HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 52 (1941)go ORDINANCE NO. 52 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, 1°..rAiD— ING ORDIIdAIICE NO. 4OF SAID CITY ENTITLEIJ: °AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR LICENSING 11 IND REGULATING THE CARRYINrG ON OF CERT<.IY FRO FESSIONS, TRADES, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS, IN THE CITY OF TUSMPI , AS A '.,,END ID BY ORDI NIANTCES NO. 14 NO, 2£s, NO. 32, NO. 33 AND NO. 176 OF THE G rmy OF TUSTIN, AND RE— PEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDIN— ANCES IN CONFLICT HERE',ITH. The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin do ordain as foll-t'-S: Section 1: It shall be unla:rful for any person, ,•mether as nrincir:a! or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person, Or for any body corporate, or as an. Officer of anycorporation, or oihc?rs''iise, to 'conirzience or carry on any trade, calling, profession or occu?Dation, in this ordinance specified, in the City of Tustin, without. first having procured e linense from said City so to do or t..rithout commllying 1xith any and all regulations of such trade, `.calling, profession or occupation contained in this ordinance; and the carrying on of any trade, calling, profession or occu,ation mentioned in this ordinance 7ithout first having procured c license froii: Said. City to do So, or i^it'hout co'-^•iplyingg ',lith an'' :,nd Ali reZ,'lations of such trade, cclling, irofession or oocu- pation contained in this ordinance, shall constitute a sena-rate .Violation of this ordinance for each and every day that such trade, profession or occupation is so carried on. Section 2: The amount of any license imposed by this ordinance shall be decried a debt to the City of T ustin; and any person, fir.: or cor-ooration carrying on any trade, calling, profession or occupation mentioned in this ordinance without a 17.O ensu from sa„i.d City soto do, shall be liable to 8.n action in the na e of Sa d City in any Court of coampetent jurisdiction, for the amount of license ':y this ordinance imposed on Such trade, calling, .:,rofession or occu,;tion. S ection 3:: It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and issue a license ,ander. this ordinance for every 'p'erson, f5rm or corporation lia.'Cle to pay e., license hereunder, and to State in oi: license the cmount thereof, the e"110 of tiae co'%ereG theredy, the name of the ;,Ers„'f., firm, or cornora- 217 tion to ::hon issuled, the t,r-c,de, call jr,,,- , profession or occu- pation licensed and, the location or place of business, *here such tTade, C 21 i.ng, ';)Totession or occupation is to be coT:iied On. The City Clerk shell deliver all such licenses to the City Y:.rshall and" Chief of P olive for collection. No license gra-ted or issued under any pro~vision of this oxdicmce Shall be in any manner transferred or assign- ed, or aut:.orize any person, firm or Corooration other than is therein mentioned or named, to do Dusiness '::itlaout the w,ri tten consent of the City Clerk endorsed thereon. At`he time any such license is assigned or transferred, the p -2 on ap.,lyin forsuch transfer shall pay to the City Clerk a. fee of One ('';I.^) Dollar for each such transfer or assignment. The City Clerk shall make a charge of one (I.00) Dollar for each license .issued to re -.1 -ace any license issued under the orovisions of this ordinance rhich has been lost or destroyed. Cin no case shall any :nista'e :na.deby the clity Clerk in Stating the a-miount of a license prevent or -re- judice the collection by the City of -hat shall be actually i Cue from only one c`sTTyini on a trade, o,:,,.Iling, }.)TOfession or occu_,ation subject to a. license under this crdinance-I Section a: All business and cccuontienal licenses shall be paid in adv >,noe, in th;e legal currency of the United S ta.tes, at the officeof the City Clerk of he City of Tull in. ( (1). The licenses Tequired to be paid by the _?rOvi SiO:1S of 'his ordinance, .;.:all be andbeCO:ile dueand able on and fxon1 the lst day of January and. the Ist day of July of -c-,ch year, e7ce'Jt those licenses required to be ,aid daily as herein after _provided. ?_ se_ocrot.e-license must be obtained and must be -:paid for each braxich establiishment cr o-a.ra.,te ;place of business in -,,-d Soni '3:.=e trade; ;)Tc- fession or occupation i"s carried on. Eac'­license shall auth- ,�"'"' orize the _,,) rt,r obtaining it tocc.'rry on, pursue or co ndu-' only t3:at .,rade, calling, pTofession or occupation descr7....;ed in euch license, and only at the location or place of business l'ihich is designated thereby. (2). The d., -Aly license he:'ein 33?oviwed. for shall be due and pa -,.,able to the City Clerk daily, _Jr advance, _,riox to the oom"encement of the business for the da:, HO (3). All other licenses provided for in Ordinance No. 4 and in this ordinance shall be payable semi- annually to the City* of Tustin on the 1st Cfay of January and. the 1st Clay of July Of eachyear, but the first seriii—annual license issued. to any person shall be issued for the unexpired period of such one-half year e,nd the full semi-annual license fee shF:,ll be charged and paid unless there shall be remaining less than threet33 months of such license -period, in which letter event one-half of the amount of said. seri-a.nmaa:l license -ee shall be chargd. C(4). No greeter or less amount of :coney shall be charf ed or received for any licensethan is ';Drovi.d.ed for in this ordinai;ce, and no license shall be sold or issued for -ny period of time other than is provided for in said. Ordinance No. 4 and this ordinance. Section (5), Every person, firm or corporation having a. license under the provisions of this ordinance, and carrying on a, trade, calling profession or occupation at a fixed place of business, shall keep such license posted and. ex.hibited i.rhiie in force, in some cons.icuous part ofnsaid place of business. Every aerson having such license, and not having a fixed - ace of business, sh,-,ll carry Such license wi.tia him at all times ,bile carrying on 'he trade, es:llifig, p_"ofession or occupatiOri for 77hich the s2 -Me was granted. Every person, firm or corpora" - tion having a license shall produ.ce and ;,xhibit the �sarne, :„hen -- at) l;7ing for as re— al thereof, and whenever requested to do so by any oolice officer, or by any officer -authorized to issue, ins�Dect of collect licenses. Section, 6' .. Every person driving, opera.tin-, or having control of ally iras:on, cart or other vehicle, or Usin„✓ or AGGid;-Cil RT'' controlling any tray, basket or other receptacle for tTl ich -PH1ViO.k BaS-u,IT, TTI-'.�a license is required, Shall procure from the City Clerk ENCE Iv7T T BES rT SIGHT ) a r:e'+wl device hereby designated as a "license hold.e ”, =h shall be of such sizethat ':.hetrdin enc .' may be easily inserted and held. therein '..;.nder a tra,nsiiarent face. 50,L.- Ch,arP-e) The Ci'-,, M eri se 11 ala:-ta. charge of fifty cents foleaen'l- license holder” issued knae= he prov,sions of t^�.9 �G� 4��n• M12 (Easily Such ("license hold^s" :mast be firmly at t,ached ::o, and. Seen) carried on the right hand side of the "r":a ;on, cart or other vehicle Or on the outside of the tray, b'isket or other Teo eptacle 1.n. such 'manner that the 1 i e-_nse in seTt ed t' ere i;, shl Shall be plainly visible 'nhether the vehicle is in ::?Otion? Or not, or t iEther the Teceptacle is being carried or is sta- tionary. (License must be `linen a " license :older" is orocured from, the City in hold— er) Clerk and attached to anv 7-.00n, cart, tray casket or other vehicle or receptacle, as herein _I,Tovidedd, the ourrent license for suchtfabon,Dart, tray, basket Or Ot1_''_ET 4Ehi cle Or receptacle zaust oe inserted and kept in. such "license holder11 at all times Burin; the tv_^i:1 of tIi"_e license as specie ied therein. (Unla,^7ful It skxall 'aE`un12 =u1 for any person to place or 'keep to remove license or)any license ir•. any such "license holder" after the expiration holder) of the term for nhich the license is granted2 and. it shall be unlawful -^or any person exce"Jt the licensee or his a.'