HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-75FY BUDGET R E P 0 R T.. September 12, 1974. The following document is the Final Budget for the fiscal year 1974-75 for the City of Tustin, as adopted by the City Council on July 1, 1974, under Resolution No. 74-55, and includes the salary adjustments authorized by the City Council. The following basic changes have been made from the Preliminary Budget. I. REVENUES Sales Tax Homeowners Property Tax Relief Cigarette Tax Sale of City Property Vehicle Code Fines Gas Tax Sect. 2106 Gas Tax-Sale of Property Real Property Transfer Tax Park Bond Interest Park Bond Rents TOTAL INCREASE II. PERSONNEL Salary Increases Anticipated Salary Savings 1% TOTAL PERSONNEL INCREASE III. EXPENDITURES A. Deletions 1973-74 1974-75 $+30,000 $+ 9,500 +20,000 + 8,540 + 56,250 + 7,000 + 5,000 + 7,000 + 5,600 + 8,000 + 2,400 $+84,140 $+ 75,150 $+159,290 $+190,974 - 20,000 $+170,974 Membership in Public Technology, Inc. Bryan & Main Street Triangle Total Deletions . $- 2,500 9,000 $- 11,500 THE CITY OF TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA B. Additions 10~ Months Bus Service Chamber of Commerce Increase peppertree Ball Diamond Short Term Borrowing Expense City Center Open House Red Hill Signa1s--Left Turn Utt & Mitchell Park Increase police Console & Replay Prospect Park Arch. corporation Yard Arch. City Center Add. Landscaping Coop. Tennis Court Project with School $ +35,000 + 500 + 500 + 6,000 + 2,000 +42,000 + 7,300 +17,062 +10,000 +10,000 +10,000 +25,000 Total Additions $ 165,362 The Final Budget contains total revenue estimates of $3,780,680, total appropriations of $4,729,605, and a projected year end reserve of $117,439 for the General Fund. .--_.~ July 1,1974 - J~e 30,1975 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA June 3, 1974 THE HONORABLE MAYOR ANV CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA GENTLEMEN: The Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, is hereby submitted for your review and consideration. The proposed program of municipal services includes all City departments and functions under the City Administrator, as well as those activities which are directly responsible to the City Council. COMMENTARY The 1974-75 Budget Request, as presented, continues the same philosophy regarding the expenditure of public funds as has been submitted in prior years by your City Admini- strator, i.e., the program of services is conservative and the Budget submittal is balanced. However, as Tustin con- tinues to increase in area, population, and development, City activities should necessarily be improved and expanded to serve this growth. The Budget does not address all of the needs of the City, due to limited financial resources. The Budget is adequate, though, to continue City services at an approximate level enjoyed during the current year, except in the maintenance of parks and other public facil- ities. As indicated later in this memorandum, some options are available to the City Council to improve City services or to provide funds for additional capital expenditures. With proper staffing, modern equipment, compensation commen- surate with the work to be performed, and an adequate work- ing environment, the conditions are set which foster high employee morale. The resultant is a greater degree of staff efficiency and effort. The citizen thereby gains through improved public service. Unfortunately, the 1974-75 Budget Request will not permit the full achievement of better service. BUVGET FORMAT The new Budget follows the same basic format used during the past four years. Some new changes have been incorporated, however. A separate Capital Budget is established to group all public improvements into a singular category. Personnel salary range numbers have been changed to eliminate alpha- betical indicators and to permit more flexibility in salary adjustments. In the past, the City's costs for employee retirement and insurance were included in Non-Departmental expenditures; these costs are now charged directly to each operating department. This revision will provide a more accurate reflection of total personnel costs for a given department. Prior year figures have been adjusted to re- flect this change. Several Activity designations have been revised. These revisions reflect the accounts now assigned to the code structure developed for the new Financial Management System under the Public Agencies Data Systems (PADS). CITY OPERATIONS 1. Revenues Revenues for normal City operations for fiscal year 1974-75, excluding Bonds, Revenue Sharing, and Capital Improvement Funds, are estimated at $3,118,530, which is 12.8% over the current Budget, but only 6.3% over the current year final estimate. The current year final estimate is up over the current year Budget due to unanticipated revenues received from sales tax, recreation fees, motor vehicle taxes, and interest payments. In 1974-75, it is expected that reve- nues from sales tax, motor vehicle fees, and traffic fines will continue to rise. Also, property tax revenues will rise, due primarily to the increased assessed valuation from new construction. However, the above revenue increases will be significantly offset by an estimated decrease in new construction tax revenue. This results from a lessening in new construction compared to prior years. 2. Expenditures Expenditures for normal City operations for fiscal year 1974-75, excluding capital projects, are budgeted at $3,027,769, which is 3.7% over the current year Budget ii. and 5.3% over the current year final estimate. The final estimate of expenditures for the current year is down from the amount budgeted due primarily to savings in personnel costs during the year. positions often are not filled as soon as vacancies occur, due to the recruiting time required. The appropriation request for 1974-75 is $87,571 over the current year Budget, and is explained as follows: A. Personnel: $57,161 Regular merit increases, certain recommended reclas- sifications, and budgeting full year for positions added in 1973-74, increase the cost of Personnel. No new positions are included in the Budget Request for 1974-75. Funds are not provided for a Paramedic rescue unit. Also not included are positions pre- viously funded through other governmental grants. The Public Employment Program (PEP) grant ended during the current year. Salary adjustments which should be considered due to the change in the cost of living are not included in this Budget. The only source of funds presently available for adjustments is in the General Fund Reserve. B. Supplies and Services: $37,435 Even with escalating price increases, the amount budgeted for Supplies and Services is comparable to current year. Increases budgeted over current year include PADS systems development costs ($5,500); Public Technology, Inc. ($2,500); refuse collection ($7,500); police office expense ($10,900); police transportation ($10,600); Fire transportation ($3,000); outside engineering testing and surveys ($3,500); Maintenance transportation ($9,500); and self-support- ing Recreation instruction offset by revenue ($15,500). Decreases include election expense ($3,000); Police telephone ($3,500); and maintenance contractual ser- vices for signals, striping, and streets ($11,500). Further, bus e~pense is reduced $20,000 and the City's Nickel Bus will terminate in August 1974 unless other funds are obtained for this program or for the proposed Dia1-A-Ride program. iii. C. Capital Outlay: ($ -7,025) Capital expenditures for departmental and other equip- ment are down from current year. Equipment requested to be purchased in 1974-75 under departmental budgets is primarily' in Fire, Maintenance and Recreation. Capital Outlay does not include expenditures for public improvements, which are included in the Capital Budget. Minimum additional furniture for the new City Center is budgeted under Public Facilities, also in the Capital Budget. Although expenditures for City operations do not include public improvements, the costs of bond interest and redemption for parks and the City Center are an expense against operations. This will amount to $153,353 in 1974-75, and is budgeted under Supplies and Services, above. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUVGET The Capital Improvement Program includes City Center, parks, streets, and other public improvements. Through Council direction in the use of General Funds, and the further expenditure of Park and Civic Center Bond funds, the current year (1973-74) and the new budget year (1974-75) are very capital intensive; the expenditure for capital improvements over this two-year period will double the amount programmed during the prior two years. With the expenditure of remain- ing bond funds, and an anticipated reduction in Gas Tax revenue, new sources of funds will be required to continue to adequately finance the needed improvements outlined in the five-year Capital Budget and the long range Capital Improvement Program. Unfunded projects in the five-year and long range programS-amount to $3,732,200 at 1974 prices. RESERVE FUNVS Although an adequate reserve is necessary to provide funds for decreases in estimated revenues, the General Fund Reserve is estimated at $287,985 on June 30, 1975, compared to $537,359 at the end of the current year. However, any funds required for salary adjustments in 1974-75 would fur- ther reduce the reserve balance at the end of the new fiscal year. Reserves in all other funds, except in Civic Center Bonds debt retirement reserves, will also be reduced from current year. . . iv. ._--~ CONCLUSION Accomplishment of the proposed 1974-75 program will be a continuation of city services, and, as in prior years, is a program which will not exceed the minimal ability of the city to finance such operations. The requirement that expenditures do not exceed available revenues, and that a reserve be maintained, however, necessitates the elimina- tion of many desirable items of expenditure from the coming fiscal year's request. The extent of "cuts" from depart- mental requests for normal City operations~ excluding any change in salaries, amounts to $516,660. -- As indicated in prior Budgets, and still true with the continuing rate of growth, the demands placed upon the City government have never been greater. The needs of the City continue to increase as the community develops. 1974-75 cannot be considered a bright year financially. It is believed that the citizens in Tustin desire a City of beauty, excellence, and pride. Community amenities can only be provided when financial resources are suffi- cient to fund the various services and new construction over and above a basic program. Any further drop in reve- nues would require the use of reserves or a reduction in programs. As experienced in one's personal finances, runaway inflation has had a significant impact on the cost of supplies, ser- vices, and new construction. Although the cost of living increase for the past year is near ten percent, the costs of many products and services to the City have increased twenty percent or greater. Unless pleasantly surprised by a very competitive bid, the cost of the proposed Community Building will be thirty percent over the amount estimated nine months ago. Asphalt, construction materials, office supplies, fuel, etc., continue to escalate in price. Even with the high inflation anticipated to continue, the 1974-75 operating Budget Request is only 3.7% over current year Budget, due to the restriction in available funds. This will necessitate some reduction in services throughout the City, primarily in Maintenance. To offset the decrease in available funds for new projects, to increase services, or to rebuild the reserve, some limited new revenue can be achieved in the following areas; 1. Tax Rate Increase An increase of 7.3% in the present general tax rate v. .=- 2. of $0.932 per $100 assessed value to $1.000 would yield an estimated additional $50,400 per year. Charge for Refuse Collection Depending on the rate charged by the City for the present residential refuse collection service, and the method used for billing, up to $90,000 per year would be realized. 3. Increased Recreation Fees This would be a limited source of additional funds, although the present $2.00 differential between City and County or other residents per program activity could be increased. 4. Sale of Present City Hall Property City property between Second and Third, and "c" and El Camino Real, except the headquarters Fire Station, is approximately 45,000 square feet. At $2.50 per foot, the sale would yield $112,500. This property will be surplus upon completion of the new City Center. 5. Public Improvements Bond Issue An overall bond issue to finance needed street improve- ments, storm drains, maintenance yard, a new head- quarters fire station, additional landscaped center islands, street lights, bike trails, pedestrian facil- ities, and traffic control devices, would be required if the approximate $4,000,000 in projects were to be completed in the foreseeable future. At the present rate of available funds for new capital projects each year, the program within the existing City limits for current known projects will take over twenty years to complete. This is provided that no additional needs develop and that facilities are adequately and continu- ally maintained. 6. Federal Aid to Urban Systems (FAU) and Other Aid Programs The amount of possible new Federal or State aid pro- grams monies is unknown. The City has applied for transportation assistance (bus), traffic signal funds, and Jamboree Road/Santa Ana Freeway interchange. If granted, these funds would relieve certain projects from City financing. vi. 7. Annexation of Commercial Properties Annexation of the remaining commercial properties abutting the City, to increase sales tax revenue, should be encouraged. All such properties have repeatedly been contacted and information provided to owners by City staff. Further effort by the Chamber of Commerce is recommended. 8. Other Revenue Increases Other than cited above, the City is very limited in obtaining additional revenues. City business license and new construction taxes could be in- creased, but the rate charged in Tustin is com- parable to other communities', and would not yield a significant amount if increased; also, such tax increases may somewhat deter new development or annexations. The possible new revenues cited above are not contained in the Budget Request. However, it is presently anticipated that the accomplishments to be achieved in the new fiscal year as a result of expenditures incorporated in this Budget document will nearly match the requirements and needs of the City for 1974-75. The goal of the government of the City of Tustin, through Council direction and citizen interest, is to exercise a sincere dedication in job performance. . With- out the proper financial resources, though, maintaining an adequate quality of service becomes continually more dif- ficult. Respectfully submitted, /~ ..