HomeMy WebLinkAboutSign Program - Tustin Auto CenterTUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM Revised per Resolution No. 3904 Conditional Use Permit 03-023 Planning Commission Meeting December 22, 2003 TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM Revision 11-2003 Introduction The purpose of this program is to guide automobile dealers in selection and placement of their signage. It is the intent to provide a reasonable number and size of signs. It is the further intent to limit the number and size of signs to that required for proper conduct of business and to control the design and placement of all signage to ensure compliance with the City of Tustin's Comprehensive Sign Ordinance. It is desired that artistic flexibility be allowed while maintaining the continuity and appropriate scale to the center as a whole. The information contained in this program as adopted by the City of Tustin establishes mandatory criteria to which each sign must conform. Each business will be responsible for construction, installation and maintenance of its signage, and must submit for approval to the City of Tustin three copies of shop drawings which indicate location, materials, dimensions, finishes and method of installation for all proposed signage. H. Identification Sions for the Auto Center Identification of the Auto Center will be provided by the project's developer to attract customers into the center. Such identification signage shall include signs at each side of the entrances to the Auto Center, major freeway signage and directional signage at the adjacent freeway off -ramps. III. Automobile Dealer's Sions A. General Criteria 1. There shall be no pennants, display flags, spinners, exposed lamps or other attention -getting devices except .as allowed under Section V - Promotional Signage. It is for the mutual benefit of all dealers and the City that the subject of this paragraph be carefully controlled. Nothing can detract more quickly from the quality of the center than rampant competition for attraction through the proliferation of balloons, sale signs, painted windows, etc., except as allowed in Section V — Promotional Signage. 2. Paper signs or painted signs on windows or similar advertising will be permitted on a temporary basis. See Section V - Promotional Signage. 3. No exposed raceways, ballast boxes or transformers will be permitted. 4. Illuminated signs shall be internally lit by fluorescent or neon tubes. No luminous or reflective background or script may be attached or applied. 5. Sign company names or stamps shall be concealed. & Locations and size of all signs shall be indicated on preliminary submittal drawings for approval by the Auto Center Merchant's Association (Association). Page 1 of 8 7. Working drawings must include sign locations, design, size, colors and specifications. The Association's written approval of a dealership's prepared sign drawings and specifications is mandatory. 8. The maximum height of all signs shall be measured from the nearest curb grade or grade of the nearest ground level (non -elevated) paving area. 9. No roof -mounted signs will be permitted. 10. The color of signs should coordinate with the overall building color scheme. Signs should reflect high quality design and not be "gimmicky" in use of materials, color or form. The intent of this section is to allow the Franchise signage requirements to work in tandem with the sign program standards. B. Street Identification Signs (See Exhibit "A') 1. Two street -front signs shall be permitted per dealership. 2. Street signs may contain the following information: a. Brand(s) of vehicles sold b. Manufacturer's logo C. Dealer's name d. Identification of used cars or trucks e. Secondary manufacturer's lines or similar identification 3. Each sign must fit within a rectangle 6 ft high by 15' wide for a horizontal sign or 16 ft high by 8ft wide for a vertical sign. For the 16' x 8' vertical format sign, 25% of the height dimension may measure up to 12 ft wide if the total sign face does not exceed 128 sq. ft. (See Exhibit "A" Alternate) 4. Each sign may be double sided. 5. Signs may be located no closer than 75 ft from a common lot line between dealerships. Location and .spacing of signs is subject to the review and approval of the Association. 6. Signs shall be monument signs only and shall be constructed of solid masonry or metal panels. Signs shall be trimmed out with a material which is used in the main showroom building in order to promote an architecturally coordinated look for each site. It is recognized that certain standard signs are more easily incorporated by the dealer than necessarily custom-made signs. Pole signs are permitted if the support column is a minimum width of 3 ft. (Refer to Exhibit "A" — Alternate) 7. Letters and loaos only may be lit and they shall be lit internally. No external lighting may be allowed. Page 2 of 8 8. Signs shall be set back from the front property line a minimum of 5 ft. and shall be contained within a planting area which may consist of turf or selective ground covers.. 9. Signs shall be no closer than 125 ft from Dealers property line at Tustin Ranch Road, Myford Road and EI Camino Road: 10. Except for the sign regulations contained. within this sign program, all remaining regulations contained within the Tustin Sign Ordinance are valid and applicable. 11. Each business is required to obtain a sign permit for any sign proposed for the dealership. C. Street Directional Signs 1. Signage information may include directions to Entrance, Service, Parts, Customer Parking, etc. 2. The signs may measure 6 sq ft for a single message, up to 12 sq ft for multiple messages in a space no larger that 3 ft high and 5 ft wide. 3. All signs may be double sided 4. Signs shall be located at driveway areas. Spacing and location of signs is subject to approval by the Association and the City of Tustin. IV. Approval of Sign Program A. Proposed Signage 1. The dealers should, at an early date in their planning process, present to the Association the proposed Signage Program, so that mutual study and consideration might be given to evolving a compatible sign, for the dealer, that relates to other dealers in the center. B. Sign Materials 1. Design and materials shall be presented as part of the design package for approval. It is desirable that the sign materials be of high quality and reflect design, color and materials of the project. 2. Materials used shall be compatible with the dealership's building design and overall sign program. 3. Signs shall be internally lit only. C. Building Mounted Signs (See Exhibit "B") 1. The sign may include dealership name, logo and/or franchise brand. 2. The sign may measure up to 175 sq ft. in a horizontal format and should be proportional to the building surface of which it is a part. The maximum percentage of the sign to the length of the building shall not exceed 75%. Page 3 of 8 3. Maximum letter height or adjacent logo height shall not exceed 36 inches when building frontage setback exceeds 60 ft from property line. Maximum letter or adjacent logo height shall note exceed 24 inches when building frontage setback is equal to or less than 60 ft from property line. 4. Multiple dealer identification/franchise signage may exist on each street frontage — not to exceed 3 total. 5. Building mounted signs may be attached to screen walls or service buildings or showroom buildings which face onto the interior loop road of the Auto Center and along the exterior facing perimeter of the Auto Mall. Signs along .the exterior facing perimeter shall be a maximum height of 24 inches. 6.. Letters shall be channel tube and shall be internally illuminated or back- lit. Letter shall be limited to a single color..Manufacturer brand identity color(s) may be allowed with the review and approval of the Association. D. Perimeter Signage at "Jewel Box" Display (See Exhibit "E") E. information Signs Signs shall be single sided, mounted flat on a building or wall, and shall not protrude out from the building. 2. Signing for Parts, Service and Used Cars may measure up to 15 sq ft with a maximum height of 18 inches. In the event the letter height does not exceed 14 inches, total sign area may be increased to 20 sq ft. 3. All other information signing may measure up to 8 sq ft with a maximum letter height of 12 inches. 4. Materials shall be compatible with the building's design. 5. Reference Exhibit "D" attached. F. Proiect Entry Directories and Freeway identification Siqns . 1. Dealer Association may provide a directory sign 96. sq ft — Double sided at each project entry, (Tustin Ranch Road, and EI Camino Road and at. the intersection of Tustin Ranch Road and EI Camino Road.) (See Exhibit C). A. The design shall be an aluminum texture coated cabinet with six inch painted letter (for franchise identification), to replicate the design of the Market Place directories. Such signs may be externally lit with ground mounted lights. Maximum height for this type of sign is 12 ft. B. All sign colors shall match those of the freeway signs to I ncourage a unifying theme throughout the center. Page 4 of 8 C. The existing metal Tustin Auto Center wall mounted sign shall remain. Each directory shall contain the center name in 12 inch high letters on each face. D. Dealer and franchise identification maybe permitted if within size constraints. E. The final design is subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. 2. One (1) Auto Center identification/information sign (reader board) shall be provided along the 1-5 freeway. Design as identified in Exhibit "G -1","G-2" and "G-3" as well as the description as noted below: A. The Reader board identification/information sign ' shall be monitored by the Association for content and clarity of all messages. The Association will monitor the operations of the reader board messages to comply with the Cal Trans guidelines for signal duration and visual impact. B. The Reader board will.be limited to high definition digital display media sources. C. Messages will be limited to a duration of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days. D. Use of the Reader board advertising medium will be limited to members of the Auto Center Association. The following advertisements or messages are prohibited: • Political messages indicating the name/or picture of an individual seeking election to a public office, or relating to public election or referendum or advocating, criticizing, or otherwise related to the political views, opinions, contentions on labor disputes or similar controversies. . • Messages relating to religious, charitable, or sociological opinions, views, policies, or beliefs. • Advertisements of businesses, products, persons, or subjects not related to Tustin Auto Center. • Messages or advertisements that are obscene, or of an obscene nature or "adult content". • Messages that stimulate or imitate in size, color, lettering, or design of any traffic sign or signal, or which make use of the words "Stop", "Look", "Danger", or any other words, phrases, symbols, or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic. • Messages and/or advertisements that are audible or emitting sound. Page 5 of 8 E. Messages will be limited to the display of dealer or center -wide special events,. digital images of current vehicles (without indication of "sale or value pricing"), the advertisement of dealerships in general and hours of operation. 