HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1406 (2011)ORDINANCE NO. 1406 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (SPA) 11-003, IMPLEMENTING MINOR TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That the City of Tustin is proposing a minor amendment to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. The proposal involves minor amendments and will not "substantially alter" the current adopted MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. The proposed amendment is intended to: 1) modify Planning Area (PA) boundaries and designations in Neighborhood A by further dividing the existing PA to create two new sub-planning areas; and 2) add an animal care center as an allowed use in Neighborhood A and add a law enforcement training facility as an allowed use on one of the new sub- planning areas proposed in Neighborhood A. These public institutional uses are currently permitted in the Specific Plan, (the law enforcement training facility is currently permitted in Neighborhood A and the animal care center is permitted in the adjacent Neighborhood C). The land use changes would not be effective until a land exchange occurs between the South Orange County Community College District and the County of Orange; and 3) make other minor text amendments of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. The proposed Amendment would not increase the overall development potential or residential capacity currently allowed by the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. Future implementation actions could include a land exchange between the South Orange County Community College District and County of Orange and other implementation actions by the City of Tustin. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on September 13, 2011, by the Planning Commission. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 4178 recommending that the Tustin City Council approve SPA 11-003 by adopting Ordinance No. 1406. C. That on October 4, 2011, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held before the City Council concerning SPA 11-003 (Ordinance No. 1406). D. That on January 16, 2001, the City of Tustin certified the Program Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/EIR) for the reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin. On April 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-43 approving an Addendum Ordinance No. 1406 Page 1 of 25 to the FEIS/EIR. And, on December 6, 2004, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 04-76 approving a Supplement to the FEIS/EIR for the extension of Tustin Ranch Road between Walnut Avenue and the future alignment of Valencia North Loop Road. The FEIS/EIR along with its Addendum and Supplement is a program EIR under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The FEIS/EIR, Addendum and Supplement considered the potential environmental impacts associated with development on the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin. E. An environmental checklist was prepared for the proposed project that concluded no additional environmental impacts would occur from approval of the project. The Environmental Analysis Checklist concludes that all of the proposed project's effects were previously examined in the FEIS/EIR, Addendum and Supplement, that no new effects would occur, that no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects would occur, that no new mitigation measures would be required, that no applicable mitigation measures previously not found to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and that there are no new mitigation measures or alternatives applicable to the project that would substantially reduce effects of the project that have not been considered and adopted. F. SPA 11-003 is consistent with the Tustin General Plan. The Land Use Element includes the following City goals and policies for the long-term growth, development, and revitalization of Tustin, including the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area. 1. Achieve balanced development. 2. Ensure that compatible and complementary development occurs. 3. Improve city-wide urban design. 4. Promote economic expansion and diversification. 5. Implement a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin which maximizes the appeal of the site as a mixed-use, master-planned development. SECTION 2. Tables 3-1 and 3-2 of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan are hereby deleted and replaced in their entirety with a new Table 3-1 and 3-2, in the form attached as Exhibit A. SECTION 3. Section 3.3.1 of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.3.1 Introduction Neighborhood A is composed of Planning Areas 1, 2, and 3, as shown on the Statistical Analysis (Table 3-2) and on the Land Use Planning Areas map (Figure - 3-1). Ordinance No. 1406 Page 2 of 25 The Education Village (PA 1) is an educational environment consisting of a broad mix of public-serving uses. The Education Village is comprised of subplanning areas 1-A through 1-I as shown on Figure 3-1. The Village is already well defined by virtue of having been the community support and administrative core of MCAS Tustin. It is expected that many of the existing buildings in the Education Village will provide reuse opportunities for educational purposes. Included within PA 1 