wall sign suspended from or supported by a building or structure and projecting outward therefrom. PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN t A sign that displays time and temperature notice, or other information of non-commercial character, devoid of an advertising message or symbol. PUBLIC SAFETY AREA A strip of land twenty (20) feet in width and running parallel with and adjacent to street rights of way., PUBLIC SERVICE FACILITY ~or the purpose of this Ordinance, a public service facility includes church, hospital, convalescent hospital, emergency clinic, library, utility, service club, fraternal organization, and non-profit institutions providing service to the public. READER BOARD SIGN Any advertising structure having changeable copy for the purpose of advertising special events, sales, or to be changed on a regular basis. REAL ESTATE SIGN Any sign referring to the sale, lease, or rental of buildings or property. ROOF The exterior line of the roof structure, as observed from any side, the lowest point being the eave and the highest point being the peak. ROOF SiGN A sign i~stalled wholly upon or above the roof of a building or structure. SELECT SYSTEM STREET Any street or highway designated on the Map of Arterial Streets and Highways adopted by the City. SIGNS Any structure, device or contrivance and all parts there- of which are installed or used for advertising purposes upon or within which any poster, bill, billeting, printing, lettering, painting, device or other advertising of any kind whatsoever is used, placed, posted, tacked, nailed, pasted, or otheTwise fastened or affixed. This definition also includes electric signs and signs directly applied to a building surface. business is located. SUPPLEMENTAL SIGNS Signs advertising special features, services or products which are incidental to the major purpose of the activity. Suppl&mental signs may be of a permanent or temporary nature. TEE,~ORARY SIGN Any sign, banner, pennant or advertising display constructed of or applied to any material, with or without frames, or any sign which does not require a structural sign permit under the terms of this Ordinance. TRACT. IDENTIFICATION SIGN A sign designed to identify a residential, commercial or industrial subdivision or development for the purpose of advertising lots or buildings for sale or lease. U.B.C. STANDARDS The current U.B.C. Standards of the Uniform Build~ing Code as adopted by the City of Tustin. UNDER MARQUEE SIGN A lighted or unlighted display attached to the t~ndersi~e of a marquee, protruding over public or private sidewalks or right-of-way. USE For the purpose of this Ordinance, use is defined as the service or product sales activity occupying the premise. A change in use is thus a change in the product or service offered to the public. WALL S I GN A sign attached to or installed on the exterior wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the exterior wall. WINDOW SIGN Any sign, exposed to public view, attached, painte'd, or pasted, either permanent or temporary, displayed on the interior or exterior surface of a window. -10- ARTICLE IV - UNSAFE, PROHIBITED, UNLAWFUL & ABANDONED SIGNS SECTION I - UNSAFE SIGNS - INSPECTION \ The Building Official shall inspect, at such times as he-deems necessary, each sign regulated by this Ordinance for the purpose of ascertaining whether the sign is secure or insecure, and whether it is in need of removal or repair. If the Building Official shall find that any sign regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the public safety, he shall give'written notice to the owner or permittee, setting forth the defects and work required. A. POSTING OF NOTICE The Building Official shall cause the sign or sign struc- ture to be posted with a notice to read "SIGN UNSAFE, Department of Building and Safety; City of Tustin." Such notice shall remain posted UDtil -khe required repairs or removal are completed. Such notice shall not be removed without written permission of the Building Official. B. NOTICE TO OWNERS ~ Proper service of such notice shall be personal service upon the owner of the sign or sign structure, if he can, with reasonable diligence, be found within the City. If he cannot be so found, the service shall be 'made upon him personally elsewhere or by registered mail, in which case~ the time of receipt shall be deemed the time of such notice. C. APPEAL OF DECISION if requested by the owner or per~ttee, and upon payment of .a $25.00 appeal fee, the decision of the Building Official may be appealed in writing and a hearing shall be set before a Board of Appeals as provided in the current U.B.C., adopted by the City of Tustin. A notice shall be issued setting forth the time and place of said hearing before the Board of Appeals, at which time and place evidence shall be submitted as to whether any of the defects exist and whether removal, repair or improve- ment is necessary in the case. The notice shall further state that the owner or his representative may, at his option, be present at the hearing, and introduce such evidence on the issues as he desires. The notice shall further state that at the hearing the Board of Appeals shall determine whether any of the defects exist, and if so.. order such removal~ repair or improvements as necessary. This determinaticn and order shall become final within 4~° hours, unless within that time, the owner further appeals, in writing, the decision to the City Council, in which event__the City Council shall hold a hearing and shall thereupon make a determination and order, affirming, reversing or modifying ~ "the determination and order of the Board of Appeals as the City Council may deem proper. The order of the City -- -COuncil shall be final immediately. The notice shall .further state_. that the owner shall, within 48 hours, following the finality of the deter- mination and order of the Building Official, (or, if appealed, the determination and order of the Board -- of Appeals, or the City Council) commence the repairs or improvements or removal ordered, and such work shall be completed within 90 days from the commencement thereof. D. RIGHT TO DEMOLISH In case the owner shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the notice to repair, rehabilitate or demolish said sign or structure or portion thereof the City Council may order the owner of the sign prosecuted as a violator of the Code and may order the Building Official to proceed with the work specified in such notice. A statement of the cost of such work shall be transmitted to the City Council who shall cause the same to be paid and levied as a special assessment against the property. SECTION 2 - UNLAWFUL SIGNS A. GENERAL PENALTY - CONTINUING VIOLATION No person shall violate any provision, or fail to comply with any of the provisions, of this Ordinance. Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this Ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not~ more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person violating such provision or failing to comply with such requirement shall be guilty of a separate offense and each day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this Ordinance is committed, continued, or permitted by such person, shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable accordingly. In addition to the penalties hereinabove provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be summarily abated as such by this City, and each day such condition continues shall be regarded as a new separate offense. B. WRITTEN NOTICE TO APPEAR If any person is arrested for the violation ~f any provi- sion of this Ordinance for which such violations are punishable as misdemeanors, and such person is not immedi- ately taken before a magistrate, as is more fully set forth in the Penal Code of the State of California, the arresting officer shall prepare in duplicate a written Notice to Appear in Court, containing the name and address. of' such person, the offense charged, and the time and place where and when such person shall appear in court. C. TIME AND PLACE TO APPEAR The time specified in the Notice to. Appear shall be not less than five (5) days after such arrest. The place specified in the Notice to Appear shall be either: 1. Before a Judge of the Municipal Court in the Judicial District in which the offense is alleged to have been committed; or 2. Before an officer authorized to receive a deposit of bail. D. DELIVERY OF COPY OF NOTICE The officer shall deliver one copy of the Notice to Appear to the arrested person, and the arrested .person, in order to secure release~ must give his written prommse so to appear in Court by signing the duplicate Notice, which ~,shall be retained by the officer. Thereupon the arresting officer shall forth~ith release the arrested person from custody. E. FILING OF NOTICE The officer shall, as soon as practicable, file a dupli- cate Notice with the magistrate specified in such notice. The defendant may, prior to the date upon which he promised to appear in court, deposit with the magistrate the amount of bail set by such magistrate. Thereafter, at the time when the case is called for arraignment before the .magis- trate, if the defendant does not appear, either in person or by counsel, the magistrate may declare the bail for- feited and may at his discretion order that not further proceedings shall be had in such case. Upon the making of such order that no further proceedings be had~ sums deposited or bail shatl forthwith be paid into the Co~mty Treasury for distribution as Frovided by Section 1463 of the Penal Code of the State. F. ISSUANCE O~ WARRANT A warrant shall not be issued on such charge for the arrest. of a person who pursuant to the provisions of the Chapter has given such written promise to appear in court unless and untillhe has violated such promise, or has failed to.deposit bail, to appear for arraign- ment, trial or judgment, or to comply with the terms and provisions of the judgment as required by law. FAILURE' TO APPEAR Every person willfully ~iolatin~ his' written promise to appear in court is guilty of a misdemeanor regard- less of the disposition of the charge upon which he was originally arrested. When a person signs a written promise to appear at the time and place specified in the written promise to appear and has not posted bail as provided in Section 12.25, the magistrate shall issue and have delivered for execution a warrant for his arrest within twenty days after his failure to appear as promised. If a person promises to appear before an officer authorized to accept bail other than a magistrate and fails to do so on or before the date which he promised to appear, then within twenty days after the delivery of such written notice to appear by the officer to a magistrate having jurisdiction.over the offense, such magistrate shall issue and have delivered for execution a warrant for his arrest. When such person violates his promise to appear before an o~'ficer authorized to receive bail other that a magistrate, the officer shall --- immediately deliver to the magistrate having jurisdic- tion over the offense charged the written promise to appear andlthe complaint, if any, filed by the 'arresting officer. H. PENAL AUTHORITY The provisions of the Chapter have been enacted pursuant to the provisions of Sections 853.1, 853.2, 853.3, and 853.4 of the Penal Code of the State of California. SECTION'3 - ABANDONED SIGNS A. REMOVAL OF ABANDONED SIGNS Any conforming sign abandoned, not operational or not used for a period Of ninety (90) days or any sign which was used to advertise that which has not been moved or discontinued, shall be removed along with its supporting sign structure by the owner within thirty (30) days after having been given notice in writing by the City. If said sign is not removed within said thirty (30) days, the City may cause said sign to be removed and the cost thereof shall become a lien against ths property on which the sign ~as located. Extensions.for thirty / (30) day periods may be granted by the Building Official~ SECTIO~ 4 - MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Ai No person owning or controlling an advertising sign shall fail to keep such sign in a state of good repair at all times. The sign must be fully operational and present