HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 254 (1964) ORDINANCE NO. 254 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DESIGNATED "MALENA DRIVE ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. Be it ordained by the CouncZ1 of the City of Tus t in: WHE?EAS, on 'the 2rid d.ev of ~r, ch~ 1~'~ the Cou~cll of the Ci~y of Tusbin clie DaBS ~7z~d ado~-b ~esolu~ioz~ No. 200, givln~ no~ice of the _proposa, l a, nnex c 'rt~l: unlmha~itea terr'ibor~ to the Cib2 of Tustin, said terri bory ~einS t:,hePei~ d.,r:~si~na~ed .as · ~ .~,P~.. b~d,,~ ANNiEXATIOI{" and s~i.d l{lesotution d'~ r~bed the boufdaPies of the territory proposed to be a;~m. exed; and %.JHIsEEAS said Resolution did contain a notice of the day, hour ard place when and where the Council of the City of Tustln would h'e~r: protests made by any person' ownin~ e property within the tei~ritory r el ~orooosed to be annexed, the time of se~id hearing being not less than. forty (a0) non more than sixty (60) days from the date of passage of said l!esolution} e, nd WHEREAS, the Bou~darZ Commission of the Coun%Z of O~-a~o'e Sb~te of C~itifornia, __ , .... o , did in session duly assembled, api',rove the proposed annexet~ion boundaries of said annexation; and WHEIEAS, April gist, 196~4., st the hour of i-n the Council Chambers, in the i'ustir~ ~=:'es. Youth C~ , Center, 600 W, aixtb Street, ~ty of lustin, County of O}>an~e, Sts~te of Ca~' ~Forr. ia, 9 protest hearinP '7, · w;~s ~ul.y held, pursuant to notice corltei'.ned in said llesolution and continuance thereof, ~and on ss. id ds. te, st said time <=}nd-~'~' ~'~ ~.~-ace ~r .... Cit~' Council did n .... and pass uY, on all eretests made to t~,e proposed on~ lid determine thg. t protests he=~d not been ma. de by the owners of one-half of the value of the privately owned territory 'proposed to be annexed, as shown on the last equellzed assessment roll, nor ]:V pub!io owner. s of one-half of the value of the publicly owned territory proposed L.o be an:nexed, as d ate rmin. ed by said legi-lnt~ve body; s .... ~nd ~",=r~:~,ra<:- Said territory is cont~r~ous to City of 'Pustin, arid is uninhabited territory in the ~ : County of Orange: NOW, THEREFOZiN, the said Council of the City of Tustin. does hereby ap.prove ~"~ _ ~.~.: anr~eyation of the territory hereinafter d. escreb~ to tb~, Cit-v of Tustin and does hereby further ordah'~ that the said territory' be and it is hereby annexed to the City oT Tustin, T'r; % te the amr!exation of which --~a~ said rritory, to the City of Tustin is hereby approved, is all t ......territory si. tuate in the Cou-nty o~ jra,~S:~, State of California, more particularly describet ~}i S 0 t O W S it~ B6u~c]ary of the the existing C City of Tust~r: as zer Yorba Street Amrmexation ].'~o. 2 a-~ne'xe~] S:~ accorc~- ance with Ordinance No. t39 oess~.d a, nc] '~.do'obec~ by bhe Zustin City Council om Se-otember 6, 1960, said ar~gle "oint being the °outheast corner o~ Tr~K~ct No. ].%6~ as shown on a mac thereof recorded in Book 120, pages 1~ and].~ f~!iscetlaneous ~aps, Eecords of Orange County, California., said angle ?oint .also being the Northeast corner of Trzct i.,Yo. ~!67 as sho~,,m o~ a mac tb~'~.eo'e recorde~ i'~ book 188, p:~.~es 39 and ~0, Miscellaneous Maps, Re~ord. s of Orange County, California: Thence, departing f~.om said City bour~arT, S 0 0~'03~' ~ along the Eass li:~e of sai:i i~ract );o~ ~167 a distar~ce of 6~7.07 feet, to the Southeast corner of said Tract No. ~167: 0 Thence, S 89 20'22" W~ along °'outh line of se~cU '2~.~,~ Lo 516'~ a distance of j30.90 feet., to the South- x/¢est corner of said. Tract DJo. 5167: 0 Thence, N 0 02 ' 00" W, alon~y the West line of said Tract No. 5167 a distance of 661.9~ feet, to the N'orth- west corner of said Trac'b No. 5167, sai. d corner bei:q~X on said existing City Boundary of the City of Tustin: eo'llow!ng s. long Thence, .... exist~.ng City boundary, S 89 ~9' 0l_~ E, along Che North li'ne of said Tract No. 5167 , a dist~nce of feet, to bhe ooint of beginning. OAj3:]]'fYjD AND ADOPTED at a re:!~ular meeti. n~ of the City "'~o'~,n c i ~ held on the 4th day of May, 1964. _. ~ ~ ~-z ~ of tb~ City of i~ustin, California, he]..d on the ~th day of Hay, ayor STATE OF CALIFON. N'IA, ) CITY OF TUSTIN, ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk anc] Ex-officio Clerk of the ~ity Council of the City of Tt~stin, California, does hereby c~}!~'ti£y that the number of the members of t~?~e City Council of the City of :i'ustin is five; t~at ~he abov~ anc~ fore- ~oi-n;~3· Ordin~v~ce ~es ,duly end r~Sularl-y i~t roduced and ~ .... ~ .st a reS~.].~7.~,-~ rn~:~et~ of the City Council held on t~h~ 21st ~fiay of ~pril, lxo~$, and wss~ g'3_ven its second r~0sdisqg and ,a~a,~ ,9assed and a6opted a regular meeting he~ on the ~th day of !96~, by the fol!owi~ vote. AYES:' COUNCILMEN fSheridam~ Doney,i~Sack, Coco NOES: COUNCZLMEN None ABSI~NT: C'OUNCILZ'(EN Kli~gelhofer City Cler]~ Tustin, C.!v~lifornia