_,.thor-- i zed agent to tare Or re7.mnve from an;r Such "license holder" a.— license therein. contained. Officer section "7; A 11 police officers are hereby a-,ointed to ex * n all inspectors of licenses, and in addition to their several businesses) duties as police officers, are hera'.)y'required to exa:.ine all places of business amd. persons in 'their TeBpective b,:'ats liable t0 -ay a, licensed and. to sce ti.at s"ch li.^,ehses are ti,,':,,n out, and shall have and exercise the "o0 -.r: 'A (Violation) 1st', To` ma..e arrects for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. (Officer enter free End. To enter free of cha:. Ze 3.t any ti'Lie a.nv and demand to see said Qlace of business fcr h4–,, a, license is T'ecuiled bit 'his license.) ordinance to derz;and the exhl'oition of such license for the current term y any person engaged or ih theJ :a s– /� action of such business and if such ,Eason shall then and there fail to exhibit such license,. such - e'_ eonshall be li a'vle to the penalty provided for a violation of t'r.is ordinance. (Violation It is hereby nadE the duty of the police of,--' Jeers to Com,"clalnt) cause cloinplain LCs to be filed' against all persons viol Uin.o any of the provisions of this ordinance. (List of Such police officers as such inspectors of licenses shall licenses and de- :::eke out once a'monti a list of persons, firms or corror°ations pCSit to C2..'rry*111a o:1 business '•.".'ithin. their respective be s, Hand (S-rorn Section a: In a.1i eases ,-here the amount of ' �, a ,oa.1t licence to be paid by any nerson, fiinn, or corporation is b -.sines ani SIlEd based -a-con the omount of, recei-ots or sales._or of business to fiX c',"_iount transacted, or upon the nuziber of men employed, or uoon the Of taxes I- ':Ie paid) number of waaons or ogler ?i ehi cles used, . or u'.1ori r e a. :io'ant of the 1a.xim-,i 1 ::d,il.ssi C.n fee charged, or u?)on the. number of tables used for anv 'aYIle, or upon the nu:2foer of rooms in an- IJuildl:'la, or the nUzif.beT of ')rescriptions fiI`ed, such person. , firm or coroo-ration shall, before obtaining a license for his, their or its business, render to the City Clerk for his Tui.dence in ascertaining the a:Y oun t of license to be paid by Such person, firm Cr. corporation, a. vTi2itten state:.ment sworn to before some.officer authorized to adm4 n - inter oaths, showing the tot -al anic•:.nt of receipts or sales or having no license,T,,,it1i theiT F'ddresses) and deliveT such list -carefully and legibly .ritten to the City Clerk, and also report to t'^e City Clerk the names of all such ;persons doing business -�T;ithout a license im.,�,ediately neon the fact co:.;ing to their ':no:=.Tled;e. For Any police officer failing or neglecting "or more fi?;,illna in dut•,r Officer than thirty (30) days to report any person, firm or sus_,endeci) corporation ,,,`ho, or -;ahic'r., is en.�aged in c�,=rryin on bus- iness without haw_;; paid the required license, shall be Tui zailty of neglect of duty and be either suspended from d�.zty or dismissed from the -;olive force, in the discretion of the P olive Commissioner. Chief of The Cief of Police is hereby directed to carry: into P olive enforces effect the -provisions of this section. Sectio:? S: The cor_.viction<r_d punishment of any person for transactin any trade,, calling, profession or occu atior. •i'.hovt w lincense,:shall not, excuse`:or exelrot:_" such person frot the payment of any license due or unpaid at the time of such conviction, and nothing herein.shall rrevent a criminal _")rosecutior for any .-iolation of the provisions of .his ordinance. (S-rorn Section a: In a.1i eases ,-here the amount of ' �, a ,oa.1t licence to be paid by any nerson, fiinn, or corporation is b -.sines ani SIlEd based -a-con the omount of, recei-ots or sales._or of business to fiX c',"_iount transacted, or upon the nuziber of men employed, or uoon the Of taxes I- ':Ie paid) number of waaons or ogler ?i ehi cles used, . or u'.1ori r e a. :io'ant of the 1a.xim-,i 1 ::d,il.ssi C.n fee charged, or u?)on the. number of tables used for anv 'aYIle, or upon the nu:2foer of rooms in an- IJuildl:'la, or the nUzif.beT of ')rescriptions fiI`ed, such person. , firm or coroo-ration shall, before obtaining a license for his, their or its business, render to the City Clerk for his Tui.dence in ascertaining the a:Y oun t of license to be paid by Such person, firm Cr. corporation, a. vTi2itten state:.ment sworn to before some.officer authorized to adm4 n - inter oaths, showing the tot -al anic•:.nt of receipts or sales or 4 sal es or of buc 11�ue ss b.. i%Z:S c.0 teCl the C . ic.,(. u, :"c, c,r ,next precedin, tae dr to of,suon st 'erent or the average daily num— ber of men employed by such person, firm or corporation during the license period next preceding the date of such statement or the number of wagons or other ve#ides used or the amount ^, of the maximum admission fee charged, or the number.of tables used for :any game by, such person, firm or corporation, or the number or rooms contained in such building, or the number of prescriptions filled at the date of such statement. (Yearly Provided, however, that where the quarterly license license to be to be paid under any section of this ordinance is based upon paid upon one state— the gross annual receipts of business transacted, or.the gross meat filed on 1st of annual commissions or fees received or collected, anly one such year) statement need be filed during any calendar year, which state— ment shall be filed at the time the first quarterly lincense is procured, and the license to be paid for the succeeding quart— erly'periods of the year in w#ich such statement is filed, shall be dertermined by and be based upon the statement filed at the time the first quarterly license is procured. No such statement shall be conclusive upon the City of Tustin, or upon any officer thereof, as to the matters sufficient) therein set forth, and the same shall not prejudice the ri#ht amount is collected of the said City to, recover any amount that may be ascertained City may collect to be due from such person, firm or corporation in addition to additional amount) the amount ah,,awn by such statement to be due in case such state— ment should/be found to be incorrect. If any person, firm or corporation hereby required to make any such statement shall fail "to do so, such person, firm or corporation shall be requir— ed to pay a license at the maximum rete herein prescribed for the profession, trade, calling or occupation carried on by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance and be punishable therefor as hereinagter pro— vided; provided, however, that in any case where the first license is to be issued for a newly established business no statement need be made, at the time such first license is issued, of the amount of receipts or sales or business transacted, and the minimum rate herein prescribed_ shall be paid at the time such firstllicense is issued for any such newly established business, the amount of license for which is regulated by the amount of receipts or sale 222 or bubtaess transacted, and at the termination of the license period during which the operation of such business is conduct— ed, the license_ for such license period shall be ascertained and paid in the manner provided by this section for the ascertaining and paying of licenses for Ether license periods, after deducting from the amount so found.to be due the amount paid at the time such first license was fesudd. (Record That the statement filed pursuant to the provisions of not open to this section shall be deemed confidential in character and shall public inspection) not be subject to public inspection. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to so preserve and keep the said statements that the contents thereof may not become known except to the persons charged by law with the administration of this ordinance. (Clerk Section 10: The City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:00 adds 10% to amount o'clock P.M. of the 14th day of every month, add to all of license when del— monthly licenses remaining unpaid a penalty of ten (100) per— inquent) cent on each delinquent monthly license; the City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P.M. of the 20th day of the first month in which any quarterly license may be due, add to all such quarterly licenses remaining unpaid, a penalty of ten (10%) per cent on each delinquent quarterly license; the City Clerk shall - at the hour of 5:00 P.M. of the last day of the first month in which any semi—annual or annual license may be due, add to all such semi—annual and annual licenses remaining unpaid a penalty of ten (10f4 percent on each deliquent semi-annual and annual license and shall enter the same upon his books. The City Clerk shall deposit daily with the City Treasurer all moneys collected by him for licenses issued, and shall, on or before the 7th day of each month report the amount thereof to the City Councils together with the amount of del—, inquent and uncollected licenses. Section ll: The amount or rate of license fees to be (Amount c Of lic— paid to the City Of Tustin by any person, firms associatiotcar ense fix-- corporation engaged in or carrying on any profession, trade, Below) calling or occupation hereinafter designated is hereby_f xed and established as hereinafter in this ordinance provided, and such licensefeeshall be paid by every persons firms association or corporation engaged in carrying on any such profession, trade, oecupatton or calling in the City of Tustin, as follows,-to—wit:: 223 O� For every open air entertainment, or those conduc— (open ted in tent.s�, Airdomes of transient enclosures, where the obfect air enter— is advertisement or gain (whether the gain is derived through tain— ment.) admission fees, collections,'donations, or any other means) Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per day. j ys. i (2). far any circus or menagerie hav'ing_a seating capacity of not less than,five hundred (500) Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars Per day, and:having,a seating capacity of less than five (cir— cu8, hundred 4,fteen:($15:.00) Dollars per.. day; for. every, side show con.- mana— gerie)ducted i€runction with circus or menagerie, or under the same management, FivW-45.00) Dollars per day; for every parade conducted (Par by or under the same 11 management as a cireus, menagerie or animal show, ade) where such, circus, menagerie, or animal show is conducted outside of the City of Tustin,Twenty a -5.00) Dollars per day. (sideehow (3)., For every person conducting, managing, or carrying separate admission) on a side show or aftershow to a:nircus ('and not conduct- ing under the,same management with such circus), when,a ..pepatate admission, fee is charged or donation of money received therefor in amp manner, Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per'"day• (Merry— go-round;(4). For every p,Tson managing, conducting or carrying shooting fallery, on a.merry-go—rounO, shooting,gallery, skating rink, Talking machine,_ minatgwo.,railway, chute or any similar enterprise for,; Microphone, Lung test, furnishing` amusement, or letting the use of any phonograph Weighing, machine, or talking machine, microscope, kneroscope,.lung test, Ball,knife, g rin throw— weighting,m chine ball' knife, ring throwin or an a a g ga y ing other. similar instrument or machine or devise similar in character not< otherwise herein named, Tweaty—five ($25.00) Dollars per month;,provided that no license shall be issued for t#e.00ndu ating of any of the business,, shows, 6r entertainment enumerated inthe.preceding sub-sect3 qns Ps5\ numbered (-l), (2),, f3), an4_(4), until a permit has been obtained from thn City 'Counoil granting the applicant for such permit the right to so conduct such business, show , or entertainment, and provided that,the Board of Trustees shall have the right to grant or'refuse such a permit, at its discretion. (Astrology, (5)• For every person who carries on the;praotce or, Palmistry, Phren profession",'or professes to practice the business ©r- (con.31 0 gy, ^°!s art.of astrology, palmistry, phrenolog)C, card reading, fortune Card read— ing, For- telling, hypnotism or mediumship, or other like or similar tune tell— business or professions and who demands or receives an fee or donar ing, Hypo— p , y tism, Med— iumship) tion, or takes in collection for said,practice, exercise or exhibition of his art therein, or who gives an.exhibition there— of at any place in the City of Tustin, Five t,$�QOO) Dollars per day. (Dancess _ (6). For everyrperson engaged in conducting or_manag— Lectures, Concerts, ing any place of amusement, entertainment or exhibition for the Theaters.) 11the purpose of holding dances, lectures,'concerts, theaters, or any other form of eutertainment or exhibition, when the same are made in any hall, opera house or indoors, for pro— fit and not otherwise paying a license underanyother see— tion of this ordinance, Two ($2.00) Dollars per day; provid— ed that whenever the receipts 'of the same are given or don— ated to any church or benevolent purposes, no license shall +- be charged. t7). For every person managing, conducting or operat— (Picture show or ing a moving picture show or exhibition, Thirty ($30-00) exibition) Dollars per year or Five ($5.00) Dorrars,per day. (9). For every person operating any room or place, (Bowling alley,.containing a bowling alley or pool table where a charge Pool hall) is made for the use of any bowling alley or pool or f, billiard table or any games played thereon or similar o devices of any kind played thereon, Five ($5.00) Dollars for one table and Two &50/100 ($2.50) Dollars for each additional table and Twelve ($12,00) Dollars for each bowl— ing alley per year. (Boxing, (9)• For every person managing or conducting a box— Wrestling ing, wrestling, or sparring,exibition where. admission is charged, donations made or colleotion taken for such an exhibition, Twenty—five ($25..00) dollars when the atten— dance is less than one thousand (1)000)1 when more than one thousand (1,000),,Fifty;($50,00) Dollars. (10). For every person wgo,sells real estate or any (Real es,- tate, Pub— goods, wares, -merchandise or lite stook,at public auction, lie auction) Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per day. (Exchange of goods de (il). For every person selling or offering for sale, signed as Sheriff' -s trade, or exchange any goods, wares or merchandise of any Assignee's kind advertised,or designated Creditors, ,, � . grated as Sheriffs, assignees, Con. Consign— or, S onsignor,s, Bankrupts, Trustee's, or Reoeiv ergs w. Creditor's, Consigner+s Bankrupt's,"Trustee►s, 6t re- _ oeiver's, or special sale of damaged goods., or stockddamz;; aged by fire, water, or otherwise, Two Hungred ($200.00) Dollars per year. Provided, however, that this paragraph s1h. shall not apply to goods, wares or merchandise which are Not apply actually offered for sale by any Sheriff, constable or to boni- other police officer in connection with his official fied sales by under business as suoht or any trustee or receiver of the United jurisdic- tion of States, or the State of California, or when the same are Court of County. sold under the order of any Court of _County juresdiction, or when the samesare sold unddr the control of,any merch- ant who has possessed or aimed the same for more than one year prior to said sale and when he offers for sale, goods, 'wares or merchandise which have actuallyrbeen damaged by: fire or water within the City of Tustin, and which are:,'"', being disposed of'in good faith to close out the same. (Distribution of Samples, (12). For every person, firm or'corporation con - Advertising, Dodgers, hand- ducting, "managing, or carrying on the business of die - bills, ex- cept local tributing advertising samples, hand bills, dodgers,_or license r holders.) printed advertisiagts of any kind, in the City os Tustin, Five ($5.00) Dollars per day; provided, that no license shall be required from any person, firm, or corporation maintaining a regular place of business within the City Of Tustin, and advertising his or its ewn line of goods; and paying a regular license under another section of this ordinance. (13). a For every person, firm. or corporation operating or carrying on the business of advertising by (Bill leasing, operating or"maintaining bill boards i;% the boards.) Oty of Tustin, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year for the first bill board, and Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year "{ for each additional bill board so leased, operated or main ' tained within -said City, provided that the bottom of all ' billboards shall be not less thanthree_(3) feet from the ground, and provided further that no bill board shall be of greater dimension than twenty (20) feet in length, or w eight (B) feet from top to bottom, such measurement cover- ing`the advertising, space thereof; and provided further,,. that no license* shall be required under this sections f rWw i any person, firm, or corporation maintaining a regular ' {'Vending,,. machines, Slot mach %nes, punt# coards.) icit pat - Iiciness' c. Provided that nothing contained in thepre ceding subsections a and b shall be deemed or construed as applying to the owners of real estate, or their agents, in advertising their property for sale or lease by means of bill boards or signs located upon the property adver— tised for sale or lease, by such bill boards, or adverti— ing sign boards, or signs. (14). For every person engaged in carrying on the business of book or magazine agent or soliciting orders for the sale thereof, Four ($4.00) Dollars per day; provided that whenever such business is carried on in the interest of any church or relgio`us,society and not for profit or gain by such church,_ society or agent, no license shall be charted. (15). For every pereDn, firm or corporation main— taining, operating or; having cn his,or.its premises slot m machines or a vending.machine or punchboard in use, Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year, for each.such,vending machine, slot machine, or punchboard. (16). For every person Soliciting from house to house or upon t#e streets of the City.of Tustin for himself or another the sale of any patent medicines,drugs, ar lotions of any kind, Twenty ($.20.00) Dollars per day. S k place of business within the City of Tustin and advertis- ng_his or -its _won line_of goods, and paying,a_regular license for such business under another section of this ordinance. b. For every person, firm or corporation con— (A dver— tising, ducting, managing, or carrying on the business of adver— Posting, Sticking, tising by posting, sticking, tacking, fixing, or paint— Tacking, Fixing ing bills or,signs tot;. or upon posts, fences, buildings, Painting Bill or or other structures, except bill boards, or advertising Signs.) sign boards, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year; pro— vided, however, that no, license shall be required under this section from any person, firm, or corporation_main— taining a regular place of business within the City of Tustin and advertising his or its.own line of goods, and paying a regular license for said business under another section of this ordinance. {'Vending,,. machines, Slot mach %nes, punt# coards.) icit pat - Iiciness' c. Provided that nothing contained in thepre ceding subsections a and b shall be deemed or construed as applying to the owners of real estate, or their agents, in advertising their property for sale or lease by means of bill boards or signs located upon the property adver— tised for sale or lease, by such bill boards, or adverti— ing sign boards, or signs. (14). For every person engaged in carrying on the business of book or magazine agent or soliciting orders for the sale thereof, Four ($4.00) Dollars per day; provided that whenever such business is carried on in the interest of any church or relgio`us,society and not for profit or gain by such church,_ society or agent, no license shall be charted. (15). For every pereDn, firm or corporation main— taining, operating or; having cn his,or.its premises slot m machines or a vending.machine or punchboard in use, Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year, for each.such,vending machine, slot machine, or punchboard. (16). For every person Soliciting from house to house or upon t#e streets of the City.of Tustin for himself or another the sale of any patent medicines,drugs, ar lotions of any kind, Twenty ($.20.00) Dollars per day. S k (Organ Grinder, Musician, Entainer.) (17). For every or any organ grinder with or without animal exhibits,.for every travelling_ musician or entertainer exhibiting upon the public streets of the City of .Tustin, not paying_a-license under another paragraph of this ordinance, Two ($2.00) Dollars per day, (Employ- (19). For every person carrying on or operating sent -Office.) an employment office within the City of Tustin, where a fee is charged, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (19). For every person engaged in or conducting, (Pawn- broker managing or carrying on the business of pawnbroker, loaning or loaning money on assignment of salary, other than on assign- ment ie salaries.) carrying on the business of .banking, Twenty ($20.00) Dollars semi-annually. (20). For every person on any street or else - (On street Tee cream where engaged in managing, conducting or maintaining soda, Candy store an ice cream counter or .stand, soda counter or stand, Peanut) nand peanut or Popcorn Y store, p popcorn stand, lunch counter stand.) tnd T t we five ($2 00) Dollars er e r and orsa, nY- 5• p JV every person engaged in.the business of selling tamales, lunches, sandwiches, ice cream, peanuts, popcorn or (Wagon, candy from wagon or Ether vehicle upon the public Lunch etc.) streets of the Cit of Tustin and not City paying a license under another paragraph of this ordinance, Five ($5.00) (Real Estate, Broker.) Dollars per day for every such wagon or vehicle; provid- ed, that no additional license shall be charged any person conducti-ng a regular place of business and pay- ing license under another paragraph of this ordinance and having procured the consent of the Board of 'Inust- ees and City Council for maintaining a temporary lunch, fruit or confectionery stand on the sidewalk or park- ing, immediately in_front.of and in conjunction with,his establishment of place of business. (21). For every real estate broker engaged in or carrying on the.busness of buying or selling real eatate on commission, or making loans for others on commission, or collecting rental as agents for others or negotiating as agent for others in the trandfer or sale of real estate in whatever manner the transae per year. (25), a. For every person, frim, or (Cleaning .