¿JÏ. ~ ~¿,~~. êJd( HarryE. Gill City V1\dministrator HEG:km vii. ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section 1 - General Organization Chart Basic Data 1974 Definition of Terms 1 2 3 Section II - Recapitulation City Budget Dollar Annual Budget Summary Fund Distribution 1974-75 5 6 7 Section III - Revenues Summary of Revenues Revenue Detail Fund Accounting Explanation Revenue Accounts Explanation 8 9 12 14 Section IV - Personnel Summary of positions Salary Range Number by Classification Monthly Salary Range Schedule 19 20 22 Section V - Expenditures Activity Structure Expenditures Expenditures by Category 25 26 26 Section VI - Operating Budget Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Building Regulation Police Fire Engineering Maintenance Recreation Grant Personnel 27 30 33 36 39 42 46 49 52 55 58 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA u_------~- ......~... ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page Section VII - Capital Improvement Budget Capital Improvement Budget Five-Year Program Long Range Program 61 62 73 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -- --"-'-"----------- SECTION I GENERAL CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -ELECTORATE- CITIZENS OF TUSTI N I -LEGISLATIVE- I MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TUSTIN ORGANIZATION CHART I -ADMINISTRATIVE AND ADVISORY- C') -i -< 0 " -i C en -i z C') :Þ ï " 0 :JJ Z :Þ PARKS & RECREATION PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSION -STAFF RESPONSIBILITY- LI CENSE AND I TRAFF I C PERMIT BOARD -_..-J I COMMISSION . :Þ z z c :Þ ï ADMI N I STRATI ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !XI C I:) C') m -i -OPERATIONS. AND SAFETY- POLICE FIRE MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING BUILDING RECREATI ON -COORDINATION AND COOPERATION- SPECIAL DISTRICTS LI BRARY LIGHTING SEWERS FLOOD CONTROL CONTRACT SERVICES REFUSE COLLECTION ANIMAL CONTROL DISTRICT ATTORNEY HEALTH SERVICES ASSESSOR PRIVATE UTILITIES ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE WATER 9/74 I-' ANNUAL BUDGET BASIC DATA 1974 CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL Area of City (square miles) Assessed Valuation (1973-74) General Property Tax Rate (1973-74) Per $100 assessed valuation Fire Insurance Classification population (December 1973 Census) Registered Voters (May 10, 1974) Housing units Retail and Trade Outlets (Taxable Sales) Miles of Sewer Lines Miles of City Streets (Total) Arterial Local Miles of City-OWned Alleys City-OWned Buildings Parks Maintained Signalized Intersections City Vehicles (Total) General Government Fire Police Maintenance ZONING Authorized Use Residential Commercial Industrial Public & Institutional Streets COUNTY AND OTHER LOCAL Library Newspaper Clubs and Organizations PUBLIC SCHOOLS Elementary Intermediate High *Plus Park and Civic Center Bonds Acres 1,288 299 615 178 538 4.56 $77,089,170 $0.932* 6 26,957 12,238 11,549 528 37.5 54.8 16.4 38.4 0.71 10 7 32 58 9 9 22 18 % 44 10 21 6 18 1 1 46 6 2 1 - A General Law City - . - Tustin Area Founded in 1868 - - City Incorporated on September 21, 1927 - - Council/Administrator Form of Government- . CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 2 ANNUAL BUDGET DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Budget: A comprehensive plan, expressed in financial terms by which an operating program is effective for a given period of time. A performance budget is one which is based upon the work or service to be accomplished. An object account budget is one in which funds are budgeted for specific items of expenditure. The budget of Tustin is basically an object account budget, but incorporating the principles of performance budgeting. A. Preliminary: The budget recommended by the City Administrator to the City Council for their consideration. B. Final: The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. 2. Fund: A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accordance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent accounting ent~ty. A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. A. General: B. Special: Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under existing regulations. 3. Personnel: The number of, and salaries paid to City employees. 4. Supplies & Services: Expenditures for departmental operations ßnd related expenses. 5. Capital Outlay: Equipment used in the operation of the City and of. a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years 6. Capital Improvements: Major improvements including land and ~ right-of-way acquisition, buildings, streèt construction, and related facili ties. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 3 ANNUAL BUDGET 7. Salary Adjustment: Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. 9. Revenue: Funds authorized to be expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. 8. Appropriation: 10. Account Series: An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, depart- ment, or group of services. 11. Activity: The title of a particular account series. .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 4 .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET-- CITY BUDGET DOLLAR: 1974- 75 REVENUE FROM. OTHER AGENCIES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE LICENSES a PERMITS FINES a FORFEITURES 3.0 ç GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM REVENUES PROPERTY. SALES a OTHER TAXES EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SAFETY a BUILDING REGULATION PUBLIC WORKS a ENGINEERING .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 5 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1973-74 BUDGETED 1974-75 BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE ON 6/30/73 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ON 6/30/74 REVENUE APPROPRIATIONS ON 6/30/75 GENERAL FUND $ 540,785 $2,778,313 $2,716,199 $ 602,899 $2,970,755 $3,456,215 $ 117,439 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ------ 100,000 100,000 ------ 100,000 100,000 ------ REVENUE SHARING FUND 101,877 94,735 188,200 8,412 94,100 102,512 ------ GASOLINE TAX FUND 99,581 588,074 681,084 6,571 360,965 362,525 5,011 SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 155,862 65,000 10,000 210,862 35,000 240,000 5,862 £2 ~ BEAUTIFICATION FUND 31,100 28,600 46,600 13,100 23,500 36,600 ------ :Þ . z 0 25,456 55,054 80,510 z " GRANT PERSONNEL FUND ------ ------ ------ ------ -i C ~ PARK BOND FUND 504,013 230,120 301,743 432,390 109,712 368,613 173,489 :Þ ::! ï .~ CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND 936,512 126,850 1,019,140 44,222 86,648 63,140 67,730 OJ ('") c :Þ I:) c: TOTAL ALL FUNDS $2,395,186 $4,066,746 $5,143,476 $1,318,456 $3,780,680 $4,729,605 $ 369,531 " C') ~ (EQUIPMENT FUND- m z INTERNAL) $ (41,310) $ (72.720) $ (81,500) $ (3;' :Þ (81,500)$ (32,530) $ (86,200)$ RECAPITULATION OF 1974-75 BUDGET FUND BALANCES ON 6/30/74 General Fund Traffic Safety Fund Revenue Sharing Gasoline Tax Fund Sewer Main Trunk Fund Beautification Fund Grant Personnel Fund Park Bond Fund Civic Center Bond Fund TOTAL (ESTIMATED) ESTIMATED REVENUE °1974-75 TOTAL (41,310) $ (72,720)$ (81,500)$ (32 II APPROPRIATIONS, 1974-75 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TOTAL (BUDGETED) BUDGETED RESERVE TOTAL $2,355,001 837,329 64,975 $3,257,305 $1,472,300 $4,729,605 $ 369,531 (81,470)$ $ 602,899 $ 5,j)~136 ------ 8,412 6,571 210,862 13,100 ------ 432,390 44,222 $1,318,456 $3,780,680 $ 5" 099,136 0\ FUND DISTRIBUTION 1974-75 OPERATING BUDGET CAPITAL GENERAL PUBLIC PUBLIC OPERATING IMPROVEMENT GRAND FUND GOVERNMENT SAFETY WORKS RECREATION TOTAL BUDGET TOTAL GENERAL FUND $521,930 $1,772,577 $504,682 $123,538 $2,922,727 $ 533,488 $3,456,215 TRAFFIC SAFETY ------ ------ 100,000 ------ 100,000 ------ 100,000 ~ REVENUE SHARING ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 102,512 102,512 -i :Þ 6 GASOLINE TAX ------ ------ 63,525 ------ 63,525 299,000 362,525 z " z ~ SEWER MAIN TRUNK 240,000 240,000 c ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ :Þ en ï ~ BEAUTIFICATION ------ ------ 14,600 ------ 14,600 22,000 36,600 !XI ~ PARK BOND 90,213 ------ ------ 3,100 93,313 275,300 368,1513 c !: I:) C') ~ CIVIC CENTER BOND 63,140 ------ ------ ------ 63,140 ------ 63,140 m :JJ -i Z :Þ TOTAL ALL FUNDS $675,283 $1,772,577 $682,807 $126,638 $3,257,305 $1,472,300 $4,729,605 " ..... ,. ," CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUES 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 SOURCE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Property, Sales and $1,811,411 $2,103,690 $2,246,458 $2,431,950 Other Taxes Licenses and Permits 130,984 129,400 144,000 131,000 Fines & Forfeitures 129,982 120,000 110,000 110,000 Use of. Money & Property 96,554 76,200 146,000 50,200 Revenue From Other Agencies 915,530 1,088,847 1,293,942 895,780 Current Service Charges 45,173 40,050 54,007 56,500 Other Revenue 55,223 42,200 72,339 105,250 Bond Funds 950,000 ------ ------ ------ TOTALS $4,134,887 $3,600,387 $4,066,746 $3,780,680 . ' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 8 ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 SOURCE Actual Budget Estimate Budget GENERAL FUND 11 Property Tax: 1110 Secured $ 578,070 $ 616,400 $ 617,000 $ 691,040 1111 Unsecured 42,337 49,900 55,903 61, 49°1 1112 Delinquent 4,849 7,500 7,500 7,500 1200 Franchise Fees 50,556 56,100 64,385 66,300 1310 Sales & Use Tax 842,446 840,000 1,030,000 1,184,5001 1320 Business License Tax 77,247 76,000 78,000 78,000 1340 New Construction Tax l03,768 270,000 201,500 150 ,0001 2150 Construction Permits 106,302 125,000 127,500 120 ,000 2160 Street & Curb Permits 18,746 4,000 12,000 10,000 2190 Others Licenses & permi ts 5,936 400 4,500 1,000 3120 Non-Traffic Fines 16,477 15,000 10,000 10,000 4110 Interest-General Fund 12,546 7,000 35,000 12,000 4120 Other Interest l,651 1,400 1,500 l,500 4l30 Rents l,310 200 500 300 5110 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses l2,589 l4,000 14,000 15,000 5120 Motor Vehicle License Tax 205,637 219,235 245,295 251,925 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Relief 19,449 30,000 50,000 33,000 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief 7,879 ...----- 9,000 10,000 5150 Trailer Coach In-Lieu Tax 17,612 20,000 20,000 20,000 5160 Cigarette Tax 95,438 103,400 111,940 l10,000 5170 Hwy Carriers Business License Tax 2,322 2,300 6,444 2,450 6l10 Planning Fees 3,655 5,000 4,000 4,000 6115 Subdivision Fees 2,329 1,500 1,500 1,500 6125 Sale of Maps & Publications 376 200 350 300 6130 Street Construction 228 ------ ------ ------ 6133 Street Reimbursement 6,381 ------ 833 ------ 6135 Parkway Tree Fees ------ ------ 3,000 4,000 6140 Weed Abatement 1,997 l,500 1,200 1,200 6145 Recreation Fees 28,813 30,850 42,000 45,000 6l50 Bus Fares ------ ------ 1,124 500 6190 Other Current Charges 1,394 1,000 ------ ------ 7110 Sale of City Property ------ 1,200 500 57,250 7120 Sale of Unclaimed Property 691 1,000 1,087 l,OOO 7140 Contributions ------ ------ 283 ------ 7180 Damaged City Property ------ ------ 469 ------ 7190 Sundry Revenue 19,179 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL .' $2,288,210 $2,529,085 $2,778,313 $2.970, 751 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9 --.." TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 31l0 Vehicle Code Fines REVENUE SHARING FUND 4110 Interest 5510 Revenue Sharing TOTAL STÀTE GASOLINE TAX FUND 4110 Interest 5210 Section 2106 5220 Section 2107 5230 Section 2107.5 5240 Gas Tax In Lieu of TOPICS 5310 County Grants of State Gas Tax 7110 Sale of Property TOTAL SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 4110 Interest 7130 Sewer Connection Fees TOTAL BEAUTIFICATION FUND 41l0 Interest 1330 Real Property Tax TOTAL PARK BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secur.ed 1111 Unsecured 1112 Delinquent 4110 Interest 4130 Rents 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Relief 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief 5330 County Grant-Federal Revenue Sharing Fun TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974- 75 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $ 113,505 $ 105,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 2,244 $ 1,200 $ 6,000 $ 2,000 99,633 88,000 88,735 92,lOO $ 101,877 $ 89,200 $ 94,735 $ 94,100 $ 12,920 $ 6,000 $ 7,000 $ 4,000 124,442 134,900 127,624 124,440 115,429 124,500 113,700 l07,525 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 11,704 12,500 ------ ------ ------ 304,482 334,280 112,000 ------ ------ ------ 7,000 $ 270,495 $ 588,382 $ 588,074 $ 360,965 $ 17,786 $ 3,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 35,353 ~O,OOO 50,000 20,000 $ 53,139 $ 23,000 $ 65,000 $ 35,000 $ 1,115 $ 400 $ 2,000 $ 1,000 22,387 22,000 26,600 22,500 $ 23,502 $ 22,400 $ 28,600 $ 23,500 $ 83,002 $ 80,040 $ 80,040 $ 85,782 6,083 8,250 8,030 8,830 696 l,050 1,050 1,100 31,705 12,000 34,000 5,000 275 ------ ------ '2,400 2, 793 5,000 5,000 5,500 1,132 ------ 1,000 1,100 I ds ------ ------ 101,000 ------ $ l25,686 $ 106,340. $ 230,120 $ 109,712 ITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 10 c ANNUAL BUDGET 1972-73 1973-74 1973- 74 1974-75 Actual Budget Estimate Budget CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured $ ------ $ 76,450 $ 76,450 $ 68,208 1111 Unsecured ------ ------ ------ 6,700 4110 Interest 15,002 45,000 45,000 7,000 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Relief ------ 4,500 4,500 3,940 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief ------ ------ 900 800 7170 Sale of Bonds 950,000 ------ ------ ------ TOTAL $ 965,002 $ 125,950 $ 126,850 $ ;;~] GRANT PERSONNEL 5180 State Grant-Traffic Safety $ 92,904 $ ------ $ 54 $ 5325 PEP Section 5 52,197 ------ ll, 971 5326 PEP Section 6 15,334 ------ 4,029 5327 PEP-Demonstration 18,243 5,030 12,000 5328 PEP-Certificate 14,793 15,000 27,000 TOTAL $ 19 3 , 471 $ 20,030 $ 55,054 $ GRAND TOTAL $4,134,887 $3,690,387 $4,066,746 llJ80 68r .