HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 232 (1963)1089 ORDINANCE NO. 232 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE NECESSARY TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1963-64. The City Council of the City 'of Tustin does Ordain as follows: Section 1: That it is hereby determined and dec- lared bythe City Council of the City of Tustin that the sum of $399,398.00 is the amount of revenue necessary to be raised in order 'to~ carry on the various departments of the City of Tustin for the fiscal year 1963-64.' Section2: That of said sum of $399,398.'00 it is an- ticipated that there will be received, as income from various sources other than through property tax levy, the sum of $305,578.00 and that it will be necessary to raise the sum of ~93,820.00 by tax levy upon the property with.in. the City of Tustinj Section 3.; The sum of $25,000.00 o~t of the a~o~mt budgeted to the Police Department will be taken from ths Motor Vehicles license Fund for police salaries. The sum of $4,000.00 of the amount budgeted to the Police Department shall be taken from the Alcoholic Beverage LicenSe Fund, and shall be trans- ferred to~the General Fund for that purpose. Of the money budgeted for the Street Department, $29,000.00 of the salaries of the City Engineer and the Street Superintendent and of the monies expended for the street truck, and of the monies expended for the repair, maintenance and con- struction of major City Streets, shall be taken from the Traffic Safety Fund. The budget of the Street Department for construction Of major highways approved by the State of California shall be paid for from special gas tax funds. : Section 4: That the $399,398.00 so required by the various department~ of the City of Tustin during the fiscal year is distributed and budgeted 'as follows: ADMINISTRATION: A-1 Salaries - City Clerk, Dep. Clerk, $ Clerical, Attorney (basic) 20,760.00 1095 Ajl-a Fees Legal, treasurer $ 5,600.00 A=l-b ExPen~eR~i~bur~eme~t.-.CQu~cil 1,500.00 A-2 Utilities 7,000.00 A-3 insurance 6,750.00 A[4 Printing & Publishing 5,500.00 Aj5 Materials and Supplies 2,400.00 AZ6 Custodian 540.00 A-7 Dues and Advertising (Community Promotion) 500.00 Aft8 Building Repair and Maintenance a. Administration $350.00 b. Fire 750.00 c. Police 400.00 1,500.00 Aj9 Equipment Repair and Maint. 200.00 Ajl0 Annexation Costs 2,500.00 A-11 Rentals ........... 4,000.00 A-12 Travel - Conventions, meetings, etc. 500.00 A-13-a Civil Defense - Salaries i,800.00 A-'lD-b Civil Defense - Expenses (Auto-Tel.-etc.) 400.00 A-'13-C Civil Defense - Supplies, Mailing, etc.) 1,000.00 A-13-d Civil Defense - Capital Outlay 4,600.00 Aj14 Budgeting and Statist~ical 1,300.00 A~15 Retirement (ss) 4,500.00 A~16 Election Expense 600.00 A-'17 inspections (County Bldg.) 2,000.00 A,18 Miscellaneous 800.00 A-19 Capital Outlay 16,100.00 Total Administration .............. $ 92,350.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT B-1 Salaries - Chief, Assistant, Insp. etc. 24,188.00 B-l-a Fees - Exp.Reimb. Uniform Allowance 4,700.00 B-4 Printing & Publishing (incl. office supplies) 800.00 B-5~ Material and~ shpPlke~ ~(0Xy~e~ ~t~.~} 1,000.00 B-8 Building repair & maint. (see Admin.) B-9 Equipment Repair & Maint. 2,000.00 B-f1 Rentals & Maint.-Fire Hydrants 2,500.00 B-18 Miscellaneous ---.-- 1100 B-19 Capitol Outlay ~ 8,200'.00 Total Fire Department .............. ~ 43,388.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT C-1 Salaries - police, matron~!~, clerical ~ 5?,380.00 C-4 Printing & Publishing (incl.office sup.) 1,000.00 C-5 Material & Supplies {ammunition etc.) 1,000.00 C-8 Building repair and Maint. (See Administration) C-9 Equipment repair and maint. {incl. uniform) 1,600.00 C-10 Auto repair & maint. (gas etc.) 4,300.00 C-11 Jail & Prisioners 600.00 C-12 Travel 400.00 C-18 Miscellaneous 400.00 C-19 Capital Outlay 6,000.00 TotaZ Police Department .............. ~ ?2,680.00 STREET DEPARTMENT D-1 Salaries - Engineer, draftsmen, etc. ~ 22,590.00 D-2 Salaries - Street Supt. & labor 9,960.00 D-4 Material & Supplies {Engineer) 2,000.00 D-5 Material & Supplies (Maint.