HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 445 (1969) ORDINANCE NO. 445 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF ~ Z TUSTIN, AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF  3 . ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 5 The City Council'of the City of Tustin does ordain as 6 follows: 7 \~ SECTION 1. That an amendment to ~he Contract between the 8 City Council. of the.City of Tustin and the Board of Administration, 9 California Public EmplOyees' Ketirement System is hereby authorized, a 10 copy of said amendment being.attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A," and by 11 such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. 12 SECTION 2.. The Mayor of~theCity of Tustin is hereby authorized, 15 empowered, and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf Of said. 14 Agency° !L 15 p~CT!O~3'. This Ordinance shall tat~ effect SO days after the 16 Idate of its adoption, and prior to the expiration of 15 days from the 17 passage thereof shall be published at'least once in the Tustin News, a · 18 newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the-;City of 19 Tustin and thenceforth-and thereafter ~he same shall be 'in full force and 20 ~ffecto -~ ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council 22 of the City of Tustin, held "orn the , l8th day of , August 1969. 2 4 ~.~,.~7~' · ' ~ MAYOR pro tem' "~--c,~ ~.,~ 2 6 ATTEST: ....... . .~__ 29 -- ' 50 ~YZNDMENT TO COi'~TRACT BETi.,'EEN THB BO~ OF ~MINISTRATION PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETZId~I,Z~PE SYST~ CI~ COUNCIL --) OF TIZ Ci~ OF ~ST~ ~e Board of Administration, Public Employees' Retirement System, hereinaf.tcr referred to as .the Board ea~d the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF TUSTIN, hereinaftcr r~ferred to as Public ~J~cncy, having'entered into a contract under date of June 28, 1967, effective August l, 1967, which provides .for participation of tk~blic ~ency in said System, Bom'd. sa~d Public Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs I through 13 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effecti~-e A~k~ust l, 1967, and are hereby replaced by the following para- graphs numbered i through ll inclusive ~ 1. All words and terms used be.rein ~hich are defined in the Public Employees' Retiremcn~ Law shall have the mes~ing as defined therein unless otherwise ..~ ~pectfically provi.ded. "Normal retirement age". shall mean age 60 for miscellaneous members and age 55 for local safety members. ~. Public AgenCy sh::~_ll participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System from' and after August l, 1957, m~;ing its employees as here- inafter provided, members of said system subject to all p~ovisions of the Public ~,~.ployees' Retirement La~z except such as apply only on electio~ · of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein affd to all amend- ments to said Law hereafter enacted except such as by express provision thereof apply only on the election of contracting agencies. 3. Employees of Public Agency in the'following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by law or ttii's agreement: a. Local firemen (herein referred to as local safety members); b. Lo'cal policemen (herOin referred to as local safety members); c. ~mployces other than locsj[ 'firemen and local policemen (herein referred to as I.Ltscellaneous Members). The following emoloyees shall be excluded from membersldp i~ said Retirement System: EXCLUDE P~RSONS CORHPENSATF~D ON AN HOURLY BASIS .4. ~que fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited service as a miscellaneous member upon retiremqnt at normal retirement age shall be 1/60 and shall be applied as provided in Sec- tion Z1251.1 of said Retirement Law. Ret. Form 702-1 ~. Th'~c : of firit-d. conxt, ensatlon to be pz ided for each credited sc'~vice as a local. safety member skd.1 be dc'bc-~'s2incd in accordance ~ith Section'212DP_.4 of said Retireracer Law. 6. Benefits on account of prior service shall be 100% of the fraction of final eompcnsation specifics for miscellaneous members in Pars- · gr~L~h ~ above~ but com~utcd in accordance ~:it]~ Section ~1~3 of said Retirement La,~, and for local safety members shall be 100~ of the " fraction established in accordance with Paragraph ~. 7, Contributions for miscellaneous and local safety members shall be subject to Sections ~0601 and 20607.