A is a 10-acre elementary school site proposed for the northwesterly corner along Red Hill Avenue. The Education Village may also accommodate 10 acres of a Law Enforcement Training Center or use of the site by the South Orange County Community College District (PA 1-B), and a 4- acre Children's Intermediate Care Shelter (PA 1-C). The Education Village may also include a child care facility (PA 1-D), an educational use operated by the Rancho Santiago Community College District, and aCity-owned site. In addition, a more detailed description of these and other public-benefit uses is contained in Section 2.3 and 2.4 of the Plan. The Community Park (PA 2) is located within the existing military recreational fields and facilities. It will contain sports fields and other community-level recreational opportunities to serve residents of the Specific Plan as well as residents to the north. The Transitional/ Emergency Housing site (PA 3) would anticipate reuse of two existing barracks (Building Numbers 553 and 554) and accompanying parking areas for an emergency homeless shelter or transitional housing for homeless persons. The regulations and guidelines have been developed in response to issues raised at both the Neighborhood and Planning Area levels. The issues involve preserving the village character through new development and the reuse of courtyards, common greens, and pedestrian paths; screening and landscape design along roadways; creation of view corridors to the northern blimp hangar (if retained); and trail linkages to adjacent neighborhoods. SECTION 4. Section 3.3.2 of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.3.2 Planning Areas 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-D, 1-E, 1-F, 1-G, 1-H, and 1-I (Education Village) The purpose and intent of the Education Village designation is as described in Section 2.2.1, Land Use Designations. A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs, or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. Animal care center (in PA 1-B or in PA 1-I as shown in P Figure 3-1 in the event that a land exchange occurs between the County of Orange and SOCCCD and an Ordinance No. 1406 Page 3 of 25 Agreement is reached between the County and SOCCCD for County's future ownership of PA 1-I) • Children's intermediate care shelter (only in PA 1-C as P shown in Figure 3-1) • Churches or other religious institutions C • Law enforcement training facility (in PA 1-B or in P PA 1-I as shown in Figure 3-1 in the event that a land exchange occurs between the County of Orange and SOCCCD and an Agreement is reached between the County and SOCCCD for County's future ownership of PA 1-I) • Nursery school or child care center P • Public school, community college, educational campus or P other educationally oriented uses • Private school C B. Prohibited Uses • Jail Facilities • Sexually-oriented businesses C. Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted use on the same site and would include: • Guard houses, gates and other security facility structures • Industrial/commercial business incubators (start-ups) • Laboratories and office facilities used for basic and applied research, testing and consulting • Maintenance facilities, structures, outdoor storage • Medical/dental clinics • Post office • Support commercial, office, retail service uses D. Unlisted Uses Those uses not specifically listed are subject to a determination by the Community Development Director as either permitted, permitted subject to a conditional use permit or prohibited consistent with the purpose of the land use designation of this Planning Area and the Specific Plan. Decisions of the Director are appealable to the Planning Commission. E. Site Development Standards 1. Minimum lot area - no minimum requirement 2. Maximum building height - 100 feet (six stories) 0 Ordinance No. 1406 Page 4 of 25 3. Maximum floor area ratio - .30 FAR, except for PA 1-B and PA 1-C which shall be .35 FAR 4. Minimum building setbacks a) Red Hill Avenue - 40 feet b) North Loop Road - 25 feet c) Warner Avenue - 20 feet d) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet e) Lansdowne Drive (private) - 15 feet f) Minimum distance between buildings -10 feet 5. Landscape setbacks a) Red Hill Avenue - 30 feet b) North Loop Road - 30 feet c) Warner Avenue - 20 feet d) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet 6. Landscaping a) Areas not devoted to buildings, parking areas, hardscape, roads and service areas, shall be landscaped. b) Compliance with the City of Tustin's Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines c) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines as detailed in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan 7. Bicycle and pedestrian circulation facilities shall provide connections within the Planning Area, to adjacent Planning Areas, and to citywide bicycle trails where applicable. 8. A corner triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 9. A corner triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at Warner Avenue and Armstrong Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 10.A portal intersection treatment shall be provided at Valencia and Red Hill Avenues, and Warner and Red Hill Avenues (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 11.Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 12. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 13.Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable) 14. Development of an animal care center shall be subject to the following criteria: a) Location shall be 500 feet away from any residential use or residentially-zoned property Landscape setbacks aze measured from the back of the curb and aze a combination of parkway, sidewalk, and planting azeas. Building setbacks aze measured from future rights-of--way. Non-conforming buildings and landscape setbacks will be permitted to remain where existing buildings are not in future rights-of--way. Ordinance No. 1406 Page 5 of 25 b) Visual screening of outdoor storage and service areas shall be provided c) Noise control of animal containment areas shall be provided d) Site Plan and architectural design of buildings shall be subject to review pursuant to Section 4.2.4 e) Odor control shall be provided pursuant to General Development Regulations, Section 3.11 F. Special Development or Reuse Requirements 1. A concept plan approval shall be required for individual subplanning areas 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-D, 1-E, 1-H, and 1-I prior to reuse or new development (refer to Section 4.2.2 of this Specific Plan). 2. Prior to any interim or permanent reuse of facilities or property on a parcel, or prior to any new development on a parcel, other than by the City of Tustin, those parties receiving or leasing property from the Department of Defense or Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) within the Education Village shall be required to enter into an Agreement with the Local Redevelopment Authority. The purpose of the Agreement is to: 1) identify the planning goals of each of the agencies and the City or LRA for each site; 2) identify the scope and schedule for short-range improvements and long-range development plans for property; 3) establish a process that provides for meaningful consultation on development and operational issues of mutual concern; 4) identify roadway dedications, capital/infrastructure improvements, and environmental impact report mitigation that will be required for use and/or development of the agency receiving property; and 5) identify necessary procedures to implement the Agreement. 3. Existing structures to be reused shall be brought into conformance with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as amended by the City, State of California Title 24 Access Compliance (handicapped provisions), and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 4. Utility metering modifications and/or provision of independent utility services shall be committed to by agreement between the City of Tustin and those agencies receiving property in the Education Village, prior to use and occupancy of existing buildings and/or new development. Said agreement shall identify required capital/infrastructure improvements and environmental impact report mitigations. 5. Access to subplanning area 1-D shall be secured from recorded easements on adjacent private streets within the Education Village (Planning Area 1-H). 6. The baseline mix of uses for Planning Area 1 is 98 percent Education Village and 2 percent Commercial, which will be administered by the Non-Residential Land Use/Trip Budget procedure specified in Section 3.2.4. The purpose is to ensure that adequate circulation capacity is available to serve the proposed project. Ordinance No. 1406 Page 6 of 25 G. Development or Reuse Guidelines 1. Existing buildings, open space areas, and other site improvements shall be aesthetically upgraded where needed through architectural and landscape improvements. Such improvements are intended to appear consistent in quality with other college campuses in the County, and may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Upgraded facade treatments, including the use of plaster, brick, stone, and/or other approved materials b) Upgraded window types and treatments c) Upgraded entries, including doorways, covered walkways, decorative paving d) Upgraded roofing materials e) Updated color scheme for buildings f) Extensive planting of trees and shrubs throughout the site, including parking areas and common open space areas g) Improved landscape design along building perimeters and entries h) Addition of pedestrian amenities including benches, shade trees, trash receptacles, drinking fountains, and lighting i) Addition of bicycle facilities including bike racks j) Creation of Education Village entryways through signage and landscape design k) Creation of signage program for building identification and directional signs I) Enhanced lighting scheme for building entrances, common areas, paths, and parking areas 2. A safe, convenient, pedestrian access shall be provided across North Loop Road (extension of Valencia Avenue) within the Education Village. 3. The formal siting pattern of buildings shall be continued in the design and siting of infill development. t/9C ~X/ ST/N6 /3diT. To . ~~~tia 'J~T~JVlGitg ~/ 14 X//F L !/ /C Is/ Tb w/- is.o_ S /`L/! 6C /'~ 6P~C~N ~/-of.,,~~L ~% ~LRc~i`~l.~.vT Ordinance No. 1406 Page 7 of 25 4. Buildings shall be clustered to create plazas, focal areas, and activity areas. 5. Utilize the "Village Green" and other courtyards in the siting and orientation of buildings to provide focal areas and enhance pedestrian activity. 