HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-73FY BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET A PROGRAM OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR July 1, 1972 - June 30, 1973 -. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA R E P 0 R T TO THE HONORABLE MA TOR AND CITY COUNCIL July 24, 1972 MOM THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR The following document is the Final Budget for the fiscal year 1972-73 for the City of Tustin, as adopted by the City Council on July 5,1972, under Resolution No. 72-37, and includes the salary adjustments authorized by the City Council. The follow- ing basic changes have been made from the preliminary budget. I. REVENUES None II. EXPENDITURES A. Deletions None B. Additions Administration-Special Salary Adjustments -Asst. CA Car Allowance Increase Community Development-Special Salary Adjustments -Commission Fees Increase -Asst. CA Car Allowance Increase Building Regulation -Special Salary Adjustment Police-Microfilm Camera Engineering-Special Salary Adjustments Public Improvements -Arch. Services, Civic Center Maintenance -Reclassification Mechanic Foreman -Engine Analyzer Recreation-Special Salary Adjustments -Commission Fees Increase TOTAL ADDITIONS $ 3,684 240 684 600 240 264 1,640 1,020 20,000 912 2,000 2,200 420 $33,904 The Fina1 Budget contains total revenue estimates of $2,825,653, total appropriûtlons of $3,788,218, and a projected year end reserve of $215, E;'7. Ð THE CITY Or TJSTIN. CALIFORNIA June 5,1972 THE HONORABLE MAYOR ANV CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA GENTLEMEN: The Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, is hereby submitted for your review. The proposed program of municipal services includes all City departments and functions under the City Administrator, as well as those activities which are directly responsible to the City Council. COMMENTARY During 1968 and 1969, the City of Tustin had the fifth highest growth rate in residential unit construction and population of all cities in the ten southern counties in California (a total of 186 cities). Of the eight cities in Orange County in the comparative population range of Tustin, Tustin had a 40.2% population increase during the past three years, while the next highest city grew 24.1%. Due to this rapid community expansion, it becomes readily apparent that the problems facing Tustin are far greater than the present estimated population of 25,650 would reflect. It is therefore mandatory that the dramatic changes occurring in this community be realized, and kept foremost in mind when considering budget requirements. The 1972-73 Preliminary Budget is generally balanced to meet the requirements of the community, within the limits of re- stricted financial resources. However, as Tustin continues to increase in area, population, and development, City activities must necessarily be improved and expanded to serve this growth. The Budget does not meet many of these growth needs. Personnel increases are required, but are not included. Only through proper staffing, modern equipmen~compensation commensurate with the work to be performed, and an adequate working environ- ment, will these conditions, which foster high employee morale, promote a higher degree of staff efficiency and effort. The City, in turn, thereby gains through improved public services. ., Ai, . ¡ "-f.1' -s s 9 I' BUDGET FORMAT This year's Budget continues the format established in 1971-72 where twenty-one separate activities have been consolidated into twelve functions. This revision has permitted a reduction in the bulk of the budget document, but more significantly, the change permits a further simplification of accounting and monthly analysis procedures. Twenty-one activities had gen- erated thirteen departmental time reports for payroll prepara- tion. The new activities group together related functions and require only nine departmental time reports. As an added benefit, this revision will simplify future conversion to a planning-prograrnming-Budgeting-Systent (PPBS) if found desirable. Legislation combines the activities of City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney and Elections. Administration combines the City Administrator Office and Administrative Management. Community Development includes the Community Promotion activity. Non- Departmental includes Refuse Collection. Building RegulatIOn, Police, Fire, Engineering and Recreation remain unchanged. Public Improvements include land acquisition, new buildings, and Sanitary Sewers. Maintenance combines Public Works Maint- enance, Government Buildings (maintenance and utilities) and Parks (maintenance). One additional function, added this year, combines various State and Federal funded activities under Grant Personnel. REVENUES Revenues for normal City operations for 1972-73, excluding Grant Personnel and Capital Improvements, are estimated at $2,075,790, which is 17.4% over the current year (1971-72) budget, and 7.8% over the current year final estimate. Total revenues for the 1972-73 fiscal year are estimated at ~5,653, which is 32.2% over the current year (1971-72) budget, but 19.9% under the current year final estimate. The current year final estimate includes the full $1,200,000 in Park Bond Funds. Excluding Bond money, the latter percentage would be 21.3% over current year final estimate. Primary increases in revenue in the current year final estimate over current year budget, excluding Park Bonds, is due primarily to unanticipated increases in sales tdX, State Compensation Insurance refunds, sewer connection fees, and grant funds. The total revenue estimate for 1972-73 is ~495,822 over final 1971-72, excluding Park Bonds. This 1JlCreaSe is due primarily to estimated increases in sales tax, Luilding permits, traffic fines, gasoline tax, motor vehicJJ: 1 icense revenues, and grant funds. It is assumed, in this increase, that $150,744 in PEP grant money will be available during the Eull year 1972-73. Also, property tax revenues continue to rise due to increased assessed valuation from new construction or re-assessments. No change in the present tax rate of 95 cents per $100 assessed value for general government is included in this budget. 1.1. EXPENDITURES Normal City operating expenditures for 1972-73, excluding Grant Personnel and Capital Improvements, are budgeted at $2,031,731, which is 11.3% over the current year (1971-72) budget, and 8.2% over the current year final estimate. Total expenditures for 1972-73, including Grant Personnel and Capital Improvements, are budgetea at $3,754,314, an increase of 34.8% over the 1971.72 estimated expenditures. Some projects in Public Improvements originally budgeted in 1971-72 have been carried over and rebudgeted in 1972-73. Certain expenditure savings from 1971-72 will be used to finance a portion of the new fiscal year program. Again, as true during the past several years, revenues and expenditures continue to rise, but the number of employees per thousand 0 ulation has enerall continued to decrease from 6.05 ~n 196 - 5 to a budgeted .08 ~n 1972-73, exclud~ng temp- orary positions. This per capita figure continues to be one of the lowest within Orange County full service cities, where the high is 11.37 employees per 1,000 population. The appropriation request for 1972-73 is $968,587 over the current year adjusted budget, and this increase is explained as follows: I. Normal City Operations A. Personnel: $133,524 Regular merit increases, salary adjustments, and budgeting full year for certain personnel employed at mid-year are the cost of personnel services over the current year. No new positions have been added for 1972-73, even though City population continues to increase about 1,800 persons per year. B. Supplies and Services: $90,873 Generally, supplies and other non-personnel expense items remain about the same as current year appropriations. However, certain costs have gone up such as Employee Insurance, $4,370, Retirement, $29,528, Public Agencies Data Systems, $8,000, self-supporting Recreation instruc- tion programs, $5,960, opening the second fire station, $7,460, and long overdue street, sidewalk, and building repairs, $20,000. C. Capital Outlay: $( -18,822) Capital outlay expenditures for departmental and other equipment is down from 1971-72, due primarily to the purchase of a fire aerial truck and rebuilding of an iii. existing fire vehicle in 1971-72. Included in the 1971-72 request is $12,295 for final purchase of the UHF Police radio system, $4,215 in Fire, primarily for eguipment for the volunteers, and a flatbed truck in Ma1ntenance at $3,885. II. Grant Personnel: $150,744 Persons employed under the Traffic Safety Grant and the Public Employment Program are totally funded by State and Federal grants at no cost to the City. The above amount is shown both as revenue and expenditure items in this budget. III. Public Improvements: $612,268 Improvements on major streets and park acquisition and im- provements are entitled Public Improvements. Of the above amount, $340,230 from 1971-72 has been carried over and re- budgeted in the new year. Primary sources of funds for such improvements are Gasoline Taxes and the Park Bond Fund. RESERVE FUNDS The total 1972-73 Budget, including reserve funds, amounts to $4,436,762, which is $1,678,131 over 1971-72 original budget. The bulk of the increase is due to Park Bond Funds. Reserve funds have increased in the last two years from an actual on June 30, 1971, of $621,004 to an estimated $682,448 on June 30, 1973. Most of this latter figure, though, is composed of "untouchable" sewer trunk monies ($359,946). The General Fund Balance, however, has also improved from an actual reserve of $135,181 on June 30,1971, to an estimated $289,311 on June 30, 1973. Even with this reserve, it may be necessary to enter into short-term tax anticipation borrowing until sufficient property tax revenues are received in mid-year. ADDITIONAL NEEDS Accomplishment of the proposed 1972-73 program will be a con- tinuation of City services, and as in prior years, is a program which will not exceed the minimal ability of the City to finance such operations. The requirement that expenditures do not exceed available revenues, and that some reserve be maintained, however, necessitates the elimination of many desirable items of expend- iture from the coming fiscal year's request. The extent of "cuts" from departmental requests is about as dramatic as in prior years, although employment of Grant Personnel has enabled the City to maintain at least existing services. If any portion of