HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-00FY PROG & FINC'L PLAN General Information Tustin Government Organization Chart Tustin General Demographics Summary of Positions Fund Accounting Descriptions Revenue Descriptions Financial Summary Fund Balance Projections Interfund Transfers Total Resources General Fund Resources 10 Year General Fund Resources Property Tax Lost to ERAF Property Tax Distribution Total Expenses General Fund Expenses by Departments Property Tax Rev. vs. Public Safety Exp. Operating Expenditure Per Capita Appropriation Limits Leqislation Legislation Expenditure Summary City Council City Clerk City Attorney Administration - Administration Organization Administration Expenditure Summary City Manager Finance Personnel Services Management Information System Public Works Community Development Block Grant 6 Public Works Organization 66 CDBG Expenditure Summary 126 7 Public Works Expenditure Summary 67-68 91-92 Program Year 128 8 Administration 70-71 92-93 Program Year 129 9-10 Engineering 72-73 93-94 Program Year 130 10-14 Streets 74-75 94-95 Program Year 131 Landscape 76-77 95-96 Program Year 132 Vehicles 78-79 96-97 Program Year 133 17 Building Facilities 80-81 97-98 Program Year 134 18-19 Emergency Services 82-83 99-00 Program Year 135 20-22 23 Police Tustin Redevelopment Aqency (RDA) 24 Police Organization 86 RDA Organization 138 25 Police Expenditure Summary 87-88 RDA Expenditure Summary 139-140 26 Administration 90-91 RDA Tasks and Descriptions 141-144 27-28 Operations 92-94 South Central Construction 145 29 Investigation 96-97 MCAS-Tustin 146 30 Services 98-100 South Central Housing 147 31 Town Center Construction 148 33 Fire Protection 101 Town Center Housing 149 34 36-37 38-39 40-41 44 45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 Community Development Community Development Organization 56 Community Development Expenditure Summary 57 Planning 58-60 Building 62-63 Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Organization 104 Parks and Recreation Expenditure Summary 105-106 Administration 108-109 Sports Services 110-111 Classes/Cultural Arts 112-113 Senior Citizens 114-115 Support Service 116-117 Tustin Youth Center 118-119 Non-Departmental 122-123 Water Utilities Water Utilities Organization Water Utilities Expenditure Summary Service Billing Operations Ionization Reverse Osmosis 17th Street Desalter 152 153-155 156-158 160-162 164-165 166-167 168-169 Capital Improvement Projects CIP Expenditure Summary 172-174 Flood Control Facilities 175 Park Facilities 176-177 Public Facilities 178 Traffic Control Facilities 179 Transportation Facilities 180-183 Reassessment District 95-1 184 Water Projects 185-186 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, þ, ~ Q ...... <::s :;:: C) "::;: :;:: ~ 'S '" <::s ~ ~ 2. '" ~ I : GENERAL INFORMATION Tustin Government Organization Chart Tustin General Demographics Summary of Positions Fund Accounting Descriptions Revenue Descriptions City Clerk City Treasurer Mayor City Council City Manager Assistant City Manager Chief Deputy City Clerk Community Development Finance City Attorney ----------- Parks & Recreation Personnel Services Police Public Works & Water Redevelopment Agency Coordination and Cooperation Private Utilities Cable IV, I- Electricity Natural Gas Telephone Contract Services I- Fire Refuse Animal Control Special Districts Library Lighting I- Sewers Flood Control Re-Assessment District 95-1 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Population 46,782 49,409 52,145 54,739 57,454 62,497 63,617 65,287 66,420 66,834 (% change) 2.2% 5.6% 5.5% 5.0% 5.0% 8.8% 1.8% 2.6% 1.7% 0.6% Registered Voters 19,160 18,947 18,947 22,822 22,788 22,014 22,014 26,091 24,255 24,168 Housing Units 18,992 19,300 20,466 21,164 21,638 22,123 22,880 23,381 24,500 24,531 City owned buildings 9 9 9 10 10 12 13 13 13 13 City Parks (acres) 10 10 10 10 10 11 (68) 11 (68) 12 (81.8) 12 (81.8) 12 (81.8) Area of City (sq, miles) 11.00 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 Miles of City Streets 89.60 94.50 98.80 99.10 99.10 99.10 99.10 91.10 99.10 101.80 Signalized Intersections 80 89 92 93 93 96 97 97 97 97 Assessed Valuation ($) 2,742,352 2,911,224 2,969,449 3,280,888 3,412,000 3,245,111 3,282,083 3,335,231 3,670,215 N/A Property Tax Revenue ($) 3,820,000 4,216,000 4,069,000 3,714,000 3,378,000 3,611,000 3,583,553 3,738,682 4,295,000 4,457,000 Sales Tax ($) 9,215,814 9,379,306 9,248,178 10,963,324 11,865,662 12,333,000 13,831,926 15,713,052 16,151,000 16,635,000 Per Capita Operating Costs 443.73 442.38 424.07 393.57 405,90 379.05 398.19 410.69 445.59 446.37 (% change) -0.3% -4.1% -7.2% 3.1% -6.6% 5.0% 3.1% 8.5% 0.2% 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99* 99-00** DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL REQUEST Legislation 3 3 3 3 3 3 Administration 14 15 15 15 16 17 Community Development 23 25 25 25 25 25 Public Works 42 42 42 42 45 45 Police 122 124 127 127 133 134 Parks and Recreation 4 14 15 15 16 16 Water 21 22 22 22 22 22 Redevelopment Agency 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total 241 247 251 251 262 264 * (1) Police Support Services Supervisor was approved by Council on January 1999 **(1) Police Public Services Officer and (1) MIS Manager requested for 1999-2000fy Fund Ol-General Fund The General Fund is used to account for all revenues and expenditures of the City which are not required to be accounted for in other special purpose funds, to be used to finance general City operations, A major portion of General Fund monies is received from property taxes, sales taxes and motor vehicle in lieu fees, Fund 02-Capital Improvement This fund accounts for all Capital Improvement Projects which are not funded by a restricted source, The primary revenue source to the Capital Improvement Fund is the General Fund, Fund 03-Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) The State legislature authorized the collection of an additional $2.00 per vehicle registration. The fees collected are then administered by SCAQMD and distributed to cities, These funds are used in the implementation of transportation measures embodied in the Air Quality Act to reduce pollution, or related planning, monitoring and technical studies. Fund 08 & 09-Measure "M" Turnback/Competitive In the April 1991 General Election, the voters approved a 1/2 cent sales tax increase for transportation related programs. These funds are administered by the Orange County Transportation Authority (aCTA), OCTA asks cities to submit transportation projects every two years which are then reviewed to detennine if funds will be granted. A portion ofthe 1/2 cent sales taJf- is set aside to fund regional transportation projects on a competitive basis, Each year the City will submit requests to the aCTA to compete with all other agencies for project funding, Fund 10-Gasoline Tax Fund Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 ofthe Streets and Highways Code are distributed to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gasoline Tax Fund, Monies so received must generally be expended for the construction of the State approved "select aid system" of streets, or for maintenance. .' Fund 20-29-Community Development Block Grant Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is distributed to the City of Tustin through the County of Orange. The objectives of CDBG funds are to aid in the prevention or elimination of blight and to provide benefits to low and moderate income families. Funds can be used for such projects as housing and commercial rehabilitation programs, graffiti removal and capital improvements. Fund 31 & 32-Assessment District 95-1 & 95-2 Assessment Districts were created to provide the resources necessary to complete construction of the infrastructure prior to development of Tustin Ranch, Fund 41-Tustin Landscape & Lighting District Established by resolution ofthe City Council, all monies received from special assessments in the district are used to finance the cost of street light installation, maintenance of energy, and maintenance of greenbelts, parks and public right of way perpetuities; Fund 70-Water Fund Established during the 1980-81 fiscal year, the Water Fund is used to collect the revenue from water sales and accounts for the operating expenses and transmission and distribution ofthe City's water system, Fund 81& 82-Risk Management A separate internal fund has been established to fund unemployment insurance, liability fund and worker's compensation, The risk management activities include self-insurance retention excess insurance, paid claims, administrative costs, legal and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the non-departmental operating budget to the fund. Fund 84-Equipment Fund A separate internal accounting fund has been established to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipment which provides for replacement, operational expenses, and repairs. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefitted departments to the fund, Building Permits Fees-Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related pennits and fees. Business License Taxes-The City Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the City, City Sales And Use Taxes-The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Bums Tax Law is one percent (1 %) and is State-collected, Contributions-Donations and contributions paid to the City for specific or general purposes, County Grants Of State Gasoline Taxes-Contributions from county Gas Tax funds to City projects of countywide benefit. Damaged City Property-Collections from insurance companies and private parties for damage to City property, such as parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc. False Alarm Fees-Service charges made to businesses, etc., having excessive false alanns on burglary and robbery alann systems, Federal Grants-Grants from the Federal government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature, Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category, Fines And Forfeitures-Includes Vehicle Code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the exception of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. .' Franchise Tax Fees-Franchises for operations within the City for which a fee is charged are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, cable television, and refuse collection companies. Interest-Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into thc Gcncl1l1, Revcnuc Shuring, Gas Tux, City Beautification, Park Bond, Civic Center Bond Fund, Redevelopment and Water Funds. Motor Vehicle License Fees-Is in lieu oflocal property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent (2%) ofthe market value ofthe vehicle, Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. New Construction Taxes-New residential and other construction is taxed by an ordinance effective October, 1972, The proceeds go to the General Fund to support the increased cost of municipal services generated by the new development. Other Current Charges-Charges made to the public for special services and required installation of street signs in new developments. Other Licenses And Permits-Permit fees are charged for a license to operate taxicabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other purposes, Park Land Dedication Fees-Fees required from subdividers of residential property in lieu of providing park land and facilities for future residents, Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities. Parkway Tree Fees-Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of parkway trees by the City, Planning Fees-Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and zone changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. Property Taxes-Prior to July 1, 1978, general law cities were authorized to set a one-dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, Proposition 13 has created a new system whereby the amount of property tax is greatly reduced and is distributed as provided by the State Legislature, Real Property Transfer Taxes-Established by ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent (27 1/2) tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly, Recreation Fees-Fees for sports, special classes, youth and senior citizen programs, charged to partially offset the cost of services, Rents-Rent received for use of City buildings and property, primarily the Clifton C. Miller Community Center, Tustin Senior Center, and the lease of Orange County Fire Authority Station #37. Sale Of City Property-Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. Sale Of Maps And Publications-A charge is made for City maps and reproduction of documents distributed to private individuals, Sale Of Unclaimed Property-Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property, Sewer Connection Fees-A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and connected to the City's sewer system, Prior to 1977-78, 75% was retained by the City for trunk main extensions and 25% was paid to the Sanitation District. Since that time, 5% is retained by the City for administrative expense and the balance returned to the District. Special Police Services-Charges made to the public for police protection at dances and special events. State Gasoline Taxes-State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construction and maintenance, primarily of non-local streets, State Grants-Grants administrated by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature, Traffic Safety Grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category, State Property Tax Relief-Payments by the State to tþe City in lieu of property taxes on Homeowner and Business Business Inventory Tax exemptions. . Street Permits And Inspections-A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers, Street Construction-Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. Street Reimbursement-Contributions ITom private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects, Subdivision Map Fees-Includes subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps, Sundry Other Revenue--Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. Water Sales-Revenue collected from the sale of water for all uses and equity assessment credits, Weed Abatement-Assessment charges made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property, FINANCIAL SUMMARY Fund Balance Proj ections Interfund Transfer Total Resources General Fund Resources 10 Year General Fund Resources Property Tax Lost to ERAF Property Tax Distribution Total Expenses General Fund Expenses by Departments Property Tax Rev. vs. Public Safety Exp. Operating Expenditure Per Capita Appropriation Limits ~ .§ ,.¡::, þ, ~ Q ...... ;:¡ ~ ,~ '" ~ ~ 0<> ~ ~ ~ ¡...; .' ,';:s ,', "S ',;~~;;~: .,;,~,;"~l,&' ;;.?'~'.t~; "",'~', " " ., "t#;,~~;,P,' " ',""'<,',.'""'/'.."""{"."',,",',""",',",",",'"" ""'"",",",."'",,,",',',,,.','",,' '"",'""""',,',',,, ,"'.""'."""""""';':",',"".',.",",','"',;,.','",.".",,,,".,",.',f,',"',~',~~,'"',o.,,v...-~~ ~.,tJì"""i]""""-"",",".,,.,,','...",'"",",.'.,',',,',",',.',',~",'",',,""',,',,',,',,~,".',,'"""""',',"'~,.'" "',"",'",%1,'".,',:'",'"",''"""",~""""""""""""","'.+""",~""""~";,,iif~,',,,~"""",'.":,',' ,.'.' """",",",,',', ,",' ".,"'.'.,'.".'".',',' ",",',.,',~ßJ"""""""",.,'..,"";'I"",;"~,.,,',"",',',,,,'",'"'",",','",',',','.,,,,;,'.,'""",'.,',",..,' """"",. ,.""'."',j,,' ,[0. , . "",;,': "} ",,""""'., ."""""",~,,,,;.qa' .,: "'."'."','," "-" ',;i,' !![." ,,;;,~I> ~If,,'¿;¡;;¡~~~;l' .":;;..¿"'ø!';¡{,..,""'.~'f.... (Ø " " '" ' ".."" ,...'w' ,~, ,'" ,'- ,._c~"'" " , .- ,r ,. ' W """"~' 4.'>,," ' . ,- .. 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Fund Projected Balance 07/01/99 Projected Balance 06/30/00 99/00 99/00 Projected Projected Revenue Expenditures General Fund 4,764,373 31,250,500 31,477,970 4,536,903 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 3,198,430 2,334,800 2,723,430 2,809,800 Capital Projects Fund-Reserved 5,624,452 1,000,000 2,334,800 4,289,652 SCAQMD 234,135 80,000 251,270 62,865 Asset Forfeiture 322,390 75,000 393,500 3,890 Public Safety Augmentation 50,046 203,000 203,000 50,046 Supplemental Law Enforcement 177,742 157,500 150,000 185,242 Marine Base Closure 375,200 253,000 0 628,200 CDBG 0 2,421,112 2,421,112 0 Measure "M"- Turnback 1,633,288 1,462,300 2,310,568 785,020 Measure "M"- Competitive 15,000 5,944,487 5,951,837 7,650 Gas Tax 2,464,589 1 ,388,500 969,000 2,884,089 Park Development 2,540,325 350,000 659,000 2,231,325 Reassessment District 95-1 3,606,396 150,000 1 ,050,000 2,706,396 Tustin Street Lighting District 2,278,618 407,000 203,700 2,481,918 Tustin Landscape/Lighting District 175,812 411,000 406,509 180,303 Redevelopment Agency: South Central Debt Service 2,394,394 1,640,000 1,597,000 2,437,394 South Central RDA 9,653,127 615,000 3,282,043 6,986,084 South Central Set Aside 3,094,479 549,130 588,283 3,055,326 Marine Base Debt Service 11,718 0 0 11,718 Marine Base RDA (99,696) 3,000 526,870 (623,566) Marine Base Set Aside 0 0 0 0 Town Center Debt Service 3,352,488 2,043,160 1,856,353 3,539,295 Town Center RDA 2,707,822 145,000 696,742 2,156,080 Town Center Set Aside 1,991,709 616,000 1,235,595 1,372,114 Water Enterprise: Operations 4,819,256 8,865,500 10,693,821 2,990,935 Capital Projects 10,294,460 4,329,000 8,014,250 6,609,210 Equipment Replacement 2,198,995 490,131 831,958 1,857,168 Risk Management 1,839,438 997,000 735,000 2,101,438 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 69,718,986 68,181,120 81,563,611 56,336,495 Capital Asset S8 271 Suppl. Description General Projects Forfeiture Public Safety Law Enforc. Transfers for Risk Management and Insurance Program Expenses. -400,000 2 I Transfers to Park development Fund from General Fund Reserves for future Park Development. -245,000 3 I Transfers to the Capital Improvement Fund for future Capital needs. -600,000 600,000 4 I Transfer to Trust Account to fund potential Fire Services capital needs. -400,000 5 I 800 MHz Police Infrastructure Improve. Debt Service Expense 217,000 -217,000 6 I COPS More Grant eligible program 203,000 -203,000 expenses. 7 1 Recovery of Prop 172 MOE eligible 150,000 -150,000 expenses. 8 I Eligible recovery of Pavement Management 50,000 expenses. 9 I Recovery of Administration/Engineering and Street Maintenance expenses. 569,000 10 I Estimated recovery of City cost for 510,000 administration of RDA Project Areas 180,000 111 Estimated recovery of City cost for administration of the Water Enterprise. 