-Streets) 2,000.00 D-8 Equipment repair & maint. {Engineering)' 200.00 D-9 Equipment repair & maint. (Streets) 1,000.00 D_10 Outside Services - Engineering {survey etc) 3,000.00 D-11 Outside Services Street Maint. (eqmip,rent, street repair) 10,500.00 D-12~ Travel (auto exp..allow - Engineer) 1,200.00 D-18 Miscellaneous D-19 CaPital Outlay (Engineering) ..... D-20 Capital Outlay {Street Const.) 46,400.00 D-21 . Engineering - (Gas Tax Money) ~ D-22. Construction Streets - (Gas Tax Money). Total Street Dept ................. ~ 98,850.00 PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS E-1 Salaries ~ 10,300.00 E-2 Utilities (See Administration) E-5 Material & Supplies (trees, small tools etc) 1,100.00 f 110: E-7 Advertising - Office Supplies ~ 250.00 E-11 Outside Services,(sidewalk repairs, tree Maint.) 2,500.00 E-12I Travel {Auto exp,) 400.00 E-18 Miscellaneous 150.00 E-19' Capital Outlay 1,500.00 Total Parks and Playgrounds ........... ~ 16,200.00 TUSTIN YOUTH CENTER F-1 Salaries ~ 5,000.00 F-2 Utilitie~ ('see ;A~mfnfs~r~tfon) F-5 Mat'eriaIs '&'SuppileS [offi'c~, ~J~nitoriai, etc) 326.00 F-8 Building rep~i~ ~ mafn~. 300.00 F-9 Equipment repair and maint. 300.00 F-18 Miscellaneous 100.00 F-19 Capital Outlay 200.00 Total Tustin Youth Center ............ $ 6,226.00 SANITARY DEPARTMENT G-I0 Weed Cleanihg $ G-11 Outside Services - waste collection (contracted) 24,000.00 G-18 Miscellaneous Exp ...... G-19 Capital Outlay Total Sanitary Department ............ $ 24,000.00 SEWER DEPARTMENT H-11 Outside Maintenance Service $ 2,000.00 Total Sewer Department ............. $ 2,000.00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT K-1 Salaries $ 9,04S.00 K-l-a Expense reimbursement (Commissioners) 1,260.00 K-5 Materials and Supplies 1,500.00' K-9 Eqdipment repair & maint. 85.00 K-12 Travel & Meetings (Co mmissioners & Planner) 610.00 K-18 Miscellaneous 700.00 K-19 Capital Outlay 501.00 Total Planning Department ............ $ 13,704.00 11o2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L-1 Salaries $ 20,544.00 L-5 Material & Supplies 1,000.00 L-6 Engineering Costs 2,000.00 L-12 Travel Expense 1,500.00 L-I~ Miscellaneous 1,500o00 L-~9 Capita~ Outlay ....... 3,456.00 T0~al Building Department ........... $30,000.00 TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES .......... $ 399,398.00 Undistributed Reserve ............. 55,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS ......... $ 454,398.00 Section 9: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once within fifteen days after its adoption, in the Tustin News, a weekly Newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Tustin, and said Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force im- mediately from and after its final adoption. Passed and Adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of August, 1963. .... MAYOR iio' ATTEST CZTY OL~ERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, ) CITY OF TDSTIN. ) SS RUTH Co POE hereby certifies that she is the City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin; that the number of members of the City Council is five; that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly given its f~rst reading on the 15th day of July, 1963, at a regular meeting of the City Council, and was given its second read- ing and passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of August, 1963, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: DoneY,Sheridan,Humeston,Mack,Klingelhofer NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None Ruth C. P~~~ 'CiTy\L~K