6. Existing groves and linear stands of trees (i.e., California Peppers, sycamores, jacarandas) shall be taken into consideration when site planning for new development and roadways. If it is not possible to preserve these existing groves or stands of trees, a landscaping definition along public roads and within the Planning Area shall be created. 7. Perimeter parking around buildings designed as smaller parking "rooms" shall be provided where feasible to facilitate pedestrian access and retain existing campus style building configuration. 8. Demolition of structures shall be considered or undertaken under the following conditions: 1) where information determines the need for demolition to eliminate public health and safety risks, 2) to improve the appearance of the Planning Area, 3) to accommodate the completion of major roadway improvements, and 4) to properly implement the land use intended for this Planning Area. A summary of the key design guidelines for the Education Village is provided in Figure 3-3, located at the end of Section 3.3. SECTION 5. Section 3.5.1 of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: "3.5.1 Introduction Neighborhood C is comprised of a single Planning Area, PA 6, which is designated as Urban Regional Park (Table 3-2). The Urban Regional Park will be owned and operated by the County of Orange. The intent of the following regulations and guidelines for the regional park is to achieve continuity with the Specific Plan in terms of landscaping, trail systems, and other aspects of park design. The regional park is a significant cultural and recreational amenity within the Plan that must be both physically and visually accessible to the public." SECTION 5. Section 3.5.2A of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: "A. Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" occurs or by conditional use permit where the symbol "C" occurs. • Animal care center P Ordinance No. 1406 Page 8 of 25 D . Arboretums and horticultural gardens P . Commercial recreation facilities C • Live performance facility/amphitheater C • Museum, cultural center, interpretive center, and/or P other educational and cultural facility • Nature center with live animals C • Picnic areas p . Recreation facilities P • Park p • Regional Archaeological Curation Center P . Retail or service commercial uses, other than C concessionaire commercial uses . Riding and hiking trails and staging areas P • Sports lighting where exterior lighting is designed to P confine direct rays and glare to premises . Theatres C" SECTION 6. Section 3.5.2D of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: "D. Site Development Standards 1. Minimum lot size - 80 acres 2. Maximum building height - 40 feet; no building height limit shall apply to Hangar #1 3. Maximum floor area ratio - .16 FAR for Urban Regional Park uses including retail and commercial uses, and .25 FAR for the Regional Law Enforcement Training Classrooms 4. Minimum building setbacks2 a) North Loop Road - 25 feet b) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet 5. Landscape setbacks~s a) North Loop Road - 30 feet b) Armstrong Avenue - 20 feet 6. Landscaping a) Compliance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines b) Compliance with the Landscape Design Guidelines in Section 2.17 of this Specific Plan. 7. An internal pedestrian/multi-use trail through the park shall be developed and coordinated with pedestrian and bicycle trail systems of adjacent Planning Areas, and with city-wide bicycle trails where applicable. 8. A corner triangular-shaped setback of 60 feet, measured from the intersection of the curb lines at North Loop Road and Armstrong Ordinance No. 1406 Page 9 of 25 Avenue shall be provided for a secondary community intersection treatment (see Section 2.17 for landscape guidelines). 9. Development of an animal care center shall be subject to the following criteria: a) Location shall be 500 feet away from any residential use or residentially zoned property b) Visual screening of outdoor storage and service areas shall be provided c) Noise control of animal containment areas shall be provided d) Site Plan and architectural design of buildings shall be subject to review pursuant to Section 4.2.4 e) Odor control shall be provided pursuant to General Development Regulations, Section 3.11 10.Other General Development Regulations (refer to Section 3.11 as applicable) 11. Signage (refer to Section 3.12 as applicable) 12.Off-street parking (refer to Section 3.13 as applicable)" SECTION 7. Section 4.2.2A of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Purpose and Application City of Tustin A concept plan shall be prepared and submitted or updated for Zoning Administrator approval concurrent with the submission of a new development proposal, reuse project, or Sector B level map. A concept plan is required for each Planning Area, except Planning Area 2 (Community Park). For Planning Area 1, a concept plan may be submitted for any portion of sub-planning areas PA 1-A, PA 1-B, PA 1-C, PA 1-D, PA 1-E, 1-H, and 1-I regardless of whether subdivision approvals are being requested or required. Concept Plans may be processed concurrently with a Sector B map or with a site plan and design review where a Sector B map is not necessary, as addressed in Section 4.2.1. The purpose of the concept plan is to document and insure that: 1. The necessary linkages are provided between the development project and the Planning Area/Neighborhood in which it is located; 2. The integrity of the Specific Plan and purpose and intent of each Neighborhood is maintained; and 3. Applicable considerations of City requirements other than those spelled out in this Specific Plan are identified and satisfied. Ordinance No. 1406 Page 10 of 25 SECTION 8. Figure 3-1 "Land Use Planning Areas," is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced in its entirety with a new Figure 3-1, in the form attached as Exhibit B. SECTION 9. Figure 3-3 "Neighborhood A," is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced in its entirety with a new Figure 3-3, in the form attached as Exhibit C. SECTION 10.Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Tustin hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. PASSED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Tustin on this 18th day of October, 2011. ATTEST: ~ ~ PAME STOKER, City Clerk Ordinance No. 1406 Page 11 of 25 APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAVID E. KENDIG, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1406 PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 1406 was duly and regularly introduced and read at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of October, 2011, and was given its second reading, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of October, 2011, by the following vote: COUNCILPERSONSAYES: COUNCILPERSONS NOES: COUNCILPERSONS ABSTAINED COUNCILPERSONS BSENT: PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk Amante, Nielsen, Gavello, Gomez, Murry (5) None (0) None (p) None (p) Ordinance No. 1406 Page 12 of 25 Exhibit A Tables 3-1 & 3-2 Ordinance No. 1406 Page 13 of 25 TABLE 31 LAND USE PLANSTA77STICAL ANALYSIS ORGANIZED BYLAND USE DESIGNATION Desi nation/Plannin Area ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Gross Net z F.A.R. s Total FloorExisting Area (Sq. Ft a Floor Area S . Ft. s Potential Floor Area S . Ft. a DU's Per Acre Total DU's e RESIDENTIAL Low De 1-7 du/ac PlEpiEZ Area 4 1 54.21 43.4 N/A N/A N/Al 71 304 Planning Area 21 - Tustin 1 127.11 115.0 N/A N/A N/Al 141 793 Medium Den 15 du/ac Planning Area 5 51.7 41.4 N/A N/A N/A 15 621 Planning Area 22 73.4 Elementary School K-810 Neighborhood Park 10 61.0 N/A N/A N/A 15 402 Medium -Hi De 16-25 du/ac Planning Area 20 29.41 23.5 N/A I N/A N/Al 25 1 376 Transitional/EmergencyTransitional/Emergency Housing Planning Area 3 1 5.11 5.11 0.61 133,2941 85,2151 48,0791 01 0 Residential Core Planning Area 15 Low Deni 1-7 du/ac 112.6 104.3 N/A N/A N/A 7 533 Medium Density 8-15 du/ac 51.8 47.8 N/A N/A N/A 15 489 Medium High Density (16-25 du/ac 8.3 7.7 N/A N/A N/A 25 192 Elementary Schools 10 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Parks and Open Space 63.1 63.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Subtotal Residential Core PA 15 245.8 232.9 SUBTOTAL 586.7 522.3 N/A 133,294, 85,215, 48,079, N/A 3,710 COMMERCIALIBUSINESS Commercial/Business Planning Area 9-12 Parks and Open Space Subtotal, PlanningArea 9-12 78.9 38.6 117.5 64.5 38.6 103.1 See standards 1,267,324 88,344 1,178,980 0 PlanningArea 16 31.0 27.9 0.4 486,130 206,640 279,490 0 Planning Area 17 16.3 16.31 0.41 284,011. 63,289 220722, 0 Ordinance No. 1406 1e 14 of 25 TABLE 31 LAND USE PLAN STA77STICAL ANAL MIS ORGANIZED BYLAND USE DESIGNATION ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Total Floor Existing Floor Potential Floor DU's Total Desi nation/Plannin Area Gross 1 Net 2 F.A.R. s Area (Sq. Ft. 4 I Area S . Ft 5 I Area S . Ft. a PerAcre71 DU's e COMMERCUL/BUSINESSCONTINUED Commercial Planning Area 18 1 16.71 14.51 0.351 40,846 40,8-46F 0 PlanningArea 19 38.6 38.6 0.4 672,566 3,990 668,576 0 Residential Core Planning Area 15 29.3 26.8 See 466,637 8,106 I 458,531 F N/A 0 standards Village Services Planning Area 7 20.7 19.0See 1 248,292 0 248,292 N/A 0 standards 1 Community Core Planning Area 8 89.5 68.5 See 1,975,992 329,032 1,646,960 25 Park 56.3 56.3 standards Planning Area 13 77.5 59.3 See 2,132,417 0 2,132,417 25 891 Park 12.9 12.9 standards Planning Area 14 34.2 26.2 See 648,870 700 648,170 25 standards High School 14 40.01 40.0 N/A N/A Subtotal, Community Core 310.61 263.21 1 4,757,2791 329,7321 4,427,547 891 SUBTOTAL 580.71 509.4 N/A 1 8,223,0851 740,9471 7,482,138 N/A 891 INSTI T UTIONAURECREATIONAL Education Village Planning Area 1 128.3 124.7 0.3 1,412,651 822,556 590,095 0 0 Planning Area 1-A Elementary School 15 Planning Area 1-B Educational Law Enforcement Training Animal Care Center20 Planning Area 1-C Children's Care Shelter Planning Area 1-D Child Care Center Planning Area 1-E Educational Planning Area 1-F Educational Ordinance No. 1406 Page 15 of 25 9Z 10 9 � 96ed 9014 '0N a0ueuipl0 •awes aql 0 u!suaan ll!m ZZ Vd u! shun aullla,np olgee+olpa palol agl `naeamoq `auleal;o 43 aql of na;suval f4ndoid of noud paumialap aq Ill^ uoplool pug a8eanoe asloand oq,l• -ails xied poogiogg2!oM a lo; uolwoolpa 2noe1 ue 91 L1£ 81 £SS b8£ OT V/AI sopnlou! osle ZZ Vd •panst si uo!slooG jo piomd s,AAi3N aql uogm pau!uualap aq ll!m uopool pue a8eaaae as!aand aq L •loogos 8-}l s io; uogeaolle =v -OZ a sapnlou! 