& corporation engaged in the business of,nor who Dyeing Establish— solicits, or .takes orders for),or agrees to ment.) deliver upon orders for cleaning, dyeing or renovating articles of personal apparel or household furnishingsT or has or maintains a dixed and established place of business in the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. b. For every person, firm, or (Cleaning & Dyeing with corporation engaged in the business of, or who no establish— solicits, or takes orders for, or agrees to del— meat.) iver upon orders for cleaning, dyeing, or relao— H - vating articles of personab apparel or household furnishings, and who does not have and maintain a fexed and established place of business in the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Plumbing.) (26). For every person engaged in the business of or conducting a plumbing or gas fitting shop Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Electical (27)• For every person engaged in the' "Shop.) business of selling or installing electrical wiring appliances or apparatus,'or radio appar— tus or supplies, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. tions are conducted or profit dertermined upon,... other than those carrying on the business of banking, Twelve•($12.00) per year. All sales— men working under any real estate broker, Six ($6.00) Dollars per year. (Feed & (22). For every person engaged in the Fuel business of selling hay,. grain, wood, coal, or other fuel, or either or any of them, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Livery (23). For every person conducting, manag— stable.) ing or maintaining a livery or•feed stable or horse market in the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (24). For every person conducting, (Junk.) managing or maintaining a business of dealing in any manner with junk, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (25), a. For every person, frim, or (Cleaning .& corporation engaged in the business of,nor who Dyeing Establish— solicits, or .takes orders for),or agrees to ment.) deliver upon orders for cleaning, dyeing or renovating articles of personal apparel or household furnishingsT or has or maintains a dixed and established place of business in the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. b. For every person, firm, or (Cleaning & Dyeing with corporation engaged in the business of, or who no establish— solicits, or takes orders for, or agrees to del— meat.) iver upon orders for cleaning, dyeing, or relao— H - vating articles of personab apparel or household furnishings, and who does not have and maintain a fexed and established place of business in the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Plumbing.) (26). For every person engaged in the business of or conducting a plumbing or gas fitting shop Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Electical (27)• For every person engaged in the' "Shop.) business of selling or installing electrical wiring appliances or apparatus,'or radio appar— tus or supplies, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. p III lhogije (29.)_ For every person, firm or cor oration 2, 29 or Machin- engaged in the business of selling automobiles ery not or other machinery, v0hicles, or accessories Garage.) thereto, or the soliciting or taking of orders therefor, not including garage, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Garage.) (29). For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the garage business, not conducted in conjunction with another line of business, Twelve, ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Funeral (30). For every person carrying on the busi- Director. ness of undertaking, embalming, or funeral dir- ector, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Filling (31). For every .person, firm or corporation Stations Gas & operating or maintaining a filling station at Oil.) which gasoline, lubricating oils and like commodities usually sold at such stations, are distributed, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year, j except where gasoline and oil is sold ,at a regu- lar garage which is paying a regular license. (Sanitar- (32). For every person, firm or corporation iums.) conducting a hospital or sanitarium, the license shall be paid as follows: For the first five beds or less the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars semi-annually; for six to fifteen beds the sum ofFifteen 015.00) Dollars semi-annually; and all over twenty-five beds the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars semi-annually. No license for the j conducting of any hospital or sanitarium shall be issued without the approval of the City Council. (Fire - (33). For every person, firm or corporation works.) selling fireworks, Two ($2.00) Dollars for the period, to -wit, from June let to July 6th of each year, and no license shakl be issued unless permit is first obtained from the City Council, and no license shall be issued for any other period or time except as stated herein. i (Dance- (34)• For every personm firm or corporation Hall.) conducting or carrying on a public dance hall ora" publicplace where dancing is the chief form_of amusement, shall pay a license of Twenty-five 025.00) Dollars per annum: A n application for a Permit to operate a dance hall shall be sub mitted,to the City Council for approval, before the license is issued. (Retail (35)• For ''every person engaged in the rael distri- business of distributing kerosene, fuel oil, bution.) distillate, gasoline or similar commodities by any vehicle or maintaining agencies on behalf of any refineries and selling at retail'any of the said commodities, shall pay for every wagon or other vehicle selling the same at retail, and for every place of business so conducted, Twenty-five ($25,00) Dollars per year. (Lumber (36). For every person engaged in the Yard.) business of selling lumber, building materials, etc., or maintaining'a lumber yard in the City of Tusti4: Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Laundry (37)• For every person, firm, or cor- Laundry poration conducting, managing) or carrying on Flagons.) the business of a laundry, or operating a,veh- icle collecting or delivering laundry within the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year for each separate place of business, or for each separate vehicle; and in addition thereto shall pay a license of twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year (Laundry Office.) for each laundry office or agency maintained in connection with such business within the City of Tustin, and separate and apart from the place of (Doesincl 'laundry; include de business of saidrovided, however, that y, P � soliciting cleaning, where laundry work'is done or performed by members dyeing etc.) of one family, or where not more than two persons are employed for compensation, then Ten ('$10.00) Dollars per year. Provided further that this section does not include the business of, or the soliciting or taking orders for, or agreeing to deliver upon orders for cleaning, dyeing, or renovating articles of personal apparel, or house- hold furnighing, or operating'a vehicle colleo#- ing or delivering such work within the City of. Tustin, but such business and such activities shall require a separate license which is pro- vided for in Subsection 25 hereof. (Bakery in (38)• a. For every person, firm, or City) corporation carrying on the business of sellijig bread, pastry or other bakery goods, from a wagon or other vehicle, or from bakery establishment maintained within the City of Tustin, and baking their products within the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Bakery Trucks b. For every person, firm. or not corporation carrying on the business of selling local) bread, pastry, or other bakery goods, at retail, from wagon or other vehble, which bakery goods are baked in an establishment without the City (Retail milk wagon) 9 (Ice wagon) (Vege- tables Fruit Peddl- ers) (Meat Fish Peddl- ers) of Tustin, Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per