the Grant programs is terminated, then the budget will have to be increased or services reduced. lV. CONCLUSION The new budget does not include a "laundry list" of additional needs, which will be the subject of further workshop discussions. However, unless the financial picture changes significantly, inclusion of most of these needs will not be possible. As indicated in prior Budgets, and still true with the continu- ing rate of growth, the demands placed upon the City government and the citizen have never been greater. Although 1972-73 appears to be a brighter year than the current year, the require- ment for adequate resources, both in the areas of finance and personnel, have never been greater. The needs of the City con- tinue to grow as the community grows. Not included for 1972-73 are such items as funds to begin a new civic center; relocation and construction (or even design) of a public works corporation yard; additional police protection and fire services; additional street and storm drain con$truc- tion; and desired additional personnel in engineering, admin- istration, and other general government departments. As stated before, it is believed that most citizens in Tustin desire a City of beauty, excellence, and pride. Further com- munity amenities can only be provided when financial resources are sufficient to fund the various services and new construction over a basic, maintenance level program. Although 1972-73 is a year of improvement in resources, any drop in revenues, such as experienced in 1970-71 would put the City back in a crisis stage. It is presently anticipated, however, that the accomplishments to be achieved in all departments upon completion of the new fiscal year as a result of expenditures incorporated in the budget document, though minimal, will generally match the requirements and needs of the City. The goal of the government of the City of Tustin, through Council direction and citizen interest, is to exercise efficiency in action and dedication in purpose. The 1972-73 Budget is another step in performing this continuing role. d¡rCtfUiY j;;ted, Harry.. . Gill City I dministrator v. ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section I - General Organization Chart Basic Data 1972 Definition of Terms 1 2 3 Section II - Recapitulation Annual Budget Summary Fund Distribution and Encumbrances City Budget Dollar 5 6 7 Section III - Revenues Summary of Revenues Revenue Detail Fund Accounting Explanation Revenue Accounts Explanation 8 9 12 14 Section IV - Personnel Summary of Positions Salary by Classification Monthly Salary Schedule 18 19 21 Section V - Expenditures Summary of Expenditures Expenditures by Category Activity (Departmental) Structure Distribution by Account: Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Grant Personnel Building Regulation Police Fire Engineering Public Improvements Maintenance Recreation 24 24 25 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 62 65 -------------- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA --- _H_- ANNUAL BUDGET SECTION I GENERAL CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ORGANIZATION CHART ("') -t -< 0 ." -t C (J) -t Z ("') :Þ r ." 0 :0 Z :Þ t-' CITY ATTORNEY ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY LIGHTING SEWERS FLOOD CONTROL -ELECTORATE- CITIZENS OF TUSTIN I - LEGI SLATIVE- I MAYOR CITY COUNCIL ì -ADMINISTRATIVE AND ADVISORY- -STAFF RESPONSIBILITY- -OPERATIONS -AND SAFETY- -COORDINATION AND COOPERATION- REFUSE COLLECTION ANIMAL CONTROL DISTRICT AlTORNEY HEALTH SERVICES ASSESSOR CITY OF TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW COMMISSION C<I1MUNITY DEVELOPMENT ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE WATER :Þ Z Z c: :Þ ~ CJ c: c C) m -I 5/72 ANNUAL BUDGET BASIC DATA 1972 CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL Area of City (square miles) Assessed Valuation General Property Tax Rate per $100 assessed valuation Fire Insurance Classification Population (April 1, 1972 estimate) Registered Voters (April, 1972) Housing Units Retail and Trade Outlets (Taxable Sales) Miles of Sewer Lines Miles of City Streets (Total) Arterial Collector Local Miles of City Owned Alleys City Owned Buildings Parks Maintained Fire Vehicles Police Vehicles Signalized Intersections ZONING Acres zoned (net): Commercial Industrial Residential COUNTY & OTHER LOCAL Library Newspaper Clubs & Organizations PUBLIC SCHOOLS Elementary Intermediate High * Plus $0.1365 for Park Bonds 4.4 $58,511,440.00 - A General Law City - - Tustin Area Founded in 1868 - - City Incorporated on September 21, 1927 - - Council/Administrator Form of Government - . CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA $0.95* 6 25,650 9,138 10,278 488 36.0 47.8 5.5 7.6 34.8 0.71 9 5 8 14 28 320.3 331.2 1,647.0 1 1 38 6 1 1 2 1. Budget: A. Preliminary: B. Final: 2. Fund: A. General: B. Special: 3. Personnel: ANNUAL BUDGET DEFINITION OF TERMS A comprehensive plan, expressed in financial terms by which an operating program is effective for a given period of time. A performance budget is one which is based upon the work or service to be accomplished. An object account budget is one in which funds are budgeted for specific items of expenditure. The budget of Tustin is basically an object account budget, but incorporating the principles of performance budgeting. The budget recommended by the City Administrator to the City Council for their consideration. The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accordance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent accounting entity. A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under existing regulations. The number of, and salaries paid to City employees. 4. Supplies & Services: Expenditures for departmental operations and related expenses. 5. Capital Outlay: Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, I i.e., with a useful life of several years, and major improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition, buildings, street construction, and related facilities. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALiFORNIA-- 3 6. Salary Adjustment: 7. Appropriation: 8. Revenue: 9. Account Series: 10. Activity: ANNUAL BUDGET-- Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. Funds authorized to he expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, depart- ment, or group of services. The title of a particular account series. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 4 ANNUAL BUDGET SECTION II RECAPITULATION CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FUND FUND BALANCE ON 6/30/71 j' GENERAL FUND II TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND $ 135,181 ------ " GASOLINE TAX FUND i II SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 186,576 293,446 ~ CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND 5,801 -I ~ GRANT PERSONNEL FUND "'T1 -I PARK BOND FUND c U) ::::! TOTAL ALL FUNDS z ~ (EQUIPMENT FUND - ~ INTERNAL) "'T1 0 JJ Z Þ APPROPRIATIONS, 1972-73 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay ------ ------ ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1971-72 BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES ON 6/30/72 BUDGETED 1972- 7 3 BALANCE REVENUE APPROPRIATIONS ON 6/30/73 215,827 $1,897,140 $1,823,061 $ $1,752,207 $1,745,640 $ 141,748 75,685 75,685 ------ 60,000 60,000 ------ 261,855 223,014 225,417 509,394 713,584 21,227 95,278 10,000 378,724 28,500 ------ 407,224 15,708 3,936 17,573 13,200 29,286 1,487 118,932 113,100 5,832 223,666 223,666 5,832 1,322,778* 468L870 853,908 9 }L'L 51...___938 .L_621 9,040 $ 660,637 $ 621,004 ($------) $3,642,443 $2,640,245 $1,623,202 $2,825,653 $3,788,218 ($78,480) ($73,450) ($ ($82,531) 5 , 030) RECAPITULATION OF 1972-73 BUDGET FUND BALANCES ON 6/30/72 General Fund Traffic Safety Fund Gasoline Tax Fund Sewer Main Trunk Fund City Beautification Fund Grant Personnel Funà Park Bond Fund TOTAL (ESTIMATED) ESTIMATED REVENUE 1972-73 $1,562,577 675,193 1,550,448 , TOTAL (BUDGETED) II BUDGETED RESERVE ,i $3,788,218 660,637 ($44,550) ($43,011) » z z c » ï OJ C 0 G) m --I I TOTAL $4,448,855 II I' Septe~er. 1971. ~ !I TOTAL $4,448,855 II * Includes $1,200,000 of 1971 Park Bonds sold In V1 $ 141,748 ------ 225,417 378,724 17,573 5,832 853,908 $1,623,202 2,825,653 FUND DISTRIBUTION & ENCUMBRANCES CITY TRAFFIC GASOLINE GRANT PARK BEAUTI- TOTAL GENERAL SAFETY TAX PERSONNEL BOND FICATION ALL ACTIVITY FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUNDS FUND DISTRIBUTION 1972-73 All activities except the following: $1,644,014 $------ $ 6,000 $223,666 $ 76,838 $------ $1,950,518 Public Improvements 40,000 ------ 594,934 ------ 861,783 22,200 1,518,917 Q Public Works Maintenance 139,047 60,000 112,650 ------ ------ 7,086 318,783 -i -< 0 Total 1972-73 Budget $1,823,061 $60,000 $713,584 $223,666 $938,621 $29,286 $3,788,218 "T1 -i C en ENCUMBRANCES ON 6/30/72* :j z (15) n Irvine Boulevard :Þ Yorba to "B" $ ------ $------ $ 46,319 $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 46,319 ~ TOPICS Study Report ------ ------ 6,701 ------ ------ ------ 6,701 "T1 Irvine Boulevard Center 0 JJ Island, "B" to Prospect ------ ------ 17,800 ------ ------ 1,200 19,000 z :Þ Total Encumbrances on 6/30/72 $ ------ $------ $ 70,820 $ ------ $ ------ $ 1,200 $ 72 ,020 * Included as Expenditures for 1971-72. 