700,000 121 HCDA Eligible Programs 47,800 131 Water Capital Improvement Transfer TOTAL 981,800 600,000 -217,000 -203,000 -150,000 CDBG Measure M Turnback Risk Mgt -50,000 -47,800 -47,800 -50,000 400,000 Park Gas Tax Development 245,000 -569,000 -569,000 245,000 Trust & Agency 400,000 400,000 RDA Debt Service -510,000 (SC) -180,000 (TC) -690,000 Water Operations -700,000 -3,300,000 -4,000,000 Water Cap Impr. 3,300,000 3,300,000 400,000 Fund 1996/1997 Actual 1999/2000 Estimate 1997/1998 Actual 1998/1999 Budget 1998/1999 Projected GeneralFunds: Property Taxes 3,583,553 3,738,682 4,046,500 4,295,000 4,457,000 Franchise Fees 988,273 997,444 1,131,600 1,091,000 1,074,600 Sales and Use Tax 13,831,926 15,713,052 15,980,000 16,151,000 16,635,000 Transient Occupancy Tax 115,725 130,309 100,000 100,000 120,000 Business License Fees 245,851 270,304 260,000 260,000 260,000 Real Property Transfer Tax 203,180 294,824 150,000 250,000 275,000 New Construction Tax 26,785 1,108 5,600 34,746 14,000 Building Permits-E. Tustin 828,591 930,158 975,600 818,704 207,000 Plan Check Fees-E. Tustin 487,950 545,262 683,000 474,751 145,000 New Construction Tax-E. Tustin 305,000 188,091 271,700 153,319 45,000 Licenses and Permits 538,278 433,606 468,500 469,000 420,100 Fines and Forfeitures 458,262 429,926 680,600 630,201 591,000 Interest Income 222,138 221,534 240,000 100,000 120,000 Use of property 90,986 60,450 54,500 60,000 198,000 Revenue from Other Agencies 117,642 149,379 100,500 60,000 174,000 Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees 2,746,269 2,724,552 2,704,000 2,704,000 2,959,000 State Grants 12,885 27,141 - 30,000 - County Grants 82,327 49,045 - 45,000 80,000 Federal Grants 148,855 49,045 35,000 6,000 - Sports Fees 223,523 261,224 236,750 244,000 189,000 Class Fees 251,178 187,886 210,900 208,000 211,000 Youth Fees - 162 - - - Senior Center Fees 45,395 54,056 61,200 58,655 88,000 Developer Share of Projects - - - - - Current Service Charges 422,549 257,366 200,138 140,000 206,000 Transfers In From Other Funds 2,349,611 2,007,472 2,601,341 2,601,000 2,626,800 All Other Sources 529,958 148,006 41,662 50,000 155,000 General Fund Total $28,856,690 $29,870,084 $31,239,091 $31,034,376 $31,250,500 1996/1997 1997/1998 1998/1999 1998/1999 1999/2000 Fund Actual Actual Budget Projected Estimate RedevelopmentAgency: South Central-Debt Service 2,712,268 1,624,845 1,334,700 1,634,700 1,640,000 South Central-Capital Projects 2,912,757 638,840 415,000 603,300 615,000 South Central-Set Aside 487,195 540,486 498,800 549,512 549,130 Marine Base-Debt Service - Marine Base-Capital Projects 31,251 5,000 17,200 3,000 Marine Base-Set Aside - Town Center-Debt Service 1,725,677 1,892,768 1,990,500 6,484,621 2,043,160 Town Center-Capital Projects 1,013,932 138,239 500,000 178,125 145,000 Town Center-Set Aside 471,691 591,504 513,550 597,900 616,000 RDA Subtotal $9,323,520 $5,457,933 $5,257,550 $10,065,358 $5,611,290 WaterEnterprise: Operations 8,932,534 8,491,182 8,791,000 8,493,720 8,865,500 Capital Improvements 421,019 4,889,355 2,880,057 2,035,000 4,329,000 . Water Enterprise Subtotal $9,353,553 $13,380,537 $11,671,057 $10,528,720 $13,194,500 All Other Funds: Capital Projects 6,722,290 6,834,292 5,090,000 4,067,750 1,000,000 SCAQMD 337,343 92,950 88,000 96,000 80,000 Asset Forfeiture 173,230 97,654 100,000 135,200 75,000 Public Safety Augmentation 174,290 198,321 170,000 175,300 203,000 Supplemental Law Enforcement 151,112 150,742 150,000 176,000 157,500 Marine Base Closure 274,930 240,250 256,700 519,200 253,000 CDBG 792,109 553,986 1,421,619 1,452,330 2,421,112 Measure "M"- Turnback 714,339 797,651 1,782,855 928,200 1,462,300 Measure "M"-Competitive 710,277 24,975 11,680,917 4,692,818 5,944,487 Gas Tax 1,223,154 1,289,823 1,258,500 1,165,508 1,388,500 Park Development 2,209,919 1,313,106 978,200 746,000 350,000 Reassessment District 95-1 461,374 212,630 220,000 127,051 150,000 Tustin Street Lighting District 393,391 403,234 410,200 395,000 407,000 Tustin Landscape/Lighting District 405,624 391,553 400,975 345,000 411,000 Equipment Replacement 440,411 468,066 464,756 465,000 490,131 Risk Management 954,792 1,480,327 1,081,900 1,079,710 997,000 All Other Funds Subtotal $16,138,585 $14,549,560 $25,554,622 $16,566,067 $15,790,030 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $63,672,348 $63,258,114 $73,722,320 $68,194,521 $65,846,320 General Fund 48.8% Internal Service 1.9% Measure M 12.6% Redevelopment 9.6% Special Revenue Funds 3.1% Capital Projects Fund 0.7% Sales Tax 53.2% Franchise Fees 3.4% Property Tax 14.3% E. Tustin Developmen1 1.3% Fines/Forfeitures 1.9% Motor Vehicle 9.5% Recreation Fees 1.6% $31,250,500 0 0 0 ci 0 ° IÔ M tß- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °a ~ ~ q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °a ~ °a q 10 0 10 0 N N ..... ..... tß- tß- tß- tß- 0 0 0 ci 0 ° IÔ tß- 0 0 0 ci 0 0 ci M tß- 0 tß- 0 ° m m ~ - 0 l- f m m cO m 00 m ..:. m X ItS I- !f ( ) ~ en 9 " m cb m co m .b m X ItS I- :>. 1:: ( ) c.. 0 ... c.. ~ 10 m . ~ m ~ m , M m M m N m ( ) :§ J:: ( ) > ... 0 - 0 :æ: f N m , ..... m ..... m . ° m iii "'tJ .... 0 "C CD ;:¡. "< íit >< CD III 0- CD õ' ¡¡: 0 0 ~ ã' S. õ' :::0 . "'tJ a "C CD ;:¡. "< íit >< CD III DO ;::1! CD .... 0 0 :::0 ~ ã' S. õ' :::0 0 » c cc 3 CD :::0 ¡[ õ. :::0 ." C :::0 0- n 0 :::0 ~ ã' S. õ. :::0 ~ 0 I ~ ..... '"0 0 0 '"0 0 0 I ~ I\) '"0 0 0 '"0 0 0 ~ (.,) '"0 0 0 '"0 0 0 ~ .... '"0 0 0 '"0 0 0 ~ CD '"0 0 0 '"0 0 0 ~ CJI '"0 0 0 '"0 0 0 co I\) I co (.,) co (.,) cO .... co .... cO CJI co CJI I co CD co CD cO ...... co ...... I co 00 co 00 cO co Tustin Unified School District Educational Reyenue Augmentation Fund CITY OF TUSTIN So. Orange County Community College County of Orange OC Flood Control District OC Library District District OC Dept. of Education Various Special Districts $0.440 $0.160 $0.126 $0.091 $0.060 $0.020 $0.016 $0.016 $0.071 $1.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1999-2000 Actual Actual Budget Projected Request GENERAL FUNDS Legislation 600,678 643,707 713,514 578,108 687,340 Administration 1,315,764 1,505,458 2,071,198 2,037,634 2,146,703 Community Development 1,740,541 1,798,360 2,213,847 1,952,464 2,041,960 Public Works 5,637,565 5,474,567 6,243,340 5,898,922 6,260,531 Police 10,724,036 11,365,322 12,086,305 11,444,983 11,996,664 Fire 3,408,841 3,494,062 .3,614,074 3,614,074 3,722,496 Parks and Recreation Services 1,351,759 1,422,033 1,643,654 1,645,271 1,849,346 Non-Departmental 2,511,829 4,562,953 4,581,881 4,455,687 2,772,930 General Fund Subtotal: 27,291,013 30,266,462 33,167,813 31,627,144 31,477,970 CDBG 286,401 324,665 684,127 680,944 255,380 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5,950,936 660,601 5,163,252 2,504,633 2,889,282 WATER 10,432,221 9,383,820 8,490,344 7,765,405 10,693,821 TOTAL $43,960,571 $40,635,548 $47,505,536 $42,578,126 $45,316,453 Special Revenues 3.8% Capital Projects Fund 3.8% Redevelopment 13.3% Internal Services 2.2% $72,167,011 ~(') < 0 ?I~3 (1 O3 ~"C 0 3 § CD -. :sO< .. "'C I: .....!2: CD -. . n ~:E 00 .., '" 1/1 :t:- o. 3 CD -. . :s 0 -. ~~ .., II) .. õ' :s z 0 :s I C ()I) CD õo"C .....0 II) 0"" ;:¡. 3 CD :s .. !!!.. "'C II) .., '" 1/1 II) (1 :S (go. ~~ n .., CD II) ..... õ' :s ..... ~"T1 ()I) =ï ~CD 0 0 0 ò 0 0 CIS .... ~ 0 0 0 ò 0 0 Ñ .... ~ 0 0 0 ò 0 0 rÞ toR- >- - Q - CO en .5:1 :is ::::J D.. >< co I- >- 1:: Q a. 0 .... D.. 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ..... 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ w 0 0 ~ .þ. 0 0 ~ en 0 0 co 0 ~ ..... co ..... ~ ~ co ~ ~ w co w ~ .þ. co .þ. ~ en co en ~ Q) co Q) I CO ...... co ...... I CO CD co CD I CO CO co CO 6 0 Appropriations limit for base year ending .June 30,1987-$14,249,831 (a) (b) (a)x(b) Per Capita Current P. Income Population Calculation Cumulative Amended Fiscal Year Change Change Factor Factor Limit 1987-88 1.0347 1.0199 1.0553 1.0553 $15,037,712 1988-89 1.0466 1.0579 1.1072 1.1684 $16,649,726 1989-90 1.0519 1.0238 1.0769 1.2583 $17,930,677 1990-91 1.0421 1.0435 1.0874 1.3683 $19,498,380 1991-92 1.0414 1.0273 1.0698 1.4639 $20,859,956 1992-93 0.9936 1.0615 1.0547 1.5440 $22,001,129 1993-94 1.0272 1.0687 1.0978 1.6949 $24,152,150 1994-95 1.0071 1.0415 1.0489 1.7778 $25,333,061 1995-96 1.0472 1.0508 1.1004 1.9563 $27,876,443 1996-97 1.0467 1.0373 1.0857 2.1240 $30,266,623 1997-98 1.0467 1.0283 1.0763 2.2861 $32,576,620 1998-99 1.0415 1.0337 1.0766 2.4612 $35,071,942 1999-00 1.0453 1.0396 1.0867 2.6746 $38,112,465 99/00 Factors asreported bv the State Department 9LEinance: Per Capita Personal Income Change over Prior Year: 4.53% Population Change: City of Tustin: 3.96% Orange County: 1.77% LEGISLATION Legislation Expenditure Summary City Council City Clerk City Attorney ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, ~ ...... Q ...... <::s :;:: .S1 'i:: <:ú .'§ '" <::s := ~ :::¡, '" ~ Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 160,119 158,092 159,598 160,608 5210 Benefits 74,155 75,226 74,444 74,387 5005 Part-time 58,791 60,390 61,763 60,945 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 268 500 64 500 Subtotal 293,333 294,208 295,868 296,440 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6016 Legal Serv-City Ally 259,564 240,000 200,000 230,000 6017 Legal Serv-Other 21,996 5,000 5,000 5,000 6111 Codification/Storage 3,721 3,500 1,750 3,500 6355 Telephone 7,207 7,406 6,300 6,300 6400 Operating Supplies 4,024 4,250 4,000 4,000 6424 Office Equipment 1,735 2,500 1,500 2,500 6400 Department Supplies 279 2,000 2,000 2,000 6426 Special Equip Maint 1,061 2,000 1,500 2,000 6420 Printing 597 750 750 750 6455 Legal Advertising 14,593 15,000 12,000 15;000 6840 Vehicle Mileage 148 200 200 200 6710 Meeting Expense 21,503 29,700 23,000 33,100 6715 Training 375 500 135 400 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 150 500 105 150 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 844 500 250 500 6900 Election Expenses 6,751 25,000 14,750 0 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 5,826 80,500 9,000 85,500 Subtotal 350,374 419,306 282,240 390,900 DIVISION TOTAL 643,707 713,514 578,108 687,340 The City Council provides policy direction with regard to City services. Through its review and approval of the City's annual operating and capital improvement budgets, the City Council determines the types and levels of City services. The City Council authorizes changes in the Municipal Code through adoption of ordinances. Policy direction is given by the City Council to the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Audit Committee. The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing implementation of the Town Center and South Central Project Area Plans. City Council members also serve as representatives to various county and regional agencies responsible for fire services, transportation, airport, planning, sanitation and flood control functions. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 30,289 32,560 32,560 32,255 5005 Part-time 30,166 30,000 30,000 30,000 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 60,455 62,560 62,560 62,255 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6355 Telephone 1,563 1,636 1,500 1,500 6400 Operating Supplies 1,410 1,750 1,500 1,500 6400 Department Supplies 0 0 0 0 6420 Printing 597 750 750 750 6710 Meeting Expense 21,118 29,500 23,000 32,900 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 102 0 0 0 Subtotal 24,790 33,636 26,750 36,650 DIVISION TOTAL 85,245 96,196 89,310 98,905 The City Clerk's office is the official record keeper of the city; custodian of the city seal; responsible for the conduct of municipal elections; and the official filing officer for Statement of Economic Interest and Campaign Disclosure forms as required by the Fair Political Practices Commission. This office prepares the agendas and minutes for the City Council and Redevelopment Agency and coordinates follow-up of Council and Agency actions. TASKS: 1. Maintains city-wide records management system which includes a masterfunctional filing system; records retention schedule and document imaging. 2. Prepare City Council and Redevelopment Agency agendas, action agendas, and minutes; coordinate City Council and Redevelopment Agency follow-up and retention of Council and Agency related records. 3. Provide document/information research service for staff and general public, which includes development and maintenance of computerized information retrieval system. 4. Coordinate and conduct the City's General Municipal Election and any special elections. 5. Act as filing officer for campaign disclosure forms and conflict of interest forms for members of the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and designated employees. 6. Provide update and distribution of amendments to the municipal code; and maintain current code books. 7. Provide the processing of incoming/outgoing mail and facsimiles for civic center and off-site departments. 8. Oversee the reception and centralized duplicating services for the Civic Center; which includes maintenance agreements, supplies and staffingfunctions. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 160,119 158,092 159,598 160,608 5210 Benefits 43,866 42,666 41,884 42,132 5005 Part-time 28,625 30,390 31,763 30,945 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 268 500 64 500 Subtotal 232,878 231,648 233,308 234,185 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6111 Codification/Storage 3,721 3,500 1,750 3,500 6355 Telephone 5,359 5,333 4,500 4,500 6400 Operating Supplies 2,614 2,500 2,500 2,500 6424 Office Equipment 1,735 2,500 1,500 2,500 6400 Department Supplies 279 2,000 2,000 2,000 6426 Special Equip Maint 1,061 2,000 1,500 2,000 6455 Legal Advertising 14,593 15,000 12,000 15,000 6840 Vehicle Mileage 148 200 200 200 6710 Meeting Expense 385 200 0 200 6715 Training 375 500 135 400 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 150 500 105 150 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 742 500 250 500 6900 Election Expenses 6,751 25,000 14,750 0 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 5,826 80,500 9,000 85,500 Subtotal 43,739 140,233 50,190 118,950 DIVISION TOTAL 276,617 371,881 283,498 353,135 The City Attorney's office provides legal advice and services pertaining to City affairs to the City Council, City Manager and other City officials. TASKS: 1. Attend City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Planning Commission and Audit Committee meetings for the purpose of providing legal advice. 2. Review and prepare ordinances, resolutions, franchises, agreements, contracts and other documents. 3. Provide legal advice to City departments. 4. Represent the City in court proceedings. 5. Review and monitor general liability and worker's compensation claims processed by the City's claims administrator. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 0 0 0 0 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6016 Legal Serv-City Atty 259,564 240,000 200,000 230,000 6017 Legal Serv-Other 21,996 5,000 5,000 5,000 6355 Telephone 285 437 300 300 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 281,845 245,437 205,300 235,300 DIVISION TOTAL 281,845 245,437 205,300 235,300 ~ ;:¡ ...... ,.¡::, ~ ...... Q ...... :::! :;:: .~ ~ '" ~ 5'0 :::! ::::.. '" ~ ¡...; An MINIS TRA TI 0 N Administration Organization Administration Expenditure Summary City Manager Finance Personnel Services MIS CITY MANAGER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Chief Deputy City Clerk Police Chief Senior Personnel Analyst ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Community Development Director Finance Director Parks and Recreation Services Director Public Works Director! City Engineer Contract Services Executive Coordinator Department Clerk Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 852,718 929,130 914,580 1,095,500 5210 Benefits 219,547 226,Q77 215,357 246,515 5005 Part-time 64,982 67,536 62,227 68,384 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 3,814 16,000 5,500 9,000 Subtotal 1,141,061 1,238,743 1,197,664 1,419,399 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Professional Consulting 73,703 173,600 147,600 128,000 6014 Accounting/Audit 10,820 9,850 10,000 10,000 6019 Medical Services 14,486 17,000 17,000 17,000 6021 Psychological Services 7,088 9,000 7,000 9,000 6106 Audit Committee Exp 1,725 2,000 1,500 2,000 6355 Telephone 15,569 36,905 33,775 36,600 6390 Internet Service 0 15,000 20,000 15,000 6400 Office Supplies 3,104 3,700 4,300 4,300 6424 Office Equip Maint 273 1,470 1,070 1,120 6400 Department Supplies 7,083 8,350 11,700 11,700 6427 Special Eq-Rental 429 640 1,025 960 6420 Printing 3,434 7,000 6,750 8,750 6455 Advertising 5,756 8,000 15,000 14,000 6040 Computer Main!. 31,604 22,500 22,500 52,500 6042 Network Maintenance 0 32,200 32,200 8,000 6401 Computer Paper 5,264 4,000 3,500 1,000 6840 Vehicle Mileage 3,631 3,800 3,650 3,800 6845 Veh. Leasing-Eq Fd 6,058 6,200 6,200 6,965 6710 Meeting Expense 12,358 20,150 8,900 25,974 6715 Training 5,687 28,550 21,400 45,191 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 321 750 0 1,000 6730 Membersh ips/Su bscriptions 8,606 8,500 7,300 8,804 6740 Personnel Recruitment 0 0 0 0 6750 Personnel Testing 6,422 5,500 5,500 6,000 9810 Office Furniture 0 7,790 9,100 8,140 9830 Computer Hardware 72,653 36,500 58,500 39,000 9835 Computer Software 68,323 231,500 252,500 130,500 9840 Computer Lease 0 132,000 132,000 132,000 Subtotal 364,397 832,455 839,970 727,304 DIVISION TOTAL 1,505,458 2,071,198 2,037,634 2,146,703 Under policy direction ofthe City Council, the City Manager's Office is responsible for planning, organizing and evaluating City services and providing management direction to all City departments through the department heads. It also ensures that the types and levels of City services are consistent with City Council policy and the adopted budget. TASKS: 1. Keep the City Council constantly apprised as to the status of City programs and activities. 2. Submit the proposed 2000-01 budget to the City Council. 3. Respond to, and resolve, citizen complaints concerning City services. 4. Serve as Executive Director of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. Provide management oversight of redevelopment projects, which includes economic development and housing programs. 5. Provide staff support, when required, to members of the City Council serving on regional agencies. 6. Provide management oversight of the MCAS, Tustin Reuse Plan and staff support to the Local Reuse Authority. 7. Serve on special regional committees as needed such as the Orange County Fire Authority Technical Advisory Committee and Orange County Library Task Force. 8. Submit a report and recommendations to the City Council regarding contract fire suppression, prevention and paramedic services. 9. Provide management oversight to Y2K compliance projects and preparedness. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 339,500 342,631 342,731 359,575 5210 Benefits 77,056 70,412 73,054 73,331 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 416,556 413,043 415,785 432,906 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6355 Telephone 4,393 7,173 7,175 7,500 6400 Office Supplies 2,008 2,500 2,500 2,500 6424 Office Equip Maint 234 570 570 620 6400 Department Supplies 168 0 0 0 6427 Special Eq-Rental 429 640 1,025 960 6420 Printing 220 500 500 500 6040 Computer Main!. 240 0 0 0 6840 Vehicle Mileage 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 6845 Veh. Leasing-Eq Fd 6,058 6,200 6,200 6,965 6710 Meeting Expense 10,384 17,450 7,500 22,274 6715 Training 299 550 400 691 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 3,068 3,000 3,300 4,304 9810 Office Furniture 0 3,590 600 3,640 9830 Computer Hardware 138 0 0 0 9835 Computer Software 0 500 500 500 Subtotal 29,439 44,473 32,070 52,254 DIVISION TOTAL 445,995 457,516 447,855 485,160 the Finance Division provides financial services and accounting support for the City, the Redevelopment Agency, the Water Utility and the City's Special Assessment Districts. It is responsible for recording the financial activities of the City in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards of the National Committee on Governmental Accounting and Auditing. TASKS: 1. 2. Deposit and record all revenues of the City. Administer the Purchasing Ordinance of the City at the direction of the Purchasing Officer. 3. 4. Assist the City Treasurer in management of the City's investment program. Provide management support for Water Utility billing. 5. Prepare monthly management information reports. 6. Prepare quarterly financial reports. 7. Complete Annual Report of Operations for the State Controller, State Street Report and other reports as required. 8. 9. Prepare the comprehensive Annual Report. Monitor the City's Fixed Asset Accounting System. 10. Administer the payroll, accounts receivable and accounts payable functions. 11. Administer the City's Self-Insured worker's compensation and general liability Risk Management Programs. 12. 13. Prepare the 1999-2000 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. 14. Represent the City as Treasurer of the Orange County Cities Risk Management Authority. Represent the City and provide information for various City, County, State and Federal audits. