HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-80FY BUDGET . c.~ ,~",¿! fJ? ~". [!:' (yJ Ç) l.ìJ Q: C' z ¡: r.t) :J E- iJ.< 0 >- E- O 0 00 '" V) ô UJ u CV\ LL ~ 0 > « UJ ~ UJ UJ :z ::E UJ :r: >- ~ « V) I- ..., ~ ..J (.? ..J ~ « a « a u ~ Q. LL V) '" Q. .... U LL '" « :z ~ ::E >- ..J ~ ..., E- ~ l:J Q :J ¡:Q CITY OF TUSTIN ì HONORABLE ~~YOR AND CITY COUNCIL TIIis is the approved 1979-80 Fiscal Year Budget for the City of Tustin, adopted on June 25, 1979 by Resolution No. 79-47 and revised on August 20, 1979 by Resolution No. 79-56. Resolution No. 79-56 provided for the actual salary increases and fringe benefit adjustments adopted on July 2, 1979 by Resolution No. 79-48 and represented only a $15,152 change in the original budget total. This final budget is the result of numerous hearings and workshops and is the second budget adopted under Proposition 13 ground rules. The City of Tustin has emerged in a sound financial position, at least to the degree that any city may be sound in the environment of Proposition 13, the expected passage of the Gann "Spirit of 13" Proposition, the prospect of even further restrictions, and the continuing actions of the legislature and Governor. These are turbulent times which require a creative attitude on the part of all government policy makers and administrators. The approved budget contains a capital improvement program representing $2,485,218 or 29.2 percent of the total $8,497,253 budget. This is a significant investment in the City's physical plant of streets, traffic signals, drains, parks, etc. TIIis is especially significant when it is considered that about $1,400,000 in capital projects planned for 1979-80 were moved into the prior year's budget in order to expedite needed repairs and improvements and thus are not present in this budget. These investments in the Community are a major force in the increasing reputation of Tustin as a quality city in which to live and work. BUDGET The $6,012,035 Operating Budget includes $2,081,016 for police protection, $749,800 for contract fire protection, and $1,011,572 for maintenance activities. This budget contains nine new positions as the City eliminates its dependence on the Federal CETA manpower program. Four of these positions are in the Police Department alone. The Estimated Revenues were not changed from the Preliminary Budget although the Finance Director has made a minor $1,800 adjustment in the General Fund involving Franchise Fees mId Rents-Park Land. Council authorized one additional position in the Engineering Department. The Operating Budget was increased by Council in the amount of $47,042 (including $21,000 for Non-departmental Consultant Services and $20,817 for the Engineering Aide), plus the $15,152 represented by salary and fringe benefit adjustments. Capital Improvements were reduced a net of $1,055,500 by advancing the El Camino Real undergrounding ($984,500) and the Street Maintenance Program ($150,000) into the 1978-79 Fiscal Year and by adding $20,000 on Police Station Air Conditioning and $59,000 for the City's share of the Mitchell Avenue cooperative reconstruction. This budget represents a healthy financial plan for the City of Tustin for 1979-80 which the Staff wi 11 attempt to execute in the most effective way possible. AfUllY'Ubmitted, DAN BLANKENSHIP City Administrator CITY OF TUSTIN THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTiN, CALIFORNIA Municipal government continued to face a severe challenge. it seems that each year brings new meaning to that statement. Citizens continue to expect service as usual after approving Proposition 13 last June. Proposition 13 was born of frustration with State and Federal Legislators who failed to address in a timely and effective manner the publ ic's concerns with taxation, government expenditures, and over- regulation. The citizens' vote was a dangerous but calculated risk, for it assumed that the entire system of state and local government finance would be reprioritized by the State legislature when local government's major revenue source, the property tax, was cut drastically. Although the battle to reprioritize is far from over, and the preservation of local control is still in question, the legislature appears to be responding to the public's challenge. Certainly there are inequities as some special interests received a windfall and others, such as renters, in many cases received nothing. Three concerns continue to confront municipal government. The first is to carry out the intent of Proposition 13 and make it work. The second is to secure sufficient revenue to provide the services the public wants without sacrificing local control to the State. The third is to avoid further restrictions such as expenditure or revenue 1 imits unless they are carefully developed to be realistic and workable. The public must be told if a particular measure is feasible or will produce chaos. As difficult as this crisis is for municipal govern- ment in general, the City of Tustin is fortunate to be in a better position than most cities through good planning, management and circumstances. Tustin's commercial and industrial developments are producing financial resources which carry a signifi- cant part of the cost of government. This trend, as well as other Council decisions such as con- tracting for fire protection and self-funding insurance liabilities produces a sound financial base for the City. And, yet Tustin has one of the lowest business license tax rates, has a major capital improvement program, provides a small bus service and senior citizen program, and provides free refuse collection to resi'dential and small commercial establishments not requiring bin service. This is a record of which to be proud. But it is also a challenge to further excel. A more critical review of Industrial development, renter-landlord relationships, annexations, housing, redevelopment, and inter-agency planning are all areas of increased concern. 1979-80 Budget This document is the Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1980, which is submitted for your consideration and action. Integrated into this Budget is the ten-year financial plan developed in 1975 as a long-range guideline for Administration and Council. The ten-year plan is now obsolete and must be updated as soon as the future sources of income available to the City are determined by legislative action in Sacramento. - ~ BUDGET ..... CITY OF TUSTIN in overview, the City of Tustin is operating with a large reserve for the first time in its fifty-two year existence, with the City's sales tax revenues supporting 46.2 percent of the Operating Budget. Thus, with careful management, there is an opportunity to el iminate the City's participation in the Federal CETA Manpower Program (which is becoming restrictive to the point of uselessness) and to meet a significant number of community capital improvement needs. The large reserve is extremely critical at this time for two reasons. The first is that it provides a means for financing the redevelopment area's program without resorting to expensive bonds. The second reason is that it provides a means for funding other capital improve- ments of streets and other facilities which would otherwise be a burden. This large reserve must be carefully protected and not used for normal opera- tions or the City will be 1 iving beyond its means. Eap i ta 1 Imp rovement Revenues are not mutua 11 y exclusive, and thus the City's total needs must be prioritized and coordinated. Likewise, the Redevelop- ment Agency's Budget is also integrated for better coordination of Public policy and programs. The City of Tustin Budget is further unique from the budgets of many other cities because Tustin has combined many smal I budgeting "departments" into only ten "departments" in order to improve visibility and control while reducing bookkeeping detai I. This Budget also summarizes expenses by general categories rather than itemizing the complete detail by which accounting records are maintained, in order to facilitate policy review and to reduce "counting paperclips". Budget Format Two prior years of history are provided in order to place the current and next year in better perspective. in addition, a department's original request for next year is provided on each department's Budget sheets along with 'the recommended appropriations. This information may be of assistance in alerting Counci I to department head views on departmental needs, and in evaluating department head managerial abilities. Tustin department heads are exceptional in their conservative and careful budgeting which requires a minimum of "cutting". This Budget contains basic operating and capital improvement revenue and expenditure guidelines for a ten-year period. The importance of multi-year programming cannot be overstressed, for that is the only way that sound planning can sustain essential programs. The ten-year projections are guidel ines which must be reviewed each year, refined, and a new tenth year added. The presence of these projections in this Budget document will encourage such an annual review and insure adequate visibility of these significant guidelines. The projections in the Prel iminary Budget are the obsolete 1976 estimates which will be revised after July I, 1979. Personnel The Budget document contains both an Operating Budget and a Capital Improvement budget with certain overview tables drawing the two together in a comprehensive plan. Operating Revenues and The 1978-79 fiscal year started with l22 full-time regular positions and about 33 full-time CETA employees (tota1 of 155 positions). Eight positions were added during the year, six as CETA conversions (three police officers and three maintenancemen), and two for the bus system. in the process, 16 CETA positions were phased out. This created a total personne1 authorization of 130 full-time regular positions and about 17 full-time CETA emp10yees (total of 147 positions) at year end. BUDGET - CITY OF TUSTIN = The 1979-80 fiscal year Preliminary Budget provides for a net gain of eight additional positions: two represent the required absorption of the second half of the four-person, three-year traffic grant team in Pol ice; eight represent the final con- versions of essential CETA positions to eliminate the CETA program; one represents a non-CETA addition; and three positions have been deleted (two bus positions and the deputy city clerk position authorized last year in anticipation of Ruth Poe's retirement). This net gain of eight positions to the original 130 regular full-time positions will establish a total authorization of 138 positions with no CETA positions, a reduction of l7 total regularand CETA positions since June 1978. Still another provision is the transfer of the License Coordinator from the City Clerk's Office (legislation) to Finance and adding a typist clerk in her place to strengthen the duplication, agenda preparation and switchboard back-up within the Clerk's office. This wi II meet another critical need for someone to pick-up the mai 1 at the start of the day and to do much of the "xerox" duplication work of ot:1er departments. The move wi 11 free the License Coordinator for more field work in locating un- licensed businesses. The personnel side of the budget therefore represents significant efforts to reduce turn-over through adequate salaries, to improve the basic organization and efficiency of the City, and to phase-out the CETA manpower gr~nt program. One significant provision of the Preliminary Budget is the adjustment of basically all positions to the existing median salary level of the ten Orange County cities closest to Tustin in population, plus a cost of 1 iving adjustment, in accordance wi th Council direction. A second significant provision is a reorganization of the Pol ice Department to include t\~O Captains as division commanders, three Lieutenants as watch commanders and Sergeants as field supervisors. This reorganization does not add cost or additional positions as t~reorganization was accomplished within the planned staffing and the salary levels were already established by functions performed not by titles. It places Tustin titles more in line with the prevailing practice of similar pol ice departments and wi 1\ provide better supervision of the patrol division. As a further move to strengthen field strength, one officer presently serving as property office and one Sergeant presently supervising the records and dispatch section are each being replaced by civi 1 ian personnel at lower salary and fringe benefits. Revenues The most significant aspect of the 1979-80 fiscal year revenue picture is the strength of the City's Sales Tax Revenue ($2,746,150) which represents 46.2 percent of the operating budget, compared with 40--- percent last year and 32 percent four years ago. Building activity is expected to remain strong in reference to New Construction Taxes ($110,000) and Construction Permits ($155,000). This is the last year scheduled for Federal Revenue Sharing ($163,000) unless re-enacted by a reluctant Congress. We also expect to receive a State "bai I-out" revenue ($285,000) and the same relative proportion of the remaining Property Tax Revenue ($638,700) similar to last year. Recreation fees ($211,350) are double what they were three years ago and will need to be monitored closely as this will be the first year of phasing out CETA positions. The present fiscal year 1978-79 found non-traffic fines not being as high as had been anticipated with the addition last year of a Parking Control Officer. BUDGET - i i i CITY OF TUSTIN This is being checked on. The Sale of City Property account is very high due to the sale of the two fire engines, of the surplus Sixth Street property, and of the old City Hall modules. The Maintenance Department increased 20 percent to $999,494 due to adding five positions over last July 1, 1973 in the phase-out of CETA. Recreation increased 40 percent to $259,609 and Administration increased 42 percent to $350,604 due to the absorption of essential CETA positions and the transfer of the licensing function. Other departments increased less than 10 percent even with the salary adjustments. All departments have the necessary funds for the projected salary increases included in their depart- ment. Fund Balances The City of Tustin has a General Fund Reserve projected for June 30, 1979 of over $1.5 million which has been developed over the last two years. This reserve is very important because it will provide the cash flow for the El Camino Real under- grounding and street improvements by the Redevelop- ment Agency. This will be by a loan to the Agency which will ultimately be returned to the General Fund for an operating reserve and for other capital improvements. It should not be used for operating expenditures as this deficit financing promotes living beyond one's means. The large June 30, 1980 deficit balance in the Redevelopment Agency Fund represents the amount borrowed from the General Fund. The Operating Budget plans for the continuation of the City's bus service through a private contract if found acceptable by the Council; for purchase of a sophisticated microfiche system to benefit Police and other departments; for rental of a word processing unit in Police where the greatest volume is located (although extension of this technique to other depart- ments will be studied); for continuation of the Planning Consultant during this period of rapid growth and annexation; for the phase-out of the CETA program and Traffic Safety grant; for continuation of the Senior Citizen program coordinator without CETA funds; and for an increased contribution or contract payment to the Chamber of Commerce if they can justify the need. Although this year and last year show a larger budget and personnel gro,.¡th than has been traditional, it is due to the elimination of reliance on the CETA program and Council's correction of past salary deficiencies which have created expensive and excessive turn-over. Very little growth will be anticipated in the near future unless justified by new developments which also provide the financial resources necessary. °2erating Expenditures Normal Operations ($5,809,074 excluding Grant Personnel and the Redevelopment Agency) have increased 22 percent over the 1978-79 Budget. This represents a 13.5 percent gro,.¡th above the 8.5 percent inflation for the year due primarily to the phase out of the CETA program. This Budget contains 138 full-time regular positions as opposed to 122 positions at the start of 1978-79,) a 13.1 percent increase in staff. The major increase occurred in the Police Department, with a 35 percent increase to $2,083,266 due to the addition of seven positions over July I, 1978, to the inclusion of two years of salary adjustments in one, and to the increase in fringe benefit costs. In Special Funds, it should be pointed out that the Park Bond Fund and Civic Center Bond Fund are used only for debt service now. The Sewer Trust Fund is used to retire the no-interest loan from the Sanitation District, and will then be eliminated. The Grant BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN Personnel Fund receives manpower grants, such as CETA and Traffic Safety, with a corresponding expenditure in the Grant Personnel Department. AI] grants are expected to expire at the end of the first quarter, September 30, 1979. The Redevelopment Agency anticipates a revenue of $403,000, primarily from property tax increment revenues, although the actual amount may fluctuate widely. Budget. The level of staffing has been improved but is stil 1 conservative in relation to other cities. Capital Improvements Effectiveness, efficiency, and economy must be criteria by which we live, along with equality, environment and social conscience. This is true in the good years as well as the lean years. The City must continually establish goals, objectives, priorities, and schedules. In addition, effective communication with the public must be establ ished in order to coordinate City goals with community goals and to develop public awareness and support. After all, the resources of the City are public resources. it is through the use of the resources allowed by the public that City services and improvements are accomplished. But is the public aware of the cost of sustaining certain programs, and is the public willing to provide the necessary resources to properly perform those programs? if not, services and programs should be curtai led to a level consistent with the resources provided. Departments cannot be given an assignment beyond their resource~ or dedication and efficiency wi II collapse into bureaucratic complacency. - j ¡ The Capital Improvement Budget of $3,540,718 is the equivalent of 60 percent of the Operating Budget of $5,949,841. This is another measure of the City Counci lis and staff's commitment to operational efficiency while protecting and enhancing the community's investment in its streets, traffic controls, parks, publ ic buildings, storm drains, and other capital assets. The Capital improvement Budget is more fully explained at the start of that section of the Budget document. All of the City's needs are not being met, but the rate of improve- ments is encouraging. Planned for next year are $1,981,290 in street improvements; $355,800 in traffic controls; $1,055,700 in beautification projects; $125,728 in publ ic facilities improve- ments, and many other improvements. Conclusions Tustin is fortunate to have an excellent City Counci I and staff working together for the citizens' good. This budget provides another opportunity to determine how to allocate the City's resources and energies to better serve the public. That is the purpose of City government. The 1979-80 Proposed Budget is a satisfying financial plan which is balanced, and provides an expanded scope of service in the face of Proposi- tion 13 restrictions. Reserves are at new highs, as are services and capital improvements. The City's reliance on the Property Tax as a revenue source has been greatly reduced, while the Sales Tax has assumed the funding of half of the Operating In closing, let me express my appreciation for the consciencious budgeting effort of each department head, for the imagination of Director of Public Works, Bob Ledendecker, in preparing the initial draft of the Capital improvement Budget, for the hard work of Director of Finance Ed Bushong in reviewing the requests and compiling the f \.. BUDGET endless detai Is, for the Finance Department staff, and for the never ending painstaking typing of Diane Jasinski. ~IIY "bm;",d, DAN BLANKENSHIP City Administrator CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET ~ ._--~,,-,-,-~'"~~-~-"--~.