year for each wagon or other vehicle. (39)• For every person, firm, or corpor- ation engaged in the business of selling or del- ivering milk at retail within the City of Tustin from a wagon or other vegicle, Ten ($10,00) Dollars per year for each such wagon or vehicle. (40). For every person engaged in the business of selling, or delivgring ioe within -the City of Tustin, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. (41). For every person, firm, mr corpor" ation conducting or carrying OA,the business of peddling fruit or vegetables from a wagon, or other vehicle, not having a stand; and not paying a license under another provision of this ordinance, Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per year. (42) For every person., firm, or corpora- tion engaged in the business of selling or peddling meat, fish or poultry from a wagon, .or other vehicle and not having a fixed and established place of business in the City of'Tustin, and not paying a license under another provision of this ordinance, 9 Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per year. (One day (43). For every person carrying on the bus— peddling & iness of peddling any kind of goods, novelties, solicit— ing) chattels, waxes or merchandise by sample, order, or upon commission for himself or for another person or soliciting ordersrfor advertising and not paying, a license under another paragraph of this ordinance, Five ($5.00) Dollars per day. (Manufact— (44). For every person engaged in the bus— oring con— fections, iness of manufacturing or selling confectionery, cigars etc.) ides, ice cream, cigars, and tobacco, within the City of tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Nursery) (45). For every person carrying onW con - (Hardware) (Packing (Photo— graph Gallery) ;2nd hand Store) (Harness & Saddlery) (Jewler Store (Millinery Store) (Drug store) cucting or managing the business of nurserymen or florist, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (46). For every person conducting, managing or carrying on the'gusiness of selling hardware, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (47). For every packing house managed, con— ducted or established within said City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (49). For every personconductingor manag— ing an art gallery or a photograph gallery, or studio, established within said City of Tustin, or every person carrying on the business either for himself or as agent or solicitor for another, of painting, retouching, or enlarging pictures or por— traits of every description, Twelve ($12:00) Collars per year. (49). For every person conducting a second— hand store, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (50). For every person conducting a harness shop or saddlery shop, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (51). For every person conducting a jewelry store, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (52). `For every person conducting a mill— inery store Ten ($100-00) Dollars per year. (53)• For every person conducting or carry `ing on a"drug store within said City, Twelve ($12.00) 0 Dollars per year., (Musical (54). For every place of business where instru— ments, musical instruments of any kind, or sewing machines, sewing machines.) are sold, Twelve ($12.00)__Dollars per year. F" (Dry (55). For every person conducting, managing goods womens or carrying on a dry goods, gentle or women's fur— Furnish— ings) nishing store, TwOlve ($12.00)_ Dollars per year. (Grocery (56). For every person engaged in the bus- Store or Meat Mar— iness of conducting, managing or operating a grocery ket.) store or meat market, or of selling groceries or meat from delivery wagon or otherwise, in the City of Tustin, the sum of Twelve ($12.00) Dollarsper year. (Delicatessen) (57). For any person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of selling cooked or prepared foods commonly known as delicatessen, Twelven($12.00) Dollars per year. (Tailor) (50 For every person, managing or carrying on a tailoring establishment or business in the City of ,dcTustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Printing shop) (59). a.. For every person, firma or cor— poration conducting, managing, or carrying on the business of job printing or soliciting orders there— for,,or operating a job printing establishment, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. (Newspaper) b., For every person,_ firm,_ or corpor— ation who prints or publishes a newspaper within the City of Tustin s or who circulates_ therein, or solicits.subscr ptions_therein for any newspaper, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. (60). ,ror every person managing or conduct— (Restaurant) ing,a restaurant, or temporary lunch counter, stand, or wagon,, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. Boarding (61);. For every person, firm Or corporation or conducting, managing, or carrying on a hotel, room— Roomin House.f ing-house or lodging house,-boarding—house, apart— { went house, the receipts of which business amount to less than $3,000.00,per yeaTj Ten ($10.00) Dol— j lars per year, $10,00.00 or over per year, F&fty 3 (Electric <or Acety— lene weld— ing) mann. or nstalling (67). For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of acetylene or electric welding shop, the sum of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (68). For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of manufacturing, install— ing,,constructing or distributing metalic tanks, (Painting, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year: cement, sew— (69). For every person, firm, or corporation er work, plastering, conducting, managing, or carrying on.the business of masonry, Brick mas— painting, cement work$ sewer works plastering, nary, floor polisher, masonry, brick mason, floor polisher wall paper , uulluGr hanger, builder, and any person, firm, or corporation DM City Office) engaged in the business of ,contracting on buildings or structures, or in regard to the kinds of work in this section mentioned, either as;independent or sub—contractors, within the.City of Tustin, and who maintain;.an office or place of business within the ($50.00) Dollars per year. (Trucks (62)._ For every personr firm or corporation Automobile for not specifically mentioned in this ordinance, con— Transpor— tation or moving) ducting, managing or carrying on the business of uto- _ running, driving or operating any automobile, auto- `� 7 mobile truck, automobile tank wagon,•or other vehicle / used for the transportation of baggage, freight, household goods, merchandise, lumber, brick, cement, oil, rock, or grave, Forty (W.00) Dollars semi— annually. (Crude oil (63). For every person, firm or corporation refinery) engaged in the business of refining crude oil, Five ($500.00) Dollars per year. (Machine (64)• For every person managing or operating Shop) a machine shop, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. Oil well (65). For every person carrying on the busi- Drilling) Fishing ness of manufacturing -or renting oil well fishing tools) or drilling tools,welve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Oil (66). For every person) firm or corporation drilling) carrying on the business of oil drilling Five-Hun— dred ($500.00) Dollars per year.. (Electric <or Acety— lene weld— ing) mann. or nstalling (67). For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of acetylene or electric welding shop, the sum of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (68). For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of manufacturing, install— ing,,constructing or distributing metalic tanks, (Painting, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year: cement, sew— (69). For every person, firm, or corporation er work, plastering, conducting, managing, or