0\ :Þ z z c :Þ r !XI C 0 C> m -i 'I II II II I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET- CITY BUDGET DOLLAR: 1972-73 REVENUES STATE GRANTS 8 OTHER SUBVENTIONS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE LICENSES a PERMITS PROPERTY,SALES a OTHER TAXES FINES a FORFEITURES EXPEND ITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY a BUILDING REGULATION PUBLIC WORKS a ENGINEERING NON-DEPARTMENTAL GRANT PROGRAMS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RECREATION ----- ------ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ~-- ~~-- 7 ANN U A L BUD GET =---==--==--==-----"--======- SECTION II I REVENUES CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -;----- ~ -______d ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF' REVENUES 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972- 7 3 SOURCE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Property, Sales and Other Taxes $1,053,308 $1,135,370 $1,335,099 $1,457,053 Licenses & Permits 173,415 137,100 161,400 157,600 Fines & Forfeitures 55,726 68,000 61,000 68,500 Use of Money & Property 17,762 20,600 67,020 33,000 Current Service Charges 24,591 29,545 21,890 28,450 Grants & Subventions 487,571 729,512 646,042 1,057,550 Other Revenue 24,757 17,500 37,380 23,500 Bond Funds ------ ------ 1,200,000 ------ TOTALS $1,837,130 $2,137,627 $3,529,831 $2,825,653 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 8 SOURCE GENERAL FUND Property Tax: 701 Secured 702 Unsecured 703 Delinquent 705 Trailer Coach Fees 706 Sales and Use Taxes 708 Franchise Taxes 721 Business License Fees 722 Bicycle License Fees 723 Building Permits 727 Street Permits 729 Other Permits 732 Non-Traffic Fines 741 Interest-General Fund 743 Other Interest 745 Rents 751 Planning Fees 752 Sale of Publications 754 Subdivision Map Fees 755 Street Construction 757 Weed Abatement 758 Recreation Fees 759 Other Current Charges 762 Sale of City Property 763 Sale of Unclaimed Prop. 765 Contributions 766 Street Reimbursements 767 Damaged City Property 769 Sundry Other Revenue 771 Alcoholic Bev. License 772 Motor Vehicle License 773 Cigarette Taxes 775 Highway Carriers Business License TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 731 Traffic Fines TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS STATE GASOLINE TAX FUND 777-1 Section 2106-a $ 777-2 Section 2106-b 777-3 Section 2107 ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL 1970-71 Actual $ 465,909 33,234 4,073 15,082 496,202 38,808 68,384 210 48,319 6,439 65 7,506 3,528 1,267 562 4,465 198 500 1971-72 Budget $ 514,100 34,270 9,000 12,000 525,000 41,000 69,000 ------ 45,000 5,000 100 8,000 5,000 1,000 500 4,000 200 400 ------ 1,500 18,445 5,000 500 2,000 ------ ------ ------ 15,000 14,500 190,000 82,270 ------ $1,602,785 $ 60,000 1971-72 1972-73 Estimate Budget $ 505,079 $ 541,200 37,600 40,600 7,000 7,500 18,020 18,000 650,000 715,000 45,400 51,000 73,000 74,500 ------ ------ 45,000 60,000 3,000 3,000 400 100 8,000 8,500 11,000 5,000 1,400 1,000 400 300 4,300 4,000 150 150 790 1,000 50 ------ 2,100 1,800 11,000 17,000 3,500 4,500 800 1,000 2,000 2,500 440 ------ ------ ------ 940 ------ 33,200 20,000 13,394 14,000 191,350 205,050 92,000 98,000 1,540 2,440 ------- $1,762,853 $1,897,140 $ 53,000 60,000 ------ 2,194 12,930 4,304 506 2,329 20 71 ------ 21,831 14,501 179,079 81,730 284 $1,514,530 $ 48,220 $1,662,785 $ 4,800 106,020 101,000 $ ---- $1,562,750 4,800 96,435 93,154 $1,815,853 $1,957,140 $ 4,800 110,000 107,000 4,800 119,800 __112'6] 9 $ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -------------- I SOURCE ANNUAL BUDGET 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Budget Estimate Budget $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 ------ ------ 11,704 113,500 ------ 224,500 28,500 6,558 21,940 6,000 7,000 8,000 $ 364,820 $ 240,358 $ 509,394 $ 18,000 $ 40,000 $ 20,000 8,000 8,000 8,500 $ 26,000 $ 48,000 $ 28,500 $ 11,000 $ 14,000 $ 13,000 100 220 200 $ 11,100 $ 14,220 $ 13,200 - 1970-71 Actual GASOLINE FUND (Cont'd) Section 2107.5 $ Gas Tax In Lieu (TOPICS) ------ 777-7 County Grant (AHFP) ------ 777-9 Federal Grant (TOPICS)------ 741 Interest-Gas Tax Funds 4,822 STATE 777-4 777-5 TOTAL SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 726 Sewer Connection Fees $ 741 Interest-Sewer Funds TOTAL 5,000 $ 204,211 49,998 7,420 $ 57,418 CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND 774 Real Property Transfer Tax $ 12,588 741 Interest-Beautification Fund 163 TOTAL GRANT PERSONNEL FUND Public Employment Program and Traffic Safety Grants 01-778 State Grant-Traffic Safety $ 01-779-5 PEP Section 5 01-779-6 PEP Section 6 TOTAL PARK BOND FUND Property Tax: 701 Secured 702 Unsecured 703 Delinquent 741 Interest-Park Fund 745 Rents-Park Property 179 Proceeds - Bond Sale TOTAL --- - - - $ 12,751 $ 72,922 $ 54,600 $ 72,922 ------ 24,800 113,059 ------ 21,000 37,685 $ 72,922 $ 100,400 $ 223,666 I $ $ 72,000 $ 76,795 I ------ ------ ------ 5,958 ------ ------ 1,000 ------ 38,000 8,000 ------ 1,000 2,000 ------ 1.200,000 ------ $ ------ $1,311,000 $ 93,753 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ------ ------ ------ $ ------ $ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ $ ------ 10 ANNUAL BUDGET I SOURCE 1970-71 Actual TOTAL SPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS $ 274,380 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,837,130 1971-72 Budget $ 474,842 1971-72 Estimate $1,713,978 $3,529,831 1972-73 Budget $ 868,513 $2,137,627 $2,825,653 c-----~-------c- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ------~--- 11 I ANNUAL BUD GET c_=.:c=-=-=~--==--=====-:-=-=---=====---=_-::-:::=:==--==-- FUND ACCOUN'j'ING EXPLANATION GENERAL FUND Approximately seventy percent of all monies received by the City is deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of General Fund monies is received from property and sales taxes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Revenues derived from fines imposed upon conviction of misdemeanor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bail which has been forfeited by persons violating the Code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety Fund. State law prohibits the use of monies in this Fund for police officer compensation. GASOLINE TAX FUND Funds collected under Sections 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code are distributed to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gasoline Tax Fund. Monies so received must generally be expended for the maintenance or con- struction of the State approved "select aid system" of streets. SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this Fund. Monies are distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of City sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from Real Property Transfer Taxes are deposited into Beautification Fund. The Fund is used to finance the construction and maintenance of beautification projects of the City. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 12 ANNUAL BUDGET GRANT PERSONNEL FUND A separate accounting Fund has been established to record the collection and disbursement of monies from other governmental agencies which support additional employees and related costs for specific programs. Examples of these programs are the Traffic Safety Grants and the Public Employment Program. Such programs are for limited periods and the employees involved are employed only so long as the funds are provided. PARK BOND FUND Proceeds of the $1,200,000, twenty year General Obligation Park Bond Issue approved by the citizens in 1971 are deposited into this Fund. These monies are restricted to park acquisition, park improvement, and related purposes. The Fund is also used to con- trol revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. EQUIPMENT FUND I I I I I II II A separate accounting Fund has been established to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipment which provides for replacement, operational expense, and repairs. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an internal accounting transfer from the benefited departments. l______-- --- ---------- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOHNIA 7---------'-'-- I I -~ 13 ~. I ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION PROPERTY TAXES 701, 702 & 703 General law cities may set a one dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, additional property taxes may be established by cities for bonds, retirement plans, parks, and certain other special purposes. TRAILER COACH FEES 705 Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are dis- tributed one-third each to schools, counties, and cities. CITY SALES & USE TAXES 706 The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent and is State collected. FRANCHISE TAX FEES 708 Franchises for operations within the City, for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local natural gas, electric, and water companies. New this year is refuse collection. BUSINESS LICENSE FEES 721 II 'I II 'I , ii I: ,. II I: II !I II II Ii ¡ The City's Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the City. BICYCLE LICENSE FEES 722 (License Fees Terminated February, 1971) An annual bicycle license fee of $1.00 the first year, and $0.50 for each annual renewal of the license was imposed on all residents registering bicycles with the City until the new program. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 723 I I I I I' , I I I I I I! II Ii --~=-=-=JJ 14 Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. SEWER CONNECTION FEES 726 A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are instctlled and connected to the City's sewer system. STREET PERMITS AND I~SPECTIONS 727 A permit fee is charqod for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. CITY OF lUST!!'J, CALIFORNIA -- ____~_n_- --~---~~---- - - ~- r~---~ ------ I I ANNUAL BUDGET.-.c ~----~-- OTHER PERMITS 729 Permit fees are charged for a license to operate taxi cabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other purposes. FINES & FORFEITURES 731 & 732 - ------ ---- Includes vehicle code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. 85% of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the exception of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 741 Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Gas Tax, Sewer Trunk, and City Beautification Funds. OTHER INTEREST 742 Primarily interest received on delinquent property tax payments. RENTS 745 Rent received for use of the Youth Center and community Building. PLANNING FEES 751 Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. SALE OF PCBLICATIONS 752 ---------- .7'. ChÔUT',' is made for City maps and reproductions of documents distriLuted to private individuals. SUBDIVIsrON MAP FEES 754 Include subdivision map filing fees and are charged for cngineecing review and plan checking of such maps. STREET CONSTRUCTION 755 --r------ Monics paid by property owners in lieu of required installation Ly owner of curbs, gutters, and paving when developing property. WEED ABATEMENT 757 --~--------- ------ 'I " I I' II Ii II i¡ Assessment charge made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property. CITY OF l' I';IIN, CALlFOfiNIA ----,-------- ------. . ---- --- II I i I I I I II ----~J! 15 ---~------ - ANNUAL BUD GET ==--=--c.==c==--====:=:="::-----,i I RECREATION FEES 758 A fee for the Summer Recreation and other recreation programs which is charged to partially offset the cost of services. OTHER CURRENT CHARGES 759 Charges made to the public fer special services including police protection at special events and required installation of street signs and trees in new developments. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 762 ------ SALE OF UNCLI\IMED PROPERTY 763 ------------- I I I I I I I I' J Ii Ii Ii Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. CONTRIBUTIONS 765 Donations and contributions paid to the City by public gratuities. STREET REIMBURSEMENT 766 Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY 767 Collections from insurance companies and private property for damage to City property such as vehicles, parkway trees, street signs, etc. SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE 769 Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES 771 Fees paid annually to and distributed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and are based on location of the licensed facility, 90% of which is returned to the City. Does not include the excise tax on sale of beverages collected by the Board of Equalization. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 772 Is in lieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location 1_-=-t~~_~ehic1e's reg::T:::1TO:S-TiN CALIFORNIA - -- -- --- 16 ANNUAL BUD GET =----,---===---==~ CIGARETTE TAXES 773 A three cent tax per pack of cigarettes, established October 1, 1967, is State collected, and is distributed to cities, one-half on the basis of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of population. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES 774 Established by Ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County collected and returned to the City monthly. HIGHWAY CARRIERS BUSINESS LICENSE 775 State collected business license fees on highway carriers in lieu of city business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. STATE GASOLINE TAXES 777 State collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construction and maintenance, primarily on non-local streets. COUNTY GRANTS 777 Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of County-wide benefit. STATE GRANTS 778 Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. FEDERAL GRANTS 779 Grants from the Federal Government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. -~-~-------- -~--~----------- CITY OF TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA ---~ --- - ----~ ---- Ii - -~-~J 17 ANNUAL BUDGET--- SECTION IV PERSONNEL I I ~~----~---~- -------~~ --.--- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ,------ ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF POSITIONS Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Building Regulation Police Fire Engineering Public Improvements Maintenance Recrea tio n Total Permanent Less Elected & Attorney Adjusted Total Per 1,000 population Temporary Positions* Crossing Guards Police Reserve Fire Volunteers Recreation Summer Others Public Employment positions Safety & Traffic Accident Reduction Team Adjusted All positions Per 1,000 population City Population 1969-70 Actual 10 7 5J., 6 36 17~ 5~ 20 2 109J., 7 102J., 4.50 1. 37 0.78 0.44 3.68 0.65 109.42 4.81 22,750 1970-71 Actual 11 5 5~ 5 40 17~ 5~ 20 2 1111-; 7 10 4~2 4.34 1. 09 0.62 0.48 4.31 111. 00 4.61 24,100 1971-72 Actual 1972-73 Budget 11 5 5J., 11 5 5J., 4 44 19 5J., 4 44 19 5!:í 20 2 20 2 116 7 116 7 109 4.25 109 4.08 .-- 1. 28 0.90 0.48 2.23 1. 60 0.77 0.48 3.76 7.17 16.00 4.00 4.00 -- 125.06 4.88 135.61 5.08 25,650 26,700 (est. ) *Budgeted man-year equivalents of City positions, based on 2,080 work hours per year per position (other than Fire personnel on shifts). Adjusted totals include all full-time and part-time, but exclude elective City Council and City Clerk and appointed City Attorney. City Clerk and Office Supervisor are combined positions and are shown as one man-year. ,",,-~-.,...,,-------,-------..---.----- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -----~____~n_____-c~J 18 ANNUAL BUDGET SALARY BY CLASSIFICATION 1. CLASSIFIED SERIES position Classification 1969-70 Actual 1970-71 Actual 1971-72 Actual 30X 30X 27X 26X 3lY 31Y 29Y 28Y 31Z 31Z 30Y 29X Ass't City Administrator City Engineer Police Chief Fire Chief Ass't City Engineer Building Official Operations Manager-Police Services Manager-Police Operations Officer-Fire Ass't Planning Director Assoc. Civil Engineer Supervisor-Patrol, etc. Fire Captain Maintenance Superintendent Parks & Recreation Director Senior Investigator Fire Lieutenant Traffic Officer (START) Police Investigator Senior Policeman Fire Engineer Public Services Assistant Policeman Office Supervisor Building Inspector Public Works Inspector Fireman Recreation Supervisor (PEP) Maintenance Foreman Tree Foreman Park Foreman Mechanic Foreman Fiscal Systems Analyst (PEP) Equipment Mechanic Engineering Aide/Draftsman Maintenance Leadman Equipment Operator Senior Custodian Tree Trimmer Administrative Secretary Maintenanceman II Mechanic's Helper (PEP) 15X Communications Officer 12X 13Y 14Y Deputy City Clerk 13X 14Y 14Z Secretary III 13X 14Y 14Z Account Clerk 12X 14Y 14Z Maintenanceman I 12X 13Y 14X L, ~~~~~;II____. C'TV OF TUS~~~ CAl1FO~~~A ~~; 25X 22X 22X 26Y 24Y 24Y 26Z 25Y 25Y 25Y 26X 26X 23Y 23Y 23Y 27Y 22X 22X 21Y 21X 2lX 21X 22X 20Y 21Y 21X 21X 19Z 20Y 19Z 19Z 19Z 24X 24X 21X 21X 21X 24X 20X 20X 25Y 25Y 22Y 22Y 22Y 26Y 2lY 21Y 19X 19X 19X 20X l8X 19X 19X 18X 18X 20Y 20Y 20Y 21Y 19Y 20Y 20Y 20Y 19Y 17X 17X 19Y 19Y 14X 14X 14X 14X 14X 14X 16Y 15Y 16Y 16Y 16Y 15Y 15Y 20X 17Y 17Y 16Z 16Z 16Z 16X 15Z 1972-73 Final 33Y 33Y 31Y 30X 27Y 27Z 27Y 27Y 27X 26Z 26Z 25Y 25X 24Y 27Y 24X 23Z 23Y 23X 23X 22Z 22Z 22Y 22X 21Z 21Z 21Y 21X 20Z 20Z 20Z 20Z 20Z 19X 18Y In 17Z 17Z 17X 16Y 16X 16X l5Z 15Y 15Y 15Y 15X 14Y 13Z 19 ANNUAL BUDGET CLASSIFIED SERIES (Cent' d) 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Actual Actual Final Secretary I 12Y 12Z 13Y Senior Typist llX llY llZ 12Y Int. Stenographer lOX llY llZ 12X Int. Typist Clerk 9X 10Y 10Z llY Stenographer 9Y 9Z 10Y Typist Clerk 7X 8Y 8Z 9Y Fireman Apprentice (PEP) $531 $575.40 II. UNCLASSIFIED SERIES A. Monthly Salary City Administrator $2,000 $2,133 $2,169 $2,500 City Attorney 200 200 200 200 Commun. & CD Officer 175 200 200 200 City Clerk 150 150 150 150 B. Hourly Wage Recreation Leader $ 2.50 $ 2.75 $ 2.75 $ 2.75 Crossing Guard 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 * Plus Legal Fees. H_____J _u_----~=----- -- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ---- _...21L______-~ ANNUAL BUDGET MONTHLY S^LARY SCHEDULE Range and Steps* RANGE S T E P S NUMBER A B C 0 E - 11. 61 928.62 24,144 39Z 2012 2113 2219 2330 11.42 913.85 23,760 39Y 1980 2079 2183 2292 11. 23 898.62 23,364 39X 1947 2044 2146 2253 11.05 884.31 22,992 38Z 1916 2012 2113 2219 10.88 870.00 22,620 38Y 1885 1980 2079 2183 10.70 855.69 22,248 38X 1854 1947 2044 2146 0.53 842.31 21,900 37Z 1825 1916 2012 2113 10.36 828.46 21,540 37Y 1795 1885 1980 2079 10.19 815.08 21,192 37X 1766 1854 1947 2044 10.03 802.15 20,856 36Z 1738 1825 1916 2012 9.87 789.23 20,520 36Y 1710 1795 1885 1980 9.70 776.31 20,184 36X 1682 1766 1854 1947 9.55 763.85 19,860 35Z 1655 1738 1825 1916 201 9.40 751.85 19,548 35Y 1629 1710 1795 1885 198 9.24 739.38 19,224 35X 1602 1682 1766 1854 194 9.10 727.85 18,924 34Z 1577 1655 1738 1825 191 8.95 715.85 18,.612 34Y 1551 1629 1710 1795 188 8.80 704.31 18,312 34X 1526 1602 1682 1766 185 8.66 692.77 18,012 33Z 1501 1577 1655 1738 182 8.52 681.69 17,724 33Y 1477 1551 1629 1710 179 8.38 670.62 17,436 33X 1453 1526 1602 1682 176 8.25 660.00 17,160 32Z 1430 1501 1577 1655 173 8.12 649.38 16,884 32Y 1407 1477 1551 1629 171 7.98 638.77 16,608 32X 1384 1453 1526 1602 168 7.86 628.62 16,344 31Z 1362 1430 1501 1577 165 7.73 618.46 16,080 31Y 1340 1407 1477 1551 162 7.60 608.31 15,816 31X 1318 1384 1453 1526 160 7.48 598.62 15,564 30Z 1297 1362 1430 1501 157 7.36 588.92 15,312 30Y 1276 1340 1407 1477 155 7.24 579.23 15,060 30X 1255 1318 1384 1453 152 7.13 570.46 14,832 29Z 1236 1297 1362 1430 150 7.02 561.23 14,592 29Y 1216 1276 1340 1407 147 6.90 552.00 14,352 29X 1196 1255 1318 1384 145 6.79 541.23 14,124 28Z 1177 1236 1297 1362 143 6.68 534.46 13,896 28Y 1158 1216 1276 1340 140 6.57 525.69 13,668 28X 1139 1196 1255 1318 1384 6.46 516.92 13,440 27Z 1120 1177 1236 1297 136 6.36 508.62 13,224 27Y 1102 1158 1216 1276 134 6.25 500.31 13,008 27X 1084 1139 1196 1255 1318 6.16 492.46 12,804 26Z 1067 1120 1177 1236 129 6.06 484.62 12,600 26Y 1050 1102 1158 1216 1276 5.96 476.77 12,396 26X 1033 1084 1139 1196 125 I.~-_----~--------- -----~~--- -- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ==c----,----,---=----- 21 ANNUAL BUDGET RANGE S T E P 5 NUMBERS A B C D E - - 5.87 469.38 12,204 25Z 1017 1067 1120 1177 1236 5.77 461.54 12,000 25Y 1000 1050 1102 1158 1216 5.68 454.15 11,808 25X 984 1033 1084 1139 1196 5.58 446.77 11,616 24Z 968 1017 1067 1120 1177 5.50 439.85 11,436 24Y 953 1000 1050 1102 1158 5.41 432.46 11,244 24X 937 984 1033 1084 1139 5.32 425.54 11,064 23Z 922 968 1017 1067 1120 5.23 418.62 10,884 23Y 907 953 1000 1050 1102 5.15 411. 69 10,704 23X 892 937 984 1033 1084 5.07 405.23 10,536 22Z 878 922 968 1017 1067 4.98 398.77 10,368 22Y 864 907 953 1000 1050 4.90 392.31 10,200 22X 850 892 937 984 1033 4.82 385.85 10,032 21Z 836 878 922 968 1017 4.74 379.38 9,864 21Y 822 864 907 953 1000 4.67 373.38 9,708 21X 809 850 892 937 984 4.60 367.85 9,564 20Z 797 836 878 922 968 4.52 361.85 9,408 20Y 784 822 864 907 953 4.45 355.85 9,252 20X 771 809 850 892 937 4.37 349.85 9,096 19Z 758 797 836 878 922 4.30 344.31 8,952 19Y 746 784 822 864 907 4.23 338.77 8,808 19X 734 771 809 850 892 4.17 333.23 8,664 18Z 722 758 797 836 878 4.10 328.15 8,532 18Y 711 746 784 822 864 4.03 322.62 8,388 18X 699 734 771 809 850 3.97 317.54 8,256 112 688 722 758 797 836 3.91 312.46 8,124 17Y 677 711 746 784 822 3.84 307.38 7,992 17X 666 699 734 771 809 3.78 302.31 7,860 16Z 655 688 722 758 797 3.72 297.69 7,740 16Y 645 677 711 746 784 3.66 292.62 7,608 16X 634 666 699 734 771 3.60 288.00 7,488 15Z 624 655 688 722 758 3.54 283.38 7,368 15Y 614 645 677 711 746 3.48 278.77 7,248 15X 604 634 666 699 734 3.43 274.15 7,128 14Z 594 624 655 688 722 3.38 270.00 7,020 14Y 585 614 645 677 711 3.32 265.38 6,900 14X 575 604 634 666 699 3.27 261.23 6,792 13Z 566 594 624 655 688 3.21 257.08 6,684 13Y 557 585 614 645 677 3.16 252.92 6,576 13X 548 575 604 634 666 3.11 248.77 6,468 12Z 539 566 594 624 655 3.06 245.08 6,372 "12Y 531 557 585 614 645 3.01 240.92 6,264 12X 522 548 575 604 634 I I. -- t-------------- ------ - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ----~------- 22 H ¡'"" uûUbli Step A Equivalents RANGE S T E P S Hour1yll BiWeekly Annual NUMBER A C D 2.97 237.23 6,168 llZ 514 539 566 594 624 2.91 233.08 6,060 llY 505 531 557 585 614 2.87 229.38 5,964 llX 497 522 548 575 604 2.82 225.69 5,868 10Z 489 514 539 566 594 2.78 222.00 5,772 10Y 481 505 531 557 585 2.73 218.31 5,676 lOX 473 497 522 548 575 2.69 215.08 5,592 9Z 466 489 514 539 566 2.65 211.85 5,508 9Y 459 481 505 531 557 2.60 208.15 5,412 9X 451 473 497 522 548 2.56 204.46 5,316 8Z 443 466 489 514 539 2.52 201. 