~-~_..~~~. ,-," 1 Ul' j Vol '" TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page SECTION i-GENERAL SECTION V - EXPENDITURES Organization Chart Basic City Date Definition of Terms 1 2 3 Activity Structure Expenditures Expenditures by Category 25 26 26 SECTION II - RECAPITULATiON AND TEN-YEAR BUDGET SECTION VI - OPERATING BUDGET Recap of Annual Budget Annual Budget Summary Fund Distribution 1979-80 Ten-Year Budget Recapitulation 5 6 7 8 Legislation Admini stration Community Development Non-Departmental Pol ice Fire Engineering Maintenance Recreation Grant Pe rsonne 1 Redevelopment Agency 27 30 33 37 40 44 48 51 55 58 61 SECTION ill - REVENUES Summary of Revenues Revenue Deta i I Fund Accounting Explanation Revenue Accounts Explanation JO II 15 17 SECT I ON V II - CAP I TAL I t1P ROVEr1ENT PROG RAM SECTiON iV - PERSONNEL 22 25 Capital improvement Budget Summary of Plan by Category Summary of Plan by Revenue Source Capi tal improvement Program Other Projects-Unscheduled 63 66 66 67 80 Summary of Positions Salary Range Number by Classification Monthly Salary Range Schedule 21 SECT i ON V III - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET Redevelopment Agency Budget 82 BUDGET vi i '.. z ~ V) :J E- iJ.< 0 >- t: u :z 0 I- u UJ V) ..J <!: cr: UJ :z UJ <éJ E- ~ (.;) :::: :J ¡:Q I JJ. " ~ ~ ' - M » ~'lè;, I;; I I :;~~~~~.¡:;.I~i I ~~l ~i :¡¡m¡¡lirt! i ' I iM -~~n~i<l '. ~ ' S ~ '" ~ IŠ¡ : ~ ' <" I ~ , ï;l 'I. '" ¡ [, I I:; I ~ I IL - ~.o I. ' 0 I z, LJ ~ ~ ~ ;=:1 I n c;; ;; :;h-.-J ~ "'" ~1:;1 ~~ ~'I~ ~I ê '-' '"' -: \J1 --- -.J '" " ~ n ~ " ~ § ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " Z M r :;! r ~ '" " ~ n M ;. 'i' Z ~ ~ S "' M ~ '" " < " ~ < ~ ~ ~ ;;¡ 0 :;>;:> ø » z N » ....¡ 0 :z n :J: » :;>;:> ....¡ M r .... " ~ » 9 ~ '"' '-' ." -! c: ~ j z z GENERAL Area of City (sq. miles) Assessed Valuation (in millions) General Property Tax Allocation per $100 A.V. (January 1) Fire Insruance Classifi- cation Population Registered Voters Housing Units : Reta i 1 & Trade Out lets ! (Taxable Sales) Mi les of Sewer Service \ Mi les of Ci ty Streets : Arterial / Loca 1 'Miles of City-owned Alleys ~City-owned Buildings r' Parks Maintained Signal ized Intersections [City Vehicles (total) ¡ Genera I I Fi re I Pol ice ¡Maintenance (Regular Employees per I, 100 popu I a 1. ion !Per Capita Cost - Normal I, Operati.ons Unadjusted Adjusted to '67 base year ¡CP I January % Annua 1 Increase I I l CITY OF TUSTIN BASIC DATA 1979 Founded in 1868, incorporated as General Law City September 21,1927 1970 3.47 $41. 8 $0.95 ill1.. 3.55 $53./' $0.95 1972 4./1 $58.5 $0.95 ]973 4.5 $69.0 $0.95 6 6 6 6 22,750 24,100 25,650 25,874 6,822 7,861 9,138 13,238 8,915 10,27810,27810,902 360 34.2 46.5 12.5 34.0 0.71 7 4 21 37 9 5 11 12 4.01 429 35.0 47.4 13.1 34.3 0.71 7 4 24 40 9 5 11 15 3.72 488 36.0 47.9 13.1 34.8 0.71 9 5 28 47 9 8 14 16 4.36 528 37.1 51.5 15.8 35.7 0.71 11 6 3 J 56 9 9 20 18 5.05 1974 4.56 $77. I $0 . 932 6 26,957 12,238 11,549 525 37.5 54.8 16.4 38.4 0.71 10 7 32 58 9 9 22 l8 5.19 $73.10 $80.05 $80.16 $112.85 $112.31 $65.50 $68.59 $66.80 $90.42 $83.07 111.6 ]16.7 120.0 124.8 135.2 4.57 2.83 4.00 8.33 BUDGET 1975 4.61 $89.9 $0.96 6 28,050 9,272 12,564 612 41. 8 58.9 17.3 42.1 0.71 14 9 33 60 10 9 22 19 5.03 1976 7.5 $106.4 1977 8.1 $128.9 $0.9955 $0.96 4 31,644 9,676 12,700 684 42.2 60.5 17.8 42.7 0.71 14 9 34 61 10 9 22 20 4.11 4 32,650 13,074 12,976 763 43.5 67.7 23.6 44.l 0.71 14 9 40 63 11 10 22 20 3.98 $114.76 $125.45 $121.33 $75.85 $76.17 $69.41 151.3 164.7 174.8 11.91 8.86 6.13 1978 8.1 1979 8.1 1980 $152.4 $]74.3 $0.92 $0.59 4 4 33,056 33,807 34,500 13,537 13,254 13,618 14,085 891 44.3 68.4 24.0 44.4 0.71 10 9 42 56 12 0 23 21 1,104 44.5 70.2 24.1 46.1 0.71 11 9 39 63 13 0 26 24 3.48 3.95 4.12 $134.03 $137.96 $168.38 $72.25 $69.12 $77.38 185.5 199.6 217.6 6.12 7.60 9.00 2 CITY OF TUSTIN DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Budge t: A comprehensive plan, expressed in financial tenus by which an operating program is effective for a given perIod of time. A performance budget is one which is based upon the work or service to be accomplished. An object account budget is one In which funds are budgeted for specific items of expenditure. The budget of Tustin is basically an object account budget. but incorporating the principles of performance budgeting. A. Prel iminary: The budget recommended by the City Administrator to the City Council for their consideration. B. Final: The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. 2. Fund: A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accord- ance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent accounting entity. A. General: A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. B. Special: Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under existing regulations. 3. Personne I: 4. Supplies and Services: 5. Capital Outlay: The number of, and salaries paid to City amployees. Expenditures for departmental operations and related expenses. Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years. 6. Cap~ita_1 improvements: Major improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition. buildings, street construction, and related facilities. 7. Sal ary~djustment: Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. .', 3 BUDGET þ CITY OF TUSTlN DEFINITION OF TERMS 8. Appropriation: 9. Revenue: 10. Account Series: 11. Activity: Funds authorized to be expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, department, or group of services. The title of a particular account series. BUDGET 4 z ¡:: r.t) :J E- iJ.< 0 >- ~ 0 I- UJ (.? :z C> a ~ co :z ~ ~ a ..J c:( - ~ UJ I- I- >- u , UJ Q. :Z tI) « UJ u I- UJ ~ C> :z: « E- ~ l:J ,.... ;:; ~ CITY OF TUSTIN ) RECAPITULATION OF 1979-80 BUDGET RESOURCES ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES FUND BALANCES ON 6/30/79 Genera 1 Fund Traffic Safety Fund Revenue Sharing Gasoline Tax Fund Park Development Fund Beautification Fund Grant Personnel Fund Pa rk Bond Bund Civic Center Bond Fund Redevelopment Agency Fund $ 1,500,562 21,653 55,953 12,000 14,462 APPROPRIATIONS 1979-80 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL OPERATiNG BUDGET $ 3,480,426 2,383,750 147,859 $ 6,012,035 150,956 93,517 (1,124,980) TOTAL (BUDGETED) $ 2,465,218 $ 8,497,253 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET BUDGETED RESERVE $ 619,394 TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $ 724,123 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 8,392,524 $ 9,116,647 TOTAL ALLOCATION $ 9,116,647 ESTiMATED REVENUE 1979-80 The purpose of this chart is to recapitulate the 1979-80 Budget by showing that the resources avail- able as represented by the beginning fund balances, plus the estimated revenues for 1979-80 (shown on the left side of the page) equal the appropriations for 1979-80, plus the budgeted reserve or ending fund balances (shown on the right side of the page). 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() :.¡ -< 0 "T1 ...,¡ c:: C/) :j Z ~ '" ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ¡¿ "'~ ~~ :z~ Ii ~ ~ 0 v '" § ê '" '< 0 z ~ '" :z go I:~ I~~ Iii:;;; CITY OF TUSTIN FUND DISTRIBUTION 1979-80 FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATING BUDGET PUBLI C WORKS RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PUBLI C SAFETY OPERATING TOTAL - GENERAL FUND $1,272,154 $2,830,816 $ 957,665 $ 264,805 $5,325,440 $ 959,438 TRAFFIC SAFETY 130,000 130,000 REVENUE SHARI NG 188,590 1,277,J90 GASOLINE TAX 154,800 154,800 PARK DEVELOPMENT 12,000 BEAUTIFICATION 60,000 60,000 70,317 GRANT PERSONNEL .70,317 125,588 125,588 75,440 PARK BOND CIVIC CENTER BOND 75,440 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 70,450 $1,613,949 70.450 $6,012,035 48,000 $2,485,218 $1,302,465 $ 264,805 $2,830,816 TOTAL ALL FUNDS Percentage of Opera 1. ions 100.0% 41. 3% 26.8% 4.4% 47.1% 21.7% Percentage of Grand Total 3.1% 70.8% 29. n 19.0Ï'u 33.3% 15.3% GRAND TOTAL $6,269,726 130,000 . 188,590 1,431,990 12,000 60,000 70,317 125,588 75,440 118,450 $8,497,253 141. 3% 100.0% The purpose of this chart 15 to show the source of funds which finance the basic functions of the City's Budget for the 1979-80 FiscaJ Year. The CapitaJ Improvement Budget coJumn Identifies the source of funds used to finance the Capital Improvement program, while the Operating Total column performs the same function for the Operating Budget. General Government includes Legislation, Administration, Community Development, Non-Departmental, Grant Personnel, Bond Retirement and Redevelopment Agency. Public Safety includes Police and Fire. PubJic Works includes Engineering and Maintenance. Recreation includes only the Recreation Department. BUDGET 7 CITY OF TUSTIN NOTE: This is a 1976 projection which i~ scheduled for revision in 1979. TEN YEAR BUDGET RECAPITULATION PAST FUTURE 1973-74 illH5 ~-76 1976:11. 1977-78 .!J78-79 1979-80 1900-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 .!2.1l5..: 86 ~UMPTIONS Population (1000) 26.95 27.0 28.5. 29.8. 33.00 33.60 34.30 35.00 35.60 36.30 37.00 38.00 38.00 Land Area (sq.mlles) 4.56 4.75. 4.82 6.15 6.21 6.37 6.47 6.56 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 6.90 'Assessed Valuatlon($ml1)$ 77.10 86.33 106.4 119.2 133.5 149.5 167.5 179.2 191.8 205.2 219.6 , 234.9 251.4 Inflation Rate 9.7% 12% 12% 0.0 6.0' 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 REVENUE ESTIMATES ($1,000) Property Tax-Genera I 686.3 874.5 1.032.3 1.180.0 1.321.7 1,480.1 1,658.3 1,77".1 1.898.8 2.031.5 2.17'1.0 2,325.5 2,488.9 -Debt SVC J34.3 153.4 186.0 181.4 186.2 181. 4 201.0 105.7 190.4 185.0 179.6 174.1 178.4 Sales & Use Tax 1,030.0 1,110.3 1. 2~4.& 1,345.0 1,452.0 1,568.0 1,694.0 1,829.0 1,975.0 2,133.0 2.304.0 2, ~88.9 2.637.0 New Construction Tax 194.6 82.5. 100.0 110.0 ' 110.0 120.0 110.0 100.0 100.0 55.0 65.0 70.0 100.0 'Construction Permits 130.7 105.0 105.0 105.0 120.0 150.0 ,120.0 105.0 105.0 60.0 72.0 105.0 105.0 State Apportionments 643.7' 647.0 672.4 742.0 757.0 774.0 788.0 805.0 819.0 836.0 853.0 875.0 901.0 Vehicle Code FInes 155.7 110.0 110.0 110.0 116.0 122,.0 128.0 134.0 147.0 148.0 155.0 163.0 170.0 Revenu~ Sharing 92.3 112.6 156.9 73.0 n- COOlI1lunlty Dev.Act _n .-- 39.5 84.0 126.0 Other Revenues 796.1 496.4 '1.004.9 478.0 466.0 441.0 471.0 493.0 518.0 544.0 576.0 605.0 641.0 TOTAL REVENUES 3,889.4 3,861.7 4,651.6 ",408.4 4.65".9 ".836.5 5, 170. 3 5.345.8 5,753.2 5.992.5 6,378.6 6,805.6 7.221.3 Less,Restricted 427.5 (J01) (261) (284) (201) (201) (217) (218) (221) (22") (227) (232) (235) NET AVAILASLE-OPERATIONS3.461.9 3,380.7 ".390.6 ".124.4 4,453.9 .,.635.5 4,953.3 5,127.8 5.532.2 5,768.5 6.151.6 6.573.6 6,986.3 Percentage Increase 9% 115% . 20% (5.5%) 5.5% 3.9% 6.9% 3.3% 7.6% ." 6.4% 6.6% 6% . OPERATING EXPENDITURES ($1,000) 145.5 Legislation 98.7 97.4 109.0 119.9 127.5 137.3 154.3 165.5 173.5 185.9 195.0. 208.7 Staff 4 4 4 .' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ., 4 Admi ni stratton 152.3 150.3 156.5 192.3 206.7 228.0 236.3 250.5 264.6 281.5 298.4 316.3 335.3 Staff 7 8 7 9 ' 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10. Commun I ty Deve I opmen t 178.8 2D5.9 226.9 197.0 212.8 225.6 256.4 271.8 288.1 305.4 323.7 3"3.1 363.7 Staff II 11 II 9 9 9 10 16 10 10 10 10 10 Non- Depar tmenta 1 161.8 142.8 115." 205.3 2~0.1 231. I 2"5.8 257.2 271.5 286.6 302.6 319.5 327.5 Debt ServIce 134.3 153.3 186.0 181.3' 186.2 181. 3 201.0 105.7 190.3 184.9 179.5 17".0 178." Po 11 ce - 975.3. 1,128.8 1.153.4 1,333.9 1.437.8 1,521.0 1,619.7 1,707.8 1,819.7 1,912'.7 2,037.1 2.158.5 2.287.2 Staff 56 53 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 65 65 FI re 56 554.9 662.3 802.5 871.4 919.8 96".6 1.021.5 1,066.9 1,145.9 1,205.8 .1.277.7 1,354.0 507.1 Staff 28 28 25 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 EngineerIng 111.6 132.8 130.9 151.1 164.3 169.9 189.6 211.' 227.9 240.3 249.4 264.3 280.1 Staff 6 7 6 6 6 6 7. 7 7 7 7 7 7 Ma I n tcnance '549.9 697.1 834.7 . 491.1 559.7 i76.3 1J/33.5 948." 1,004.1 1,063.1 1,1'25.7 1,119.2 1,262.4 Staff 24 24 22 26 28 29 . 29 .3,0 31 31 31 31 31 RecreatIon 99.9 126.6 ¡"0.1 173.5 186.7 198'5 207.8 222.9 235.7 2"9.2 263.6 278.8 294.9' Staff 3 3 3 ., ., 4 4 4 ., " .. 4 ., 4. . . TOTAL DEPARTMENTS 2,898.6 3.242.7 3.440.2 4,053.9 ",389.5, ",647.2 4.950.2 5,151.2 5.534.3 5,843.1 6,171.7 6.519.2 6.892.2 Staff 138 141 131 .' 141 1"5 148 "J 151 J51¡ 156 157 158 160 ,160 Genera 1 Purpose (74.6) . (20; 1) 94.' I Rev. Aval fable 563.3 138.0 950." 70.5 64." (1,1. 7) 3.1' (23.4) (2.1) 5~.4 8 ....... BUDGET _un ------ --~ CITY OF TUSTIN PURPOSE This chart represents staff estimates of future revenues using such variables as past history, assessed valuation, population, proposed growth and inflation as predicators. The expenditure guidelines are listed as approved by the City Council in November of 1975. Annually these revenue estimates and expenditure guidel ines will be reviewed and revised as necessary. The Ten Year Budget provides a guideline for realistic planning, improved budgeting, and sound financial management. - REVENUES Property Tax General: Debt Service: Sales and Use Tax: New Construction Tax and Construction Permits: State Apportionments: Vehicle Code Fines: Total Revenues: Less Restricted: EXPENDITURES GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AVAILABLE Includes all funds as wel I as 'homeowner and business inventory tax relief reimbursements. Anticipates a constant $1.00 tax rate with assessed valuation going up 12% per year until 1980-81 and 7% thereafter. Based on actual needs of Park and Civic Center Bond issues. The debt service tax rate is expected to decrease over the ten year period from approximately 18ç to l2ç/$100 AV. increased due to anticipated inflation increases of 6%. Based on estimates of New construction and development. Increases based upon population growth. increases based upon population growth. Excludes Grant Personnel Fund which is not regularly available and Sewer Main Trunk Fund as this is not a "useable"revenue for projects other than sewer lines. Revenues restricted for capital improvements include Gas Tax Section 2106, Arterial Highway Funding Program, Federal Aid Urban Streets, Community Development Act, and County Revenue Sharing allocations. Departmental estimates include increases based on assumed rate of inflation. Staff refers to full-time employees within the departments. This reflects a surplus or deficit restricted to capital improvements Any surplus is therefore available the Capital Improvement Program. in potential operating revenuesafte.r revenues which are are subtracted and operating expenditures are subtracted. to help establish an adequate Operating Reserve or support BUDGET 9 z 'J. ; ~ '" -' :z a f- u UJ V) V) UJ ~ :z UJ > UJ cr: E- ~ r.;¡ Q :J i:C ?- " }- 1 ': CITY OF TUSTIN I I I I I I '- SOURCE SUMMARY OF REVENUES -,------ Prior History 1978- 79 1979-80 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Budget $2,967,428 $4,055,555 $3,774,325 $4,080,748 $4,433,700 133,702 163,432 162,000 240,827 165,000 139,797 ]35,652 177,903 147,555 148,000 62,304 117,744 123,672 183, J 72 193,872 2,618,951 2,090,328 2,387,751 2,050,587 3,190,762 143,539 193,265 261,893 283,518 237,050 177,307 362,746 110,923 350,001 26,140 $6,243,028 $7,118,722 $6,998,467 $7,336,408 $8,394,524 Property, Sales and Other Tax. Licenses and Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property Revenue from Other Agencies Current Service Charges Other Revenue TOTALS BUDGET 10 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection $1,025,806 $1,156,936 $ 450,000 $ 548,515 87,434 100,186 51,000 52,132 9,942 20,901 10,000 8,000 99,161 J 10,758 l24,695 l54,304 1,300,797 1,973,486 2,085,500 2,496,500 --- --- 40,000 45,000 105,860 130,882 130,000 147,000 101,975 99,405 210,000 150,000 118,286 142,429 140,000 230,000 11,443 15,515 10,000 5,000 3,973 5,488 12,000 5,827 17,433 23,344 42,903 18,000 36, 770 42,369 60,000 120,000 4,312 24,331 --- --- 19,864 21,870 33,000 31,000 4,780 1 J, 472 11,472 --- 1,200 1,200 11,262 19,751 18,000 18,35l 351 ,069 426,435 490,000 455,617 70,219 68,808 24,000 2l,382 30,441 38,876 15,000 19,956 2,756 --- --- --- --- --- 265,000 267, 71 0 lß,312 7,193 1 If, 500 15,910 1l6,943 133,~)Vj 150,000 14L" 6 75 3,608 11,ljll, 11,500 11,325 29,680 21,153 --- 811,000 70,000 70,000 177,588 20,000 860,341 -- - --- --- 6,500 BUDGET SOURCE GENERAL FUND Property Tax 1110 S~cured III 1 Unsecured 1112 Delinquent 1200 Franchise Fees 1310 Sales & Use Tax 1315 Transient Lodging Tax\ 1320 Business license Tax 1340 New Construction Tax 2150 'Construction Permits 2160 Street & Curb Permits 2190 Other Licenses & Permits 3120 Non-Traffic Fines 4110 Interest-General Fund 4120 Other Interest 4130 Rents-Community Center 4135 Rents-Fire Station 4140 Rents-Park Land -5110 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 5120 Motor Vehicle License Tax 5140 Homeowners Tax Relief-" 514l Business Inventory Tax Relief 5145 State-Mandated Costs 5149 State Prop. 13 Relief 5150 Trailer Coach In-lieu Tax 5160 Cigarette Tax 5l70 Hwy Carriers License 5l74 State SB 174 Funds-Parks 5190 State Grant-Parks 5320 County Park District 5390 County ~rants Other 5530 Federal Grant PWA 5572 Urban Mass Transportation Funds 1979-80 Est imate $ 575,950 54,750 8,000 156,050 2,746,150 40,000 147,000 110,000 155,000 4,000 6,000 l8,000 95,000 31,000 11,472 2,400 18,500 507,425 22,450 20,950 285,000 15,500 150,000 4,425 2,300 500,000 6,500 CITY OF TUSTIN ~~ior History 1978-79 _~9 76- 77 1977-78 Q.udget Projection $ 2,963 $ 92,315 $ --- $ --- 13,958 18,920 14,000 10,500 4,786 6,772 1,500 4,000 525 586 600 350 2,258 15, If61 35,000 35,000 229 III 29,630 25,000 1,765 3,515 2,000 --- 2,779 568 300 300 103,382 138,037 166,463 181,500 1,198 1,211 3,100 3,800 2,760 850 2,000 6,000 --- 5,669 6,000 8,000 9,899 1,565 1,300 9,068 1,076 339,021 52,500 314,992 l,338 892 1,500 1,000 4,936 3,577 1,000 3,500 5,365 1,697 1,500 1,000 $4,567,224 $5,380,051 $4,837,341 $5,751,039 SOURCE GENERAL FUND (Cont'd) ~590 Federal Grant HCDA )~:6110 Planning Fees . 6115 Subdivision Fees 6125 Sale of Maps & Publ ¡cations 6130 Street Construction 6133 Street Reimbursemen_t__- 6135 Parkway Tree Fees 6140 Weed Abatement 6145 Recreation Fees 6150 Bus Fares 6165 False Alarm Fees 6170 Police Services 6190 Other Current Charges 7110 Sale-City Property 7120 Sale-Unclaimed Property 7180 Damaged City Property 7190 Sundry Revenue TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 3110 Vehicle Code Fines REVENUE SHARING FUND 4110 Interest 55JO Revenue Sharing TOTAL STATE GASOLINE TAX 4110 Interest 5175 Bicycle Trail Funds 5210 Section 2106 5220 Section 2107 5230 Section 2107.5 5310 County Grants of State Gas Tax 5570 Federal Aid Urban Hwy. 5571 Safer Off System Roads TOTAL $ 122,364 $ 112,308 $ --- $ 4,131 162,652 162,903 $ 162,652 $ 167,034 $ 135,000 $ 129,555 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 ]63,000 16] .524 $ 165,000 $ 163,524 $ 8,000 $ 10,500 14,000 --- 200,000 178,787 165,000 146,570 6,000 6,000 123,900 91,550 200,000 10,700 $ 72 7 ,§~(J L 431. 