HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 404 (1968) ORDINANCE NO. 404 1 · AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, ,,, ~5 DESIGNATED "BROWNING AVENUE- WALNUT AVENUE ANNEXATION" TO THE. CITY 0F TUSTTN, CALIFORNIA 4 -. BE IT ORDAINEl) BY TIll'; COUNCIl, OF TIlE CITY OF 5 TtJSTIN~ _. 6 WIIEREAS, on 1Sth day o.f April, 1968, the Council. of tile: City of' Tustin did pass and adopt Resolution No. 935 giving 8 notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory g to the City of Tustin, said territory being therein designated %0 as "BROWNING AVENUE-WALNUT AVIiNUE ANNEXATION" said Rcsol. ution ll describing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be. 12 ,~nnexed; and 15 WHEREAS, said Resolution contained a notice of the '14 day, hour and p~ace when and where the Council of the City of .. 15 Tustin would hear protests made by any person ewnipg real 16 property within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time 17 of said hearing being prescribed by lax.:; and 18 WiIt'ZREAS, on the 3rd day of June, 1968 at the hour of 19 7:30 O'cloCk, . , P.M in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" ~O Street in the City of Tustin, Cotrely of Orange, State of ~1 California, said time and place being the day, hour and place ~8' fixed in said Resolution for hearing protests to the said 25 annexation, the said City Council did hear and pass upon all ~4 protests made to the proposed annexation and did determine that 25 protests had not be~n made b), the owners of one-half of the 26 value 'of the privately and publicly own6d territory proposed ,-- 27 to be annexe'd as determined by said legislative body; and 28 WItEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the Cit. y of 29 Tustin, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; 50 51 52 · B -NOW, TIIEREF. OtlE, the said Council of the City of ~ Tustin aoes hereby approve the annexation of the territory . 4 hereinafter described to the City of Tustin, and does hereby: ~ further ordain that said territory be and it is hereby ... 6 annexed to the' City of Tustin-, effective September 1, 1968. V : That said territory, the annexation of which to the 8 City of Tustin is hercity approVed, is all the territory situate 9 in the County of Orange, State of California, more XO .l~articularly described in lixhibit "A" attached hereto and 11 made a part hereof by this reference. 12 PASSED AND AI)OPTEI) at a regular meeting of the 13 C;ity Council of the City of Tustin, California held on' the 17th day of June, 1968. 17 MAYOR 18 19 aO ATTEST: ~4 CITY CLERK B5 ~6 ~7 ~8 29 50 :q' i'..'if f " BROWNING AVENUE-- WALNUT AVENUE ANNEXATION (~";'."" :"" : TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ' Beginning ~t an angle ~oint in the existinq boundary of ' j~'.:'~L~'?'!'-'f~z') the Cit~ of Tustin, California as estab]iished b~ the "Re~ Hill - · ?=kll-lU~'.~:~.'~,~<f-~=~f':'::'ijj:walnut Annexation" ,by Ordinance No. 343, said angle p6int k.<.;..b. =l:c,(.being the Westerly corner of Lot 46, Block 11 of the Irvine '....:" -:.~{,tf'!0'li~."[~i~'l"'u'Subdivision, as Shown on a mad 'thereof reco " ....... "' · rded in Book 1., -'[[:./']'iij'.=jj"~-.s~.7. Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps in the .... office of the ?:?=';'[~t..,.l...%.[(==~County Recorder of Orange County, Ca].ifornia, said point also U7, ,f f,<,., being the intersection of the centerlines of Red Hill Avenue · . . and Walnut Avenue; , · ~'1 Boundary along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 46 and along "~?'j;/.-:":"; said centerline of Red Hill Avenue, 990.83 feet to .the Westerly .;; ... ..'- corner of Tract No. 5319, as shown on a map thereof recorded in ~'..