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 349,906 425,787 413,442 440,000 5210 Benefits 98,071 117,065 102,393 114,000 5005 Part-time 34,245 34,326 33,500 35,000 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 3,742 15,000 5,000 8,000 Subtotal 485,964 592,178 554,335 597,000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 28,769 86,000 65,000 76,000 6014 Accounting/Audit 10,820 9,850 10,000 10,000 6106 Audit Committee Exp 1,725 2,000 1,500 2,000 6355 Telephone 7,298 6,222 6,000 8,500 6400 Department Supp. 6,031 4,500 4,000 4,500 6420 Printing 1,411 4,000 3,000 5,000 6040 Computer Main!. 29,935 20,000 20,000 50,000 6401 Computer Paper 5,264 4,000 3,500 1,000 6840 Vehicle Mileage 1,800 1,900 1,800 1,900 6710 Meeting Expense 1,568 2,000 1,000 3,000 6715 Training 1,995 20,000 15,000 34,500 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 0 0 0 1,000 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 1,890 2,500 2,000 2,500 9830 Computer Hardware 72,515 2,500 2,500 29,000 9835 Computer Software 68,323 215,000 250,000 130,000 Subtotal 239,344 380,472 385,300 358,900 DIVISION TOTAL 725,308 972,650 939,635 955,900 The Personnel Services Division handles the Personnel function, and provides staff support to the City Manager's office. The Personnel function attracts, hires and maintains the highest quality staff available; coordinates delivery of employee benefits; and insures compliance of all applicable laws regarding personnel matters. TASKS: 1. Review internal controls and strengthen where necessary. 2. Meet and confer with employee organizations regarding wages, benefits, and working conditions; implement and monitor compliance with all agreements; develop City management positions in negotiations. 3. 4. Recruit and select all employees; develop testing materials and procedures. Monitor employee benefits programs, such as medical and dental insurance, life insurance, long term disability and educational benefits. 5. Support City goals through assertive recruitment, strong employee-employer relationships, positive communication, and creative solutions. 6. Develop and coordinate employee training and staff development programs. Monitor compliance with Affirmative Action guidelines and other state and federal law. 7. 8. Manage worker compensation caseload and coordinate same with third-party administrator. 9. 10. Maintain compensation plan; review and recommend salary levels for all City classes. Maintain position classification plan. 11. Monitor employee relations activities: coordinate employee relations committee, monitor compliance with Personnel Rules and Regulations, and work with departments to resolve employee relations issues. 12. 13. Provide Hearing Officer services for disciplinary appeals hearings. Provide management level staff support to City Manager for Human Resources projects and studies. Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 163,312 160,712 158,407 215,925 5210 Benefits 44,420 38,600 39,910 38,184 5005 Part-time 30,737 33,210 28,727 33,384 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 72 0 0 0 Subtotal 238,541 232,522 227,044 287,493 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 44,934 22,000 17,000 10,000 6019 Medical Services 14,486 17,000 17,000 17,000 6021 Psychological Services 7,088 9,000 7,000 9,000 6355 Telephone 3,878 4,908 3,500 3,500 6400 Office Supplies 1,096 1,200 1,800 1,800 6424 Office Equip Maint 39 900 500 500 6400 Department Supplies 884 850 1,200 1,200 6420 Printing 1,803 2,500 3,250 3,250 6455 Advertising 5,756 8,000 15,000 14,000 6040 Computer Main!. 1,429 2,500 2,500 2,500 6840 Vehicle Mileage 31 100 50 100 6710 Meeting Expense 406 700 400 700 6715 Training 3,393 4,000 500 5,000 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 321 750 0 0 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 3,648 3,000 2,000 2,000 6740 Personnel Recruitment 0 0 0 0 6750 Personnel Testing 6,422 5,500 5,500 6,000 9810 Office Furniture 0 1,200 0 0 Subtotal 95,614 84,108 77,200 76,550 DIVISION TOTAL 334,155 316,630 304,244 364,043 The Management Information Services Division (MIS) was newly established this year to account for the computer support for the City. At this time the division is primarily staffed through contract services with the City of Brea. TASKS: 1. Administer the Brea MIS contract for computer and network maintenance. 2. Manage the annual hardware/software maintenance agreements. 3. Administer the annual lease agreements for network equipment and software. 4. Provide for network training. 5. Evaluate the functionality of the out-sourced computer services. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 80,000 5210 Benefits 0 0 0 21,000 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 1,000 500 1,000 Subtotal 0 1,000 500 102,000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 0 65,600 65,600 42,000 6355 Telephone 0 18,602 17,100 17,100 6390 Internet Service 0 15,000 20,000 15,000 6400 Department Supplies 0 3,000 6,500 6,000 6042 Network Maintenance 0 32,200 32,200 8,000 6715 Training 0 4,000 5,500 5,000 9810 Office Furniture 0 3,000 8,500 4,500 9830 Computer Hardware 0 34,000 56,000 10,000 9835 Computer Software 0 16,000 2,000 0 9840 Computer Lease 0 132,000 132,000 132,000 Subtotal 0 323,402 345,400 239,600 DIVISION TOTAL 0 324,402 345,900 341,600 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, þ, ~ Q ...... ~ .~ ¡; (\) .š '" ~ (\) ~ ::::.. ~ ~ ".",;:Y ... '¡ .,. ,'<,\.1;7'11 ~J,.;-'é¥i"'~\ ,', '.' ¡. 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" 4 ,ea ,'Do. j COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development Organization Community Development Expenditure Summary Planning Building BUILDING OFFICIAL Plan Check Consultants Fire Marshall Health Services Building Technicians (2) Plan Checkers (2) Building Inspectors (4) DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER Business License Technician Office Support Specialist Associate Planners (1.5) Code Enforcement Officers (3) PLANNING COMMISSION Administrative Secretary PRINCIPAL PLANNER Office Support Specialist Associate Planners (2.5) Assistant Planners (2) Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 1,162,472 1,291,312 1,244,365 1,325,761 5210 Benefits 285,063 324,918 251,820 309,519 5005 Part-time 18,843 27,936 0 28,092 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 3,434 4,000 2,400 3,969 Subtotal 1,469,812 1,648,166 1,498,585 1,667,341 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 168,414 255,616 222,600 223,800 6105 Plan. Comm. Exp 5,650 6,000 6,000 6,000 6112 Microfilming Exp 10,801 5,500 2,626 5,000 6355 Telephone Expense 21,561 14,559 14,451 14,950 6424 Office Equip Maint 898 1,500 1,100 1,500 6400 Department Supplies 9,759 9,692 9,192 9,692 6490 Camera/Graphics 2,078 4,900 3,000 4,900 6427 Special Equip-Rental 413 954 954 954 6420 Printing Expense 6,304 10,500 7,750 10,000 6650 GraffiUi Removal 7,619 10,000 10,000 10,000 6040 Computer Main!. 3,226 0 0 0 6402 Computer Opers. 433 1,500 921 4,000 6840 Vehicle Mileage 2,103 2,700 2,700 2,700 6845 Veh. Lsing-Eq Fund 11,841 17,355 17,355 14,225 6710 Meeting Expense 5,224 6,820 6,820 7,505 6715 Training Expense 9,203 14,420 13,220 14,260 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 428 650 650 650 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 3,924 4,400 4,295 4,483 6974 Marine Base Closure 43,662 78,500 50,000 0 9715 Passenger Vehicles 11,598 15,115 15,245 0 9810 Office Furniture 0 25,000 25,000 0 9830 Computer Hardware 0 10,000 10,000 0 9835 Computer Software 0 70,000 30,000 40,000 9845 Other Depl. Equipment 3,409 0 0 0 Subtotal 328,548 565,681 453,879 374,619 DIVISION TOTAL 1,798,360 2,213,847 1,952,464 2,041,960 The Planning Division includes Current and Advanced Planning/Special Project Functions. The Current Planning division provides for the review of proposed development to ensure conformance to City zoning and development standards including site plan, design review, and development permit coordination and tracking. The Advanced Planning/Special Project division has several subdivisions with assigned staffs who are responsible for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) activities, business licenses, Citywide and Southwest code enforcement and special projects. Current and Advanced Planning provide staff support to the City Council, Planning Commission, the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee, and Redevelopment Agency. More specific Planning responsibilities are identified in 1999-00 Goals/Tasks below. TASKS: 1. Provide 7-14 day project review for Conditional Use Permit, Variance and Design Review applications, 7-14 day turnaround for first- time plan checks, and 2-10 day review of resubmitted plan checks. 2. Complete the comprehensive revisions to the City Zoning Code and schedule Planning Commission and City Council workshops through Spring 2000. 3. Work with Engineering, the City Manager's office and consultants to complete design work for Commuter Rail Station- Summer 1999. Anticipated commencement of Construction-Fall 1999. Completion of Station-Spring 2000. 4. Provide assistance on planning tasks associated with the closure of the Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin and Redevelopment Agency activities. 5. Provide staff support for the administration of activities associated with the federal Community development Block Grant (CDBG) Program including public service and public facility and improvement projects. 6. Provide Code Enforcement citywide with special emphasis on the Southwest area of the City. Complete revisions to the Public Nuisance/Administrative Citation Ordinance. 7. Enforce the Business License Code, provide information to new/existing businesses, and collect revenues from License Tax. Complete comprehensive revisions to the City's business license regulations by Fall 1999. 8. Provide staff support for completion of the Tustin Auto Center, Tustin Marketplace Annex, and other major projects which create jobs, attract investments and increase the City's tax base. Continue to oversee the build-out of the East Tustin Specific Plan. 9. Continue the City's current program for monitoring noise from the John Wayne Airport. Monitor planning and development activity particularly in the County and the cities of Santa Ana, Orange and Irvine for impacts on Tustin. 10. Monitor and recommend measures to ensure the City's compliance with the Air Quality Management Plan. 11. Coordinate with the Public Works Department to ensure compliance with Proposition 111 and Measure M. Provide project support and environmental administration on Public Works projects. 12. Update the City's Land Uses Survey on a biannual basis. 13. Review proposed StatelFederallegislationfor impacts to Tustin and prepare position papers on pending legislation. 14. Provide staffsupport and coordination for the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee. Process Mills Act program contracts. 15. Maintain current demographic information and provide updated information to the public. Work with the Center for Demographic Research, State Department of Finance and Southern California Association of Governments on updating demographic projections. 16. Participate in the Census 2000 Local Update of Census Addresses (L UCA) program-SlIInmer 1999. 17. Commence preparation on the mandated update of the General Plan Housing Element-Summer 1999. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 741,966 873,004 821,602 901,950 5210 Benefits 187,734 220,202 174,014 213,733 5005 Part-time 18,843 27,936 0 28,092 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 3,064 3,500 2,000 3,471 Subtotal 951,607 1,124,642 997,616 1,147,246 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 13,903 55,616 22,600 73,800 6105 Plan. Comm. Exp 5,650 6,000 6,000 6,000 6112 Microfilming Exp 5,301 0 0 0 6355 Telephone Expense 12,666 9,408 9,300 9,300 6424 Office Equip Maint 449 900 500 900 6.400 Department Supplies 5,506 5,692 5,692 5,692 6490 Camera/Graphics 2,078 4,900 3,000 4,900 6420 Printing Expense 3,550 6,000 4,500 6,000 6650 Graffitti Removal 7,619 10,000 10,000 10,000 6040 Computer Main!. 1,798 0 0 0 6402 Computer Opers. 0 1,000 500 3,500 6840 Vehicle Mileage 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 6845 Veh. Lsing-Eq Fund 5,014 8,619 8,619 7,398 6710 Meeting Expense 3,644 5,140 5,140 5,825 6715 Training Expense 4,755 8,120 6,920 7,960 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 1,450 1,595 1,595 1,828 6974 Base Closure Exp 43,662 78,500 50,000 0 9715 Passenger Vehicles 11,598 15,115 15,245 0 9810 Office Furniture 0 25,000 25,000 0 9830 Computer Hardware 0 0 0 0 9835 Computer Software 0 35,000 15,000 20,000 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 3,409 0 0 0 Subtotal 133,852 278,405 191,411 164,903 DIVISION TOTAL 1,085,459 1,403,047 1,189,027 1,312,149 ~ õ;. ~ ~ ~ r:; s. (¡;" ::: ..... õ' ::: ¡:::, ~ <§:: (::r< ¡:;- ::: ~ The Building Division provides for the establishment and enforcement of building regulations to ensure that new and existing buildings are safe and suitable for their intended uses. The Division also establishes and enforces standards for private infrastructure improvements. More specific responsibilities include: receiving and plan checking applications for permits to ensure compliance with State and City building and grading code requirements and private infrastructure standards; issuing building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, grading and sign permits; inspecting residential, commercial, industrial and private infrastructure construction; certifying structures for use and occupancy; reviewing and making recommendations for the adoption of uniform codes; and, assisting the public with technical information regarding City and State codes. TASKS: 1. Provide accurate and timely plan review as follows: First Plan Check completed in 7-14 days Rechecks completed in 2-7 days Quick Check completed in 3 days 2. Complete update of Community Development Department private improvement standards. 3. Provide technical assistance to the Redevelopment Agency and Public Works Department for asbestos abatement, demolition projects, and building code issues at MCAS, Tustin. 4. Provide technical support for tasks associated with the MCAs. Tustin Reuse Plan and base closure activities. 5. Promote professional certification of the Building Division staff in the various technical codes.. 6. Review draft Seismic Hazard maps and implement the requirements of State law. 7. Update procedure manual, public guide handouts, inspection checklist and plan check correction lists. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 420,506 418,308 422,763 423,811 5210 Benefits 97,329 104,716 77,806 95,786 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 370 500 400 498 Subtotal 518,205 523,524 500,969 520,095 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 154,511 200,000 200,000 150,000 6112 Microfilming Exp 5,500 5,500 2,626 5,000 6355 Telephone Expense 8,895 5,151 5,151 5,650 6424 Office Equip Maint 449 600 600 600 6400 Department Supplies 4,253 4,000 3,500 4,000 6427 Special Equip-Rental 413 954 954 954 6420 Printing Expense 2,754 4,500 3,250 4,000 6040 Computer Main!. 1,428 0 0 0 6402 Computer Opers. 433 500 421 500 6840 Vehicle Mileage 303 900 900 900 6845 Veh. Lsing-Eq Fund 6,827 8,736 8,736 6,827 6710 Meeting Expense 1,580 1,680 1,680 1,680 6715 Training Expense 4,448 6,300 6,300 6,300 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 428 650 650 650 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 2,474 2,805 2,700 2,655 9830 Computer Hardware 0 10,000 10,000 0 9835 Computer Software 0 35,000 15,000 20,000 Subtotal 194,696 287,276 262,468 209,716 DIVISION TOTAL 712,901 810,800 763,437 729,811 ~ ~ ,.¡::, ~ ...... Q ...... <::s ::: .S1 :: ~ 'š ¡j ;;: ~ <::s ~ '" ~ PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Organization Public Works Expenditure Summary Administration Emergency Services Engineering Streets Landscape Vehicles Building/Facilities PUBLIC WORKS! CITY ENGINEER Public Works Administration FIELD ENGINEERING WATER SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Buildings and -( Engineering J Water Streets Engineer Landscape Transportation Production and Maintenance Quality Vehicle Public Works Maintenance and Maintenance Inspection Construction BUDGETED POSITIONS ENG/AoMIN 15 FIELD SERVICES 29 WATER SERVICES 17 TOTAL 61 Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED 99/00 REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 1,976,803 2,115,070 2,013,762 2,198,963 5210 Benefits 523,082 607,228 495,537 566,301 5005 Part-time 2,657 26,400 13,200 19,049 5029 Shift Differential 17,544 18,500 21,000 21,100 5020 Overtime 25,491 33,150 33,005 33,950 Subtotal 2,545,577 2,800,348 2,576,504 2,839,363 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 25,529 68,000 53,000 166,000 6018 Architect-Engr Servo 307,380 338,000 337,500 257,500 6028 Landscape Main!. 145,225 131,000 131,000 135,000 6029 Fuel Tank Main!. 7,172 5,000 5,000 6,000 6035 Servo Contracts-Misc. 22,454 36,000 36,000 36,000 6115 Refuse Collection 59,977 85,000 73,000 76,000 6119 Janitorial Service 156,151 185,000 170,000 185,000 6120 HVAC Contract 41,707 32,000 32,000 32,000 6131 Contr. Delivery Svs. 0 100 150 200 6132 Tree Trimming Contract 204,687 200,000 200,000 200,000 6140 Pavement Mgm!. 6,230 25,000 10,000 25,000 6210 Signal Damage 18,920 20,000 35,000 20,000 6220 Street Light Energy 31,303 31,200 32,000 36,100 6218 Signallmpr/ Mod. 28,430 30,000 30,000 30,000 6215 Sign! Maint-Routine 147,392 174,100 172,000 172,400 6222 NPDES Permit 38,962 50,000 45,000 55,000 6224 Trf Sg/Modem/Circuit 24,322 23,700 24,500 25,800 6225 Signal Energy 150,189 141,000 157,000 156,500 6226 T/S Safety Light Energy 12,658 14,200 14,000 14,200 6230 S!. Striping/Marking 115,648 116,400 116,000 116,400 6235 Sdwlk Const Repair 215,374 235,000 235,000 235,000 6245 StreeUAlley Repair 31,118 210,000 160,000 160,000 6320 Bldg MainURepairs 40,265 50,000 50,000 50,000 6325 Pest Control 65 0 0 0 6330 Custodial Supplies 0 4,000 2,500 2,500 6335 Electric 220,760 233,000 220,000 220,000 6340 Sports Lighting 80,486 102,000 102,000 102,000 6345 Natural Gas 17,463 20,000 15,000 18,000 6350 Water 117,466 166,000 161,000 164,000 6355 Telephone 34,420 32,882 36,943 31,000 6400 Office Operating Supp. 466 0 0 o Continued on Page 2 Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 6410 Duplication Expense o o 0 4,600 6424 Office Equip Maint. 6,292 1,500 1,000 1,500 6400 Department Supplies 14,250 19,000 17,500 18,000 6440 Small Tools 7,824 10,000 8,500 7,750 6422 Exp. Equip/Furniture 1,633 5,800 3,500 3,800 6441 Uniforms 6,902 7,600 6,600 5,700 6442 Safety Equipment 7,071 12,200 9,200 9,500 6420 Printing 5,126 5,000 4,400 5,400 6610 Park Supplies 57,256 62,000 60,000 66,000 6615 Street Materials 17,014 12,000 12,000 15,000 6620 Street Sweeping 17,012 20,000 20,000 20,000 6625 Signs/Material 24,350 30,000 25,000 30,000 6635 Tree Supplies 79,080 50,000 50,000 50,000 6640 Center Isl Supplies 162 20,000 12,000 10,000 6645 Weed Control Supplies 3,649 9,000 12,000 12,000 6646 Nuisance Abatement 1,980 3,000 2,000 2,000 6650 Graffitti Removal 1,414 10,000 10,000 12,000 6660 Damage to City Prop. (7,497) 2,000 2,000 2,000 6670 Haz. Waste Disposal 10,965 9,500 9,500 5,000 6040 Computer Maint. 2,755 4,750 4,000 4,000 6810 Fuel/Lube Purchases 93,080 115,000 115,000 120,000 6815 Vehicle Repairs 80,152 95,000 100,000 100,000 6825 Collision Damage 4,630 5,000 5,000 5,000 6840 Veh. Mileage/Allow. 1,820 1,950 1,875 1,900 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 118,734 . 96,850 96,850 104,268 6710 Meetings 2,079 3,840 4,000 4,400 6715 Training Expense 10,800 14,500 12,500 15,300 6724 Used Oil Block Grant 18,636 20,000 25,000 21,000 6725 Tuition Reimb. 942 1,500 1,100 3,000 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 4,763 5,570 4,700 6,450 9705 Communication Equip. 2,648 0 o 0 9810 Office Furniture o 600 600 o 9820 Other Office Equipment 5,739 7,250 7,000 o 9830 Computer Hardware o o o 8,000 9835 Computer Software 5,336 o o 0 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 20,174 24,000 24,000 20,000 Subtotal 2,928,990 3,442,992 3,322,418 3,421,168 DIVISION TOTAL 5,474,567 6,243,340 5,898,922 6,260,531 " "'~"'$"'-""""":~""<";""""'" ,(,.~"",. ~,."""""" ' ,'":,','"""'""",..".',,,,:,...,,"'"""""",,,,,',,",.'.,,".'.','."..':'::'."'.',,'~',",".'."'",',."."~~'""',~'.',,,,,,:',,"'" "."""",'.,',',,'."'.,",.,,',',"',.¡"':,"",,',. '~,""'""""""",,,,",,',',::..."."".",.',.""','.,..:",."".','.".'.."'.:""..':'..:":"::'."",',,',,:".',.".",~":".'"".,.'",."..'.'" 