11 sl!w!l ptuo!lo!psun. au!a.g agl wall!AIL s! ZZ Vd Oi pua al5!q oql lv *= nod shun 8u!llah+p S'ZI paaon lou Ilegs ZZ Vd u! a8uen A!suop pau!waad aqj •oulnal;o dl!o aql u!gl!m palsool ane (shun Z04) ZZ VCI 6 £'Z'£ uo!loas u! pag!oads se ldaoxa `s!sdleud Ivo. mS aql uo paleuSis2p iagwnu aql paaoxo lou Reqs eaaV 2uiumld goes u! sl!un guilI p 610`699 3o naquanu wnwlxew agl `ss000nd uo!s!e!pgns pug ugld ol!s aql 8uunp pougai oq dvw saguoiae lou pug sso� pngov ySnoaO yang Bald �u!uueId alosa of paleoolls sl!un Butllae+p;o nagwnu wnwnn;w aql s! s,[lQ pgoZ •8 •palvinop o oq deua sl!un $ulllamp go!gen le alae nad dl!suop uanwmtu aql sloagan anoV nad s,flQ L BwV $ull=Id yoga ulgl!m luowdolaeap Mau;o a8eloo; anenbs luqualod agl s! uojv ioola lv!ivalod '9 BaaV 8u!uueld ,iq s8u!pl!nq 8u!lslxo jo 28eloo; awnbs aql st vaaV noold 8u!ls!xg •5 •4aa3 anenbs IS9`Z117'1 paaoxo lou llegs I eared Sun= .1 u!gl!m vale noog palol aql pap!eoid `Baas Sun= d-qns a;o a8eanoe ssoig dq I vaaV 8unm I u! crane 8uiuuvld-qns due pug I vaaV 8tnuugld of pau8!sse opw vale iooU paxg crap 8u!dldpinw dq panuap 0 aq Ipags vane aoog ppol anagen I saw 8u!uuBid no; ldaoxa `algeo!ldde 3! `aBBanos leu ayl dq o!lva vale noog aql 8u!dld!Ilnw dq panuap luawdolanap psquap!san-uou;o a8sloo3 anenbs pa1o1 aql s! goad noo13 polos y BalV 8unmicl v Lngl!a sasn jo xaw pouanssv UB woJJ panuap ollvn Bane noog a sog!oods uwnloo ZI'V'd aql `algea!ldde 9'8Z 3I 'S£'0le Paxg aq llegs ga!gh a -I Pn S -I wane 8u!uuuld-qns no; ldaoxo soon 8u!uueld-gns Ile lo3 £'0 le Paxg aq llvgs -I•V'd anage+ I sand 8u!uueld no; ldono `gone Swuueld alp no; spnepuels luawdolaeap U1104S `104303 POOID a&UMIQ u! palelndgs asuvaaOo ssalun stsdlsuV pao!ls!lels s!gl;o sasodmd no; vwV 8u!uueld otpjo a8eame lou agl dq pap!n!p saaV 8u!uueld a u!gl!M sBuiPl!nq Ipt;o vane noog ssaa8 agl st (g V o!le2l sand nool3 £ •ss000id uo!s!e!pgns pue ueld ol!s agl 8uunp paugan oq p!en sa8enae lou Ivnlov •suou. mop!suoo 8u!uueld al!s pto!ddl pug `vwV 8unmid aql;o ms `asn 0 0 pau!uaaad uo poseq `gazV 8upmld gaga no; ,Slalew!xoidde palvwgso s! a8eaaov IoN BaaV 8u!uueld v u[all!an (speoj Ivool) uougInono Ivuaalu! no; poonpan a8eanoe ss o� uo poseq uogeoolpt palewgso ug s! a�eanov lalq z •ssaoojd no!s!e!pgns pug ueld al!s agl 8uunp paugan aq pun sa8eaaoe pmlod uo!xu2lsap dvtA 3o-lg8!g aql iapun palvinolea st ueld ase purl aql uo umogs sdvtipeoi of palonap puel;o lunowe aqZ BWV 8u!uueld aql;o dngpunoq crap io/pue `veld asfl Pn'I aql uo unnogs dvnpeoi ollgnd due `dvh+peoi dnepuoaas pug leualae anatlag luaoeCpe aql;o a8pa agl wok pamseaw uo!lBoolpa palew!lsa ug s! BanV 8u!uusld gaga no; a8eaaae ssouD • I MRON 109't 0 9£Z 6618 91 L1£ 81 £SS b8£ OT V/AI 6'99io T Z'904 T�9"Wiv10 0 0 610`699 SS1`6S£`1 talsZ0`Z V/AI Z'M 8180 liviolgRS stI�IQ 0 0 0 0 0 9'8Z 9•8Z U1104S `104303 POOID a&UMIQ 0 0 0 0 0 ti•£LI 17•£LI s EmpEo21ieuaIIV 0 10 VZ6 8L 1890'96V I Z66 VLS 91'0 9'178 9•178 1 9,001V id licd 1u0. aH =qja 0 0 0 IWOV I£S`Oti 1'0 I•vz I-vz Z E9 -TV Rq nnid xaed UM03) ()ZIaFMD ORD Iunud OZ$lIIUIP.I.L JuaulaOIOjuH me -I IEuoREonpg I -I EaI`d `ift !LMId IBUoRUMPH H-1 Eared 2UPRid .MIP0 D-1 Ealy &PRId (agaNLEvow 7VN0LLVHYJHWW1l0L fMILSt1ll a_0,v"d J TV va1v s u' S vajv q u' S va-ly £ ?ITS d z PN 3 sso119 va1vwuuvld1uo.wu rsaa 8 MOIL IL s,nQ 9 loo& miziunod 100u 8um"a 100& moi. SISl17f'I.LvaalSw SM17y'LlAgamu oN 9DKwov NOLLVX9LS:7Q WD aNrI JS Q.7ZIA YD90 SISd7VNV 7V3IJSU VJSNV7J 72 Qmri r -F 3IsVs 11. PA 15 includes an allocation for park and open spaces. The precise acreage and location will be determined prior to final subdivision map approval, however, the total allowable dwelling units in PA 15will remain the same. 12. PA 15 includes a 10 -acre allocation for an Elementary School. The precise acreage and location will be determined by the City If the actual acreage varies from 10 acres, then an acreage adjustment will be made to the parks and open space acreages The precise acreage and location will be determined prior to final subdivision map approval. 13. PA 8 includes a 40 -acre allocation for a High School. The precise acreage and location will be determined by the City.. If the actual acreage varies from 40 acres, then the acreage adjustment will be made to the Community Core designation, however, the total allowable square feet of non-residential development and maximum dwelling units in PA 8 will remain the same. 14. PA 1 is composed of numerous public conveyance uses as specified in Section 2.3 and 2.4 of the Specific Plan. 15. PA 1-A includes a 10 -acre allocation for an Elementary School. 16. The actual amount of existing square footage is 2,183,956. However, adjustments to two Planning Areas have been made. In PA 2, Community Park, 40,531 existing square footage is expected to be reused. In PA 5, Medium Density Residential, the 39,485 existing square footage is expected to be replaced by residential uses. 17. The development intensity assigned to the Community Park is .1 FAR; however, the existing 40,531 square feet may be reused. 18. Planning Area 15 is comprised of subplanning areas, which allocates development potential by land use type. The subplanning areas are not site specific on the Land Use Plan in order to allow for flexibility in future master planning. 