HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 087 (1952)4132 ORDINANCE NO. 87 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIF- ORNIA, IMPOSING A LICENSE TAX FOR THE PRIV- ILEGE OF COMMENCING, TRANSACTING OR CARRY- ING ON BUSINESS, SHOWS, EFIIITIONS OR LAWFUL GAMES IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIF- ORNIA; PROVIDING A PERMIT THEREFOR; PROVID- ING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF; AND REPEAL- ING ORDINANCES NOS- 4., 52, 66 and 69, AND ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person, or for any body corporate, or as an officer of any corporation, or otherwise, to commence to carry on any trade, calling, profession or occupation, in this ordinance specified, in the City of Tustin, without first hav- ing procured a license from said City so to do or without com- plying with any and all regulations of such trade, calling, pro- fession or occupation contained in this ordinance; and the carry- ing on of any trade, calling, profession or occupation mentioned in this ordinance without first having procured a license from said City to do so, or without complying with any and all regu- lations -of such trade, calling, profession or occupation con- tained in this ordinance, shall constitute a separate violation of this ordinance for each and every day that such trade, cal- ling, profession or occupation is so carried on. ;SECTION 2. The amount of any license imposed by this ordinance shall be deemed a debt to the City of Tustin; and any person, firm or corporation carrying on any trade, cal- ling, profession or occupation mentioned in.this ordinance with- out having a license from said City so to do, shallbe liable to an action in the name of said City in any Court of competent jurisdiction, for the amount of license by this ordinance im- posed on such trade, calling, profession or occupation. SECTION 3- It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and issue a license under this ordinance for every person, firm or corporation liable to pay a license hereunder, and to state in each license the amount thereof, the period of time covered thereby, the name of the person, firm, or corpora- {{ tion to whom issued, the trade, calling, profession or occupa- I tion licensed and the location or lace of'business where such F p ch trade, calling, profession or occupation is_to be carried on. The City Clerk shall deliver all such licenses to the Chief of Police for collection. No license granted or issued under any provision of this ordinance shall be in any manner transferred or assigned, or authorize any person, firm or corporation other=than is there- in mentioned or named, to do business within the City of Tustin. The City Clerk shall make_a charge of One Dollar ($1.00) for each duplicate license issued to replace any license issued under the provisions of this ordinance which has been lost or destroyed. In no case shall any mistake made by the City Clerk in stating the amount of a license prevent or prej- udice the collection by the City of what shall be actually due from any one carrying on a trade, calling, profession or occu- pation subject to a license under this ordinance. _ SECTION 4- Every person, firm or corporation hav- Ing a license under the provisions of this ordinance, and carry - Ing on a trade, calling, profession or occupation at a fixed place of.business, shall keep such license posted and exhib- ited while In force, .in some conspicuous part of said place of business. Every person having such license, and not having a fixed place of business, shall carry such license with him at all times while carrying on the trade, calling, profession or occupation for which the same was granted. Every person, firm or corporation having a license shall produce and exhibit the same, when applying faor a renewal thereof, and whenever re- quested to do so.by any police officer, or, by any officer au- thorized to issue, inspect or collect licenses. SECTION 5. All police officers are hereby appointed inspectors of:licenses, and in addition to their several duties as police officers, are hereby required to examine all places of business and persons in their respective beats liable to pay a license, and to see that such licenses are taken out, and shall have and exercise the power: lst: To make arrests for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. 