3. Each dealer may be identified on one of the 1-5 Freeway oriented dealer signs. Seven (7) dealer signs shall be provided along the 1-5 freeway, which are spaced approximately 90 feet apart. All signs shall be designed in accordance with Exhibit "HA", "H-2", & "H-3". V. _Promotional Signage (Temporary/Special Event) . A. Tustin Auto Center (Dealers Association and Center -wide Promotion) The center may be granted a permit to display a special event display for four (4) periods per year, but in no event shall the combined time period exceed one hundred twenty (120) days per year. A permit is required before any special event display may be exhibited, permit application shall be filed by the Dealer's Association a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance. A special event display is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion. 2. A permit for special event display may allow banners (Exhibit "F", Item 1) Pennants and or/super graphics (Exhibit "F", Item 2) may be granted for a period no longer than thirty (30) days subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development. (No flags or balloons of any type are permitted.) 3. The banners and/pennants shall be limited to a reasonable size, location and number as determined by the Directory of Community Development. 4. The plan should show location and colors. The banners and or/pennants shall be appropriate for the event and should not negatively affect adjacent land uses. Actual examples should accompany plan. 5. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. 6. All signs and temporary advertising devices shall be proportional in size to the area to which they are affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development All temporary signs shall be securely affixed' toa building, wall, or window (not draped or hung over walls.) 7. Center -wide promotions shall not conflict (overlap) with any individual dealer promotions. 8. Special events held outdoors and/or in tents, shall comply with this section for signs, and all city code regulations for permits and inspections. 9. Application shall be requested on the appropriate form and will be approved or denied by the Director of Community Development following a review by the Manager of Inspection Services regarding appropriate placement and safety if placed within the public right-of-way. Each special event display shall be a city -issued certificate of approval including the expiration date. Page 6 of 8 10. The Tustin Auto Center Merchant's Association shall represent and coordinate all permits with the City for center promotions. B. Individual Business Organizations An individual business may be granted a permit to display a special event display for up to thirty (30) consecutive days per calendar quarter. A permit is required before any special event display may be exhibited. A special event display is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion. 2. A permit for special event display may allow banners and/or pennants subject to review and approval of . the Director of Community Development. In no event shall a dealer post more than one banner per street front. All displays shall be posted on premise and oriented towards Loop Road. (No flags or balloons of any type are permitted.) 3. The banners and/or pennants shall be limited to a reasonable size, location and number as determined by the Director of Community Development. ,A special event banner is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion, and is limited to thirty- two (32) sq ft. The use of temporary signs is limited to banner type signs of a durable cloth material and shall be professionally made. 4. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. 5. The plan shouldshow location and colors. The banners and/or pennants shall be appropriate for the event and should not negatively affect adjacent land uses. Actual examples should accompany plan. 6. All signs and temporary advertising devices .shall be proportional in size to the area to which they area affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to building walls or a walled surface (not draped or hung over walls.) 7. Any individual dealer promotion shall be coordinated so as to not overlap with the timing of any center -wide promotion. 8. No banners or pennants shall be posted on the perimeter walls of the center of on building walls which face EI Camino Real, Tustin Ranch Road, the EI Modena Flood Control Channel or the 1-5 freeway. 9. Special events held outdoors and/or in tents, shall comply with this section for signs, . and all city code regulations for permits and inspections. 10. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to a building, wall or window. All signs shall be posted upon the premises for which they serve, no off-site advertising is permitted. 10. Application shall be requested on the appropriate form at least one week in advance and will be approved or denied by the Director of Community Development following a review by the Manager of Inspection Services regarding appropriate placement and safety if placed within the public Page 7 of 8 right-of-way. Each special event display shall be a city -issued certificate of approval including the expiration date. 11. Should for any reason, a dealer violate the conditions contained herein. or any requirement of the Tustin Sign Code, they shall waive their right to, apply for any temporary signs for a period of one (1) year after such violations and permanently if further violations occur. VI Landscaping, Hardscape, and Architectural Features A. Sign Landscape 1. Submit at plan check, a landscaping and irrigation plan for the landscaped areas affected by the new entry and freeway signs. 2. This plan shall be consistent with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. B. Requirements The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the following requirements: 1. All existing and new landscaping along the freeway shall be designed in accordance with the Auto Center Landscape Guidelines and all trees, shrubs, and other plants shall be relocated in this area to provide maximum visibility to all signs, including promotion sign locations yet promote a lushly landscaped perimeter area. 2. All revised landscaping is subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of any sign permits along the freeway or at the project entries. C. _ Architectural Features Architectural features such as towers, cupolas, flag poles, monuments, and similar structures may exceed height limits subject to the approval of the Community Development Director. Page 8 of 8 I I � I I I 3._0. 1 � i TUSTiN .. I - l� IJlJ15�/L1�SO� LAS U d �0 VERTIGAL FOP -MAT -ALT W J IL 6'I0•F y TtlSTIN - - - PONTIAC IWAINAN it -Wall W& - HORIZONTAL FORMAT 51-01 z J M T H H S U N B{- SS MH FA TH VERTICAL -ORMAT 5,-0. NOTE: ALL EXAMPLES ARE FOR DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN FORMS CAN BE PURSUED WITHIN THE DIMENSIONS ILLUSTRATED AND NOTED IN PROGRAM. DEALER MONUMENT SIGNS SCALE: PAGE I BU/LD/NG &J4LL BLDG FRONT BEYOND CSO FT 5ETB/4GK FROM PROPERTY LINE f341/LD/NG &44LL BLDG FRONT WITHIN 60 FT SETBAGK FROM PROPERTY LINE O NOTE: ALL EXAMPLES ARE FOR DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN FORMS CAN BE PURSUED WITHIN THE DIMENSIONS ILLUSTRATED AND NOTED IN PROGRAM. BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNS - EXHIBIT B SCALE: 1 /6"=1'-0" PAGE.2 SIGNAGE BOX -STUCCO FINISH DEALER SIGN BACKGROUND - SMOOTH ACRTLIC SCALE: PAGE 3 DEALER SICaN - MAX 24' HIGI-I (WIDTH SA5ED ON FRANCHISE CAR NAME) 12' FROM TOP OF WALL. BOUNDARY a 4LL 2' -0 - NOTE: ALL EXAMPLES ARE FOR DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN FORMS CAN BE PURSUED WITHIN THE DIMENSIONS ILLUSTRATED AND NOTED IN PROGRAM. OUTDOOR ,gUTO DISPLAY (JE�VEL BOX DISPL 4,� -EXHIBIT E SCALE: PAGE 5 0 z 'U m O c D w U N CL cnD v a� 'U CL U) D m c m n c Z) N Y,XLIHIBI—I r—Page 6 C aj U N U > cr m CL N W - N CD ; C O N O C O O N E c c0 a co E 0 7 m C > E — > m E a c U U; _o C U d C U a) O Ua pp y: O m _ ca UJ C L O d m L C c r m 3 e m coE n o m E a o ami m o d vein CO) n is a) aoac o nc E 61 W U o f l4 N N d C.) z d Q Q 0 U>0 a m`o 09 U) L) N N W 0 z 'U m O c D w U N CL cnD v a� 'U CL U) D m c m n c Z) N Y,XLIHIBI—I r—Page 6 _ ZZ'.6• 3T u t i G2 uto At;enter, r . NEW READER BOARD G2 25'0 X 18'0 EXISTING i ' I I L_ J G2 I I s• 2a' -m• I I I L J r � WITH GRADE I i I I i ELEVATIONA FREEWAY(SIDE) ELEVATION GONGEPT DESIGN - MATERIALS TO REMAIN THE SAME NOTE: ALL EXAMPLES ARE FOR DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE ONLY. SIGN FORMS CAN BE PURSUED WITHIN THE DIMENSIONS ILLUSTRATED AND NOTED IN PROGRAM. AUTO CENTER INFORMATION SIGN (READER BOARD) - EXHIBIT 01 SCALE: 1 /8"=I' -O" PAGE I cX5ll�JG 3A5= ELEvATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0" REBUILT AUTO CENTER SIGN O O O O NEW READER BOARD I I I I i I � I � O O O i O NEW READER BOARD 1 I I I � I I 1 I I Ol EXISTING BASE SNAP E TO REMAIN (EXISTING TELECOPING STRUCTURAL GOLUMNS TO B_ MODIFIED) GONGEPT DESIGN - MATERIALS TO REMAIN THE SAME i AUTO CENTER INFORt- IATION SIGN (READER BOARD) - EXHIBIT 021 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" PAGE 8 m N a �I IN 1 � T _ I_ . � � �r v1Y I Ili F� fo � In I � � • I.IIK •.K_ rN.• /1{I•Ii1 •y Y (•YN"/ t. •W I( v Nr -M{ f(/141(� a In{ -1 'I f t 1 S I N ' 1 j. :r.Ylt . n.« NY l.Y,(, 13• r(NaIK .w�f{t etu I �I I. m N IN 1 � T _ O �a m� .o a on .#'* ctrr w rvttta. comer a WaAnt. Blatt Or 6ALtrmta. . JAM" a_ caAsw. 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'�"`�`"� � ✓. � � � t Ii�...�.. .. ! 4 .� �'` ��:� a°�rc Y."�} f 1 L� LLZ n L, c A RECEIINED MAY 2 1 1991 By m iron Graf=HIC DA [ALE E t l [ SC L SALESMAN f M I DESIGNER F _ L LOCATION -�}J�f�, �s� f r APPROVED r _ i /11 a OWN.. f t Ap _../� � � 3.r'.� t - t L � $ �,•...- f�j • �s` „' ��.Mr "`. ^_'�,�--^y' � ,+' .,. . '�"`�`"� � ✓. � � � t Ii�...�.. .. ! 4 .� �'` ��:� a°�rc Y."�} f 1 L� LLZ n L, c A RECEIINED MAY 2 1 1991 By m iron Graf=HIC DA [ALE E t l [ SC L SALESMAN f M I DESIGNER F _ L LOCATION -�}J�f�, �s� f r APPROVED SiGnGraPHIC 7E r SCALE SALESMAN 4 LOCATION rc 0 I 1 + 1,4- f r E •_ __ � 4/ �r111 �. � � r ✓ t Fl.--- � I i � fIl� r° t � _ � t { � � e_�' -A17 - s F d SiGnGraPHIC 7E r SCALE SALESMAN DESIGNER LOCATION rc 0 City ®f Tustin Community Development Department October 18, 1989 SUBJECT: Temporary Signs TO: Members of the Tustin Auto Center Association This letter is a reminder that there still exists violations of the Sign Program at various dealerships throughout the Tustin Auto Center. Our department asks for your cooperation and compliance with the criteria and regulations set up by the Sign Program as well as the regulations within the Tustin Sign Ordinance. The following listing is a reminder of some of the most obvious violations that have recently been noted at some of the dealerships: 1. Flags attached to automobiles for sale by way of antenna anchored displays are not permitted as this condition violates the Sign Program Resolution No. 2654, Section 3.3 "Temporary Signs." 2. More than one temporary banner display for an individual dealer fronting the freeway is not permitted as this condition violates the Sign Program Resolution No. 2654, Section 3.3 "Temporary Signs." We ask each of the dealers to review the enclosed revised Tustin Auto Center Master Sign Program, especially the regulations for temporary signs as this are seems to hold the most confusion for permitted activities. If you should have any further questions regarding temporary signs please contact Anne Bonner at 544-8890 extension 273. 