HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 58 (1942)AN OHDiNANOE REGULATING THE SANITATION AND CONDUCT OF CAMP CARS AND/OR TRAIL- ERS IIv THE CITY OF TUSTIN; CALIFORNIA. The City Council of the City of Tustin do ordain as follows: Sec. l: For the purpose of this Ordinance certain words and, phrases are defined as follows, and certain provisions shall be construed as nerein set forth, unless it snall be appar- ent from context that' they ,have: a-4ffferefiti mmaing. Words used in the singular include the plural, and the plural, the singular. Words used in the present tense include the future. "Camp Car and/or Trailer" is any unit used for living or sleeping purposes and which is equipped with wheels or similar devices used for the purpose of transporting said unit from place to place, whether by motive power or other means. "Camp Ground" is defined to be any place, area or tract of land upon shich is located any camp car and/or trailer. This definition shall not include a location where a camp car f and/or trailer is not occupied. "Health Department" is the Healtn Department or the Health Officer of the City of Tustin. Sec. 2: It shall be tne.duty of the Health Department to enforce all of the provisions of this ordinance and for the purpose of securing enforcement tnereof, the Health Officer, or any of his duly authorized representatives, shall nave the right, and are nereby empowered to enter upon the premises:of any camp ground now operating or shich may. hereafter be operated within the City of Tustin to inspect the same, and all accommodations connected therewith. Sec. 3: It shall be unl4e# ul for any person, firm or corporation to operate or maintain, or to offer for public use, witnin the confines of the City of Tustin, as hereinafter set forth, any camp ground without first. applying for and receiving from the Health Department a permit so to do, in the manner here- inafter provided, or without complying with regulations hereafter set forth, or any rules and regulations wicn may be formulated by the Health Department from time to time, and the laws of the 25'7 State of California, and the City of Tustin. Sec. 4: Each application for such permit shall be in writing, upon a form provided by the Health Department for that purpose. It snall state the name and address of the applicant and a description of the property, whereon or wherein, it is pro— posed to conduct a camp ground. It shall also contain such other information.as the Health Department may require, and it shall be filed aby the applicant. It shall be filed with the Health Department not less than ten (10) days, nor more than thirty (30) days before said camp ground is made ready for use, and it shall be accompanied by an inspection fee of Five.(5) Doilars, for Mich the Health Department shall issue a receipt. Sec. 5: All moneys received by the Health Department as inspection fees, under provisions of the Ordinance, shall be paid into the City Treasury and placed in the General Fund. Sec. b: Upon the filing of such application accompanied by the inspection fee, it shall be the duty of the Health Depart— ment or any of its duly authorized representatives to investigate �—, the premises and determine whether,said proposed camp ground or the site selected therefor conforms with the requirements of this Ordinance, the rules and regulations of the Health Department, and the laws of the State of California, and no.permit shall be issued unless such Camp Ground or the site selected therefor com— plies with such requirements, and meets with the approval of the Health Department, and said department may, at its discretion, approve or reject any proposed camp ground site. Sec. 7� Any permit granted hereunder shall be subjecte- to revocation or suspension by ti -,e Health Department in the fol— lowing manner, towit: ,,Notice shall be served an the person '1 holding said permit, specifying wherein he has failed to comply with this Ordinance) and requiring him to appear before the Health Department, at a day and hour therein specified, not less I than five (5) days after the, personal service of said notice on such permit holder, requiring him to show cause, at said time and place why said permit should not be revoked or suspended. At the time and place mentioned in said notice, the person holding said Permit shall have the right to appear, in person, or by counsel, and to introduce such evidence as he may desire, and.the Health t 1 M Department shall -confront said permit holder with any charges that said Health Department may have against him-, and after said hearing, the Health Department, may, at its discretion, revoke or suspend the permit. Sec. 8: Such permit shall be transferable upon the written application of the holder of the permit to the Health Department, and with its consent endorsed theron. A permit may be granted at any time during the -year, and unless previously revoked shall expire one calendar year following the date of issue. Sec. 9: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to establish, maintain, conduct or carry on any camp ground unless there shall be at all times posted -in a conspicu— ous place at said camp ground the permit obtained from the Health Department in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec. 10: The provisions of this Ordinance shall be applicable to every camp ground within the incorporated area of the City of Tustin, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation maintaining, operating, conducting or carrying on any such camp ground, or for any person living or sleeping in any camp car and/or trailer located in a camp ground, or any other person, to violate, or contribute in any way to the viola— tion, of any of tile provisions of tnis Ordinance. Sec.11: Every person owning or operating a camp grouna shall maintain such camp grouna, and any toilets, Ibaths, or other permanent equipment in connection therewith, in a clean aaa sanitary condition, ana shall maintain said equipment in a state of good repair. Sec. 12: 1'ne Health Deparcnierit is nereby impowevea to formulate from time to time ana to enforce any rules or regula— tions that said department may deem advisable, governing the oper— ation of camp grounds or camp cars and/or-G-2ailers bearing on any matters of sanitation or nousing. Sec. 13: Every camp ground hereafter established shall be laid out with, and all existing camp gro,:a.nds shall proviae, available unoccupied space of not less than fifteen (15) feet uy thirty (30) feet for each camp car and/or trailer, and such avail— space<ahlunaccupie p ll not be construed to mean the space X59 . directly under any portion of any camp car and/or trailer. Camp cars and/or tra-Iters stall be arranged in rows abutting or facing on a driveway or clear unoccupied space of not less than fifteen (15) feet in width, which space shall have unobstructed access to a public street or alley. Sec. 14: zvery camp ground hereafter established shall be located on a, well—drained area, and the