19. In Planning Area 20, there is 4.1 gross acres in private ownership (with 3.3 net acres estimated for development potential); Planning Area 18 is proposed to be retained in Federal ownership by the Army Reserve with 2.2 acres granted by easement to the City of Tustin, after the Army's acceptance of the 16.7 acres from the Navy, for Barranca right-of-way (leaving 14.5 net acres). The total gross acreage for non-federal disposal is 1,585.4 acres. 20. See Section 3.32A for use restriction. Ordinance No. 1406 Page 17 of 25 9Z do 9 � a6ed 9014 'oN aOuewpJO SM V/AI Z6Z`stZ 0 Z6Z`StZ V/AI STOT 9'9ZT $ a00HRORHMaN °IVIOMIS 0 Z6 8bZ 0 Z6Z 8ZsZ spnpum *as 0'61 L'OZ L03 -TV ZUTIMId oE/np SI -8 isuaQ umipow i Z9 Si d/AI d/N V/lei b' 117 L'19 619 WIV mid oE/np L -i !SMCI mol V0£ L d/N V/m d/AI ti'£v Z'tiS b Ea -Id &!I=Id S QOOH2IOHHJI N 0 0 bLT`8£9 ZO£`S66 9a`98S`I V/Ai 6£ST S'LST V QOOHZIO$HOIaNIWJLO.L$!IS 0 0 6L0 8ti 91Z 98 176Z ££i 9'0 i'S i'S £ Eaiy MPFIJ 0 0 0 i£S`Ob I£S`Ob JLFO 1'17Z 1'17Z Z E21d 2UPEid 0 0 S60 06S 9SS ZZ8 I V/Ai LTZi £'8Zi I VaRv OAIIAIN.v'Id'IvIolSfIS Oalua0 alrJ F=w j, Iuauroo ojuH mE'I (YzSupT!m IEm�Eanpa 0'01 0'01 I-1 Eat SUR -mid iuuoREonPd 9'99 9'99 H-1 Ealy 8u!uu ld jogjo 6'Vi 9'81 O-1 EalOURmid IEuoREonpa 0'91 0'91 3-i ,001V Supmid TuoREonpg 6'1 6' 1 Tl Easy OuPmld b'Z ti'Z Q -I Eaiy 8uRnid ialiariS ono S,uaiplTgD OT 0'17 D -I Easy gut ruEld MMIUQD a -m0 lE�y lumponpg Jo Surum 1, Iuaumoa03ug mE7 0'01 0'01 g -I Eaiy SURRid ioouoS Axeiimmaid 0'01 0'01 5L y-1 Easy SuRmid 0 0 960`06S 9SS`ZZ8 IS9`Ziti`1 £'0 I Eaiy BuRmId y QOOHHO$HOIaM a soa L a nv jai y cu' S s u' S ti u' S va-tV ¢ ?I'V i z JWN L sso ID vary uiuuwj1uor;nu Paa M;oj. saga va-w-loou vale! jooLi 100114 jvjo j miqualod Sumsp SaSl17T'I.Ll1 jamu SgSl17VI.Ll1uCIISgHWON QOOH?I09HDIHN.1 F F577 75iro SISd 7tiVNV 7VOIJEU VJS NF7d VS11 a V7 Z-£ TABLE 3-2 LAND USE PLAN STA 77STICALANAL YSISORGANIZED BYAEIGHBORHOOD ACREAGE NON-RESIDENTIAL USES RESIDENTIAL USES Existing Potential Total Floor Floor Area Floor Area DU's Total DesignadonlPlanninjg Area Gross 1 Net 2 FAR a Area (Sa. 'n.)a Ft.)s S . Ft. s PerACre 7 DU's = _(Sq. NEIGHBORHOOD C Pl Area 6 84.51 84.51 0.161 574,9921 496,0681 78,9241 0 SUBTOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD C 1 84.51 84.5 N/Al 574,9921 496,0681 78,9241 NJAJ 0 NEIGHBORHOOD D Planning Area 8 Mixed Use 89.5 68.5 See standards 1,975,992 329,032 1,646,960 25 Park 56.3 56.3 High School 13 40.0 40.0 Planning Area 13 77.6 59.3 See standards 2,132,417 0 2,132,417 25 891 Park 12.9 12.9 Planning Area 14 34.3 26.2 See standards 648,870 7001 648,170 25 SUBTOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD D 310.61 263.2 N/A 4,757,279 329,732 4,427,547 25 891 NEIGHBORHOOD E Planning Areas 9-12 78.9 64.51 See standards 1,267,324 1 88,344 1,178,980 p Parks and Open Space 38.6 38.61 SUBTOTAL FOR NEIGHBORHOOD E 117.51 103.11 See standards 1,267,3241 88,344 1,179,9801 0 NEIGHBORHOOD F Planning Area 16 31.0 27.9 0.4 486,130 206,640 279,490 0 Planning Area 17 16.3 16.3 0.4 284,011 63,289 220,722 0 IV Planning Area 18 16.7 14.5 0.35 40,846 40,846 0 0 Planning Area 19 38.6 38.6 0.4 672,566 3,990 668,576 0 SUBTOTAL FOR NEIGHBORHOOD F 102.61 9731 NJAJ 1,483,553 314,765 1,168,788 N/A 0 NEIGHBORHOOD G Planning Area 15 112.6 104.3 N/A N/A N/A 7 533 Low Density1-7 du/ac Planning Area 15 51.8 47.8 N/A N/A N/A 15 489 Medium Density 8-15 du/ac Planning Area 15 8.3 7.7 25 192 Medium -High Density 16-25 du/ac Planning Area 15 Schools 10.0 10.0 0 Planning Area 15 Non Residential 29.3 26.8 See standards 466,6371- 8,106 458 531 p Planning Area 15 Parks & Open Space 63.1 63.1 N/A N/A N/A 0 Planning Area 20 29.4 23.5 N/A N/A N/A 25 376 Medium -High Deni 16-25 du/ac Ordinance No. 1406 Page 19 of 25 9Z 10 OZ 96ed 90V� 'ON a0uewpJO •awes aql V/AI u!vum 111m5I Vd u! si!un SulIIamP alge,nolls paol agl `.iaeaenoq `leeoidde dew uolslelpgns leug of loud paulwualap aq 111M uo pool pue afsaias aslaaad aqs •saaeds uado pue 3usd j0; uousaolle ue sopnlau! Si Vd I I •awes alp VIK u!Bwai llus ZZ Vd w sl!un S-112eip alge,holle Pnol agl `.Ianan0g `au!eil;0 14!0 aql 03 ia;sueg dliadoid 0l >oud pamuualap aq III^ uolleaol pue a8eaiaB astowd aqy •al!s 4md pooyiogq$!*N s jo; uonBaolle 2las-8 uv Z'909`1 sapnlau! osle ZZ Vd •pansi si uo!smajo pioaag s,dnBiq aql uagh+ pauluualaP aq II!m uo!leaol pue a3eaias as!aaid aqy loogas g-�l s io; uousao1le w�-OZ B sapnlau! ll sl!w!1 leuoua!psunf autnil agl ui s! ZZ Vd •0I •pua qg!q aql lg alae iad sl!un 8ulIIamP S•ZI paaaxa lou Reqs ZZ Vd u! 2SUM d1!suap pau!uuad aq•l• •au!ni13o 4!o agl u!glpm paleaol ais (shun ZOb) ZZ Vd 6 £'Z'£ uouaaS ul pag!aads se ldaaxa `s!sdleuV 1Balls mS agl uo palsuSlsap jagwnu aql paaaxa lou llegs sajV SLummld gasa u! slum Swllahp V/K 3o jagwnu wnw!xew aql `ssaaoid uolslelpgns pug ueld al!s mp Suunp paugai aq dew saRBams lau puB ssoIS pngae g2nogl uaeg BajV Sutuueld qma of paleaolle sl!un gutga►+p 3o iagwnu wnwmui agl s! s&I(I Ino.L •8 •paielnalea aq hum sl!un Su!llahp ga!gtA IB alas jad dlisuap wnwuxew agl slaapai =v jad s,fl(I L Ba>d guiuueld gasa ulgl!h luawdolanap nnau;o a8eloo; a�enbs leuualod ayl s! ea�V �oo1d lB!lualod •9 Band 8uluueld dq sginplmq Sullspca;o a2sloo3 mnbs mp si eaJV joo1q Swls!xg •S •1223 mnbs I59`ZI4`I P=xo lou hugs I BajV 8uluugld u!gl!nn sale poop prlol ayl Papuwd `ease 8u!uueld-qns B 3o aBBame sso� aql dq I Ba�V 8u!uueid m Base 8u!uueld-qns due pue 1 sa�V 8u!uueld of pav8!sse oust Base loop axag3 Bu. 1 .1 nw dq panuap 9'8Z aq 11egs sage loop Iglol mgh+ I Bait/ Sun= ld io3 ldaaxa `algea!1dde3! `a8eaiae lau ayl dg ouei Base loop ag3 8u!dlduinw dq panuap