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 11 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION Fund Number GENERAL FUND 01 Approximately seventy percent of all monies received by the City is deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of General Fund monies is received from property and sales taxes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 02 Revenues derived from fines imposed upon conviction of misdemeanor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bail which has been forfeited by persons violating the Code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety Fund. State law prohibits the use of monies in this Fund for police officer compensation. REVENUE SHARING FUND 05 Federal revenue sharing aid to cities and counties for a five-year period became effective December, 1972. Distribution of monies is based on a formula of popu- lation, local tax effort (rate), and average per capita income. GASOLINE TAX FUND lO Funds collected under Sections 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code are distributed to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposi- ted into the Gasoline Tax Fund. Monies so received must generally be expended for the maintenance or construction of the State approved "select aid system" of streets. SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 20 Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this Fund. Monies are distributed on the basis of 25% to the Coùnty Sanitation District No.7 for the construction amd maintenance of City sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 12 ANNUAL BUDGET Fund Number CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND 30 Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from Real Property Transfer Taxes are deposited into Beautification Fund. The Fund is used to finance the construction and maintenance of beautification projects of the City. GRANT PERSONNEL FUND 39 A separate accounting Fund has been est~b1ished to record the collection and disbursement of monies from other governmental agencies which support additional employees and related costs for specific programs. Examples of these programs are the Traffic Safety Grants and the Public Employment Program. Such programs are for limited periods and the employees involved are employed only so long as the funds are provided. PARK BOND FUND 40 Proceeds of the $1,200,000, twenty year General Obligation Park Bond Issue approved by the citizens in 1971 are deposited into this Fund. These monies are restricted to park acquisition, park improvement, and related purposes. The Fund is also used to con- trol revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. . CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND 41 Proceeds of the $950,000, twenty-five year General Obligation Civic Center Bond Issue approved by the citizens in 1972 are deposited into this Fund. These monies are restricted to construction of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Centennial Way. The Fund is also used to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. EQUIPMENT FUND 70 A separate internal accounting Fund has been estab- lished to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are, charged a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipment which pro- vides for replacement, operational expense, and repairs. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 13 ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION PROPERTY TAXES 1110, 1lll, 1112 General law cities may set a one dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, additional property taxes may be established by cities for bonds, retirement plans, parks, and certain other special purposes. TRAILER COACH FEES 5150 Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are dis- tributed on~-third each to schools, counties, and cities. CITY SALES AND USE TAXES 1310 The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent and is State-collected. FRANCHISE TAX FEES l210, 1211, 1212, 1213 Franchises for operations within the City, for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, water, and refuse collection companies. NEW CONSTRUCTION TAXES 1340 New residential and other construction is taxed by ordinance effective October, 1972. The proceeds go to the General Fund to support the increased cost of municipal services generated by the new development. BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 1320 The City's Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the City. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2150 Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. SEWER CONNECTION FEES 7130 A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and connected to the City's sewer system. .. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 14 ANNUAL BUDGET STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS 2160 A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. OTHER LICENSES AND PERMITS 2190 Permit fees are charged for a license to operate taxi cabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other purposes. FINES AND FORFEITURES 3110, 3120 Includes vehicle code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eighty-five percent of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the exception of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. . INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4110 Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, Sewer Trpnk, City Beautification, Park Bond, and Civic Center Bond Funds. OTHER INTEREST 4120 Primarily interest received on delinquent property tax payments. RENTS 4130 Rent received for use of City buildings and property. PLANNING FEES 6110 Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the . City. SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 6125 A charge is made for City maps and reproduction of documents distributed to private individuals. SUBDIVISION MAP FEES 6115 Include subdivision map filing fees and are charged for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. " . CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 15 ANNUAL BUDGET STREET CONSTRUCTION 6130 Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters, and paving when developing property. PARKWAY TREE FEES 6135 Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of parkway trees by the City. WEED ABATEMENT 6140 Assessment charge made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property. RECREATION FEES 6145 A fee for the Summer Recreation and other recreation programs which is charged to partially offset the cost of services. BUS FARES 6150 Charges made to users of the City public transportation system. OTHER CURRENT CHARGES 6190 Charges made to the public for special services including police protection at special events and required installation of street signs in new developments.. . SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 7110 Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 7120 Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. CONTRIBUTIONS 7140 Donations and contributions paid to the City by public gratuities. STREET REIMBURSEMENT 6133 Contributions from priyate property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY 7180 Collections from insurance companies and private property for damage to City property such as vehicles, parkway trees, street signs, etc. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 16 ANNUAL BUDGET SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE 7190 Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES 5110 Fees paid annually to and distributed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and are based on location of the licensed facility, 90% of which is returned to the City. Does not include the excise tax on sale öf beverages collected by the Board of Equalization. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 5120 Is in lieu öf local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. CIGARETTE TAXES 5160 A three-cent tax per pack of cigarettes, established October 1, 1967, is State-collected, and is distributed to cities, one-half on the basis of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of population. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES 1330 Established by Ordinance and effective'January 1,1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. HIGHWAY CARRIERS BUSINESS LICENSE 5170 . State-collected business license fees on highway carriers in lieu of city business license fees, distributed on the . basis of population. STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5210, 5220, 5230, 5240 State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construction and maintenance, primarily on non-local streets. COUNTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5310 Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of Countywide benefit. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 17 ANNUAL BUDGET- COUNTY GRANTS OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM 5325,5326, 5327, 5328 Grants passed through the County from the Federal Government for the purpose of providing pUblic employment during periods of high unemployment. STATE GRANTS 5180 Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category. FEDERAL GRANTS 5510 Grants from the Federal Government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category. SALE OF BONDS 7170 Not a true revenue account. Proceeds from the sale of bonds --money borrowed to be paid from additional property taxes over twenty to twenty-five years. .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ---- 18 ".. ,-_..---,-- ,---== r: SECTION IV , PERSONNEL ," CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 Actual Actual Actual Budget Legislation 11 11 11 11 Administration 5 5 7 7 Community Development 5~ 5~ 6 6 Non-Departmental Building Regulation 4 4 5 5 Police 44 52 56 56 Fire 19 27 28 28 Engineering 5~ 5~ 7 7 Public Improvements Maintenance 20 2l 24 24 Recreation 3 2 3 3 Total Permanent 116 133 147 147 Less Elected & Attorney 7 7 7 7 Adjusted Total 109 126 140 140 Per 1000 population 4.25 4.87 5.19 4.91 Temporary positions* Crossing Guards 1.28 1.60 1.60 3.21 Police Reserve 0.90 1.06 0.90 0.72 Fire Volunteers 0.48 0.97 0.46 0.30 Recreation 2.23 3.08 3.67 4.06 Public Employment positions 4.27 9.03 1. 70 Safety & Traffic Accident Reduction Team 4.00 4.00 Adjusted All positions 122. 16 145.74 147.33 148.29 Per 1000 Population 4.76 5.63 5.36 5.20 City Population 25,650 25,875 26,957 28,500 * Budgeted man-year equivalents of City positions, based on 2,080 work hours per year per position (other than Fire personnel, on shifts). Adjusted totals include all full-time and part-time, but exclude elective City Council and City Clerk and appointed City Attorney. City Clerk and Office Supervisor are combined positions and are shown as one man-year. .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 19 ._n____--- ._------~ ANNUAL BUDGET SALARY RANGE NUMBER BY CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFIED SERIES I. position Classification 1971-72 1972-73 Actual' Actual 1973-74 Actual 1974-75 Approved $1587 1587 1587 l587 1587 1584 1534 1534 1440 1393 l307 1282 1262 1242 1221 1221 1201 1147 1145 1145 1145 1145 1145 1145 1126 1055 1039 1021 989 989 957 957 927 911 911 898 882 882 882 71"1-'869 840 800 787 762 762 726 691 658 $1216 1216 1216 1216 1102 $1340 1340 1340 1318 1196 1340 1297 1297 1216 1196 1139 1102 l067 1084 1017 1067 l050 1017 984 968 968 1000 968 9(;8 968 $1430 1430 1430 1430 1255 1453 1407 1407 1297 1255 1216 1158 1158 1158 1139 1120 1120 1102 1033 1050 1050 1050 1050 l050 1050 1033 968 953 937 907 907 878 878 850 836 836 809 809 809 809 797 771 734 722 699 699 666 634 604 Operations Manager-Police Investigation Manager-Police Services Manager-Police Operations Officer-Fire Fire Marshal Ass't City Engineer Ass't Planning Director Assoc. Civil Engineer Supervisor-Patrol, etc. Fire Captain. Senior Investigator Police Agent Public Services Assistant Police Investigator Building Inspector Fire Engineer Police Officer Public Works Inspector Recreation Supervisor Mechanic Foreman Fiscal Systems Analyst Fireman Maintenance Foreman Park Foreman Tree Foreman Senior Engineering Aide Equipment Mechanic Planning Technician Engineering Aide Equipment Operator Maintenance Leadman Senior Custodian Tree Trimmer Administrative Secretary Mechanic's Helper Maintenanceman II Communications Officer Account Clerk Deputy City Clerk Secretary III Maintenanceman I Secretary II Secretary I Custodian Senior Typist Int. Stenographer Int. Typist Clerk Stenographer Typist Clerk 1255 1255 1102 1102 1033 1000 1033 984 984 984 953 984 953 937 922 922 922 922 822 892 822 797 797 797 771 758 734 864 836 836 836 809 784 771 771 758 746 746 746 734 711 677 688 645 645 614 585 557 711 722 722 722 699 688 655 655 624 624 594 566 539 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 20 ANNUAL BUDGET II. UNCLASSIFIED SERIES 1971-'12 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 Actual Actual Actual Approved A. Monthly Salary City Administrator $2168 $2500 $2667 $2667 City Attorney* 200 200 1000 1000 City Clerk** 150 150 150 150 * ** Plus Legal Fees. Salary established by electorate. B. Monthly Salary # Ass't City Administrator $1655 $1795 (Adminis tra tion) Ass't City Administrator 1655 1795 (Community Development) Police Chief 1551 1629 City Engineer 1655 1795 Fire Chief 1453 1526 Building Official 1297 1362 Parks & Recreation Director 1340 1340 Maintenance Superintendent 1102 1158 Office Supervisor 1000 1033 (City Clerk) $1958 1958 2012 1885 1629 1453 1430 1255 1102 $2125 2125 2000 1925 1775 1575 1550 1400 1200 # Expressed as a range through 1973-74 but converted to a flat rate commencing the 1974-75 fiscal yea.r. C. Hourly Wage Reserve Police Officer Volunteer Fireman Recreation Leader Crossing Guard $4.30 3.00 2.75 2.25 $4.97 3.00 2.75 2.25 $5.32 3.15 2.90 2.40 $5.00* 3.15 2.90 2.40 * Reserve Police Officers receive $2.50 per hour for hours related primari¡y to training. .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 21 ,....,-- ". MONTHL Step A Equivalents Iourly# B1Week1y Annual 11. 61 928.62 24,144 11. 4 2 913.85 23,760 11. 23 898.62 23,364 1.05 884.31 22,992 0.88 870.00 22,620 0.70 855.69 22,248 0.53 842.31 21,900 0.36 828.46 21,540 0.l9 815.08 21,192 0.03 802.15 20,856 9.87 789.23 20,520 9.70 776.31 20,l84 9.55 763.85 19,860 9.40 751. 85 19,548 9.24 739.38 19,224 9.10 727.85 18,924 8.95 715.85 18,.612 8.80 704.31 l8,312 8.66 692.77 18,012 8.52 681. 69 17,724 8.38 670.62 17,436 8.25 660.00 17,160 8.12 649.38 l6,884 7.98 638.77 16,608 7.86 628.62 16,344 7.73 618.46 16,080 7.60 608.31 15,816 7.48 598.62 15,564 7.36 588.92 15,312 7.24 579.23 15,060 7.13 570.46 14;832 7.02 561. 23 14,592 6.90 552.00 14,352 6.79 543.23 14,124 6.68 534.46 13,896 6.57 525.69 13,668 6.46 516.92 13,440 6.36 508,.62 ' 13,224 6.25 500.31 13,008 6.16 492.,46 12,804 6.06 484.62 l2,600 5.96 476.77 1,2,396 CI ANNUAL BUDGET Y SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE Range and Steps* RANGE S T E P S NUMBER A B C D E 2447 2012 2113 2219 2330 2407 1980 2079 2183 2292 2366 1947 2044 2146 2253 2330 1916 2012 2113 2219 2292 1885 1980 2079 2183 2253 1854 1947 2044 2146 2219 1825 1916 2012 2113 2183 1795 1885 1980 2079 2146 1766 1854 1947 2044 2113 1738 1825 1916 2012 2079 1710 1795 1885 1980 2044 l682 1766 1854 1947 2012 1655 1738 1825 1916 1980 1629 1710 1795 1885 1947 l602 1682 1766 1854 1916 1577 1655 1738 1825 1885 1551 1629 1710 1795 1854 1526 1602 1682 1766 1825 1501 1577 1655 1738 1795 1477 1551 1629 1710 1766 1453 l526 1602 1682 1738 1430 1501 1577 1655 1710 1407 1477 1551 1629 1682 1384 1453 1526 1602 1655 1362 1430 1501 1577 1629 1340 1407 1477 1551 1602 1318 1384 1453 1526 1577 1297 1362 1430 1501 1551 1276 1340 1407 1477 1526 1255 1318 1384 1453 1501 1236 1297 1362 1430 1477 1216 1276 1340 1407 1453 1196 1255 1318 1384 1430 1177 1236 1297 1362 1407 1158 1216 1276 1340 / 1384 1139 1196 1255 1318 1362 1120 1177 1236 1297 136 1340 1102 1158 1216 1276 134 1318 1084 1139 1196 1255 1318 1297 1067 1120 1177 1236 129 1276 l050 1102 1158 1216 1276 1255 1033 1084 1139 1196 125 TY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 22 ,.,............ Step A Equivalents our1y# B1Wcck1y Annual 5.87 469.38 12,204 5.77 461. 54 12,000 5.68 454.15 11, B08 5.58 446.77 11,616 5.50 439.85 11,436 5.41 432.46 11,244 5.32 425.54 11,064 5.23 41B.62 10,884 5.15 411. 69 10,704 5.07 405.23 10,536 4.98 398.77 10,368 4.90 392.31 10,200 4.B2 385.85 10,032 4.74 379.38 9,864 4.67 373.3B 9,70B 4.60 367.85 9,564 4.52 361. 85 9,408 4.45 355.B5 9,252 4.37 349.85 9,096 4.30 344.31 8,952 4.23 338.77 8,808 4.17 333.23 8,664 4.10 328.15 B,532 4.03 322.62 8,388 3.97 317.54 8,256 3.91 312.46 ~,124 3.84 307.38 7,992 3.78 302.31 7,860 3.72 297.69 7,740 3.66 292.62 7,608 3.60 288.00 7,488 3.54 2B3.38 7,36B 3.48 278.77 7 , 2'48 3.43. 274.15 7,128 3.38 270.00 7,020 3.32 265.38 6,900 3.27 261.23 6,792 3.21 257.08 6,684 3.16 252.92 6,576 3.11 248.77 6,468 3.06 245.08 6,372 3.0l 240.92 6,264 .' CI ANNUAL BUDGET RANGE S T E P S NUMBERS A B C D E 1236 1017 1067 1120 1177 1236 1216 1000 1050 1102 1158 1216 1196 984 1033 1084 1139 1196 1177 968 1017 1067 1120 1177 1158 953 1000 1050 1102 1158 1139 937 984 1033 1084 1139 1120 922 968 1017 1067 1120 1102 907 953 1000 1050 1102 1084 892 937 984 1033 l084 1067 87B 922 968 1017 1067 1050 864 907 953 1000 1050 1033 850 892 937 984 1033 1017 836 878 922 968 1017 1000 822 864 907 953 1000 984 809 850 892 937 984 968 797 836 878 922 968 953 784 822 864 907 953 937 771 809 850 892 937 922 758 797 836 878 922 907 746 784 822 864 907 892 734 771 809 850 892 878 722 758 797 836 878 864 711 746 784 822 864 850 699 734 771 809 850 836 688 722 758 797 836 822 677 711 746 784 822 809 666 699 734 771 809 797 655 688 722 758 797 784 645 677 711 746 784 771 634 666 699 734 77 758 624 655 688 722 758 746 614 645 677 711 746 734 604 634 666 699 734 722 594 624 655 688 722 711 585 614 645 677 711 699 575 604 634 666 699 . 688 566 594 624 655 688 677 557 585 614 645 677 666 548 575 604 634 666 655 539 566 594 624 655 645 531 557 585 614 645 634 522 548 575 604 634 TY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 23 ANNUAL BUDGET Step A Equivalents RANGE S T E P S Hourly# BiWeekly Annual NUMBER A C D E 2.97 237.23 6,168 624 514 539 566 594 624 2.91 233.08 6,060 614 505 531 557 585 614 2.87 229.3B 5,964 604 497 522 548 575 604 2.82 225.69 5,868 594 489 514 539 566 594 2.78 222.00 5,772 585 481 505 531 557 585 2.73 218.31 5,676 575 473 497 522 548 575 2.69 215.08 5,592 566 466 489 514 539 566 2.65 211. 85 5,508 557 459 481 505 531 557 2.60 208.15 5,412 548 451 473 497 522 548 2.56 204.46 5,316 539 443 466 489 514 539 2:52 201. 23 5,232 531 436 459 481 505 531 2.48 198.00 5,148 522 429 451 473 497 522 2.44 195.23 5,076 514 423 443 466 489 514 2.40 192.00 4,992 505 416 436 459 481 505 2.36 188.77 4,908 497 409 429 451 473 497 2.32 185.54 4,824 489 402 423 443 466 489 2.28 182.31 4,740 481 395 416 436 459 481 2.24 179.54 4,668 473 389 409 429 451 473 * 5% between range steps. . ' # Based on a 40-hour week, the monthly rate is divided by 173.33 and the result rounded off to the nearest whole cent. Permanent employees normally start at Step A and are eligible for Step B after six months at A, and for each succeeding step after one year at the previous- step. .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 24 , "SECTION V , EXPENDITURES /' ,w ' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA OPERATING BUDGET General Government 200 210 260 330 Public safety 420 440 450 Public Works 500 560 Recreation 630 Grants 800 CAPITAL BUDGET 10 30 40 60 65 70' 80 . ' ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN ACTIVITY STRUCTURE Legislation Administration, Community Development Non-Departmental Building Regulation Police Fire Engineering Maintenance Recreation Grant Personnel Governmental Facilities Beautification Projects / Parks and Recreation Facilities Transportation Facilities Traffic Control Projects Flood Control Facilities Waste Disposal Facilities CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 25 ANNUAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES Operating Budget Acti vi!X. 1972-73 Actual 1973-74 Budget -- Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Building Regulation Police, Fire Engineering l-1aintenance Recreation NORMAL OPERATIONS Grant Personnel 89,552 $ 95,972 106,725 140,904 92,034 110,918 19l,438 314,451 58,620 79 ,979 769,253 946,767 353,646 505,033 91,264 115,450 239,335 513,682 64,257 97,012 --- $2,056,124 $2,920,168 $ 193, 303 $ 20,030 $ TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $2,249,427 $2,940,198 Capital Budget Public Improvements $ 991,187 $2,572,241 1973-74 Estimate 1974-75 Budget $ 95,745 $ 97,470 137,585 150,326 101,513 119,704 290,664 307,783 81,192 86,264 958,224 1',128,817 490,935 557,496 119,540 132,887 499,764 549,920 101,225 126,638 $2,876,387 $3,257,305 58,669 ------ $2,935,056 $3,257,305 $2,208,420 $1,472,300 GRAND TOTAL $ 3,240,614 $5,512,439 $5,143,476 $4,729,605 1974-75 BY CATEGORY Operating Budget Supplies Capital 1974-75 & Activity Personne1* Services OutlaL Total Legislation $ 72,662 $ 24,808 $ ------ $ 97,470 Administration 11.9,378 30,550 398 150,326 Community Development 97,402 22,302 ------ 119,704 Non-Departmental (20,000) 327,783 ------ 307,783 Building Regulation 80,704 5,560 ------ 86,264 Police 1,014,520 93,640 20,657 1,128,817 Fire 490,104 47,806 19,586 557,496 Engineering 121,492 9,540 1,855 132,887 Maintenance 310,929 224,025 14,966 549,920 Recreation 67,810 51,315 7,513 126,638 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET Capital Budget Public Improvements $ $ 2,355,001 $ 837,329 $ ------ ------ ---'-- 837,329 $1,537,275 $ 4,729,605 ---- GRAND TOTAL ..tb}55,001 $ $ 64,975 $3,257,305 $ 1,472,300 $1,472,300 *personnel costs include salaries plus retirement and insurance costs. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA _._--~- 26 ANNUAL BUDGET .' SECTION VI OPERATING BUDGET .' . CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY LEGISLATION I ACCOUNT SERIES 200 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The City Council is the legislative and policy-making body of the City. Such activities are accomplished through the adoption of ordinances or City laws, the adoption of policy resolutions, the approval of contracts and agreements, the approval of the City Budget, and the review of the City's General Plan. The City Council is assisted in its legislative function by the City Clerk who is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City and by the City Attorney who performs all routine legal services for City officials and departments. This activity encom- passes four activities, namely those of City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, and Elections. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY $51,788 1973-74 Budget $66,737 19 73- 7 4 Estimate 1974-75 Budget 1972-73 Actual Personnel $64,108 $72,662 Supplies & Services 37,428 29,235 31,637 24,808 . Capital Outlay 336 ------ - ----- ------ TOTAL EXPENSE $89,552 $95,972 $95,745 $97,470 PROGRAM The legislative function is responsible for the adoption of policies and legislation to better serve the community and to guide the City staff in this critical period of community development. Public safety, City services, and architectural and land use standards are areas of special concern. '" .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 27 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY LEGISLATION ACCOUNT 200 SERIES BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973- 7 4 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Office Supervisor 1 (1033) 1 (1102) 1 (1102) 1 (1200)' Deputy City Clerk 1 (746) 1 (809) 1 (809) 1 (882) Senior Typist 1 (645) 1 (699) 1 (699) 1 (762) Typist Clerk 1 (557) 1 (604) 1 (604) 1 (658) Total Full-Time 4 4 4 4 Councilmen 5 (150) 5 (210) 5 (210) 5 (210) City Clerk 1 (150) 1 (150) 1 (150) 1 (150) City Attorney 1 (200) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) Total positions 11 11 11 11 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $38,155 $37,876 $36,624 $39,905 Elected or Part-Time 10,115 24,000 22,592 26,400 Overtime ------ ------ ------ ------ Retirement & Insurance 3,518 4,861 4,892 6,357 Total Personnel $51,788 $66,737 $64,108 $72,662 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $22,738 $11,400 $12,500 $10,400 Office Expense 397 150 150 150 Departmental Expense 2 , 307 1,100 1,550 1,850 Training & Development 4,778 8,385 8,500 8,208 Other Expenses Legal Advertising 3,833 5,000 5,000 4,000 Memberships 840 200 183 200 Elections 2,535 3,000 3,754 ------ Total Supplies & Servo $37,428 $29,235 $31,637 $24,808 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 336 $------ $----,-- $------ GRAND TOTAL $89,552 $95,972 $95,745 $97, 470 " CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA t'. '\-~ a J:- 28 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY LEGISLATION ACCOUNT SERIES 200 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been included in the Budget. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation ,of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: include the services of the City Attorney and other legal counsel over and above the services covered by the monthly retainer. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes printing and departmental supplies. Training and Development: includes $6,300 for Council expenses, and $1,700 for City Council and $208 for City Clerk meetings and conferences. . Other Expenses: Legal Advertising includes publication of ordinances and notices. Memberships includes City Clerk memberships. Elections includes cost of regular and special elections. CAPITAL OUTLAY - None. /' ," CITY OF TUSTIN CALI FORNIA 29 -,",q, ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT SERIES 210 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The City Administrator is appointed by the City Council as the chief administrative officer of the City--responsible for the implementation of Council policy and the supervision of all municipal activities. He advises the Council on the financial condition and needs of the City, on the improvement of City services, and on the long range development of the community and its environment. The City Administrator's staff accomplishes many of the centralized responsibilities in the area of finance, personnel, municipal research, procedures analysis, purchasing and budget studies. The department is also responsible for studies on the application of modern management techniques; use of computers, microfilming, and information systems; the efficient and economical operation of the City organization; and to assist other departments with special problems. This activity encompasses the activities of the City Administrator Office and Administrative Management. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1972-73 Actual 1973-74 Budget 1973-74 Estimate 1974- 75 Budget Personnel $ 82,605 $110,938 $106,319 $119,378 Supplies & Services 23,618 28,910 30,160 30,550 Capital Outlay 502 1,056 1,106 398 TOTAL EXPENSE $106,725 $140,904 $137,585 $150,326 PROGRAM It-nnexations, spheres of influence, community promotion, community relations, expanding City services, and ad~quate financial support of those services continue to be areas of major concentration. Development of parks, further negotiations on the possible acquisi- tion of the Tustin Water Works, continued development of a capital improvement and operating programs, implementation of the City Center development, and pursuit of a new and adequate library facility, also represent areas of prime consideration. Continued active participation in activities such as Public Agencies Data Systems and Public Technology, Inc., shall be made in order to seek new sol~tions to urban problems. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 30 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION /ACCOUNT 210 SERIES BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974- 75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 'Actual Budget Estimate Budget City Administrator 1 (2500) 1 (2667) 1 (2667) 1 (2667) Asst. City Administrator 1 (1795) 1 (1958) 1 (1958) 1 (2125) Fiscal Systems Analyst ------ 1 (1050) 1 (1050) 1 (1145) Administrative Secretary 1 (784) 1 (850) 1 (850) 1 (927) Secretary III 1 (746) 1 (809) 1 (809) 1 (882) Account Clerk 1 (746) 1 (809) 1 (809) 1 (882) Intermediate Typist Clerk ------ 1 (666) 1 (666) 1 (726) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Positions 5 7 7 7 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $ 73,811 $ 99,705 $ 95,079 $107,179 Overtime 337 100 ------ ------ Retirement & Insurance 8,457 11,133 11,240 12,199 Total Personnel $ 82,605 $110,938 $106,319 $119,378 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 17,545 $ 22,000 $ 22,400 $ 23,000 Office Expense 638 400 400 420 Departmental Expense 835 750 650 820 Transportation Expense 3,005 3,360 3,710 3,360 Training & Development 1,595 2,400 3,000 2,950 Total Supplies & Servo $ 23,618 $ 28,910 $ 30,160 $ 30,550 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $/ 502 $ 1,056 $ 1,106 $ 398 GRAND TOTAL $106,725 $140,904 $137,585 $150,326 .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 31 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT SERIES 210 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been included in the Budget. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the Ci ty Counci 1. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation ,of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes data processing expenses, expenses of Public Agencies Data Systems membership, and $5,500 for City's share of new systems development cost. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: supplies. includes printing of forms and departmental Transportation Expense: provides monthly automobile allowance authorized the City Administrator ($2ÐO) and Assistant City Admin- istrator ($100) for meetings, inspection trips and other transpor- tation; and provides for one of City's pool vehicles. Training and Development: includes $2,200 for City Administrator and $300 for Assistant City Administrator meetings and confer- ences, and provides for memberships in professional organiza- tions. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: provides for one printing calculator. /' " CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 32 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT SERIES 260 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Community Development function is responsible for the orderly growth, development and promotion of the community in accordance with the General Plan and established community objectives. The department provides technical advice and recommendations to the Planning Commis- sion, City Council and City Administrator; implements the General Plan; administers and enforces zoning, sign, litter and related regulations; assists the general public with development information and suggestions. Funds for Community Promotion are also budgeted in this activity, such as memberships in other organizations, contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, and miscellaneous advertising. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1972-73 Actual 1973-74 Budget 1973-74 Estimate 1974-75 Budget Supplies & Services 21,965 $ 80,408 20,200 $ 97,402 Personnel $69,940 $ 88,095 22,060 22,302 Capital outlay 34 858 905 ------ TOTAL EXPENSE $92,034 $110,918 $101,513 $119,704 PROGRAM The Department has met the State schedules for adoption of mandatory elements of the General Plan, with three elements scheduled for com- pletion during the fiscal year: Seismic Safety, Noise, and Scenic Highways. Noise levels have been calibrated for the various areas of the City, and development guidelines have been formulated. The Council authoriza- tiOh for a citizens' advisory committee will assist in the adoption of community standards. The Seismic Safety Element is a joint endeavor of the Orange County cities and the County. Other areas of attention during the fiscal year are a growth policy, environmental impact report preparation for public projects, and con- tinued review of private developments, including the industrial si~es. Community Promotions, although integrated into the budget account of the Community Development Department, are considered as specific appropriations by the City Council. .' CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 33 ANNUAL BUD ET ACTIVITY ¡ACCOUNT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERIES 260 BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Asst. City Administrator 1 (1795) 1 (1958) 1 (1958) 1 (2125) Asst. Planning Director 1 (1297) 1 (1407) 1 (1407) 1 (1534) Public Services Asst. 1 (1067) 1 (1158) 1 (1158) 1 (1262) Planning Technician ------ 1 (953) 1 (953) 1 (1039 ) Engineering Aide ~ (864) ------ ------ ------ Secretary II ,1 (711) 1 (771) 1 (771) 1 (840) Secretary I 1 (677) 1 (734) 1 (734) 1 (800) Part-Time (Non'e) ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Positions 5~ 6 6 6 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $63,134 $ 78,512 $ 70,943 $ 86,876 Overtime ------ 250 ------ 250 Retirement & Insurance 6,806 9,333 9,465 10,276 Total Personnel $69,940 $ 88,.095 $ 80,408 $ 97,402 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 1,440 $ 1,200 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Office Expense 631 200 200 200 Departmental Operation Printing & Supplies 885 850 1,500 1,000 Commission Fees 4,270 4,980 ~,100 2,760 Transportation Expense 1,963 1,920 1,920 1,920 Training & Development 850 815 1,230 972 Other Expenses Departmental ------ ------ ------ 200 City Memberships 1,697 3,000 3,150 3,150 City Contributions 10,000 8,500 8,500 8,500 City Adv~rtising 324 500 600 2,600 Total Supplies & Serv. $22,060 $ 21,965 $ 20,200 $ 22,302 Capital Outlay $ ------ $ ------ Office Equipment $------ $ ------ Departmental Equipment 34 858 905 ------ Total Capital Outlay $ 34 $ 858 $ 905 $ ------ GRAND TOTAL $92,034 $110,918 ,$101. 513 $119,704 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA G 34 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT SERIES 260 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been included in the Budget. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the City CounciL Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation ,of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual services: includes weed abatement which provides for cost of clearing littered or overgrown vacant prop~rty until the City is reimbursed by the property owner. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: Prihting & Supplies includes printing and departmental supplies. Commission Fees provides for Planning Commission fees. Transportation Expense: provides monthly automobile allowance for Assistant City Administrator and monthly rental of pool car. Other Expenses: Departmental includes memberships and publications. City Memberships provides for City membership in the Orange County Division, the State League of California Cities, the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council, and other organizations. City Contributions to civic organizations of Citywide benefit such as the Chamber of Commerce for promotion, and, in prior years, to the Jaycees for Tiller Days as authorized by Council. City Advertising includes miscellaneous advertising expenses. CAPITAL OUTLAY: None. /' . ' CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 35 '--' ] ---., -.! Î --J Î '-' ANNUAL BUDGET- ACTIVITY ACCOUNT SERIES 330 NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Non-Departmental activity contains those expenditures that affect all departments or the City as a whole. Examples of these are independent audit expenses, City liability and property damage insur- ance, duplication expenses, postage and office equipment maintenance, and special census expenses. Special programs such as refuse collec- tion and the City's bus system are also included in this activity. Employee insurance and retirement expenses have been spread to the benefitted activities and thus are no longer included. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $ ------ $ 7,730 $ 7 , 730 $(20,000) Supplies & Services 190,204 306,721 281,848 327,783 Capital Outlay 1,234 ------ 1,086 ------ TOTAL EXPENSE $191,438 $314,451 $290,664 .$307,783 PROGRAM Programs of the "Non-Departmental" activity include the following: 1. Collection of waste materials on a regular basis so as to protect the appearance and health of the community. This is accomplished by weekly collections under the Solid Waste Collection contract. A new, exclusive contract was awarded effective June 1, 1972. Purchase of replacement vehicles financed through the equipment 'fund by means of vehicle rental charges to using departments. These charges also cover the cost of operating and maintaining the vehicles. Provision of employee benefits to protect the employees' welfare and maintain a competitive employment position. provision of adequate insurance to protect the City's interest in liability and property damage cases. Centralization of certain common office expenses and duplication costs for greater visibility and control. The debt retirement costs for Park Bond and Civic Center Bond have been included as Non-Departmental expenses. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ," CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 36 A A BUD ET ACTIVITY NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNT 330 " , SERIES BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 19 73- 74 1973-74 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget (None) ------ ------, ------ ------ ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Census Takers $ ------ $ 7,730 $ 7 , 730 $ ------ Projected Salary Savings ------ ------ ------ (20,000) Supplies & Services Contractual Services Refuse Collection $ 45,373 $ 50,500 $ 53,200 $ 58,000 Employee Insurance ------ ------ ------ 6,330 Auditing 6,605 6,500 6,500 7,000 City Insurance 22,286 25,390 26,530 26,900 Medical Services 1,966 1,000 1,400 1,000 State population Est. 360 3,933 3,000 400 Office Expense Postage 7,730 7,500 6,800 7,000 Office Equipment Maint. 2,029 800 800 900 Duplication Expense 23,797 22,000 20,600 16,500 Other 2,607 2.,000 5,000 3,500 Training & Development 613 1,200 750 900 Other Expenses Bus Expense ------ 25,000 22,940 40,000 Bond Expense 76,838 160,898 134,328 153,353 Interest Expense-Short Term ------ ------ ------ 6,000 Total Supplies & Servo $190,204 $306,721 $281,848 $327,783 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 6,387 $ 37,000 $ 37,000 $ 36,970 Equipment Fund Reimbursement (6,387) (37,000) (37,000) (36,970) Office Eqnipment 1,234 ------ 1,086 ------ / Total Capital Outlay $ 1,234 $ ------ $ 1,086 $ -----:-- GRAND TOTAL $191,438 $314,451 $290,664 $307,783 .' CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA NNU L G 37 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNT SERIES 330 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL Census takers were used in 1973-74. Negative amount of $20,000 is the budgeted amount for anticipated salary savings. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Refuse Collection provides for cost of refuse collection service to single family, duplex and triplex residential property and commercial businesses requiring only minimum service, based on $1.20 per dwelling unit and $1.46 per business. Consultants provided for management and water consultant. Auditing provides for the City's independent audit of financial records. City Insurance provides for liability, property damage, and surety insurance. Office Expense: Postage provides for postage in all departments including postage for the quarterly City newsletter. Office Equipment Maintenance provides for maintenance of all City office equipment. Duplication Expense includes the cost of City duplication work. Other provides for operating the centr~l supply room. Training and Development: provides for tuition reimbursement and personnel recruiting costs. Other Expenses: Bond Expense provides for Park and Civic Center Bond Interest expense, Bond repayment, and related expenses. Bus Expense provides for operating costs of Nickel Bus and related expenses. Interest Expense provides for short term borrowing by the General Fund. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: provides for replacement of Equipment Fund (replace six patrol cars one pickup truck at $3,390, replace two at $3,800 each, and replace one auto in at $3,180). City vehicles from the at $3,800 each, replace Fire Department autos Engineering Department Equipment Fund Reimbursement: provides for reimbursement from Equipment Fund for repla~~ment of vehicles and equipment. CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 38 ,---" ." ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY BUILDING REGULATION BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES 1ACCOUNT SERIES 420 The Building Department strives to insure that all buildings in the City are constructed and maintained in compliance with the standards of safety and sanitation established by the City's adopted codes, and other applicable City, County, and State laws. In accomplishing these objectives, the department reviews plans for conformance with existing laws, advises the public on proper methods of construction, issues permits for work which complies with the adopted standards, and inspects construction to insure that it is in accordance with the approved plans. The department is involved in plumbing, electrical, building, heating and cooling, and sign construction activities, and assists in zoning enforcement. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1972-73 Actual Personnel $ 53,779 Supplies & Services 4,748 Capital Outlay 93 TOTAL EXPENSE $ 58,620 PROGRAM Valuation Added (In $1,000) $ 14,000 Commercial Value Only (In $1,000) $ 3,840 Inspections Total 9,70D ,/ 4,500 Per Man Vehicle Miles 15,000 New Dwelling Units 340 ,.' 1973-74 Budget $ 75,254 4,110 615 $ 79,979 $ 22,200 $ 5,000 12,000 4,500 18,000 700 CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 1973-74 Estimate $ 75,424 5,768 ------ $ 81,192 $ 23,000 $ 6,144 16,000 5,500 18,000 700 1974-75 Budget $ 80,704 5,560 ------ $ 86,264 / $ 20,000 $ 9,000 13,000 4,500 18,000 350 39 ACTIVITY ANNUAL BUDGET BUILDING REGULATION PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Building Official Building Inspector Secretary I 'Part-Time (None) Total Positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Retirement & Insurance Total Personnel Supplies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Servo Capital Outlay Office Equipment GRAND TOTAL . " BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 Actual 1 (1362) 2 (1017) 1 (677) ------ 4 $47,727 6,052 $53,779 $ 918 315 1,025 2,160 330 $ 4,748 $ 93 1973-74 Budget 1 (1453) 3 (1139) 1 (734) ------ 5 $66,915 8,339 $75,254 $ 800 .200 450 2,160 500 $ 4,110 $ 615 $58,620 ,/ $ 79 ,979 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I ACCOUNT SERIES 1973-74 Estimate 1 (1453) 3 (1139) 1 (734) ------ 5 $67,008 8,416 $75,424 $ 1,688 200 1,025 2,160 695 $ 5,768 $------ $81,192 420 1974-75 Budget 1 (1575) 3 (1242) 1 (800) ------ 5 $71,978 8,726 $80,704 $ 2,000 200 500 2,160 700 $ 5,560 $------ $86,264 40 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY BUILDING REGULATION ACCOUNT SERIES 420 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been included in the Budget. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the Ci ty Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation ,of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: primarily for outside plan checking of structurally complex buildings. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: supplies. includes printing of forms and departmental Transportation Expense: provides for the rental of three vehicles from the Equipment Fund. . Training & Development: provides for attendance at various confer- ences and meetings, and includes memberships in local and national professional organizations. CAPITAL OUTLAY: None. -' .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 41 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY POLICE OBJECTIVES BUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNT SERIES 440 Police services provide protection to life and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. The patrol function is to discourage violations, detect those which occur, and apprehend violators. The detective function complements the patrol function by providing thorough investigation leading to identifica- tion, apprehensions, and the recovery of stolen goods. The traffic enforcement function is to facilitate the safe and efficient move- ment of automobiles and pedestrians through enforcement of State and local traffic laws. The department also provides educational pro- grams on narcotic control and bicycle safety, supervises school crossing guards, and performs vacation security checks. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSES PROGRAM Criminal Homicides Forcible Rapes Robberies Aggravated Assaults Burglaries Grand Thefts Petty Thefts Auto Thefts Narcotics Accidents-Fatal -Injury -Non-Injury -Hit & Run Traffic Citations Patrol Miles (Thousands) .' 1973-73 Actual $678,580 75,512 15,161 $769,253 1 12 19 25 547 87 952 114 311 ' 4 ./ l68 305 162 5,704 260 1973-74 Budget $885,846 58,150 2,771 $946,767 2 18 25 30 800 75 --- 125 200 3 190 450 --- 6,000 365 CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 1973-74 Estimate 1974-75 Budget $886,404 $1,014,520 68,350 3,470 93,640 20,657 $958,224 $1,128,817 0 14 26 1~ 712 114 1,126 121 357 3 179 283 144 4,810 317 1 15 2l 18 641 152 1,056 126 354 3 175 234 132 6,000 325 42 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY POLICE I ACCOUNT 440 SERIES BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Police Chief 1 (1629) 1 (2012) 1 (2012) 1 (2000) Operations Manager 1 (1340) 1 (1430) 1 (1430) 1 (1587) Services Manager 1 (1340) 1 (1430) 1 (1430) 1 (1587) Investigation Manager ------ ------ ------ 1 (1587) Supervisor 7 (1216) 8 (1297) 8 (1297) 7 (1440) Senior Investigator 3 (1139) 3 (1216) 3 (1216) 3 (1307) Traffic Officer ------ 2 (1177) 2 (1177) ------ Investigator 4 (1084) 4 (1158) 4 (1158) ------ Senior Policeman 3 (1084) 3 (1158) 3 (1158) ------ Police Agent ------ ------ ------ 10 (1282) Police Officer 19 (1050) 19 (1120) 19 (1120) 18 (1221) Communications Officer 4 (758) 5 (809) 5 (809) 5 (882) Secretary II 1 (711) 1 (771) 1 (771) 1 (840) Secretary I 1 (677) 1 (734) 1 (734) 1 (800) Senior Typist ------ ------ ------ 2 (762) Intermediate Typist Clerk 3 (614) 7 (666) 7 (666) 5 (726) Typist Clerk 4 (557) ------ ------ ------ Total Full-Time 52 56 56 56 Crossing Guard 4 (2.25) 8 (2.40) 8 (2. 40) 8 (2.40) Reserve Officer 18 (4.97) 18 (5.32) 18 (5.32) 18 (5.32) Relief Commun. Officer 1 (3.60) ----- ------ ------ Total positions 75 82 82 82 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $512,520 $682,380 $670,000 $ 790,651 Overtime 45,765 44,300 56,300 51,000 Reserve Officer 9 , 729 10,000 7,000 8,000 Crossing Guards 7,544 8,000 9,000 16,000 Part-Time Personnel 2,622 3,000 4,500 ------ Retirement & Insurance 100,400 138,166 139,604 148,869 Tòtal Personnel $678,580 $885,846 $886,404 $1,014,520 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 36 $ 100 $ 100 $ 3,196 Facilities Expense 6,881 6,000 8,000 2,540 Office Expense 1,594 2,000 2,000 12,983 Departmental Expense 20,754 17,050 21,750 23,491 Transportation Expense 37,680 40,000 40,000 50,640 Training & Development 8,567 (7,000) (3,500) 790 Total Supplies & Servo $ 75,512 $ 58,150 $ 68,350 $ 93,640 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 43 ---"~~ ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY POLICE ACCOUNT 440 SERIES BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont.) Actual Budget Estimate Budget Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 386 $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ Office Equipment 2,480 480 497 1,710 Departmental Equipment 12,295 2,291 2,973 18,947 Total Capital Outlay $ l5,16l $ 2,771 $ 3,470 $ 20,657 GRAND TOTAL $769,253 $946,767 $958,224 $1,128,817 . /' " . " ITY OF TUSTIN ALiFORNIA c ,c 44 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY POLICE ACCOUNT SERIES 440 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL This year's budget allows for the promotion of one Supervisor to Investigation Manager, and the reclassification of two Intermediate Typist Clerks to Senior Typists. A new class of Police Agent has been created for greater flexibility, replacing Police Investigator and Senior Policeman. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the Ci ty CounciL Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: provides contingency allocation for County Jail. Facilities Expense: provides for the department's telephone system. Office Expense: provides for office supplies, including duplication expense previously budgeted in Non-Departmental. . Departmental Expense: provides for printing, uniforms, ammunition, travel expenses connected with out-of-County court appearances 'and travel to pick up prisoners, and other departmental supplies and services. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental of all patrol and administrative vehicles for operation, maintenance, and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: includes firing range expenses, professional . meetings, training seminars, memberships, and publications. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: provides $528 for filing and storage cabinets; $339 for office calculators; $360 for dictation equipment; and $483 for other office. equipment. Departmental Equipment: provides $581 for portable radios; $82 for barricades and ladders; $264 for tear gas gun; $958 for photo lab equipment and binoculars ¡ and $17,062 for a communications' center for the new Police facility. CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 45 ACTIVITY FIRE OBJECTIVES ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNT SERIES 450 Fire services provide protection to life and property through fire prevention, fire suppression, and emergency rescue services. The prevention function is to provide public education on fire safety, fire prevention inspections, and review of proposed development plans for fire safety. The suppression function involves the deployment of sufficient apparatus and trained personnel in quick and effective response to any fire alarm. Since the 1968-69 fiscal year, the Fire Department has also been responsible for the functions of Disaster Services. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM Fires Rescues Fire Loss (In $1,000) Inspections and Investigations 1972-73 Actual $318,718 29,902 5,026 $353,646 482 417 $185.4 1,317 / . ' 1973-74 Budget $430,516 45,603 28,914 $505,033 509 363 $115.1 2,574 CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 1973-74 Estimate $415,816 46,096 29,023 $490,935 509 363 $115.1 2,574 1974-75 Budget $490,104 47,806 19,586 $557,496 556 410 $150.0 2,700 46 -.. ACTIVITY FIRE I ACCOUNT 450 SERIES BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Fire Chief 1 (1526) 1 (1629) 1 (1629) 1 (1775) Operations Officer 1 (1318) 1 (14 30) 1 (1430) 1 (1587) Fire Marshal 1 (1196) 1 (1255) 1 (1255) 1 (1587) Fire Captain 4 (1196) 5 (1255) 5 (1255) 6 (1440) Fire Engineer 4 (1067) 5 (1120) 5 (1120) 6 (1221) Fireman 15 (1000) 14 (1050) 14 (1050) 12 (1145) Secretary II 1 (711) 1 (771) 1 (771) 1 (869) Total Full-Time 27 28 28 28 Volunteers 11 (3.00) 10 (3.15) lO (3.15) 10 (3.15) Total Positions 38 38 38 38 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $248,778 $353,807 $334,431 $ 400,846 Overtime 17,528 7,000 13,000 10,000 Volunteers 3,950 3,000 1,000 1,960 Retirement & Insurance 48,462 66,709 67,385 77,298 . Total Personnel $318,718 $430,516 $415,816 $490,104 Supplies & Services Contractual Services Hydrant Rental $ 7,285 $ 8,000 $ 7,670 $ 8,400 Communications Center ------ 9,960 12,207 11,623 Facilities Expense 1,564 3,900 2,143 1,200 Office Expense 509 400 375 400 Departmental Expense 8,233 10,403 10,918 10,003 Transportation Expense 11,075 11,000 11,000 14,000 Training & Development 1,236 1,940 1,783 2,180 Total Supplies & Servo $ 29,90'2 $ 45,603 $ 46,096 $ 47,806 Capital Outlay ..- Motor Vehicles $ ------ $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 14,000 Office Equipment 374 235 207 160 Departmental Equipment 4,652 8,679 8,816 5,426 Total Capital Outlay $ 5,026 $ 28,914 $ 29,023 $ 19,586 ,.' $557,496 GRAND TOTAL $353,646 $505,033 $490,935 CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET 47 rr'~.~ ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY FIRE ACCOUNT I SERIES 450 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL Provides for elevating the status of the Fire Marshal to Battalion Chief status for improved supervision, and replacing two Fireman positions with a Captain and Engineer positions to eliminate excessive use of acting positions. ,Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the Ci ty Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Hydrant Rental: payment to Water Works for hydrant rental. Communications Center: payment for contract dispatching service with Santa Ana. Facilities Expense: provides for the department's telephone system. Office Expense: provides for office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes printing, small tools, uniforms, and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental of all departmental vehicles and equipment for operation, maintenance and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, and memberships. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: engine. provides $14,000 for the second payment on the new ,/ Office Equipment: provides $160 for two desk-top calculators. Departmental Equipment: provides $~,862 for three new two-way radios; $590 for gas atmosphere analyzer; $530 for new fire hose; $444 for other departmental equipment; and $1,000 for remodeling Station No. 1.- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 48 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ENGINEERING ACCOUNT SERIES 500 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Engineering Department is responsible for a wide scope of activities including capital improvement planning, project cost estimating, project engineering, contract administration, construc- tion inspection, traffic engineering, subdivision and lot division review, zoning application review, maintenance of street and under- ground facility map records, street dedications, and technical advice to the City Administrator and City Counci'l on all subjects , involving engineering. Representative projects include street construction, sewer and storm drain construction, park and beauti- fication projects, traffic signals, street lighting, sidewalks and engineering assistance to the Maintenance Department. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1972-73 1973- 74 1973-74 1974-75 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $76,906 $109,370 $106,909 $121,492 Supplies & Services 13,309 5,210 11,280 9,540 Capital Outlay 1,049 870 1,351 1,855 TOTAL EXPENSE $91,264 $115,450 $119,540 $132,887 PROGRAM 1973-74 marked the completion of several capital improvement projects within the City. First Street widening and median installation from the Newport Freeway to Prospect Avenue was completed late in the year. Yorba Street widening southerly of Laurie Lane was completed, solving a major drainage problem. Bryan and Red Hill Avenues were widened adjacent to Pine Tree Park to accommodate the park development. A joint project with Orange County Flood Control was completed in midyear in ! which a major storm drain was installed along Bryan Avenue from Browning' Avenue to Red Hill Avenue. A City project extended this drain westerly I along Bryan Avenue across the Pine Tree Park frontage. The traffic I signal at Newport Avenue and the Santa Ana Freeway, a cooperative pro- ject with the State Department of Transportation, was also completed about midyear. In addition to the continuing programs of service to the public, con- struction inspection and review of development proposals are the follow-I ing programs for 1974-75: 1. Revisions and updating of all City maps. 2. Design and/or supervision over Capital Improvement projects. 3. Construction of'street imp,ravements, c_s, sid~alks, and other I street needs under Assessment District proceedings. 4. Review of subdivision and lot division ordinance requirements. 5. Improvement in office procedures and records. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 49 ANNUAL BUDGET , ACTIVITY ENGINEERING I ACCOUNT 500 SERIES , BUDGET DETAIL , 1972-73 1973-74 1973- 74 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget City Engineer 1 (1795) 1 (1885) 1 (1885) 1 (1925) Asst. City Engineer 1 (1340) 1 (1453) 1 (1453) 1 (1584) Associate Civil Engineer 1 (1297) 1 (1384) 1 (1384) 1 (1534) Public Works Inspector 1 (1017) 1 (1084) 1 (1084) 1 (1201) Sr. Engineering Aide ------ 1 (1033) 1 (1033) 1 (1126) Engineering Aide ~ (864) 1 (937) 1 (937) 1 (1021) Secretary I 1 (677) 1 (734) 1 (734) 1 (800) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Positions 5!.:¡ 7 7 7 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $68,399 $ 98,120 $ 94,637 $108,745 Overtime 444 I 200 1,061 250 Retirement & Insurance 8,063 11,050 11,211 12,497 Total Personnel $76,906 $109;370 $106,909 $121,492 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 8,740 $ ------ $ 4,859 $ 3,500 Office Expense 521 800 656 680 Departmental Expense 1,445 1,450 J, 115 2,200 Transportation Expense 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 Training & Development 203 560 250 760 Tpta1 Supplies & Servo $13,309 $ 5,210 $ 11,280 $ 9,540 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 524 $ 870 $ 868 $ 395 Departmental Equipment 525 ------ 483 1,460 Total Capital Outlay $ 1,049 $, 870 $ 1,351 $ 1,855 GRAND TOTAL $91,264 $115,450 $119,540 $132,887 .' CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 50 ==,,~-' ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ENGINEERING I ACCOUNT SERIES 500 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been included in the Budget. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance ,have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: engineering, surveying, and testing services. Office Expense: provides for office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes printing and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental for those pool vehicles for the inspector, surveying, etc. Training & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications and memberships. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: plan file. provides $395 for two file cabinets and a flat Departmental Equipment: provides $285 for engineering calculators and $1,175 for specialized engineering drafting and measuring equipment. . ' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 51 ,-",___n_, r-' ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT SERIES 560 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Street Maintenance 'activity maintains, repairs and cleans public streets and related facilities so as to provide smooth, safe and attractive streets for the travelling public and to extend the useful life of these facilities. Its work includes street and alley repair, sign maintenance, center line and crosswalk painting, tree trimming, landscape maintenance, street sweeping, sidewalk repair, and signal maintenance. The Government Buildings Division provides for the operation and maintenance of City buildings; included are the costs of custodial services, utilities, repairs, custodial supplies, telephone service (except for the separate Police and Fire systems), and the rental of Council and Commission Chambers. ' The Parks Division maintains, cleans and otherwise cares for City owned or leased park facilities so as to provide convenient, safe, and attractive facilities for the leisure time activities of the general public, and to extend the useful life of these facilities. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1972-73 Actual 1973-74 Budget. 1973-74 Estimate 1974-75 Budget $ 310,929 Personnel $210,363 $279,177 $265,527 Supplies & Services Capital Outlay 15,655 220,255 13,982 224,025 21,510 218,850 7,462 14,966 TOTAL EXPENSE $239,335 $513,682 $499,764 $549,920 PROGRAM Maintenance is a key factor in keeping facilities available, extending their useful life, and establishing the tone for a positive community image. In addition, this activity has landscaped each of the existing City center islands and will landscape most of the new center islands as well. The maintenance program is being significantly increased by the park acquisition and development program made possible by the $1,200,000 general obligation bonds authorized by the citizens of Tustin. Fur- thermore, the maintenance workload will'continue to increase as additional street mileage is constructed or annexed, and additional street center isiands are constructed. CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 52 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE SERIES 560 BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Maintenance Superintendent 1 (1158) 1 (1255) 1 (1255) 1 (1400) Mechanic Foreman 1 (968) 1 (1050) 1 (1050) 1 (1145) Maintenance Foreman 1 (968) 1 (1050) 1 (1050) 1 (1145) Tree Foreman 1 (968) 1 (1050) 1 (1050) 1 (1145) Park Foreman 1 (968) 1 (1050) 1 ( 10 50) 1 (1145) Equipment Mechanic 1 (892) 1 (968) 1 (968) 1 (1055) Equipment Operator 2 (836) 2 (907) 2 (907) 2 (989) Maintenance Leadman 1 (836) 1 (907) 1 (907) 1 (989) Senior Custodian 1 (836) 1 (878) 1 (878) 1 (957) Tree Trimmer 2 (809) 2 (878) 2 (878) 2 (957) Mechanic's Helper 1 (771) 1 (836) 1 (836) 1 (911) Maintenanceman II 2 (771) 3 (836) 3 (836) 3 (911) Maintenanceman I 2 (734) 2 (797) 2 ( 79 7) 2 (869) Maintenanceman I - Parks 2 (734) 3 (797) 3 (797) 3 (869) Custodian 2 (688) 2 (722) 2 (722) 2 (787) Typist Clerk ------ 1 ( 60 4) 1 (604) 1 (658) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Positions 21 24 24 24 ACCOUNTING DETAIL . Personnel Regular Salary $182,308 $240,861 $226,874 $262,309 Overtime 3,133 4,000 4,000 5,000 Retirement & Insurance 24,922 34,316 34,653 43,620 Total Personnel $210,363 $279,177 $265,527 $310,929 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 59,066 $ 97,700 $ 93,000 $ 86,200 Façi1ities Expense 36,147 47,350 43,945 52,400 Departmental Expense 27,523 58,350 52,025 60,425 Transportation Expense 61,677 59,500 75,335 69,000 Training & Development 112 450 450 500 Charges to Other Accounts (163,015) (44,500) (44,500) (44,500) Total Supplies & Servo $ 21,510 $218,850 $220,255 $224,025 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 4,221 $ 9,565 $ 9,687 $ 4,611 Departmental Equipment '3,241 6,090 4,295 10,355 Total Capital Outlay $ 7,462 $ 15,655 $ 13,982 $ 14,966 GRAND TOTAL $239,335 $513,682 $499,764 $549,920 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 53 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY MAINTENANCE /ACCOUNT SERIES 560 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been included in the Budget. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more aCCurate .representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes $19,000 for signal maintenance and light energy; $35,000 for street repair; $10,000 for sign maintenance and striping; $12,500 for sidewalk construction; and $9,700 for other maintenance. Facilities Expense: includes utilities, custodial supplies and building maintenance. Departmental Expense: includes maintenance supplies, miscellaneous tools, uniforms, and other expenses. ," Transportation Expense: includes $52,000 fQr operation and repair of all City vehicles and equipment, and $17,000 for rental of departmental equipment from the Equipment Fund. I! I.> -, I Training & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications and memberships. J Charges to Other Accounts: provides for reimbursement of vehicle operation and repair costs from the Equipment Fund. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor' Vehicles: tailgate. provides for a pickup truck with a power-lift ~ H Departmental" Equipment: provides $1,500 for a trailer; $2,594 for two radios for trucks that do not presently have them; $1,166 for hydraulic pruning tools; $1,325 for auger to be used to bor~ holes for tree planting; $1,912 for vehicle jacks; and $1,908 for other departmental equipment. H . ' H II CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 54 ACTIVITY RECREATION OBJECTIVES ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET,SUMMARY I ACCOUNT SERIES 630 The Recreation Department is responsible for providing a we11- balanced recreational and cultural program within the budgeting limits on a year-round basis, which will be of generai benefit and interest to all Tustin area residents. The Department avoids the duplication of recreation programs and facilities wherever possible by encouraging the efforts of, and by coordinating with, private groups and other public agencies. The Department also works with other City depart- . ments in park planning, utilization and maintenance. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM Daily Summer Recreation Areas Attendance Teen Dances Held Attendance Instruction Classes Held Attendance Daily School Year Areas Attendance Youth Excursions Attendance Sr. Citizens Excursions Attendance Music Concerts Held Attendance yami1y Excursions Attendance Sports Leagues Attendance Other Activities Attendance TOTAL ATTENDANCE 1972-73 Actual $35,962 27,468 827 $64,257 5 1,200 3 500 137 1,644 Recreation . 5 1,050 9 640 3 ./ 180 7 2,800 5 275 10 ,950 3 150 9, 389 1973-74 Budget $6l,939 33,260 1,813 $97,012 . 6 1,250 2 400 145 1,740 6 1,200 9 650 3 210 7 2,800 6 330 11 1,.050 4 225 9,855 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 1973- 74 Estimate $ 54,580 44,660 1,985 $101,225 6 1,300 3 500 190 2,280 6 1,300 9 650 3 225 6 3,000 6' 330 11 l,050 4 225 .10,860 1974-75 Budget $ 67,810 51,315 7,513 $126,638 9 2,000 5 700 200 2,450 6 1,300 12 900 6 450 15 7,500 12 660 13 1,250 4 225 17,~35 55 -- ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY RECREATION ACCOUNT 630 SERIES BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973- 74 1973-74 1974-75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Parks & Recreation Director 1 (1340) 1 (1430) 1 (1430) 1 (1550) Recreation Supervisor ------ 1 (1033) 1 (1033) 1 (1147) Secretary I ------ ------ ------ 1 (800) Senior Typist 1 (645) 1 (699) 1 (699) ------ Total Full-Time 2 3 3 3 Recreation Leaders lO (2.75) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) Total Positions 12 13 13 13 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $19,930 $35,488 $ 35,170 $ 41,074 Part-Time Leaders 12,912 22,158 15,070 22,000 Retirement & Insurance 3,120 4 , 29 3 4,340 4,736 Total Personnel $35,962 $61,939 $ 54,580 $ 67,810 , Supplies & Services Contractual Services $14,856 $20,115 $ 31,900 $ 35,650 Office Expense 349 150 150 200 Departmental Expense 7,987 8,655 8,445 9,860 Transportation Expense 3,509 3,300 3,150 4,365 Training & Development 767 1,040 1,015 1,240 Total Supplies & Serv. $27,468 $33,260 $ 44,660 $ 51,315 Capital Outlay Departmental Equipment $ 827 $ 1,813 $ 1,985 $ 7,513 GRAND TOTAL $64,257 $97,012 $lOl,225 $126,638 " ,.' CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 56 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY RECREATION ACCOUNT SERIES 630 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL Provides for the promotion of the Senior Typist to Secretary I to more accurately reflect duties. Salaries for 1974-75 include salary increases as approved by the City Council. ,Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides $900 for teen-dance bands and concerts, and $34,150 for contract instructors of se1f- supporting classes. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes sports and craft supplies, printing and other departmental supplies, and $2,l60 for commission fees. Transportation Expense: includes the monthly rental vehicle rental for one pool vehicle and $3,595 for excursion and beach bus rental. Training & Development: provides for professional meetings and conferences for the staff and Parks and Recreation Commission, and memberships. CAPITAL OUTLAY Departmental Equipment: Provides for the following: sand volleyball court at Centennial Park, $1,200; basketball standards at Centennial Park, $670; twelve picnic tables and four barbecue braziers at pine Tree Park, $1,320; five game tables and a record player for recreation programs, $390; twelve picnic tables and four barbecues for Utt/Mitchel1 Park, $1,320; and two group-size barbecues, $600 (one for Pine Tree Park and one for Utt/Mitchel1 Park) . / " CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 57 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY GRANT PERSONNEL ACCOUNT SERIES 800 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES This activity is established as a control account for grant funds which provide temporary personnel assistance to the City. The City's Safety and Traffic Accident Reduction Team (START) was a two-year program designed to reduce accidents with four additional men and related equipment and facilities. The Public Employment Program (PEP) is a temporary program based on the nation's high unemployment and is funded on a year to year basis. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1972- 73 Actual 1973-74 Budget $ 19,980 19 73- 74 Estimate 1974-75 Budget Personnel $166,943 26,360 $ 5 B , 6 19 50 $ ------ Supplies & Services 50 ------ Capital Outlay ------ ------ ------ ------ TOTAL EXPENSE $193,303 $ 20,030 $ 58,669 $ ------ PROGRAM START Personnel 4 ------ ------ ------ PEP Section 5 Personnel 11 ------ 4 ------ PEP Section 6 Personnel 5 3~ ------ 1 ------ PEP Vet Certificate 4 3 3 3~ ------ PEP Vet Demonstration 5 ------ , TOTAL 27~ 6 13~ ------ " .' CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 58 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY GRANT PERSONNEL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE START Traffic Supervisor Traffic Officer Draftsman PEP SECTION 5 Recreation Supervisor Mechanic's Helper Maintenanceman I Apprentice Fireman Intermediate Typist Clerk Typist Clerk PEP SECTION 6 Fiscal Systems Analyst Maintenanceman I Typist Clerk PEP Vet Demonstration PEP Vet Certificate Total Personnel ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel START Project PEP Section 5 PEP Section 6 PEP Certificate-Vet PEP Demonstration-Vet Retirement & Insurance Total Personnel Supplies & Services Contractual Services Departmental Expense Total Supplies & Servo Capital Outlay (None) . ' GRAND TOTAL BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 Actual 1 (1216) 2 (1102) 1 (864) 1 (984) 1 (771) 3 (699) 3 (575) 1 (614) 2 (539) 1 (968) 2 (734) 2 (557) 3~ 4 27~ $ 51,501 43,714 16,575 17,450 12,950 24,753 $166,943 $' 12,000 14,360 $ 26,360 $193,303 1973-74 Budget ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 3 3 6 $------ ------ ------ 12,750 4,276 2,954 $19,980 $------ 50 $ 50 $20,030 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ACCOUNT SERIES 1973-74 Estimate ------ ------ ------ 1 (1033) 1 (836) 1 (797) 1 (1050) ------ ------ ------ 1 (797) ------ 3!:! 5 13~ $ 748 13,900 636 25,000 11,500 6,835 $58,619 $------ 50 $ 50 $58,669 800 1974-75 Budget ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ $------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -- $------ $------ ------ $------ $------ 59 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY GRANT PERSONNEL I ACCOUNT SERIES 800 BUDGET COMMENTARY No expenditures budgeted. The Public Employment Program ended April 30,1974, and all employees who were working under this program were terminated on that day. The exceptions are those grant employees who have been transitioned to . regular City employees by Council action. ...- .' CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 60 SECTION VII CAP ITALIMPROVEMENT BUDGET .' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA BUDGET ACTIVITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET I ACCOUNT 10 TO 80 SERIES The following Capital Improvement Budget is divided into two grouplngs: 1. Five-Year Capital Improvement Program The 1974-75 Budget is funded, with the remaining four-year funds from 1975-76 to 1978-79 partially anticipated. 2. Long Range Capital Improvement Program Funds have not been identified for this program. ./ CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA ANNUAL 61 1973-74 1973-74 1974- 75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned PROGRAM SUMMARY 10 PUBLIC FACILITIES $1,089,600 $1,088,600 $ 511,000 $ 124,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 30 BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 40,000 29,105 12,000 42,800 36,000 111,000 58,000 40 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES 586,460 359,015 310, 300 150,000 150,000 ------ ------ 60 TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 595,203 591,760 232,000 250,500 214,500 102,000 104,000 ("') 65 TRAFFIC CONTROLS 67,978 3,378 122,000 73,100 49,000 30,000 50,000 -i » -< 70 FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 193,000 136,562 45,000 258,500 206,000 131,500 l47,000:z 0 :z " -i 80 WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES ------ ------ 240,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ C c :Þ en ï ::! Z GRAND TOTAL - CAPITAL BUDGET $2,572,241 $2,208,420 $1,472,300 $ 898,900 $ 679,500 $ 398,500 $ 383,000 OJ C') c :Þ RECAP BY FUND 0 !: " C) 0 GENERAL FUND (GF) $ 198,600 $ 129,681 $ ,533,488 $ 40,300 $ 70,~00 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 m :JJ REVENUE SHARING (RS) 188,200 188,200 102,512 * * ------ ------ -i Z :Þ GAS TAX FUND, CITY (GT) 321,301 227,104 187,000 144,000 75,000 157,000 150,000 I COUNTY GAS TAX (CNTY) ------ ------ 17,000 19,000 18,000 ------ ------ AHFP 304,480 334,280 95,000 73,000 75,000 14,000 SEWER MAIN TRUCK FUND (SMT) 10,000 10,000 240,000 ------ ------ ------ BEAUTIFICATION FUND (B) 34,660 31,600 22,000 ------ ------ 6,000 4,000 PARK BOND FUND (PB) 549,000 220,555 275,300 COUNTY REVENUE SHARING (CRS) ------ 101,000 CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND (CB) 966,000 966,000 UNFUNDED (Unf) ------ ------ ------ 622,600 441,000 197,500 205,000 GRAND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS $2,572,241 $2,208,420 $1,472,3001 898,900 $ 679,500 $ 398;500 $ 383,000 - - " * Revenue Sharing of $100,000 for 1975-76 and $80,000 for 1976-77 available for assignment by .. City Council, which will decrease the unfunded totals. 