300 Centennial Way ® Tustin, California 92680 0 (714) 544.8890 TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM REVISED PER RESOLUTION NO. 2654 USE PERMIT 89-09 FOR REVISIONS TO THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 14, 1989 IV. 1V/ VI. TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM INDEX INTRODUCTION IDENTIFICATION SIGNS FOR THE AUTO CENTER AUTOMOBILE DEALERS' SIGNS A. GENERAL CRITERIA B. STREET IDENTIFICATION SIGNS C. STREET DIRECTIONAL SIGNS APPROVAL OF SIGN PROGRAM A. PROPOSED SIGNAGE B. SIGN MATERIALS C. BUILDING -MOUNTED SIGNS D. PERIMETER SIGNAGE AT "JEWEL BOX" DISPLAY E. INFORMATION SIGNS F. PROJECT ENTRY DIRECTORIES AND FREEWAY IDENTIFICATION SIGNS PROMOTIONAL SIGNAGE (TEMPORARY/SPECIAL EVENT) A. TUSTIN AUTO CENTER (DEALERS ASSOCIATION OR CENTER -WIDE PROMOTION) B. INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS LANDSCAPING, GROUNDS, AND HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS A. SIGN LANDSCAPE B. REQUIREMENTS PAGE 1 1 `&3 4-5 6-7 8-9 61 TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM I. Introduction The purpose of this program is to guide automobile dealers in selection and placement of their signage. It is the intent to provide a reasonable number and size of signs. It is the further intent to limit the number and size of signs to that required for proper conduct of business and to control the design and placement of all signage to ensure compliance with the City of Tustin's Comprehensive Sign Ordinance. It is desired that artistic flexibility be allowed while maintaining continuity and appropriate scale to the center as a whole. The information contained in this program as adopted by the City of Tustin establishes mandatory criteria to which each sign much conform. Each business will be responsible for construction, installation and maintenance of its signage, and must submit for approval to the City of Tustin and The Irvine Company three copies of shop drawings which indicate location, materials, dimensions, finishes and method of installation for all proposed signage. II. Identification Signs for the Auto Center Identification of the Auto Center will be provided by the project's developer to attract customers into the center. Such identification signage shall include signs at each side of the entrances to the Auto Center, major freeway signage and directional signage at adjacent freeway off -ramps. III. Automobile Dealers' Signs A. General Criteria 1. There shall be no pennants, display flags, spinners, exposed lamps or other attention -getting devices except as allowed under Section V Promotional Signage. It is for the mutual benefit of all dealers and the City that the subject of this paragraph be carefully controlled. Nothing can detract more quickly from the quality of a center than rampant competition for attraction through the proliferation of balloons, sale signs, painted windows, etc., except as allowed in Section V Promotional Signage. 2. Paper signs or painted signs on windows or similar advertising will be permitted on a temporary basis. See Section V - Promotional Signage. 3. No exposed raceways, ballast boxes or transformers will be permitted. 4. Illuminated signs shall be internally lighted by fluorescent or neon tubes. No luminous or reflective background or script may be attached or applied. 5. Sign company names or stamps shall be concealed. 6. Locations and size of all signs shall be indicated on preliminary submittal drawings for approval by The Irvine Company. 7. Working drawings must include sign location, design, size, colors and specifications. The Irvine Company's written approval of a dealership's prepared sign drawings and specifications is mandatory. 8. The maximum height of all signs shall be measured from the nearest curb grade or grade of the nearest ground level (non -elevated) paving area. 9. No roof -mounted signs will be permitted. 10. The color of signs should coordinate with the overall building color scheme. Signs should reflect high quality design and not be "gimmicky" in use of materials, color or form. B. Street Identification Signs (See Exhibits "A","B","13-1 ") 1. Two street -front signs shall be permitted per dealership. 2. Street signs may contain the following information: a. Brand(s) of vehicle sold. b. Manufacturer's logo. C. Dealer's name. d. Identification of used cars or trucks. e. Secondary manufacturer's lines or similar identification. 3. Each sign must fit within a rectangle 6' high by 15' wide for a horizontal sign or 16' high by 8' wide for a vertical sign. For the 16'x 8' vertical format sign, 25% of the height dimension may measure up to 12' wide if the total sign face does not exceed 128 sq. ft. 4. Each sign may be double sided. 2 5. Signs may be located no closer than 75' from a common lot line between dealerships. Location and spacing of signs is subject to review and approval of The Irvine Company. 6. Signs shall be monument signs only and shall be constructed of solid masonry or metal panels. Signs shall be trimmed out with a material which is used in the main showroom building in order to promote an architecturally coordinated look for each site. It is recognized that certain standard signs are more easily incorporated by the dealer than necessarily custom-made signs. Pole signs are permitted if the support column is a minimum width of 3'. (Refer to Exhibits "A" through "13-11"). 7. Letters and logos only may be lighted and they shall be lighted internally. No external lighting shall be allowed. 8. Signs shall be set back from the front property line a minimum of five feet (5') and shall be contained within a planting area which may consist of turf or selective ground covers. 9. Signs shall be no closer than 125' from Dealers' property line at Tustin Ranch Road, Myford Road and EI Camino Road. 10. Except for the sign regulations contained within this sign program, all remaining regulations contained within the Tustin Sign Ordinance are valid and applicable. 11. Each business is required to obtain a sign permit for any sign proposed for the dealership. C. Street Directional Signs 1. Signage information may include directions to Entrance, Service, Parts, Customer Parking, etc. 2. The signs may measure 6 sq. ft. for a single message, up to 12 sq. ft. for multiple messages in a space no larger than 3 ft. high and 5 ft. wide. 3. All signs may by double sided. 4. Signs shall be located at driveway areas. Spacing and location of signs is subject to approval by The Irvine Company and the City of Tustin. 3 IV. Approval of Sign Program A. Proposed Signage 1. The dealers should, at an early date in their planning process, present to the Architectural Committee of The Irvine Company, the proposed Signage Program, so that mutual study and consideration might be given to evolving a compatible sign, for the dealer, that relates to other dealers in the center. B. Sign Materlals 1. Design and materials shall be presented as part of the design. package for approval. It is desirable that the sign materials be of high quality and reflect design, color and materials of the project. 2. Materials used shall be compatible with the dealership's building design and the overall sign program. 3. Signs shall be internally lighted only. C. Building -Mounted Signs (See Exhibit "C") 1. The sign may include dealership name, logo and/or make. 2. The sign may measure up to 100 square feet in a horizontal format and should be proportional to the building surface of which it is a part. 3. Maximum letter height. is 24 inches. 4. One sign is permitted for each building frontage on Auto Center interior roads. 5. Building -mounted signs may be attached to screen walls or service buildings or showroom buildings which face onto the interior loop road of the Auto Center only. Such signage may not be mounted on a rear or side wall of any building, or on the property line walls. 6. Letters shall be channel tube and shall be internally illuminated or back lighted. Letters shall be of a single color. D. Perimeter Signage at "Jewel Box" Display. See Exhibit "E". 4 E. Information Signs 1. Signs shall be single sided, mounted flat on a building or wall, and shall not protrude out from the building. 2. Signing for Parts, Service and Used Cars may measure up to 15 sq. ft. with a maximum height of 18 inches. In the event that letter height does not exceed 14", total sign area may be increased to 20 sq. ft. 3. All other information signing may measure up to 8 square feet with a maximum letter height of one foot. 4. Materials shall be compatible with the building's design. 5. Reference Exhibit "D", attached. F. Project Entry Directories and Freeway Identification Signs 1. Dealer Association may provide a directory sign eighty-four (84) sq. ft. - Double sided at each project entry. (Tustin Ranch Road and EI Camino Road). A. The design shall be an aluminum texture coated cabinet with six inch painted letters (for vehicle makes), to replicate the design of the Market Place directories. Such signs may be externally lit with ground mounted lights. Maximum height for this type of sign is 16 feet. B. All sign colors shall match those of the freeway signs to encourage a unifying theme throughout the center. C. The existing metal Tustin Auto Center wall -mounted sign shall be removed and each directory shall contain the center name in 12 inch high letters on each face. D. Only vehicle make identification for the individual dealers is permitted. E. The final design is subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development.. 2. One (1) Auto Center identification sign shall be provided along 1-5 freeway. Design as identified in Exhibit"G-1" and "G-2". 6 V. 3. Each dealer may be identified on one of the 1-5 freeway oriented dealer signs. Seven (7) dealer signs shall be provided along the 1-5 freeway, which are spaced approximately 90 feet apart. All signs shall be designed in accordance with Exhibit "H-1", "H-2", & "H-3". Promotional Signage (Temporary/Speclal Event) A. Tustin Auto Center (Dealers Association or Center -wide Promotion) 1. The center may be granted a permit to display a special event display for four (4) periods per year, but in no event shall the combined time period exceed one hundred twenty (120) days per year. A permit is required before any special event display may be exhibited, permit application shall be filed by the Dealer's Association a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance. A special event display is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion. 2. A permit for special event display may allow banners (Exhibit "F", Item 1) Pennants and/or super graphic (Exhibit "F", Item 2) may be granted for a period no longer than thirty (30) days subject to review I and approval of the Director of Community Development. (No flags V or balloons of any type are permitted.) 3. The banners and/pennants shall be limited to a reasonable size, location and number as determined by the Director of Community Development. 4. The plan should show location and colors. The banners and/or pennants shall be appropriate for the event and should not negatively affect adjacent land uses. Actual examples should accompany plan. 5. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. 6. All signs and temporary advertising devices shall be proportional in size to the area to which they are affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to a building, wall, or window (not draped or hung over walls). 7. Center -wide promotions shall not conflict (overlap) with any individual dealer promotions. 