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This Division provides research and analysis of current and proposed Public Works projects, programs and services to ensure benefit, safety and convenience to the community and general public. TASKS: 1. Perform interagency coordination and administer County, State and/or Federally funded projects and programs. 2. Provides oversight and management of the Public Works and Water Capital Improvement and Operations Budgets. 3. Monitors the implementation of a Departmental productivity measurement system. 4. Administers Solid Waste and Cable TV franchise agreements. 5. Administers contract agreements for various City Services. 6. Administers the vehicle purchase program. 7. Manages City records with respect to Public Works and Engineering. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 198,107 203,464 203,514 210,855 5210 Benefits 50,250 46,976 49,003 49,153 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 500 500 550 Subtotal 248,357 250,940 253,017 260,558 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 8,156 38,000 28,000 160,000 6355 Telephone 8,960 12,611 13,000 13,000 6400 Office Operating Supp. 466 0 0 0 6410 Duplication Expense 0 0 0 4,600 6424 Office Equip Main!. 6,292 1,500 1,000 1,500 6400 Department Supplies 10,384 14,000 13,000 13,000 6422 Exp. Equip/Furniture 986 1,500 1,000 1,000 6420 Printing 268 0 400 400 6840 Veh. Mileage/Allow. 1,820 1,850 1,850 1,900 6710 Meetings 2,079 3,840 4,000 4,400 6715 Training Expense 5,220 9,500 8,000 10,300 6724 Used Oil Block Grant 18,636 20,000 25,000 21,000 6725 Tuition Reimb. 500 500 500 2,000 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 4,603 5,320 4,500 6,200 9810 Office Furniture 0 600 600 0 9820 Other Office Equipment 5,739 7,250 7,000 0 9830 Computer Hardware 0 0 0 6,000 Subtotal 74,109 116,471 107,850 245,300 DIVISION TOTAL 322,466 367,411 360,867 505,858 The Engineering Division designs and prepares plans for the City's Capital Improvement Program; inspects all projects within the public right-of-way; maintains records to promote the general safety and well-being of the community; and coordinates all inter/intra community related regional traffic pertinent to pedestrian and vehicular safety. TASKS: 1. Prepare plans, cost estimates and reports for Capital Improvement Projects. 2. Conduct plan checks on subdivision/parcel maps and perform construction inspection involving public improvements. 3. Conduct City-wide traffic studies inclusive of, but not limited to, traffic safety, arterial highway classification review; new development impacts; and modification and synchronization of the traffic signal systems. 4. Maintain maps, records and reports for all public improvements. 5. Provide public assistance to include response to engineering and traffic related inquires, concerns and complaints. 6. Perform contract administration and provide technical assistance to other City departments and outside agencies. 7. Administer East Tustin Assessment District(s) and the Landscape and Lighting District. 8. Prepare and Administer contracts for City Pavement Management System, Traffic Signal maintenance and Pavement Striping. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 616,545 627,049 601,688 677,020 5210 Benefits 151,375 168,346 140,184 151,783 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 549 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 8,380 11,050 8,000 8,500 Subtotal 776,300 806,445 749,872 837,852 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6018 Architect-Engr Serv 306,830 337,000 337,000 257,000 6131 Contr. Delivery Svs. 0 100 150 200 6140 Pavement Mgmt. 6,230 25,000 10,000 25,000 6210 Signal Damage 18,920 20,000 35,000 20,000 6220 Street Light Energy 31,303 31,200 32,000 36,100 6218 Signallmpr/ Mod. 28,430 30,000 30,000 30,000 6215 Signl Maint-Routine 146,162 174,100 172,000 172,400 6222 NPDES Permit 38,962 50,000 45,000 55,000 6224 Trf Sg/Modem/Circuit 24,322 23,700 24,500 25,800 6225 Signal Energy 150,189 141,000 157,000 156,500 6226 TIS Safety Light Energy 12,658 14,200 14,000 14,200 6230 St. Striping/Marking 115,648 116,400 116,000 116,400 6235 Sdwlk Const Repair 215,374 235,000 235,000 235,000 6355 Telephone 5,890 2,342 2,342 0 6420 Printing Expense 4,858 5,000 4,000 5,000 6840 Vehicle Mileage 0 100 25 0 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 7,226 2,515 2,515 7,216 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 0 1,000 600 1,000 9835 Computer Software 2,946 0 0 Subtotal 1,115,948 1,208,657 1,217,132 1,156,816 DIVISION TOTAL 1,892,248 2,015,102 1,967,004 1,994,668 The Streets Division ensures the aesthetic image and safe environment desired by the community through scheduled street sweeping, assuring proper signage and striping and by maintaining all streets, sidewalks, bike trails, median, parkways, storm drains and catch basins within the public right-of-way. TASKS: 1. Maintain asphaltic concrete paved areas through in-house repairs and administration of contractual services. 2. Maintain all publicly owned storm drains, catch basins and surface drainage facilities. 3. Maintain all turf foliage wit/hn the street medians/parkways. 4. Perform weed abatement and litter control in the public right-of-way. 5. Maintain traffic signing program as directed by the Engineering Division, Traffic Section. 6. Conduct scheduled sweeping of streets, bike trails and parking lots throughout the City. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 347,563 355,740 351,828 311,522 5210 Benefits 90,228 97,865 80,900 81,581 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5025 Shift Diff./Stand-by 17,544 18,500 18,000 18,000 5020 Overtime 12,327 14,000 14,000 14,000 Subtotal 467,662 486,105 464,728 425,103 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6028 Landscape Maint. 15,750 9,000 9,000 9,000 6115 Refuse Collection 38,934 60,000 48,000 50,000 6215 Signal Maint.-Routine 1,230 0 0 6245 StreeUAlley Repair 31,118 210,000 160,000 160,000 6355 Telephone 82 311 311 0 6440 Small Tools 1,399 2,000 2,000 1,500 6422 Exp.Equip/Furniture 0 1,500 1,000 500 6441 Uniforms 1,299 1,500 1,500 1,500 6442 Safety Equipment 5,443 7,000 5,000 5,000 6615 Street Materials 17,014 12,000 12,000 15,000 6620 Street Sweeping 17,012 20,000 20,000 20,000 6625 Signs/Material 24,350 30,000 25,000 30,000 6645 Weed Control Supplies 1,146 0 0 0 6650 Graffiti Removal 0 0 0 10,000 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq. Fd. 75,860 58,847 58,847 59,098 9845 Other Dept. Equip. 13,491 0 0 5,000 Subtotal 244,128 412,158 342,658 366,598 DIVISION TOTAL 711,790 898,263 807,386 791,701 The Landscape Division maintains all City parks, landscaped areas, and all trees located in the public right of way to enhance the aesthetic image of the community, promote the general environmental quality of the community and ensure the safety of all citizens and the general public. TASKS: 1. Maintain turf in parks on a scheduled basis. 2. Operate and maintain park and landscape irrigation systems to ensure proper watering, being mindful of water conservation. 3. Maintainfoliage by spraying, removing and/or replacing as required. 5. Perform graffiti removal program in parks and public right-of-ways. 6. Conduct regular maintenance and repair of park grounds and play equipment, structures and eating facilities. 7. Administer city-wide Tree Trimming and Landscape Maintenance contracts. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 442,250 528,980 488,261 592,357 5210 Benefits 125,270 173,542 128,798 175,941 5005 Part-time 2,657 26,400 13,200 18,500 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 3,000 3,100 5020 Overtime 3,079 5,000 7,000 8,100 Subtotal 573,256 733,922 640,259 797,998 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof. & Consulting 17,373 30,000 25,000 6,000 6028 Landscape Maint. 129,475 122,000 122,000 126,000 6132 Tree Trimming Contract 204,687 200,000 200,000 200,000 6335 Electric 28,284 33,000 30,000 30,000 6340 Sports Lighting 80,486 102,000 102,000 102,000 6350 Water 103,643 146,000 146,000 146,000 6355 Telephone 82 '174 174 0 6440 Small Tools 1,655 3,000 2,500 2,000 6422 Ex. Equip/Furniture 95 1,000 500 1,000 6441 Uniforms 1,635 2,500 2,200 2,000 6442 Safety Equipment 1,518 3,500 2,500 3,000 6610 Park Supplies 57,256 62,000 60,000 66,000 6635 Tree Supplies 79,080 50,000 50,000 50,000 6640 Center Isl Supplies 162 20,000 12,000 10,000 6645 Weed Control Supplies 2,503 9,000 12,000 12,000 6646 Nuisance Abatement 1,980 3,000 2,000 2,000 6650 Graffiti Removal 1,414 10,000 10,000 2,000 6660 Damage to City Prop. (7,497) 2,000 2,000 2,000 6845 Veh. Leasing Equip Fd. 30,293 30,800 30,800 32,689 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 258 0 0 0 9830 Computing Hardware 0 0 0 2,000 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 3,922 18,000 18,000 10,000 Subtotal 738,304 847,974 829,674 806,689 DIVISION TOTAL 1,311,560 1,581,896 1,469,933 1,604,687 The Vehicle Maintenance Division provides general repair and preventive maintenance for all City vehicles and other mechanical equipment, as well as maintaining a vehicular/equipment history for timely replacements and/or new purchases in a cost cffcctivc manner. TASKS: 1. Perform major and minor repairs on vehicles and other mechanical equipment. 2. Maintain preventative maintenance program on vehicles and other mechanical equipment. 3. Provide fuel and maintain vehicle and equipment fueling facilities for the City and Tustin Unified School District. 4. Conduct licensing/inspection of vehicles as required by State Department of Motor Vehicles. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 248,166 243,096 249,333 247,638 5210 Benefits 73,984 71,735 68,146 67,035 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 768 1,000 1,705 1,100 Subtotal 322,918 315,831 319,184 315,773 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6029 Fuel Tank Main!. 7,172 5,000 5,000 6,000 6355 Telephone 82 116 116 0 6440 Small Tools 3,401 3,500 3,500 3,500 6422 Exp. Equip/Furniture 0 800 500 800 6441 Uniforms 1,952 2,400 2,000 1,200 6442 Safety Equipment 0 1,200 1,200 1,000 6670 Haz. Waste Disposal 10,965 9,500 9,500 5,000 6040 Computer Main!. 2,755 4,750 4,000 4,000 6810 Fuel/Lube Purchases 93,080 115,000 115,000 120,000 6815 Vehicle Repairs 80,152 95,000 100,000 100,000 6825 Collision Damage 4,630 5,000 5,000 5,000 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq. Fd. 2,095 2,800 2,800 2,095 9835 Computer Software 2,390 0 0 0 9845 Other Dep!. Equipment 2,061 6,000 6,000 5,000 Subtotal 210,735 251,066 254,616 253,595 DIVISION TOTAL 533,653 566,897 573,800 569,368 The Facility Maintenance Division performs and administers building maintenance and repair to provide a clean, healthy and safe environment for the employees and the general public. TASKS: 1. Perform or administer contract building repairs in all public facilities including structural, plumbing, electrical and painting repairs. . 2. Administer contract maintenance tasks in all public facilities including janitorial, building security, and HVAC 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 86,327 120,237 82,532 122,335 5210 Benefits 22,129 37,047 19,413 31,534 5005 Part-Time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 937 1 ,400 1,600 1,500 I Subtotal 109,393 158,684 103,545 155,369 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6035 Servo Contracts-Misc. 22,454 36,000 36,000 36,000 6115 Refuse Collection 21,043 25,000 25,000 26,000 6119 Janitorial Services 156,151 185,000 170,000 185,000 6120 HV AC Contract 41,707 32,000 32,000 32,000 6320 Bldg MaintiRepairs 40,265 50,000 50,000 50,000 6325 Pest Control 65 0 0 0 6330 Custodial Supplies 0 4,000 2,500 2,500 6335 Electric 192,476 200,000 190,000 190,000 6345 Natural Gas 17,463 20,000 15,000 18,000 6350 Water 13,823 20,000 15,000 18,000 6355 Telephone 16,674 15,116 18,000 15,000 6440 Small Tools 1,369 1,500 500 750 6422 Exp Equip/Furniture 552 1,000 500 500 6441 Uniforms 2,016 1,200 900 1,000 6442 Safety Equipment 110 500 500 500 6845 Veh Leasing Eq Fd 3,260 1,888 1,888 3,170 Subtotal 529,428 593,204 557,788 578,420 DIVISION TOTAL 638,821 751,888 661,333 733,789 The Emergency Services Division is responsible for the preparation and implementation ofthe City's emergency services/ disaster preparedness program. Under Federal and State guidelines, the Division organizes the City forces and community responses to natural or civil disasters and/or disturbances. TASKS: 1. Implement the State mandated Standardized Emergency Management Systems (SEMS). 2. Update the City's Emergency Plan to comply with SEMs. 3. Implement a training prograin to prepare all City staff/or emergency response and management. 4. Assure the adequate preparation of City emergency response facilities. 5. Coordinate emergency preparation activities with other agencies and the general public. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 37,845 36,504 36,606 37,236 5210 Benefits 9,846 11,717 9,093 9,274 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 200 200 200 Subtotal 47,691 48,421 45,899 46,710 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6018 Architect-Engr Servo 550 1,000 500 500 6355 Telephone 2,568 2,212 3,000 3,000 6400 Dept. Supplies 3,866 5,000 4,500 5,000 6715 Training Expense 5,580 5,000 4,500 5,000 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 184 I 0 0 0 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 160 250 200 250 9705 Communication Equip. 2,648 0 o 0 9845 Other Dept Equip 700 0 0 o Subtotal 16,256 13,462 12,700 13,750 DIVISION TOTAL 63,947 61,883 58,599 60,460 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, ~ ...... Q ...... <::s ;::: .S¡ =: ~ .š '" <::s ~ % <::s t:), '" ~ POLICE Police Organization Police Expenditure Summary Administration Operations Investigation Services FIRE SERVICES FISCAL YEAR 99/00 REVISED 3199 ORGCHART CHIEF OF POLICE OFACE COORDINATOR SECRETARY (PAYROLL) 91 SWORN 42 CIVILIAN 133 TOTAL FIT 5 TOTAL PIT -ckh I ~ Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED 99/00 REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 6,950,925 7,344,389 6,940,212 7,533,525 5210 Benefits 2,517,037 2,652,149 2,496,537 2,351,332 5005 Part-time 317,622 367,223 394,622 396,075 5029 Shift Differential 22,285 6,600 20,040 0 5020 Overtime 471,673 556,345 516,760 601,029 Subtotal 10,279,542 10,926,706 10,368,171 10,881,961 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 24,466 22,200 22,200 29,600 6019 Medical Services 15,722 22,250 22,250 26,618 6030 Jail Booking Fees 73,744 0 0 0 6130 Co-Joint Emerg Svs 1,509 1,550 1,550 1,550 6133 Reserve Officers 3,300 30,000 0 0 6355 Telephone 75,363 70,491 63,000 63,000 6360 Telephone Mod. 340 500 500 500 6400 Off Operating Supplies 9,249 10,040 10,040 10,040 6410 Duplication Exp 14,206 14,250 14,250 14,250 6411 Microfiche 830 500 500 0 6412 Word Processing 932 1,500 1,500 1,500 6424 Office Equip Main!. 6,098 6,220 6,220 6,220 6400 Department Supplies 95,098 97,140 102,340 97,390 6422 Exp Equip/Furniture 0 1,130 1,130 7,130 6441 Uniforms 65,690 59,150 57,450 57,000 6426 Spec Equip Maint 77,177 89,690 87,690 105,138 6427 Spec Equip Rental 13,284 18,030 18,530 20,284 6420 Printing 28,171 34,170 32,050 32,620 6430 Investigative Exp 15,298 20,000 20,000 20,000 6040 Computer Maint 57,506 76,176 83,500 73,050 6402 Computer Opers. 15,581 18,720 18,720 18,720 6403 Computer Lease 21,049 21,050 21,050 21,050 6432 Canine Expense 5,029 6,500 6,500 4,900 Continued on Page 2 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 263,295 272,456 272,456 303,681 6860 Vehicle Rental 9,193 7,200 7,200 15,000 6710 Meetings 2,380 4,712 4,712 4,876 6715 Training 90,576 112,540 131,520 124,609 6725 Tuition Reimb. 1,031 0 0 0 6730 M'shiplSubscriptions 8,623 10,130 10,430 10,977 8815 Disability 7,557 0 0 0 9705 Comm. Equipment 1,371 13,480 18,000 0 9715 Passen~er Vehicles 0 70,000 0 0 9720 Trucks 0 0 0 0 9730 Police Vehicles 0 7,324 7,324 0 9825 Weapons/Def. Equip 66,733 0 0 0 9845 Other Dept. equipment 15,379 40,500 34,200 45,000 Subtotal 1,085,780 1,159,599 1,076,812 1,114,703 DIVISION TOTAL 11,365,322 12,086,305 11,444,983 11,996,664 r , '~"" ,,:r,,'Jiil/""~~""ifé'§òh'" ,,"hi;1"-:""""""'jiI""-:;¡::'" "" ," ',,' ,'""'",'","'","."'"',',"'",,,,,""'"",,r,,,,',',.,",'""",.'"""""""""""",,""",.,"','"',,,',',',,',~',""'."""',,'~'",'"".>",,,,".., ',",,',"',',.:,','.',!,:':,',,"&',. 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The Administration Division is also responsible for maintaining open lines of communication between the Police Department and the Community. Crime statistics are maintained and research projects conducted to assist all Department Divisions in achieving the Police Department's goal of reducing crime. TASKS: 1. Provide administrative lead~rship to the entire Department. 2. Provide budget direction and control. 3. Review and implement new programs to enhance effectiveness of Department. 4. Ensure free flow of internal and external information. 5. Participate in city-wide team management concepts. 6. Provide direction and analysis to staff projects. 7. Coordinate with other law enforcement agencies, local, state, and federal. 8. Coordinate Police Department activities with other City Departments. 9. Continue to provide consistent and uniform levels of police services as the community grows. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 373,426 391,650 394,971 403,272 5210 Benefits 118,786 137,390 130,024 128,958 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime/Standby 712 700 272 0 Subtotal 492,924 529,740 525,267 532,230 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6130 Co-Joint Emerg Svs 539 500 500 500 6355 Telephone 71 0 0 0 6424 Office Equip Main!. 331 280 280 280 6400 Department Supplies 2,009 2,000 2,200 2,250 6441 Uniforms 1,461 1,050 850 800 6426 Spec Equip Maint 675 700 700 700 6427 Spec Equip Rental 379 430 430 430 6420 Printing 2,983 2,500 1,500 1,500 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 17,037 19,288 19,288 16,441 6710 Meetings 1,070 1,050 1,050 1,050 6715 Training Exp. 8,730 9,650 17,000 10,762 6730 M'ship/Subscriptions 1,952 1,860 2,160 2,651 Subtotal 37,237 39,308 45,958 37,364 DIVISION TOTAL 530,161 569,048 571,225 569,594 The Operations Division is comprised of two areas of service; Patrol and Traffic. The Patrol program includes the availability of a uniformed officer responsible for responding to citizen calls for service and personal observations of criminal or suspected criminal activity twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year; the initial investigation and subsequent documentation of violations of the law; statistical analysis of specific criminal offenses; enforcement of local and state laws and the arrest of suspected offenders; investigation of miscellaneous, non-criminal incidents; preservation of life and property during natural disaster, providing emergency first aid as required at scenes of medical emergencies; provision for mutual aid as needed; general traffic enforcement and investigation in the absence of specialized traffic accident investigation personnel; supervision, coordination training and deployment of all uniformed personnel including the personnel of the K-9 Program, Bicycle Enforcement Detail, Gang Unit, and the Police Reserve Program. The Traffic Program supplements the Patrol Section through specialized deployment of motorcycle officers to combat specific traffic problems as outlined by the traffic accident analysis; Parking Control Program and the abatement of abandoned vehicles. TASKS: 1. Respond to calls for emergency police service with a goal of a 3-minute response time. 2. Respond to non-emergency (report) calls for service with a goal of a 1 a-minute response time. 3. Maintain an average patrol time availability of 25% per Officer. 4. Write and/or record all police reports. 5. Crime suppression through specific crime analysis and a high degree of visibility of patrol units in the high crime areas. 6. Crime suppression through deployment of special enforcement units. 7. Reduce traffic accidents through analysis program coupled with comprehensive selective enforcement program. 8. Cross-train all patrol officers in traffic matters. ~ 9. Apprehension, transportation and booking of offenders. 10. Document and evaluate job performance of all assigned personnel. 