0'\ N 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned II II PUBLIC FACILITIES 110. 1. City Center (08) CB $ 966,000 $ 966,000 $ $ $ $ $ Basic Contract RS 100,000 100,000 I 2. City Center (11) ! I Council Chambers GF ------ ------ 47,488 I RS ------ ------ 102,512 3. City Center (12) I Landscaping, Furniture, I & Carpeting GF ------ ------ 110,000 Q Telephone GF ------ ------ 20,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 :þ -i -< Z 0 4. Community Buildihg (13) Z " At City Center GF 13,600 13,600 221,000 c -i C :þ en 5. City Maintenance Yard (09) GF 10,000 9,000 10,000 ï :::! z Permanent Site on Red Hill Unf ------ ------ 100,000 !XI (') C :þ 6. Fire Station No.1 I:) ï Relocation' (14) Unf - ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ C') " 0 Cost & Location to m :JJ be determined -i Z :þ TOTAL PUBLIC FACILITIES $1,089,600 $1,088,600 $ 511,000 $ 124,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 II I i 0"1 W 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. El Camino Real (07) Street Lighting B $ 10,200 $ Deleted $ $ $ $ $ ìI GF 1,800 Deleted II 2. 17th St. Center Island (08) GT 2,000 2,000 Carroll Way to Yorba B 4,000 3,000 II 3. Bryan and Main (10) GT 4,000 Triangle Landscaping B 3,000 Q :Þ -i -< 4. Underground Telephone (13) GF 15,000 4,105 ------ 6,800 z 0 Lines Adjacent to Pine Tree Z " Park C -i :Þ c en 5. First St. Center Islands ï :j Z (14) !XI C') Newport Fwy. to Prospect GF ------ 8,860 C » B ------ 11,140 12,000 I:) ~ C') " 0 6. Newport Avenue Center m :JJ Islands (15) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 69,000 -i Z Irvine to McFadden B ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 6,000 :Þ 7. Red Hill Center Islands (04) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 30,000 AT&SF RR to 950' South B ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4,000 8. General Street Lighting (16) Program, Additional Lights, Decorative Standards Unf ------ ------ ------ 36,000 36,000 36,000 24,000 9. Other Projects to be Detennined Unf - TOTAL BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS $ 40,000 $ 29,105 $ 12,000 $ 42,800 $ 36,000 $ 111,000 $ 58,000 II CT\ ,þ, 1973-74 1973- 74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 40. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES 1. Pine Tree Park (03) PB $ 130,000 $ 130,000.$ $ $ $ $ Development 2. Mitchell & utt Park (04) PB 268,000 ------ 275,300 Development 3. Prospect & Irvine Park (05) PB 151,000 75,500 Land Acquisition CRS ------ 75,500 C') Development B & Unf ------ ------ 10,000 150,000 150,000 -i :Þ -< 4. Prospect & Beneta (08) B 15,460 15,460 Z 0 Flood Control Property PB ------ 15,055 Z " -i CRS ------ 25,500 C C :Þ en 5. Tennis Court Lighting (07) ï :j GF 22,000 22,000 z aI C') 6. Tennis Courts (09) GF C :Þ Coop. project with School ------ ------ 25,000 0 ï - District G') " 0 m :JJ TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION -i Z :Þ FACILITIES $ 586,460 $ 359,015 $ 310,300 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ ------ $ 0'1 VI 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM' Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. First Street (24) . GT $ 65,523 $ 86,000$ 15,000 $ $ $ $ Newport Fwy. to Prospect AHFP 299,680 325,000 15,000 RS 88,200 88,200 2. McFadden & Newport Avenues GT 8,000 6,000 (20) Cooperative Project with County C') 3. Red Hill & Bryan Avenues GT 48,000 48,000 ::¡ (28) Street Improvements B 2,000 2,000 :Þ -< & Center Islands with Z 0 Pine Tree Park SMT 10,000 10,000 z " c: -i C 4. Yorba Street (29) GT 4,800 9,280 :Þ en Widening south of Laurie ï ::! z Lane AHFP 4,800 9,280 !XI (") c :Þ 5. Irvine Boulevard I:) ï - Reconstruction (30) GT 55,000 ------ ------ 71,000 C') " 0 "B" to Prospect GF ------ ------ 10,000 m :JJ -i Z :Þ 6. "B" Street (31) GF 9,200 8,000 Widening south of First 7. Mitchell Avenue Recon- s truction (32) GF ------ ------ 15,000 Red Hill to 300' west of utt 8. Newport Avenue (21) GT ------ ------ 80,000 73,000 75,000 Irvine to McFadden AHFP ------ ------ 80,000 73,000 75,000 County ------ ------ 17,000 19,000 18,000 9. Red Hill RR Overcrossing Engineering' Study (33) GF ------ ------ ------ 9,500 II 0'\ 0'\ 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, Budget Expense Bud~:Let Planned Planned Planned Planned ;I I 116Ò' TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Cont'd) 10. Valencia Avenue (34) GT $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 42,000 $ Red Hill to RR Tracks II 11. Walnut Avenue (35) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 26,000 Red Hill to 520' East AHFP ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 14,000 II 12. Mitchell Avenue (36) GF ------ ------ ------ ------ 19,000 Carfax to Del Arno C') :::¡ 13. Red Hill Avenue » -< Reconstruètion (37) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 20,000 z 0 South of Lance Drive 2 " -i C c 14. Alley West of Centennial :Þ en (38) From CenteI).nial 27 ,~OO ï :::! GF ------ ------ ------ ------ Z to First Street !XI C') C :Þ 15. Williams Street (39) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 70,000 I:) ï - Widening from McFadden C') " 0 to Main m :JJ -i Z :Þ 16. Stonehenge Drive (40) Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 18,000 Bryan to CroI!Mell 17. School Road (41) Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 16,000 South of Sycalt'Ore 18. Service Road (27) Unf ------ ------ ------ 5,000 East of School Road 19. Bicycle Trails Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ ,----- Projects to be determined TOTAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES $ 595,203 $ 591,760 $ 232,000 $ 250,500 $ 214,500 $ 102,000 $ 104,000 II 0'\ -..J 1973-74 1973-74 1974 75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 1. Santa Ana Fwy. at Newport Avenue (09) GT $ 1,978 $ 3,378'$ $ $ $ $ Joint Project with State 2. Red Hill at Warner (10) GT 9,000 ------ 9,000 Joint Traffic Signal wi th County & Santa Ana 3. Newport at Bryan (13) GT 25,000 Deleted C") Signal & Widening Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ 25,000 -i :Þ -< z 0 4. Red Hill at Fire Station (14) Z " Emergency Signal GF 7,000 Deleted -i C C :Þ en 5. Red Hill Signal ï -i Z Interconnect (15) GT 25,000 ------ 31,000 Cost Above TOPICS !XI C') C :Þ I:) C 6. Newport Fwy. at Irvine (16) GT ------ ------ 28,000 C') " 0 Joint Project with Santa m :JJ Ana and State -i Z :Þ 7. Newport at Walnut (17) GT 12,000 ------ ------ Coop. Project with County 8. Red Hill at Sycamore and Walnut (18) GT ------ ------ 12,000 Left Turn Phasing GF 30,000 9. Red Hill at Bryan (19) Unf ------ ------ ------ 26,600 Left Turn Phasing 10. McFadden at Williams (20) Unf ------ ------ ------ 23,500 New Signal Installation 11. First at Tustin (21) Unf ------ ------ ------ 23,000 CT\" Signal Modification co C') -i -< 0 " -i C en -i Z C') :Þ ï " 0 :JJ Z :Þ m I.D CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS (Cont'd) 12. Newport at First (22) Signal Modification 1973-74 Budget 1975-76 Planned 13. Newport Fwy. at 17th (23) Joint Project with State 14. Newport at Irvine (24) Signal Modification 15. Main at E1 Camino Real (25) Signal Modification TOTAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS 1977-78 Planned 1973-74 Expense 1974-75 Budget 1976-77 Planned 1978-79 Planned Unf $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 24,000 $ $ Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 30,000 GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 25,000 GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 25,00°:þ z z $ 67,978 $ 3,378 $ 122,000 $ 73,100 $ 49,000 $ 30,000 $ 50,000 C :þ r- !XI C I:) C') m -i II 1973- 74 1973-74 1974-75 1975- 76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM .ê..u..~_L Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned I ! 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES I 1. Bryan Avenue Locar Drain ! (09) GT $ 18,000 $ 17,446 $ $ $ $ $ Adjacent to Pine Tree Park it 2. Bryan Avenue Cooperative Drain (10) GT 55,000 55,000 Browning to Red Hill-County GF 75,000 64,116 I I. Red Hill-Barranca Channel ~ 3. -i (08) Cooperative GF 45,000 ------ 45,000 :Þ -< Drainage Project - EDA Z 0 Z " -i 4. El Camino Real Drain (11) Unf ------ ------ ------ 164,000 c C Laguna to First :Þ en ï ::! z 5. Bryan Avenue Drain (12) Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ 126,000 !XI C") Pine Tree Park to Main C :Þ I:) ï - 6. Red Rill Avenue Drain C') " 0 No.2 (13) Unf ------ ------ ------ 85,500 m :JJ -i Z Mitchell to Walnut :Þ 7. Mitchell Avenue Drain No.1 (14) Unf ------ ------ ------ 9,000 Utt to 300' West 8. Mitchell Avenue Drain No.2 (15) Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ 27,000 300' West of Utt to Del Arno .9. Irvine Boulevard Drain (16) East of Holt Unf 12,000 10. 17th Street Drain (17) Yorba to 1000' East Unf 41,000 -...J 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES (Cont'd) 11. Red Hill Avenue Drain No.3 (18) First St., Bryan to White Sands Unf 12. Stonehenge Drive Drain (19) Unf Bryan to Cromwell C') -i -< 0 " -i C en -i Z C') :Þ ï " 0 :JJ Z :Þ 13. McFadden Avenue Drain (20) Williams to 1400' West Unf 14. Sycamore Street Relief Drain (21) At School Road Unf 15. Tustin Meadows Relief Drain (22) Unf 'roTAL FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES -..J I-' 1973-74 Budget $ ------ $ 1973-74 Expense ------ $ 136,562 $ 1974-75 Budget ------ $ 45,000 $ 1975-76 P1anned ------ $ 258,500 $ 1976-77 Planned ------ $ 206,000 $ 1977-78 Planned 84,000 $ 47,500 131,500 $ 1978-79 Planned 60,000 :Þ z z 12,000 C :Þ r c:J 75,000 c I:) C') m 147,000 -i $ 193,000 $ C') -i -< 0 " -i C en -1 z C') :Þ ï " 0 :JJ Z :Þ --.I "" CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1973-74 Budget 1973-74 Expense ------ $ ------ $ 1974-75 Budget 240,000 $ 240,000 $ 1975-76 Planned 1976-77 Planned $ $ 1977-78 Planned $ $ 1978-79 Planned $ $ :Þ z z c » ï to C I:) C') m -i 80. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES 1. Tustin-Orange Trunk Sewer (02) . Joint Project with District SMT $ ------ $ TOTAL WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES $ ------ $ ANNUAL BUDGET LONG RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The following Capital Improvement Projects have not been included within the Five Year Program beginning 1974-75, however, the projects are categorically ranked and listed according to priority status. All estimates are based upon 1974 costs and should be re-evaluated each year. Funds have not been established for this program. Beautification Projects (30) 1. Landscape, irrigate and install median islands along 17th St. from Yorba St. to Prospect (north) $ 54,000.00 2. Landscape, irrigate and install median islands along Red Hill Ave. from Walnut Ave. to the Santa Ana Freeway 65,000.00 3. Landscape, irrigate and install median islands along Irvine Blvd. from Holt Ave. to Red Hill Ave. 83,000.00 4. Landscape, irrigate and install median islands along Irvine Blvd. from Prospect Ave. to Holt Ave. 103,000.00 5. Landscape, irrigate and install median islands along Red Hill Ave. from the Santa Ana Freeway to Lance Dr. 80,000.00 6. Landscape, irrigate and install median islands , along Newport Ave. from Sycamore Ave. to McFadden Ave. 64,000.00 $449,000.00 Transportation Facilities (60) 1. Pedestrian overcrossingsat Red Hill/Sycamore Aves. and Walnut/Browning Avenues $360,000.00* 2. Yorba St. from north city limits to Laurie Lane - widen 39,000.00 3. Yorba St. from Jacaranda Ave. to Norwood Park PI. - widen 17,000.00 4. Old Irvine Blvd. easterly of Newport Ave. - reconstruct 7,000.00 5. prospect Ave. from First St. to Third St. - reconstruct 31,000.00 6. Sycamore Ave. from Newport Ave. to east of Charloma St. - reconstruct 15,000.00 * Irvine Company will advance ~ $200,000 for pedestrian over- crossings, repayable by City wlthln eight years.' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 73 ANNUAL BUDGET Transportation Facilities (60) (continued) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Yorba St. from First St. to Irvine Blvd. - widen Bryan Ave. from Newport Ave. to 250 ft. east of Newport Ave. - reconstruct "B" St. from Second St. to Main St. - reconstruct Red Hill Ave. from Walnut Ave. to 370 ft. north of Walnut Ave. - widen "B" St. from Main St. to Sixth St. - curb, gutter and widen Laguna Road from Orange St. to 300 ft. west of Orange St. - widen Bryan Ave. from Falmouth Dr. to Browning Ave. - reconstruct "B" St. from First St. to Irvine Blvd. - curb, gutter and reconstruct Laguna Road from Orange St. to 300 ft. west of Red Hill Ave. - widen Second St. from "B" St. to "A" St. - curb, gutter and widen California St. from Main St. to Third St. - curb, gutter and widen Third St. from California St. to "B" St. - curb, gutter and widen Main St. from El Camino Real to Pasadena Ave. - widen "A" St. from Second St. to Main St. - curb, gutter and widen Myrtle Ave. from McFadden Ave. to Medallion Ave. - reconstruct Nisson Road from Newport Ave. to 400 ft. west of Red Hill Ave. - curb, gutter Mountain View Dr. from First St. to Irvine Blvd. - curb, gutter and reconstruct "A" St. from First St. to Irvine Blvd. - curb, gutter and reconstruct "c" St. from First St. to 200 ft. sbuth of Irvine Blvd. - curb, gutter and reconstruct CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 74 $ 41,000.00 8,500.00 30,000.00 41,000.00 18,000.00 13,500.00 35,000.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 7,000.00 9,000.00 19,000.00 47,000.00 18,000.00 7,000.00 18,000.00 30,500.00 34,000.00 25,000.00 $925,500.00 ANNUAL BUDGET Traffic Control Facilities (65) 1. Upgrade existing signals at Carroll Way and Yorba St. (south) 2. Installation at Sycamore Ave. and Newport Ave. - cooperative project 3. Installation at Holt Ave. and Newport Ave. 4. Installation at "B" St. and Irvine Blvd. 5 . Upgrade existing signal Irvine Blvd. and Old Irvine Blvd. Flood Control Facilities (70) 6 . 9. 10. Main St. from El Camino Real to "B" St. 1. 2. Tustin Meadows relief drain (second half) 3 . Sixth St. from El Camino Real to Pacific St. 4. Main St. from Centennial Way to Prospect Ave. 5. Prospect Ave. from Irvine Blvd. to First St. - upgrade Laguna Road from Red Hill Ave. to 1300 ft. west of Red Hill Ave. 7. Amaganset Way from Acacia Dr. to Evanston Cir. 8. Pacific St. from Main St. to Sixth St. Venta Channel from F-10 Channel to Sycamore Ave. Mitchell Ave. from Browning Ave. to 1300 ft. west of Browning Ave. 11.' Venta Channel from Sycamore Ave. to Walnut Ave. TOTAL LONG RANGE COSTS TOTAL UNFUNDED IN FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM GRAND TOTAL UNFUNDED TO DATE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 75 $ 19,000.00 19,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 $ 113,000.00 $ 46,000.00 75,000.00 102,000.00 56,000.00 35,000.00 66,000.00 22,700.00 32,000.00 115,000.00 65,000.00 122,000.00 $ 736,700.00 $2,224,200.00 $1,508,100.00 $3,732,300.00