a satisfactory appearance-in regard to painting~ cleaning, broken faces~ electrical outages, or anything deemed detrimental to the appearance of the sign. All braces, bolts, clips, and supporting frame shall be free from deterioration, termite,infestations, rot, rust, loosening and such condition that at all times it will withstand the wind pressure specified in this Ordinance. Failure~to do so on the part of the owners, lessor or lessee, as the case may be, shall be the cause for order by the City to maintain such sign in good repair and accomplish this fact within thirty (30) days. Extensions may be granted by the Building Official based upon evidence of intent torepair, replace, or r emo ve · B. CORRECTIONS If after inspection, any advertising sign or any'portion thereof is found to violate any provisions of this Ordinance, the corrections required shall be' made promptly and the sign shall be made to conform in all respects and another call for final inspection shall be made. No person shall continue or proceed with any sign installation work in violation of this Ordinance, or any other Code or Ordinance of the City regulating such signs after receipt of any notice from the Department of Building Regulation to "STOP WORK." The work must be made to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance and any other Codes or Ordinances of the City. Orders given by the Department of Building and Safety to make safe such signs must be complied with promptly. "STOP WORK NOTICES" and "CORRECTION NOTICES" affixed to a sign by the Building Official while installation work on a sign is in progress shall be considered as having been delivered to permittee. Co IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED - ELECTRICAL SIGNS No person shall install, own, control or maintain any electrical sign requiring a permit which does not have the sign permit number, underwriter or identification and/or seal of approval of any approved testing labor- atory and name of company installing the sign plainly and p~rmanently marked, painted, or outlined on said sign in a conspicuous place. Each fiuorescent, mercury vapor, or h .gh voltage gaseous tube (neon) sign shall-, in additiQn. to the~bove required information, be factor.a D. INTENSITY OF LIGHTING No illuminated sign shall have an intensity of light exceeding 425 MA soft cool white lamps of not less than 10" on centers. It shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer or owner of the sign display or device to have labeled or lettered thereon',. that said sign shall not exceed the lighting intensity equivalent to the above specification. E. OBSTRUCTION TO DOORS, WINDOWS, OR FIRE ESCAPES No sign shall be installed, relocated, or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door, window or fire escape. No sign of any kind shall 'be attached to a stand pipe or fire escape. SECTION 5 - PROHIBITED SIGNS A.Any sign not specifically authorized by this OrdinanCe is prohibited. B. Signs Constituting a Traffic Hazard No person shall install or maintain or cause to be installed or .maintained any sign which simulates or imitates in si.ze, color, lettering or design any traffic sign or signal, or which makes use of words "STOP," "LOOK," "DANGER" or any other words, phrases-, symbols~ or characters in such a manner to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic. C. Signs On Public Property (Street, median island, parkway, ~idewalks, traffic ccntrol s~gn posts, utility poles, trees) No person except a public officer in performance of a public duty shall affix by any means any form of sign on any public property or right-of-way. Signs are prohibited on any utility poles, traffic sign posts~ traffic signals, or any other official traffic sign or traffic control device in accordance with Section 21464 of the California Vehicle Code. Do Immoral or Unlawful Advertising It shall be unlawful for any person to exhibit, post or'display, or cause to be exhibited, posted, ~D.~ ~is- played upon any sign, anything of an obscene,° indecent or immoral nature or unlawful acti. vitv. E. Animated or Moving / Signs consisting of any moving, swinging, rotating, flashing, blinking, scintillating, fluctuating or otherwise animated light is prohibited, except for time and temperature displays. Off-Premise Signs Any sign installed for' the purpose of advertising a product, event, person or subject not related to the premises upon which said sign is located, except direc- tional signs, is prohibited, including any sign main- tained upon or affixed to any vehicle which is used primarily to support or display such sign while parked on public or private property, other than for the purposes of lawfully making deliveries or sales of merchandise-or rendering services from such vehicle. G. Vehicle Signs Business signs on or affixed to trucks, aLtomobiles, trailers or other vehicles, used primarily to support or display such signs while parked on public or private property, other than for the purpose of lawfully making deliveries of sales of merchandise or rendering services from such vehicles are prohibited. H. Window Signs Any sign, permanent or temporary, exceedingly25% of the interior or exterior surface of a window is prohibited. Light Bulb Strings and Exposed T~i_jg_ External displays, which consist of unshielded light bulbs, festoons, strings of open light bulbs, and open, exposed neon or gaseous light tubing are prohibited. An exception hereto may be granted by the Community Development Director when the proposed lighting is an integral part of the design and character of the use and building structure. ARTICLE V - CONSTRUCTION / SECTION 1 - DESIGN All design criteria shall conform to the current U.B.C. as adopted by the City. SECTION 2 - CONSTRUCTION All construction shall conform to the current U.B.C. as adopted by the City. SECTION 3 L ARANCE AND PROJECTION -CE A. No free-s~ahding sign shall project closer than two (2) feet from the face of a curb or from the street drain line, nor have less than eight (8) feet vertical ground clearance over the public right-of-way. B. A free~standing sign shall have not less than ten (10) feet vertical