11. Conduct presentations before public and private groups including Community Watch Programs. 12. Receiving, interpreting, recording and transmitting information appropriately via the Communications Center. 13. Conduct briefing sessions and roll call training. 14. Conduct quarterly training days for all sworn assigned personnel. 15. Conduct firearms training and qualification. 16. Decrease the number of abandoned vehicles left on City streets and private property through the vehicle abatement program. 17. Maintain an appropriate number/level of available resources (personnel and equipment in order to achieve the above-stated tasks without the necessity of service level reductions. 18. Maintain and refine the Field Training Officer program. 19. Establish comprehensive operating procedures. 20. Support and enhance the traffic division. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 4,087,732 4,140,769 4,039,850 4,260,259 5210 Benefits 1,590,355 1,613,417 1,571,053 1,398,241 5005 Part-time 202,839 300,827 239,661 328,827 5029 Shift Differential 14,264 6,600 13,140 0 5020 Overtime/Standby 287,470 352,600 301,485 390,012 Subtotal 6,182,660 6,414,213 6,165,189 6,377,339 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 410 1,300 1,300 1,300 6019 Medical Services 15,722 22,250 22,250 26,618 6030 Jail Booking Fees 73,744 0 0 0 6133 Reserve Officers 3,300 30,000 0 0 6355 Telephone 106 0 0 0 6360 Telephone Mod. 340 500 500 500 6400 Department Supplies 35,551 31,500 36,000 31,500 6441 Uniforms 43,840 40,700 40,700 40,700 6426 Special Equip Maint. 52,353 50,000 50,000 51,034 6420 Printing 2,820 10,000 9,000 9,000 6402 Computer Opers. 15,581 18,720 18,720 18,720 6432 Canine Expense 5,029 6,500 6,500 4,900 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 208,511 221,022 221,022 249,800 6710 Meetings 118 232 232 262 6715 Training 45,655 59,820 61,000 65,000 6725 Tuition Reimb. 1,031 0 0 0 6730 M'ship/Subscriptions 2,623 4,250 4,250 4,250 8815 Disability 6,434 0 0 0 9715 Passenger Vehicles 0 70,000 0 0 9825 Weapons/Def. Equip 66,733 0 0 0 9845 Other Dept. equipment 11,774 40,500 34,000 45,000 Subtotal 591,675 607,294 505,474 548,584 DIVISION TOTAL 6,774,335 7,021,507 6,670,663 6,925,923 r """..,' ",' "".,"',',"""""",."'".'."","",'"'",.,'",.""',,.,,,,""..,'':.',.",'"...",.7.""""'.",.'".'"',,-,.,,",",',",:,,t,""..,""',-"...,'~,""','.,",'"".""""."""\"".".",,"',.',",""'.",.,"',,~',.,.',",.,",'.",~".."',""", "'",,',>,' 'v'li',"""",'""".',"',',"",.",,.".','""',,'.,,;jj;J..,',,'...,,',,,.'..,,'".~,....",."",.",,,~.,,',',~.,~',.. "",'"."',,,"',"",',", ." ¡..... 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Provide required support functions for the Investigations Section. 3. Provide case audit and management of workable follow-up investigations for the identification, apprehension of offenders, and recovery of property. ' 4. IdentifY and respond to community needs and expectations concerning the juvenile justice system. 5. Utilize the juvenile diversion program provided by the Assessment and Treatment Services Center. 6. Maintain an ongoing liaison with the District Attorney's Office to ensure proper prosecution of criminals arrested by this Department. 7. Investigate crimes dealing with vice, narcotics and white collar crimes. 8. Maintain criminal intelligence and liaison with other agencies and the community. 9. Support the Operations Division as necessary to ensure achievement of the Department's goals and tasks. 10. Establish comprehensive operating procedures. 11. Analyze and maintain criminal statistics. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 998,449 1,035,572 998,325 1,072,416 5210 Benefits 377,473 379,872 370,702 327,325 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 175 0 300 0 5020 Overtime/Standby 134,301 138,297 136,511 137,018 ~ -~- . Subtotal 1,510,398 1,553,741 1,505,839 1,536,759 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 24,056 20,900 20,900 28,300 6130 Co-Joint Emerg Svs 970 1,050 1,050 1,050 6355 Telephone 151 0 0 0 6400 Department Supplies 3,213 3,500 4,000 3,500 6441 Uniforms 5,473 5,400 3,900 3,500 6426 Spec Equip Maint. 2,749 5,130 3,130 5,125 6427 Spec Equip Rental 1,349 1,350 1,850 1,038 6420 Printing 483 1,050 1,550 1,500 6430 Investigative Exp 15,298 20,000 20,000 20,000 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 31,247 26,632 26,632 32,942 6860 Vehicle Rental 9,193 7,200 7,200 15,000 6710 Meetings 637 1,380 1,380 1,380 6715 Training 15,894 14,520 16,520 16,347 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 6730 M'ship/Subscriptions 982 1,050 1,050 1,050 9720 Trucks 0 0 0 0 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 1,774 0 0 0 Subtotal 113,469 109,162 109,162 130,732 DIVISION TOTAL 1,623,867 1,662,903 1,615,001 1,667,491 The Services Division provides support assistance for field operations and investigation personnel in order to maintain the 24-hour operation of the Police Department. It also coordinates the selection and training of police personnel and maintains a centralized records system for the Police Department. Provides supervision, coordination, training and staffing of the Communications Section, Records Section, Property and Evidence Section, and Community Resources Section. The Community Resources Section encompasses D.A.R.E., Personnel and Training, Crime Prevention, Area Resource, and School Resource. . Crime prevention is achieved through educating the community about safety awareness primarily through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. Monitors and implements mandated training for all police personnel. Maintains positive public relations with the community, media, other city departments, and law enforcement agencies. TASKS: 1. Provides planning and research for various Police Department functions. 2. Investigates businesses requiring city permits and/or licenses. 3. Coordinates and monitors the Department'sfiscal activities on a daily basis. 4. Provide copies of police reports, statistics, etc., to the public in accordance with State guidelines. 5. Maintains and provides criminal, incident and traffic activity information. 6. Provides statistical and crime data to Federal and State agencies, to police personnel, and the community. 7. Coordinates the processing and selection of the best qualified persons for positions within the Police Department. 8. Maintains complete and accurate personnel and departmental records. 9. Coordinates the trainingfor all departmental personnel. Provides training and learning opportunities as it relates to their individual task assignments. ~ 10. Provides accurate documentation, storage, and retrieval of all property and evidence. 11. Audits, inventories, and purges accumulated property within the legal guidelines. 12. Maintains accurate records for fiscal review and orders department supplies and equipment. 13. Maintenance and troubleshooting of the Department's automation projects including computer aided dispatch and records management systems. 14. Provides thorough integrity training for all department personnel. 15. Establishes comprehensive operating procedures. 16. Institute an extensive personnel recruitment program. 17. Provides support functions to sworn personnel throughout the Agency. 18. Provides supervision and direction to the various Sections within the Services Division. 19. Expand the DARE Program and continue to provide other youth programs. 20. Provides coordination and support internally, city-wide, and in the community to the problem oriented policing program. 21. Evaluates methods of enhancing community relations. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 1,491,318 1,776,398 1,507,066 1,797,578 5210 Benefits 430,423 521,470 424,758 496,808 5005 Part-time 114,783 66,396 154,961 67,248 5029 Shift Differential 7,846 0 6,600 0 5020 Overtime/Standby 49,190 64,748 78,493 73,999 Subtotal 2,093,560 2,429,012 2,171,877 2,435,633 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6355 Telephones 75,035 70,491 63,000 63,000 6400 Off Operating Supplies 9,249 10,040 10,040 10,040 6410 Duplicatiøn Exp 14,206 14,250 14,250 14,250 6411 Microfiche 830 500 500 0 6412 Word Processing 932 1,500 1,500 1,500 6424 Office Equip Maint. 5,767 5,940 5,940 5,940 6400 Department Supplies 54,325 60,140 60,140 60,140 6422 Exp Equip/Furniture 0 1,130 1,130 7,130 6441 Uniforms 14,916 12,000 12,000 12,000 6426 Spec Equip Maint. 21,400 33,860 33,860 48,279 6427 Spec Equip Rental 11,556 16,250 16,250 18,816 6420 Printing 21,885 20,620 20,000 20,620 6040 Computer Maint 57,506 76,176 83,500 73,050 6403 Computer Lease 21,049 21,050 21,050 21,050 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 6,500 5,514 5,514 4,498 6710 Meetings 555 2,050 2,050 2,184 6715 Training 20,297 28,550 37,000 32,500 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 6730 M'shiplSubscriptions 3,066 2,970 2,970 3,026 8815 Disability 1,123 0 0 0 9705 Comm. Equipment 1,371 13,480 18,000 0 9730 Police Vehicles 0 7,324 7,324 9845 Other Dept. Equip 1,831 0 200 0 Subtotal 343,399 403,835 416,218 398,023 DIVISION TOTAL 2,436,959 2,832,847 2,588,095 2,833,656 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 0 0 0 0 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 ,~ I Subtotal 0 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6125 County Fire Contract 3,494,062 3,614,074 3,614,074 3,722,496 Subtotal 3,494,062 3,614,074 3,614,074 3,722,496 DIVISION TOTAL 3,494,062 3,614,074 3,614,074 3,722,496 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, þ, ~ Q ...... ~ :;:: C) '- :: ~ :: '- '" <::s ~ ~ <::s ~ ,'" ~ ), ' '" '$¡)~g~;ftt~.,(;;~;(;;,~¡, ,i""~, "\;;' ¡"t tt}';rfirt:"5;~ ." 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Capital Project Management RECREATION S1JPERINTENDENT 7010 SUPERViSOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ...----1 70501706017070 (i) 1...---- Parks & Recreation Services Assistants 702017030 (2) 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 618,248 719,388 690,777 739,469 5210 Benefits 159,510 213,097 185,303 205,945 5005 Part-time 149,445 181,260 193,075 294,725 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 3,221 2,000 2,000 2,700 Subtotal 930,424 1,115,745 1,071,155 1,242,839 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 11,615 3,500 3,500 2,500 6028 Landscape Main!. 1,118 1,836 1,956 1,956 6107 Parks Commision 4,768 8,000 8,500 8,000 6115 Trash Pick-up 1,573 1,995 1,476 2,000 6117 Recreation Services 287,529 291,748 336,619 332,368 6119 Janitorial Contract 4,500 9,560 7,956 9,560 6315 Building Rental 40 200 200 200 6330 Custodial Supplies 1,426 3,000 3,000 3,000 6335 Electric 8,733 7,644 8,400 9,000 6345 Natural Gas 901 1,530 2,940 1,500 6350 Water 1,205 1,836 2,424 1,500 6355 Telephone 20,052 20,162 17,935 21,300 6400 Operating Supplies 11,798 10,672 12,391 13,450 6410 Duplicating Expense 6,411 3,883 6,100 11,682 6424 Off Equip Maint 6,447 6,476 4,326 2,880 6400 Department Supplies 51,905 59,862 61,447 70,050 6450 Admissions Tickets 880 10,500 12,373 9,000 6441 Uniform Expenses 677 .1,200 1,200 1,200 6442 Safety Supplies 240 515 500 515 6420 Printing Expense 17,023 19,825 17,000 22,100 6456 Tustin Today Expenditure 20,000 22,600 23,020 26,000 Continued on Next Page 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 6840 Vehicle Mileage 600 1,800 1,800 2,400 6845 Vehicle Lsg-Equip Fd 8,654 8,088 8,088 4,651 6855 Excursion Bus Rent 4,563 9,700 9,434 17,500 6710 Meeting Expense 1,196 4,774 3,824 5,005 6715 Training Expense 5,003 7,650 8,538 7,105 6725 Tuition Reimbursement o 0 0 1,000 6730 Memberships/Subs. 1,004 1,503 814 1,690 9810 Office Furniture 0 1,200 1,505 3,800 9830 Computer Hardware 0 0 o 3,500 9835 Computer Software 8,251 1,650 1,650 1,795 9845 Other Dept Equip 3,497 5,000 5,200 8,300 Subtotal 491,609 527,909 574,116 606,507 DIVISION TOTAL 1,422,033 1,643,654 1,645,271 1,849,346 ~ ~,., - /~' ¡~i!¡;"T~ ~~ '~~:1, """",,:"!i},~~¡;:\ '.' 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Responsibilities include planning, resource development, and providing financial and administrative direction to all divisions within the Department, as well as to citizen advisory committees, boards, and the City Council. This division is also responsible for the development and implementation of the Department;s Capital Improvement Program. TASKS: 1. Establish a methodology for recommending fees and charges to offset the cost of providing community services. 2. Work with citizens, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and consultants to design and establish public facilities, parks, and open space areas, which meet the needs and interests of the communify. 3. Develop long-range plans and strategies for future use of existing park and recreation facilities. 4. Regularly review City policies for facility use with the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council. 5. Maintain contact with legislative network and professional lobbyists, which serve the interests of the park and recreation movement. 6. Provide staff support to the Tustin Community Foundation Board of Directors. 7. Serve as a liaison to the community-based Tiller Days Committee, which produces the Annual Tustin Tiller Days celebration. 8. Manage the Support Services Division. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 153,703 201,436 199,638 210,649 5210 Benefits 40,928 57,942 47,524 44,300 5005 Part-lime 0 0 0 3,816 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 ,~ I;¡ I 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 700 Subtotal 194,631 259,378 247,162 259,465 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 11,615 3,500 3,500 2,500 6107 Parks Commision 4,768 8,000 8,500 8,000 6117 Recreation Services 163 0 0 900 6355 Telephone Exp 6,164 4,710 4,500 4,500 6400 Operating Supplies 6,553 5,800 7,500 7,000 6410 Duplicating Expense 0 0 0 6,000 6424 Off Equip Maint 4,479 4,600 100 1,000 6400 Department Supplies 77 0 0 0 6420 Printing Expense 727 500 600 800 6840 Vehicle Mileage 600 1,800 1,800 2,400 6845 Vehicle Lsg-Equip Fd 4,327 3,761 3,761 4,651 6710 Meeting Expense 461 1,500 1,500 1,500 6715 Training Expense 3,447 4,200 4,200 4,200 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 312 700 150 700 9810 Office Furniture 0 1,200 1,505 3,800 9830 Computer Hardware 0 0 0 2,500 9835 Computer Software 0 1,650 1,650 500 Subtotal 43,693 41,921 39,266 50,951 DIVISION TOTAL 238,324 301,299 286,428 310,416 The Sports Services Division plans and supervises sports and active recreation programs for youth and adults. The division operates the Columbus Tustin Gym and the City's sports fields at the Tustin Sports Park and Columbus Tustin Park. Division staff also assists various committees with the coordination of community special events. TASKS: 1. Plan,organize, direct and evaluate the City youth sports programs and activities, such as the Annual Track Meet, Youth Basketball League, and Summer Sports Camps. 2. Supervise adult softball programs and tournaments, basketball and volleyball leagues. 3. Manage the operation of the Columbus Tustin Gym and Park and Tustin Sports Park. 4. Interface 'with Field Services to effectively plan, schedule and organize maintenance functions and renovation projects at the City sports fields and the gym. 5. Promote and oversee various community special events, such as the Tiller Day Parade and the Fourth of July Celebration. 6. Meet regularly with community sport organizations to schedule use ofCity-managedfacilities. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description . ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 120,928 164,618 148,156 166,129 5210 Benefits 35,047 51,638 46,474 54,377 5005 Part-time 63,594 68,496 70,000 89,442 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 15020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 L Subtotal 219,569 284,752 264,630 309,948 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6117 Recreation Services 69,705 80,730 104,000 113,483 6335 Electric 300 0 0 6355 Telephone Exp 2,606 3,926 2,500 3,000 6400 Operating Supplies 172 1,200 973 2,000 6400 Department Supplies 26,317 40,930 38,490 45,900 6420 Printing Expense 1,208 700 1,700 2,700 6845 Vehicle Leasing Fd 1,082 1,082 1,082 0 6710 Meeting Expense 35 255 255 530 6715 Training Expense 637 1,500 1,750 1,000 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 243 215 250 395 9830 Computer Hardware 0 0 0 1,000 9845 Other Dept Equip 2,236 5,000 5,200 5,000 Subtotal 104,241 135,838 156,200 175,008 DIVISION TOTAL 323,810 420,590 420,830 484,956 The Contract Classes Division promotes and coordinates recreational classes for community adults and youth. The division is responsible for program publicity, including the production ofthe Tustin Today quarterly brochure; procurement of instructors and classroom space; implementation of class registration procedures; coordination of the summer day camp and supervised playground program. The division provides direct support and coordination to the City-sponsored Spring Egg Hunt, the Halloween Carnival, and the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. TASKS: 1. Provide over 200 quarterly self-interest and leisure classes in such areas as dance, music, art, exercise and gymnastics, for pre-schoolers through senior citizens. 2. Publish the Tustin Today and a variety offlyers and press releases promoting Departm'ent programs and activities. 3. PrO1!ide supervised park playground programs for school-aged children. 4. Coordinate the summer day camp program for children, ages 6-12 years, at Columbus Tustin Park. 5. Develop and promote special family/holiday events, such as the Halloween Carnival, Spring Egg Hunt, and the Tree Lighting Ceremony. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 69,663 77,360 69,624 78,003 5210 Benefits 16,887 24,198 17,796 23,595 5005 Part-time 17,356 36,948 38,000 57,825 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 103,906 138,506 125,420 159,423 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6117 Recreation Services 143,676 146,595 153,395 143,060 6315 Building Rental 40 200 200 200 6355 Telephone Exp 921 174 174 0 6400 Operating Supplies 44 0 101 0 6424 Off Equip Maint 590 0 0 0 6400 Department Supplies 16,342 7,575 10,603 12,150 6450 Adrnissions Tickets 880 10,500 12,373 9,000 6420 Printing Expense 1 ,469 4,125 200 4,100 6456 Tustin Today Exp 20,000 22,600 23,020 26,000 6845 Vehicle Leasing Fd 1,081 1,081 1,081 0 6855 Excursion Bus Rent 4,006 2,500 2,244 2,500 6710 Meeting Expense 40 200 250 175 6715 Training Expense 227 500 1,388 455 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 110 145 145 145 9835 Computer Software 8,251 0 0 1,295 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 0 0 0 1,500 Subtotal 197,677 196,195 205,174 200,580 DIVISION TOTAL 301,583 334,701 330,594 360,003 This Division is responsible for the operation and programming at the Tustin Area Senior Center. The primary charge of this Division is to provide a wide variety of recreational, educational, human and social services. These activities are accomplished in collaboration with a variety of regional and local service organizations. TASKS: 1. Provide recreation, educational, social and human services designed to assist Center participants with needs in basic activities for daily living, such as transportation assistance, nutrition, physical and mental well-being, housing assistance, and special, life-enriching interests. 2. Implement Senior Outreach Program for homebound senior adults. 3. Implement an inter-generational program, fostering positive inter-generational relationships, while promoting respect and understanding toward people of other ages. 4. Provide staff support to the Senior Advisory Board and the Senior Center Foundation, as well as the Parks and Recreation Commission. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 98,676 97,178 97,178 99,126 5210 Benefits 26,403 28,657 28,657 31,202 5005 Part-time 41,908 44,220 53,479 74,100 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 166,987 170,055 179,314 204,428 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6117 Recreation Services 55,092 50,308 65,414 57,000 6355 Telephone Exp 3,133 5,713 4,800 5,300 6400 Operating Supplies 2,392 2,448 2,597 2,450 6410 Duplication Expense 4,638 1,942 3,050 2,882 6424 Off Equip Maint 0 940 2,882 940 6400 Department Supplies 3,189 5,907 6,400 6,500 6420 Printing Expense 12,577 12,500 12,500 12,500 6845 Vehicle Leasing Fd 1,082 1,082 1,082 0 6855 Excursion Bus Rent 557 7,200 7,190 15,000 6710 Meeting Expense 620 1,819 819 1,800 6715 Training Expense 169 200 200 200 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 0 0 0 1,000 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 339 300 126 300 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 0 0 0 1,000 Subtotal 83,788 90,359 107,060 106,872 DIVISION TOTAL 250,775 260,414 286,374 311,300 The Support Services Division performs custodial duties to provide a clean, healthy and safe environment for City employees and the general public at City Hall/Civic Center, the Columbus Tustin Gym, and the Tustin Area Senior Center. TASKS: 1. Responsible for the care and maintenance of the Civic Center, City Hall offices, the Tustin Area Senior Center, and the Columbus Tustin Gym. 2. Provide support to Parks and Recreation Services for contract classes and special events by performing setup of tables and chairs, as well as a variety of other equipment. 3. Provide support through set-up and tear-down for facility rentals. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 142,691 140,208 137,593 143,040 5210 Benefits 33,457 36,343 30,533 36,375 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 15,960 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 3,221 2,000 2,000 2,000 Subtotal 179,369 178,551 170,126 197,375 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6117 Recreation Services 4,834 2,500 2,500 2,500 6330 Custodial Supplies 1,426 3,000 3,000 3,000 6355 Telephone 0 335 335 3,000 6400 Operating Supplies 66 0 0 500 6441 Uniform Expenses 677 1,200 1,200 1,200 6442 Safety Supplies 240 515 500 515 6845 Vehicle Leasing Fd 1,082 1,082 1,082 0 6715 Training Expense 0 250 0 250 Subtotal 8,325 8,882 8,617 10,965 DIVISION TOTAL 187,694 187,433 178,743 208,340 This Division is responsible for the operation and programming at the Tustin Family and Youth Center. The primary charge ofthis Division is to provide a wide variety of recreational, educational, human and social services. These activities are accomplished in collaboration with a variety of regional and local service organizations. TASKS: 1. Manage the operation of the Family and Youth Center. 2. Provide a comprehensive array of programs and services, serving children ages 4-13 years and their families living in Southwest Tustin. Special emphasis will be placed on programs for middle school-aged children. 3. Establish a neighborhood advisory committee for the Center; the purpose of which will be to help focus services to meet specific needs of the clientele. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 32,587 38,588 38,588 42,522 5210 Benefits 6,770 14,319 14,319 16,096 5005 Part-time 26,299 31,596 31,596 53,582 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 65,656 84,503 84,503 112,200 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6028 Landscape Maint. 1,118 1,836 1,956 1,956 6115 Trash Pick-up 1,573 1,995 1,4 76 2,000 6117 Recreation Services 14,059 11,615 11,310 15,425 6119 Janitorial Contract 4,500 9,560 7,956 9,560 6335 Electric 8,733 7,344 8,400 9,000 6345 Natural Gas 901 1,530 2,940 1,500 6350 Water 1,205 1,836 2,424 1,500 6355 Telephone Exp 6,307 5,304 5,626 5,500 6400 Operating Supplies 2,571 1,224 1,220 1,500 6410 Duplication expense 1,773 1,941 3,050 2,800 6424 Office Equip Maint 1,378 936 1,344 940 6400 Department Supplies 5,980 5,450 5,954 5,500 6420 Printing Expense 1,042 2,000 2,000 2,000 6710 Meetings 40 1,000 1,000 1,000 6715 Training Expense 523 1,000 1,000 1,000 6730 Memberships/Subs. 0 143 143 150 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 1,261 0 0 800 Subtotal 52,964 54,714 57,799 62,131 DIVISION TOTAL 118,620 139,217 142,302 174,331 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, þ, ~ Q ...... <::s :;:: .s¡ ~ <\) .5 ~ ~ ~ I:), .~ ~ "", "',,,'i1~*W,' , ,.,t;;", ","~;¡"""y.', '.~ ~,' ""¡~;'i" ..' " ",' i, 'i'r"'" ",i,,~~¡lii£,", """,ii..~I,A~,ii"""';'i;""\,'" ',,',"", ",' "'II:,..,. ",' ,,;,~¡:"i~: ,'?,:;':,:;.):;::'~--~"",,: 'r' :,/" ,,: )', """,,,," '",.',"",.,'.il'.,',",""",',Þ"",'f'J',.""'.'.',"',""""",",'",""""".',',,',,,",,',.,,"i,"",¡"",~".~",'r,'¡¡--IP).;\it'"",,\. ",""""""'::-'/"".",,",'i' ,."""""" ",'.,: ,,' U2' 'i "I'.!!",., ", "".,"'i(fllo,'\Øij\"'"",.7,"" ",'. ", " III" ,-r '",,',,',,',',' ,,":,\í1'.,""",_,¡IIJ:=-,,:*.' <I" ':,',/O ", . . - , . ' .. ': ',,""" . ,:.. ,'.::" , . ';¡""'" ", ," , .', " "'~"""'~""'-"'"""","",',,","""""""'i,;',J"""i"""'~"'"'",,:f',t,",',"~,'.,,.,H.,.,,~""','.'",.,,,,',,'.r"',""""',i,:',',',"Y,,",',:";4',',,"¡,,'.I.'",¡:¡;~""""':,"","""",',i',\,"",',""";, '"..ÌI",O:;j.,' ,','i""',',."', ,"', . 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Fund 688,091 771,700 771,700 245,000 8502 Trsf out-Capital Proj. Fund 1,760,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 600,000 8820 Employee Assistance 7,245 8,500 8,500 8,500 Page 1 Subtotal Materials/Supp. 4,012,329 4,098,276 4,107,814 2,187,400 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6915 OCTA Senior Prgms 5,754 5,000 6,000 6,000 6916 USDA Lunch Prgms 50,410 20,000 50,500 41,000 6902 City Memberships 20,982 25,000 22,000 25,000 6920 Animal C'tro! Contr. 94,494 78,175 92,673 90,000 6921 Historical Soc. Supp 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 6908 Admin-Parking Cits. 2,619 5,000 3,000 5,000 6910 Fourth of July Prgm 7,782 12,000 13,100 12,000 6911 Tiller Day Parade 4,257 4,500 4,500 4,500 6970 Community Outreach 53,722 37,500 25,000 35,000 6974 Marine Base Closure 0 204,830 0 298,330 9810 Office Furniture 11,344 51,000 50,000 23,000 9820 Other Office Equip 0 1,900 1,900 0 9830 Computer Hardware 260,204 0 36,500 0 Page 2 Subtotal Materials/Supp. 517,268 450,605 310,873 545,530 Subtotal 4,529,597 4,548,881 4,418,687 2,732,930 DIVISION TOTAL 4,562,953 4,581,881 4,455,687 2,772,930 ~ :;:: ~ ..t:> ~ ...... Q ...... <::s :;:: C) "::;: :;:: <\) ~ '" <::: ~ ~ <::s ~ ,~ ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) CDBG Expenditure Summary 91-92 Program year 92-93 Program year 93-94 Program year 94- 9 5 Pro gram year 95-96 Program year 96-97 Program year 97 -98 Program year 99-00 Program year 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 101,408 64,018 89,008 86,100 5210 Benefits 22,868 13,423 18,894 24,500 5005 Part-time 30,285 40,000 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 154,561 117,441 107,902 110,600 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6650 Graffiti Removal 13,000 7,500 7,500 0 8501 Trans Out to GF 0 3,168 3,168 47,800 6971 Public Serv Projects 78,932 60,044 68,400 59,000 9260 HOME Program 0 190,000 190,000 0 9263 R.S. College MCAS 0 39,000 39,000 0 9263 Saddlebk Coll.-MCAS 0 10,000 10,000 0 6976 Commercial Rehab. 823 42,077 42,077 20,000 6977 Fair Housing 5,000 11,137 11,137 10,980 6978 Program Admin 7,572 8,451 6,451 7,000 6979 Marketing & Media 50,996 99,071 99,071 0 6980 BusDev. Plan MCAS 13,781 36,719 36,719 0 9520 Building Construction 0 58,163 58,163 0 9715 Mobile Equipment 0 1,356 1,356 0 Subtotal 170,104 566,686 573,042 144,780 DIVISION TOTAL 324,665 684,127 680,944 255,380 The federal Housing and Community Act of 1974, as amended, created the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to return federal funds to local communities for the purpose of developing viable urban communities by providing adequate housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, specifically for low and moderate income persons. Grants are awarded to communities to implemeut a wide range of community development activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. TASKS: i. Encourage the participation of, residents and business and property owners in developing priorities for the CDBG program. 2. Use CDBG monies to meet the national and local objectives of the program. 3. Provide staff support to administer the program. 4. Assist in the improvement of infrastructure and quality of life for residents of CDBG-eligible areas by funding public improvements, code enforcement efforts, historic preservation and rehabilitation, planning studies and public services. 5. Provide for the removal of graffiti from private property. 6. Assist the City's efforts to meet requirements to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 7. Provide support and funding for design and planning studies for future development and reuse of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin. 8. Implement and maintain the Us. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Integrated Disbursement and information System. 9. Provide support and funding to carry out Fair Housing activities 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 39,126 64,343 0 5210 Benefits 0 9,130 15,039 0 5005 Part-time 0 40,000 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 88,256 79,382 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6650 Graffiti Removal 0 7,500 7,500 0 8501 Trans Out to GF 0 0 0 0 6971 Public Service Proj's. 0 60,900 68,400 0 6977 Fair Housing 0 11,137 11,137 0 6978 Program Admin 0 5,000 3,000 2,000 6979 Marketing & Media 0 20,000 20,000 0 9520 Building Construction 0 38,163 38,163 0 Subtotal 0 142,700 148,200 0 DIVISION TOTAL 0 230,956 227,582 0 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 0 0 0 0 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 9260 HOME Program 0 120,000 120,000 0 Subtotal 0 120,000 120,000 0 DIVISION TOTAL 0 120,000 120,000 0 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED. REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 0 0 0 0 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 9260 HOME Program 0 70,000 70,000 0 Subtotal 0 70,000 70,000 0 DIVISION TOTAL 0 70,000 70,000 0 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 3,509 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 1,167 0 0 0 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 4,676 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6976 Commercial Rehab 823 30,000 30,000 0 6979 Marketing & Media 820 2,619 2,619 0 9830 Compo Hardware 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 1,643 32,619 32,619 0 DIVISION TOTAL 6,319 32,619 32,619 0 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 9,532 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 770 0 0 0 5005 Part-lime 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 10,302 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6971 Public Serv Projects 4,297 0 0 0 9263 RS. College MCAS 0 39,000 39,000 0 6976 Comm Rehab. 12,077 12,077 0 6978 Program Admin 2,039 0 0 0 6979 Marketing & Media 2,100 2,088 2,088 0 Subtotal 8,436 53,165 53,165 0 DIVISION TOTAL 18,738 53,165 53,165 0 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 6,571 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 2,459 0 0 0 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 ° 0 Subtotal 9,030 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6971 Public Serv Projects 12,435 (856) 0 o 6978 Program Admin 4,000 0 o 0 6979 Marketing & Media 10,000 28,040 28,040 o 6980 Bus.Dev. Plan MCAS 13,781 36,719 36,719 0 Subtotal 40,216 63,903 64,759 0 DIVISION TOTAL 49,246 63,903 64,759 0 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 81,796 24,892 24,665 0 5210 Benefits 18,472 4,293 3,855 0 5005 Part-time 30,285 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 130,553 29,185 28,520 - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6650 Graffitti Removal 13,000 0 0 0 8501 Trans Out to GF 0 3,168 3,168 0 6971 Public Service Proj's. 62,200 0 0 0 9263 Saddlebk Coll.-MCAS 0 10,000 10,000 0 6977 Fair Housing 5,000 0 0 0 6978 Program Admin 1,533 3,451 3,451 0 6979 Marketing & Media 38,076 46,324 46,324 0 9520 Building Construction 0 20,000 20,000 0 9715 Mobile Equipment 0 1,356 1,356 0 Subtotal 119,809 84,299 84,299 0 DIVISION TOTAL 250,362 113,484 112,819 0 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 86,100 5210 Benefits 0 0 0 24,500 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 110,600 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 8501 Trans Out to GF 0 0 0 47,800 6971 Public Service Proj's. 0 0 0 59,000 6976 Comm Rehab 0 0 0 20,000 6977 Fair Housing 0 0 0 10,980 6978 Program Admin 0 0 0 5,000 Subtotal 0 0 0 142,780 DIVISION TOTAL 0 0 0 253,380 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, þ, ~ ..Q ~ :;:: .9 ~ ~ .S '" <::s ~ ~ <::s ~ '" ~ TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RD A) RD A Organization RDA Expenditure Summary South Central Construction MCAS- Tustin South Central Housing Town Center Construction Town Center Housing Director of Public Works/City Engineer Secretary (City Clerk) Treasurer - Underfilled by a Senior Project Manager IiIIi8II Funded through Department of Defese and Tustin RDA Funded through General Fund (Community Development) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CITY COUNCIL) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER) Senior Project Manager (MCAS-Tustin) AGENCY ATTORNEY (CITY ATTORNEY) Housing Rehab Aide (Housing/Economic Development) Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 134,983 156,498 153,937 161,216 5210 Benefits 34,176 38,180 38,438 37,126 5005 Part-time 0 3,600 0 3,600 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 169,159 198,278 192,375 201,942 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6008 Econ. Dev. Activities 90,405 340,000 209,990 188,000 6009 MCAS Proj Format 41,285 65,000 4,815 62,000 6010 Prof/Consulting 119,628 552,000 295,000 630,500 6012 Econ/Fin Consultant 4,495 75,000 25,560 80,500 6013 Planning Consul!. 6,988 0 0 0 6014 Accounting/Audit 5,360 4,775 4,775 6,775 6016 Legal Serv-City Alt. 45,773 90,000 87,000 88,000 6025 Appraisal Services 6,575 25,000 0 18,000 6026 Fiscal Agent Exp. 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 6129 Moving/Relocation exp 0 672,000 550,000 0 6355 Telephone 1,103 2,371 2,635 3,400 6415 Postage 267 6,500 3,700 8,700 6400 Department Supplies 6,185 10,600 13,250 12,100 6490 GrphiciCamera Supp. 14 950 650 950 6495 Stevens Sq. Parking 746 1,500 1,500 1,500 6420 Printing Expenses 31,358 34,200 19,775 76,700 6650 Graffitli Removal 0 7,500 7,500 15,000 6040 Computer Main!. 842 0 0 0 6845 Veh. Leasing-Equip. Fund 0 4,568 4,568 5,140 Continued on Next Page 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 6710 Meetings 3,165 6,500 3,000 6,425 6715 Training 4,241 7,800 2,000 7,250 6730 M'ship/Subscriptions 3,695 4,250 4,250 4,700 8410 Interest Expense 8,677 0 0 0 8441 Computer Lease 612 0 3,190 8,000 6990 Mortg. Credit Cert. 1,938 3,000 3,000 3,000 6991 Rental Loans/Grants 30,420 85,000 50,000 75,000 6992 Single Family Loan/Grnts 38,259 60,000 12,000 25,000 6973 Financial Assistance 0 1,665,500 778,800 876,700 6975 Down Pymt. Assisstance 0 275,000 50,000 180,000 6982 2nd Trust Deeds 0 275,000 170,000 300,000 6994 Dev Subs-Laguna Grd 0 685,000 0 0 9715 Passenger Vehicles 22,671 400 0 0 9830 Computer Hardware 16,740 0 0 0 9835 Computer Software 0 1,560 1,300 0 Subtotal 491,442 4,964,974 2,312,258 2,687,340 DIVISION TOTAL 660,601 5,163,252 2,504,633 2,889,282 The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency was established in 1976 for the purpose of providing needed public improvements and facilitating economic development within the Town Center Project Area and, subsequently in 1983, the South Central Redevelopment Project Area. The MCAS- Tustin Project Area is in preparation. The City Council serves as the Agency Board of Directors and City staff provides required Agency staff support. TASKS: Town Center Proiect Area 1. Continue to coordinate with and support the efforts of the Tustin Old Town Association property owners and businesses in Town Center in their efforts to market and promote the Town Center Project Area and Old Town Tustin. 2. Negotiate and complete a disposition and development agreement for development of the Perfit Property at Main and Prospect. 3. Complete design work and property acquisition to provide additional access to the Steven's Square Association parking structure. 4. Support and process requests from downtown property owners and businesses for participation in the City and Agency's Commercial Rehabilitation Program. 5. In coordination with Public Works, complete the design of permanent installation of diagonal parking along El Camino Real, additional or enhanced lighting in Old Town, and other signage and design improvements that will support redevelopment activities in Old Town. 6. Participate in the team working on Water Yard improvements and support improvements that will aesthetically improve the Town Center Project Area. 7. Analyze voter survey on the receptiveness of a parcel tax for library construction. Explore financing options and proceed with a ballot measure if directed by the City Council. South Central Project Area 1. Parcelize and sell excess property, part of the former Case Swayne ownership at 1021 Edinger, not needed for the Newport Avenue extension. 2. Negotiate with new property owner of a large portion of the Pacific Center East Project (parcels in former Catellus ownership) and coordinate with the Community Development Department on proposed amendments to the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. 3. Monitor developer assistance payments to Micro Center. 4. Coordinate with Public Works and other City departments to ensure progress on capital improvements in project areas funded by the Agency and/or needed to eliminate blight and support economic development activities. Priority improvements include a new sound wall and entryway treatment at Sycamore/SR-55 interchange and infrastructure design for the Pacific Center East Area, including tile Newport Avenue Extension and new ramps to the SR-55 freeway. Act as coordinator for overall City activities in the Southwest neighborhood. 5. 6. Continue to pursue opportunities for additional open space in proximity to the Tustin Family Youth Center. Complete an amendment to the South Central Project to reestablish eminent domain authority. 7. Housing 1. Provide down payment assistance to first time homebuyers. 2. Administer the Agency's mortgage credit certificate program. 3. Continue implementation of a Residential Grant and Loan program in the Southwest Neighborhood. 4. Monitor the disposition and development agreement for constntction of the residential at 10-250 Sixth Street and the commercial properties at 715-765 El Camino, commonly known as the "Ford Project. " Develop written procedures and afJordability compliance plan to ensure housing production and rehabilitation compliance requirements are met annually. 5. t!; , n,'n~m-n m'm-fm.7" n,.,l mHH,n7 vn""..fo ",. """0;"'" o"f~no;,'¡" ri..mori""",o A dmill istrative/E collomic Developmellt 1. Publish two issues of a Redevelopment Agency newsletter. Provide staff support to the Economic Development Council and its various committees. 2. 3. Continue business outreach, attraction and retention efforts to encourage increases in occupancy and new development, and to maintain and enhance the positive pro-business approach of the City as it assists both current businesses and businesses seeking to relocate in Tustin. 4. Provide coordination with the Advance Planning Division on the use of CDBG funds, specifically the HOME Funds. 5. Coordinate with the Finance Department to complete an on-going basis a thorough analysis of assessed valuation in both project area and identify and oppose significant tax appeals that negatively impact the flow of tax increment of the Agency. 6. Completè Five- Year Implementation Plan for the Town Center and South Central Projects. MCAS. Tustin 1. Complete the public process and all documents needed for adoption of a Joint Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement for the MCAS, Tustin project. 2. 3. Continue to monitor timely environmental clean up which supports community reuse. Complete the public process and all documentation for adoption of a Redevelopment Project Area. Complete the public process and all the documents needed for adoption of the required MCAS- Tustin Reuse Plan, Specific Plan, General Plan and Zoning Amendments in early 2000. 