407 $ 1,358 l62,490 140,416 6,000 284,7114 $ 11,249 --- 1 72, 203 144,409 6,000 --- 144,700 $ 595,008 $ 478,561 BUDGET 12 1979- 80 Est imate $ 20, 700 12,000 400 500 300 211,350 5,000 6,000 J,500 20,140 1,500 1,500 l,OOO $5,975,712 $ 1 30 .000 $ 2,000 163,000 $ 165,000 $ ,10,000 17,500 181,700 1 48, 800 6,000 326,695 696,000 $1 ,386,695 CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1978-79 SOURCE 1976-77 1977- 78 Budget Projection PARK DEVELOP~IENT Furm 7150 Parkland Dedication Fees $ 11,073 $ --- $ 52,423 $ 21,999 SEWER TRUST FUND 7130 SeWBr Connection Fees $ 80,299 $ 17,559 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 GRANT PERSONNEL FUND 5180 State Grant-Traffic Safety $ --- $ 67,444 $ 62,950 $ 68,740 5355 Anti-Recession Grant 9,891 --- --- --- 5395 CETA l67,953 308, III 298,191 248,205 TOTAL J- 177,844 $ 375,555 $ 36l, 141 $ 316,945 1979-80 Estimate L $ 2,000 $ 17,151 531 166 $ 70,317 * Prior to 1977-78, City received 75% of Sewer Connection Fees for trunk line extensions within City. Thereafter, City received 5% of such fees for unrestricted use (after completing payoff of outstanding obligations to County Sanitation District No.7). BEAUTIFICATION FUND 1330 Real Property Transfer Tax $ 59,968 $ 64,965 $ 60,000 $ 59,900 $ 60,000 PARK BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured $ 97,402 $ 104,987 $ 95,000 $ 88,359 $ 105,000 1111 Unsecured 9,703 9,513 9,500 5,196 10,500 1112 Del inquent 950 1,903 930 500 500 4110 Interest --- 4,540 4,000 4,000 4,000 5140 Homeowners Tax Relief 6,667 6,244 6,000 2,999 4,000 5141 Business Inventory Tax ReI ief 3,378 11,117 3,000 2,263 2,000 5174 State 58 174 funds --- 13,375 5190 State Grant-Park Bonds 84,000 74,572 5330 County Grant-Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 116,500 130 7110 Sale of City Property 7,500 7140 Cont. From Non-govt. Source 1,400 7180 Recovery Dmg. City Property 64,320 -- TOTAL Ll1.!..J31l L.2!9, 38 ~ $ 118,1130 $ 103,317 $ 126,000 BUDGET 13 ""-~._--_.,_._~._...,.." ,... CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 19jb-7r--- 1977-78 $ 61,736 $ 75,540 6,090 6,029 603 1,355 --- 4,028 11,226 4,486 2,120 2,633 $ 74,775 $ 94,071 $ --- $ 198,709 446 845 9,237 --- $ --- $ 209,237 $6,243,028 ~LJl~, 722 SOURCE CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured 1111 Unsecured 1112 De 1 i nquen 1. 4110 Interest 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Relief 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1119 Property Taxes-Increment 4110 Interest 5140 Homeowners Property Tax ReI ief 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Rel ief 7110 Sale of City Property TOTAL GRAND TOTAL BUDGET 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection Est imate $ 70,000 $ 66,162 $ 65,000 7,000 3,362 4,500 700 400 300 4,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 2,236 2,000 2,500 1,539 1,000 $ 89,200 $ 76,699 $ 75,800 $ 430,000 $ 255,418 $ 350,000 --- --- 35,000 3,140 987 1,050 17,190 16,108 16,950 5,510 --- $ 450,330 $ 278,023 $ 403,000 $6,989,004 $7,3_3§---408 $~_,3~524 14 GENERAL FUND Fund 01 Approximately seventy percent of all monies received by the City is deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of Gen- eral Fund monies is received from property and sales taxes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fund 02 Revenues derived from fines imposed upon con- viction of misdemeanor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bail which has been forfeited by persons violating the Code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety Fund. State law prohibits the use of monies in this Fund for police officer compensation. REVENUE SHARING FUND Fund 05 Federal revenue sharing aid to cities and counties for a five-year period became effective December 1972. This initial pro- gram has been extended for a 3-3/4-year period, to October 1980. Distribution of monl~s is based on a formula of population, local tax effort (rate), and average per capita income. GASOLINE TAX FUND Fund 10 Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code are distri- buted to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gaso- line Tax Fund. Monies so received must gen- erally be expended for the construction of the Sta te-approved "se 1 ect aid sys tem'l of streets, or for maintenance. CITY OF TUSTIN FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND Fund 20 Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this Fund. Prior to 1976-77, monies were distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. Since June 1977,95% of all fees are distributed to the District, and 5% are credited to the City for administration and unrestricted use. This Fund will be eliminated when outstanding obligations are fulfilled. CITY BEAUTIFiCATION FUND Fund 30 Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from Real Property Transfer Taxes are deposited into Beautification Fund. The Fund is used to finance the construction and maintenance of beautification projects of the City. GRANT PERSONNEL FUND Fund 39 A separate accounting Fund has been established to record the collection and disbursement of monies from other governmental agencies which support additional employees and related costs for specific programs. An example of these pro- grams is the Comprehens i ve Emp 1 oymen t. and Tra i n- ing Act. Such programs are for limited periods and the employees involved are employed only so long as the funds are provided. PARK BOND FUND Fund 40 Proceeds of the $1,200,000, twenty-year General Obligation Park Bond Issue approved by the BUDGET 15 FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION PARK BOND FUND (Cont'd) Fund 40 citizens in 1971 were deposited and expended in this Fund. The Fund Is also used to con- trol revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. CIVIC CENTER BOND fUND Fund 4l Proceeds of the $950,000, twenty-five year General Obligation Civic Center Bond Issue approved by the citizens in 1972 were depos- ited into this Fund. These monies were restricted to construction of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Centennial Way. The Fund is now used solely to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. HEALTH BENEFIT FUND Fund 53 A separate trust fund has been establ ished to self-fund the routine cases of employee health and dental care. Departments are charged a "premium" based on "employees and coverage within the department. Expenses of the fund include paid claims, administra- tive costs, reinsurance costs, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Fund 55 A separate internal fund has been establ ished to self-fund the recurring costs of statutory payments under the Workers I Compensi:Jt ion Law for on-the-job injuries and occupation¿¡] ill- nesses. Departments are charged a "premium" l6 CITY OF TUSTIN "' based on normal insurance rates (adjusted by the Fund's experience) a~d applied to that department's payroll. Expenses of the Fund include medical claim payments, disability claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, legal expenses, and other expenses. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. This same fund is used to fund the self-insured retention portions of the City's liability and property insurance program, as well as the City's unemployment insurance liabilities. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT FUND Fund 59 The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency is a separate agency established by the City Council. The City Council sits as the Redevelopment Agency's governing body. Income of the Agency may consist of Tax Increment Bond proceeds, property tax increments from the County Tax Collector, rents, proceeds from sale of property, interest, and other sources. Expenditures are for redevelop- ment purposes within a defined redevelopment area. EQUIPMENT FUND Fund 70 A separate internal accounting Fund has been established to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are char(Jcd a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipment which provides for replacement, opera- tional expense, and repairs. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited depart- ment'; to the Fund. ßUpm::T ~ ( CITY OF TUSTIN I r '- PROPERTY TAXES 1110, llll, 1112 Prior to July 1,1978, general law cities were authorized to set a one-dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecu~d propertics for General Fund purposes. However, Proposition 13 has created a new system whereby the dl11uUllt of property tax is greatly reduced alld is dis- tributed as provided by the State Legislature. FRANCHISE TAX FEES 1210,_12JJL12g, 1213 Franchises for operations within the City, for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, water, cable television, and refuse col- lection companies. CITY SALES AND USE TAXES 1310 The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent and is State-collected. BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 1320 The City Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the City. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES 1330 Established by Ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. BUDGET REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION NEW CONSTRUCTION TAXES 1340 New residential and other construction is taxed by ordinance effective October 1972. The proceeds go to the General Fund to sup- port the increased cost of municipal ser- vices generated by the new development. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2150 Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS 2160 A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or deve lopers. OTHER LICENSES AND PERMITS 2190 Permit fees are charged for a license to operate taxicabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other pu~- poses. FINES AND FORFEITURES 3110, 3120 Includes Vehicle Code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eight-five per- cent of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the excep- tion of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. 17 CITY OF TUSTIN "' ) REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4110 STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 5_PfO_, 5141 (Cont'd) Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, City Beautification, Park Bond, and Civic Center BonØ Funds. Inventory tax exemptions. TRAILER COACH FEES 5150 Primarily interest received on delinquent property tax payments. Is in 1 ieu of property tax on trai lers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one-third each to schools, counties, and cities. OTHER INTEREST 4120 RENTS 4130, 4135, 4140 CIGARETTE TAXES 5160 Rent received for use of City buildings and property, primarily the Clifton C. Miller Community Center, and the lease of Fire Station No.2. A three-cent tax per pack. of cigarettes, establ ¡shed October 1, 1967, is State- collected, and is distributed to cities, one- half on the basis of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of population. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES 5110 Fees paid annually to and distributed by the Alcohol ic Beverage Control Board and based on location of the licensed facility, 90% of which is returned to the City. HiGHWAY CARRIERS BUSINESS LICENSE 5170 State-collected business license fees on high- way carriers in lieu of City business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 5120 STATE GRANTS 5180 Is in 1 ieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent of the market value of the veh¡cl~. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category. I STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5210, 5220, 5230, 5240 STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 5140, 5141 Payments by the State to the City in lieu of property taxes on Homeowner and Business State'"c.ollected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construc- tion and maintenance, primarily of non-local streets. BUDGET ~ 18 r \ t I [ ~ i I I ¡ I I , l COUNTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE ~~XES 5~~Q Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of Countywide benefit. FEDERAL GRANTS 551O, 5570 Grants from the Federal government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category. PLANNING FEES 6110 Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. SUBDIVISION MAP FEES 6115 Include subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 6125 A charge is made for City maps and repro- duction of documents distributed to pri- vate individuals. STREET CONSTRUCTION 6130 Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION STREET REIMBURSEMENT 6133 Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects~ PARKWAY TREE FEES 6135 Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of parkway trees by the City. WEED ABATEMENT 6140 Assessment charges made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property. RECREATION FEES 6145 Fees for the Summer Recreation and other recreation programs, charged to partially offset the cost of services. BUS FARES 6150 Charges made to users of the City public transportation system. FALSE ALARM FEES 6165 Service charges made to businesses, etc., having excessive false alarms on burglary and robbery alarm systems. 19 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS,EXPLANATIO~ OTHER CURRENT CHARGES 6190 PARK LAND DEDICATION FEES 1150 Charges made to the public for speciðl ser- vices including police protection at special events and required installation of street signs in new developments. Fees required from subdividers of resi- dential property in lieu of providing park land and facilities for future resi- dents. Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 7110 Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. SALE OF BONDS 7170 SALE OF UNCLAIMED.PROPERTY 7120 Not a true revenue account. Proceeds from the sale of bonds--money borrowed to be paid from additional property taxes over twenty to twenty-five years. Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY 7180 A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and cOn- nected to the City's sewer system. Prior to 1977-78, 75% was retained by the City for Trunk Main extensions and 25% was paid to the Sanitation District. Since that time, 5% is retained by the City for administrative expense and the balance returned to the District. Collections from insurance companies and private property for damage to City property such as vehicles, parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc. SEWER CONNECTION FEES 7130 SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE 7190 Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this accoun t. CONTRIBUTIONS 7140 Donations and contributions paid to the City for specific or general purposes. BUDGET ) 20 z ¡:: v: ~ ¡¡., ~ ~ > ..J UJ :z :z: :z a a V) f- ~ u UJ UJ Q. V> ... t..: ;.:; ,-. ~ >- t ~ ... CITY OF TUSTIN ) - ~---- _om SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Actual Actua 1 Actual Actual Actua 1 Actual Budget Legislation 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 Administration 7 8 7 7 7 9 12 Community Development 6 6 11 9 11 II 11 Non-Departmental -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Building Regulation 5 5 .'.J. .c.. .'..c .... J..e Po] ice 56 56 52 54 56 64 68 Fire 28 28 25 25 -- -- -- Engineering 7 7 6 6 7 7 8 Maintenance 24 24 22 22 24 30 30 Recrea 1. i on 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 Total Permanent m ill T37 137 TIT ill m Less Elected & Attorney ~ -1. ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 Adjusted Tota] Per 140 l4] 130 130 114 130 119 1000 Population 5.19 5.03 4. II 3.98 3.48 3.95 4. ]2 Temporary Positions* Crossing Guards 1. 60 3.21 3.21 4.52 6.54 6.71 5.86 Po lice Reserve .90 .72 .72 Fire Volunteers .46 .30 .30 Recreation Leaders 3.67 4.06 2.80 3.08 3.85 3. l3 2.92 Traffic Grant ---- ---- ---- ---- 4.00 2.00 ---- - - - - - Adjusted All Positions 145.63 149.29 137.03 137.60 128.39 141.84 147.78 Per 1000 Population 5.40 5.32 4.33 4.21 3.92 4.31 4.39 City Population 26,957 28,050 31,644 32,650 32,792 32,900 33,700 *Budgeted man-year equivalents of City positions, based on 2,080 work hours per year per position. Adjusted totals include all full-time and part-time, but exclude elective City Council and City Clerk and appointed City Attorney. ;'*Bui Iding Regulation was absorbed into Community Development in the 1975-76 Budget. BUDGET 21 CITY OF TUSTIN '\ SALARY RANGE NUMBER BY CLASSIFICATION Position ]974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 ]979-80 I Classification Actual Actual Actual Actua 1 Actual Budget I. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS-UNCLASSIFIED City Administrator 2667 2500 2750 3015 3286 3621 Asst. City Administrator 2125 2210 2431 ---- ---- ---- Pol ice Chief 2000 2080 2288 2565 2796 3081 Director of Publ ic Works 1925 2080 2288 2465 2990 3294 Community Development Director ---- ---- ---- 19] 5 2087 2644 Finance Director ---- ---- ---- 1900 2398 2693 Parks & Recreation Director ]550 1612 1773 1859 2000 2311 Personnel Director ---- ---- ---- 1650 1700 2336 Chief Deputy City Clerk 1200 1248 ]373 1439 1300 1878 City Attorney (a) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 City Clerk (b) 150 150 150 150 150 150 II. MANAGEMENT OFFICERS-CLASSIFIED Pol ice Captain ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 2546 Maintenance Superintendent 1400 1456 1650 1747 1904 2098 Pol ice Lieutenant 1587 1650 1650 1981 2l59 2379 Asst. City Engineer 1584 1647 1812 1899 2169 2390 Traffic Engineer 1534 1595 1755 l840 1917 2ll2 Building Official 1575 1638 ---- 1827 1926 2122 Pol ice Sergeant 1440 1483 1631 ] 710 1864 205L¡ Asst. to the City Administrator ---- ---- 1443 1450 1552 ---- Asst. Maintenance Superintendent ---- ---- 1376 1443 1573 1733 Accounting Coordinator ---- ---- ---- 1415 1542 1,898 Maintenance Foreman 1145 1191 1310 1373 1497 1649 Asst. Planner 1039 1081 1189 1309 1645 1915 Recreation Supervisor ---- ---- ---- 1205 1313 1597 III. GENERAL EMPLOYEES-CLASSIFIED Asst. Civil Engineer ---- J 230 1353 1631 1827 2013 Plan Checker ---- ---- ---- 1565 163l 1797 Pol ice Agent 1282 1320 1452 1522 1522 1814 Public Services Assistant 1262 1312 1443 1513 1577 1738 (a) Plus legal fees J (b) Salary established by electorate BUDGET ~----- 22 .. CITY OF TUSTIN .- III. GENERAL EMPLOYEES-CLASSIFIED (Cont'd) Position 1974- 75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Classification Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Planning Associate ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1697 Building Inspector 1242 1292 1421 l490 1553 1711 Police Officer 1221 1258 1384 1451 1451 1728 Publ ic Works Inspector ---- 1115 1288 1373 1540 1697 Equipment Mechanic 1055 1097 1207 1265 1318 1452 Administrative Assistant ---- ---- ---- 1260 1237 1697 Leadman - Tree Department ---- ---- ---- 1205 1256 . l384 Equipment Operator 989 1029 1l32 1187 1237 1363 Maintenance Leadman 989 1029 1132 1187 1256 1384 Senior Custodian 957 995 1095 1148 1196 1318 Tree Trimmer 957 995 1095 1148 1214 1340 Recreation Coordinator 957 995 1095 1148 1196 ---- Planning Aide ---- ---- ---- 1108 1156 1274 Building Aide ---- ---- ---- ---- l156 1274 Administrative Secretary 927 ---- ---- 1108 ---- 1340 Office Coordinator ---- ---- ---- ---- l212 1335 Engineering Aide 911 947 1042 1093 1139 1402 Maintenanceman II 911 947 1042 l093 1156 1274 Communications Officer 898 934 1027 1077 1102 1299 Deputy City Clerk 882. 