premises of every such camp ground or any existing camp ground snail oe properly graded so as to prevent the accumulation of storm or casual waters. Sec. 15: An adequate supply of pure water for drinking and domestic purposes shall be supplied to meet the requirements of said camp ground. Said water supply shall be obtained from faucets only, conveniently located in said camp ground and no dipping vessels or, common cups shall be permitted. Sec. lb: It shall oe unlawful -or any person, firm Or corporation owning.or operating a camp car and/or trailer 1ocatea in a camp ground to remove or cause to have removed, the wheels or any similar transporting devices from said camp car and or trailer, or to otnerwise permanently fix it to the ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal or said camp car and/or trailer without first obtaining a permit so to do, from the Building Inspector of the City of Tustin. Any altera— tion to any camp car and/or trailer as above set forth, shall oe construed as removing it from the requirements of this Ordinance, and converting it into a dwelling, and it snail thereupon be suo— ject to the requirements of the Building Code of the City of Tustin and the State Housing Act of California. j Sec -17: Dogs at no time shall be permitted to run at J large in any camp ground. Sec. 15 Tnere snail oe provided in -every existing camp grouna, and every camp ground wnicn'may hereafter oe estaolished, one toilet and wa'per—closet for each sex, one of such toilets and water—closets snail ae distinctly marked "For Men" and one of such toitets and water—closets shall oe distinctly marked "For Women") and there shall oe provided an additional toilet and -I water—closet for each sex for every fifteen (15) or tractional part iuereof in excess of fifteen W) males or fifteen (15) females,living or staying overnight in said camp grounds: provided 3 � iso however, that the Health Department may exempt any camp ground exist- irng at the time of the passage ,of this ordinance from fully com- plying with the provisions of tnis section, when, in its discre- tion, such deviation will not oe detrimental to theealtn of persons occupying said camp grounds, or to the prop tr sanitation of the premises. Sec. 19: There shall be provide] in every camp ground heretofore or hereafter established, such number of tight recep- tacles with close fitting metal covers for 'garbage, refuse, ashes, and ruobish, as may be deemed necessary tae the Health Dep- artment, and such garbage receptacles shall at all times be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Sec. 20: There shall be provided in every camp ground heretofore or hereafter established one or mor slop sinks pro- pery connected with a seswer or cesspool, sucn'sinks to be con- veniently located at no greater distance than one hundred (100) feet from any camp car and/or trailer. Sec. 21: It shall be unlawful to permit any waste water or material from sinks, baths, showers or other plumbing fixtures, in, or any waste from, any camp cars and/or trailers, to be de- posited upon the surface of the ground, and all such fixtures, when in use, must be connected to the city sewer system; or, in lieu thereof, they may be connected to a cesspool or septic tank constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Health Department. Sec. 22: Every camp ground heretofore or hereafter es- tablisned shall oe provided with means of lighting the same at night, and ail public water closets and bathjunits shall be pro- vided with sufficient lighting facilities which shall be kept lighted during the time from one -hall' hour after.sunset until one-half hour before sunrise. See. 23: Any water faucets, garbage_receptacles, or other equipment required by the provisions of this ordinance in camp grounds or which may hereafter berequiredby any rules or regulations of the Health Department pertaining to camp grounds, shall not be construed to mean water.faucets, toilets, gar1.age receptacles or other equipment now or hereafter locatea in or ajacent to camp grounds, and which may already or hereafter be required under provisions or other laws or omdinances. Sec. 24: It shall be unlawful!,for any person or persons to occupy any camp car or trailer in the City of Tustin outside of a camp ground authorized and established as herein provided. The Mord "occupied" and "occupy" as herein used, shall mean and be construed to mean, sleeping, in, cooking in, or eating in any such camp .car or .trailer. Sec. 25: Every person, firm or corporation violating or contributing in any way to the violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a separate -offence for each day during which such violation continues, and shall, be punishable therefor as herein provided. All- ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 26: It shall be the duty of every nerann_ firm corporation owning, leasing, renting or operating a camp ground in the City of Tustin to comply with all of the provisions of this ordinance and/or any rules and regulations formulated by the Health Department governing camp grounds, and any such person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this or— dinance or said rules and regulations or contributing in any way to the violation thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therof. shall be punished by a fine not ex— ceeding three hundred ($300.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding ninty (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. {{ Sec. 27: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to oe uncon— stitutional, such decision shall not affedt the validy of the re— maining portions of this ordinance. The Citv Cniinnil honc h.+ A - Glares that it would have .passed this ordinance and each section, V subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof`` irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsecti6ns, sentences, ,I clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. I See. 26: The City Clerk shall bertify to the passage of this ordinance and snail cause the same to be published once in the Tustin News, a weeklynewspaper of general circular tion, printed published ard.corculated in the City of Tustin, Orange County, California, and said Ordinance shall take effect a I � 262 and be in full force and dffect thirty (30) aa.ys from the date of its final passage and adoption. PASSED AP:D ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at its reqular meeting held on the 3rd aay of Aug,?, 1942• ?6�22 A,"AYOR ATTEST: City. Pllerk The above and foregoing orainance ;las auly and regu= larly introaueea at a regular meeting Ot Tile City council ox the City of Tustin, held on the 20c'. day of July , 1942) ana was duly passed ana adopted at a regular meeting os the City Coundil neld on %ne 3rd day of Aug , 1942; by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Kidd Cawthon Forney and Rowlin" — NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Bixler Z;4rIr2I't7y_0-lerk of the City of Tustin.