HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 420 (1968) 1 ORDINANCE NO. 420 ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED 3 TERRITORY DESIGNATED SANTA CLARA AVENUE-FAIRMONT ° WAY ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. 4 5 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN: 6 WHEREAS, on the 15th day of July, 1968, the Council of the City of Tustin did pass and adopt Resolution No. 952, giving 7 notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Tustin, said territory being therein designated as 8 "SANTA CLARA AVENUE-FAI~4ONT WAY ANNEXATION", said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be -9 annexed; and 10 WHEREAS, said Resolution contained a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the Council of the City of Tustin · 11 .would hear protests made by any person owning real property within the territory proposed' to be. annexed, the time of said hearing 12 being not less than.forty (40) nor more than sixty (60) days from the date of passage of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of September, 1968, at the hohr 14 of 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Street (corner of Third Street), in the City of Tustin, County of Orange"- 15 State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution for hearing protests to the said 16 annexation, the said City Council did hear and pass upon all protests made to the proposed annexation, and did determine that 1V protests had not been made by the owners of one-half of the value of the privately owned territory proposed to be annexed, as shown 18 by the last equalized assessment roll, nor by public owners of one-half of the value of the pubiicly owned territory proposed to 19 be annexed, as determined'by.said legislative'body; and 20 WHEREAS., said territory'is contiguous to the C'ity of Tustin, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; 21 NOW, THEREFORE,, the said Council of the City of Tustin 2Z does hereby approve the annexation of the territory hereina!ter described to the City of Tustin, and does hereby further ordain 23 'that the said territory be and it is hereby annexed to the City of Tustin. ~4 That said territory, the annexation of which to the City 25 of Tustin is hereby approved, is all that territory situate in the County of Orange, State of-California, more particularly described 26 in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth hereat in full. '27 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Cour .] 28 of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 16th day of September , 1968. MAYOR 31 ATTEST:' CITY CLE'~< mb ~/28/68 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) . COUNZf OF ORANGE ) SS CZT~ OF ~'US~Z~ ) \ RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Ctt~ Council. of t~he Ci~ of ~stin~ California, does hereb~ ceri. i~y that the whole number of ~he' members of the Cit~ Council of the City of .~st[n is five~ that ~he shove and foregoing Ordinance No.420 was du].