917 1009 1058 1102 1351 Community Services Officer II 882 917 1009 1058 1102 1214 Maintenanceman I 869 904 994 1042 1102 1214 Secretary il 840 874 96l 1007 1102 1232 Records Administrator ---- ---- ---- 1007 ---- Classification Analyst ---- ---- ---- 1007 1007 Business License Coordinator ---- ---- ---- 984 1025 1129 Secretary i 800 832 915 960 1025 1183 Senior Account Clerk ---- ---- ---- 959 1000 1258 Recreation Technician ---- ---- ---- 959 1000 1102 Administrative Aide ---- ---- ---- 959 ---- ---- Cus tod i an 787 818 900 944 984 1084 Maintenance Trainee 787 818 900 944 ---- ---- Senior Typist 762 792 871 937 976 1075 Personnel Aide ---- ---- ---- ---- 976 ---- Records Clerk ---- ---- ---- 893 976 1075 Community Services Officer I ---- ---- ---- 893 931 1051 Intermediate Typist Clerk 726 755 831 871 908 1000 Recreation Clerk -- -- ---- ---- ---- 908 1000 Account Clerk ---- 755 831 871 952 1092 BUDGET 23 CITY OF TUSTIN ") III. GENERAL' EMPLOYEES-CLASSIFIED (Cont'd) Position 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 Classification Actual Act ua I Actual Actual Actual Budget Parking Control Officer ---- ---- ---- ---- 896 1113 Typist Clerk 658 684 752 788 821 982 Pol ice Service Aide ---- ---- ---- 662 -- -- ---- Records Supervisor ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1485 Personnel Analyst ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1497 IV. PART-TIME AND TEMPORARY-HOURLY WAGE Bus Driver ---- ---- ---- 5.16 5.16 ---- Senior Recreation Specialist ---- ---- ---- ---- 8.00 5.25 Pool Manager ---- ---- 4.00 4.25 ---- ---- Recreation Specialist ---- ---- ---- ---- 5.00 4.50 Recreation Clerk ---- ---- ---- 4.l0 4.l0 ---- Recreation Leader II ---- ---- 3.00 3.20 3.90 3.90 Recreation Leader I 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 3.40 3.40 Recreation Aide ---- ---- - --- ---- 2.65 2.90 Crossing Guard 2.40 2.50 2.65 2.75 2.90 4.00 Reserve Pol ice Officer 5.00 --- - ---- ---- ---- ---- Gene ra 1 Labor ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 3.50 Mechanic Helper ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- 5.25 BUDGET ) 24 CITY OF TUSTIN CURRENT SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E NUMBER Hourly Monthly Hourly Monthly Hourly Monthly Hourly Monthly Hourly Monthly 1903 9.3115 1566 9.8019 1644 10.3154 1726 10.8578 1812 11.4290 1903 1899 9.012 1562 9.462 1640 9.935 1722 10.437 1809 10.956 1899 1840 8.735 1514 9.167 1589 9.629 1669 10.108 1752 10.615 1840 1827 8.671 1503 9.104 1578 9.560 1657 10.039 1740 10.540 1827 1710 8.117 1407 8.521 1477 8.948 1551 9.389 1629 9.865 1710 1650 7.760 1345 8.169 1416 8.596 1490 9.046 1568 9.519 1650 1631 7.7423 1342 8.1289 1409 8.5328 1479 8.9596 1553 9.4096 1631 1565 7.425 1287 7.794 1351 8.187 1419 8.596 1490 9.0288 1565 1522 7.223 1252 7.587 1315 7.967 1381 8.365 1450 8.781 1522 1513 7.183 1245 7.540 1307 7.915 1372 8.314 1441 8.729 1513 1490 7.073 1276 7.425 1287 7.794 1351 8.187 1419 8.596 1490 1451 6.&89 1194 7.229 1253 7.592 1316 7.973 1382 8.371 1451 1443 6.848 1187 7.194 1247 7.552 1309 7.927 1374 8.325 1443 1415 6.715 1164 7.050 1222 7.402 1283 7.777 1348 8.164 1415 1373 6.519 1130 6.842 1186 7.113 1245 7.546 1308 7.921 1373 1309 6.214 1077 6.525 1131 6.854 1188 7.194 1247 7.5519 1309 1265 6.006 1041 6.306 1093 6.617 1147 6.952 1205 7.298 1265 1260 5.983 1037 6.277 1088 6.594 1143 6.923 1200 7.269 1260 1205 5.723 992 6.006 1041 6.306 1093 6.623 1148 6.952 1205 1187 5.637 977 5.914 1025 6.214 1077 6.519 1130 6.848 1187 1148 5.446 944 5.723 992 6.006 1041 6.306 1093 6.623 1148 1108 5.262 912 5.521 957 5.798 1005 6.087 1055 6.392 1108 1093 5.187 899 5.446 944 5.717 991 6.006 1041 6.306 1093 1077 5.112 886 5.365 930 5.637 977 5.919 1026 6.214 1077 1058 5.019 870 5.273 914 5.539 960 5.815 1008 6.104 1058 1042 4.944 857 5.192 900 5.452 945 5.723 992 6.012 1042 1007 4.783 829 5.019 870 5.267 913 5.533 959 5.810 1007 984 4.667 809 4.904 850 5.146 892 5.406 937 5.677 984 960 4.558 790 4.783 829 5.025 871 5.273 914 5.539 960 959 4.552 789 4.783 829 5.019 870 5.267 913 5.533 959 944 4.483 777 4.702 815 4.939 856 5.187 899 5.446 944 937 4.448 771 4.667 809 4.904 850 5.146 892 5.406 937 893 4.240 735 4.448 771 4.673 810 4.904 850 5.152 893 871 4.137 717 4.339 752 4.558 790 4.789 830 5.025 871 788 3.739 648 3.929 681 4.125 715 4.327 750 4.546 788 662 3.144 545 3.300 572 3.462 600 3.635 630 3.819 662 Step increments are 5%. Permanent employees normü1ly start at Step A and are eligible for Step B after six months at A, and for each succeeding step after one year at the previous step. BUDGET 25 z 1= r.t) :J E- V) > UJ cr: :z ~ 0 ~ I- 0 u :z UJ UJ V) Q. X UJ ¡... ~ l:J n 5 ¡:Q iJ.< 0 >- t: ;.; CITY OF TUSTIN 1 ACTIVITY STRUCTURE Genera! Government OPERATING BUDGET: Legislation Administration Community Development Non- Depa rtmenta 1 Pol ice Fire Eng i neer i ng Maintenance Recreation Grant Personnel Redevelopment Agency Public Faci Ii ties Beautification Projects Parks and Recreation Facilities Transportation Faci Ii ties Traffic Control Projects Flood Control Faci ¡¡ties Waste Disposal Facilities Water Supply & Distribution BUDGET ) 200 210 260 330 Public Safety 440 450 Public Works 500 560 Recreation 630 Grants 800 Redevelopment 900 CAP ITAL BUDGET: 10 30 40 60 65 70 80 90 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET: -. '."-.'", ". .,. --. _._."..._.__.~.~.._~._~...~-- -...- ..- _.~- ...w_--.. CITY OF TUSTIN EXPENDITURES OPERATING BUDGET Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 Activity Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Pol ice Fire Eng ineering Maintenance Recreation NORMAL OPERATIONS Grant Personnel Redevelopment Agency TOTAL OPERATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GRAND TOTAL $ 150. 466 197,758 197, lt59 1152,384 1,302,529 702,083 159,343 626,803 172,253 $3,961,578 194,090 7,000 $4,162,668 $1,781,097 $5,943,765 $ 167.460 201,342 231,949 561,737 1,3It9,508-~ 755,727 197,093 767,054 198,684- $4,430,554 339,396 32;708 $4,802,658 $1,894,577 $6,697,235 1979-80 BY CATEGORY 1978-79 Budget ~r2Jection $ 170,741 246,072 271 , 696 584,378 1 ,539,139 675,000 2119,738 789,907 185.577 $4,712,248 361,141 31,900 $5,105,289 $2,039,900 $7,145,189 OPERATING BUDGET Personnel Act i vi ty Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Pol ice Fi re Engineering 204,127 Maintenance 582,288 Recreation 139,800 NORMAL OPERATIONS $3,390,970 Grant Personnel 65,506 Redevelopment Agency 23,950 TOTAL OPERATIONS $3,480,426 l...' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $ --- GRAND TOTAL $3,480,426 I $ 117, l~ 32 270, 1 50 259,451 1 ,817,722 Supp 1 i es & Services $ 75,112 5],761 36,820 614,633 179,452 749,800 84,879 419,977 121,005 $2,333,439 3,811 46,500 $2,383,750 $ --- $2,383,750 BUDGET $ 164,383 215,204 275,562 542,888 1,528,571 678,703 244,432 820,796 193,558 $4,664,097 326,308 44,750 $5,035,155 $2,932,163 $7,967,318 Capital Outlay $ 2,222 28,741 --- 16,860 83,842 --- 1,887 9,307 4,000 $ ]46,859 1,000 --- $ 147,859 $2.485.218 $2,6}3,077 1979-80 Re~uest Approved $ 179,424 364,460 311,977 610,493 2,015,833 749,800 273,993 9ïJ,610 244,057 $5,721;647 70.3]7 70,450 $5,862,414 $ 194,766 350,652 296,271 631,493 2,081,016 71f9,800 290,893 1,011,572 264;805 $5,871,268 70,317 70,450 $6,012,035 $2,485,2lJL $8,497,253 1979-80 Total $ 194,766 350,652 296,271 631,493 2,081,016 749,800 290,893 1,011,572 26 I. ,805 $5,em ,268 70,317 70,450 $6,012,035 $2,485,218 $8.497,253 26 iJ.< "" '" I- UJ (.? C> > ~ !:Q :z 0 ø :z I- u I- ~I « ~ UJ Q. a :,.¡ :;.:¡ "" ~ z 1= '" ;:J ¡-. ~ 1». OBJECT IVES The City Council is the legislative and pol icy- making body of the City. Such activities are accomplished through the adoption of ordinances or City laws, the adoption of pol icy resolutions, the approval of contracts and agreements, the approval of the City's Annual and Ten-Year Budgets, and the review of the City's General Plan. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 19-76-77 1977-78 Staff 4 5 Personnel $ 86,623 $ 91,24] Suppl ies & Services 63,843 72,374 Capital Outlay --- 3,845 TOTAL EXPENSE $150,466 $167,460 PROGRAM The legislative function is responsible for the adoption of pol icies and legislation to better service the community and to guide the City staff in this critical period of community development. Publ ic safety, departmental organizational studies, TEN YEAR GUIDELiNE (1976 Project ions) 1976-77 1977-78 4 4 120.0 129.6 1978-79 4 l37.3 1979-80 4 145.6 Staff Budget (in $lOOOs) J CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 200 LEGiSLATION BUDG ET SUMMARY The City Council is assisted in its legislative function by the City Clerk, who is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City, and by the City Attorney, who performs all routine legal services for City officials and departments. This activity encompasses four activities: City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, and Elections. 1978-79 lcJ7g-80 Budget Projection Request Approved 5 4 4 4 $113,131 $101 ,545 $106,600 $117,432 57,610 62,838 67,634 75,112 --- --- 5,190 2,222 $ 170, 741 $164,383 $179,424 $194,766 annexations and elections, alternative methods of providing City services, long-range revenue legislation, and architectural and land use standards are areas of special concern. 1980-81 4 154.3 1981-82 4 165.6 1982-83 4 173 .5 1983-84 4 185.9 1984-85 4 195.1 1985-86 4 208.8 BUDGET 27 CITY OF TUSTIN , LEGISLATION BUDGET DETAiL Prior History 1978- 79 1979-80 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Request Approved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Chief Deputy City Clerk 1 (1373) 1 (1439) I (1439) 1 (1300) 1 (1300) 1 (1878) Deputy City Clerk 1 (1009) 2 (1058) 2 (J058) 1 (1102) 1 (1058) 1 (1351) License Coordinator ---- I ( 984) 1 ( 984) 1 (l025) 1 (1025) Senior Typist 1 ( 871) ---- ---- ---- ---- Intermediate Typist Clerk ---- ---- ---- ---- I ( 7117) Typist Clerk I (752) 1 ( 788) 1 ( 788) 1 ( 821) ---- 2 ( 982) Total Full-time 4 5 5 4 4 4 Counci 1 Members 5 (210) 5 ( 263) 5 ( 263) 5 ( 263) 5 ( 263) 5 ( 263) City Clerk I (l50) 1 ( 150) I ( 150) 1 ( 150) 1 ( 150) 1 ( 150) City Attorney 1 (1000) I (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) ] (1000) -.! (1000) Total Positions II 12 12 11 II II ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $ 47,499 $ 49,602 $ 61,485 $ 49,81 4 $ 51,678 $ 62,236 Elected or Part-time 26,364 27,040 29,550 29,550 29,580 29,550 Overtime 23 --- --- --- --- --- Retirement & Insurance 12,737 l4,599 22,096 22,181 25,342 25,646 Total Personnel $ 86,623 $ 91,24 ¡ $ 113, 131 $101,545 $106,600 $ 117, 432 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 39,284 $ 37,089 $ 34,000 $ 43,000 $ 34,000 $ 41,000 Off i ce Expense 100 100 113 100 300 100 Departmental Expense 9,938 2,322 1,187 1,737 1,640 1,500 Transportation Expense 5 56 ¡ 80 25 100 700 Training & Development 8,764 12,636 10,830 10,035 12,294 12,612 Legal Advertising 449 7,013 7,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 Merrberships 376 525 300 300 300 200 Elections & Annexations 4,927 12,633 4,000 3,641 l4,000 14,000 Total Sup. & Servo $ 63,843 $ 72,374 $ 57,610 $ 62,838 $ 67,634 $ 75,112 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ --- $ 3,845 $ --- $ --- $ 424 $ 322 Other Dept. Equipment --- --- --- --- 4,766 1,900 Total Capita] Outlay $ --- $ 3,845 $ --- $ --- $ 5,190 $ 2,222 GRAND TOTAL $150,466 $ 167, 460 $ 1 70, 74l $164,383 $179,424 $194,766 ~ BUDGET 28 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 200 LEGISLATION PERSONNEL The License Coordinator is transferred to Finance (Administration) and a'Typist Clerk added to replace her to provide better clerical and switchboard support at a lower cost, while also picking up the morning mail and providing duplication assistance to other departments. Salaries for 1979-80 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. Long-term disability is no longer included as this cost has been added to salaries and establ ¡shed as a payroll deduction. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes the services of the City Attorney and other legal counsel over and above the services covered by the monthly retainer. 1978-79 included $34,000 budgeted for legal services, but an actual projection of $43,000 due to labor relations, Dynachem, and the multitude of legal matters encountered. A similar rate of legal services usage is anticipated for 1979-80. Office Expense: includes office suppl ies. Departmental Expense: includes printing and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: includes a $50 per month auto allowance for the Chief Deputy City Clerk and mileage for use of employee vehicles. Training & Development: includes $8,100 for Council expenses, $3,460 for City Council, and $952 for City Clerk meetings and conferences. Legal Advertising: includes required legal publication of ordinances and notices. Memb ersh i ps: includes City Clerk memberships. Elections: includes cost of regular election in 1980, plus the costs of annexation elections. CAPITAL OUTLAY Departmental Equipment: provides $265 for a file cabinet, $27 for a coat rack, $30 for an automatic date stamp and $1,900 for a telecopier. BUDGET 29 Ii\> ) CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECT i VES DEPARTMENT 210 ADMINISTRATION BUDGET SUMMARY The City Administrator is appointed by the City Council as the chief administrative officer of the City--responsible for the implementation of Council policy and the supervision of all municipal activities. He advises the Council on the financial condition and needs of the City, on the improvement of City services, and on the long range development of the community and its environment. The City Administrator's staff accomplishes many of EXPENDiTURE SUMMARY Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 5 ta f f 7 7 Personnel $141,189 $142,616 Suppl ies & Services 55,994 57,512 Capital Outlay 575 1,214 TOTAL EXPENSES $197,758 $201 ,342 PROGRAM Annexations, spheres of influence, community pro- motion, community relations, exploration of alter- native methods to provide efficient and effective City services, and adequate financial planning to support those services, continue to be areas of major concentration. Employee relations, employee TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projection) 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Staff Budget (in $IOOOs) 9 192.4 9 206.7 10 228.0 10 236.4 the centralized responsibilities in the area of finance, personnel, municipal research, procedures analysis, purchasing and budget studies. The department is also responsible for studies on the application of modern management techniques; use of computers, microfilming, and information systems; the efficient and economical operation of the City organizations; and assisting other departments with special problems. This activity encompasses three activities: City Administrator, Personnel and Finance. 1978- 79 1979-80 Jl\!~ Projection Request App roved 9 10 12 12 $175,807 $145,355 $290,592 $270,150 49,848 49,383 51,386 51,761 20,417 20,466 22,482 28,741 $246,072 $215,204 $364,460 $350,652 safety, equal opportunity, risk management, develop- ment of parks, continued refinement of ten-year capital improvement and operating programs, and implementation of the Redevelopment Agency plans also represent areas of prime consideration. 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 10 250.6 10 264.6 10 28l.5 10 298.4 10 316.3 10 335.3 BUDGET 3 CITY OF TUSTIN '\ ADMINiSTRATION BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Request Approved City Administrator 1 (2750) 1 (30 1 5) 1 (3015) 1 (3286) 1 (3640) 1 (3621) Asst. City Administrator 1 (2431) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Finance Director ---- I (1900) 1 (1900) 1 (2398) 1 (2719) I (2693) Personnel Director ---- ---- 1 (1650) 1 (1700) 1 (2100) 1 (2336) Asst. to City Administrator 1 (l443) ---- 1 (1450) ---- ---- ---- Accounting Coordinator 1 (1059) 1 (1415) ¡ (14 I 5) 1 (1542) 1 (1917) 1 (1898) Asst. Personnel Director 1 (1400) I (l4 11) ---- ---- ---- ---- Administrative Assistant ---- 1 (1260) ---- I (1237) 1 (1585) 1 (1697) Secretary II I ( 96 I) ---- 1 (1007) 1 (1102) ---- ---- Senior Account Clerk ---- 1 ( 959) 1 ( 959) I (1000) 1 (1270) 1 (1258) Personnel Aide ---- I ( 937J 1 ( 937J 1 ( 976) 1 (1232) -- -- License Coordinator ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 ( 984) 1 (1129) Account Clerk I ( 831) 1 ( 871) I ( 871) I ( 952) 2 (1076) 2 (1092) Intermediate Typist Clerk ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 ( 999) 1 (1000) Administrative Secretary ---- 1 (1108) ---- ---- I (1102) 1 (1340) Personnel Analyst -- -- -- -- ---- ---- --- - ¡ (1497) Total Positions 7 9 9 9 12 12 ACCOUNTiNG DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $l21 ,545 $118,014 $147,042 $115,965 $243,532 $226,089 Educational incentive 954 1,292 1,400 2,025 2,150 2,150 Retirement & Insurance 18,690 23,310 27,365 27,365 44,910 41,911 Total Personnel $141,189 $142,6l6 $175,807 $145,355 $290,592 $270,150 Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services $ 46,778 $ 47,691 $ 40,400 $ 40,400 $ 39, 366 $ 39,366 Office Expense 389 400 650 650 650 650 Departmental Expense 572 1,621 1,730 l, 730 2,700 3,075 Transportation Expense 2,650 2,841 2,800 2,800 3,400 3,400 Training & Development 5,605 4,959 4,268 3,803 5,270 5,270 Total Sup. & Servo $ 55,994 $ 57,512 $ 49,848 $ 49,383 $ 51,386 $ 51,76 I Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 575 $ 914 $ ¡, 417 $ 1,414 $ 2,332 $ 2,332 Departmental Equipment --- 300 19,000 19,052 20,150 26,409 Total Capital Outlay $ 575 $ 1,214 $ 20,4l7 $ 20,466 $ 22,482 $ 28,741 GRAND TOTAL $197,758 $201 ,342 $246,072 $215,204 $364,460 $350,652 J BUDGET 31 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 210 J ADM IN I STRATi ON PERSONNEL The three positions recommended include two existing CETA clerical and accounting positions, and the transfer of the License Coordinator. This action is necessary to meet workload. The title of the City Administrator's Secretary is changed to the title of Administrative Secretary from Secretary II. Salaries for 1979-80 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes data processing expenses and implementation of business license system. Office Expense: includes office suppl ies. Departmental Expense: includes printing of forms and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provides monthly automobile allowance authorized the City Administrator ($150), Finance Director ($50) and Personnel Director ($50) for meetings, inspection trips and other transportation; and mileage for minor travel by others. Training & Development: includes $4,013 for staff meetings, training and conference expenses, and provides $968 for memberships in professional organizations. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: Provides $530 for (2) four drawer file cabinets, $265 for a calculator, $1060 for a fire proof safe, and $318 for a work table. Departmental Equipment: provides $20,150 equity in PADS computer being purchased over five years. This is the second year of acquisition. Also provides $2809 for a computer terminal, stand and telecommunications equipment necessary to implement the business license system, and $3,450 for a printing terminal. BUDGET 32 .. CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET SUMMARY The Inspection Services Division insures that all buildings in the City are constructed and maintained in compliance with the standards of safety and sanitation establ ¡shed by the City's adopted codes and other applicable City, County, and State laws. In accompl ishing these objectives, the Division reviews plans for conformance with existing laws, advises the public on proper methods of construction with the adopted standards, and inspects construction to insure that it is in accordance with the approved plan. OBJ ECTI VES DEPARTMENT 260 The Community Development function is responsible for land use planning and various inspection services. The planning responsibility insures compliance with the General Plan and establ ished community objectives. The department provides technical advice and recommenda- tions to the Planning Agency"City Council and City Administrator; implements the General Plan; administers and enforces zoning, sign, 1 itter and related regula- tions; and assists the general publ ic with development information and suggestions. EXPENDiTURE SUMMARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Request App roved Staff 9 11 11 11 11 11 Personnel $173,327 $ 1 97, 1 49 $218,368 $223,134 $275, '377 $259,451 Supplies & Services 21,245 33,059 37,550 36,650 36,400 36,820 Capital Outlay 887 1,741 15,778 15,778 --- --- TOTAL EXPENSES $197,459 $231,949 $271 ,696 $275,562 $311,977 $296,271 PROG RAM The 1979-80 Fiscal Year will be spent preparing a variety of studies and projects, as well as handling one of the largest construction periods in the past five years. Special projects to be accomplished include development of specific plans and alternatives in the Redevelopment Area; TEN YEAR GUiDELiNE (1976 Projection) 1976-77 1977-78 9 212.8 1978-79 9 225.6 1979-80 Staff Budget (in $1000s) 9 197.1 10 256.4 and annexation of the unincorporated areas within Tustin's sphere of influence. As time allows, the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and other programs will be updated. 