carrying on.the business of masonry, Brick mas— painting, cement work$ sewer works plastering, nary, floor polisher, masonry, brick mason, floor polisher wall paper , uulluGr hanger, builder, and any person, firm, or corporation DM City Office) engaged in the business of ,contracting on buildings or structures, or in regard to the kinds of work in this section mentioned, either as;independent or sub—contractors, within the.City of Tustin, and who maintain;.an office or place of business within the or corporation, furnishing both labor and material, or furnishing labor and selling material, on the same contract or job, regardless of whether such contract be for a definite sum, or be performed and to be paid for din the basis of time consumed .and material used. (Barber (70). ;;For every person operating or con - Shop) ducting a barber shop, Four ($4,00) Dollars per year for the EfiraI chair, and Four ($4.00) Dollars per year for the second chair, and Four ($4.00) Dollars - per year for each additional chair used therein. (Cobbler) (71). For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of cobbler or shoe shop, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. (Black- (72). For every person carrying on the busines smith Horse of horseshoeing or blacksmith, Twelve ($12.00) shoeing) Dollars per year. (Battery (73)• For every person, firm or corporation Shop) conducting an ignition or battery business, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (an(74). For every person, firm or corporation Vulc g) conducting a vulcanizing business, Twelve ($12.00) City of Tustin, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year; for each such person, firm, or corporation not maintain- ing either an office or place of business within the City of Tustin, Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per year; provided, that a general contractor who as such performs work under any or all of the foregoing lines r of business without sub -Letting to independent con- tractors any of said separate lines of business in I such general contracting business of work, shall pay the sum of Thirty ($30*00) Dollars per year, payable annually. ' (Contract- For the purpose of this ordinance the or, Con4 terms "contractor", and "contracting" ) as used in tracting Defined) this sectio$, are defined to be the business of con- tracting to do, or doing each, all, or any of the kinds of work or lines of business mentioned in said subsection (69), whether the contract be oral or in writing, and shall also include every person, firm, or corporation, furnishing both labor and material, or furnishing labor and selling material, on the same contract or job, regardless of whether such contract be for a definite sum, or be performed and to be paid for din the basis of time consumed .and material used. (Barber (70). ;;For every person operating or con - Shop) ducting a barber shop, Four ($4,00) Dollars per year for the EfiraI chair, and Four ($4.00) Dollars per year for the second chair, and Four ($4.00) Dollars - per year for each additional chair used therein. (Cobbler) (71). For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of cobbler or shoe shop, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. (Black- (72). For every person carrying on the busines smith Horse of horseshoeing or blacksmith, Twelve ($12.00) shoeing) Dollars per year. (Battery (73)• For every person, firm or corporation Shop) conducting an ignition or battery business, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (an(74). For every person, firm or corporation Vulc g) conducting a vulcanizing business, Twelve ($12.00) 236 Dollars per year. (Paint (75). For every person, firm or corporation Shop) conducting sign and auto paint shop or business, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Auto (76). For every person, firm or corporation con - park, Storage) cucting an auto park or any place where automobiles are kept or stored for which a charge is made, Twelve ($12.00) (Architect (80). For every person, firm or corporation Lawyer, Auditor carrying on or engaged in the business of architect, Public Account lawyer, auditor, public accountant, chiropractor, -ant, Chir- opractor, civil_, electrical, chemical or mechanical -engineer; Civil) .Electrical, dentist, opticians oateopath, physician"br surgeon, ''Chemical, or Mech. Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. ; Engineer, Dentist, Drs.) (81). For every person, firm or corporation - (Taxi Cab) conducting or carrying on a, Taxi Cab service within the 01ty of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (82). For every parson, firm or corporation (Buses Taxi engaged in the business, of driving or operating any Cabs) motor vehicle used for the purpose of carrying passeng- ers for hire whichvehicleis permitted to stand in any public place, for each such vehicle.so usedrm having a seating capacity of five,(5)-persons or leas, a license fee of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year shall be paid; - having a seating capacityof. from six (6) to eight (S) persons,, Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year-, and having a seating'caa ty ,of more than eight (8) persons, a r-, Dollars per year. (Auto (77). For every person, firm or corporation con - camp) ducting an auto camp, or what is commonly known as a tourist carp, where tents are pitched, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. No license shall be issued unless permit is granted by the City Council upon showing that said premises are in a sanitary condition and properly equipped with toilets,rgroperly drained. (Beach (79). For any person, firm or corporation rent - chairs & ing tents and beach umbrellas or beach chairs, Twelve Umbrellas) ($12.00) Dollars per year, (79). For every person, firm or corporation - (Bank) operating or conducting either State or National Banks, j, Twelv6 ($12.00) Dollars per year. (Architect (80). For every person, firm or corporation Lawyer, Auditor carrying on or engaged in the business of architect, Public Account lawyer, auditor, public accountant, chiropractor, -ant, Chir- opractor, civil_, electrical, chemical or mechanical -engineer; Civil) .Electrical, dentist, opticians oateopath, physician"br surgeon, ''Chemical, or Mech. Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. ; Engineer, Dentist, Drs.) (81). For every person, firm or corporation - (Taxi Cab) conducting or carrying on a, Taxi Cab service within the 01ty of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (82). For every parson, firm or corporation (Buses Taxi engaged in the business, of driving or operating any Cabs) motor vehicle used for the purpose of carrying passeng- ers for hire whichvehicleis permitted to stand in any public place, for each such vehicle.so usedrm having a seating capacity of five,(5)-persons or leas, a license fee of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year shall be paid; - having a seating capacityof. from six (6) to eight (S) persons,, Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year-, and having a seating'caa ty ,of more than eight (8) persons, a r-, vided that such poligy shall be approved as to form (Approval 237 by City Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per year. 