[.r:].-.'-.::-.lBook 203, Pages 47 and 48, Miscellaneous Maps records of said L].~,-~:/.'..: ~...~-.'.. Orange County; , k';?'~'='("'...~:l' thence South 49o 40' 54" East along the Southwesterly line ' .... ..:..-; ..j..(:of said Tract No. 5319, a distance of 660.00 feet to the Southerly .... .- corner of said Tract No. 5319 and to a point on the NOrthwesterly f:-jjilrf .. '. '~:""line of Tract No. 5378, as shown on a map thereof recorded in ' "" f' "" "'/. Book 195, Pages 9 to 17 inclusive ,, Miscellaneous Maps, records :.~ r. ....... · -....:~;....:v of said Orange County; ' ~-/":[~.".~=' ?~.' thence South 40o 19 ' 31" West along said Northwesterly line '-'~r"~'~ (:."f 330 38 feet to the Westerly corner of said Tr. act No..5378; ~.:~-.lr:./i.",V.] '..' j.'thence South 49° 40' 58" East along the Southwesterly 'line : .-:' ...,f. of said Tract No. 5378, a distance of 990.97 feet, to the Southerly · - ' -' '..corner of said Trace No. 5378; :"'r(' thence North 4~ 17' 44" East-along the Southeasterly line "" ~" ':. of-said Tract No. 5378, a distance of 660.19 feet to the Easterly =~-- corner of said Tract No. 5378 and to a point on ~he Northeasterly .'~:./.-'.:-(-.-line of Lot 45, Block tl of said Irvine Subdivision, said North- ~:.:~..~. ~.'.~easterly line also being the centerline of Mitchell Avenue; ..... thence South 49° 40' 18" East along said Northeasterly line · '~ . of Lot 45, a distance of 990.53 feet, tO the Easterly corner of '~-:' " 'said Lot 45 and 'to the Westerly corner of Lot 37,. i':'~':-";""":=" Block 45 of said . '--~.:.. :....-1= Irvine Subdivision, ':7(f.f=):.-"""?" thence North 3~ 56' 00" East along the Norhhwesterly line ..~.~,~-.~:"."Of said Lot 37, said Northwesterly line also being the centerline '; of Br.owning Avenue, 1,257 feet, more or less, to a point on the .~-' ... Soukhwesterly line of the land described in deed to the State of California, recorded in Book 4072, Page 65, Off'icial Records of ;.-. -- said Orange County and to a point South 39° 56' 00" West 63.02 feet '.':-' · from the Norther. ly corner of said Lot 37; thence South 4~ 31' 53" East along said Southwesterly line 655.-87 feet to the Northwesterly right of way line of that certain Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company easement, 60.00 feet Wide, as described in the deed recorded August 29,. 1914, in Book 258, .-- Page 383 of Deeds, records of said Orange County; [hence Souhh 39° 56' 00" West along said Northwest:erly rjgh~: of way line 2,548 feet, more or less, to a point on the SoU~-h,.vestcrly line of Lot 44~ Block 45 of said Irvine Sub-- d-~biz.~.6n and to an angle point in the existing boundary of ~. the C:[t~y of Tustin as established by said "Red Hill - Walnut Annexa [:~.on": thence North 49° 41' 38" West along the Southwesterly lines of Lot 44, Block 45 and Lots 45 and 46, Block 11 of said Irvine Subdivision and along said existing boundary, 3,300 feet, more or lesS, to the point of beginning. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNT~ OF ORANGE ) SS Cn~ OF ~USn~ ) \ RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of ~\~stin, California, does hereby certify that the ~hote number of ~he members of the Cit~ Council of the Cit~ of ~stin ~s five; %hat the above and foregoing Ord~.nance No. ~jas duly and regularl~ introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Cit~ Council held on the _.]r.~ ....... day of: Jm~e , 1968, and was given ~ts second readi. ng and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the j~h_ ._day of ~h~ae , 1968, by the following vote: A~S: COUNC!LM~ COCO ~_ ~CK ~ KLINGELHOFER ~MZI.~D~B ~ MARSTERS NOteS: CO~CI]X~q NONE _A~ENT: CO~CIL~N NONE City of Tustin ~ caY~.~'r'~ic'