1980- 81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 10 271.8 10 288.1 10 305.4 10 323.8 10 343.2 10 363.8 BUDGET 3 CITY OF TUSTIN ) "' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET DETA I L Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Request Approved Asst. City Administrator I (2431) ---- ---- ---- ---- Community Develop. Director ---- 1 (l915) 1 (1915) 1 (2087) I (2654) 1 (2644) Asst. Planning Director 1 (1930) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Bui 1ding Oficial ---- 1 (1827) 1 (1827) 1 (1926) I (2080) I (2122) Publ ic Services Assistant 1 (1443) 1 (1513) 1 (1513) 1 (1577) 1 (1697) ] (1738) Building Inspector 3 (1421) 3 (1490) 3 (l 490) '2 (1553) 2 (1671) 2 (1 7l1 ~ Assistant Planner ---- 1 (1 309) 1 (1 309) 1 (1645) 1 (l697) 1 (1915 Planner I I (1189) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Planning Associate ---- ---- ---- 1 (1540) 1 (l663) 1 (1697) P ¡ an Checke r ---- 1 (1565) I (1565) 1 (1631) 1 (1756) I (1797) Bui lding Aide ---- ---- ---- 1 (1 156) 1 (1260) 1 (1274) Planning Aide ---- 1 (1108) 1 (11 08) 1 (1156) 1 (1243) I (1274) Secretary II 1 ( 961) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Secretary I 1 (915) I ( 960) I ( 960) 1 (1025) 1 (J077) 1 (1183) Senior Typist ---- 1 ( 937) I ( 937) ---- ---- Total Positions 9 II 1 I 11 11 Tï ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $151,339 $165,168 $ 190 ,759 $188,525 $227,520 $223,057 Redevelopment Reimbursement --- -- (9,000) ( 1 ,000) --- (9,950) Educational Incentive 115 302 170 170 600 600 Overtime and Part-time 139 139 1,500 1,500 7,500 7,500 Retirement & Insurance 23,734 31,540 34,939 33,939 39,957 38,244 Total Personnel $l 75, 327 $197, I 49 $218,368 $223,134 $275,577 $259,451 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 7,588 $ 17,738 $ 21,400 $ 20, 1 50 $ 19,900 $ 19,900 Office Expense 400 475 500 500 500 500 Departmental Expense 1,412 4,528 3,100 3,400 3,400 3,400 Commiss ion Fees 2,875 ---- --- --- --- --- Transportation Expense 6,000 6,863 9,750 9,750 9,750 10, 170 Training & Development 2,970 3,455 2,800 2,850 2,850 2,850 Total Sup. & Servo $ 21,245 $ 33,059 $ 37,550 $ 36,650 $ 36, 400 $ 36,820 BUDGET ~ 34 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 260 ; II> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PE RSONNEl The Council approved conversion of a Building Inspector position to a Planning Associate in the 1978-79 fiscal year. Part-time salaries of $7,000 have been budgeted for Sign Code enforcement, drafting assistance and supplemental building inspectors on a part-time basis. Salaries for 1979-80 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes $500 for weed abatement which provides for the cost of clearing littered or overgrown vacant property until the City is reimbursed by the property owner. Also included is $250 for outside plan check of complex b~ildings, $250 for microfilming of bui lding records, and $l8,900 for planning consultant services as needed. Office Expense: includes office suppl ies. Departmental Expense: Printing & Suppl ies includes printing, departmental supplies, and copies of adopted Uniform Codes. Commission Fees previously provided for Planning Commission fees, prior to its dissolution in July 1977. Transportation Expense: provides $50 monthly automobile allowance for the Community Development Director and monthly rental of six pool cars ($9,1120). Training & Development: includes $2,250 for conferences and meetings and $600 for memberships and pub] ¡cations. CAPITAL OUTLAY None. r BUDGET 35 COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET DETAiL ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd) Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles Office Equipment Departmental Equipment Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTAL Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 $ --- -- 90 416 797 1,325 $ 887 $ 1,741 $197,459 $231,949 '<h CITY OF TUSTIN "' 1978-79 Budget Projection $ 5,000 $ 6,358 --- --- lO,778 9,420 $ 15,778 $ ¡ 5,778 $271,696 $275,562 1979-80 Request Approved $ --- $ --- --- $ --- ~ $311,977 $296,271 BUDGET J ~ .. OBJECTIVES The Non-Departmental activity contains those ex- penditures that affect all departments or the City as a whole. Examples of these are independent audit expenses, City liabil ity and property damage insurance, duplication expenses, postage and office equipment maintenance, and special census expenses. Special programs such as refuse collection and the City's bus system are also included in this activity. Employee insurance and retirement expenses have been EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History ill6-77 1977-78 5 ta ff Personnel ~(14,596) $ 56,975 Supplies & Services 463,763 501,512 Capital Outlay 3,717. 3,250 TOTAL EXPENSE $452,884 $561,737 PROGRAM Programs of the Non-Departmental activity include the following: 1. Collection of waste materials on a regular basis so as to protect the appearance and health of the community. This is accompl ished by weekly collections under the Sol id Waste Collection Contract. An exc Ius ive contract was awarded effective June 1, 1972, expiring July 1, 1983. 2. Purchase of replacement vehicles financed through charges to us i ng departments. Rental charges also cover the cost of operating and TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Staff Budget (in $IOOOs) 386.7 406.4 412.6 446.9 ¡I CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 330 NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY spread to the benefited activities and thus are no longer included. Funds for Community Promotion, such as City memberships in other organizations, Chamber of Commerce services, and community advertising, are budgeted in this Activity as they represent Citywide expenses. 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection Request Approved --- --- --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ 560,993 540,438 593,633 6J4,633 23,385 2,450 l6,860 16,860 $584,378 $542,888 $610, 493 $631,493 maintaining the vehicles. 3. Provision of employee benefits to protect the employees' welfare and maintain a competitive employment environment. 4. Provision of adequate insurance to protect the City's interest in liability and property damage cases. 5. Centralization of certain common office expenses and dupl ication costs for greater visibility and control. 6. The debt retirement cost for Park Bond and Civic Center Bond have been included as Non-Departmental Expenses. 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 453.0 461.9 471 .6 482.2 493.6 505.9 BUDGET 3ï CITY OF TUSTIN ') NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET DETA I L Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1976- 77 1977-78 Budget Projection Request ~proved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE (none) ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Undistributed Fringe $(14,596) $ 56,975 $ --- $ --- $ --- $ Benefits Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services Professional Services $ 2,000 $ 14,480 $ 2,000 $ 2,697 $ 2,000 $ 23,000 Refuse Collection 95,270 98,397 125,000 l12,000 122,500 122,500 Aud i 1. i ng 7,500 9,245 9,000 13,000 10,000 10,000 City insurance 122,660 129,413 164,735 151,085 151, i 50 151,150 Medical Services 4,463 8,816 5,500 5,500 15,400 15,400 Office Expense Postage 9,691 12,900 16,450 17,025 18,725 18,725 Office Equipment Maint. 2,343 1,218 1,400 2,500 2,500 2,500 Duplication Expense 22,482 19,911 ¡ 7,100 18,900 15,900 15,900 Printing 459 397 - -- --- --- --- Other 2,529 10,378 6,000 6,853 6,600 6,600 Training & Development 4,685 3, 162 4,500 3,000 4,500 4,500 Personnel Recruitment --- 4,203 5,160 5,000 9,150 9,150 Other Expenses Bus Expenses 3,889 3,195 8,000 8,000 12,000 12,000 Bond Expense 181,378 186,728 18l, 378 l81 ,378 201,028 20l ,028 City Memberships 3,518 8,018 6,220 5,400 5,800 5,800 City Advertising 557 664 1,350 1,100 1,450 1,450 Chamber of Commerce 6,450 8,390 7,200 7,000 14,930 14,930 Charges-Other Accounts (6, 111) (18,003) --- --- --- - Total Sup. & Servo $463,763 $501,512 $560,993 $540,438 $593,633 $614,633 Capital Outlay Bui ¡ding Modification $ 1,250 $ -- - $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- Motor Vehicles 75,334 105,704 93 ,270 75,404 80,500 80,500 Equipment Fund Reimbursement(75,334) (105,136) (73, 130) (75,404) (80,500) (80,500) Offi ce Equi pment 2,467 2,682 3,245 2,450 16,860 16,860 Total Capital Outlay $ 3,717 $ 3,250 $ 23,385 $ 2,450 $ 16,860 $ I 6 , 860 GRAND TOTAL $452,884 $561,737 $584,378 $542,888 $610,493 $631,493 ~ BUDGET ---- -- _un 38 ~UDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN NON-DEPARTMENTAL t PERSONNEL None. I SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Professional Services provides for water consultant expense. Refuse Collection provides for cost of refuse collection service to single-family, duplex and triplex residential property and canmercial businesses requiring only minimum service. Auditing provides for the City's independent audit of financial records. City Insurance provides for liability, property damage, surety insurance or self-insurance expenses. Medical Services provides for physical examinations of new employees and of existing employees on a periodic basis I Office Expense: Postage provides for postage in all departments including postage for quarterly City newsletter. Office Equipment Maintenance provides for maintenance of all City office equipment. Duplication Expense includes equipment rental and supplies for duplication work. Other provides for operating the central supply room. Training & Development: provides for tuition reimbursement, personnel recruiting costs, and employee recognition. 1 Othe r Expenses: Bond Expense provides for Park and Civic Center Bond interest, Bond repayment, and related expenses. Bus Expense provided for operating costs of City Bus Service or bus contract. City Memberships provides for City memberships in the Orange County Division, the State League of California Cities, and other organizations. City Advertising includes miscellaneous City advertising expenses. Chamber of Commerce provides $10,330 for the Chamber of Commerce, $2,200 for the Jaycees (Ti ller Days Parade), and $2,400 for the Chamber-Historical Society lease agreement. Charges-Other Account~ provided for reimbursement of overhead costs from Personnel Grants. I CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: provides for replacement of City vehicles from the Equipment Fund (7 administrative vehicles, 1 pick-up truck, 1 brush chipper, and 1 tractor mower), and $13,500 for the last of five installments for the vacuum street sweeper. Equipment Fund Reimbursement: reimbursements from Equipment Fund for replacement of vehicles and equipment. Office Equipment: provides $6,960 for replacement of eight typewriters over six years of age, $500 for replacement I' of small calculators as needed, $1,000 for additional shelving in basement, and $8,400 for the purchase of a small copy machine having reduction capability. .Ik HUDGET 39 r OBJECTIVES Pol ice services provide protection to 1 ¡fe and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. The patrol function is to discourage violations. detect those which occur. and apprehend violators. The detective function complements the patrol function by pro' viding thorough investigation leading to identi~ fication, apprehensions, and the recovery of EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSES 54 $1,138,483 142,523 21,523 $1,302,529 PROGRAM 56 $1,194,070 147,113 8,325 $1,349,508 In 1978, this Department handled 16,967 calls for service, a 9% increase over 1977. In 1979, an estimated 18,500 calls should be handled, which wi 11 be a 9% increase over 1978. Part I crimes increased 9% from 2,833 in 1977 to 3,079 reported TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projection) Staff Budget (in $1000s) 1976-77 55 1,333.9 1977-78 56 1,437.8 1978-79 57 1 ,521. 0 I ; I ~ CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 440 POLICE BUDGET SUMMARY stolen goods. The traffi c enforcement function is to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of automobiles and pedestrians through enforcement of State and local traffic laws. The department also provides educational programs on burglary and theft prevention, narcotic control and bicycle safety, supervises school crossing guards, and performs vacation security checks. 1978-79 1979-80 Budg~ Projection Request Approve~ 61 64 71 68 $1,300,590 $1,299,629 $1,755,264 $1,817,772 173,519 167,742 171,552 179,452 65,030 61,200 89,017 83,842 $1,539,139 $1,528,571 $2,015,833 $2,081,016 in 1978. in 1979, an estimated 3.684 crimes should be reported, which will be a 19% increase over 1978. Traffic citations issued totalled 11,675. an increase of 73%. In 1979, citations are projected to increase 10% over 1978. 1979-80 58 1,619.7 1980-81 60 1,707.8 1981-82 61 1,819.7 1982-83 62 1,912.7 1983-84 63 2,037.1 1984-85 65 2,158.5 1985-86 -65 2,287.2 BUDGET 40 POLICE BUDGET DETA I L PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Police Chief Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Po lice Agen 1. Pol ice Officer Records Supervisor Office Coordinator Communications Officer Community Services Officer II Secretary ii/Office Coord.'-;) Secretary I Senior Typist Records Clerk Property Officer Intermediate Typist Clerk Parking Control Officer Pol ice Aide Total Full-Time Cross i ng Guard Reserve Offi cer Total Positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Educational Incentive Overti me Reserve Officers Crossing Guards Retirement & Insurance Uniform Allowance Tota 1 Pe rsonne I - CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 1 (2288) 3 (1815) 7 (l631) 13 (1452) 17 (1384) 5 (1027) 1 ( 961) 1 ( 915) 2 ( 871) 4 ( 831) 5l\ ]0 (2.65) 10 ( 0) 74 $ 834,850 $ ]4,488 62,200 23,010 203,935 1 (2565) 3 (1981) 7 (1710) J I (1522) 21 (1451) 5 (1077) 1 (1007) 1 ( 960) 2 ( 937) 4 ( 893) 5ö l5 (2.75) 10 ( 0) 8i 869,938 18,890 4/1,666 (,2 33,608 226,906 $i,T38,/183 $I;T§ï¡,070 1978-79 Budge 1. "-roj ec 1. ion 1 (2565) 3 (1981) 7 (1710) S1¡ (1522) 25 (1451) 5 (1077) 1 (1058) 1 (I J08) 1 ( 960) 2 ( 937) 51 ( 893) 1 (860 ) öl 16 (2.90) 25 ( 0) 102 $ 957,369 2/,315 70,220 110,465 193,576 11,64S $T,306-:sT6 IIIII)(;ET 1 (2796) 3 (2159) 7 (1864) at ( 1522) 28 (1451) I (1212) 5 (I 179) 1 (1102) 1 (1025) 2 ( 976) 5~( 976) 1 ( 896) Pi 16 (2.90) 25 ( Q) 105 $ 971,7/,3 22,146 76, 821~ 22,162. 193,584 _..__12J19 $1 ,299. (,29 1979-80 Request Approved I (3020) 2 (2293) 4 (2159) 7 (1864) 10 (1522) 28 (l451) 1 (1562) 1 (12 12) . 5 (1179) 1 (1102) 1 (1025) 2 ( 929) 7 ( 976) 1 ( 844) I (896) 72 17 (2.90) 25 ( 0) m $1,164,362 43, 776 1 17,295 39,000 374,831 16,000 $1,755,264 I (3081) 2 (2546) 3 (2379) 7 (2054) 7 (1814) 28 (1728) 1 (1485) 1 (1335) 5 (1299) 1 (1214) ---- 1 (1183) 2 (1075) 7 (1075) 1 (12l4) 1 (1113) bE 7 (4.00) 25 ( 0) llO $1,288,343 25,000 102,875 39,000 348,404 14,100 $1,817,772 .. BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT l¡l¡o POLICE PERSONNEL This year's budget adds the equivalent of four positions; two positions by picking up 50% of the four traffic grant personnel as required under the grant agreement and two CETA positions are converted to regular status as a Property Officer and a Records Clerk for word processing. The management positions have been reorganized so that our titles wi 11 more closely conform to the practice of other agencies. This action does not add to the number of officers nor increase the salaries as we were already comparing by duty assignment. Salaries for 1979-80 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides contingency allocation for County Jail and victim medical examinations. Facil ities Expense: prior to 1977-78, provided for department's unique telephone service. Office Expense: provides for office ,suppl ies, including duplication expense. Departmental Expense: provides for printing, uniforms, ammunition, travel expenses connected with out-of-County . court appearances and prisoner pickup, and other departmental suppl ies and services. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental of all patrol and administrative vehicles for operation, maintenance, and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: includes firing range expenses, professional meetings, training seminars, POST training reimbursement, memberships and publications. CAP ITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: provides $1,400 for one desk, 5 briefing room chair/table units and one small work table in records; $475 for one typist chair and 2 office chairs; $600 for couch and coffee table for Chief's office; $1,565 for 4 bookcases, one locking lateral file and a desk top organizer; $1,060 for 10 lockers to be used by reserves and other personnel; $65 for one calculator; $4,200 for 7 dictaphone multi-recording/receiving heads for 24-hour tape logger; $1,180 for 18 recording tapes for tape logger; $37,300 for microfiche system to update records filing and retrieval capabi 1 ¡ties; $450 for other items Departmental Equipment: provides $945 for one Polaroid Camera and one sound movie projector; $768 for 6 walkie talkies for special events; $4,588 forstakeout&surveillance equipment; $17,000 for recarpeting police building; $1,000 for l2 evidence collection kits; $2,968 for one high capacity paper shredder; $424 for small paper shredder for Chief's Office; $1,000 for miscellaneous maintenance and repairs; $954 for 2 crime prevention films; $1,200 for 20 batteries for pac set radios; $4,700 for portable color video camera and recorder. BUDGET 42 CITY OF TUSTIN " POLICE BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1978- 79 1979-80 ACCOUNTING DETAiL (Cont'd) 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Reques 1. App roved Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 2,050 $ 3,809 $ 4,950 $ 3,443 $ 4,580 $ 4,580 Facilities Expense 77 --- --- --- --- --- Offi ce Expense 13,036 16,751 19,000 10,800 10,400 12,400 Departmental Expense 24,834 36,241 32,688 38,373 51,578 51,578 Transportation Expense 101,858 80,416 105,120 104,620 97,460 106,760 Training & Development 668 9,896 ll, 761 10,506 7,534 4,134 Total Sup. & Servo $ 142,523 $ 147,113 $ 173,519 $ 167,742 $ 171,552 $ 179,452 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ --- $ --- $ 24,118 $ --- $ --- $ Building Modification 6,000 --- --- --- --- Office Equipment 2,062 2,046 12,955 34,503 53,470 48,295 Departmental Equipment 13,461 6,279 27,957 26,697 35,547 35,547 Total Capital Outlay $ 2l,523 $ 8,325 $ 65,030 $ 61,200 $ 89 ,0 17 $ 83,842 GRAND TOTAL $1,302,529 $1,349,508 $1,539,139 $ 1 ,528,571 $2,015,833 $2,081,016 43 BUDGET OBJECTIVES Fire services provide protection to 1 iFe and property through fire prevention, fire suppression, and emergency rescue services. The prevention function is to provide public education on fire safety, fire prevention inspections, and review of proposed development plans for fire safety. The Sllp )f"êssion EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1976-77 - 19U-78 25 25 $562,466 $370,769 121,570 381,683 18,047 3,275 $702,083 $755,727 1977-78 1976-77 (to 12/31/77) 2]0 124 812 545 355 216 364 200 f;74T 1,085 Staff Personne 1 Supp 1 i es. & Servi ces Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENS E PROGRAM Fires Rescues Non-Fires Other TOTAL Fire Loss (in $-thousands) CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 450 FI RE BUDGET SUMMARY function involves the deployment of sufficient apparatus and trained personnel in quick and effective response to any fire alarm. Since April 1975, the City has provided Paramedic service, and, since January 1978, Fire protection services, through a contract with the Couuty of Orange. 1978-79 Budge 1. - !'¡-S,j ect i on 1979-80 Request ~pproved $ 675,000 $675,000 $ 678,703 $678,703 $ 749,800 $749,800 $ 749,800 $749,800 Property Saved (in$-miIlions) TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections before County Contract) Staff Budget (in $IOOOs) 1976-77 28 802.5 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-30 29 871.1 29 919.9 29 964.6 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 --.