8. Special events held outdoors and/or in tents, shall comply with this section for signs, and all city code regulations for permits and inspections. D 9. Application shall be requested on the appropriate form and will be approved or denied by the Director of Community Development following a review by the Manager of Inspection Services regarding appropriate placement and safety if placed within the public right-of- way. Each special event display shall be a city -issued certificate of approval including the expiration date. 10. The Tustin Auto Center Dealer's Association shall represent and coordinate all permits with the City for center promotions. B. Individual Business Organizations 1. An individual business may be granted a permit to display a special event display for up to thirty (30) consecutive days per calendar quarter. A permit is required before any special event display may be exhibited. A special event display is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion. 2. A permit for special event display may allow banners and /or pennants subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development. In no event shall a dealer post more than one banner per street front. All displays shall be posted on premise and oriented towards Loop Road. (No flags or balloons of any type are permitted.) 3. The banners and/or pennants shall be limited to a reasonable size, location and number as determined by the Director of Community Development. A special event banner is intended to inform the public of a unique happening, action, purpose, or occasion, and is limited to thirty-two (32) square feet. The use of temporary signs is limited to banner type signs of a durable cloth material and shall be professionally made. 4. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. 5. The plan should show location and colors. The banners and/or pennants shall be appropriate for the event and should not negatively affect adjacent land uses. Actual examples should accompany plan. 6. All signs and temporary advertising devices shall be proportional in size to the area to which they are affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to building walls or a walled surface (not draped or hung over walls). 7 7. Any individual dealer promotion shall be coordinated so as to not overlap with the timing of any center -wide promotion. 8. No banners or pennants shall be posed on the perimeter walls of the center or on building walls which face EI Camino Real, Tustin Ranch Road, the El Modena Flood Control Channel or the 1-5 freeway. 9. Special events held outdoors and/or in tents shall comply with this section for signs, and all city code regulations for permits and inspections. 10. All temporary signs shall be securely affixed to a building, wall, or window. All signs shall be posted upon the premises for which they serve, no off-site advertising is permitted. 11. Application shall be requested on the appropriate form at least one (1) week in advance and will be approved or denied by the Director of Community Development following a review by the Manager of Inspection Services regarding appropriate placement and safety if placed within the public right-of-way. Each special event display shall be a city -issued certificate of approval including the expiration date. 12. Should, for any reason, a dealer violate the conditions contained herein or any requirement of the Tustin Sign Code, they shall waive their right to apply for any temporary signs for a period of one (1) year after such violations and permanently if further violations occur. VI. Landscaping, Grounds, and Hardscape Elements A. Sign Landscape 1. Submit at plan check a landscaping and irrigation plan for the landscaped areas affected by the new entry and freeway signs. . 2. This plan shall be consistent with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. B. Requirements The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the following requirements: 8 1. All existing and new landscaping along the freeway shall be designed in accordance with the Auto Center Landscape Guidelines and all trees, shrubs, and other plants shall be relocated in this area to provide maximum visibility to all signs, including promotion sign locations yet promote a lushly landscaped perimeter area. 2. All revised landscaping is subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of any sign permits along the freeway or at the project entries. 0 6� BUIC.K -"!-7000 MA60NP-Y oR MEAL f tWc�h. [No �l.as�flc paJ�lEth) INjERNdL1.`�. CLARK BROTHERS vsw, ,385 � LAGUNA* ROAD CLARK BROTHERS OLDSMOB.IL.E EXHIBIT A Lccz. %411► ��-oM . '3�piiN• EXHIBIT e -r MR V Z'rw,X MAX ARF I Tb hn.FT. z "e e•XAPiPV,,c> CNL.'f ytmH FARMS CAN ff- PURSUcD W11MIH IliE P meNe,+Gfii;p It.:.USTt�Te.�. 10 L i p WOOTO= TNmser mer.Mr� I o4 -Y. h I &N Fv",l, ' t S I G~� OL- ruKtXJ&� WITH I N M t TN a M �N�I, I LLUSTr�T�, � T� 10 O B w t Y I t 0, 7-151 L . T TMERCEDES E. E % i EXHIBIT B 0. .PC.4.Lra: %4! =I-&=. . -� t I MAx (co gpQ.r. NO pe"llr-c> 6UIL =,lH GP �r1►.Llr mac_ M*W( Lr --ITR HFJ4+ 0 NA, mem INFM'IPT104 C-ArAw.l., KV x #". . _ 5 ham. r f. EXHIBIT Sc,.k..LE: %s r 15 �a.Ft. f�-,UILbINti SEf�v�GE v I�''MAIx D— I NFtPMMd.TIoN--.)I&W, 0 2-11-&,,> i 4GiGNs MUST BE GONTAINF.n IN A SPAGr-, 2.1 H x I o I W IBJ At. 01' PFROH TOP of I ALEM 51&N . _ ,ELEVATION 7CALE Ve s EXHIBIT : E OUTPOOK At�o VOIspLAv • EXHIBIT F Type of Permit Maximum Maximum Maximum Illumination Class Sign Required Number Sign Area Height Location Allowed Remarks 1) Dealer & Wall or Special window Yes. in accordance One (1) 32 sq. ft. Wall: shall Wall or No 1. A special event Event with per business not exceed window 20 ft. banner permit is Banner Section required in V. accordance with Section V. 2. Copy limited to announcements of special events. 2) Temporary Wall Super Yes Unspecified Unspecified .Unspecified Unspecified No 1. Painted design Graphic which covers an area greater that 10% of a wall, building facade, or other structure. 2. Displays or suggests information which identifies by name or symbol. 3. Such super graphics can be used only for Center promotions. - I -- , oi _ I Phi{�Nr7- WT iu-urs. E1�1� 1ol'dil � ,i Il�I i hf—f�o A w 0 ce To �' � 1 TUpQuo►ti� ���g �,x I� L W I I ;I II �II :i i �I � II I I I _ EXHIBIT G=' h IQ • ---------------- -------- - - -- - -- .®3 0 j �� PL+4 Yl OW I � ?h 'v 1y� 77 y� T}W I' ti �,a MIN; aLGAI/'OG O Ford--- Toyota-. . Q vile I %o put � To '(U Fw ?3,6 ANO -L.6 th hEwPortT° g� VERIFI6rJ p- Lr-KSMIP I.D. MONO Herl% LE`I/-11-0,1 MNc-r: p.uarl w/ T6KTUKW FiRl�J ( M*OF�E 5900 IH AL. wRM) �IVIO('cP� NN�s C�a+t AL�+t1 To rupc� wog Pt..Ac ImoviP., INT II WM. gyp, GoPis G,ortT AWHINUrl Fvpy�� 11{W'► Goff - RW6jUr4r�{ ALM 'M AWUCo To VlWlT6'Vb I Gop�( IN1 JU,uM PY 600 MA M LAMPS. WY t Wmvi: M 75 1V O s A,u,rH w/ Trac TU( FU'i*H.-f. HGF GAgINET f � XAC,r Rio -To V*- I mfo-M l n ev I �f �[y GON TPJCTD R NATE Is i� IN DILATE EI&GTRIG 7D RuN To 5 51610 LoeAn?051 Nrow TO HAv15 ENOU4H rlOR 2 FUTUR15 WCA1100 EXHIBIT H-1 fpm P_J H U L L MAP NO. -87 20I IR INE Cit[ OF IUSIIR. COURtT OF ORANCE. SIAIE OF CALIFOOYIA. JADES R- CRAWORO. L.S. 4933 DAM OF SURTE[. JIAC. 1983 • !U YCW(W!\ ![([tt EKY(I t• IY{11. ETUSTWRANCH ROAD PARCEL A i IWRRLtU. IAR\OREL AMMON ,l 0.44 AL. if 21166 ////�[`]uu:r. m• PARCEL c ! ® 1/ u][t• / O.IOa ACI. .b•N'!G:-�7/ -)]!tC 9%cl 1]I PAPCfL �' 41 I /36 .. i i I I z MAJ.. 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J ..111:\ f 1 r 2 3 4 5' 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 13. 201 211 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2654 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING USE PERMIT 89-09 FOR REVISIONS TO THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER SIGN PROGRAM The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. A proper application, Use Permit No. 89-09 has been filed on behalf of the Tustin Auto Center Dealer's Association to revise the Master Sign Program for the Tustin Auto Center to modify the freeway oriented signs, install new entry directories and allow temporary advertising signs in the Center. B. A public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on August 14, 1989. . C. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. The proposed changes conform to the Planned Community regulations'for the Auto Center. 2. The project conforms with the Tustin Zoning Code and General Plan. 3. The program, as revised, complies with the Tustin Sign Code. D. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. This project is Categorically Exempt, Class 11 from the California Environmental Quality Act. G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. EXHIBIT A USE PERMIT 89-09 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 2654 GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed Master Sign Program shall substantially conform with the submitted plans and text for the project date stamped August 14, 1989 on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development Department in accordance with this Exhibit. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 Approval shall become null and void for all permanent signs unless building permits are issued within twelve (12) months of the date on this Exhibit and substancial construction is underway. PLAN SUBMITTAL 2.1 At building plan check submittal provide: (3) A. Construction plans, structural calculations, and electrical details for all signs. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes shall be complied with as approved by the Building Official. (2) B. Final grading and specifications consistent with the site plan and (3) landscaping plans and prepared by a registered civil engineer for approval of the Community Development Department. SITE AND BUILDING CONDITIONS (1) 3.1 All colors to be used on permanent signs shall be subject to review and (4) approval of the Director of the Community Development Department. All exterior treatments must be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) SPECIFIC PLAN (2) EIR MITIGATION (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (4) DESIGN REVIEW (8) PC/CC POLICY *** EXCEPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14' 151 1G� 17 1S 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. ?654 Page two II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 89-09 to authorize the modifications to the Tustin Auto Center Master Sign Program subject the conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regul meeting of the Tustin Pning Commission, held on the ,yam day of 1, s ie Anne Pontious Chairman venni roiey N Recording Secretary Exhibit A Resolution No. 2654 Page two *** 3.2 The entry directory signs shall be modified as follows: A. The entry directory signs shall be redesigned to accommodate an 84 square foot double-faced, aluminum texture coated cabinet with six inch painted letters (for vehicle makes) to replicate the design of the Market Place directories. The proposed map shall be deleted from the signs. Such signs may be externally lit with ground mounted lights. Maximum height for this type of sign is 16 feet. B. All sign colors shall match those of the freeway signs to encourage a unifying theme throughout the center. C. The existing metal Tustin Auto Center wall mounted sign shall be removed and each directory shall contain the center name in 12 inch high letters on each face. D. Only vehicle make identification for the individual dealers is permitted. *** 3.3 The Center promotion portion of the Temporary Sign Program shall be revised as follows: A. No flags or balloons of any type are permitted. -B. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. C. All signs and temporary advertising devices shall be proportional in size to the area to which they are affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development. D. Center wide promotions shall not conflict (overlap) with any individual dealer promotions. E. All banners and pennants shall be securely affixed to a building or wall. All such banners or pennants shall be located below the roof, parapet or wall line. *** 3.4 The following conditions shall be added to the dealer promotion portion of the temporary sign program as follows: A. No flags or balloons of any type are permitted. B. Up to one sign per street or freeway frontage may be installed. C. All signs and temporary advertising devices shall be proportional in size to the area to which they are affixed as determined by the Director of Community Development. D. Any individusl dealer promotion shall be coordinated so as to not overlap with the timing of any centerwide promotion. Exhibit A Resolution No. 2654 Page three E. No banners or pennants shall be posted on the perimeter walls of the center or on building walls which face E1 Camino Real, Tustin'Ranch Road, the El Modena Flood Control Channel or the I-5 freeway. F. All banners and pennants shall be securely affixed to a building or wall. All such banners or pennants shall be located below the roof, parapet or wall line. *** 3.5 The applicant shall provide a revised sign program text including all modifications contained in this exhibit. Such revisions shall be submitted prior to issuance of any permits for temporary or permanent signs. LANDSCAPING, GROUNDS AND HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS (7) 4.1 Submit at plan check a revised landscaping and irrigation plan for the landscaped areas affected by the new entry and freeway signs. This plan shall be consistent with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. (7) 4.2 The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the following requirements: A. All existing and new landscaping along the freeway shall be designed in accordance with the Auto Center Landscape Guidelines and all trees, shrubs and other plants shall be relocated in this area to provide maximum visibility to all signs yet promote a lushly landscaped perimeter area. All revised landscaping is subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of any sign permits along the freeway or at the project entries. LK:pef STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted ata egular meeting of the�stin Planning omm ssion, held on the � day of , 198 ENNI FOLEY Recording Secretary April 29, 1986 Mr. Mike McLean McLean Cadillac 201 N. Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92702 Department of Community Development SUBJECT: REVISED SIGN CRITERIA FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER Dear Mr. McLean: On April 28, 1986, the Tustin Planning Commission approved the revised sign criteria for the Tustin Auto Center Master Development Plan. As contained in the sign criteria, all signs must be approved by The Irvine Company prior to submittal to the City for permits. At this time, it will now be necessary to secure final approval from The Irvine Company for all proposed signs at your location. Once approved, please submit three copies, including all structural calculations and a site plan, to me for permit issuance. Should you have any questions regarding the above procedures, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, e /zo LAURA CAY PICKUP Assistant Planner LCP:cd 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 (714) 544-8890 April 29, 1986 Mr. Dick Shu Tustin Acura 15511 Red Hill Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 Department of Community Development SUBJECT: REVISED SIGN CRITERIA FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER Dear Mr. Shu: On April 28,• 1986, the Tustin Planning Commission approved the revised sign criteria for the Tustin Auto Center Master Development Plan. As contained in the sign criteria, all signs must be approved by The Irvine Company prior to submittal to the City for permits. At this time, it will now be necessary to secure final approval from The Irvine Company for all proposed signs at your location. Once approved, please submit three copies, including all structural calculations and a site plan, to me for permit issuance. Should you have any questions regarding the above procedures, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, OF LAURA CAY PICKUP Assistant Planner 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 0 (714) 544-8890 April 29, 1986 Mr. Kenneth Ellegard Holmes Tuttle Tustin Dodge 40 Auto Center Drive Tustin, CA 92680 Department of Community Development SUBJECT: REVISED SIGN CRITERIA FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER Dear Mr. Ellegard: On April 28, 1986, the Tustin Planning Commission approved the revised sign criteria for the Tustin Auto Center Master Development Plan. As contained in the sign criteria, all signs must be approved by The Irvine Company prior to submittal to the City for permits. At this time, it will now be necessary to secure final approval from The Irvine Company for all proposed signs at your location. Once approved, please submit three copies, including all structural calculations and a site plan, to me for permit issuance. Should you have any questions regarding the above procedures, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, 14AO W LAURA CAY PICKUP Assistant Planner LCP:cd 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 0 (714) 544-8890 Planning Commission Minutes April 28, 1986 Page five ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Old Business 8. TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Assistant Planner Commissioner Mc Carthy moved to place this item on the next agenda; as a public hearing. Motion failed due to lack of second. Bonnie Holmes, representing the Irvine Company, gave an explanation of the. process of the looudspeaker study. David Dubbink, of David Dubbink Associates, made a 30 minute computer analysis presentation illustrating noise levels. Hubert Clark, 1942 San Juan, Tustin, Ca., 92680, representing San Juan Homeowners Association, thanked the City for the letter and the Irvine Company for their cooperation and reports. However, he has some concerns that there are not enough controls placed on the individual dealers in this matter. He was also concerned about the 9 foot wall that is proposed for Jamboree and Browning. Carol Taylor, 13532 Farmington Rd., Tustin, Ca., 92680, encouraged the use of a paging system. Alice Huber, 13882 Dall Lane, Tustin, Ca., 92680, asked that the beeper system be implemented. Michael Mc Lean, representing Mc Lean Cadillac, spoke regarding Mc Lean's intended use of a comb ned loudspeaker/pager system. A discussion followed between Commission, Bonnie Holmes, Mr. Dubbink, Mr. Mc Lean, and staff. Commissioner Puckett moved, Weil seconded to direct staff to prepare a resolution including the conditions of approval of -the Loudspeaker Criteria. Motion failed vote: ayes - 2; no - 1 (Mc Carthy); Commissioner Baker abstained. .Commissioner Mc G�arthy moved to direct staff to draft a resolution and hold a public hearing. Motionf ed due to lack of second. Commissioner Puckett moved to direct staff to draft a resolution and open the item to public hearing. Motion failed due to lack of second. Commissioner Puckett moved , Mc Carthy seconded to direct staff to: 1.) draft a resolution including the conditions of approval; and 2.) to direct staff to notice this item for public hearing. Motion carried 3-0. Commissioner Baker abstained. 9. TUSTI-N-AUTO CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN/SIGN CRITERIA Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Assistant Planner f Planning Commission Minutes April 28, 1986 Page six Commissioner Mc Carthy moved, Baker seconded to approve the East Tustin Master Development Plan Sign Criteria by the adoption of Resolution No. 2326. Motion rarriad a -n New Business 10. POLICY DETERMINATION: TEMPORARY BANNER SIGNS ON PARK FENCES Staff recommended that this item be delayed until the next scheduled meeting (May 12, 1986). STAFF CONCERNS 11. REPORT ON CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS APRIL 21, 1986 Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development The following actions were taken: 1. City Council has approved the Hazardous Materials Disclosure Ordinance. 2. The Chili Cook -off has been cancelled due to insurance costs. 3. Council appealed Variance 86-3, Carver Development signs. It will be put on the next Council agenda as a public hearing. 4. The Redevelopment Agency approved the Senior Citizen -Center. COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Mc Carthy noted his concerns regarding the parking situation at the French Quarter Center. Commissioner Weil asked staff to research the lights on Red Hill at the Acura dealer. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Mc Carthy moved, Puckett seconded to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 p.m. Motion -carried 4-0. PENNI FOLEY, Recording Secretary KATHY WEIL, Chairman 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 0 to RESOLUTION NO. 2326 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds. and determines as follows: A. That the Planning Commission adopted the Master Development Plan for the Tustin Auto Center on July 22, 1985 which included the Planned Sign Program. B. That the Irvine Company has proposed minor changes to the Design Criteria and Landscape Criteria of the Master Plan, and these are hereby approved in accordance with amendments shown as of February 18, 1986. C. That, as approved, the sign criteria contained certain deficiencies that were corrected and brought to the Planning Commission for approval. D. That the Planning Commission, reviewed and considered the revisions to the Master Development Plan on April 28, 1986. E. This resolution supercedes the previous resolution (No. 2259), which is no longer applicable and valid for the Tustin Auto Center Master Development Plan. II. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby approve the revisions to the Master Development Plan for the Tustin Auto Center based upon the following findings: A. That all signage revisions affect signs located within the auto center thereby having little or no effect on adjacent properties. B. That the Loudspeaker Criteria still requires the review and approval of the Planning Commission and at this time, no dealer is authorized to install an exterior loudspeaker system. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular eeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the �,2 ? f' day of Y , 198 . E� FILE COPY KATHY WEFt, , Chairman STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that Recording Secretary of the Planning qommissi on of the City California; that Resolution No. was duly passed and a regular eting f the Tustin Planning Commission, held on day of 19 9(-. PENNI FOLEY Recording Secretary I am the of Tustin, adopted at. the2-1 Report to the"ter%, Planning Commission DATE: APRIL 28, 1986 SUBJECT: AUTO CENTER SIGN CRITERIA REVISIONS APPLICANT/ THE IRVINE COMPANY PROPERTY OWNER: 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: TUSTIN AUTO CENTER AT FUTURE TUSTIN RANCH ROAD AND THE I-5 FREEWAY ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (SECTION 15311) i ITEM # 9 REQUEST: TO REVISE THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AUTO CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN/SIGN CRITERIA RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission approve the revised Auto Center .Sign Criteria by the adoption of Resolution No. 2326. SUMMARY: On July 22, 1985 the Planning Commission adopted the Tustin Auto Center Master Development Plan which included the Sign Criteria by the adoption of Resolution No. 2259. Since the criteria's adoption, the Irvine Company and the auto dealers have experienced numerous conflicts with the sign criteria. At this time, the Irvine Company is requesting that the Auto Center sign criteria be revised in order to resolve the conflicts. In reviewing these revisions it is important to note that the. criteria involves interior signs only. All perimeter and freeway signage is not included in the program. It is hoped that, once revised, the criteria will properly address all of