~ and regularl~ ix~troduced end read st a regular meeting of the Cft~ Council held on the Brd da~ of Se~embe~ , 1~8, and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at 'a reg~lar meeting held on the 16~h ds~ oSe_p~embe~, 1~8, b~ the following vote: A~: COUNCILMEal_COCO, .~A~.m~.z KL!NGELHOFER, - MILLER, ~[~RSTERS ~OFS: CO~CILM~ NONE ' A~ENT: COUNCIL}LEN NONE Ci'~'.y of '.i?t~s't:j.n~ Ca.}.:[fo;:rt.i~.,., as; c.t;i atblis:;]~c:d }.,y l'-)K--~ }.,'ai:cmo}'~k 2'~nne>,a.'kj.c~-'.l }:>l~' Or'dir~ar}cc: .No>'. 30C',, <lai:cx] Z~}7,~:.i.]. 3.8, 3.966, said '.[.;hc~wn c>n a n~ap therc:o~E ~'c-~co}:Ck~d j.r~ ]~c>o]c 23.3_~ I~ac. jes 33 ant! a]~[l~ ]:>oi}~: also ]>ei]'~ on the survczyec~ c:e~'(:e)z3. ine of San~:~ ~hence Sou'[:l~ 00° :1.~~ ~0" ~e~: a3.0n~] ~:he bo~nclary o}~ saic~ 'j~rao'[: ]'.~c~, 5'1~3 and a. 3. on~ sa~C[ C:i'Ly boundE.o:y 50.00 ~[e~.t to' an . an~[].e })oir~(: 5. n sa:i.d T~:ac:'['. ~o. 57d3 bouncla~y a~!cl' ~:.o the c~as~:c~r].y co)z)~ezc of i:hal-. cc~}7'tai~ pa.}r~:e]_ of ].ant] conveyed i:o the Si:ate of Ce~3. ifc~rnia }:',y dc~c~d rec:o}x]ec~ in Boo]c ~2'78, }.~ei~Ie 365, Officie~:l. }%ecb~rc]s ol: O):'ani~e Couni:y, 't:be]icx~ [;out:h 8'7° 54 5V" Wesi: a.].o}~g t:h<~ Sc~u-ther].y 'line of ~;aicl'pa):c:el of ].anti c:on~,eyec] l:o i:be S-La.i'-e'of Ca.].ifornie~ anti t:he lqo~ri:h~,~es.i:c~:c:[y ].j.~c~ of saj. d T}Tac'h No. ,., a aist-ar~cc~ of t7[~,85 foe'[: t:O tl}~e SC)llt}]~'2Ogli (:O371](~1f Of l'.]]O ].'e't]'~C] (:c)rlvc~ye(~ by deecl reco):c]c.~c] in }3cK>]~ 4278, }~ag-e 365, Official }'~ecorc~s, and to> }nc}s'k lqo)T'[Lhc~asi:e:c].y cc~rner of 'J.')Te~,'c~ ~c>. 57'26, as shown on a. ~l~e:ceo:E re. co}Tcled in Boo]c. 211, }~'a~es 30, 31, aria 32, D.iisc:e13. ar~eous Maps, }.-~o~c~o):c~E; oE f;aic] C)}:en'~{~e C:our~i:~~, saj. cl ~osi: (:c>):ner a.]:so ]'>ein~I an ar~gle poj. r~L: jn t.}'~[~i: cc~):.'l:ain pa}Tee]. o~' ).ancl convey eel .i:o- t:he Si:a'Le' oE C:a]:i fo}:n ie~ by deecl )Tec~orclcza j. n Boo]~ 4 ~ A 5 Pagc-z ~'g- OE'~ieia3 }~eco}Tcls o~ said ODranC.[c~ Cc>uni:y; ~b~r~ac~ e~3. on~ said '.['xae'[: No>, 5'126 })ouncle~Jzy arK] a]_onc3 Ehe botll'~aaiTy o~ saj.~ }:>a):eel o~ :l.e.l]~cl ):ecio]rclec] in BOO)~ ~4~5 ]?aqe 49 O~Zic:ie.t:l. Reco:cc~s SouLh 8'2° 54' 5:1" West 21,3.3 fc~et-. anc~ 8d° ].8~ 26" Wes(: }.60. 40 fee'L, more or 3. ess, ~o ~:be ~,j_-bh t:hc~ Sc~ui:he}:ly pzolor~S~aLion of the Wes't line oZ T~:ac:~: No. 1520 as sho%-zr~ on a rf~ap ~hereo~ rc~c6rclecl in Book ?~ Pac, es 8 and 9 M. isc~c~:l laneo~s ~'.~E.~ps~ }~eeo:cc~s o~ said C)~anSle Count:y, and t:o an }~c~j. nL in said C::i.i:y bour, clary, a.s esi:al.~l:i. sbecl by i:he Marsha}.1 by Orcl.i nanc:c: No ].~-5 da~:ed Cra. nuayy 16, . - , 1961; ~:be]leO ~C~7~'.}'~CYr].y aloDcf E;elj. C~ SOL~(:~'~C-~r].y O:CO].C}Dcr~'~Or~ ~Z'~C~ ~lOZlcr [~a~d C:it'.y ]~ounc~e;)?y 74.5cJ ~c~e'E, n~ore or ).ess, (:o saicl ]x~u~d~.ccy al. ong; set5. c] su3:veyec] c:eni:e3:!ine of Sa. nt:a C:].ara Avar~ue, 356,52 feel:, n'~ore or 3. ess, t'.o the poir~t of Emhibit A Ordinance No. 420