-- 29 1,205.8 1984-85 29 1,277.7 1985- 86 29 1,021.5 29 1,066.9 29 1,145.9 29 1,354.0 BU()(;ET 44 FIRE BUDGET DETAIL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Fire Ch i ef Operations Officer Fire Marshal Fire Captain, Fire Engineer Fireman Secretary II Total Ful1-time Volunteers Total Positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Overti me Educational Incentive Vol unteers Arson Investigation Retirement & Insurance Total Personnel Supplies & Services Contractual Services Hyd ran 1. Ren ta 1 Communications Center Data Processing County Fire Contract Paramedics Facilities Expense Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Deve10pment Tota] Sup. & Servo CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1978- 79 1979-80 1976- 77 1977-78 Budge t Projection Request Approved 1 (1960) 1 (2115) 1 (1815) I (1903) 1 (1812) 1 ( 1 899) 6 (1571) 6 (1647) 6 (1389) 6 (1 456) 9 (1304) 9 (1366) 1 ( 961) I (1007) 25 25 0 b---- 0 0 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 25 25 0 0 0 Õ $ 390,848 51,761 8,136 111,721 $562,466 $ 8,943 20,148 56,187 619 569 11,472 20,008 3,624 $121 ,570 $272,473 30,442 5,040 $ $ $ $ 62,814 $370,769 ~ $ ~ $ $ 9,368 l2,787 2,000 253,731 77 ,579 $ $ $ $ 9,650 9,800 740,000 9,800 740,000 675,000 669,053 353 9,501 15,159 1,205 $38~ 45 BUDGET I - ~ $675,000- $ 71i9;ãõO $ 6}s-:iö"j' ~~oo .. CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 450 FIRE PERSONNEL The City no longer has fire personnel, due to the complete County contract SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Hydrant Rental: payment to Water Works for hydrant rental. (P.U.C. does not permit City's deletion) Communications Center: payment for contract dispatching service with Santa Ana. Paramedics: payment to County of Orange for paramedic service contract (included in complete County Fire Contract After July 1978). County Fire Contract: payment to County of Orange for complete fire services and paramedic services after July I, 1978. Facil ities Expense: provided for the department's telephone system. Office Expense: provided for office supplies. Departmental Expense: included printing, small tools, uniforms, and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provided for vehicle rental of all departmental vehicles and equipment for operation, maintenance, and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, and memberships. CAPITAL OUTLAY None. BUDGET 46 FiRE BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTiNG DETAIL (Cont'd) Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles Land Acquisition or Appraisal Building Modifications Office Equipment Department Equipment Rescue & Safety Equipment Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTAL ClTY OF TUSTIN "\ Prior History 1978- 79 1979-80 1976-77 1977- 78 Budge 1. Projection Request .ðpproved $ 14,550 $ -- - $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- 1,800 307 1,475 71 2,109 1,010 $ 18,047 $ 3,275 $ --- $ --- $ --- "$ $702,083 $755,727 $675,000- $678,703 $749,800 $749,800 BUDGET I ~ 47 .. CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 500 OBJECTIVES ENGINEERING BUDGET SUMMARY The Engineering Department is responsible for a wide scope of activities including capital improve- ment planning, project cost estimating, project engineering, contract administration, construction inspection, traffic engineering, subdivision and lot division review, zoning application review, maintenance of street and underground facility map records, street dedications, and technical advice to the City Administrator and City Council on all subjects involving engineering. Representa- tive projects include street construction, sewer and storm drain construction, park and beautification projects, traffic signals, street lighting, sidewalks and engineering assistance to the Maintenance Department. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1978- 79 1979-80 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Request Approved 6 7 7 7 8 8 $124,916 $l42,375 $155,324 $ I 56 ,277 $186,327 $204,127 31,726 44,624 92,810 86,760 85, 779 84,879 2,70 t 10,094 1,604 1,395 1,887 1,887 $l59,343 $197,093 $249,738 $244,432 $273 ,993 $290,893 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM The following programs were completed or are under design and construction in the 1978-79 fiscal period: Columbus-Tustin Parksite Phase II, Columbus-Tustin Parksite parking lot, Centennial Park sidewalk reconstruction; Bryan Avenue widening, Newport Avenue Phase IV Bike Trail and signal, Nisson Road and Mitchell Avenue sidewalk con- struction; Bryan and Browning Avenue Intersection widening, Red Hill Avenue widening, 17th Street widening, Sycamore Street pedestrian crossing, /1ajor Maintenance Program; Traffic Signals: 17th Street at Costa Mesa Freeway; Flood Control Facilities: Red Hi 11 Avenue drain No.3, Sycamore Avenue drain; Community Redevelopment Agency projects: Sixth Street extension to Newport Avenue, Main Street at El Camino Real, First Street at Centennial Way, Larwin Square underground project and the El Camino Real water main. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 Staff 6 6 6 Budget (in $IOOOs) 151. I 164.4 169.9 Other projects and work areas include the preparation of annexation maps and legal descriptions; application to other governmental agencies for grants and/or cooperative projects; attendance and input to several Technical Advisory Committees throughout the County; and continuing efforts in coordinating the Community Redevelopment Agency Capital Program. 1979-80 1980 - 81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 199.7 211.2 227.9 240.4 249.4 264.4 280.1 BUDGET 48 CITY OF TUSTIN - } ENG I NEER I NG BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1977-78 1979-80 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projected Request Approved City Engineer 1 (2288) 1 (2465) 1 (2465) 1 (2990) 1 (2990) 1 (3294) Assistant City Engineer I (1812) 1 (1990) 1 (1989) 1 (2169) 1 (2275) 1 (2390) Associate/Traffic Engineer 1 (1755) 1 (1840) I (1840) ---- ---- ---- Traffic Engineer ---- ---- ---- 1 (191?) 1 (1920) 1 (2112) Assistant Civil Engineer ---- 2 (1631) 2 (1631) 2 (1827) 2 (182?) 2 (2013) Public Works Inspector ---- 1 (1373) I (1478) 1 (l540) 1 (1540) 1 (1697) Junior Civil Engineer 1 (1353) Engineering Aide/Inspector 1 (1288) Engineering Aide ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 (1033) 1 (1402) Secretary i 1 ( 915) 1 ( 960) 1 ( 960) 1 (1025) 1 ( 929) .J. (lJßJl Total Positions 6 7 7 7 8 8 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Per sonne 1 Regular Salary $104,965 $120,975 $141,794 $143,147 $167,510 $ 186, 300 Redevelopment Reimbursement --- --- (12,000) (12,000) (14,000) (14,000) Overt ¡me 1,078 113 500 100 100 100 Educational Incentive 380 1,004 - -- --- --- --- Retirement & insurance 18,493 20,283 25,030 25,030 32,717 31,727 Total Personnel $124,916 $142,375 $155,324 $156,277 $186,327 $204,127 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 21,857 $ 33,695 $ 78,000 $ 73,000 $ 72,000 $ 72,000 Off i ce Expense 785 1,143 930 930 960 960 Departmental Expense 4,415 3,479 3,280 3,280 3,275 3,275 Transportation Expense 3,600 5,460 8,700 7,800 7, 64LI 6,744 Training & Development 1,069 347 1,900 1,750 1,900 1,900 Total Sup. & Servo $ 31,726 $ 44,624 $ 92,810 $ 86,760 $85,779 $ 84,879 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 300 $ 7,012 $ 390 $ 181 $ 583 $ 583 Departmental Equipment 2,401 3,082 1,214 1,214 1,304 1,304 Total Capital Outlay $ 2,701 $ 10,09 4 $ 1,604 $ 1,395 $ I, 887 $ 1,887 GRAND TOTAL $159,343 $197,093 $249,738 $24~ 432 $273,993 $290,893 49 BUDGET ) CITY OF TUSTIN iBUDG ET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 500 ENGINEERING ¡PERSONNEL ~he CETA Engineering Aide is converted as requested. palaries for 1979-80 include annual salary adjustments. ! Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. I I SUPPLIES & SERVICES 10ntractuaJ Services: engineering, surveying and testing services, signal maintenance starting Ju]y 1977, and signal energy starting July 1978. ff i ce Expense: provides for office suppl ies. Departmental Expense: ransportation Expense: provides $50 monthly automobile allowance for the Director of Publ ic Works and monthly vehicle rental of four pool vehicles for the inspector, surveying, etc. includes printing and departmental supplies (and Commission fees prior to 7/1/77). ~aining & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications, and memberships. rAP/TAL OUTLAY v:fice Equipment: provides $159 for two (2) portable scientific calculators, and $424 for a Digital Polar Compensating Planimeter. I ~artmental Equipment: traffic counters. provides $1,161 for one traffic counter, and $J43 for two (2) air switches for old - BUDGET Í o. OBJECTIVES The Street Maintenance activity maintains, repairs and cleans public streets and related facilities so as to provide smooth, safe and attractive streets for the travel ing public and to extend the useful 1 ife of these facilities, Its work includes street and alley repair, sign maintenance, centerline and crosswalk painting, tree trimming, landscape maintenance, street sweeping, and sidewalk repair. The Government Buildings Division provides for the operation and maintenance of City buildings; EXPENDiTURE SUMMARY Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 24 $369,135 353,656 44,263 $767,054 22 $342,711 276,894 7,198 $626,803 PROGRAM Maintenance is a key factor in keeping facil ities available, extending their useful life, ànd estab- I ishing the tone for a positive community image. in addition, this activity has landscaped many of the existing City center islands and accomplished other landscaping projects. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976-77 1977- 78 28 776.3 29 834.7 1978-79 Staff Budget (in $lOOOs) 25 697.2 1979-80 29 883.6 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 560 J MAINTENANCE BUDGET SUMMARY included are the costs of custodial services, utilities, repai~, custodial supplies, and telephone service. The Parks ,Division maintains, cleans and otherwise cares for City-owned or leased park facilities so as to provide convenient, safe and attractive facilities for the lesiure time activities of the general public, and to extend the useful life of these facilities. 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection Reques 1. Approved 25 30 30 30 $418,284 $419,244 $520,629 $ 582,288 353,000 385,474 420,477 419,977 18,623 16,078 30,504 9,307 $789,907 $820,796 $971,610 $l,011,572 The maintenance workload will continue to increase as additional street mileage is constructed or annexed, and additional street center islands are constructed. With the completion of the new Mainte- nance Yard in 1978, this Department has been able to increase efficiency substantially. 1980-81 1981-82 31 1,004. ¡ 1982-83 31 1,063.2 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 30 948.4 3 I 1,125.8 31 1,192.0 31 1,262,4 BUDGET 51 CITY OF TUSTIN , MAINTENANCE BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Request Approved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Maintenance Superintendent 1 (1650) 1 (l74 7) 1 (1747) J (1904) J (1904) 1 (2098) Asst. Maintenance Supt. 1 (1376) 1 (1443) 1 (l443) 1 (1573) 1 (1573) 1 (1733) Mechanic Foreman I (1310) 1 (1373) 1 (1373) 1 (1497) J (1497) 1 (1649) Maintenance Foreman 1 (1310) 1 (1373) 1 (1373) 1 (1497) 1 (1497) I (1649) Tree Foreman 1 (1310) ---- ---- ---- ---- Park Foreman 1 (1310) I (1373) 1 (1373) I (1497) 1 (1497) 1 (1649) Equipment Mechanic 2 (1207) 2 (1265) 2 (1265) 2 (1318) 2 (1318) 2 (1452) Equipment Operator 2 (1132) 2 (1187) 2 (1187) 2 (1237) 2 (1237) 2 (1363) Maintenance Leadman 1 (1132) 1 (lI87) 1 (1205) J (1256) 1 (1256) 1 (1384) Tree & Parks Leadman ---- I (1205) 1 (1205) 1 (1256) 1 (12$6) 1 (1384) Senior Custodian 1 (1095) 1 (1148) 1 (1148) 1 (1196) 1 (1196) 1 (1318) Tree Tr immer 2 (1095) I (1148) 1 (1148) 1 (1214) 1 (1214) 1 (1340) Maintenanceman II 3 (1042) 3 (1093) 3 (1093) 3 (1156) 3 (1156) 3 (1274) Maintenanceman I 2 (994) 4 (1042) 5 (1042) 8 (ll02) 10 (1102) 10 (1214) Custodian 2 ( 900) 3 ( 944) 3 ( 944) 3 ( 984) 3 ( 984) 3 (1084) Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 (752) 1 ( 871) 1 ( 871) 1 ( 908) 1 ( 908) 1 (1000) Bus Driver ---- ---- ---- 1 ( 675) 1 ( 729) Dispatcher ---- ---- ---- 1 ( 782) 1 ( 845) TotaJ Positions 22 24 25 30 32 30 ACCOUNTiNG DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $270,105 $283,644 $325,360 $320,845 $385,564 $451,293 Overtime 8,814 12,009 11,000 14,000 16,000 16,000 Educational Incentive 1,256 1,363 1,800 1,700 1,700 1,700 Retirement & Insurance 62,536 72,lI9 84,639 82,699 117,365 113,295 Total Personnel $342,711 $369,135 $422,799 $419,244 $520,629 $582,288 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 78,191 $120,503 $123,020 $117,400 $ J 19,000 $ 119,000 Faci 1 ities Expense 107,760 115,482 136,504 149,774 159,000 158,500 Departmental Expense 59,540 71 , 483 91,800 85,600 95,450 95,450 Transportation Expense 120,970 l23,366 119,400 88,900 116,227 116,227 Training & Development 222 376 800 800 800 800 Charges to Other Accounts (89,789) (77,554) (87,500) (57,000) (JO, 000) (JO,OOO) Total Sup. & Servo $276,894 $353,656 $384,024 $385,474 $420,477 $419,977 I BUDGET ~ 52 ~ BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 560 MAiNTENANCE PERSONNEL Three Maintenanceman I positions were approved mid-year in 1978-79. The conversion of two CETA positions is included as the City phases out its CETA program. This represents no net gain as two bus related positions are deleted in anticipation of the private bus contract. All grant positions are expected to be phased out from g rant fund i ng around October 1, 1979. Salaries for 1979-80 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes $55,000 for street repair, $22,500 for sign maintenance and striping; $35,000 for sidewalk construction; and $6,500 for other maintenance. Signal light energy was transferred to Engineering in July of 1978. Facilities Expense: maintenance. includes utilities (with $6,500 for sports lighting), custodial supplies and building Departmental Expense: includes maintenance suppl ies, miscellaneous tools, uniforms, and other expenses. Transportation Expense: includes $70,000 for operation and repair of all City vehicles and equipment, and $46,227 for rental of departmental equipment from the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications and memberships. Charges to Other A~counts: Fund. provides for reimbursement of vehicle operation and repair costs from the Equipment CAP ITAL OUTLAY Departmental Equipment: provides $1,208for one chemical sprayer, $1,500 forsmall hand lawn mowers and. other smal I equipment, $],272 for one paint can shaker, $4,982 for a diagnostic scope for vehicle maintenance shop, and $345 for a motor driven plumbers snake. BUDGET 53 MAINTENANCE BUDGET DETAiL ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd) Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles Building Modifications Off i ce Equ i pment Departmental Equipment Equipment Fund Reimbursement Other Improvements Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTAL Prior Hisotry 1976-77 1977-78 $ 461 $ 18,096 11 --- 6,737 26,156 --- -- --- -- $ 7,198 $ 44,263 $626,803 $767,054 54 CITY OF TUSTIN ""\ 1978-79 Budget: Projection $ 9,010 $ 4,256 --- - --- - 9,613 1l,822 --- 1,750 $ 20,373 $ 16,078 $827,196 $820,796 1979-80 Request App rov.ed 6,360 $ --- --- 24,144 9,307 --- --- $-30,504 $ 9, 307 $971,6l0 $1,011,572 BUDGET J ../ .. CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 630 .. OBJECTIVES RECREATION BUDGET SUMMARY The Recreation Department is responsible for pro- viding a well-balanced recreational and cultural program within the budgeting limits on a year- round basis, which will be of general benefit and interest to all Tustin area residents. The Department avoids the duplication of recreation programs and facilities wherever possible by encouraging the efforts of and coordinating with private groups and other public agencies. The department also works with other City depart- ments in park planning, utilization and maintenance. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1978- 79 1979-80 Budge 1. Projection Request Approved 4 4 8 6 $ 98,477 $ 90,025 $122,292 $139,800 83,100 102,533 117,765 121,005 4,000 1,000 4,000 4,000 $185,577 $193,558 $244,057 $264,805 Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 Staff Personnel Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 3 $81,554 85,699 5,000 $172,25} 4 $ 94,574 102,484 1,626 $198,684 PROGRAM Revenue Summary Recreation Programs $103,392 $ 1 38, 165 $166,463 $ 181 ,500 $2 II ,350 $211,350 Building Rentals (Non- Ma intenance) 9,932 10,985 16,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 II TOTAL $113,324 $ 1 49, 1 50 $ 182,96 3 $197,000 $226,850 $226,850 Percentage of Expenditures 65.8% 75.1% 98.6% lOI. 8% 93.0% 85.7% TEN YEAR GUIDELiNE (1976 Projection) 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Staff 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Budget (in $IOOOs) 173.6 l86.8 198.5 207.9 222.9 235.7 249.3 263.6 278.8 294.9 BUDGET cc CITY OF TUSTIN "' REC REATI ON BUDGET DETAI L Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1976-77 1977-78 Budget Projection Req ues 1. App rovea PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Parks & Recreation Di rector 1 (1773) 1 (1859) 1 (1859) 1 (2000) 1 (2000) 1 (2311) Asst. Recreation Director 1 (1312) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Recreation Supervisor ---- I (1205) 1 (1205) I (1313) 2 (1313) 2 (1597) Recreation Coordinator ---- I (1148) I (1148) 1 (1196) ---- ---- Recreation Technician ---- ---- ---- ---- 4 (1000) 2 (1102) Secretary I I ( 915) 1 ( 960) ---- ---- I ( 976) ---- intermediate Typist Clerk ---- ---- 1 ( 871) I ( 908) ---- J (1000) Total Full-time 3 4 4 4 8 (; Recreation Clerk (Part-time) ---- 1 (4.50) ---- ---- ---- Recreation Leader 33 (4.00) 36 (4.00) 36 (4.00) 36 (4.00) 24 (4.00) 24 (4.00) Total Positions 36 41 40 40 32 30 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Sa lary $ 47,528 $ 49, 320 $ 70,204 $ 58,474 $ 79,754 $ 97,458 Part-time Salaries --- 5,217 --- 3,243 --- --- Educational Incentive 888 604 300 300 300 300 Part-time Leaders 25,642 30,064 17,080 17, Il5 24,319 24,319 Retirement & Insurance 7,496 9,369 10,893 10,893 17,919 17,723 Total Personnel $ 81,554 $ 94,574 $ 98,477 $ 90,025 $122,292 $139,800 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 65,451 $ 88,290 $ 68,766 $ 70,000 $ 75,370 $ 75,370 Facilities Expense --- --- 5,000 5,000 12,600 12,600 Office Expense 350 45 100 100 100 lOO Department Expense 14,761 12,750 10,957 18,000 19,375 20,775 Transportation Expense 3,004 4,863 9,620 14,070 9,250 ll,080 Training & Development 2,133 l,651 575 583 1,070 1,080 Bus Expense Reimbursement --- (5,115) (11,918) (5,220) --- --- Total Sup. & Servo $ 85,699 $102,484 $ 83,100 $102,533 $lI7, 765 $121,005 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 446 $ 897 $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- Improvements-Park 2,258 --- 1,000 --- 1,000 1,000 Departmental Equipment 2,296 729 3,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 5,000 $ 1,626 $ 4,000 $ 1,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 GRAND TOTAL $172,253 $198,684 $185.577 $193,558 $244,957 $264,805 BUDGET 56 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTl1ENT 630 RECREATION PERSONNEL The Recreation Coordinator position ápproved is for re-classification to Recreation Supervisor due to added responsibility and workload. The conversion of two CETA Recreation Technicians is included as the City phases out its CETA program. One of the two is to be the Senior Citizen Program Coordinator position as the City attemp~ to sustain this important program which cannot be supported by recreation or other fees. Salaries for 1979-8Q include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides $600 for teen dance bands and concerts, and $74,770 for contract instructors of self-supporting classes. Office Expense: includes office suppl ies. Departmental Expense: includes sports and craft suppl ies, for printing of "Tustin Today", and other materials. Commission Fees were eliminated as of 7/1/77. Transportation Expense: includes the monthly vehicle rental for one pool vehicle and one pick-up for ballfield maintenance, $6,250 for excursion bus rental, $600 for a $50-per-month vehicle allowance for the Director, $150 for vehicle mileage allowances. CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements-Parks: provides $1,000 for renovation of ballfields at Columbus Tustin Parks. Departmental Equipment: provides $3,000 for game equipment, sports equipment, and other varied recreation equipment. GENERAL INFORMATION The proposed department budget of $264,805 is funded by fees and charges to the extent of $226,850, or ~ of the total. It is undesireable to achieve 100 percent self-sufficiency unless the limiting of City resources force such an action to the detriment of non-self-supporting staff or service functions. BUDGET . OBJECTIVES This activity is estab1 ¡shed as a control account for grant funds which provide temporary personnel assistance to the City. The Comprehensive Employ- ment and Training Act (CETA) , Titles il and VI, is EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior Hisotry 1976-77 1977-78 Personnel Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE $187,979 6,lll $194,090 $296,777 14,876 27,743 $339,396 PROGRAM Tra ff i c Safety Personnel CETATitlel1 CETA Title Vi TOTAL Grant 12 ï2 CITY OF TUST1N DEPARTMENT 800 GRANT PERSONNEL BUDGET SUMMARY an emergency employment program designed to reduce the nation's high unemployment. The Traffic Safety Grant is for three Traffic Officers and a Traffic Records Clerk, with a three-year phase-out. 1979-80 Re~uest Approved 1978-79 Budget ~()jection $318,764 35,401 6,976 $361,141 4 15 18 37 2 15 10 27 $299,496 17,804 9,008 $326,308 $ 65,506 3,811 1,000 $ 70,317 $ 65,506 3,811 1,000 $ 70,317 2 14 2 m 2 10 4 16 2 10 4 16" *These positions are only expected to receive grant funding for approximately 3 months. BUDGET 58 CITY OF TUSTIN ""\ GRANT PERSONNEL BUDGET DETAI L Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1976-77 1977-78 Budge 1. Projection Request Approved Traffic Safety Grant --- 4 2 2 2 2 CETA Title II --- 15 15 14 10 10 CETA Title VI 12 18 10 2 4 4 Total Personnel 12 37 27 l8 16 16 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $161,296 $266,475 $253,774 $241,896 .