23 5,232 8Y 436 459 481 505 531 2.48 198.00 5,148 8X 429 451 473 497 522 2.44 195.23 5,076 7Z 423 443 466 489 514 2.40 192.00 4,992 7Y 416 436 459 481 505 2.36 188.77 4,908 7X 409 429 451 473 497 2.32 185.54 4,824 6Z 402 423 443 466 489 2.28 182.31 4,740 6Y 395 416 436 459 481 2.24 179.54 4,668 6X 389 409 429 451 473 * 5% between full range numbers and range steps. II Based on a 40-hour week, the monthly rate is divided hy 173.33 and the result rounded off to the nearest whole cent. Permanent employees normally start at Step A and are eligible for Step B after six months at A, and for each succeeding step after one year at the previous- step. CITY OF TUSTIN, C,ô.LlFORNIA 23 ~ ~~-_.~~~-~-_._--~ ~~n_~___.._._--~ I ANNUAL BUDGET SECTION V EXPENDITURES ----.. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES HISTORICAL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Activity Actual Budget Estimate Budget Legislation $ 72,781 $ 70,918 $ 77 ,338 $ 73,067 Administration 78 ,179 83,622 84,382 97,380 Community Development 90,788 88,860 90,984 91,253 Non-Departmental 253,424 306,528 313,378 313,883 Building Regulation 51,088 51,006 52,503 53,629 Police 483,575 581,274 575,640 652,627 Fire 220,424 252,626 254,595 297,221 Engineering 64,108 63,319 74,530 79,443 Maintenance 286,765 272,501 301,732 318,783 Recreation 61,922 55,502 52,132 68,349 TOTAI. NORMAL OPERATIONS $1,663,054 $1,826,156 $1,877,214 $2,045,635/ Grant Personnel ------ 72,922 108,174 223,666 Public Improvements 148,859 886,649 554,338 1,518,917 GRAND TOTAL $1,811,913 $2,785,727 $2,539,726 $3,788,218 1972-73 BY CATEGORY Supplies & Capital 1972-73 Activity Personnel Services Outlay Total Legislation $ 48,322 $ 24,345 $ 400 $ 73,067 Administration 74,580 22,450 350 97,380 Community Development 69,233 22,020 91,253 Non-Departmental ------ 313,883 313,883 Building Regulation 49,167 4,260 202 53,629 Police 585,142 51,930 15,555 652,627 Fire 259,864 32,677 4,680 297,221 Engineering 79,055 (590) 978 79,443 Maintenance 188,780 121,500 8,503 318,783 Recreation 43,196 24,310 863 68,349 TOTAL NORMAL OPERATIONS $1,397,319 $ 616,785 $ 31,531 $2,045,635 Grant Personnel 165,258 58,408 ------ 223,666 Public Improvements ------ ------ 1,518,917 1,518,917 GRAND TOTAL $1,562,577 $ 675,193 $1,550,448 $3,788,218 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -- 24 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN ACTIVITY STRUCTURE General Government 201 211 261 331 339 Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Grant Personnel Public Safety 421 441 451 Building Regulation Police Fire Public Works 502 551 561 Engineering Public Improvements Maintenance Recreation 631 Recreation CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA cc 25 ANNUAL BUDGET I DIS'I'RIBUTION BY ACCOUNT CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA .ANNUAL BUDGET --- - --- --- -__-==~-f~~~ T ACTIVITY LEGISLATION 201 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The City Council is the legislative and policy-making body of the City. Such activities are accomplished through the adoption of or- dinances or City laws, the adoption of policy resolutions, the ap- proval of contracts and agreements, the approval of the City Budget, and the review of the City's General Plan. The City Council is assisted in its legislative function by the City Clerk who is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City and by the City Attorney who performs all routine legal services for City officials and departments. This activity en- compasses four activities, namely those of City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, and Elections. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget - Personnel $44,969 $46,668 $48,318 $48,322 Supplies & Services 26,649 24,200 28,970 24,345 Capital Outlay 1,163 50 50 400 TOTAL EXPENSE $72,781 $70,918 $77,338 $73,067 PROGRAM The legislative function is responsible for the adoption of policies and legislation to better serve the coIlUnuni ty and to guide t.he City staff in this critical period of community development. Public safety, City services, and architectural and land use standards are areas of special concern. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -------- 26 ~ ---- A N N LJ A L B U~ D G E T -.--. '--.----'-'-'--------.----'.--- ----.- .- '--------------------------1' l~ c T ,~__- -"~GI ~~; I 0 ~~=:;O~E~~o~=-===--t~; ~~~ 2 01-== PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Office Supervisor Deputy City Clerk Secretary I Senior Typist Typist Clerk Total Full-Time Councilmen City Clerk City Attorney Total positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Part-time or Temporary Overtime Total Personnel Supplies & Service Contractual Services Legal Services Other Office Expense General Departmental Operation Training & Meetings Other Expenses Legal Advertising Memberships Elections Total Supplies & Service Capital Outlay -orTìce Equipment Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTAL 1970-71 Actual --' 1 (20Y) 1 (14Y) ------ 1 (l1Y) 1 (8Y) 4 5 (150) 1 (150) 1 (200) 11 $31,763 13,200 6 $44,969 $14,309 735 551 756 3,943 4,006 30 2,319 $26,649 $ 1,163 $ 1,163 $72,781 1971-72 Budget 1 (21Y) 1 (l4Z) 1 (12Z) ------ 1 (8Z) 4 5 (150) 1 (150) 1 (200) 11 $33,468 13,200 ------ --- $46,668 $12,600 ------ 900 1,200 2,735 3,500 50 3,215 $24,200 $ $ $70,918 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 1971-72 Estimate 1972-73 Budget 1 (21Y) 1 (l4Z) 1 (12Z) 1 (22X) 1 (15Y) ------ ------ 1 (12Y) 1 (9Y) 1 (8Z) --- 4 4 5 (150) 1 (150) 1 (200) 5 (150) 1 (150) 1 (200¡ 11 11 $35,101 13,200 17 $35,122 13,200 ..------ ._-- $48,318 $48,322 $14,650 $12,600 ------ ...u._.o- 50 I II I I II Ii !, !I Ii I ==~,-,-~-=.,,-----=.,. -" .:~~ ---=.)J 27 900 1,200 2,735 600 1,300 3,810 6,000 270 3,215 6,000 3 :; .... - -. - - ---- .------ $28,970 $24,345 $ $ 400 50 --- - ------- 50 $ $ 400 50 $ 77 , 3 ~s... £"¿},O6:?. --- ---- -ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY LEGISLATION ----------lA~~~[~T ------------- --------- --------- ---------------------1---- 201 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL The position of Secretary I is reclassified to Senior Typist since the responsibilities of taking Council minutes are no longer assoc- iated with this position. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Legal Services include the services of the City Attorney over and above the services covered by the monthly retainer. Other included the filing consultant in 1970-71. Office Expense: General includes office supplies. Departmental Operation - includes printing and departmental supplies. Training and Meetings - includes $3,575 for City Council and $235 for City Clerk meetings and conferences. Other Expenses: Legal Advertising includes publication of ordinances and notices. Memberships includes City Clerk memberships. Elections includes cost of regular and special elections. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment - provides for a fireproof file to protect important documents. I I---u------- -- - --- un - --- CITY OF TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA 28 I I 'I II II I -- I " 'i ANNUAL BUD GET "="~=C_--'--------=====----=----~' ~-=--~~~----~~~~~--~~_J A~~~IU~~- ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION 211 -------------- BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The City Administrator is appointed by the City Council as the chief administrative officer of the City--responsible for the implementation of Council policy and the supervision of all municipal activities. He advises the Council on the financial condition and needs of the City, on the improvement of City services, and on the long range development I of the community and its environment. .1 II I i I I The City Administrator's staff accomplishes many of the routine re- sponsibilities in the area of finance, personnel, municipal research, procedures analysis, purchasing and budget studies. The department is also responsible for studies on the application of modern manage- ment techniques; use of computers, microfilming, and information systems; the efficient and economical operation of the City organiza- tion; and to assist other departments with special problems. This activity encompasses the activities of the City Administrator Office and Administrative Management. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $63,439 $70,037 $68,989 $74,580 Supplies and Services 14,069 13,285 15,185 22,450 Capital Outlay 671 300 208 350 -- TOTAL EXPENSE $78,179 $83,622 $84,382 $97,380 PROGRAI1 Annexations, community promotions, expanding City services, and adequate financial support of those services continue to be areas of major concentration. Acquisition and development of the park system made possible by the successful May 25, 1971, Bond Election, further negotiations on the possible acquisition of the Tustin Water Works, continued development of five-year capital improvement and operating programs, commencement of planning for the City's ultimate governmental facilities, and pursuit of the joint development with the County of a new and adequate library facility also represent areas of prime consideration. Continued active participation in intergovernmental activities such as Public Agencies Data Systems and the Urban Adjacent Areas Task Force staff shall be made in order to seek new solutions to urban problems. CITY OF- TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA- ~g ANNUAL BUD GET ===-=-=-~~-=-=-=c~-===":===="'"==:'::=:lì ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION "._~"---".- ~--~"---._"-~~.~" --Un ~-"----"__n___-- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE City Administrator Asst. City Administrator Administrative Secretary Secretary III Account Clerk Part-Time (None) Total Positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Overtime Total Personnel Supplies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Operation Vehicle & Transportation Training & Meetings Other Expenses Total Supplies & Ser. ~ital Outlay Office Equipment Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTl'\.L I in un - ---- - -~~~J~~~ITI~~~-~~~>;~-~-= BUDGET DETAIL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget 1 (2133) 1 (2169) 1 (2169) 1 (2500) 1 (31Y) 1 (312) 1 (312) 1 (33Y) 1 (15Y) 1 (152) 1 (152) 1 (l6Y) 1 (14Y) 1 (142) 1 (142) 1 (15Y) 1 (14Y) 1 (142) 1 (142) 1 (15Y) ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 5 5 5 $63,363 $69,937 $68,989 $74,480 76 100 ------ 100 $63,439 $70,037 $68,989 $74,580 $ 7,851 $ 8,000 $10,000 $16,000 430 400 400 400 831 635 585 650 2,442 2,400 2,400 3,000 2,140 1,450 1,400 2,000 375 400 400 400 $14,069 $13,285 $15,185 $22,450 $ 671 $ 300 $ 208 $ 350 ----- $ I :¡ " II I: " II Ii Ii c~ -cc--~ II 671 $ 300 $ 208 $ 350 $78,179 $83,622 $84,382 $97,380 -c~ CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA 30 -- ---== ANN U A l. BUD GET -=-0::=-= : =-==:=:~o.