gro.und clearance over private or vehicular pass ageway. C. Projection Beyond Property Line [Attached Sign) No person shall install or maintain any sign attached to a building which exceeds the projection beyond the .property line, or which is lower than the heights above the surface of the sidewalk or the established grade, in the following ratio. A "V" type sign must not exceed projection allowed for a projection sign for corresponding clearance. THE SIGN MUST BE ABOVE FOR AN OVERHANG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY 0-12 inches 8 feet 12-24 inches 10 feet 24-36 inches 12 feet 36-48 inches 14 feet 48-60 inches 16 feet 60 and above 18 feet D. Alley Signs No person shall erect or maintain any sign that projects over a public alley. SECTION 4 - CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN (Free-S.tanding Sign) All wood posts, anchors, bracing, or any other support that enters into or rests upon the ground or set in concrete shall be pressure treated with an approved preservative. SECTION 5 - CONDITION OF SITE The immediate area surrounding the site of a free-standing sign shall be maintained by the owner thereof in a clean, sanitary condition, free from rubbish, weeds, and all obnox- ious substances. SECTION 6 - REMOVAL OF SIGNS OVER PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Any sign projecting into public property shall be removed without expense to any public agency, if such moving is necessary because of widening of a highway. ° 1969, the effective date of Ordinance 438, may continue to be maintained and used as a lawful, non-conforming sign except as otherwise provided in the Ordinances of ~the City Of Tustin, and subsequent'Sections of this Article. SECTION 2-'.-~VOL~TARY CONFO~ITY ~y non-conforming si~ ~y be_.volunatrily modified or altered, if such action will :result ~n a s~stantial reduction in the degree of non-conformity and a building permit is secured therefor. Permit fees shall be waived for the voluntary ~dification of a non-conforming si~ which results in total confo~ity with the provisions of this Ordinance. " SECTION 3 - REMOVAL OF OFF-PREMISE SIGNS (BILLBOARDS) ' Non-qopfor~ng, off;premise si~s, including billboards, may be continued as lawful., non-confor~ng ~es only ~til May 1, 1976,. and thereupon shall no longer be peritted uses or struc- tures; provided further, however, that each such si~ origi- nally constructed at a cost in excess of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00)-and less than Three Throusand Dollars ($3,000.00), as evidenced by-the construction permit on record in the records of the City of Tustin, may be maintained ,~ti]. May 1, 1977, and each such sign originally constructed at a cost xn the excess of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), as evidenced by the construction permit on record ~n the records of the City of Tustin, may be maintained ~til May I, 1978. SECTION ,4 - 'NON-CONFO~4iNG SiGNS A. Window... Signs _. Painted window signs which do not comply wi~ the require- ments of this sign code shall be removed within 30 days ,of the effective date of this Ordinance. B. Painted Wall SiCs Painted wall signs which do not comply with the. require- ~ents of this sign code shall be brought into conformance wi~ this code within 120 days from the effective date of this Ordinance and shall. no longer be permitte~ as non-conforing uses. C. Required conformance upon change prior to 1980 Prior to January 1, 1980, when there is a change in all of the following: proprietorship, use, and identity (name), non-conforming signs for said establishment shall confom~ to the requirements of this ordinance. D.' R..e.quired conformance UpOn change after 1980 Si'~_ ._ ~After January 1,. 1980,_when there is a change in either -proprietorship or identity (name), non-conforming signs ~.n'~' -for said establishment which exceed the height, area, or lighting intensity criteria of this code by twenty- five percent (25%), and non-conforming signing due to ez'~--~'animation and other terms of this code shall conform to cf ~. the requirements of this Ordinance. S:-'-/'_. E. Conformance_ upon destruction ~~;." -Wher~ a non-conforming sign has been damaged by natural~ i~' . or o~her causes and the cost of replacement and/or_ repair d'~'grequals fifty percent (50%) of the value as shown-on the ~ '~'- permit of record, said signing shall be brought into r__ conformance with this code .... ~I., _ ARTICLE VII - ADMINISTRATION SECTION I - VARIANCES: · .WHEN MAY BE GRANTED: '~App~'ications for variances from the strict applicatio~ of the -'terms of this Ordinance may be made and variances granted by the. Planning Commission when the following conditions are found to apply: -1. That because of exceptional circumstances applicable to the subject property, the strict application of the Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of pri- vileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and u~nder similar circumstances. 2. That the variance shall be subject to such conditions as .will assure that the adjustments thereby authorized will not constitute a grant of special privileges incon- Sistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. APPLICATION: Applications for variance shall be made in writing by a property owner, lessee, purchaser in escrow, or optionee with the consent of the owners, or plaintiff in an action for eminent domain for acquisition of said property on a form prescribed by the Planning Commission of the~ City of Tustin. They shall be accompanied by a fee as determined from time to time by the City Council, a plan of the details of the variance requested, and evidence showing (1) that the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance or to the public safety, health, and welfare, and (2) that due to special conditions or excep- tional characteristics of the property or its location the strict application of this Ordinance would result in prac- tical difficulties and unnecessary hardships. SECTION 2 - USE PERMITS: WHEN MAY BE GRANTED: Use Permits may be issued as provided in this section for any of the uses for which such permits are required or