- $ 52, 171 $ 52,171 Retirement & insurance 26,683 30,302 64,990 57,600 13,335 13,335 Total Personnel $187,979 $296,777 $318,764 $299,496 $ 65,506 $ 65,506 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- Departmental Expense --- 2,474 3,786 6,595 79 ¡ 791 Transportation Expense --- 952 --- l,846 725 725 Charges to Other Accounts 6,111 11,450 31,6l5 9,363 2,295 2,295 Total Sup. & Servo $ 6,111 $ 14, 876 $ 35, 401 $ 1 7, 804 $ 3, 811 $ 3, 8l1 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ --- $ 10,21 j $ 2,862 $ 176 $ --- $ improvement Other than Bu i 1 ding --- 3,282 --- 8,586 Office Equipment --- 6,433 --- --- Departmental Equipment --- 7,817 4,114 246 1,000 1,000 Total Capital Outlay $ --- $ 27,743 $ 6,976 $ 9,008 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 GRAND TOTAL $194,090 $339,396 $361,141 $326,308 $ 70, 31 7 $ 70,317 BUDGET ) 59 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 800 GRANT PERSONNEL PERSONNEL The Traffic Safety Grant represents four employees (Police Agent, two Traffic Officers and a Traffic Records Clerk), and related supplies and equipment funded over a three-year period. In 1979-80 (starting October l), the City is required to pay 100% of the cost. The CETA programs expire September 30, 1979. A new CETA program may continue but with such reservations as to be of little interest to the City. Six CETA Ii positions and two CETA VI positions are funded in the budget to be converted to regular status as a final step in decreasing reliance on the CETA program. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Departmental Expense: provides primarily for Traffic Safety Grant supplies and services. Charges to Other Accounts: represents allowable CETA administrative charges utilized to offset the overhead costs of grant administration, rental cost of equipment, and other related program costs. This can equal 12% of CETA salaries and fringe benefits. CAP IT AL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: provides for Traffic Safety Grant vehicles and equipment. Office Equipment: provided in 1977-78 for purchase of desks and typewriters for some of the CETA positions which are being leased back to the program at a market rental rate. The cost of the equipment has been entirely recovered. Departmental Equipment: year of the grant. provides for Traffic Safety Grant equipment, most of which was purchased the first BUDGET (..n OBJ ECT I VES The Tustin Redevelopment Agency was formed for the purpose of improving the economic, physical and socia1 environment of the major portion of Tustin's commercial areas and old central business district. Major emphasis is on implementing public improve- ments which will enhance the value of and environ- ment for businesses and residences in the project area. 5 ince 1977-78 was on I y the fi rst full year EXPENDITURE SUMMARY P r i 0 r His to ry 1976-77 1977-78 $ 2,000 $ 5,000 32,709 --- 19,071 $ 7,000 $ 51,780 Staff Personne1 Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM Following the June 1978 election, the possibility of a bond approach to project funding became a moot point. Fortunately, over the past two years, the City has developed a General Fund Reserve which is adequate to fund the Redevelopment program over a reasonably short time span. The Undergrounding of El Camino Real utilities is tentatively scheduled CITY OF TUSTIN ) DEPARTMENT 900 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET SUMMARY of the Agency's operation, major emphasis has been placed on estab1ishing project priorities, estimating costs and impacts, involving residents and businesses in the area, and accomplishing pre1iminary studies. Projects planned for actual implementation the second year were I imited by a modest but growing tax incre- ment revenue source. Now, the more significant phases of the plan are to be implemented over the next three years. 1978-79 Budget Project ion 1979-80 Re~uest AEproved $ 2 1 ,000 8,650 2,250 $ 3 1 ,900 $ 23,950 46,500 $ 70, 450 $ 23,950 46,500 $ 70, 450 $ 10,000 32,500 2,250 $ 44,750 for May, 1980 and the street improvements for the following year. The emphasis is now switching from a planning mode to one of planning and implementation. Projects of a high priority are being pursued: the extension of Sixth Street, landscaping the Newport center islands, undergrounding the utilities on EI Camino Real, and completing the projects commenced in the 1978-79 fiscal year. Planning will operate concurrently to examine the parking alternatives and to propose projects to follow the major El Camino Real redeve10pment. BUDGET .. 61 CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET DETAIL 1978-79 Budgef ~ojection 1979-80 Request:- Approved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE (None) Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 ACCOUNTING DETAi~ Personnel Regular Salaries GRAND TOTAL $ 2,000 $ --- $ 21,000 $ 10,000 $ 23,950 $ 23,950 $ --- $ --- $ 3,000 $ 1,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 5,000 32,709 5,650 31,500 42,500 42,500 $ 5,000 $ 32,709 $ 8,650 $ 32,500 $ 46,500 $ 46,500 $ --- $ 19,071 $ 2,250 $ 2,250 $ --- $ --- $ 7,000 $ 51,780 $ 31,900 $ 44,750 $ 70,450 $ 70,450 Supplies & Services Contractual Services Departmental Expense Total Sup. & Servo Capital Outlay Departmental Equipment BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL - represents the wages of City staff while working on the Redevelopment Agency's program and activities. SUPPLiES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides $3,000 for a Planning Consultant and $1,000 for legal services Departmental Expenses: provides $500 for departmental supplies and $42,000 for interest expense which will be partially offset by interest earned on investments. CAP I TAL OUTLAY None. BUDGET z ¡: VJ :J E- I- UJ (.? <=> ~ <0 I- :z > UJ ::E :z UJ 0 > a I- ~ U Q. UJ ::E V> ..J ¡:: Q. « u t.... ~ l:J ""' S ~ c, - 0 ç :;,,; OBJECTIVES ----." (ITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET The Capital Improvement Budget is a separate and equal partner to the Operating Budget which must be considered in any allocation of community resources. This Budget attempts to schedule those capital improvements which benefit the public directly or which assist one or more departments to perform their missions. As ð convenience, the Budget is segregated into major categories. f'l1bl ic Faci 1 ities (10) contains building and grounds projects. Beautification Projects (30) contains those projects of primarily a beautification . nature and excludes those projects of a functional I recreation usage. Parks and Recreation Faci 1 ¡ties (40) contains those projects of primarily recreation or park functions, although ambiguities may develop TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projection) 1976-77 1977-78 1979-80 1978-79 Staff Budget (in $lOOOs) PROGRAM 1,008.3 631.9 503.0 543.0 I I The program for 1979-80 is ambitious, but even the $3,540,718 planned will not meet all of the many citizen interests and perceived community needs. it does represent a healthy program and high rate of capital investment made possible in part with grants such as the Federal Aid Urban, County Arterial High- way Funding Program, and County Flood Control Program. The first major phase of the EI Camino Real Redevelop- ment improvements is also included, made possible by mill ion dollar loan from the City's General Fund. The projects contained in the first year are still subject to changes in pol icy by the grant sources. The projects contained for the balance of the five years are tentative only, as grants and existing city funds may not be sufficient to accomplish the planned scope of work. Projects must also be I I 1 I I \... as in the case of the Community Center being categorized as a "Public Facility". Transportation Facilities (60) contains any project designed to Facilitate the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Such projects would include street con- struction or major renovation, bridges, overpasses, bike trails, and related studies. Traffic Controls (65) contains pedestrian and vehicular traffic control devices such as signals or special lane markings. Flood Control Facilities (70) contains storm drain and flood control projects. Waste Disposal Facilities (80) contains any projects related to the collection and dis- posal of liquid or solid wastes. Water Supply and Distribution (90) contains any projects affecting the local domestic water systems. 1980-81 1984-85 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1985-86 574.2 tl/A N/A N/A N/A N/A reviewed each year to reevaluate priorities due to new annexations, changes in street or traffic conditions, or the availability of g~nts for specific projects. The five year plan after the first year specifically calls for more General Funds and Gas Tax Funds than are currently available and thus requires other funding or project delays. lO. Publ ic Faci lities ($125,728). The City needs to make a number of improvemerts to its parking lots and drive entrances, add to its parking, and improve security in the property by constructing walls to the north and west side. The tentative cost for this is $112,328 although is hopefully going to be redesigned for lower cost as the air conditioning revisions of the Pol ice Department has not been budgeted separately. BUDGET 63 CITY OF TUSTIN ~ I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 30. Beautification Projects ($1,055,700). The major project is the undergrounding of util ities on El Camino Real at a cost of $984,500 to the Redevelop- ment Agency (loan from the General Fund). This major undertaking is scheduled for Mayor June of 1980 as design will require almost a year. The second project is the much delayed Newport Avenue Center Island landscaping $71,200). The Irvine Boulevard and Yorba Street undergrounding has been de I ayed a yea r as has the Bryan/Ma i n Tr i ang Ie and landscaping due to concern about drawing down our newly created reserve and the need to loan funds to the Redevelopment Agency. smaller projects scheduled. One of the most exciting in terms of community impact is the $4,700 budgeted for preliminary design and presentations on the need for the Newport Avenue Extension to Edinger. This is an important battle. Other projects include the 17th Street widening ($34,500), the Sycamore Avenue Reconstruction ($103,000), the Yorba Street widening ($118,390), Curbs and gutters in the Town Center ($20,700 of old CDA funds), and the first year of the Moulton Parkway real ignment ($481,000). It was with regret that the Walnut Avenue widening at Red Hill was delayed for a year as it is needed. Also, the San Juan bike trail project is being dropped for a straight street improvement for the following year due to School District opposition and the marginal benefit of that segment of trail. Future years a massive dollar need which will partially sort out with the rate at which other agency funding available. show itself is ìA second project, revision of the electrical remote controls in the Council Chambers ($13,400) is proposed to replace the obsolete and faulty controls installed originally. There are a number of other projects mentioned under item number 4. "City Hall Building" which are areas requiring attention but which are presently unbudgeted and cost estimates have not been developed. 40. Parks and Recreation Facilities ($22,200). The completion of the Centennial sidewalk project has been delayed a year, leaving minor lighting improve- ments ($8,400 and $1,800) and-improvements to the Lambert School facility for maximum utilization ($12,000 in Parkland Dedication fees). 60. Jransportation Facilities ($1,981,290). A full half of the funds under this category are planned for the Browning-Bryan intersection widening and flood control culvert ($1,040,000) which is the first step in improving the street and flood control channel. A continued major street maintenance program ($150,000) is planned as we reinvest in the Community's facilities on a preventative maintenance program. The bus benches ($9,500), Main Street sidewalk underneath the freeway ($17,500) and the Prospect Avenue side- walk north of First Street ($2,000) are several 65. Traffic Controls ($355,800). The Newport Avenue Interconnect project ($256,000) and Seventeenth at Yorba signals ($99,800) are scheduled. Unfortunately, the First Street at Tustin modification ($32,500), the Wa 1 nu 1. at McFadden new signa 1 ($40,000) and the Main at Williams new signal ($40,000) remain unfunded for another year. I 70. Flood Control Facilities ($-----). It had been hoped that the General Fund could afford to accomplish the McFadden Drain at Williams ($96,000) to eliminate the continuous str.eet deterioration at the intersection'l but it was necessary to delay this project a year unless other funds or additional revenues appear. BUDGET 80. ~~te Disposal Facilities ($-----). No projects are planned as this is rarely a City responsibility. The McFadden Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project in 1977-78 was unique with the City acting as a catalyst to solve a local problem where the participants were numerous and wolljd ul tim;:jtely reimburse the City as they con- nected. . ~ 64 -- CITY OF TUSTIN ( I 90. Water Supply and Distribution ($ ----=-:2-- This too is a category rarely used by the City, since it is normally a private util ity responsibil ity. The City has become involved in the Redevelopment Area as needed to provide adequate fire protection water flow so as to permi t continued development. Unmet Needs The City is faced with many unmet capital improvement needs, which will be a challenge with ~e passage of Proposition 13. General ObI igation bonds are no longer an alternative as the City cannot levy a property tax to pay them off. On the other hand, at the present rate of accomplishment, a pay-as-you-go approach appears sound. The City of Tustin is more fortunate than many other agencies and is doing more to invest in the community and maintain its physical plant than many other agencies. This reinvestment is essential as can be seen from the problems Santa Ana and other older communities have allowed to develop by false economy. Fortunately, the develop- ment of a large reserve has occurred at the time of need to fund the El Camino Real redevelopment project through a General Fund loan. Redevelopment Agency bonds are almost out of the question due to the impact of Proposition 13 in removing much of the tax increment revenue from such agencies. The City Council and staff must continue to attempt to balance the needs of the community in the area of capital improvements against the available resources in 1 iving within the City's and community's needs. I '- IIUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 61) \0 \0 z z 2 '. ~ '-' >- -T "I ';' ;01 :;;~ "-'<;:1 :f ~I 3~1 ¥~I .;; ~ ::z. ~]¡ ~~¡ ¡Ð i ~¡ ::111 ~ll i£, [¿I ~ § ,- ;'; ~ 5 ~ ~ 0 >' '" ~ ~ Hi g " '" ~ ., 0 0 ~ c- "' ~ ~ '" ~ u ~ u '" ~ .; 0 " ~ '" '" 0 3 0 0 8. co "! Ñ '" ë" '" ç. ;;? '" " 0 '" § ¿ æ õ 3 >- ~ 0 ~ '" g ~ c g ~ ::?, '" '0 ~ ~ '" ~ '" ~ '" '" '" ~ "' '::: ~ % 0 ~ '" ;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ,,-, ~ 4 4 ~ '.0 ., ~ g - '0 c 0 " ~ '" '" '" '" § '" CO u ~ ;;S ~ ~ ~ .< ~ >- '=> '" g '" '" 0 0 N . - ~ 0 .... ~ ~ " '" - '=> ~ '" '-' '? ~, N N ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ .0 '" 0 g ~ 0 g 0 N N 0 '" '" :g 0 g CO '" ~ g '" 0 8. ~ '" ~ ~ 8 § ~ ::: >- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :< g :1 , ~I R/ ~I ~I % 0 >- ~ ~ ~ ~ " '" w ~ :< " '" R '" 0 C'> N 'þ 0 0 ~ <0 N ~ ~ 0 0 '" ~ co '" ~ '" - 0 ::;" o. :£ " c, :i ~ ~ N '" 'f « '" ~ ..J < >- ~ 5? .. ' :: ~ 8. ~ <0 ~ '" 0' . ., .. co' 0 . g' :'". ~~. g' co ;¡,~ ,g 0'0' . 00'0 g' g' , . , . : : gg'." . ~ ~~ ;~ 0 <> '" 0' "'. . .. '0 CO " - ' g , : : : : . g g~- ~~ ~ ::.:p~ ~ rJ ," '" <> c ~.~ ---- ;::;:;.g 5\ .. ~ g;:;; ",é' NOO-D ""-D";'~ :7N~ "'~:;( :;::- ~~::§¡~:ggg~~ ; ;; '" õ', ~g~ ~."'" 0 ~ 4 '~4 g il ~ , 81 ¿i -, :1 :;:1 , 001 ~~I 0". j I ~ ;::: " "I ~.:r;;::: ::--'=:::1 -1 ~I ~I .,;¡ -', -- -' ~. "'.i ." :;:1 , , 3! '"'.i ~i >7-' :?i ,., ~I I :;>1 ii ~-I :>., :?I ;1 <:1 ~I ""000' ~: 8;'55\' '" 0",,'" '" NN ~ :Rg~~¡,tgg~~g*1 ~I "'0-";"; ¿d¿;~"':"':I' "'".1 ~~;;;::::~ f.--c-. 5'. ;; N '" u :3 ~ '" - -;: -;¿ -- «--0 ~o- - - -<o->-o~~---~.~-~- "" ~O~~~~"'~"'~>-~O<>-oo-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ z u ". '" ¡;; ~ ~I,¿ ';1 ~ ;:1-' ~I~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~I ~~g~-:"i ~1:::~~g.§I>, ð ., ¡;'. ¡;; :::1 ~I~ g "I¡;'I~ '2! ~8 §I",;:; e~¡;¿~>:,>-¡:~ <;;10:: . :;'1-.'" :5 ~I "I;:;" = ~ ;:;,'" <. oog. ,..~ m;:c >,~o:::';;;~:E::'~ z~u'" ~~ ~<>- ~<>-~o_w =»-~. <~ ~-~~ ~-'<" ~I~I¡: ::: ~ ~I;: ~I~II::: ~ ~Id ~ ~ ~I~ ~ ;g:s:;; .~š~;;;¡~ ;::~:š~~~o;:::;; ~1;:;ls :;;131:;; 8¡:;.~1~ ~ ;¡IS t;:;;;b ~ "- ~ :; :;! :3 ;;: ~ :;! ~ 0 i ~ .----. ~ ~ E- ~ l:J ::: =:J ::Q CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPIWVmENT PROGRAM ---------------- 1978-79 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES Fund Budget Project ion Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned 1. City Center (12) Gr $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ --- $ $ $ $ Telephone System 2. Maintenance Yard Equipment (24) Gr 7,000 7,000 3. Civic Center Grounds (30) Sidewalk & Curb Instal latiol1 GF 1,425 --- 28,338 Fence, Gate West Side Police Lot GF 3,100 --- 10,100 Courtyard Drains GF 1,500 --- 1,500 Landscape & Irrigation GF --- --- 10,000 Parking Lot Repair & Slurry Seal RS 17,200 --- 39,640 Masonry Block Wall-Police Area RS 9,672 --- 22,750 4. City Hall Building Council Chambers Elec. Revision GF --- --- Council Chamber Microphone Modification (32) GF --- --- 1,500 Air Conditioning GF --- --- 8,400 Fire Wall and Signing Requirement GF --- --- --- Glass Door Modifications GF --- --- 3,500 Security, Fire and Smoke Detection System GF --- --- --- 5. Police Department Air,Cond.