2nd: To enter free of charge at any time any.place of business for which a license is required by this ordinance to demand the exhibition of such license for.the current term by any person engaged or employed in the transaction of such bus- iness and if such person shall then and there fail to exhibit such license' such person shall be liable to the penalty pro- vided for a violation of this ordinance. It is hereby made the duty of the police officers to cause complaints to be filed against all persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance. Such police officers as such inspectors of licenses shall make out once a month a list of persons, firms or corpora- tions carrying on businesswithin their respective beats, and having no license, with their addresses, and deliver such list carefully and legibly written to the City Clerk, and also re- port to the City Clerk the names of all such.persons doing bus- iness without a license immediately upon_the fact coming to their knowledge. Any police Officer failing or neglecting for more than thirty (30) days to report any person,.firm or corporation who -.or which, is engaged in carrying on business without having paid the required license, shall be guilty of neglect of duty and be either suspended from duty or dismissed from the police force, in the discretion of the Police Commissioner. The Chief of Police is hereby directed to carry into effect the provisions of this section. SECTION 6. The conviction and punishment of any person for transacting any trade, calling, profession or occu- pation. without a license, shall not excusebor exempt such per- son from the payment of any license due or unpaid at the time of such conviction and nothing herein shall prevent a criminal prosecution for any violation of the provisions of this ordin- ance, SECTION"7, The City Clerk shall -have the power to require any person applying for a license pursuant to the pro- visions oft his ordinance to file with him.a written affidavit subscribed and sworn to before an official authorized to take Acknowledgements, which affidavit shall give information re- quired by the . City Clerk,. which is necessary fort he proper is- suance of any license provided for under the..provisions of this ordinance, such as,: -but not limited to, the amount of receipts or sales or of business transacted, or upon the number of men employed, the number of 'wagons or other vehicles used, the type or kind of business intended to be conducted within the City limits. All such statements shall be regarded as confiden- tial and not; subject to public inspection. It shall. -be the duty of the City Clerk to so preserve and keep the said statements that the contents thereof may not become known except to the person charged by law with the administration of this ordinance. No such statement shall be conclusive upon the City of -Tustin, or upon any officer thereof, as to the matters therein set forth, ,and the same shall not prejudice the right of the City to recover any amount that may be ascertained to be due from such person, firm or corporation in addition to the ,amount shown by.such statement/ to-be:due in case such statement.shall be found to be incorrect. Failure to make any such statement required by theCityClerk shall constitute -a direction to the City Clerk to require the maximum rate, herein prescribed for the profession, trade, calling or -occupation carried- on by the person , firm:or corporation requested to make such -statement, and further any failure to make such -statement shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance and shall be punish- able under the provisionsof this ordinance. SECTION 8. The City Clerk shall add a penalty'of ten (10%) per cent to each delinquent license except as here- inafter_provided: The City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P. M. of the 10th day of every month, add to all monthly licenses remaining unpaid at that date a penalty of ten (10%) percent on each delinquent monthly license; the City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P. M. of the 20th day of the first month in which any quarterly license may be due, add to all. such quarterly licenses remaining unpaid, a penalty of (10%) percent on each delinquent quarterly license; the City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P. M. of the last day of the first month in which any semi-annual or annual license may be due, add to all.such semi-annual.and. annual licenses remaining unpaid a penalty of ten (la%) percent on each delinquent semi-annual and annual license and shall enter the same upon his books. SECTION 9. All business and. occuupational licenses shall be paid in advance in the legal currency of the United States in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin. The City Clerk shall,deposit with the City Treasurer all moneys collected by him for licenses issued, and .shall, on or before the 7th day of each month report the amount thereof to the City Council, together with the amount of.delinquent and un- collected licenses. SECTION 10. The fee for any license required by any sub -section of this section shall be that set forth herein- below for the particular business involved. The fee and the du- ration -of the license shall be annual,.semi-annual,. quarterly, monthly, weekly or daily as indicated in this section. The letter "a" following the fee shall indicate an annual fee; the letter 11stt shall indicate a. semi-annual fee; the letter llq' shall indicate a quarterly fee; the letter tWl shall indicate a monthly fee; the letter ttw" shall indicate a weekly fee, and the letter tido shall indicate a daily fee. 10.1 Advertising. By billboards and signs For first sign $25.00-a Forweach additional billboard or sign, provided thdtnb billboard or sign shall be erected Qr main- tained in the City withour first obtaining a permitfrom the .City Council approving the size and location thereof. 