permitted by the terms of this Ordinance. The Planning Commission may impose such conditions upon the permit granted as may be necessary to secure ths ~purposes?of this Ordinance and the Commission may require tangible guarantees or evidence that such'conditions are being or will be complied with. APPLICATION:' Application for a Use Permit shall be made in writing by the owners of the property, lessee, purchaser in escrow, or optionee, with the consent of the owners, or plaintiff in an action for eminent domain for acquisition of said property, on a form prescribed by the Planning Commission. The application shall be accompanied by a fee as determined from time to time by the City Council and plans showing the details of the proposed use. SECTION 3 - HEARINGS ON VARIANCES AND USE PERMITS: HEARING DATE: Upon receipt of an application for a Variance or Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall set a date for a p.ublic hearing on said application; said hearing shall be held within forty- five (45) days after the filing of the application and notice shall be given as set forth in Sections 65500 and 65854 of the Government Code of the State of California. DECISI6N OF-PLANNING COM~.ESSION: After the conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall grant~ conditionally grant, or deny the application for a Variance, or Use Permit, based upon the criteria hereinbefore established. Unless the action by the Commission is appealed to the City Council within seven (7) calendar days of the action, said action by the Commission shall be final. EFFECTIVE DATE AND LENGTH OF PERMIT: No Variance or Use Permit shall have any force or effect until the applicant therefor actually receives a Resolution as adopted by the Planning Com~.ission designating the condi- tions of its issue and signed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission. No permit shall be issued by the City of Tustin until the time for filing an appeal from the decision of the Planning Commission, as hereinbefore set forth, has expired or, in the event of such an appeal, after the final deter- mination thereof by the City Council. ° LENGTH OF PERMITS: Any Use Permi~ or Variance granted in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance shall be null and void if not used within one (1) year from the date-of the approval thereof or within any longer period of timeif so designated by the Planning Commission or the City Council. SECTION 4 - REVOCATION OF VARIANCES AND USE PERMITS: Any Use Permit or Variance granted in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance may be revoked by the City Council in the manner hereinafter set forth if'any of the conditions or terms of such permits are violated or if the following findings are made: 1. In connection with Use Permits: The continuance of the use would be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use, or would be injurious or detrimental to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. 2. In connection with Variances: Continued relief from the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would be contrary to the public interest, s~fety, health and welfare. HEARING FOR REVOCATION OF VARIANCES AND USE PERMITS: Before the Council considers revocation of any permit, the Planning Commission shall hold a hearing thereon, after giving written notice thereof to the permittee at least ten (10) days in advance of such hearing. Within five (5) days thereafter, the Commission shall transmit a report of its findings and its recommendations on the revocation to the City Council. SECTION 5 - RE-APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE OR USE PERMIT: If a Variance or Use Permit application has been denied, no further application for a Use. Permit or Variance for substan- tially the same proposed use may be considered or granted within one year from the date the determination became final, unless the circumstances of the premises and/or the adjacent properties and/or uses have materially changed° ARTICLE VIII - REGULATIONS SECTION 1 - ADVERTISING BENCHES A. Initial Requirements No person shall place upon the right-of-way of any public street or ,in any public safety area within the City any benches or seats upon which any advertising matter shall ~ be painted or otherwise affixed, except at authorized t bus stops and in compliance with the following conditions: 1.Initially applying for and obtaining a written permit from the City Council° 2. Obtaining th~ approval of the City Engineer for the design and construction of benches. B. Remova 1 Within thirty (30) days from receipt of a letter from the City Engineer requesting removal of any bench for just cause, said bench or benches~ shall be removed. SECTION 2 - CONDITIONAL SIGNS Signs authorized by this section for less than a period of thirty (30) days shall require a Temporary Use Permit and Signs of a permanent character shall require a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to the procedures of the Zoning Ordi- nance. A. Tract Identification Signs. (Temporary) 1. The applicant shall post a one hundred dollar ($100) bond guaranteeing the removal of each sign, as a condition fo the Use Permit. 2. Signs within the required setback area~require the approval of the City Engineer. B. Public Information Si.qns (Time and Temperature) C. Search.lights As a condition of the Use Permit, the applicant shall present evidence of clearance from the Orange County Airport and the U.S. Marine Corps Helicopter Station. D. Banners, Bunting, ~etc. Banners, bunting, advertising or decorating flags, balloons or similar contrivances, in addition to a Temporary Use Permit, shall require a Sign Permit from the Community Development Department, limited to thirty (30) days duration per quarter and the deposit of a bond in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to guarantee removal at the expiration of the permit period. E. .Portable, S pplemental, and/or Temporary Signs ..... Except as 'otherwise authorized by this ordinance, supple- mental,! temporary, and/or portable signs are authorized by a Use Permit and limited to a maximum area of ten (10) square'feet. F. Freeway Signs Business signs located within 500 feet of the center. line of freeway (which offer eating facilities, automobile service, and lodging accommodations) may exceed the height and area requirements of this ordinance, subject to a Use Permit. G. Pole Type Signs Pole type signs when authorized by this code shall require a. Use Permit. SECTION 3 - EXEMPTED SIGNS A. The following signs and devices shall be exempt from the aggregate allowable sign area and the permit and fee requirements of this ordinance 1. Public Signs - placed by a governmental body, or public utili'ty required to be maintained by law. 2. Flags - of the National or State government; or not more than three (3) flags of non-profit, religious, ~ charitable, or fraternal organizations per individual business. 