(34) GF --- --- 20,000 6. Pol ice Parking Lot Video System (33) GF --- --- --- 10,000 (Incl. audio monitoring of ce] ls) - TOTALS $63,597 $ 30,700 $145,728 $10,000 FUND RECAP GF $ 36,725 $ 30,700 $ 83,338 $10,000 RS $ 26,872 $ --- 62,390 BUDGET (.... CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978-79 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 I 981 - 82 1982-83 1983-84 Fund ~dget Project ion Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. Newport Avenue Center Is1and (15) RS $ 20,000 $ --- $ 23,200 $ $ $ $ Irvine to McFadden RDA ll6,ooo --- 48,000 2. El Camino Real (17) Identification RDA --- --- --- 10,000 3. El Camino Real (18) RDA --- --- --- 40,000 Landscaping, Street Furniture 4. El Camino Real Undergrounding(21) RDA --- 984,500 5. Larwin Square Undergrounding (20) RDA 60,000 75,000 6. Irvine Blvd. & Yorba St. GF --- -- - --- 35,000 Uti 1 i ty Undergrounding-C i ty Share (Edison-$135,000) 7. General Street Lighting Pgm. (16) GF --- --- --- --- --- --- 36,000 a. Raleigh Ave. Walter Ave. Debusk Ave. GF --- --- --- 32,000 b. Easterly side Red Hill Ave. Valencia to No. Bndy. of MCAS GF --- --- --- 21,600 c. Easterly Side Red Hill Ave. Warner to Valencia GF --- --- --- --- 40,000 d. Easterly side Red Hill Ave. Barranca to Warner GF --- --- --- --- --- 40,000 8. Bryan/Main Triangle LandscapingOO)GF --- --- --- 26,700 9. Columbus Tustin Ballfield GF --- --- --- 6,000 Tree Planting Adjacent Fences 10. 17th Street Center Island GT --- --- --- 65,000 Yorba to Prospect (N) B --- --- --- 10,000 BUDGET 68 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978- 79 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 Fund Budge 1. Projection Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS (Cont'd) 11. Newport Ave. Center Islands GT $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ 65,000 $ $ McFadden to Sycamore B --- --- --- --- 8,000 12. Irvine Center Island RDA --- --- --- --- --- 70,000 Prospect to Newport (Land- scape on1y)'~ 13. Red Hill Center Island GT --- - -- --- --- --- --- 65,000 Santa Ana Freeway to Lance B --- --- --- --- --- --- 8,000 14. Red Hill Center Island GT --- --- --- --- --- --- 76,000 Walnut to Santa Ana Feeway B --- --- --- --- --- --- 13,500 TOTALS $126,000 $1,059,500 $ 71 ,200 $2116,300 $113,000 $ 11 0 ,000 $198,500 *Additional Funding Under Transportation Facil ities and Traffic Controls FUND RECAP GF $ --- $ - -- --- $1 2 1 , 300 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 36,000 RS 20,000 --- 23,200 --- --- --- --- GT --- --- --- 65,000 65,000 --- 141,000 B --- -- - --- 10,000 8,000 --- 21,500 RDA 106,000 1,059,500 48,000 50,000 --- 70,000 BUDGET 69 - CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978-79 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1832-83 1983-84 Fund 13~~ ~.! P'-!~iec t.i 011 ßud<J~ Planned Planned Planned Planned 40. PARKS & RECREATION FACILITIES 1. Columbu~ Tustin Park (12) SPB $ --- $ 84,000 $ $ $ ,. $ v Phase II Development HB 70,000 70,000 PD 42,423 112,423 2. Misc. Park Improvements (15) SF 29,680 29,680 SB 174 Projects I'D 10,000 10,000 3. Columbus Tustin Parking Lot (35) GF 115,000 115,000 4. Demol ition of Smith Garage GF --- 2,000 5. Centennial Park (16) Slurry Seal Parking Lots GF 800 800 Replace Asphalt Walks wI Concrete (2-year) GF 45,000 45,000 --- 40,500 Modify Lighting System GF 4,200 --- 8,400 6. Pine Tree Park GF 1,800 --- 1,800 Lighting Modification (17) 7. Lambert Schoo 1 I mprovemen ts Soundproof Walls (two) (37) PD --- --- 5,000 Wood Flooring PD --- --- 6,300 Security Lighting PD --- --- 700 8. Columbus Tustin Park Phase III Landscape, Playground GF --- --- --- 96,000 ! I Phase IV Future Bldg. & Parking GF --- --- --- --- 250,000 200,000 I. I TOTALS $248,903 $328,903 $ 22,200 $136,500 $250,000 $200,000. FUN D RECAP GF $ 9&,800 $ 92,800 $ 10,200 $136,500 $250,000 $200,000 SF 29,680 29,680 spa --- 84,000 HB 70,000 70,000 PO 52,423 52,423 12,000 I ,"-U BUDGET ..", CITY OF TUSTIN "60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. Newport Avenue (21) Irvine to McFadden 2, Bryan Avenue Widening (51) 3. Newport Avenue Phase IV (52) Bike Trail & Bryan Signal 4. Yorba Street Widening (53) Norwood Park Pl. to Vandenberg 5. Major Maintenance Program (55) (Planned Maintenance) 6. Bus Benches (56) OCTD Routes 7. Newport Avenue Widening (57) East Side, Bonita To Andrews 8. Sixth Street Extension (59) to Newport Avenue 9. Nisson Road Sidewalk (60) Del Amo to Utt 10. Mitchell Avenue Sidewalk (61) Raleigh to Debusk 11. Main St. Sidewalk (No. Side) Easterly of Williams St. 03) 12. Prospect Ave. Sidewalk (74) Between First & Lockwood CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978-79 1978-79 fund Bu~get.. Projection GT $ 28,000 $ 28,000 $ GT 14,200 9,850 AHFP 14,200 9,850 GT 40,000 40,000 AI-IFP 40,000 40,000 RDA 12,000 13,750 GT 58,900 57,800 AHFP 49 , 700 41,700 GF 115,000 415,000 GF 2,000 UMTA 6,500 RDA 2,260 2,260 RDA 187.100 187,100 GF 1,600 2,800 B 9,900 11,500 GF 3,100 3,250 BT GF BUDGET 1979-80 Budget --- $ 3,000 6,500 17.500 2,000 1980-81 Planned 1981-82 Planned $ 150,000 1982-83 Planned $ 150,000 1983-84 Planned $ 150,000 ." CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978-79 1978-79 1979-80 1980-8l 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 Fund Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Cont'd) ---- ------ 13. Laguna Ave. St. Widening GF $ 2,800 $ 2,800 $ --- $ $ $ $ Westerly of Orange St. 14. Browning"Bryan Intersection (62) CFC 20,000 --- 500,000 Widening & Flood Control GT 80,000 --- AHFP 20,000 --- 270 , 000 GF --- --- 270,000 15. Red Hill Avenue Widening (63) GT 14,500 14,500 --- Bell to Valencia 16. San Juan Bike Trail* (64) GF 13;800 --- --- 37,0001' Orange to Green Valley BT 14,000 *(Street only, trail deleted) SOS 10,700 17. 17th 51.. Widening GT 13,700 6,200 34,500 Cos ta Mesa Fwy. to Vorba 51.. 18. Sycamore Street at RR (65) GF 2,700 2,700 Pedestrian Crossing Dev. 35,000 35,000 RS 24,800 24,800 19. Sycamore Ave. Reconstruction RS --- --- 103,000 Red Hill to Newport (75) 20. Vorba Street Widening GT --- --- 61,695 First to Irvine (]6) AHFP --- --- 56,695 21. Walnut Avenue Widening GT --- 44,000 Red Hill Ave. to 520' Easterly (Interim Widening) 21a.Curbs & Gutters Town Center (77) HCDA --- --- 20,700 22. Moul ton Parkway Rea 1 ignment 08) GT --- --- 67,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 FAU --- --- 4]1.¡, 000 1, L¡50, 000 1 ,450,000 1 ,450 ,000 1,450,000 23. Newport Avenue Extension (]9) GF --- --- 4,700 --- GT --- --- --- 325,000 AHFP --- --- --- 275,000 gUDGET 72 ,¡...! CITY OF TUSTIN CAPiTAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ] 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Cont'd) 2~. Mitchel] Avenue Street Re- construction (80) 25. Valencia Avenue (3~) Red Hill to Newport Freeway 26. Bryan Avenue Widening Browning to East City Limits 27. irvine Boulevard Widening Br~vning to East City Limits 28. N i sson Road Widen i ng & Sidewalk Construction between Red Hi]l & Browning 29. Red Hill Ave. Sidewalk Easterly Side Between Valencia and No. Boundary of H.C.A.S. 30. First St. Cap & Reconstruction Red Hill to Prospect 31. EJ Camino Real/Laguna Rd. Reconstruction 32.,"irvine Blvd.-Yorba to Red Hill Reconstr. Cap. Median Const. 33- Yorba Street Laurie Lane to NCL 3~. Red Hill Reconstruction (37) s/o Lance to Melvin 35. Walnut Avenue/Red Hill Ave.(35) 520' East, 375' North Fund 1978-79 1978-79 Budget Projection 1979-80 Budget 1980-81 Planned 1981-82 Planned 1982-83 Planned $ 59,000 $ --- $ $ 76,200 76,200 ] ,500,000 1,500,000 415,000 ~]5,000 85,000 85,000 155,000 155,000 65,000 16,900 GF $ --- $ GT AHFP CFC GT AHFP GT AHFP GF GF GF' RDA RDA GT FAU GT GT GT AHFP 70,000 76,000 974,500 20,600 26,200 126, 700 16l,200 62,700 251 ,000 168,000 72,000 #Additional Funding Under Beautification and Traffic Controls Per FAU Project BUDGET 1983- 84 Planned $ 73 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Cont'd) 36. Br~vning Avenue s/o San Juan to Bryan 37. Fi rst Street Widening Newport Fwy. toEastCityLimits 38. Williams Street Widening (39) McFadden to Ma in 39. Alley Reconstruction (39) Centennial West to First 40. Prospect Avenue Firs 1. to Th i rd 41. Utt Street San Juan to Andrews 42. Green Va 11ey San Juan to Lance 43. San Juan, Walnut, & Orange Sts. and two alleys, widening & recons 1. ruc t ion 44. "B" Street Main to Sixth 45. liB" Street Main to Second TOTALS CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT PROGRAM "' 1978-79 1978-79 Fund Budget P¡-ojection GT $ --- $ AHFP GT AHFP GT AHFP GF GT GT GF GF GF RDA GF RDA $836,460 $ 992,860 BUDGET 1979-80 Budge 1. $ --- $ 1980-81 Planned 1981 - 82 Planned --- $ --- $ 1982-83 Planned 82,000 $ 82,000 34,300 23,000 83,100 55,400 1983-84 Planned 37,900 47,300 24,200 26,400 275,000 12,700 12,700 20,500 20,500 $1,890,290 $5,077,300 $5,575,500 $2,447,200 $2,377,200 I ~ ClIY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IHPROVEMENT PROGRAM ---, 1978-79 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 Fund .Q~~c!9~~ !2.°ject i..9~ Qudget Planned Planned Planned Planned 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES FUND RECAP GF $l41,OOO $ 426,550 $ 338,700 $ 188,900 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 522,500 CDA --- --- 20 , 700 --- --- CFC 20,000 ---- 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 UMTA f;,500 --- 6 500 :"Dev. 35,000 35,000 --- RS 24,800 211,800 103,000 GT 249,300 200,350 163,195 1,271,200 1,2 17,200 525,600 371,500 AHFP 123,900 91,550 326,695 591 ,200 157,000 160,400 --- FAU --- --- 414,000 1 ,450,000 1,576,700 1,611,200 1 ,450,000 BT 14,000 --- 17,500 50S 10,700 --- B 9,900 11,500 RDA 201 , 360 203,110 --- 76,000 974,500 --- 33,200 ;"(Other) BUDGET .. I lí CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978-79 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 Fund Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 1. Newport Fwy. at 17th (23) GF $ 19,200 $ 19,200 $ $ $ $ $ Joint Project with State GT 12,800 12,800 2. 17th Street at Prospect (33) GT 12,000 12,000 Joint Signal Modification 3. MainatEl Cam i no Rea 1 (26) RDA 43,000 43,000 Signal Modification 4. First Street at El Camino Real RDA 40,000 40,000 Signal Modification (38) 5. First Street at Centennial (36) RDA 32,000 32,000 New Signal (3/4 of Cost) Dev. 10,700 10,700 6. Red Hill at Valencia (28) GT 16,800 16,800 Signal Relocation 7. Red Hill at Barranca GT 3,700 --- Joint Agency Signal Mdfction 8. Newport Avenue Interconnect GT 56,000 --- 56,000 incl. New Signal at Holt (34) FAU 200,000 --- 200,000 9. Raised Reflective Markers (35) GT 5,000 --- --- 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Various Locations 10. Seventeenth St. at GT --- --- 17,800 Yorba (South & North) FAU --- --- 82,000 11. First Street at Tustin Ave. GT --- --- --- 32,500 Signal Modification 12. Walnutat/lcFadden GT --- 40,000 New Signal (39) 13. Main at \.iil1iams GT --- --- New Signal BUDGET 40,000 76 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 14. Newport and Sycamore New Signa] 15. Irvine Blvd. Ped. Signal 400' East of Prospect 16. Irvine Blvd.-Yorba to Red Hill Interconnect New Installation at "B" St.", 17. Yorba Street at Vandenberg New Signal 18. Browning at Walnut New Signal 19. Newport Avenue New Signa1 20. Wa1nut Avenue at New Myford New Signal TOTALS Fund GT RDA GT FAU GT . GT GT GT CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978-79 Budge 1. $ $451,200 1978-79 Projection $ $226,500 1979-80 Budge 1. $ $355,800 *Additional Funding under Beautification and Transportation per FAU Project FUND RECAP GF "Dev. GT FAU RDA ;"(Other) $ 19,200 10,700 106,300 200,000 1 ì 5,000 77 $ 19, 200 10,700 81,600 115,000 BUDGET $ 73,800 282,000 1980-81 Planned $ 44,000 20,000 $ ] 41 ,500 $ 121,500 20,000 1981 - 82 Planned $ 24,700 151,400 $ 181,100 $ 29,700 151,400 1982-83 Planned $ 31,400 192,800 39,000 39,000 $307,200 $ 1 14,400 192,800 \ 1983-84 I Planned $ 39,000 I ~2 , 000 I $ 66,000 I $ === I 66,000 === I --- . J CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILiTIES 1. Red Hill Drain No.3 (18) Bryan to Firs 1. to Wh i te Sands 2. Sycamore Drain Red Hill to Charloma 3. McFadden Ave. Drain Will iams to 1400' Westerly 4. Red Hill Drain No.2 Walnut to Mitchell & West 5. Main ,Street Drain Eas 1. of Centenn i a 1 to Prospect 6. Main Street Drain El Camino Real to "B" 7. Sixth Street Drain El Camino Real to "B" 8. Red Hill Drain Valencia to Edinger 9. Bryan Avenue (Fa7 Channel) Browning to East City Limits 10. Venta Storm Drain (23) From FIO Channel to Walnut 11. Prospect Avenue Drain First to Irvine TOTALS FUN D RECAP Fund RS GF GF RS RDA RDA RDA GF 1978-79 1978-79 ~-~- ~Qjection 1979-80 Bu(~~!.- $140,000 $140,000 $ 75,000 15,000 INCLUDED WITHIN ITEM NO. 14 UNDER TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES RDA - $2l5,000 $215,000 $ GF $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ RS 140,000 140,000 RDA --- --- BUDGET GF 1980-81 Planned --- 1981-82 Planned 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 Planned $ $ $ $ 96,000 148,000 66,000 80,000 75,000 66,000 220,000 209,000 56,000 - $465,000 $ 66,000 $220,000 $265,000 $ 96,000 $ 66,000 $220,000 $209,000 148,000 --- --- --- 221,000 --- --- 56,000 90. WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION 1. E1 Camino Real Main First to Sixth Street Sixth Street Extension TOTALS FUND RECAP ---- CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1978-79 1978-19 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 Fund Q_lJJqe t- !'~~:!_Î.-?~ ~.L!dCJet Planned Planned Planned Planned -- r{OA $ 78,700 $ 78,700 $ $ $ $ $ --.--- -.-----' --- -- 578,700 $ 78,700 $ $ $ $ $ RDA $ 78,700 $ 78,700 $ $ $ $ $ BUDGET 79 ...1 I CITY OF TUSTIN OTHER PROJECTS - UNSCHEDULED IN FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES (NONE) 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. Irvine Boulevard Center Islands from Old irvine to Red Hill. . . . . . . . . 2. Red Hill Avenue Center islands from First to Melvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Red Hi 11 Avenue Center Islands 200' south of Industrial to AT & SF Railroad. 40. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES (NONE) 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES I. Stonehenge Drive Reconstruction from Bryan to Cromwell. . 2. Old Irvine Boulevard from Newport Easterly. . . . . . . . . . . 3. Red Hill Avenue from AT & SF Railroad to Santa Ana Freeway. . . . . . 4. Bryan Avenue from 200' west of Stonehenge to Browning. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. "A" Street from First Street' to 25°' south of Irvine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. "B" Street from First to 250' south of irvine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Mountain View from First to 200' south of Irvine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Laguna Road from Orange to 400' west of Newport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.SecondStreetfrom"A"to"B"............................ 10. Myrtle Avenue from McFadden to Medallion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll."A"StreetfromMaintoSecond........................ 12. California Street from Main toThird......................... 13.~1ainStreetfromPasadenato"C"..... ......,. .............. 65. TRAFFiC CONTROLS (NONE) 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES I. Stonehenge Drain from Bryan to Cromwell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. SixthStreetDrainfrom"B"toPacific........................ 3. Pacific Street Drain from Sixth to Main. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Irvine Boulevard Drain from the FO7 Channel to \.¡est of Holt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Mitchell Avenue DrainfromUtt to Del Amo...................... 6. ,Mitchell Avenue Drain from Browning to 1,350' westerly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. San Juan Street Drain from Red Hi 11 to Utt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Amagansett Way Drain from Yorba to Prospect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Tustin Meadows Nuisance Water Drains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUDGET 80 . $ 74,200 41,200 42,500 24,200 11,000 1 36, 400 60,500 55,000 28,000 44,400 52,800 8,800 8,800 24,200 13,200 101,200 79,200 101,900 55,000 58,300 61,600 135,000 84,700 152,900 330,000 CITY OF TUSTIN OTHER PROJECTS - UNSCHEDULED IN FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM (Cont'd) " 80. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES (NONE) 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DiSTRIBUTION (NONE) 8J BUDGET ) z ¡: :r, :J ¡- iJ.< 0 è ;.¡ > :z 0 .... UJ c.:I 0 ~ c:> >- u :z UJ (.? « .... :z UJ ::E Q. a ..J UJ > UJ 0 UJ ~ E- ~ 0 Q ~ I- u UJ V) CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency is a separate agency, although its budget is integrated in this Budget document in order to provide a total picture of the various activities of the City and the Agency. The Agency budget is recapped below in its entirety. The Agency will receive a $450,000 loan from the City's General Fund in order to commence projects before property tax increment revenue is received. This loan will be repaid before the end of the fiscal year. Prior I-ii story 1978-79 1979-80 J}76:l} 1977-78 ~udget Projection Budget BEGINNING BALANCE $ --- $ --- $ 98,057 $ 98,057 $(1,124,980) LOANS FROM GENERAL FUND Balance at Year Beginning $ --- $ --- 450,000 450,000 984,500 Loans Received --- --- 550,000 984,500 --- Loans Repaid --- --- (450,000) (450,000) 144,070 LOANS AT YEAR END $ --- $ --- "$ 550,000 $ 984,500 $ 840,430 REVENUE Property Tax Increment $ --- $198,709 $ 430,000 $ 255,418 $ 350,000 Homeowner & Business Inventory Tax Relief --- 10,082 20,330 17,095 18,000 Interest --- 446 --- --- 35,000 Sale of Property --- --- --- 5,510 --- TOTAL REVENUE $ --- $209,237 $ 450,330 $ 278,023 $ 403,000 EXPENDITURES Personnel-City Staff $ 2,000 $ --- $ 21,000 $ 10,000 $ 23,950 Contractual Services --- --- 3,000 1,000 4,000 Interest Expense -- - 21,000 4,000 31,500 42,000 Departmental Expense 5,000 11,709 1,650 --- 500 Capital Outlay --- 19,071 2,250 2,250 --- OPERATING BUDGET $ 7,000 $ 51,780 $ 31,900 $ 44,750 $ 70,450 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $ --- $ 59,400 $ 501,060 $.1 ,456,310 $. 48,000 TOTAL BUDGET $ 7,000 $111,180 $ 532,960 $.1 ,501 ,060 $ 118,450 ENDING BALANCE $ (] , 000) $ 98,057 $ 15,427 $(1,124,980) $ (840,430) (Excluding Loans) BUDGET 0., CITY OF TUSTIN "' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET (Cont'd) I 1978- 79 t979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 i CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned i Newport Avenue Center Islands $ 46,000 $ --- $48.000 E1 Camino Real Undergrounding --- 984,500 Larwin Square Undergrounding 60,000 75,000 Newport at Bryan Signal 12,000 13,750 Newport Avenue Widening (Cost over FY 7 ) 2,260 2,260 Sixth Street Extension to Newport Avenue 187,100 187,100 Main at E1 Camino Real Signal 43,000 43,000 First Street at El Camino Real Signal Mod i fica 1. i on 40,000 40,000 First Street at Centennial Signal 32,000 32,000 El Camino Rea] Water Main 78,700 78,700 El Camino Real Identification --- --- --- $ 10,000 E1 Camino Real Landscaping/Furn. --- --- -- - 40,000 First Street Recap and Reconstruction --- --- --- 76,000 El Camino Real/Laguna Reconstruction --- --- --- --- $974,500 Irvine Boulevard Pedestrian Signal --- -- - --- 20,000 Main Street Drain - -- --- --- 146,000 Sixth Street Drain --- --- --- 75,000 Irvine Center Islands Landscaping -- -, -- ,- ---- --- --- 70,000 "B" Street Reconstruction --- ---- --- --- --- --- $33,200 Prospect Avenue Drain --- --- - --.- --- --- --- 56,000 ----- --- -- TOTAL $501,060 $1,/156,310 $IrS.f)OO $367,000 $974,500 $70,000 $89,200 IIU )(¡LT --- ---- -~-~-~ 8"3