4. 5. Negotiate interim leases at the base with the Navy and any associated sublease activities, and leases in further xxxxx of conveyance. 6. Complete development of a marketing strategy and collateral materials for the base. 7. Support all actions necessary to secure final approval from the State Trade and Commerce Agency for the designation of the MCAS-Tustin site as a Local Area Military Base Recovery Area (LAMBRA). 8. Complete negotiations with the Navy to secure an Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) for approximately 1288 acres of MCAS- Tustin property. 9. Coordinate with Public Works and other City departments to ensure completion of engineering design and selection of a contractor for construction of first phase capital improvements to accommodate future redevelopment of the base. Affect disposition of existing electrical, gas and telecommunication systems at the base and negotiate transfer of these systems to an operator for interim/transitional services and development of future new backbone. 10. 11. Issue a Request for Qualifications to identify future master developers for at least 2 super-parcels at the Base, complete detailed negotiations and affect property transfer for xx.xxx.x implementation of the Reuse Plan and economic redevelopment of the Base. 12. Secure public benefit conveyances for future City parks and child care centers, and assist other public agencies in securing their public conveyances. 13. Pursue state and federal grants and other funding sources to support rapid redevelopment. 14. Monitor and where needed propose state and federal legislation to provide assistance in redevelopment efforts at MCAS- Tustin. Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 17,001 20,275 20,776 20,886 5210 Benefits 3,709 4,834 4,851 4,696 5005 Part-time 0 1,800 0 1,800 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 20,710 26,909 25,627 27,382 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6008 Econ. Dev. Activities 72,265 75,000 81,990 82,000 6009 MCAS Proj Format 41,285 65,000 4,815 62,000 6010 Prof/Consulting 8,595 41,000 20,000 33,000 6012 Econ/Fin Consultant 0 25,000 0 12,500 6014 Accounting/Audit 3,257 2,275 2,275 2,275 6016 Legal Svs-City Atty 11,152 25,000 2,000 8,000 6025 Appraisal Services 0 15,000 0 3,000 6355 Telephone 821 1 ,454 1,475 1,500 6415 Postage 227 3,500 500 3,500 6400 Department Supplies 1,568 1,600 2,250 2,500 6490 Grphic/Camera Supp. 0 350 350 350 6420 Printing Expenses 15,501 4,800 3,375 4,800 6040 Computer Main!. 421 0 0 0 6845 Veh. Leasing-Equip. Fund 0 1,142 1,142 1,285 6710 Meetings 2,171 3,250 1,500 3,225 6715 Training 2,080 2,900 500 3,125 6730 M'ship/Subscriptions 1,920 2,125 2,125 2,350 8441 Computer Lease 306 0 1,595 4,000 9715 Passenger Vehicles 7,557 0 0 0 9830 Computer Hardware 4,102 0 0 0 9835 Computer Software 0 500 500 0 Subtotal 173,228 269,896 126,392 229,410 DIVISION TOTAL 193,938 296,805 152,019 256,792 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 0 0 0 0 5210 Benefits 0 0 0 o 5005 Part-time o o ° 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 o 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 o Subtotal 0 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6008 Economic Develope. 428 50,000 5,000 41,000 6010 Professional & Consult. 22,608 50,000 50,000 360,000 6012 Economic & Finance 4,495 20,000 19,560 40,000 6014 Accounting/Audit 0 0 0 2,000 6016 Legal Serv-City At!. (2,704) 10,000 0 20,000 6355 Telephone o 0 0 300 6415 Postage o 0 0 2,000 6400 Department Supplies 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 6490 Graphics/Camera 0 500 200 500 6420 Printing Expense 0 15,000 2,000 57,500 6845 Vehicle Lsg-Equip Fund 0 2,284 2,284 2,570 8410 Interest Expense 13,019 0 o o 9715 Passenger Vehicles 7,557 0 o 0 Subtotal 45,403 148,784 80,044 526,870 DIVISION TOTAL 45,403 148,784 80,044 526,870 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 68,049 57,974 74,594 79,140 5210 Benefits 18,215 14,256 19,128 18,443 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 86,264 72,230 93,722 97,583 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 19,881 275,000 96,500 114,000 6016 Legal Serv.-City Attr 4,982 20,000 6,000 10,000 6355 Telephone 0 0 100 300 6415 Postage 0 0 100 100 6400 Department Supplies 1,585 4,500 4,500 4,500 6490 Graphics/Camera Supps 14 0 0 0 6420 Printing Expense 4,800 4,800 4,800 6650 Graffitti Removal 7,500 7,500 15,000 6715 Training Expense 197 1,000 1,000 500 8410 Interest Expense (4,342) 0 0 0 6990 Mortg. Credit Cert. 969 1,500 1,500 1,500 6991 Rental Loans/Grants 30,420 85,000 50,000 75,000 6992 Single Family Loan/Grnts 38,259 60,000 12,000 25,000 6975 Down Pymt. Assisstance 125,000 25,000 90,000 6982 2nd Trust Deeds 125,000 85,000 150,000 9830 Computer Hardware 4,102 0 0 0 9835 Computer Software 300 300 0 Subtotal 96,067 709,600 294,300 490,700 DIVISION TOTAL 182,331 781,830 388,022 588,283 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 17,001 20,275 20,776 20,886 5210 Benefits 3,709 4,834 4,851 4,696 5005 Part-time 1,800 0 1,800 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 20,710 26,909 25,627 27,382 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6008 Econ. Dev. Activitites 17,712 215,000 123,000 65,000 6010 Prof/Consulting 54,401 73,000 49,500 78,500 6012 Econ/Fin Consulting 15,000 6.000 23,000 6013 Planning Consult. 6,988 0 0 0 6014 Accounting/Audit 2,103 2,500 2,500 2,500 6016 Legal Services 31,347 20,000 64,000 40,000 6025 Appraisals 6,575 10,000 0 15,000 6026 Fiscal Agent Exp. 4,000 4,000 4,000 6355 Telephone 282 917 900 1,000 6415 Postage 40 3,000 3,000 3,000 6400 Department Supplies 1,371 1,500 3,500 2,000 6490 Graphic/Camera Supp. 100 100 100 6495 Stevens Sq. Parking 746 1,500 1,500 1,500 6420 Printing Expenses 15,857 4,800 4,800 4,800 6040 Computer Maint. 421 0 0 0 6845 Vehicle Lsg-Equip Fund . 1,142 1,142 1,285 6710 Meetings 994 3,250 1,500 3,200 6715 Training 1,964 2,900 500 3,125 6730 M'ships/Subscriptions 1,775 2,125 2,125 2,350 8441 Computer Lease 306 1,595 4,000 9715 Passenger Vehicles 7,557 400 0 0 9830 Computer Hardware 4,268 0 0 0 9835 Computer Software 500 500 0 Subtotal 154,707 361,634 270,162 254,360 DIVISION TOTAL 175,417 388,543 295,789 281,742 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 32,932 57,974 37,791 40,304 5210 Benefits 8,543 14,256 9,608 9,291 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5029 Shift Differential 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 41,475 72,230 47,399 49,595 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 14,143 113,000 79,000 45,000 6012 Econ/Finance Consult. 0 15,000 0 5,000 6016 Legal Serv-City Attr 996 15,000 15,000 10,000 6129 Moving/Relocation exp 0 672,000 550,000 0 6355 Telephone 0 0 160 300 6415 Postage 0 0 100 100 6400 Department Supplies 1,661 2,000 2,000 2,100 6420 Printing Expense 0 4,800 4,800 4,800 6715 Training Expense 0 1,000 0 500 6990 Mortg. Credit Cert. 969 1,500 1,500 1,500 6973 Fin Assistance 0 1,665,500 778,800 876,700 6975 Downpaymt Assist. 0 150,000 25,000 90,000 6982 Second Trust Deeds 0 150,000 85,000 150,000 6994 Dev Subs-Laguna Grd 0 685,000 0 0 9830 Computer Hardware 4,268 0 0 0 9835 Computer Software 0 260 0 0 Subtotal 22,037 3,475,060 1,541,360 1,186,000 DIVISION TOTAL 63,512 3,547,290 1,588,759 1,235,595 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, ~ ...... Q ...... <:! :;:: C) "::;: :;:: ... .'§ '" ~ ~ <::s ~ '" ~ SUPERVISOR PRODUCTION AND QUALITY Plant Operators (3) Maintenance Worker PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER SERVICES MANAGER SUPERVISOR MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION Lead Worker Maintenance Workers (5) Equipment Operators (2) ------------ WATER ENGINEER FINANCE DEPARTMENT SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 729,619 965,397 845,267 886,644 5210 Benefits 227,067 282,654 205,394 243,876 5005 Part-time 72,571 0 0 0 5025 Standby 0 37,000 35,000 38,000 5020 Overtime 57,882 60,900 50,500 61,400 Subtotal 1,087,139 1,345,951 1,136,161 1,229,920 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 1,256 115,000 75,300 15,000 6014 Accounting/Audit 5,360 5,000 4,000 6,000 6016 Legal Serv-City AUy 7,294 5,000 3,000 5,000 6018 Arch & Engr Servo 20,244 98,000 110,000 82,500 6036 Contract Meter Reading 48,702 55,000 56,000 66,000 6110 Personnel Services 0 15,000 0 14,000 6115 Refuse Collection 1,610 2,840 3,300 3,000 6320 Biding MaintiRepairs 1,218 5,800 4,000 3,000 6335 Electric 5,176 6,500 5,000 5,000 6345 Natural Gas 692 700 500 500 6355 Telephone 10,518 14,394 12,078 15,200 6400 Office Supplies 1,787 1,700 1,800 1,700 6415 Postage 39,111 47,900 42,900 38,000 6424 Office Equip-Main!. 150 0 0 0 6400 Department Supplies 19,981 27,600 42,100 26,500 6440 Small Tools 6,051 7,150 6,500 6,500 6422 Exp. Equip/Furniture 446 2,000 2,000 600 6441 Uniforms 2,289 4,450 4,392 3,400 6442 Safety Supplies/Eq 7,764 12,700 12,100 9,600 6427 Spec Equip Rental 5,568 5,200 5,500 6,700 .6420 Printing 3,982 7,000 6,000 8,000 Continued on Next Page 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 7010 Purchased Water 717,964 660,000 660,000 627,000 7020 Connectn/Fixed Chg 53,421 112,505 112,505 112,505 7110 Electric 815,035 917,200 886,200 923,000 7115 Telemetering 25,633 25,000 25,000 25,000 7130 Well Maintenance 54,557 132,000 50,000 75,000 7135 Replenishmt Assmt 1,054,622 1,171,250 1,140,300 1,236,000 7140 Property Tax 14,811 24,000 24,000 o 7145 Rvs.Osm. Membrane o 65,000 65,000 65,000 7210 Equip Maintenance 10,468 38,000 50,500 55,000 7215 Water Quality Test 20,342 29,200 25,000 32,000 7220 Health Dept. Fees 5,636 16,000 12,000 18,000 7310 Reservoir Maint. 12,670 7,200 10,000 16,500 7315 Main Line Maint. 50,972 75,000 40,000 50,000 7320 Service Lateral Maint. 30,724 40,000 40,000 50,000 7325 Meter-Maint. 43,507 102,500 50,500 181,500 7330 Hydrant Maint. 11,927 10,000 6,000 10,000 7415 Chemicals 99,548 126,000 96,500 127,000 7420 Nitrate Monitor Supp. o 2,500 0 3,000 7425 Waste Discharge 33,590 52,000 36,000 53,000 6040 Computer Maint. 42,428 19,500 23,500 20,000 6401 Compo Paper/Forms 9,550 20,000 11,000 10,000 6810 Fuel/Lube Purchase 10,799 18,000 18,000 22,000 6815 Vehicle Repair 18,278 35,000 35,000 30,000 6840 Vehicle Mileage 0 2,000 2,000 1,000 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 59,542 61,869 61,869 55,411 6710 Meeting Expense 200 3,550 1,455 3,300 6715 Training 2,672 6,300 4,000 8,800 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 330 900 700 1,700 6730 M'ship/Subscriptions 3,245 3,850 3,350 3,550 Continued on Next Page Object No. Description 97/98 ACTUAL 99/00 REQUEST 98/99 98/99 BUDGET PROJECTED MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 6735 Travel Expense 5 1,000 0 1,000 8440 Depreciation Exp 0 35,000 0 0 8441 Computer Lease 815 8,400 10,560 11,000 8495 Bad Debt Write Off 2,080 18,000 10,000 10,000 8574 Trsf out to Water 690 19,640 0 0 0 8501 Trsf out-General Fd 802,570 680,000 700,000 700,000 8573 Trsf out-Cap. Water 4,000,429 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,300,000 8582 Trsf out-Liability Fd 1,641 0 0 0 8830 Claims Paid 1,857 2,500 2,000 3,000 8840 OCCRMA Expense 839 1,300 900 1,300 8850 Claims Admin-Liability 1,815 2,000 2,000 2,000 8910 Excess Ins-Liability 10,224 15,000 11,300 15,000 8930 Property Ins Premium 37,695 26,000 26,000 26,000 8935 Boiler and Machinery 311 350 1,100 1,000 8950 Employee Blanket Bond 440 550 500 ' 500 9705 Communication Eq 0 1,000 1,000 1,500 9820 Other Office Equipment 0 5,000 5,000 0 9830 Computer Hardware 38,714 30,000 20,000 0 9835 Computer Software 0 11,800 1,800 0 9845 Other Dept. Equip (19,508) 1,066,235 930,235 1,245,235 9850 Constr. & Maint Eq 5,444 25,000 20,000 14,900 Subtotal 8,296,681 7,144,393 6,629,244 9,463,901 DIVISION TOTAL 9,383,820 8,490,344 7,765,405 10,693,821 Administrative functions of the Water Utility are responsible for but not limited to: customer service inquiries, rate analysis, meter reading, customer billings, cash management, financial analysis, risk management, and liaison to field operations in construction of major capital improvements, infrastructure and ongoing operational maintenance. TASKS: 1. Read customer meters 2. Prepare customer invoices from automated meter reading equipment 3. Cash applications and accounts receivable 4. Customer service orders 5. Prepare and monitor work orders for field operations concerning meter repair, leaks, turn-ons and turn-offs 6. Prepare water management reports 7. Implement and promote water conservation program 8. Rate setting 9. Debt administration 10. Capital Improvement Projects accounting. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 86,173 175,308 99,668 107,000 5210 Benefits 27,896 48,795 16,437 25,000 5005 Part-time 72,571 0 0 0 5025 Standby 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 1,079 500 1,000 1,000 Subtotal 187,719 224,603 117,105 133,000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6010 Prof/Consulting 1,256 115,000 75,300 15,000 6014 Accounting/Audit 5,360 5,000 4,000 6,000 6016 Legal Serv-City Ally 7,294 5,000 3,000 5,000 6036 Contract Meter Reading 48,702 55,000 56,000 66,000 6110 Personnel Services 0 15,000 0 14,000 6355 Telephone 1,609 4,270 4,000 5,600 6415 Postage 36,254 45,000 40,000 34,500 6400 Department Supplies 3,561 3,500 25,000 4,000 6440 Small Tools 158 150 0 0 6441 Uniforms 144 150 12 0 6442 Safety Supplies/Eq 153 300 0 0 6427 Spec Equip Rental 0 200 0 0 6420 Printing Expense 376 3,000 1,500 3,000 7325 Meter Maintenance 0 50,000 0 130,000 6040 Computer Main!. 42,264 17,500 21,500 20,000 6401 Compo Paper/Forms 9,550 20,000 11,000 10,000 6810 Fuel/Lube Purchase 569 0 0 0 6815 Vehicle Repair 1,483 0 0 0 6840 Vehicle Mileage 0 2,000 2,000 1,000 Continued on Next Page 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 4,616 0 0 0 6710 Meeting Expense 189 1,500 455 1,000 6715 Training Expense 242 1,000 1,000 3,500 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 0 200 0 1,000 6730 M'ship/Subscriptions 0 500 0 200 6735 Travel Expense 5 1,000 0 1,000 8440 Depreciation Exp 0 35,000 0 0 8441 Computer Lease 815 8,400 10,560 5,500 8495 Bad Debt Write Off 2,080 18,000 10,000 10,000 8501 Trsf out-General Fd 802,570 680,000 700,000 700,000 8573 Trsf out-Cap. Water 4,000,429 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,300,000 8582 Trsf out-Liability Fd 1,641 0 0 0 8830 Claims Paid 1,857 2,500 2,000 3,000 8840 OCCRMA Expense 839 1,300 900 1,300 8850 Claims Admin-Liability 1,815 2,000 2,000 2,000 8910 Excess Ins-Liability 10,224 15,000 11,300 15,000 8930 Property Ins Premium 37,695 26,000 26,000 26,000 8935 Boiler and Machinery 311 350 1,100 1,000 8950 Employee Blanket Bond 440 550 500 500 9830 Computing Hardware 24,156 10,000 0 0 9835 Computer Software 0 10,000 0 0 9845 Other Dept. Equipment 0 0 0 105,000 Subtotal 5,048,657 2,154,370 2,009,127 4,490,100 DIVISION TOTAL 5,236,376 2,378,973 2,126,232 4,623,100 ;~:!,.(/J:..'~.:";';~;11~\\';...:á'/J1i ;1:1 ~", '0," ~~.~' "i"~ "'¡.{."i~J rIí';J"1I~"'] I~L~,>::7;:~~ .,', > ' , ,,", ,~."",. ,,' ,.,.,..~""""'~"" "'" "",' "", " ..~w.,..,.,. ,~..../.,t'V 'l"'~"",' ;' ~'co ,',-" " -' , ,.v .0',' .,t--""~(izr'~,.~' " ' /,' ' ,~, ,:>, ,/., ,-:' "VI 111'- 112' '.~ **:f¡Il~ ":"iIi~' " -, '.' \; ."" "- "" / ;;i ¡;;, ~ ~ ~ '" s' ¡¡; ::= 5" ::= ¡:¡ ~ (i) ';:b C!- ¡s- ::= ;>;- ..' The Water Operations Division supplies domestic water without interruption to most of the Tustin community and adjacent county areas while complying with various Safe Drink Water standards mandated by the State and Federal governments. This Division also maintains water wells, water main lines, service laterals, hydrants, and water storage facilities. TASKS: 1. Coordinate, in a timely and cost efficient manner, the installation of Capital Improvement Projects necessary to replace aged and undersized system components. 2. Perform preventive maintenance and make emergency repairs as needed to minimize water loss and service interruptions. 3. Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution 4. Opërate water production, distribution, storage and treatment systems while utilizing the most cost-effective methods and practices that public safety and water demand requirements allow. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 565,725 701,651 634,339 689,445 5210 Benefits 172,057 207,019 161,627 192,231 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5025 Standby 0 37,000 35,000 38,000 5020 Overtime 43,970 45,000 30,000 40,000 Subtotal 781,752 990,670 860,966 959,676 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6018 ArchitecUEngr Svs. 20,244 95,500 110,000 80,000 6115 Refuse Collection 1,610 2,000 3,300 3,000 6320 Biding MainURepairs 126 3,800 1,000 1,000 6335 Electric 5,176 6,500 5,000 5,000 6345 Natural Gas 692 700 500 500 6355 Telephone 7,887 8,850 7,000 8,500 6400 Office Supplies 1,787 1,700 1,800 1 ,700 6415 Postage 2,857 2,900 2,900 3,500 6424 Office Equip-Main!. 150 0 0 0 6400 Department Supplies 3,442 4,100 4,100 4,500 6440 Small Tools 5,893 7,000 6,500 6,500 6422 Exp. Equip/Furniture 446 2,000 2,000 600 6441 Uniforms 1,809 4,000 4,000 3,000 6442 Safety Supplies/Eq 6,611 11,300 11,000 8,000 6427 Special Equip Rental 5,568 5,000 5,500 6,000 6420 Printing 3,606 4,000 4,500 5,000 7010 Purchased Water 717,964 660,000 660,000 627,000 7020 Connection/Fixed Chg 53,421 112,505 112,505 112,505 7110 Electric 465,452 500,200 500,200 488,000 7115 Telemetering 25,633 25,000 25,000 25,000 Continued on Next Page 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL (continued) 7130 Well Maintenance 54,557 132,000 50,000 75,000 7135 Replenishmt Assmt 705,218 770,800 770,800 800,000 7140 Property Tax 14,811 24,000 24,000 0 7210 Equipment Main!. 34 3,000 500 5,000 7215 Water Quality Testing 18,122 20,000 15,000 20,000 7220 Health Dep!. Fees 5,636 16,000 12,000 18,000 7310 Reservoir Main!. 12,670 7,200 10,000 16,500 7315 Main Line Main!. 50,972 75,000 40,000 50,000 7320 Service Lateral Main!. 30,724 40,000 40,000 50,000 7325 Meter Maintenance 41,649 45,000 45,000 45,000 7330 Hydrant Main!. 11,927 10,000 6,000 10,000 7415 Chemicals 1,866 4,000 2,500 9,000 6040 Computer Main!. 164 2,000 2,000 0 6810 Fuel/Lube Purchases 10,230 18,000 18,000 22,000 6815 Vehicle Repairs 16,795 35,000 35,000 30,000 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 52,926 59,869 59,869 53,411 6710 Meetings 11 2,050 1,000 2,300 6715 Training 2,430 5,300 3,000 5,300 6725 Tuition Reimbursement 330 700 700 700 6730 M'shipslSubscriptions 3,245 3,350 3,350 3,350 8441 Computer Lease 0 0 0 5,500 8574 Trsf out to Water 690 19,640 0 0 0 9705 Communication Eq 0 1,000 1,000 1,500 9820 Other Office Equipment 0 5,000 5,000 0 9830 Computer Hardware 14,558 20,000 20,000 0 9835 Computer Software 0 1,800 1,800 0 9845 Other Dep!. Equip. (19,508) 286,000 150,000 360,000 9850 Constr. & Maint Eq 5,444 25,000 20,000 14,900 Subtotal 2,384,825 3,069,124 2,803,324 2,986,766 DIVISION TOTAL 3,166,577 4,059,794 3,664,290 3,946,442 : " '~¡~r;.~j':~;: ' ' Y:,j"\~,~:~~~r~~/ 'r . "}.:'?'r:!;) 7 '>."'" . la'""" ",f"", '~,:"'::,.:',:"",,Ii'~,,'" ."""",,', '"',:,~',:""".,,,.",..~"I~~~, ' ""ß"~~.,'-:,',:,:,".:,,,'."...:.,',',' \...'.' ' ,,' l",',' ~ ~.,-" "q:f(.j "'0 ' , .:~-:r ¡'t:.:':q.œ,~;; <:1 ,,7:., "",' .", \,':,' ~'~,.' ,':::,' cn,"',"-~"ß',',~,","',J"",'"',',',',,"",:',,',:,:',,,,','"','",'""",,',',,",,',,',,,','",'::,','.,','::',,'.',',',','"""t~"','-":""",,,.,,~,~.,","~",O","'I"",,""';' .',' ,', '"",--, ¡,,' ,',',' (,o I " ,'~~ Il':!~', .,,;,~C, ,:~ t Q~~i-:."l' ~< ~ ; , I, , ,,:' \!) " "' """",,,',',:Ì',,""4'i,i't""""'" ':".""fiI'\,.:\"!i""""""",,,,*,~ffi,',',:',~"~, ,',',' ,.:"J",", '",,', " , ',."'<,,;,.,.;t.,,.". ,~,i::'.¥ij"'iiÞ",...."".,;", "",,";'. ";'", '"/,, ~ 0;;' '1:1 ~ (I> <E ~ '" s' ~ ;::: g. ;::: ~ ~ ~ 0- ¡::;- ;::: ?;- The Ionization Plant removes nitrate-contaminated water from the underground water basins and treats it to comply with State and Federal Safe Drinking Water standards. This ongoing demonstration project is a cooperative effort with the Orange County Water District. TASKS: 1. Continue efforts to purifY the groundwater basin and decrease the spread ofnitrates to adjacent areas and other wells. 2. Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution. 3. Maximize water production with this facility, if cost effective to do so, to reduce dependence on imported water supplies. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 11,079 22,332 5,496 22,776 5210 Benefits 7,309 6,860 6,973 6,696 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5025 Standby 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 2,612 4,200 500 4,200 Subtotal 21,000 33,392 12,969 33,672 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6355 Telephone 0 78 78 0 6400 Department Supplies 2,336 4,000 1,000 4,000 6441 Uniforms 84 100 100 100 6442 Safety SupplieslEq 0 300 300 300 7110 Electric 35,296 45,000 6,000 45,000 7135 Replenishmt Assmt 36,906 47,000 6,500 50,000 7210 Equip Maintenance 1,532 10,000 10,000 10,000 7215 Water Quality Test 403 1,000 500 1,000 7325 Meter Main!. 495 3,000 2,000 3,000 7415 Chemicals 19,936 34,000 5,000 34,000 7420 Nitrate Monitor Supp. 0 500 0 500 7425 Waste Discharge 1,030 2,000 1,000 3,000 Subtotal 98,018 146,978 32,478 150,900 DIVISION TOTAL 119,018 180,370 45,447 184,572 The Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant removes nitrate-contaminated water from the underground water basins and treats it to comply with State and Federal Safe Drinking Water standards. This ongoing demonstration project is a cooperative effort with the Orange County Water District. TASKS: 1. Continue efforts to purify the groundwater basin and decrease the spread of nitrates to adjacent areas and other wells. 2. Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution. 3. Maximize water production this facility, if cost effective to do so, to reduce dependence on imported water supplies. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 11,008 22,332 25,455 22,776 5210 Benefits 7,307 6,860 7,041 6,696 5005 Part-time 0 0 0 0 5025 Standby 0 0 0 0 5020 Overtime 2,039 4,200 6,000 4,200 Subtotal 20,354 33,392 38,496 33,672 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6018 Arch & Engr Servo 0 2,500 0 2,500 6400 Department Supplies 2,316 4,000 4,000 4,000 6441 Uniforms 84 100 100 100 6442 Safety Supplies/Eq 0 300 300 300 7110 Electric 62,181 72,000 100,000 90,000 7135 Replenishmt Assmt 37,514 43,250 73,000 50,000 7145 Osmosis Membranes 0 65,000 65,000 65,000 7210 Equipment Maintenance 664 10,000 10,000 10,000 7215 Water Quality Testing 475 1,000 500 1,000 7325 Meter Maintenance 339 1,500 1,500 1,500 7415 Chemicals 4,573 8,000 14,000 14,000 7420 Nitrate Monitor Supp. 0 500 0 500 7425 Waste Discharge 4,019 6,000 6,000 10,000 Subtotal 112,165 214,150 274,400 248,900 DIVISION TOTAL 132,519 247,542 312,896 282,572 A new water treatment facility that is a cooperative venture of the City the Orange County Water District and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). This facility will produce high quality water from wells and will reduce purchases of imported water and insulate the City from future MWD water rate increases. TASKS: 1. Provide training to stafffor facility operation and maintenance. 2. Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution. 3. Maximize water production with this facility, if cost effective to do so, to reduce dependence on imported water supplies and to offset the cost of water purchases. 97/98 98/99 98/99 99/00 Object No. Description ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST SALARIES AND WAGES 5000 Salaries 55,634 43,774 80,309 44,647 5210 Benefits 12,498 13,120 13,316 13,253 5005 Part-time o 0 ° o 5025 Standby o 0 ° o 5020 Overtime 8,182 7,000 13,000 12,000 Subtotal 76,314 63,894 106,625 69,900 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL 6115 Refuse Collection 0 840 0 o 6320 Building MaintlRepair 1,092 2,000 3,000 2,000 6355 Telephone 1,022 1,196 1,000 1,100 6400 Department Supplies 8,326 12,000 8,000 10,000 6441 Uniforms 168 100 180 200 6442 Safety Supplies/Eq 1,000 500 500 1,000 6427 Special Equip-Rental 0 o o 700 7110 Electric 252,106 300,000 280,000 300,000 7135 Replenishmt Assmt 274,984 310,200 290,000 336,000 7210 Equipment Main!. 8,238 15,000 30,000 30,000 7215 Water Quality Test 1,342 7,200 9,000 10,000 7325 Meter Maintenance 1,024 3,000 2,000 2,000 7415 Chemicals 73,173 80,000 75,000 70,000 7420 Nitrate Supplies 0 1,500 0 2,000 7425 Waste Discharge 28,541 44,000 29,000 40,000 6845 Veh. Leasing Eq Fd 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 9845 Other Dep!. Equip 0 780,235 780,235 780,235 Subtotal 653,016 1,559,771 1,509,915 1,587,235 DIVISION TOTAL 729,330 1,623,665 1,616,540 1,657,135 ~ :;:: ~ ,.¡::, þ, ~ Q ...... <::s :;:: .~ ~ <\) .š '" <::s ~ ~ <::s ~ '" ~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CIP Expenditure Summary by Funding Source Flood Control Facilities Park Facilities Public Facilities Traffic Control Facilities Transportation Facilities. Reassessment District 95-1 Water CIP 98-99 98-99 98-99 98-99 FY99-00 FY99-00 FYOO-01 Adopted Adjusted Projected Projected New/Addl Total Total FUND SOURCE Budget BudgetExpenditures Carry Over Request Request Planned AQMD Local Allocation (AB 2766) 231,000 250,425 250,425 0 251,270 251,270 0 Base Financing Plan (BFP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 966,992 1,103,159 791,249 302,766 400,000 702,766 70,000 CDBG Relocation Funds (CDBG-RE) 0 62,966 0 62,966 0 62,966 0 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 1,938,451 3,038,558 2,294,617 518,779 1,808,371 2,334,800 1,365,306 County-Wide Public Financing Authority (CWPFA) 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 o 0 0 Developer Contributions (DEV) 60,550 60,550 60,550 0 0 0 o Economic Development Administration (EDA) 1,100,000 1,100,000 o 1,100,000 0 1,100,000 0 Federal Emergency Grant Adminstration (FEMA) 1,090,000 0 0 0 0 0 o Measure "M" Growth Management Area 7 (GMA-7) 575,000 575,000 o 575,000 0 575,000 0 Measure "M" Growth Management Area 8 (GMA-8) 250,000 250,000 0 250,000 o 250,000 0 Continued ,On Next Page 98-99 98-99 98-99 98-99 FY99-00 FY99-00 FYOO-01 Adopted Adjusted Projected Projected New/Addl Total Total FUND SOURCE Budget BudgetExpenditures Carry Over Request Request Planned Gas Tax (GT) 0 0 0 0 150,000 250,000 0 Proposition 111 (GT-111) 135,000 121,893 40,000 81,893 68,107 150,000 1,865,000 GRANTS (Others) 100,000 100,000 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local Surface Transportation Program (LSTP) 387,096 387,096 9,200 377,896 272,973 650,869 0 Measure "M" Competitive (MC) 7,710,000 6,800,000 4,590,158 2,209,842 0 2,217,192 1,283,194 Measure "M" Rail (MR) 617,417 627,145 0 627,145 0 627,145 0 Measure "M" Turnback (MT) 1,312,360 1,456,858 372,383 1,018,089 590,240 1,738,329 351,600 Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) 0 2,377 2,377 0 0 0 0 Park Development Fund (PD) 1,259,694 1,634,694 1,215,694 419,000 240,000 659,000 20,000 Reassessment District 95-1 (RAD 95-1) 1,415,224 1,417,108 16,421 872,487 177,513 1,050,000 0 Continued On Next Page 98-99 98-99 98-99 98-99 FY99-0'0 FY99-00 FYOO-01 Adopted Adjusted Projected Projected New/Addl Total Total FUND SOURCE Budget BudgetExpenditures Carry Over Request Request Planned Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency-South Central or Developer Contrib. (RDA-SC/DEV) 0 0 0 0 450,000 450,000 3,750,000 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency-South Central (RDA-SC) 2,249,733 2,527,319 911,068 1,616,251 959,000 2,575,251 50,000 Redevelopment Agency Funds Southwestern Area (RDA-SW) 0 0 0 ° ° 0 50,000 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency-Town Center (RDA-TC) 359,955 399,308 44,000 250,000 o 250,000 0 Trade/Commerce (TC) 300,000 300,000 0 300,000 0 300,000 0 Transit Capital Improvement Program (TCIP) 2,397,500 2,370,160 87,660 2,282,500 0 2,282,500 0 Tustin Lighting District (TLD) 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 Santa Ana-Tustin Transportation System Improvement Authority (TSIA) 160,000 160,000 0 160,000 0 160,000 0 Unfunded (UF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,699,696 Water Capital Improvement Program (WCIP) 6,515,045 6,081,175 865,233 3,818,143 3,194,632 7,057,550 5,121,000 TOTAL: $31,166,017 $30,860,791 $11,586,035 $16,942,757 $8,562,106 $25,794,638 $16,625,796 98-99 FY98.99 FY99-00 FUND FY 98-99 FY98.99 Projected Projected New/Add'i FY99-00 FYOO.01 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted Expenditures Carry Over Request Total Request Planned Sycamore Ave. Storm Drain between CDBG Newport Ave. & 400' West of Pasadena Ave. TLD 10,000 10,000 10,000 (north & south sides) (700149) RDA-SC 88,000 335,635 335,635 WCIP 40,000 36,000 Project Total 98,000 385,635 381,635 COMPLETED Drainage Improvements on Irvine Blvd. Between RDA.TC 119,955 159,308 39,000 15,000 0 15,000 Holt Ave. & SR.55 Fwy. (formerly Amaganset CIP 110,000 110,000 0 0 Storm Drain Project) (900024) FEMA 1,090,000 0 0 UF Project Total 1,319,955 269,308 39,000 15,000 0 15.000 $0 $15,000 15,000 1999.2000fy CIP Programs Seven Year CIP Programs (1999-2006) P.,k Faellilies 5.2% 98.99 FY98.99 FY99.00 FUND FY 98.99 FY98.99 Projected Projected New/Add'i FY99.00 FYOO-O1 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted Expenditures CarryOver Request Total Request Planned 1, Frontier Park/Pine Tree Park CDBG 58,692 58.692 58,692 ADA Restroom Rehabilitation RDA-SC 33,433 33,433 33,433 (200030) (400034) PD 76,891 76,891 76,891 CIP 126,500 126,500 122,568 Project Total 295,516 295,516 291,584 COMPLETED Peppertree Park/Magnolia Tree GRANT 100,000 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 Park Restroom Rehabilitation PD 10,000 10,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 (400035) (400039) ROA-TC 240,000 240,000 5,000 235,000 235,000 CIP 195,000 195,000 15,000 180,000 180,000 Project Total 545,000 545,000 26,000 519,000 519,000 Cedar Grove Park (400041) CIP 5,000 5,000 5,000 PD 127,003 127,003 127,003 Project Total 132,003 132,003 132,003 COMPLETED Herritage Park (400042) DEV 60,550 60,550 60,550 PO 1,005,800 1,005,800 1,005,800 M.T 79,000 79,000 50,000 CWPFA 25,000 25,000 25,000 Project Total 1,170,350 1,170,350 1,141,350 COMPLETED MCAS Tustin Legacy Park Phase I PD 40,000 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 (400043) Project Total 40,000 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 MCAS Tustin Legacy Park Phase II CIP PO Project Total Pioneer Middle School Field Lighting CIP 0 175,000 175,000 PO 0 225,000 225,000 Project Total 0 400,000 400,000 Columbus Tustin Ballfield Renovation PO 0 375,000 0 375,000 375,000 Frontier Park Phase II COBG 0 70,000 CIP 0 150,000 PD 0 20,000 RDA-SW 0 50,000 Project Total 0 290,000 98-99 FY98-99 FY99-00 FUND FY 98-99 FY98-99 Projected Projected NewlAdd'l FY99.00 FYOO-01 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted Expenditures Carry Over Request Total Request Planned 10 Tustin Family & Youth Center Addition Acquisition CDBG 0 tiP 0 PD 0 RDA.SW 0 Project Total 0 , 111 Southwest Park Sne Acquisition CDBG \ - tiP GRANT RDA.SW Project Total 12 Pioneer Road Park tiP 0 PD 0 Project Total 0 13 Pine Tree Park. Phase II tiP 0 PD 0 Project Totat 0 14 Tustin High School Basketball Court Renovation PD 0 15,000 15,000 PARK FACILITIES TOTALS $2,182,869 $2,557,869 $1,590,937 $934,000 $415,000 $1,349,000 $290,000 98.99 FY98.99 FY99.00 FUND FY 98.99 FY98.99 Projected Projected New/Add'! FY99.00 FYOO.O1 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted Expenditures Carry Over Request Total Request Planned 800mhz backbone/equipment for Police (100029) CIP 0 550,500 550,000 Completed Major Building Facility (100032) CIP 50,000 91,000 16,000 75,000 15,000 90,000 Fuel Tank Removal and Replacement (100033) CIP 270,000 352,226 352,226 0 50,000 50,000 Irrigation System Upgrade - Parks (100034) CIP 10,000 11,451 11,000 Completed Finance Dept. Modular Workstations (100035) CIP 0 26,000 35,000 Completed Tustin Area Senior Center ADA Compliance (200033) CDBG 12,000 12,000 12,000 Completed Irrigation System - Replacement Jamboree Rd. CIP 90,000 20,000 20,000 0 80,000 80,000 (200038) East Tustin Landscape Replacement Project CIP 140,000 237,000 227,000 10,000 10,000 (700159) Canopy for Street Sweeper Unloading Area CiP 0 135,000 135,000 NPDES Compliance 10 Administration Modular Workstations CIP 25,000 25,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES TOTALS $572,000 $1,300,177 $1,223,226 $85,000 $305,000 $390,000 $0 98-99 FY98-99 FY99-o0 FUND FY 98-99 FY98.99 Projected Projected New/Add'i FY99-00 FYOO-o1 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted Expenditures Cany Over Request Total Request Planned Protected/Permissive SlgnallnstallaUon CIP 122,800 122,800 122,800 COMPLETED (800056) (MOE) Traffic Signal ModifK:aUonsJUpgrading CIP 0 7,650 120,156 Phasing at Various Intersections M-C o 7,350 115,444 . McFadden Avenue I Ritchey Street Project Total 0 15,000 235,600 \ . I . McFadden Avenue I Williams Street ~- () MOE First Street at Prospect Avenue M-T 0 130,000 ModifylUpgrade Traffic Signal Traffic Control Devices Inventory (TCDI) GT 0 100,000 Irvine Blvd./NewportAve. Traffic Signal M-T 0 94,000 Coordination Project. M-C 0 212,550 Project Total 0 306,550 Red Hill Ave. at Service Rd. UF 0 Modify/Upgrade Traffic Signal (800055) Traffic Signal Modification at UF 0 Irvine Boulevard and Prospect Avenue (800052) Red Hill Ave. at San Juan Sl UF Modify/Upgrade Traffic Signal Main St. at Williams SI. UF Modify/Upgrade Traffic Signal 10 Red Hill Avenue at Bell Avenue UF New Traffic SignallnstallaUon Uncertain ~undlng - AIII'roJecIs TRAFFIC FACILITIES TOTALS $122,800 $122,800 $122,800 $0 $0 $245,000 $542,150 98-99 FY98.99 FY99.00 FUND FY 98.99 FY98.99 Projected Projected New/Add'i FY99-DO FYOO.O1 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted Expenditures Carry Over Request Total Request Planned 18 'B' Street Reconstruction between CIP 0 First SI. and Irvine Blvd. (700151) M-T 2,500 2,500 2,883 0 Project Total 2,500 2,500 2,883 COMPLETE 19 Jamboree Rd. Grade Separation at Edinger (700154) M-C 5,500,000 5,500,000 4,590,158 909,842 0 909,842 (Joint project with Irvine & TCA; TCA Is lead agency) M-T 50,000 50,000 3,000 47,000 0 47,000 Project Total 5,550,000 5,550,000 4,593,158 956,842 0 956,842 20 Jamboree Road Improvements between Edinger Ave. and Barranca Pkwy. (700155) M-T 55,000 55,205 17,000 38,205 o 38,205 21 Red Hill Avenue Underground Utility District (700156) CIP 8,000 8,000 3,523 4,477 15,523 20,000 22 Pasadena Ave. Reconstruction between First SI. Cul-de-sac & Main SI. Cul-de-sac (700157) (MOE) CIP 46,000 46,000 38,500 7,500 206,000 213,500 23 Second SI. Reconstruction between CIP 18,000 18,000 15,000 3,000 72,000 75,000 Pasadena Ave. and Myrtle Ave. (700158) (MOE) 24 Main SI. Rehabilitation between UF 0 Newport Ave. and Bryan Ave. 25 Red Hill Ave. Widening between Edinger to Valencia RDA-SC 0 26 Bryan Ave. Rehabilitation between UF 0 Newport Ave. and Red Hill Ave. 27 Bryan Ave. Rehabiiitation between UF 0 Red Hill Ave. and Browning Ave. 28 Newport Ave. Rehabiiitation between CiP 0 125,000 Sycamore Ave. and McFadden Ave. 29 Red Hill Ave. Grade Separation GMA.7 0 at OCTA/SCRRA Railway/Edinger UF 0 Project Total 0 30 Irvine Blvd. Rehabilitation between CIP 0 310,000 310,000 SR-55 Fwy. And Prospect Avenue LSTP 0 189,709 189,709 OMOE Project Total 0 499,709 499,709 Continued on Next Page FUND Project SOURCE 31 Walnut Ave. Rehabilitation between UF Red Hill Ave. and Browning Ave. 32 Jamboree Road Reconstruction btwn 1350' UF and 2750' north of Tustin Ranch Road 33 Main St. Rehabilitation between UF Stoneglass and SR-55 Fwy. 34 Red Hill Avenue Widening between UF M€lvin Way and 200 ft. southerly 35 Valencia Ave. Widening between Newport Ave. RDA-SC Extension and Red Hill Ave. UF Project Total 36 Tustin Ranch Rd./WalnutAve. Intersection Improvements DEV . 37 Prospect Ave. Reconstruction between CIP First & Irvine () MaE LSTP FY 98.99 Adopted FY98.99 Adjusted 0 0 0 0 0 98.99 Projected Expenditures FY98.99 Projected Carry Over FY99.o0 NewlAdd'l FY99.00 Request Total Request FYOD.01 Planned 130,000 98,921 130,000 98,921 uncenam ~undmg lolalS ~o ~o ~o ~O ~o ~O ~2,599,696 TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES TOTALS $18,940,124 $18,766,719 $7,382,783 $11,218,127 $4,469,961 $15,688,088 $10,672,646 Project FUND SOURCE 98.99 FY98.99 FY99-00 FY98.99 FY98.99 Projected Projected New/Add'i FY99.00 FYOO-O1 Adopted Adjusted Expenditures Carry Over Request Total Request Planned 725,000 725,000 0 725,000 0 725,000 374,344 379,621 1,421 COMPLETED 141,983 132,506 0 132,506 117,494 250,000 23,897 29,981 15,000 14,981 60,019 75,000 150,000 150,000 Tustin Ranch Road/l-5 Interchange (85-1 & 86-2) (700052) RAD 95-1 HI:A~~I:~~MI:NI UI~IHI(;I ~ó-' IUIAL~ ~',4'ó,~~4 H411,lUti ~'o,4~' ~tiU,481 ~'II,ó'3 ~l,UóU,UUU ~U Jamboree Road from Irvine Blvd. To Santiago Road (86-2) (700077) RAD 95-1 Phase V Regionai Trails (86-2) (700085) RAD 95-1 Project Incidentals (700096) RAD 95-1 Traffic Signal Installation/Interconnect System at EI Camino Real and Browning Ave. (85-1) (800020) RAD 95-1 Traffic Signal Installation/Interconnect System at Portola Parkway and Allen (Lot 23) (86-2) (800026) RAD 95-1 98-99 FY98.99 FY 99.00 FUND FY98199 FY98199 Projected Projected New/Add'i FY99.00 FYOO.01 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted Expenditures Cany Over Request Total Request Planned Install Automated Chlorination & Electrical Equip @ Weiisites (600077) WCIP 1,090,007 1,090,007 60,000 986,000 986,000 2 Newport Avenue Water Main Replacement btwn Walnut Ave. & Edinger Ave. WCIP 273,000 273,000 21,000 252,000 81,000 333,000 (600087) 3 Drill & Install Waler Well & Wellhead at 235 E. Main St. (600103)) WCIP 400,000 400,000 375,000 22,443 306,532 328,975 Water Main Replacement (600106) WCIP 0 44,775 5 Main St. Reservoir & Booster Station Canst. WCOP1 309,638 309,638 183,638 126,000 0 126,000 (600108) WCIP 251,300 251,300 157300 94,000 1,104,300 1,198,300 4,185,000 ProjectT olal 560,938 560,938 340,938 220,000 1,104,300 1,324,300 4,185,000 Foothili & Rawlings Reser Struct Analysis: Foothili intertm imps; reconst. (600113) WCIP 101,000 101,000 50,000 51,000 415,000 466,000 Simon Reservoir Analysis & Reconstruction WCIP 0 16,000 (600114) Pressure Zone II (Rawlings) Booster Station WCOP1 736,000 736,000 250,000 435,000 56,000 491,000 (600115) Water Main Relocation for SR-55 WCIP 9,600 0 o Widening (600127) 10 Reconstruct Simon Booster Station (600129) WCIP 813,000 813,000 137,300 675,700 62,300 738,000 11 Water Well Site Acq. Design & Const. WCIP 120,000 240,000 10,000 230,000 480,000 710,000 770,000 west side of Pasadena southerly of 1st St. OCWD 120,000 0 (600130) 240,000 240,000 10,000 230,000 480,000 710,000 770,000 12 Water Capital Improvement Prog Mgmt. (600134) WCIP 61,000 61,000 20,000 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 Page Subtotal 4,284,545 4,274,945 1,264,238 2,91J2,143 2,505,132 5,452,050 5,001,000 97.98 FY98.99 FY 99.00 FUND FY98/99 FY97/98 Projected Projected New/Add'i FY99.00 FYOO.01 Project SOURCE Adopted Adjusted ExpendHures CarryOver Request Total Request Planned 13 Rawlings Reservoir (600136) WCOP1 $0 14 Water Main Replacement.Lemona, Windsor WCIP 375,000 319,367 310,433 Cameron, Brenan, & Manning (600137) 15 Water Main Replacement-Fairhaven, WCIP 868,500 459,863 447,800 o Esplanade, Santa Clara (600138) 16 Well Portable Generator (600140) WCIP 135,000 135,000 o 135,000 o 135,000 17 Prospect Avenue Water Main IV (600141) WCIP 265,000 265,000 30,000 235,000 148,000 383,000 18 17th St. Water Main RepliV (600142) WCIP 220,000 220,000 30,000 190,000 106,000 296,000 19 Maintenance Yard Remodel (600143) WCIP o 229,500 229,500 20 Water Main Replacement-First St., La Colina Ln, Sky Ln, & Gershon PI (600145) WCIP 300,000 300,000 o 300,000 o 300,000 21 Ponderosa Ave. to Tustin Ave. Weii Main Replacement (600146) WCIP 39,000 39,000 3,000 36,000 160,000 196,000 22 Edinger Avenue Water Main Replacement (600147) WCIP 28,000 28,000 8,000 20,000 46,000 66,000 120,000 PAGE SUBTOTAL 2,230,500 1,766,230 829,233 916,000 689,500 1,605,500 120,000 TOTAL ALL WATER CIP PROJECTS: $6,515,045 $6,041,175 $2,093,471 $3,818,143 $3,194,632 $7,057,550 $5,121,000