'I (Indemn— All persons applying for a license under ity Bond) this section shall furnish a liability and indemnity bond in accordance with sub—section (93) of this or— dinance. a before the same is attached to such policy. (Vehicle (83). Every person, firm or corporation operat— Insurance j Firms ing any vehicle as provided under subsection (82) of this operat— Tustin, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. ing for ordinance, file with the City Clerk of the City of hire) Tustin, and keep so filed at. -all times during which said vehicle is operated, a liability and ihdemnity policy of insurance, written by some solvent insurance or casual— ty company, authorized to transact business in the State of California, in a sum equal to the amount of Five (Towel, Thousand ($52000,00) Dollars per passenger of the I Apron, carrying capacity of such vehicle; and also providing Toilet SuPPby) that such policty shall continue in force and effect until (Cancelar- tion no— Ten (10) flays after written notice of intention to can— tice to City cel or terminate such policy shall have been served upon Clerk) the City Clerk of the City of Tustin; and provided that endorsements may be attached to such policy from time to I time, changing the amount of such policy and providing for the substituting or addition of vehicles; and pro— vided that such poligy shall be approved as to form (Approval by the City Attorney and as to sufficiency by the City by City Attorney) Council of the City of Tustin before the same is filed with the City Clerk; and each subsequent endorsement shall be approved as to form by the City A ttorney 1 a before the same is attached to such policy. .(Hauling (84). For every person, firm or corporation 7 Rock & j Gravel) hauling sand, rock or gravel within the edity of Tustin, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. (House (95)- For every person) firm or corporation mov— Moving) ing a house or other structure, Two ($2.00) Dollars per; day while any such house or structure is upon a P Public - J street or highway, and no license shall issue unless permit is first obtained from the City Engineer. (Towel, (6)'. For every person, firm or corporation con— Apron, Toilet SuPPby) ducting, managing or carrying on the business of a towel, apron or toilet supply, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. (Other (97)• For every person, firm or corpora- Ocu- tio pa tion engaged in a gainful occupation or pursuit not here- in enum- not herein enumerated and for which occupation erated) the City of Tustin has a legal right to require Ja license, and not including any occupation, (Religious) scientific, historical, literary, religious or moral subjects, whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, concert, exhibition or lecture are (School) to be appropriated to any church or school, or to any religious or benevolent purposes within the (Education- al) Educational) City of Tustin; now shall ani lioense be required for the conducting of any entertainment, dance, concert, exhibition or lecture W any religious, charitable, fraternal, educational, military, State calling, or business which pays a franchise tic to the City of `"Tustin, and not including any occupation, calling, or business for which a license fee is fixed by any other ordinance of the City of Tustin, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. (More than (SS)• For every person, firm or corpora - one line of busi- tion engaged in more than one line of business, ness) • 11 he or they shall be required to take out one li- cense only, which shall be tge largest fee charg- ed for any one of the businesses conducted by said - person, firm or corporation. (Chari- Section 12. That the provisions of this table & non pro- ordinance shall not be deemed or construed to re- fit insti- tutions or quire the paymnet of a license to conduct, manage organiza- tions) or carry on any business, occupation or activity, or require the payment of any license from any in- stitution or organization which is conducted, managed or carried on wholly for the benefit of charitable purposes or from which profit is not derived, either directly or indirectly by any individual, firm or corporation; nor shall any license be required for the conducting of any entertainments, concert, exhibition or lecturenon (Religious) scientific, historical, literary, religious or moral subjects, whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, concert, exhibition or lecture are (School) to be appropriated to any church or school, or to any religious or benevolent purposes within the (Education- al) Educational) City of Tustin; now shall ani lioense be required for the conducting of any entertainment, dance, concert, exhibition or lecture W any religious, charitable, fraternal, educational, military, State 23 County, or Municipal organization or association, whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, dance, concert, exhibition or lecture are to be appropriated for the purpose and objects for which such association or organization was formed, and from which profit is not derived, either directly or in— directly, by any individual, firm or corporation; j provided, however, that nothing in this sectioh contained shall be deemed to exempt any such insti— tution or organization from complying with the pro— visions of any ordinance of the City of Tustin, re— quiring such institution or organization to obtain a permit from the proper board, commissioner or officer to conduct, manage or carry on any profession trade, calling or occupation.. (Viola Section 13: That any person, firm or tions of this or- corporation violating any of the provisions of this dinance) ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars or by imprisonment for a perion of not more than three months, or bry both such fine and im— prisonment. (Unlawful Section -14: That the granting of a license business prohibited) for carrying on any business, show, exhibition or game, as provided for in this ordinance shall not be deemed a permit to conduct the same in an unlaw— ful manner or at a place prohibited by law or the ordinances of the City of Tustin. (Ane sec- Section 15: That is any section, sub— tion un— constitu— section) -sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordin— tional does not ance is for any reason held to be invalid or ancon— invali— date re— stitutional, such decision shall not affect the mainder) validity of the remaining portion of the ordinance. The City Council of the City of Tustin hereby de— } Glares that it would have passed this ordinance and j each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or i more other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses 1 (Re eal— ed (Dates from Jul 10 1941T or phrases by declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 16: That Ordinances No. 14, No. 299 No. 32, No. 33, and Nol 36,.are hereby repealed, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances to the rextent that the same conflict herewith are, to that extent, hereby repealed. Section 17: The City 0ouncil hereby declares that it is its intention that this ordinance, upon becoming effective, shall relate back to the 1st day of July, 1941 and shall govern the collection and payment of license fees from and after the 1st day of July, 1941, and it is therefore ordered that all license fees from and after the let day of July, 1941 shall be paid in the amounts and at the times herein specified, Section 18: Tha City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Tustin News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, pub— lished and circulated in the City of Tustins and said ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage and adol5tion. P ASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at its regular meeting held on the 16th day of June) 1941. MayqW of the City of Tustin. ATTEST: Ak� City of the City of Tustin. 11 The above and foregoing ordinance was re- gularly introduced at a regular meeting of the City Co Council of the City of Tustin held on the 2nd day of June, 1941 and was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on theay of June, 1941, by the Following vote: AYES Councilmen: Wilson, Kidd, Kiser Forney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: _ Logan City Clerk of the City of Tustin. �4i