3. Non-electric signs - of less than six (6) square feet per face, not visible from any public street. 4. Interior signs - non-electric signs within a building, other than window signs. 5. Real Estate Pennants - located on private property only, used for an open house activity. 6. Temporary Window Signs - on interior window surface, not exceeding an aggregate of 25% of all window area signing. ~ 7. Non-electric Business Directo'ry Signs - one single face not exceeding two (2) square feet per business or tenant of a building, authorized at each entrance- . way. 8. Memorial Tablets and Plaques - instal!e~ in other than public right-of-way by recognized historical agency. ~ · B. The following signs and devices' shall be exempt from aggregate .allowable sign area and the fee retuirements of this ordinahce: 1. Tem~.orary Business Identification or Directional Signs- 'n~c~ssite~ by action of the City in the acquisition O~ right-of-way, street improvements and public _ works prcjec+.s. 2. Public Servi~e Facility Sin~n~_- placed on private property or on public right-of-way with the approval of the City Engineer. ° 3. Advertising Benches - at authorized bus stops. by permit of the' City Council, 4. Off-Premise Directional Signs - by public service ~cilities with a permit of the City Enginee~r in accordance with the Uniform Traffic Control Devices Manual. 5. On Premise Directional Signs - not exceeding six (6) square feet per face. SECTION 4 - POLITICAL SIGNS Political signs having to do with any issue, candidate or group of candidates in any district, municipal ~ county, state or federal-election shall be permitted subject to the following: 1. Any person, party or group posting political s~gns shall first post a bond or cash deposit in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) with the City of Tustin. 2. All such signs shall be removed not later than forty- eight hours fo!Ic~ing the date of the election. In the event all signs are not removed within the specified time period, the bond shall be forfeited in its entirety, and the City shall have the right to remove and dispose of same. 3. Compliance with Article IV, Section 5, C~ of this Ordinance which prohibits the affixing of any~ sign on any tree, traffic sign post, traffic signal post, or any other official traffic sign or traffic control device. 4. The written permission of the property ewner for signs on private property. SECTION 5 - GENERAL RESTRICTIONS Signs shall be related to the standards applicable to the authorized use and development of the property. (For example, a professional office building constructed in the~ commericiai district shall be liratied to the signing authorized for the professional district. ) .� Tract Identification a. Permanent wall or free- standing sign two (2) per each tract entrance 32 sq. ft. per face 6 ft. a. To identify the name of the subdivision with location at. -tract entrance. - b. May be lighted h. Temporary wall or 100- sed. ft. 20 ft. a.• Use Permit Required (See free- per face Article- ViiiSec. 2 A) standing sign .....� 2Q Supplemental wall or one (1) per 6 sq, ft.• 10 ft. above a. Content limited to special' Signs '- freer each 75 ft. per face grade feature of the subdivision, (Temporary) standing of street sigma frontage b. May not be located in public right-of-way. . c. A Use Permit may be .issues'. by .. Comm. Dev. Dept.: for ane (l) T. year. Two six (6) Month ex -- tensions may be granted by the Comm. Dev. Dept. Further .,, extension requirts approval of the Planning ..orarmission and/or Agency. 26 y't the ,g ' ARTICLE VIII (Continued) SECTION 6.- ALLOWED SIGNS IN SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEX, PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS 3.. construction. Signs (Temporary) wall or free- standing sign One (1) 32 sq. ft. per face 14 ft. I a. Authorized upon issuance of a grading or building permit. b. Sign shall be removed prior to certificate of occ=ancy. 4. , Building wall One (1) 2 sq. ft. Below a. Lighted house numbers._ are Identifica- roofline encouraged. t tion (Occupant's -,. nama-street .address) 5. Real Estate Sins a. (Temporary) Standard One . (1)- per 6 sq. ft. 4 ft. a.°.Exempt fromrequirement of a free-- street' per face fee; permit. standing. frontage b.;; (Temporary) Ornamen- one (1.) per a. 6 sq. ft. ad- 7 ft. to top a. 3 ft. ground- clearance re- tal free- subject vertising of structure quireder p post.. standing property surface o sign forlease b. 18 sq. ft. b. Design approval for each or sale total area prototype required," of structure and adver- e. $25.00 fee required for o tieing approval of each prototype surface with $2.00 fee for each sigma c. 5 ft.; maxi-- of prototype group. $10,00 mtLm horizon- fee for a,ppr6,Va . of individual tal or ver- sign not a part of a prototype 9 tical width group. of adver- }9 . tis;ing sur- , f ace„ ARTICLE tIIIj' (Continued] x ,. f SECTION ALLOWED SIGNS IN SINGLE FAMILYr DUPLEXt PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ' t 4� ° S TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS ' Temporary, Ornamental d.. An identification shall (Continued) .mark be provided by the Sldg. Dept B , to indicate that each sign in '' any given, prototype:grouv_has _ • met the design requirements.' e. Signsconforming to any of the designs of the attached exhibits are deemed to deet .