10.00-a By distributing samples $25.00-a By posting bills s 2.5.00-a By vehicle containing amplifier, phono- graph. loud speakers, etc. For each vehicle 30.00-s Provided that no license shall be required under this section.from any personj, firm, or corporation maintaining a regular place of business within the City of Tustin and advertising his or its own line of goods or occupation and paying the regular 11 - cense under another section of this ord- inanoe. Further providing that nothing contained in the preceeding subsections shall be deemedor construed a-s,applying to the owners of real estate, or their agents, in adv6rtising their property for sale or lease by means of billboards or signs lo- cated upon the property advertised for sale or lease. 10*2 Amusements, Bowling Alley 20.00-a Boxing or wrestling exhibitio n, per exhibition 1.5.00 Carnival, tent show or open-air show, or In hall,orbuilding not constructed for theatrical purposes, after receiv- Ing a'permit from the City Council ,_upon application 25.00-d Marble gamess ray guns, pin ball machines or other machines for amusement, per each machine 25.00-a o Music'boxes., photograph or motion pic- ture devices operated by insertion of 4 coinp per each machine 25,00-a Public billiard or pool room 20.00-a Skating rink 20.00-a 10-3 Ambulance Service 20.00-a 1014- Auctions per auctioneer 25.00-d .Except for persons such as sheriff or other law enforcement official conducting a sale in connection with his official duty As such, or,for sale conducted underthe order of any Court, or pursuant to any public law. 10-5 Automobile. Storage or oarking, but not in building 10000-s Automobile repairs 20,00-a Service Station 20.00-a Sales, new or used 10000-s 408 10.6 Barber,Shop.or Beauty Parlor $20.00-a E 10.7 Baths, Public, of all'types 20.00-a 10.8 Building and Loan, Finance ,Association, or Escrow Office 20.00-a 10.9 Bus. Station or terminal 20.00-a Bus or vehicle for hire operator, per vehicle 20.00-a Bus or vehicle for hire - you drive, per vehicle 5.00-q 10.10 Card Writers Stands. On public streets.or in doorway, for the writing or,printing of any card, invitation or announcement: 10.00-s 10.11 Cleaning. Of the exterior of any building by com- pressed air, vacuumcleaneror any other machine propelled power 10.00-q Cleaning and dyeing plant by any pro- cess of.washing or immersing in F a volatile or inflammable liquid 10.00-q Where no plant or factory is conducted in connection therewith 20.00-a Laundry 20.00-a Soliciting or delivering laundry and/ or dry cleaning either to or from any laundry or dry cleaning estab- lishment not having a fixed place of business in the City, per ve- hicle 10.00-s 10.12 Circus, including Menagerie. Seating capacity in excess of 500 per- sons 25.00-d Seating capacity less than 500 persons 20.00-d For each side show conducted in con- junction with a circus or menag- erie or under the same management 5.00-d For every parade conducted by or under the same management as a circus, menagerie or animal show where such show is conducted outside of the City rof Tustin 25.00-d 10.13 Cold Storage or Refrigeration> Plant 20.00-a 10.1. Contracting Business. Including building, constructing, elec- trical, painting, plastering, masonry, floor finishing, polish- ing, interior decorating, land- scaping, lawn renovating, wall papering, plumbing, or any other , s J work on buildings or grounds or personal property requiring a license by the, _State .of California.$20.00-a 10.15 Dance. s Public hall or club (permit required from r c City Council 25.00-a No fee required for any religious, charitable, civic, fraternal, pub- lic school or patriotic organiza-. tion of the City of Tustin when ap- proved by the City Council a Academys club sor teacher having an estab- lished place of business 5.00-q Teacher having no,xiegularly established place of business5.00-s 10.16 D rectory,Service l. Concerning all publibusiness or classi- fied directorys 10.00-a 10.17 Detective Agency 10.00-8 Merchant protective patrol, when permit Issued by City Council 10.00-8 10.18 Etiployment Bureau. Including union hiring hall or business office 20.00-a 10.19 Fireworks.. Deal in or selling (permit- required from City Council) 1.00-d 10.20 Florist. Including nurseryy, all types, retail or wholesale 20.00-a 10.21 Food Selling. At retail or wholesale for human or animal consumption, including restaurants 20.00-a 10.22 Fumigator or Sprayer. Including all types of pest control service 20.00-a 10,23 Hotel. Including rooming house, apartment house, court.or auto court 5.00-q 10.2. House Moving. Salvage or wrecking 10.00-q 10.25 Ice Distributor, per vehicleS.pQ-q 10.26 Junk Dealer. Rags and papers only 5.00-q c Where not limited to the aboge Collecting by vehicle, par vehicle 10.27 Knife and Scissor Grinder 10,2$ Manufacturing or Selling at Wholesale 10,29 Messenger Service. 