~ re. spectively of said Retire- ment Law. 8~ The follo~.anG additions' provisions of the Public Employees' Retire- men~ La~x which apply oxfty upon election of a contracting ag~ency shell apply to the Public ~ency and its employees: 'a~ 'Section 20024.01 (defining "final'compensation" on the basis of a period of three consecutive years). b. Section 212~8(b)~ (providing a minimum retirement allowance of $720.00 per year under c..ertain conditions). ~.' 'Section 21367.51 (p~oviding a $500.00 death benefit upon death after retirement ). d~. Section '20025 (providing for inclusion of compensation without limit in computations where compensat~ -~ is a factor). e~ Section 21~65.~ (providing montkly allegiance in lieu of the basic i death benefit for certain survivors of a member who dies in employ- "~ ment after qualifying for voluntary service retirement). f. Section 209~2.5 (providing for ass ~0 as the minimum voluntsry retirement age for local safety members with benefit payments commencing prior to age 5~ subject to actue~ial discount). 9- Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. With respectI to miscellaneous members, the public egency shall contribute=the following percentages of monthly salaries earned as.miscellaneous members of said System: (t). 1- 567 percent until June ~0, 1987 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. (2) ~291 percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. b. With respect to local safety ~cmbcrs, the public agency ~hall con- .tribute the following percentages of monthly Salaries earned as .. local safety members of said sysiem: (1) 2.767 percent until June ~0, 19~7 on'account of the liab'~'].ity for pr~or service benefits. ? (2) 8.120 percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. Rot. Form 702~2 c..A reasonable amom~t per ann~un, as fixed by Board to cover the costs of adn~inistcring said System as it affects the employees of Public ~.gency, not including the costs of special v~.uations or t~e periodic~ investigations aud valuation required by la~4 provided.that said ~no~mt shall Be determined on the basis of the n~aber of employees of a hblic Agency who are reported as members on a paFOll designate~ by the Systera covering one month of each year, or R~ith respect to the first year of p~ticipation, on the effective date of said participation.- d. A reasonable sno~t as fixed by the Board, p~ablc in one inst~l- ment as the occas'ions arise, to cover. costs of speci~tT. v~du~tions · ,, on account of employees of ~mblic ~ency, and costs of the period'- : , ic~ investiga~i0n ~d v~uation rcquired by law. lO. ] Contributions required of hblic ~ency and its employees sh~l be ~subject to adjustment by Board on acco~t of ~en~ents to the hblic ~ploye,~s' Retirement La~,, m~d on acco~mt of experience ~der the ~ Retirement System, as determined by the periodical investigation and ; v~uation required by said Retirement L~w. ~." Contributions required of hblic ~ency ~nd its employees shall be paid by hblic ~ency to the Retirement System ~;ithin thirty .days ~tcr the end of the period to w~ch. said contributions refer. If more or less th~ the correct s~no~t of contribution is paid for any period, proper e~just~nent sh~l be made. in connection ~ith subsequent remitt~ces or adjustment on acco~t' of errors in contributions re- quired of ~y employee me.y be made by direct cash pa~ents bet~een the employee ~d ~e~d. Ps~uents by hblic ~ency to Board may be m~e in the form 0f ~ran~S,~k dr~ts, bank c~cks, certified checks. money orders, or cash. B. =~is ~en~ent sh~l be effective 0n the first day of 'October, 1~9. Witness o~ h~ds this day of B0~ 0F ~DMD~iST~TION CI~ C0~]CIL P~LIC ~.~LOF~S' ETIE~.SNT SYS~ CI~ 0F ~STLN' Willi&m E. Pa~e, ~ecutive Officer . ~es~df'ng 0ff~e'r =' · Clerk Ret. Form 702-3 STATE OF CALIFOR~YIA) ~ .. COU~fY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) . ~ . RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that'the whole nLmlbe of the members of the City Cotnlcil of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foref;.ging Ordinance No. Z~5 was duly and' ~.egularly introduced and read at a I'egular meeting of the Cit~' Council held on the day of . August. , 1969, and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of August 1969, by the following vote: . ' ' -- - _, AYES: COUNCII~fEN MACK, C. MILLER, MARSTERS NOES: COUNCII/~EN NONE' ,----_______ ABSENT: COUNCIIMEN COGO, Lo ,MILLER ' ~i'~Y g~~Tu~tih, ~C~'~a~for~~