` the requirements of this'sec- tion, and -permits for their . :..._.....----s _ use may be obtained from the Community Development Dept. f. Extraneous sign information • suchas "Sold". "Contact Mr. ..l shall not be attach- ed or located outside the permitted six sq. ft. adver-� • icing surface. a g. Sign shall be located no closer than five (5) ft. to, nor protrude in or over any right-of-way line. h. Real estate signs in this category shall be removes' from subject property within - 10 days of the sale or lease contract by the newt owners or .:. lessees of the property. �s ARTICLE ViIY (Continued) , SECTXON 7 ALLOWED SIGNS IN MUITX—FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS _ CLASS'' TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS A21 signs allowed in the tingle Family District shall be allowed in the Multi -Family District under the same criteria. 20 Bv.i.l.d4.ng or gall or One (1) Twelve (12) tall sign a. Lighting shall not reflect Res:idential free- sq. ft. per shall not ex- onto adjoining premises'.--,.------_ cc: &Mn e standing face tend above the Icie"Itifi- n=ent building roof - oof--c11tion C11 tion line. ® -- Monument sign b Monument sign :must be <located R I o ® six (6) ft. in'a landscaped planter area' equal to total square 'foot- age of sign, area. ARTIC IJ.M1 IIS (Continued) �.. SECTION 8 ALLOWED SIGNS.IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (SINGLE TENANT -NOT 'PART OF SHOPPING CENTER) CVkSS TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS Bu:si^ess a. Monument (l) double face six (6) ft. a. Minimum street frontage of' Zdenti.fi-sign One 32 sq. ft. select system above grade 150 feet required. -cation per per face or four (4) b. Planter base or landscape street frontage ft. above top area equal or greater than of planter or the area of one face of a •, landscaped sign. • mound. c. Shall not be ]ocated,so as rsi to create traffic hazard �or or - __._. driveway or corner cutoff as determined by the City Engineer. a. subject to terma and Poli: type b.conditions of a Use sign Permit. BuE;ixF.ess Window One .(1)' per 25% of glass -- a. Permanent display or window Ids:: tif.- sign window area of the lettering authorized on in - cation (Permanent) window upon terior or exterior surface which sign of window or glass door. is located b. Authorized sign area shall include aggregate of per- manent"and temporarX signs. a •, r rsi r ................... .. _ _ _ ARTICLE VIIX (Continued) SECTION 8 ALLOWED SIGNS IN COMNM CIAL DISTRICT (SINGLE TENANT -NOT PART OF SHOPPING CENTER) CLASS TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS Business Wall a. One (1) single a. 25% of the front Below roof a. Wall sign may be located on Identifi- sign face per bldg. wall area not to eave line. parapet. cation frontage. exceed 64 sq. ft. b. Authorized' when _there is no: free standing sign. c. Allowable aggregate wall sign area (s) shall include- window area usedforpermanent sign_ in9- .b. b. One (1) single b. 5% of wall area Below roof face on one on which sign is eave line 1 sidewall fac located not to ing street or exceed 25 sq. ft. . parking lot 1 c. One ( l) single c. 5% of wall area Below roof face on rear on which sign eave line wall facing is located not street or to exceed 25 sq. parking lot ft. ti � Business Pro- one double a. Authorized only.where no i -° Identifi-= ject- face per building setback is provided, cation ing building frontage b. Authorized in lieu of a Sign wall sign. c. A Use Permit shall be r- quired. Construc- Free- One (1) single 32 sq. ft. ten (10) feet a. Authorized upon"the'issuance stand- face of a grading or building ;tion ing permit.- O sign b. Sign shall be removed prix to certificate of occupancy. real Free- One (1) per 32 sq. ft. ten (10) feet a. To advertise sale or lease Lstate stand— property per face of structure or grounds and ing street front- not for the purpose of ad - wall age vertising an agency occupy - ing the premise. or window Y� A O 32 CLASS TYPE 1« Ct inter a. I('entifi-- M- onua- ci .tion ment s: gn or ARTICLE 'VIII (c4ontinued) 1 SECTION 9 - ALLOWED SIGNS IN COMMEPCIAL DISTRICT (SHOPPING CENTER) � MAXIMUM NUMBER One (1) per each select system street frontage One (1) double face per each select system street front- age. Wall a. One (1) single sign- face per bldg. frontage for principal business sign . One (1) single `oface on one side cull fac- ing street or parking lot c. Single face on r_ ea'_ wall -fac- ing service road or park ing lot. MAXIMUM SIZE 75 sq. gt. per face 50 -sq. ft. per face 15% of the front 1 wall area not to exceed 75 sq. ft. 5% of the wall area not to exceed 25 sq. ft. 5% of the wa. 1. area not to exceed 25 sqft. 33T - MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS --- 6'feet a. Minimum street frontage of 200 feet required. _ b. Planter base or landscape Below roof eave line n area equal, or greater than the area of one face of a sign. c.Shall not be located so as to create traffic hazard_.•fcr driveway or corner radius as determined by the City Engineer. _ d.- Vertical clearance of 10" required for free-standing sign projecting over vehicular. passageway. _ e. Use Permit required for Pole Sign a• Copy area as a basis for sign area computation shall not include opaque back- ground. b. Wall sign may be located on parapet C. Supplemental product signs subject to Use Permit. d. Allowable aggregate wall sign area shall include window area; ( ) used -for permanent signingA i t ARTIC VIII' (Continch) lu 34 SECTION 9 - ALLOWED SIGNS IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (SHOPPING CENTER) CI.Ass .. TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS, -1_a 3. B„siness Window one (1) per 25% of glass a. Permanent.display or window. I :en tifi- sign Window . area of the lettering authorized on cation window upon interior or.exterior surface which sign is of window or. ;glass door. located b. Authorized sign area shall include aggregate of per- manent and temporary signs. 4. Business Under One (1) per Six (6) sq. ft. Below roof a. Signs. 