10.30 Pawn Broker 10,31 Peddler. *10.00-q 5.00-d 5.00-q e 20.00-f. 5.00-q 20.00-m Of flags, b.anners,_balloonss canes, horns, noise -making instruments , toys, notions, souvenirs or other similar goods 2.50-d Of meats, poultry, fish, fruit, cosmetics, vegetables,,butter,_or other dairy products, eggs, ice cream, clothing, _spices, brushes, flowers, realor artificial, or perfume by vehicle, per vehicle 20.00-a By pushcart, per vehicle p 5.00-q By basket or other container carried by hand 5.00-q Of medicines, who calls attention to his _wares by_use of'milsic, entertainment, speech, fancy dress, or other device on any street, or in any doorway or on any vacant lot,.whether actual sale is made upon said premises or elsewhere _ 25,00-d Of medicines, other than as above 20.00-a Of a toys, notions, goods (other than medi'- cines).who calls attention to his wares by use of music, entertain- ment, speech, fancy dress or other device r 25.00-d 10.32 Palmistry. Including the business or'a.rt of astrology, palmistry, phrenology, card reading, fortune.telling, hypnotism or medium - ship, or other like or similar bus- iness or::profession, and who.demands or receives any fee or donations or takes in collection for said practice, exercise or exhibition>of'his art - therein, or who gives an exhibition thereof at any place:in the City of Tustin, excepting only.religious and charitable benefits having received a permit from 'the City Council 5.00-d 4 10.33 Professional Businesses:. - Accountant Architect Assayer Attorney at Law Auditor FAMNI prwliwl Bookkeeper, including .bookkeeping ser - Chemist vices supplied within the City Chiropodist Chiropractor Dentist Engineer, all types Insurance Broker, or Agents - Optician Optometrist Oculist Osteopath or Osteopathist Physician Real Estate Brokers Stock or Bond.Brokers Surgeon and every person engaged in the business of treating, curing, administering to or giving treatments to the sick, wounded or infirm for the purpose . of bringing about their recovery by any method, or pursuant to any belief, doctrine or system other than by practicing any of -the professions hereinabove listed, where a fee is charged or compensation is accepted therefor and excluding persons engaged in any of the businessess mentioned in this section solely as an employee of thepersonscon- dueting such businesses 5.00-q- 10.3. Retail Business. For which no specific license fee is other- wise prescribed in this ordinance 10.35 School. 20.00-a - Private schools where fee is charged for profit 10.00-s 10.36 Soliciting. Where no license is required under any other section of this ordinance 5.00-d 10.37 Theatre. Where there is a permanent stage upon which movable scenery and theatrical ap- pliances are .used and where regular theatrical performances are given and to which an_admission fee is changed, collected or received, or where motion pictures are exhibited and an admission fee is charged (permit from City Council required) 10.00-q Theatrical or vaudeville performance in any public hall, club room or otherwise, whether or not admission is charged, but not including religious, charit- able or school functions, . and not in- cluding regularly licenses theaters (permit from City Council required) 10.00-d 10.38 Trades. For each and every trade or occupation for which a fee is not specifically charged in this ordinance 20.00-a 10,39- Transportation. From a point within the City limits of Tustin to another point over a defined route with definite stops 4 5.00-q From a point within the City limits of. Tustin to another point but where no defined stops are made (taxi) 5.00-q 10..0 Undertaking Establishment 10,00-q 10,41 Vehicles. Passenger trailer parks and camps 15.00-s Truck yard. 20.00-a Selling or delivering by.vehicle, goods, baggage, freight and household goods, wares.or merchandise, in- cluding food or raw materials per vehicle, unless owned and operated by a person, firm or corporation having a regularly established place of business in .the City of Tustin _ 10.-00-s 10,42 Warehouse. 10.00-s 10,43 Vending. By coin operated machine where retail value of merchandise delivered is V per machine 2.00-a By coin operated machine where retail value of merchandise delivered is not more than 5� per machine 1..00-a By coin operated machine where retail value of merchandise delivered is over 5� per machine 6.00-a 10044 For any business, occupation, pro- fession, trade, exhibition, or law- ful game not herein listed nor pro- vided for 20.00-a 10.1.5 In the event that any person, firm, or corporation is conducting, manag- ing or carrying on two or more bus- inesses licensed by this ordinance, said businesses being under the same management and at the same location, the license tax to be paid by such person, firm or corporation shall be the highest tax herein provided for any one of such businesses. SECTION 11.. That the provisions of this ordinance shall not .be deemed or . construed to require the payment of a licenser to conduct, manage or carry on any business, oicupa- tion or activity, or require the payment of any license from any institution or organization