the dealer's needs while setting maximum standards considered appropriate for this type of retail auto use. The Company is also proposing some minor changes to the Design Criteria and Landscape Criteria of the Master Plan. Staff does not consider these changes to significantly alter the original intent of these sections. All of these revisions have been underlined in the text with a number adjacent to the underline. ANALYSIS: The Irvine Company is proposing the following changes to the Planned Sign Program as follows: Community Development Department Planning Commission Report April 28, 1986 Page two SECTION III. AUTOMOBILE DEALER'S SIGNS: B. Street Identification Signs: 3. Each sign must fit within a rectangle 6' high by 15' wide for a horizontal sign or 16' high by 8' wide for a vertical sign. For the 16' by 8' vertical format sign, 25% of the height dimension may measure up to 12' wide, if the total face -does not exceed 128 sq.ft. This change increases the maximum allowed sign area from 90 sq.ft. to 128 sq.ft. The attached copy of the revised sign criteria includes Exhibit B-1 that graphically describes the shape of the vertical signs to be allowed. C. Street Directional Signs: 2. The signs may measure 6 sq. ft. for a single message, up to 12 sq. ft. for multiple messages in a space no larger than 3 ft. high and 5 ft. wide. This revision allows for an increase in square footage from 6 to 12 sq.ft. for multiple messages. The original criteria allowed a maximum of 6 sq.ft. and " the maximum dimensions were 3 ft. in height or 14 ft. in width. (The revision now proposes 5 ft. in width). IV. APPROVAL OF SIGN PROGRAM C. Building Mounted Signs: The majority of the revisions were contained in this section. These revisions are as follows: 1. Building mounted signs are approved to allow for logos and brand names, and proposed to include dealership name, which previously was not allowed. 2. These wall mounted signs can be approved up to 72 sq.ft. with a maximum dimension of 6 feet by 12 feet. The proposed revisions would grant a sign up to 100 sq.ft., with the horizontal format proportional to the building surface. 3. The approved maximum letter height was 16 inches for building signs. The proposed revisions call out a maximum 24 inch letter. 4. The approved criteria allow these signs only on screen walls and service buildings which face the interior Auto Center loop road, no other locations are allowed. The proposed revision further opens up the location where these signs can be placed, and allows these signs on the showroom building, although they must maintain an interior orientation and further restricts the signs from being posted on side walls or property line walls. Communitv Development Department Planning Commission Report April 28, 1986 Page three 5. The approved criteria allows channeled letters and a special can sign for logos. The proposed revisions call for a sign that strictly limited to channel letters of a single color and the special can will not be allowed: E. Information Signs: 1. Current provisions allow for an information sign of a maximum four square feet. 2. The revisions call for signing for Parts, Service, and Used Cars that may measure up to 15 sq. ft. with a maximum letter height of 18 inches. In the event that the letter height does not exceed 14", total sign area may be increased to 20 sq. ft. 3. All other information signing may measure up to 8 sq. ft. with a maximum letter height of one foot. These revisions allow the increase in size from four to eight square feet for 'other' information signs. They also allow for 20, sq. ft. wall mounted signs for Service, Parts, and Used Cars if the letter height is 14 inches in order to accommodate lengthy dealer names. CONCLUSIONS: In reviewing the proposed revisions staff considered the overall effects of the Auto Center signs. As required by the sign program, all signs are limited to areas that face the interior of the Auto, Center as opposed to perimeter streets. All exterior signage will be limited to the permanent freeway sign, monument entrance signs, and perimeter jewel vehicle displays. It is staff's contention that the proposed sign criteria will be in proportion with the size of the lots and structures, and should not overwhelm the area with excess signage.. The revisions contained in the proposed sign program will essentially allow for signage opportunities in the interior portions of the center and will have little or no effect out side the Auto Center. Since the Auto Center is a Planned Community Zone, this allows the Commission to provide some flexibility in design, including signage criteria. Therefore, staff considers the revisions to be appropriate for the Tustin Auto Center. hhh AA LAURA CAY PICK P Assistant Plann LCP:pef Attachments: Resolution No. 2259 Resolution No. 2326 Enclosures: Auto Center Sign Criteria ARD M. KNIGHT, Senior Planner Community Development Department 6 7 8 9 10 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i RESOLUTION 2259 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER `The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby iresolve as follows: ' I. - The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That the Planned Community Regulations for the Tustin Auto Center required the submission and approval of a Master Development Plan before the issuance of a building permit for the subject project. B. That the Master Development Plan shall contain the following information: 1. building materials and colors; 2. landscape plan, to include theme, plant materials, irrigation 1 3. 2 to show elevations, materials, and location; 3 signing to 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i RESOLUTION 2259 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER `The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby iresolve as follows: ' I. - The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That the Planned Community Regulations for the Tustin Auto Center required the submission and approval of a Master Development Plan before the issuance of a building permit for the subject project. B. That the Master Development Plan shall contain the following information: 1. building materials and colors; 2. landscape plan, to include theme, plant materials, irrigation system and fixtures; 3. wall plans to show elevations, materials, and location; 4. signing to include locations, size, height, materials, and intensity of lighting; 5, performance standards for noise control; 6. perimeter lighting fixtures, location and intensity. C. That The Irvine Company did prepare and submit a Master Development Plan to the City which contained the information stated above. D. That the Community Development Department staff reviewed the said plan and prepared a report to the Planning Commission. E. That the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the Master Development Plan at its meeting of July 8, 1985. II. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby approve the Master Development Plan for the Tustin Auto Center, with the following amendments: A. Planned Sign Program, Section B, Street Identification Signs, number 1: That the number of streetfront signs be limited to two per dealership, regrdless of the size of the lot. Number 3: Each sign must fit within a rectangle 6' high by 15' wide for a horizontal sign or 16' high by 8' wide for a vertical sign. The square footage of these signs shall be limited to ninety (90) square feet per face. B. The following comments will be added to the General Criteria Section. Number 11: Except for the sign regulations contained within this sign program, all remaining regulations contained within the Tustin Sign Ordinance are valid and applicable. Number 12: Each business is required to obtain a sign permit for any sign proposed for the dealership. 1 2 3 4 5 .6 7 8 9 10 11 1211 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PJ Resolution No. 2259 page two C. The loudspeaker criteria section is not approved at this time and is subject to further analysis. Dealers may proceed with building plans and construction, but are not authorized to install an exterior loudspeaker system. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regul r meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission on the o2 d2 day of 1985. Recording Secretary RONALD H. WHITE, Chairman i STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, DONNA ORR, the undersigned, hereby certify} that I am the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. was duly passed and a regular eti n of the Tustin anni ng Commission, held on day of 19• DONNA ORR Recording Secretary Recording adopted at th e EXHIBIT B fix' A 0 TY bE t ash } ani �T EP t .T R, r J -' MACEOD I IYUNDAI fix' A 0 TY bE t ash } ani �T EP t .T R, r J -' Planning Commission Minutes April 14, 1986 Page eight There was some discussion as to the past activity. It was asked that the Commission receive and file this item as the Use Permit extension time had expired. Commissioner Mc Carthy moved, Puckett seconded to receive and file the application to extend Use permits 76-25 and 77-23. Motion carried 4-0. 14. Future Facility Sign for Tustin Auto Center. Presentation: Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner There was some discussion between the Commission and staff regarding the size and lighting of the sign in comparison to the permanent sign to be used. Commissioner Puckett moved, Mc Carthy seconded to receive and file this report on the Future facility sign for Tustin Auto Center. Motion carried 4-0. 15. Update on flood control improvement and rough grading in the Phase I residential area. Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Developement Commissioner Mc Carthy asked about the swail. Jay Pierce, representing the Irvine Company, commented that the swail was filled in last week. Commissioner Mc Carthy moved, Puckett seconded to receive and file this report on the flood control improvement and the rough grading in the Phase I residential area. Motion carried 4-0. New Business None. STAFF CONCERNS 16. Report on Council Actions, March 17, 1986 and April 7, 1986. Presentation: Donald D. Lamm, Director of Community Development The East Tustin Resolutions were adopted at the .March 17, 1986 meetingOn April 7, 1986 the General Plan Amendment concerning Browning Avenue was 4ft as single family. Therefore a letter to Mr. Huber will not be sent. General Plan Amendment 86-2c for Healthcare Medical Center was ro d and they have applied for a zone change for the Sycamore property. Report to the ��"s� Planning Commission DATE: _ APRIL 14, 1986 SUBJECT: FUTURE FACILITY SIGN FOR TUSTIN AUTO CENTER APPLICANT/ OWNER: THE IRVINE COMPANY 500 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92658 ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL REQUEST: REVIEW OF ONE ON—SITE FUTURE FACILITY SIGN DDS RECOMMENDED ACTION: B o l! tJ Receive and file. SUMMARY: ITEM # 14 On July 22,'1985, the Planning Commission approved the Tustin Auto Center Master Plan. Although the specific sign criteria has yet to be presented to the Commission, the applicant is now requesting an interim "future facility" sign. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION: As shown on the attached set of plans, the proposed sign includes identification for the Auto Center and also provides panels for each of the proposed dealers. The overall size, height, number and location criteria for signage in the Auto Center have not yet been adopted. However, the current Sign Ordinance allows future facilities signs for new projects within the city. The proposed sign is 143 square feet in size and includes additional 20 square foot panels for individual dealers. In order to adequately advertise the dealers who will be opening in the next few months, this sign will be used until the permanent project sign can be approved and installed. Seeing that the actual sign criteria has not yet been completed staff considers this sign appropriate for the interim period until a permanent sign can be approved. X&W • LAURA PICKUP, Assistant Planner LP:pef Enclosed:_ Sign Plan Site Plan Community Development Department Report to the Planning Commission DATE: APRIL 14, 1986 SUBJECT: FUTURE FACILITY SIGN FOR TUSTIN AUTO CENTER APPLICANT/ OWNER: THE IRVINE COMPANY 500 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92658 ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL REQUEST: REVIEW OF ONE ON-SITE FUTURE FACILITY SIGN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file. SUMMARY: ITEM # 14 On July 22,'1985, the Planning Commission approved the Tustin Auto Center Master Plan. Although the specific sign criteria has yet to be presented to the Commission, the applicant is now requesting an interim "future facility" sign. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION: As shown on the attached set of plans, the proposed sign includes identification for the Auto Center and also provides panels for each of the proposed dealers. The overall size, height, number and location criteria for signage in the Auto Center have not yet been adopted. However, the current Sign Ordinance allows future facilities signs for new projects within the city. The proposed sign is 143 square feet in size and includes additional 20 square foot panels for individual dealers. In order to adequately advertise the dealers who will be opening in the next few months, this sign will be used until the permanent project sign can be approved and installed. Seeing that the actual sign criteria has not yet been completed staff considers this sign appropriate for the interim period until a permanent sign can be approved. X&W )e;60 LAURA PICKUP, 04t1 Assistant Planner n !`nn�1�i11n� ` LP:pef Enclosed: Sign Plan Site Plan Community Development Department OV9 Revision 2/12/86 TUSTIN AUTO CENTER PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM May 16, 1985 I. Introduction The purpose\'of this program is to guide automobile dealers dealers in sel;ec'tion and placement of their signage. It is the intent to provide a reasonable number and size of signs. It is the further intent to limit the number and size of signs to that required for proper conduct of business and to control the design and placement of all signage to ensure compliance with the City of Tustin's Comprehensive Sign Ordinance. It is desired that artistic flexibility be allowed while maintaining continuity and appropriate scale to the center as a whole. The information contained in`\th'is program as adopted by the City of Tustin establishes mandatory criteria to which each sign must conform. Each business will be responsible for construction, installation ',and maintenance of its signage, and must submit for approval to the City of Tustin and The Irvine Company three copies.of shop drawings which indicate location•, materials, dimensions,/,\ finishes and method of installation for all propose signage. II. Identification Sions for the Auto Center Identification of the Auto Center will be\'provided by the project's developer to attract customers ,into the center. Such identification signage shall include signs at each side of the entrances to the Auto Center, major freeway signage and directional signage at adjacent freeway off -ramps. A. General Criteria 1. There shall be no spinners, exposed getting devices. pennants, display flags, lamps or other attention - It is for the mutual benefit of all dealers and the City that the subject of this paragraph be carefully controlled. Nothing can detract more quickly from the,, quality of a center than rampant competition for attraction through the proliferation of balloons, sale _ signs, painted windows, etc. ' 2. Paper signs or painted signs on windows or similar advertising will be permitted on a temporary basis; not to exceed two weeks, for ,.special promotional activities. 3. No exposed raceways, ballast boxes or transformers will be permitted. 4. Illuminated signs shall be internally lighted by fluorescent or neon tubes. No luminous or reflective background or script may be attached or applied. 5. Sign company names or stamps shall be concealed. 6. Locations and size of all signs shall be indicated on preliminary submittal drawings for approval by The Irvine Company. 7. Working drawings must include sign location, design, size, colors and specifications. The Irvine Company's written approval of a dealership's prepared sign drawings and specifications is mandatory. 8. The maximum height of all signs shall be measured from the nearest curb grade or grade of the nearest ground level (non -elevated) paving area. 9. No roof -mounted signs will be permitted. 10. _ The color of signs should coordinate with the - overall building color scheme. Signs should reflect high quality design and not be "gimmicky" in use of materials, color or form. B. Street Identification Signs (See Exhibit A,B,B-1)A 1. Two streetfr.ont signs shall be permitted per dealership. 2. Street signs may contain the following information: a. Brand(s) of vehicle sold. b. Manufacturer's logo. C. Dealer's name. d. Identification of used cars or trucks. e. Secondary manufacturer's lines or similar identif ication . 3. Each sign must fit within a rectangle 6' high by 15' wide for a horizontal sign or 16' high by 8' wide for a vertical sign. For the 16' by 8' vertical format sign, 25% of the height dimension may .2L measure up to 12' wide if the total sign face does not exceed 128 sq. ft. 4. Each sign may be double sided. pl - 5. Signs shall be located.no closer than 75' from a common lot line between dealerships. Location and spacing of signs is subject to review and approval of The Irvine Company. 6. Signs shall be monument signs only and shall be constructed of solid masonry or metal panels. Signs shall be trimmed out with a material which is used in the main showroom building in order to promote an archi- tecturally coordinated look for each site. It is recognized that certain standard signs are more easily incorporated by the dealer than necessarily custom-made signs. Pole signs are permitted if the support column is a minimum width of 3'. iL 7. Letters and logos only may be lighted and they shall be lighted internally. No external lighting shall be allowed. B. Signs shall be set back from the front property line a minimum of five feet (5') and shall be contained within a planting area which may consist of turf or selective ground covers. 9. Signs shall be no closer than 125' from Dealers' property line ar Jamboree Road and Laguna Road. 10. Except for the sign regulations contained within this sign program, all remaining regulations contained within the Tustin Sign Ordinance are valid and applicable. 11. Each business is required to obtain a sign permit for any sign proposed for the dealership. C. Street Directional Signs 1. Signage information may include directions to Entrance, Service, Parts, Customer Parking, etc. 2. The signs may measure 6 sq. ft. for a single message, up to 12 sq. ft. for multiple messages in a space no larger than 3 ft. high and 5 ft. Q wide. 3. All signs may be double sided. i 4. Signs shall be located at driveway areas. Spacing and location of signs is subject to approval by The Irvine Company. A. The dealers should, at an early date in their planning process, present to the Architectural Committee of The Irvine Company, the proposed Signage Program, so that mutual study and consideration might be given to evolving a compatible sign, for the dealer, that relates to other dealers in the center. ANEPSE-TowM 1. Design and materials shall be presented as part of the design package for approval. It is desirable that the sign materials be of high quality and reflect design, color and materials of the project. 2. Materials used shall be compatible with the dealership's building design and the overall sign program. 3. Signs shall be internally lighted only. C. Building -Mounted Signs (See Exhibit C)/,\ 1. The sign may include dealership name, logo and/or Qj make. 2. The the 3. - Maximum letter height is 24 inches. Qj 4. One sign is permitted for each building frontage on Auto Center interior roads. 5. Building -mounted signs may be attached to screen walls or service buildings or showroom buildings which face onto the interior loop road of the II Auto Center only. Such signage may not be mounted on a rear or side wall of any building, or on the property.line walls. 6. Letters shall be channel tube and shall be internally illuminated or back lighted. Letters 0 shall be of a single color. See Exhibit E. L:] 0 E. Information Signs 1. Signs shall be single sided, mounted flat on a building or wall, and shall not protrude out from the building. 2. Signing for Parts, Service and Used Cars may measure up to 15 sq. ft. with a maximum height of 18 inches. In the event that letter height does not exceed 14", total sign area may be increased to 20 sq. ft. 3. All other information signing may measure up to 8 sq. ft. with a maximum letter height of one foot. 4. Materials shall be compatible with the building's design. 5. Reference Exhibit D, attached. 10P I BUI*C.K ; CLARK BROTHERS 1385 LAGUNA"ROAD EXHIBIT A 4�1 A20L1b HAbaNXY oR MeT.&L. f'MELLh. ►Jo �.AG Io pANEL4, CLARK BROTHERS OLDSMOBILE'` I. • 10 JEN L D J WwrE:- TNm--,&2r=r A-Arzr. c:;,NLY. O:b I &N FaVKM,9p Sb e -A -W pF;:,lrHf4THr= Mr=N-,bil7� lL-LUrv-rRA'r&-t:p. m T 10 B w Y I 15'_I N I --- I L T T. MERCEDES EXHIBIT B jm:l to fit I r LA 6' r'iAx • 12 MP.x . s N r -i MIN• ExHiBiT B-1- -:� "I ri . -r -:�MIri. AUI r --A5 IIS 94- i. F -X AMA Nati% DUH FGRM'2 CSI I�F-' PUReWGD WI'MIH 11IE. nr aHSIGN�-;p ILli- USTRAT eLD t 0 rlo u[P�i' FaivlN�'✓ E'Es�i`jl'If�D 6UILbINGP Lf-lT JZ Hr-J4H? EXHIBIT C - �uILb�NC� (-�oUNTEb �,,C�r15 A41, c HSR. IMPOR (AM04 t t4x AIWA EXHIBIT D pia, U�;w C*xS OR 44KVI!,Fl- I HNAMF.A t- 15 f-A.FT. L2-UILbjHCV WAJ- ISEIgvIGE v MAX I N�MaTIoN hl� 6c,.a.LE: VI = Il-ol Q 2-14-&& • r� Gi&Ws MUST BF- ' COWTAINF-d IN A spm 21 H x I o I w WALLL ." KtOH 'TOP of ' �o�- on DEALL EK SIGN -- 7 r • N ELEVATION !:,CALF- Ve,11-o, EXHIBIT iE OUTPOOK AUTO DISMAY . 0 .` SUMMARY 1AROSS ACREAGE. 65.44'As. STREETS ' sssssdss to •sslsrlMs� of oombw•• sM �ssNal 15.x• A0..' -LANDSCAPE SOF/ER 1.51 As.. NET DEMODMEMT 40A' As.; -4. AOM NOW to *beau S.Md • t".6tfsN 966U6N. M M SIGN TYPE (D) REASSURANCE SIGN: A sign designed to reassure motorists of their direction of travel and distance to Irvine planned communities and points of major interest. POLICY: Such signs shall be not more than five feet in vertical height or horizontal length exclusive of ground clearance and shall not exceed a total area of 15 square feet. May be double faced if required. LOCATION: Such signs shall be located only along direct routes to the planned community or significant regional land use. They shall be within five miles of the community or land use they identify, and they shall be at least one-half mile from any other reassurance sign identifying the same planned community or regional land use. LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of five years, subject to renewal by the appropriate public agency if still serving a public need. COLORS: Information panel green with white letters, direction and distance panel blue with white letters, gray support. ILLUMINATION: None. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 13.5 square feet. 42 t L - ML 4'-6" r - SIGN TYPE (D) WALNUT =_ VILLAGE EAST = 7 ons/ q to,* 110 (..V w 4! COLORS: Information panel green with white letters; direction and distance panel 5 dark blue with white letters, gray sup- - 2 port. (See section 11) 5 -4 LETTERING: Univers 65. (See section 11) 5 4 3 - 3 3 LAYOUT SPECIFICATIONS, SIGN TYPE (D) 43 _, A so S IGN TYPE C� F'aAMG" : D. UZ x 1. Z x 1.5 x Z. ZS xO, 646 p USE 3 C4.J �S• !,! IwJ VEarICAL : P, 3x 4.5 x 20 . 2704* 0.Z7xc1•Sx0.546 -).05 .33 >� 3 x 3 x -31h. (5 = 1,732 jFM,5EDME/VT : Tay 2Lo"40 x 41 -&cc cmueP ��-- T. GZ x 270 (19+4) 14.60 „4 ALLOWAFbL.e 4 x goo x 2 x 1.33 a ;/3o > J48o o K 2 x4.0 RSO -�-- 0.31-7 x 1¢60 -470 54040 Z.13o A ="710 > 5404* .. 0 DE5ICTN ASSUMPiIONt) WIND R2ES-,VUC2E - 204'1,0' AL.Loc"AgbLE PASSIvc SOIL PRESS UIZE = ZO6*1eh 2,000 C CNG287N it - 40 MC I/+w "a ENGINEERING DRAWING AND SPECIFICATIONS, SIGN TYPE (D) 44 C 4� 6y SIGN TYPE (D) U-: IRVINE RETAIL PROPERTIES COMPANY To City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Attn : Laura Pickup We are forwarding to you via XX mail messenger blueprinter pick-up XX enclosed under separate cover LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date March 14, 1986 Subject Tustin Auto Center approved as noted to be corrected as noted to be re -submitted for your review & comment for your approval XX as requested by you XX for your use/information/files the following: 1) Six copies of the Temporary Sign plan as prepared by Heath 8 Company dated 2-21-86 for the Tustin Auto Center. 2) Six copies of the Reassurance Signing Location plan as prepared by Ficker 8 Ruffing dated 3-5-86 for the Tustin Auto Center. ( Plan also indicates location of temporary signage.) 3) Six copies of specifications for Reassurance Signing for the Tustin Auto Center. 4 Six copies of the Tustin Auto Center Design Criteria revised edition dated February 18, 1986. IMM From Bonnie Holmes /"b 500 Newport Center Drive, PO. Box I, Newport Beach, California 92658-8904 • (714) 720-2000 A Division of The Irvine Company 0 BRYAN AVENUE FLOOD CONTROL BERM I M I ldc J;0 JX Q --SANTA ANA FREE Q. -t goo' Cour 5-r- 71111/ �' cc w w 0 z D SUMMARY GROSS ACREAGE 55.46 Ac. STREETS Includes to cont*rIlme of Jamboree and Laguna 13.95 Ac. LANDSCAPE BUFFER 1.51 Ac. NET DEVELOPMENT 40.0 Ac. NOTE: Rotor to 3hootB 2 and 3 for, street Bectlons 900' SUMMARY GROSS ACREAGE 55.46 Ac. STREETS � Includes to centerline o1 Jamboree and Laguna 13.95 Ac. LANDSCAPE BUFFER 1.51 Ac. NET DEVELOPMENT 40.0 Ac. I o +oo :oo .00 C Q i ati 1�01CaN -Tym (c)) -4- / BRYAN AVENUE O O O FLOOD CONTROL BERM EL CAMINO REAL AY OTHERS — A*ncN Cr T-MPDPAPI Y AND LL FRATURE FREEWAY ���J _ AWT* A'NA -FWE 4 1900•. ' SUMMARY GROSS ACREAGE 55.46 Ac. STREETS Includes to centerllna of Jamboree and Laguna 13.95 Ac. LANDSCAPE BUFFER 1.51 AC. NET DEVELOPMENT 40.0 Ac. NOTE: Refer to *hosts 2 and 3 for,strool sections ofd x LA, e ^) f'J PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 IPARCEL 3 E PARCEL 4 IDig O:'j � 1� WI BUJ IJ AUTO CENTER DR 'iH W 1 Z I = Q I 3EI� E PARCEL 11 p PARCEL 5 V G j PARCEL 10 g tom- ii 1 1 2 I Q PARCEL f PARCEL 12 4'ro 0 c f� rEH i • _ � W Q oq �Oc .l 12l:� PARCEL B i I j W p. i a Z PARCEL 8 UA yd' j 25 x W PARCEL 7 AY OTHERS — A*ncN Cr T-MPDPAPI Y AND LL FRATURE FREEWAY ���J _ AWT* A'NA -FWE 4 1900•. ' SUMMARY GROSS ACREAGE 55.46 Ac. STREETS Includes to centerllna of Jamboree and Laguna 13.95 Ac. LANDSCAPE BUFFER 1.51 AC. NET DEVELOPMENT 40.0 Ac. NOTE: Refer to *hosts 2 and 3 for,strool sections ofd x LA, e Inter- Com DATE: APRIL 7, 1986 lwtrvN�/ TO: ED KNIGHT, SENIOR PLANNER FROM: LAURA CAY PICKUP, ASSISTANT PLANNER .SUBJECT: REVISED SIGN PROGRAM FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER The Irvine Company has prepared revisions for the Auto Center Signage Program. I have prepared a comparison of the revisions and the original program that was adopted by the Planning Commission on July 22, 1985. The Irvine Company has revised the Sign Program as follows: SECTION III. AUTOMOBILE DEALER'S SIGNS: A. General Criteria: As required by Resolution No. 2259 which adopted the original criteria, additional comments were to be included as follows: Number 11: Except for the sign regulations contained within this sign program, all remaining regulations contained within the Tustin Sign Ordinance are valid and applicable. Number 12: Each business is required to obtain a sign permit for any sign proposed for the dealership. These sections have not been included in the revisions. B. Street Identification Signs: The Irvine Company, in order to meet the demands of certain dealers in the Center, has revised Section III -B as follows: 3. Each sign must fit within a rectangle. 6' high by 15' wide for a horizontal sign or 16' high by 8' wide for a vertical sign. For the 16' by 8' vertical format sign, 25t of the height dimension may measure up to 12' wide, if the total face does not exceed 128 sq.ft. This change increases the maximum allowed sign area from 90 sq.ft. to 128 sq.ft. See the attached copy of Exhibit B-1, which notes the special vertical sign format. (This section also limits the minimum width of a vertical sign to 3 feet.) C. Street Directional Signs: Section II has been revised to allow larger directional signs as follows: 2. The signs may measure -6 sq.ft. for a single message, up to 12 sq.ft. for multiple messages in a space no larger than 3 ft. high and 5 ft. wide. April 7, 1986 Page Two This revision allows for an increse in square footage from 6 to 12 sq.ft. for multiple messages. The original criteria allowed a maximum of 6 sq.ft. and the maximum dimensions were 3 ft. in height or 4 ft. in width. (The revision now proposes 5 ft. in width). IV. APPROVAL OF SIGN PROGRAM C. Building Mounted Si ns: A majority of the revisions were contained in this section. These revisions are as follows: 1. Building mounted signs are proposed to allow for logos, brand names and dealership name. Previously, dealership names were not allowed. 2. These wall mounted signs could be up to 72 sq.ft. as approved. The revisions state that these signs may be up to 100 sq.ft. and the horizontal format must be approved by The Irvine Company. The approved criteria called out that the maximum dimensions be 6 ft. by 12 ft. 3. The approved maximum letter height was 16 inches for building signs. The revisions call out a maximum 24 inch letter. 4. The revised program calls out that these building signs be allowed on showroom buildings. As approved, the criteria allow these signs on screen walls and service buildings which face the interior Auto Center loop road. .The revision maintains th!l; interior orientation and further restricts the signs from being posted on side walls or property line walls, however,. wall signs are now proposed for showroom walls in. addition to screen and service walls. 5. The building signs are strictly limited to channel letters of a single color. The approved criteria allows channeled letters and A special can sign for logos. There is a conflict in this revision, logos are allowed on these signs, but they have deleted the allowance for a'can logo. In a discussion with Bonnie Holmes of The Irvine Company, I was informed that there are some dealers who may wish to make further revisions. This will be based upon the ultimate design of their proposed.signs. Apparently, they have not completed the drawings. Ed Knight and I agree that all of -the proposed revisions should be submitted in one package. Therefore, The Irvine Company must gather all the necessary information and submit it to us in enough time to review it prior to the April 28 Commission meeting. Should there be any questions or changes as to when the criteria be submitted to the Commission, please let me know. LAURA CAY ;T Assistant Planner LCP:cd Attachment: Exhibit B-1 t MASTER SIGN PLAN TUSTIN AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 1122-62 EL CAMINO REAL (FORMERLY LAGUNA ROAD) The following is the approved Master Sign Plan for the Tustin Automotive Center, all signs must meet the following criteria: Pole and Monument Signs: 1. Sign shall be as shown on the attached plan as approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 2176 on August 27, 1984. 2. Location of these signs shall be as approved by the Community Development Director. Tenant Signs: 1. Subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director prior to permit issuance. 2. All signs meet the following criteria: - 30" in height - Length not to allow square footage to exceed 15% of front wall area. - No signs shall face the freeway. - Any side wall signs shall be placed only on walls facing or visible from E1 Camino Real. - Maximum off signs per tenant, not to exceed 50 square feet per building. - Can signs only, no channelled letters, cabinet to be dark brown, sign face to be ivory. - Sign copy - preference of tenant. - Sign can bottom shall be square with the top portion having a 6" radius (as shown on attached plan). - In.terior signs are limited to 1' X 4' directional signs, copy color and face color to match tenant identification signs. LP:pf . . r - SIGN TYPE (D) REASSURANCE SIGN: A sign designed to reassure motorists of their direction of travel and distance to Irvine planned communities and points of major interest. POLICY: Such signs shall be not more than five feet in vertical height or horizontal length exclusive of ground clearance and shall not exceed a total area of 15 square feet. May be double faced if required. LOCATION: Such signs shall be located only along direct routes to the planned community or significant regional land use. They shall be within five miles of the community or land use they identify, and they shall be at least one-half mile from any other reassurance sign identifying the same planned community or regional land use. LONGEVITY: Each sign shall have a time limit of five years, subject to renewal by the appropriate public agency if still serving a public need. COLORS: Information panel green with white letters, direction and distance panel blue with white letters, gray support. ILLUMINATION: None. SIGN SURFACE AREA: 13.5 square feet. 42 CA 'D l Rf��r! ow A L f1siUi-is 01 I6 M 1 SIGN TYPE (D) blue COLORS: Information panel*Man with white letters; direction and distance panel dark blue with white letters, pray sup- port. (See section II) LETTERING: Univers 65. (See section 11) LAYOUT SPECIFICATIONS, SIGN TYPE (D) 43 u 4'— !o" I 2L 3" [41 1121¢ rioa ivrLD FtXD'rM E N05 0 3 x 3 x 31/Ko ASTM A- 501 NATUIZA L UN013TUaMGD GRA DG 1F 3c4.1 ASTM A- 3C* WEL O ALL CoN Nr.GTlONS — SIGN TYPE D Fa.AMZ O.U2� 1.2xl.SxZ.ZSYO,$45 USE 3 C4.1 (S• 1.1 INV Ve ar1CAL- P- 5-A4.5xzo-L270# 0.Z7x 9.5x0.545 -).05 1.33 Tp 3x3 x-8/, ( 3= 1.732 FhA E5EDMEN T- TQY 2'-oIl¢ x 4'-&" DESP 7.&Zx Z70(19t4) 14,50 : 2 Y4 AI-LOWAPBLea 4 x Z00 z x 1.33 a 130 > i4eo •'. o K 2.05 x 270 = 2 x 4.0 = 9744 �- O. 317 x 1¢60 = 470 5!0(0 At.Loc✓A�cF = 330 = 71 O > 5 Coo - . OK 0C5KgN AsSJMPrIO N.5 W IND PaEssuaE z0 "/ml ALLOwArauE PiA SS I'le SOIL P12ESSUME = 200#1d�1 2,000 P.S.I. C ONaaarm COsl4w"a ENGINEERING DRAWING AND SPECIFICATIONS, SIGN TYPE (D) 44 AV D. 3�l0 oa Itze 2 L O" 46 SIGN TYPE D Fa.AMZ O.U2� 1.2xl.SxZ.ZSYO,$45 USE 3 C4.1 (S• 1.1 INV Ve ar1CAL- P- 5-A4.5xzo-L270# 0.Z7x 9.5x0.545 -).05 1.33 Tp 3x3 x-8/, ( 3= 1.732 FhA E5EDMEN T- TQY 2'-oIl¢ x 4'-&" DESP 7.&Zx Z70(19t4) 14,50 : 2 Y4 AI-LOWAPBLea 4 x Z00 z x 1.33 a 130 > i4eo •'. o K 2.05 x 270 = 2 x 4.0 = 9744 �- O. 317 x 1¢60 = 470 5!0(0 At.Loc✓A�cF = 330 = 71 O > 5 Coo - . OK 0C5KgN AsSJMPrIO N.5 W IND PaEssuaE z0 "/ml ALLOwArauE PiA SS I'le SOIL P12ESSUME = 200#1d�1 2,000 P.S.I. C ONaaarm COsl4w"a ENGINEERING DRAWING AND SPECIFICATIONS, SIGN TYPE (D) 44 411 6" SIGN TYPE (D) 45 ti ��� �� t .��%, 1 iN l:.. i,; G�., . i , . � �' ,' � j � 0 _- - _- - - - -- --- �.v- - 0 OIA)Tsk..,o2 1LLuMIrJF,� oA1. �^V i.) f ? 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