'shall be uniforn in Identifi-�� Marquee. entrance per face line and be- color and design for all cation sign (double face)-_ __ neath canopy tenant identification with - or marquee in a center. `- with -7 ft. clearance 7z • from side- idewalk walklevel to lowest ' point of sign E S. Real Free- One (1) per 32 sq.. ft. Ten (10) feet a. To advertise the sale:ar Estate standing, property per face above sidewalk lease of structure or,, grade or below grounds and not for the p - window frontage roofline pose of advertising are s agency occupying the pre- miser. 34 6. Con-- - Free- one (1) single 32 sq. ft. ten (10) feet a. Authorized upon the issuance <dtruction: standing face of a- building permit. sign • a b. Signshall be removed prior to.certificate of.occupancy by the Building Director. 7.Business' Monument one (1) double - --- six (6) feet a. Authorized fok detached - JAentifz- sign face above grade or single business in structure cation 32 sq. ft.. pe four (4) feet of not _less than 5,000 sq. above top of ft. planter or landscape mound .1 TYPE 2. Building a. or Nall Signa One (1) 32 sq. ft. Below roof eave a. Copy area,as a basis for Center line sign area computation shall Identifi-: or not include opaque back- cation ground. b. �a .1 TYPE 2. Building a. or Nall Signa One (1) 32 sq. ft. Below roof eave a. Copy area,as a basis for Center line sign area computation shall Identifi-: or not include opaque back- cation ground. b. Monument One (1) single 32 sq. ft. Six (6) feet b. Planter base or- landscape • Sign face above grade or area equal or greater than---- maximum of four the area of the face of the . : (4) feet above sign. top of planter or landscape C. Ground based monument sign mound shall be constructed parallel with building frontage so as to preclude o sight hazard. 2. Bt1ilding Wall Sign Two (2) single Aggregate of Below roof a. May include; office vacancy oz ( face per two (2) sq. eave line rental sign of two (2) Cea,"ter structure ft. per occu-- square feet. Di. reC-tory pant or use, per sign .3,: Teni�nt Wall or one (1) per Six (6) sq. Below roofeave a. Signs shall be of uniform 1t'entifi- under occupant ft. per face line or beneath design and ;color for all c�ytion Marquee use per occupant canopy or balcony tenants of a center. or use with seven (7) ft. clearance from b. Signs may be°attached to sidewalk level to wall or door, or may be sus - lowest point of pended from canopy or bal, under marquee cony if not projecting be - sign gond roof line:of building. 3.6 ARTICLB vxxx , :• SECTION 10 - ALLOWED SIGNS : N PROFESSIONAL (DISTRICT CL5 .. TYRE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS 4. coxistruction Free- One (1) Single 32 sq. ft. ten (10) feet a. Authorized upon the issuance standing: face of a building permit and_ shall be removed prior to occupancy permit.: S. Real Estate ; as Future Free- One (1) Double 32 sq, ft., ten (10) feet a. Authorized for a period corms- Facility standing., face per face mencing with issuance of _ grading or building pernit - - for:6 months after initial occupancy of first unit or ' until all suites have been ' leased,' -whichever occurs m first. b." Res ale / � ayr. Rental i ,'' Authorized pursuant to criteria of real, estate signs in residential district. 37 _ ARTICLE VIII -- SECTION 11 ALLOWED SIGNS IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS CLASS TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS Center a. Monument `One (1) per a. Planter base or landscape I:dentifi- each select Six (6( feet per area equal or greater ration. system street above grade than the�area of one face 100• sq. ft or maximum of a sign._ frontage per face of 4 feet above top of b. Shall not be located s® planter or as to create traffic -` landscape mound hazard for driveway or fora 50 sq. ft corner radius, as deter-. \ sign mined by the City 'En- gineer. 71, 2. Business ]atioifi- a. Monument One (1) per 32 sq. ft. Six (6) feet above a, Planter base or landscape cation n street front - per. face grade or maximum area equal or greater age. of 4' above 'top of than the area of one face . planter or land- of a sign. scape mound b. Shall not be located so or as to create traffig hazard for driveway `or corner radius as deter- etermined minedby the City Engr. b. Wall Sign 64 sq. ftp Below roof line C. wall sign may be loc ted on parapet. per face : t ARTICLE VIII SECTION 11 - ALLOWED SIGNS IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIZE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REMARKS 3. Tenant Identifi- dation tall One (1) per tenant or use Five square ft. per ,ace' Below roof eave line a. Individual letters shall -not exceed six (6) inches in height. 4. Peal Estate a. Future Free- One (1) per 96 sq. ft. ten (10) feet a. Authorized upon cl qse of .Fac- li;ty .:standing ' property per face escrow for e one year street period .from date of issue.`, frontage b. shall be removed.prior• to issuance of certificate_ • of occupancy for any porgy- , tion of the structure. 1d. Re-sale Free- One (,l) per 96 sq. ft. ten (10) feet - for c. Authorized , for a period or standing property per face free®standing and corvinencing with _ issuance Rental or Wall -street not above roof ofradzng or building sign frontage eave line permit'. for 12 months after initial occupancy t of first unit or until .= all suite's have been sold . or leased, whichever occurs first. S. Construction Free- - One (1) per 96 sq. ft. ten (10) feet a. Authorized' upon, the standing property per face issuance of a grading or ,. sign street building permit and shah ' frontage be rentoved prior to .�.... occupancy permit. }.PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular adjour.ned meeting , ~ of the Tu~tin City Council', held March 12, 1974, ATTEST: Mayor C~Clerk' ' "' 1 , 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 614 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of March, 1974 and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular adjourned meeting held on the 12th day of March, 1974, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: SALTARELLI, LANGLEY, WELSH, WOODRUFF, SHARP NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE ~ ~ C .~-s ity Clerk, ity of Tustin, G Published Tustin News March 21, 1974 ornia C__ ~__ G~ <.-~ -_ City Clerk