HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 78 (1949)pool, ORDINANCE NO.78 347 AN ORDINANCE 'OF­`THE"CITY' OF'TUSTI­N' PROVIDING -, FOR- THE APPOINTMENT OF_A PLUMBING INSPECTDRP 1WSPEG-TION'FEE DEPOSIT, AND CHARGES` 'FOR :PLUMBING INSPECTIONS, AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 57 OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN The City: Council of:: the -City of''Tustin,-...California, does herebyordain as follows: SECTION`: -'Th'at Section 2 of Ordinance No.577 of the City ,of Tustin is hereby amended to read as follows: 11SEC'T1Off'2'*4 'That the portion of said code` so adopted are as follows: Section 2. to Section -3', both sections -.Included; and also Section 6 to Section 17, both sections.includecl-a,1.,and also Section ;01 21 to Section 23, both sections inc-luded.;.and-also Section 29, beginning on page 14, to Section 73, both -sections Included; and also Section 74J.,beginning ,on page 24-J.- to .Section 138,' both sec- tions -included; and also Section 140 to Section .154, beginning on page 43, both sections included;and 'al'so, Sec-tibn 155 to Section 214, both see tions';incl-ud'ed,; and also Section 215, beginning on page 61, to Section,22'6; both sections lncluded.11- Section -2 Appointment of -a Plumbing Inspector The C=ity ,Councll of the City, of Tust.ixv sha11 bj- res,olu- tion,,appoint a -plumbing in-spec,tor- for the: Gity, of Tustin who shall hold off1ce during the pleasure of said -.City Council. The plumbing inspector of the City of"Tustin shall -.-receive such com- pensation'r6tr hi:6 services as may be fixed and determined by. resolution of said City Council. ..Section 3`.O­Thata new section is fiere.by added to said plumbing code in'foree and. effect in...the City of Tustin at the end of Section T:,thereof;­,tb be know.n...&s.-Sect ion which said new section shall read as follows,'to -wit Section'71 A.! INSPECTION' ..FEE DRY031"74- Where the cost of the plumbing permit, is 1-e s s than $5.00, there must be depoti-ted'with theissuing officer a sum of money 1n - addition -.,to. the -cost of -the'. plumbing permit suffi- cient to bring the total.-am6untpaid "for the plumbing permit-. and the inspection fee deposit to, bring _the .total:__of` the° two items to $5.00. That amount of "money paid. in'_addition... to. -the cost of'the plumbing permit under the provisions hereof shal.l_be called an In- spection Fee Deposit and shall be used to cover the cost of inspec- tions required for the proper completi.on_:_of "the..plumbing authorized by said permit. The 'applicant will be. charged.. a. fee of'2.00 '"for each inspection by the plumbinginspector,,. _and._ the money paid by the applicant for the plumbing :permit and..as :the 'inspection Fee Deposit, shall be used in the f.ollowi.ng ;manner:: $1.00 f or ' ,the is, suance of the permit, and, the : balance of"'_the :said= money to be used to pay for the inspections required on.'the__plumbing authorized by said permit. lf" the amount so paid i<n- shall', be insufficient to cover the. cost of inspections .required. ,,. the, .applicant: shall be required. t_o_pay ,such additional.,sums aa,will ,be .necessary to pay for all inspections required., If after the finall inspection. of tthe plumbing,, the, whole of $5.00 ,shall"not have been used to defray the costs of the in- spections and permit fee, the applicant..shall.:be entitled to a refund of that amount paid -in excess - of the _.a.o_sts of the plumbing permit and the cost of, inspections for said plumbing, if any. The Treasurer of the City of Tustin. is -hereby authorized, upon completion of the plumbing done under the permit, to pay such refund of the Inspection Fee Deposit .as. may- be certified to by the plumbing inspector. Section k., That no plumbing permit-,-is--to, be issued in the absence of ;strict.; compliance with the. provisions of this Ordinance. Section 5; If any section, sub -,section.,. sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, is ' for any reason held to be , :uncon stitutional,..such.,decision shall not aff'eet the; validity .of the remaining portions of".this Ordinance. The.Cty_Council hereby de,- clares that it would have passed this Ordinanc.e.,..and each section, sub -section, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that.any one or more sections, sub -sections, sentences, clauses and phrases may, be declared unconstitutional. Section 6 All other ordinances, or portions of ordinances to the extent that the same conflict her.ewith,.,are; to,that extent, hereby repealed. 4 Section 7: The City C1'ark shall.aerttfy to the passage of this -Ordinance and shall cause the.. same... to -be published once in the Tustin News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and'circul:ated'in the City of Tust n, Orange County, California, and said Ordinance. _.shall :tske effect and be in full force and effect thirty (.30) days_ from the hate of its final pasaage and adoption. 1.9 Chas. 'Re' l orris, C1ty C'ler'k, and,ex-of`ficio'Clerk of the City Council" of the City of `Tustin, C_allforrn a, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ord:ina.nce_was...introduced at a regular Meeting of`the City Council of -the City of".Tustin, held on the 19th day of-Septemnber, 1949, and was pa.s.sed. by. the City Council.. at°a regular adjourned meeting"held on the 3rd day of October, 1949, by the 'following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN., Gray, Killer, Bacon and Humeston NOES: GOOUNICILMEN1 None ABSENT: COUNCILMAN,.Charleton. ATTEST« p r City Clerk aT1416 City of Tustin The foregoing Ordinance is hereby',approved this 3rd day of October$ 1949 • ayo of the City of Tustin