which is conducted, managed or carried on wholly for the benefit of charitable purposes or from which profit is not derived., -either directly or indir- ectly by any individual., firm or corporation; nor shall any li- cense be required for the conducting of any entertainments, con- cert, exhibition or lecture on scientific, historical, literary, religious or moral subjects., whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, concert, exhibition or lecture are to be appro- priated by any church or school,or to any, religious or benevo- lent purpose within the City of Tustin; nor shall any license be required for the conducting of any entertainment, dance, on - cert, exhibition or lecture by any .religious, charitable, fra- ternal, educational, military, State, County or Municipal organi- zation or association, whenever the receipts_ of any such enter- tainment. dance, concert= ,,exhibition or -lecture are to be appro- priated for the purpose and objects for which profit is not de- rived, either directly or indirectly, by any individual, firm, or corporation; provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to exempt any such institution or or- ganization from complying with the provisions of any ordinance of .the City of Tustin, requ ring,such.institution or organiza- tion to obtain a permit from the proper board, commissioner or officer to conduct, manage or,.:ca.rry on any profession, trade, calling or occupation. SECTION .12. The City Council of -the City of Tustin may by resolution regularly adopted provide interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance, including classification of matters not specifically mentioned, and prescribe rules and regulations forthe'orderly administration -of this ordinance, and may by resolution regularly adopted, after public hearing held pursuantto a public notice thereof published once in a newspaper circulated in the City of Tustin, not less than five days before said public hearing, prescribe rules of.conduct and _hours within which business may be conducted for any oc- cupati:on, trade, business,show,.exhibition or lawful game. SECTION 13. That the granting of a license for carrying on any business, show., exhibition or game, as pro- vided for in this ordinance shall not be deemed -a permit to conduct the same in any unlawful -manner or at a place prohibited by law or the ordinances of the City of :Tustin. SECTION 14. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisionsof this ordinance shall be.deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not.more than $500:.00 or by imprisonment for a period of not more than six months, or by both,such fine and imprisonment. Such person, firm or corporation.shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and everyday in which the vio- lation.of t his ordinance is.committed or continued by such per- son, firm or corporation and shall be chargable as herein pro- vided. SECTION 15. If any section, .sub -section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Council (if this City hereby declares that it.would have adopted this ordinace and each section, sub -section, sentence,, clause,, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective,of the fact that any one or more sections, sub -sections, clauses, .phrases or portions hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 16, That Ordinances Nos. 4. 52, 66 and 69 are hereby repealed and all other ordinances or parts of ordin- ances to the extent that the sane conflict herewith are to that extent hereby repealed. SECTION 17. This ordinance is urgently required for the immediate preservation of the.public peace, health and saf- ety of the City of Tustin, and shall be in effect July lm 1952. The following is a specific statement showing the emergency of this ordinances That the present license schedules and regulations will expire.on June 30, 1952, and it is necessary that the changed license schedules and regulations go into effect on Julyl, 1952. If this ordinance were to become effective after July 1, 1952, it rziltw WrAll would result in an overlapping of the provisions of the old ordinances and cause great inconvenience and confusion, both from a legal and practical standpoint in the collection and administration of City revenue, SECTION 18. The mayor shall sign this ordinance and the City Clerk shall attest thereto and certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Tustin News. a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City. of Tustin, and said ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1952. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at an adjourned regular meeting held on the 23rd day of June, 1952. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 16th day of June, 1952, and was duly passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 23rd day of June, 1952, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Humeston, Miller, Gray, Bacon. NOES: None ABSENT: Teter { WITNESS my hand and seal this 23rd day of June, 1952. A EL C. PENINGTON, ty Clerk. ( SEAL )