luawdolanap leuuap!s2j-uou3o aSeloo3 mnbs pmol agl si eaiV ioo13 pno3 q Band gu!uueld s mgl!m sasn3o x!w pawnssg ug wot3 panuap ogm Bays joog a sag!aads uwnloo •g•V•3 aql `219sa!ldde V/!d 3l '5E,0 TR Paxg aq IIBgs ga!gen D-1 pue g -I seam S-uusld-qns j03ldaaxa seam Suluueld-qns Ile j03 £•0 is paxg aq Reqs -d-V-A wogtA I i3wV gu!uueld j03 ldaaxa `Bale guluueld agl lo3 spiepuels luawdolanap d/N u! palelndgs asWaglo ssalun s!sdleuV 1BallsuBlS s!gl3o sasodmd j03 vwV 8u!uueId 2gl3o oftwoB lau agl dq pap!e!p Bait/ 8u[uueid s u[yl! n s;lu!Pling IIB3o ease loop ssog agl s! (g V ousg BalV lool3 £ •ssmoid uo!s!e!pgns puB veld al!s aql 8uunp paugai aq Il!a+ s2gmoB lau lBnlaV •suo!Map!suoa 8u!uueld al!s lealddl pug `BajV Suluueld agl3o ails `asn s WAP130,H pau!uL=d uo paseq `BajV 2upmld gasa io3 dlaleumroiddB palew!lsa s! a8eaias lals BwV guiuueld s mgl!A+ (spBoi leaol) uolInai!o leuialu! io3 pmnpai a8eaias ssoj2uo paseq uousao11e palewgsa ue s! a8e=e 1211 Z •ssaaotd uo!s!e!pgns pug uB1d al!s agl 8uunp paugai aq IlyA sa8eaias pmlaV •uoueuSlsap dsM;o-lq$!-d aq) japun palelmlea si veld asfl purl aql uo uMogs sds npeoi of paloeap Pue13o lunOwe ayy -vWV SMUUBld agl3o Ampunoq agl io/pus `ugld asfl purl aql uo ue+ogs Aimpew allgnd due `ds,npew Ampuoaas puB leuaue smug luaaeCpe agl3o a8pa aql wog pamseaw uousaolle palewusa ue s! BajV 8uluuBld gasa io3 a8eaias ssoig •1 .LVAA-dO-.LHJRI :SGION 1091t V/AI 9£Z`661`9 91 LIV591`Z cSsItsclOT VIK 6'99t`T Z'909`1 :S'I1101 0 0 V/K V/K V/K V/K 6'10Z 6'10Z AVM 30 lHf)rd 'IVIOZSf1S 0 0 VIN d/Id V/iii 9'8Z 9'8Z SU!MQ UUO3S `Io4wO PooL3 a LIQ 0 0 V/!d d/x d/N ti'£L I V £L I s WAP130,H .LVAA-dO-.LHJRI zo6 VAI V/K Vlu V/K V/K 0'19 t'£L H a00Hx011HOMM HOA qViOignS o1, Xnd POOq-wqq !aN 8-x IOogaS ualuaiH M (at'/RP S I -8) 491MG uJn}P0W ZOb S I d/N d/N V/N 0-19 b' £L ZZ Eard $U!Emid H QOOH'909HJIdN £8£`z V/K T£918Sfi 90T`8 L£9`99t V/K V86£ 9'T£t► O Q00HH0ffH9IZNIHOA'IVZO.LHfIS 09/11P L- 1) isw(I m01 £6L vi V/ISI V/ISI d/N O'SiI I'LZI uqsn.L - I EarV lrnmid s saa OJOYJad u' S s 7j ' S y u' S Da -V ¢ w v:4 Z PN t MAD MY U!UUwJ/u0IM7Q MIOIL L SIR([ y tea y"0111 Vaivio0ij J0019112101 mqualod Bkum.7 SJS12 7YUNWISW SJS'3 WI.Lt WIMT-NON Q00HW09HJl9NdB agzbv Dmo SISI 7VNl'7i OLMLV..LS11"d ZSII MVV7 z-fc 3I9v.t 12. PA 15 includes a 10 -acre allocation for an Elementary School. The precise acreage and location will be determined by the City. If the actual acreage varies from 10 acres, then an acreage adjustment will be made to the parks and open space acreages The precise acreage and location will be determined prior to final subdivision map approval. 13. PA 8 includes a 40 -acre allocation for a High School. The precise acreage and location will be determined by the City.. If the actual acreage varies from 40 acres, then the acreage adjustment will be made to the Community Core designation, however, the total allowable square feet of non-residential development and maximum dwelling units in PA 8 will remain the same. 14. PA 1 is composed of numerous public conveyance uses as specified in Section 2.3 and 2.4 of the Specific Plan. 15. PA 1-A includes a 10 -acre allocation for an Elementary School. 16. The actual amount of existing square footage is 2,183,956. However, adjustments to two Planning Areas have been made. In PA 2, Community Park, 40,531 existing square footage is expected to be reused. In PA 5, Medium Density Residential, the 39,485 existing square footage is expected to be replaced by residential uses. 17. The development intensity assigned to the Community Park is .1 FAR; however, the existing 40,531 square feet may be reused. 18. Planning Area 15 is comprised of subplanning areas, which allocates development potential by land use type. The subplanning areas are not site specific on the Land Use Plan in order to allow for flexibility in future master planning. 19. In Planning Area 20, there is 4.1 gross acres in private ownership (with 3.3 net acres estimated for development potential); Planning Area 18 is proposed to be retained in Federal ownership by the Army Reserve with 2.2 acres granted by easement to the City of Tustin, after the Army's acceptance of the 16.7 acres from the Navy, for Barranca right-of-way (leaving 14.5 net acres). The total gross acreage for non-federal disposal is 1,585.4 acres. 20. See Section 3.3.2A for use restriction. Ordinance No. 1406 Page 21 of 25 Exhibit B Figure 3-1 Ordinance No. 1406 Page 22 of 25 VALENGA AVE PA 3 WA R x CITY OF SANTA INKR PKWY r CITY I IRVINE FMM CAMW 3 • Land dp mW Lend Use Planning Anm PAS - PLAUGNC AREA NUMBER Q • MCAS TUSTIN BOUNDARY • IRVINE/TUSTWiSANTA ANA BOUNDARY ® SPECIFIC PIAN BOUNDARY - ADDITIONAL ROAD RIONT OF WAY NDTESz I Raom-W s are oa epkm a Dw 0.wa Rood, ao— odeals road vd s1 .ey Pdeeadsdlmaft xamm w o a�tlj IZOM40 60sommillaftI1M s g7 aLAR of iso g .1 1" go tie a:aeed 12.E O.WkV Wto per a;.,o W -A5 riots fprafr M. Ordinance No. 1406 Page 23 of 25 Exhibit C Figure 3-3 Ordinance No. 1406 Page 24 of 25 1 1 ampftft M Pwren rrao.�mwe�taaenam �Gp�ra 9�ti aoMaduar ae0lrm•eapa aYi+adoeror�a Wow Mas hG lr*n m Pall •Gaana n to" 9.19 0 PA 4 pom mommovaeaaar abno O�oPairaat Guam" ars-mft drnecmnaamaw m lam rii dewoppo Mbow.wmmv OVA vebp pek PA 6 PM"fttr tml peftman ram WA memo" toeam�n cvap wrmaa Ina» � wrM+eovn+maane Sae Fipota 2d9 ,uus iYaa PYosrRm. t.rry �f'ikvr YsIt Ordinance No. 1406 Page 25 of 25