==: : -:::-=-::======- ---------------- -- - - - --- ---T--------- - -- ---------------- - -J f\~~~~U~r--__~~ ~----- ACTIVITY ADMINn;TRATION ------------ -- _u_---- -------- -- - BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No Personnel changes have been included in the budget. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - includes data processing expenses, expenses of Public Agencies Data Systems membership, and $5,600 for City's share of PADS Personnel Managment System development cost. Office Expense - includes office supplies. Departmental Operation supplies. includes printing of forms and departmental Vehicle & Transportation - provides monthly automobile allowance authorized the City Administrator and Assistant City Admin- istrator for meetings, inspection trips and other transporta- tion. Training and Meetings - includes $1,700 for City Administrator and $300 for Assistant City Administrator meetings and conferences. Other Expenses - provides for memberships in professional organizations. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment - provides for a portable electronic calculator, and a two-drawer lateral file for City Administrator's Secretary. CITY OF TUSTI!". U\LlFORNII\ 1 ANNUAL BUDGET--.---- ACTIVITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT SERIES 261 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Community Development function is responsible for the orderly growth, development and promotion of the community in accordance with the General Plan and established community objectives. The department provides technical advice and recommendations to the Planning Commis- sion, City Council and City Administrator; implements the General Plan; administers and enforces zoning, sign, litter and related regulations; assists the general public with development information and suggest- ions. The department also assists the Development Preview Commission and the Tustin Now and Tomorrow Committee. Funds for community Promotion are also budgeted in this activity, such as memberships in other organizations, contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, and miscellaneous advertising. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $61,331 $66,266 $67,837 $69,233 Supplies & Services 28,006 22,430 22,983 22,020 Capital outlay 1,451 164 164 ------ TOTAL EXPENSE $90,788 $88,860 $90,984 $91,253 PROGRAM The mandates of new State laws direct the major activities of this department. Nine elements of a general plan are now required, in- cluding Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Seismic Safety, Noise, Scenic Highway, Safety, and Open Space. In addition to the preparation of the required general plan elements, continuing attention will be given to the needed revisions of the Zoning and Sign Ordinances. Community Promotions requests are incorporated in the budget for subsequent Council consideration. In accordance with past Council practice, the Chamber of Commerce appropriation has been set at $10,000 and the Jaycees Tiller Days appropriation has been eliminated. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 32 I ANNUAL BUDGET lAC II V I TV ~I ""-" EVE::""MEN'r BUDGET DETAIL ~.CCOUNT SERIES 261 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget -- Asst. City Administrator 1 (31Y) 1 (31Z) 1 (31Z) 1 (33Y) Asst. Planning Director 1 (25Y) 1 (26X) 1 (26X) 1 (26Z) Public Services Asst. 1 (21Y) 1 (22X) 1 (22X) 1 (22Z) Engineering Aide ~ (15Y) ~ (17Y) ~ (17Y) ~ (18Y) Secretary III 1 (l4Y) 1 (l4Z) 1 (14 Z) ------ Secretary II ------ ------ ------ 1 (14Y) Secretary I 1 (10Y) 1 (12Z) 1 (12Z) 1 (l3Y) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ 'rotal Positions 51s 5~ 5~ 5~ ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $61,191 $66,016 $67,837 $68,983 Overtime 140 250 ------ 250 Total Personnel $61,331 $66,266 $67,837 $69,233 Supplies & Services Contractual Services Planning $------ $------ $ 500 $------ Weed Abatement 2,321 1,000 1,500 1,500 Office Expense 305 300 200 200 Departmental Operation Printing & Supplies 995 600 600 700 Commission Fees 4,220 4,380 4,380 4,980 Vehicle & Transportation 1,086 1,680 1,680 1,920 Training & Meetings 756 250 250 500 Other Expenses Departmental 357 320 320 320 City Memberships 1,045 1,400 1,400 1,400 City Contributions 15,694 12,000 11,653 10,000 City Advertising 1,227 500 500 500 Total Supplies & Servo $28,006 $22,430 $22,983 $22,020 Capital Outlay Other Structures $ 822 $------ $------ $------ Office Equipment 629 164 164 ------ Total Capital Outlay $ 1,451 $ 164 $ 164 $------ GRAND TOTAL $90,788 $88,860 $90,984 $91,253 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 33 -. -~-~-_... ANNUAL BUDGET- -----==---1 ~ ACTIVITY II I ___~J.A~~~I~~T COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 261 ----- .-.- BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL The position of Secretary III is reclassified to Secretary II reflecting responsibilities and internal relationships. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Planning included the assistance of Weed Abatement provides for cost of overgrown vacant property until the the property owner. a planning consultant. clearing littered or City is reimbursed by Office Expense - includes office supplies. Departmental Operation: printin~ & Supplies includes printing and departmental supplies. Commisslon Fees provides for Planning Commission and Development Preview Commission fees. Vehicle & Transportation - provides monthly automobile allowance for Assistant City Administrator and monthly rental of pool car. Other Expenses: Departmental includes memberships and publications. City Memberships provides for City membership in the Orange County Division and the State League of California Cities. City Contributions to civic organizations of City-wide benefit such as the Chamber of Commerce for promotion and, in prior years, to the Jaycees for Tiller Days as authorized by Council. City Advertising includes miscellaneous advertising expenses. CAPITAL OUTLAY None for 1972-73. In 1970-71, bells were installed along El Camino Real. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 34 ANNUAL BUDGET- I I ACT! V 'TY NON - DEPA~T~T~ .:-:.:~U~--- -~1 A~i~~~T I OBJECTIVES The Non-Departmental activity contains those expenditures that all departments or the City as a whole. Examples of these are independent audit expenses, City liability and property damage insur-' ance, employee insurance and retirement expenses, duplication ex- penses, postage and office equipment maintenance, and special census expenses. 331 affect I I This activity encompasses Other Non-Departmental and Refuse Collection activities. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972--73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ Supplies & Services 253,424 280,972 283,184 313,883 Capital Outlay ------ 25,556 30,194 ------ TOTAL EXPENSE $253,424 $306,528 $313,378 $313,883 PROGRAM Programs of the "Non-Departmental" activity include the following: 1. Collection of waste materials on a regular basis so as to protect the appearance and health of the community. This is accomplished by weekly collections under the Solid Waste Collection contract. A new, exclusive contract was awarded effective June 1, 1972. Purchase of replacement vehicles financed through the equipment fund by means of vehicle rental charges to using depar-;:ments. These charges also cover the cost of operating and maintaining the vehicles. Provision of employee benefits to protect the employees' welfare and maintain a competitive employment position. provision of adequate insurance to protect the City's in~erest in liability and property damage cases. Centralization of certain common office expenses and duplication costs for greater visibility and control. 2. 3. 4. 5. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I I I i J 35 ANNUAL BUDGET -__~~__n ~~~~~---- r~_~~~~T 331 ACTIVITY NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET DETAIL 197\)-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel (None) $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ Supplies & Services Contractual Services Refuse Collection $ 53,153 $ 55,000 $ 51,380 $ 46,800 Consultants 15,405 ------ ------ 500 Auditing 5,000 5,000 5,500 5,500 City Insurance 21,470 23,400 18,853 22,375 Employee Insurance 50,366 70,982 67,321 75,570 Retirement 86,188 102,000 109,010 131,528 Other 3,213 2,340 2,640 3,360 Office Expense Postage 3,657 4,000 4,500 6,000 Office Equipment Maint. 610 750 700 750 Duplication Expense 16,380 16,000 23,400 19,500 Other 2,448 1,000 2,000 1,500 Training & Meetings 152 300 150 300 Other Expenses 352 200 50 200 Park Bond Expense ------ ------ 47,430 76,838 Reimbursement-Other Accounts (4,970) ------ (49,750) (76,838) Total Supplies & Servo $253,424 $280,972 $283,184 $313,883 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ ------ $ 66,650 $ 67,800 $ 8,550 Equipment Fund ------ (52,450) (52,450) (8,550) Office Equipment ------ ------ 700 ------ Departmental Equipment ------ 11,356 14,144 ------ Total Capital Outlay $ ------ $ 25,556 $ 30,194 $ ------ GRAND TOTAL $253,424 $306,528 $313,378 $313,883 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I i i 36 -ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY NON-~EP~~_TMENT~_____--_.. --___~_JA~~~I~~T 331 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL (None) SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Refuse Collection provides for cost of refuse collection service to single family, duplex and triplex residential property and commercial businesses requiring only minimum service, based on $1.05 per dwelling unit or business. Consultants provided for management and water consultant. AUdIting provides for the City's independent audit of financial records. City Insurance provides for liability, property damage, and suretyìnsUIance. ~mpl0yee Insurance provides $39,000 for workman's .compensation, 26,570 for group life and health insurance and $10,000 for disability insurance. Retirement provides for cost of Public Employees Retirement. Other includes medical examinations and microfilming. Office Expense: Postage provides for postage in all departments including postage for the quarterly City newsletter. Office Equipment Maintenance provides for maintenance of all City office equipment. Duplication Expense includes the cost of City duplication work. Other provides for operating the central supply room. Training and Meetings - provides for tuition reimbursement. Other Expenses - provides for employee recruitment. Park Bond Expense - provides for Park Bond Interest expense, Bond repayment, and related expenses. Reimbursement-Other Accounts - provides for Park Bond Fund reim- bursement and other reimbursements. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles - provides for replacement of one pick-up truck and two detective cars from the Equipment Fund. Equipment Fund - provides for reimbursement from Equipment Fund for replacement of vehicles and equipment. Departmental Equipment. - provided for equipment .reqUl' re d. bY... the. J Traffic Safety Grant Projects, funded by the State, CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA --...______n nn___---- , 37 ANNUAL BUDGET=-- ACCOUNT SERIES 339 ACTIVITY GRANT PERSONNEL -~- BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES This new activity is established as a control account for grant funds which provide temporary personnel assistance to the City. The City's Safety and Traffic Accident Reduction Team (START) is a two-year program designed to reduce accidents with four additional men and related equipment and facilities. The Public Employment Program (PEP) is a temporary program based on the nation's high unemployment and is funded on a year to year basis. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TOTAL EXPENSE 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $------ $42,300 $ 86,374 $165,258 ------ 30,622 21,800 58,408 ------ ------ ------ ------ $------ $72,922 $108,174 $223,666 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay PROGRAM TOTAL ------ 4 4 4 ------ ------ 11 11 ------ ------ 5 5 ------ 4 20 20 START Personnel PEP Section 5 Personnel PEP Section 6 Personnel CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I I I I I I I, II ------_J 38 ANNUAL BUDGET- ACTIVITY GRANT PERSONNEL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE START Traffic Supervisor Traffic Officer Draftsman PEP Section 5 Recreation Supervisor Mechanic's Helper Maintenanceman I Apprentice Fireman Intermediate Typist Clerk Typist Clerk PEP Section 6 Fiscal Systems Analyst Maintenanceman I Typist Clerk Total Personnel ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel START Project PEP Section 5 PEP Section 6 Total Personnel Supplies & Services Contractual Services Departmental Operations Rental of Equipment - Traffic Safety Training & Meetings Total Supplies & Servo Capital Outlay (None) GRAND TOTAL BUDGET DETAIL 1970-71 Actual ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ $------ ------ ------ $------ $------ ------ ------ ------ $------ $------ $------ 1971-72 Budget 1. (23Y) 2 (2lY) 1 (17Y) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4 $42,300 ------ ------ $42,300 $------ 16,462 12,660 1,500 $30,622 $------ $72,922 ----- ACCOUNT SERIES 1971-72 Estimate 1 (23Y) 2 (21Y) 1 (17Y) 1 (20Y) 1 (15X) 3 (14X) 3 (531) 1 (102) 2 (8Z) 1 (20X) 2 (14X) 2 (8Z) 20 $ 40,200 24.858 21,316 -'-- $ 86,374 $ --~~.--- 10,600 11,200 ----.'- $ 21,800 $ -----~ $108,174 339 1972-73 Budge~ 1 (25Y) 2 (23Y) 1 (l8Y) 1 (21X) 1 (16X) 3 (15X) 3 (575) 1 (l1Y) 2 (9Y) 1 (20Z) 2 (15X) 2 (9Y) 20 $ 49,127 79,109 37,022 $165,258 $ 27,786 16,462 12,660 1,500 -- $ 58,408 $ ------ $223,666 I I I I I Ii II II !I II ,I II II ,. 01 II Ii Ii II I I I I I ! CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -- 39 ANNUAL BUDGET---- GRANT PE;SONN;~-_=~---. ---~~~-~~ -~--JA~~~UE~.T ACTIVITY 339 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL All positions in this activity are employed on a project basis subject to continued availability of the grant funds involved in their project and thus are temporary in nature. The START Program is funded through the end of 1972-73. The PEP Section 5 Program is funded through August 19,1972, but is expected to be continued for another year. The PEP Section 6 Program is funded through October 31, 1972, and may also be continued, although the City's eligibility could terminate if our unemployment is under six percent. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - provides for group life, health, disability, and workman's compensation insurance, and retirement contribu- tions. These items were previously included in Non-Departmental. Departmental Operations - provides for the supplies and rental of equipment required by the Traffic Safety Grants. Training and Meetings - provides for training by the Traffic Safety Grants. CAPITAL OUTLAY (None) CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA J 40 ANNUAL BUDGET --~T ~-~S ACTIVITY BUILDING REGULATION 421 --------- BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Building Department strives to insure that all buildings in the City are constructed and maintained in compliance with the standards of safety and sanitation established by the City's adopted codes, and other applicable City, County, and State laws. In accomplishing these objectives, the department reviews plans for conformance with existing laws, advises the public on proper methods of construction, issues permits for work which complies with the adopted standards, and inspects contruction to insure that it is in accordance with the approved plans. The Department is involved in plumbing, electrical, building, heating and cooling, and sign con- struction activities, and assists in zoning enforcement. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TOTAL EXPENSE 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $48,323 $47,261 $48,243 $49,167 2,765 3,745 4,260 4,260 ------ ------ ------ 202 $51,088 $51,006 $52,503 $53,629 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay PROGRAM Valuation Added (In $1,000) Commercial Value only (In $1,000) Expected Income Inspections Total Per Man Vehicle Miles New Dwelling Units Cost Per Capita Net Cost Per Capita $ 6,340 $14,000 $14,000 $16,000 3,000 6,000 7,800 6,000 48,397 50,000 43,000 52,000 9,805 12,000 5,500 6,500 3,900 4,500 2,750 3,000 16,000 15,000 12,000 14,000 188 250 600 800 2.12 1. 99 2.05 2.00 .11 .23 .29 (0.25) -- ------ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 41 ANNUAL BUDGET ----- ---~l ACCOUNT SERIES 421 ACTIVITY BUILDING REGULATION BUDGET DETAIL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Building Official 1 (26Y) 1 (26Z) 1 (26Z) 1 (27Z) Building Inspector 2 (20Y) 2 (21X) 2 (21X) 2 (21Z) Secretary I 1 (12Y) 1 (12Z) 1 (l2Z) 1 (l3Y) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ Total positions 4 4 4 4 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $48,307 $47,061 $48,243 $49,167 Overtime 16 200 ------ ------ Total Personnel $48,323 $47,261 $48,243 $49,167 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 60 $ 500 $ 800 $ 800 Office Expense 148 200 200 200 Departmental Operation 118 300 450 450 Vehicle & Transportation 112 2,160 2,160 2,160 Training & Meetings 355 400 400 400 Other Expenses 1,972 185 250 250 Total Supplies & Serv. $ 2,765 $ 3,745 $ 4,260 $4,260 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $------ $------ $------- $ 202 ---- Total Capital Outlay $------ $------ $------ $ 202 GRAND TOTAL $51,088 $51,006 $52,503 $53,629 -- _.- ~--- - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 42 c-~-----~ =- - A::_A L- BU: E T ACTIVITY BUILDING R.EGULATION ------------------------ ---------- --- --- ---~-=í A~~~~~T 421 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No Personnel changes have been included in the budget. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revìsions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - primarily for outside plan checking of structurally complex buildings. Office Expense - includes office supplies. Departmental Operation - includes printing of forms and departmental supplies. Vehicle & Transportation - provides for the rental of three vehicles from the Equipment Fund. Training & Meetings - attendance at various professional conferences and meetings. Other Expenses - includes memberships and publications. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment - provides for a filing cabinet and a plan hold file. -c:-----c--=-=-==~ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I I J 43 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE _u ~---~-~-~~--=-~~~~=~ J~~l~~E~T ACTIVITY 441 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES police services provide protection to life and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. The patrol function is to discourage violations, detect those which occur, and apprehend violators. The detective function complements the patrol function by providing thorough investigation leading to identifica- tion, apprehensions, and the recovery of stolen goods. The traffic enforcement function is to facilitate the safe and efficient move- ment of automobiles and pedestrians through enforcement of State and local traffic laws. The department also provides an educational program on narcotic control, supervises school crossing guards, sponsors teen dances, and performs vacation security checks. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TOTAL EXPENSES 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $433,262 $507,616 $499,578 $585,142 35,005 55,915 58,319 51,930 15,308 17,743 17,743 15,555 $483,575 $581,2'74 $575,640 $652,627 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay PROGRAM Homicide Sex Crimes Robbery Assault Burglary Grand Theft-General -Auto Narcotics Patrol Miles (In 1,000) Accidents - Fatal - Injury - Non-Injury Traffic Citations 89 no 48 58 14 16 12 14 83 95 67 76 630 750 500 546 50 60 83 100 150 125 82 100 380 300 240 260 187.2 200.0 254.0 257.0 4 6 1 130 200 158 160 497 535 330 360 2,074 3,000 4,153 4,275 --------c--c CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 44 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY POLICE jACCOUNT 441 SERIES ~---~---------~ -~~ BUDGET DETAIL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Police Chief 1 (29Y) 1 (30Y) 1 (30Y) 1 (31Y) Operations Manager 1 (24Y) 1 (25Y) 1 (25Y) 1 (27Y) Services Manager 1 (24Y) 1 (25Y) 1 (25Y) 1 (27Y) Administrative Assistant 1 (22Y) 1 (24Y) ------ ------ supervisor-Investigation 1 (22Y) 1 (24Y) 1 (23Y) 1 (25Y) Supervisor-Patrol 4 (21X) 4 (23Y) 6 (23Y) 6 (25Y) Crime Prevention Officer 1 (22Y) 1 (23Y) ------ ------ Senior Investigator 3 (21Y) 3 (22X) 3 (22X) 3 (24X) Investigator 3 (20Y) 4 (21X) 4 (21X) 4 (23X) Senior Policeman 3 (20Y) 3 (21X) 3 (21X) 3 (23X) Policeman 12 (19Y) 15 (20Y) 15 (20Y) 15 (22Y) Communications Officer 4 (13Y) 4 (14Y) 4 (14Y) 4 (15Z) Secretary II 1 (13X) 1 (13Z) 1 (13Z) 1 (14Y) Secretary I ------ ------ ------ 1 (13Y) Intermediate Typist Clerk 4 (10Y) 4 (10Z) 4 (10Z) 3 (llY) Total Full-Time 40 44 44 44 Crossing Guard 4 (2.00) 4 (2.25) 4 (2.25) 4 (2.25) Reserve Officer 18 (4.03) 18 (4.30) 18 (4.30) 18 (4.97) Relief Commun. Officer ------ ------ ------ 1 (3.60) Total positions 62 66 66 67 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $382,622 $457,616 $435,851 $518,776 Overtime 39,100 35,000 51,735 48,000 Reserve Officer 5,205 8,000 4,058 8,000 Crossing Guards 6,335 7,000 7,934 7,500 Part-Time Personnel ------ ------ ------ 2.866 Total Personnel $433,262 $507,616 $499,578 $5B5, 142 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ ------ $ 100 $ 42 $ 100 Building & utilities 4,813 5,000 5,592 5,800 Office Expense 1,195 1,300 892 1,300 Departmental Operation 12,451 14,650 17,284 15,650 Vehicle & Transportation 12,978 33,840 33,840 37,680 Training & Meetings 3,206 600 294 (9,000) Other Expenses 362 425 375 400 Total Supplies & Servo $ 35,005 $ 55,915 $ 58,319 <: 51,930 y Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 12,726 $ ------ $ ------ $ 420 Office Equipment 1,136 110 110 1,200 Departmental Equipment 446 17,633 17,633 13,935 Total Capital Outlay $ 15,308 $ 17,743 $ 17,743 $ 15,555 GRAND TOTAL $483,575 $581,274 $575,640 $652,627 ~ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 45 ~-----~---~ ANNUAL BUDGET~==c.- --~---_._-_. I,D,CCOUNT SERIES ACTIVITY POLICE 441 -------------. BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No new positions are budgeted for this year. One Intermediate Typist Clerk has been reclassified to Secretary I due to the increased responsibility and duties in the Investigation Division. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - provides contingency allocation for County Jail Building & Utilities - provides for the department's telephone system. Office Expense - provides for office supplies. Departmental Operation - provides for printing, uniforms, ammunition, and other departmental supplies and services. Vehicle & Transportation - provides for vehicle rental of all patrol and administrative vehicles for operation, maintenance and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Meetings - includes firing range expenses, pro- fessional meetings, and travel expenses connected with out of county court appearances and travel to pick up prisoners. Other Expenses - includes memberships and publications. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles - provides for an old undercover car. Office Equipment - provides $380 for dictating equipment, and the balance for chairs and filing cabinets. Departmental Equipment - provides $12,295 for the second of two years conversion to the new County-wide UHF radio systems and purchase of a microfilm camera for use in microfilming City records. .._---- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 46 ANNUAL BUDGET IL \1 AC-TIVITY F I RE- ----- ------~~-=~-=~~-]~~E~ T 451 BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES Fire services provide protection to life and property through fire prevention, fire suppression, and emergency rescue services. The prevention function is to provide public education on fire safety, fire prevention inspections, and review of proposed development plans for fire safety. The suppression function involves the deployment of sufficient apparatus and trained personnel in quick and effective response to any fire alarm. Since the 1968-69 fiscal year, the Fire Department has also been responsible for the functions of Disaster Services. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TOTAL EXPENSE 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $193,986 $223,926 $227,416 $259,864 18,578 26,215 24,689 32,677 7,860 2,485 2,490 4,680 $220,424 $252,626 $254,595 $297,221 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay PROGRAM Inspections and Investigations 252 484 304 360 264 440 328 398 589 800 1,013 1,000 $150.0 $300.0 $344.4 $300.0 1,500 1,800 1,292 1,800 Fires Rescues Drills (Hours) Fire Loss (In $1,000) ---==---- CITY OF TUS1IN, CALIFORNIA 47 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 6,210 $ ------ . Office Equipment 555 195 I Departmental Equipment 1,095 2,290 Ii Total Capital auù", t 1.8" 22,"& ~:ND T°:" - .... . CITY OF :~:::~2C~LI:::2:,:" C I ACTIVITY FIRE f. . i ! PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Fire Chief Operations Officer Fire Captain Fire Marshal Fire Lieutenant Fire Engineer Fireman Secretary II Total Full-Time Relief Command. Officer Volunteers Total positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Overtime Volunteers Total Personnel Supplies & Services Contractual SerVlces Building & Utilities Office Expense Departmental Operation Vehicle & Transportation Training & Meetings Other Expenses Total Supplies & Servo ANNUAL BUDGET ..-.-"--' ~I~IU~~T ----.-.--- 451 BUDGE1 DETAIL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Es tima te Budget 1 (28Y) 1 (29X) 1 (29X) 1 (30X) ------ 1 (25Y) 1 (25Y) 1 (27X) 2 (22Y) 2 (23Y) 2 (23Y) 4 (25X) 1 (22Y) 1 (23Y) 1 (23Y) 1 (25X) 2 (21Y) 2 (22X) 2 (22X) ------ 4 (20Y) 4 (21X) 4 (21X) 4 (22 Z) 6 (19Y) 7 (19Z) 7 (l9Z) 7 (21Y) 1 (13Y) 1 (13Z) 1 (13Z) 1 (14Y) ----' 17 19 19 19 1 (175) 1 (200) 1 (200) 1 (200) 6 6 (3.00) 5 (3.00) 10 (3.00) ~------ 24 26 25 30 $189,032 $218,926 $222,149 $244,464 3,284 3,000 3,897 10,000 1,670 2,000 1,370 5,400 ----- $193,986 $223,926 $227 ,416 $259,864 $ 10,279 $ 7,000 $ 7,464 $ 8,900 1,279 1,700 1,700 2,400 367 400 400 500 4,399 6,635 5,706 8,216 1,171 9,680 8,344 10,831 625 500 700 1,300 458 300 375 530 ------ $ 18,578 $ 26,215 $ 24,689 $ 32,677 $ ------ 200 2,290 $ .----.-- 100 4,580 .$ 2,490 $254,595. $ 4,680 $297,221 --- -------- .... u_- -...."'-"- 48 ~--- ---- - - - - ~N:~Al ACTIVITY FIRE BUDGET _.- .............-.-.....-.--...--- .-.'--""'-' ".'."r'--.---'-~._---_. I- ACCOUNT 4"1 SE R I ES :J - -_.__.L-~- _.__u~-_.._- ---- ___H' BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL The positions of Fire Lieutenant are being elevated to Fire Captain in order to have a Captain at each Station. Additional Volunteer Firemen are also included. Salaries for 1971-72 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - payment to water works for hydrant rental. Building & utilities - provides for the department's telephone system. Office Expense - provides for office supplies. Departmental Operation - includes printing, small tools, uniforms, and departmental supplies. Vehicle and Transportation - provides for vehicle rental of all departmental vehicles and equipment for operation, maintenance and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Meetings - attendance at professional meetings and conferences. Other Expenses - includes memberships and publications. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment - provides for a small calculator. Departmental Equipment - provides for $4,367 for alerter radios, turnouts, breathing apparatus, etc., for new Volunteers. -.------..-- - - CITY OF TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA ---.--c~-_._'.. 49 ------------ ANNUAL BUDGET -~---~------- -_u_-------P~~~gl~~-T- 502 ----1------------- ACTIVITY ENGINEERING BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Engineering Department is responsible for a wide scope of activities including capital improvement planning, project cost estimating, project engineering, contract administration, construc- tion inspection, traffic engineering, subdivision and lot division review, zoning application review, maintenance of street and under- ground facility map records, street dedications, and technical ad- vice to the City Administrator and City Council on all subjects involving engineering. Representative projects include street construction, sewer and storm drain construction, park and beauti- fication projects, traffic signals, street lighting, sidewalks and engineering assistance to the Maintenance Service. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $67,')35 $72,899 $75,095 $79,055 Supplies and Services (4,519) (9,580) 565) ( 590) Capital Outlay 1,092 ------ ------ 978 TOTAL EXPENSE $64,108 $63,319 $74,530 $79,443 PROGRAM 1971-72 marked the completion of a number of street widening projects and traffic signal installations. The First Street widening from the Freeway to Prospect moved into the design and right-of-way acquisition stages. The Red Hill Center Island from First Street to Bryan Avenue was completed and islands on Irvine Boulevard from "B" to Prospect are under ,'ons truction. In addition to the continuinq programs of service to the public, construction inspection, and reviRw of development proposals, are the following programs for 1972-73. 1. RE,vision:ö and updating of all City maps and drawing indexes. 2. Design and/or supervision over budgeted improvement programs. ) . Constr~ctlon of street improvements, curb, sidewalk and other street needs under Assessment District proceedings. 4. Revie~ "~ ~uLdivt;lon and lot division ordinance requirements. 5. Impro ' ~- in .): ,-,x. procedures and records. CiTY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ---------- 50 --ANNUAL BUDGET E~~VITY I ENGINEERING - ~----------------~ ------- -- 502 ACCOUNT SERIES ---~-----------_u_------- ---- ------ --- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE City Engineer Asst. City Engineer Associate Civil Engineer Public Works Inspector Engineering Aide Secretary I Part-Time (None) Total Positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Overtime Total Personnel Supplies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Operation Vehicle & Transportation Training & Meetings Other Expenses Charges to Other Accounts Total Supplies & Servo Capital Outlay Office EquIfJrnent Departmental Equipment Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTAL BUDGET DETAIL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget 1 (31Y) 1 (31Z) 1 (31Z) 1 (33Y) ------ ------ ------ 1 (27Y) 2 (25Y) 2 (26X) 2 (26X) 1 (26Z) 1 (20Yì 1 (21X) 1 (21X) 1 (21Z) ~ (15Y) ~ (l7Y) ~ (17Y) ~ (l8Y) 1 (12Y) 1 (12Z) 1 (12Z) 1 (13Y) ------ ------ ------ ------ -- 5~ 5~ 5~ 5~ $67,445 $72 ,699 $74,916 $78,855 90 200 179 200 $67,535 $72,899 $75,095 $79,055 $ 1,287 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 500 770 850 800 800 1,485 1,150 1,750 1,450 73 1,680 1,680 2,400 48 150 150 200 65 90 55 60 (8,247) (14,000) (6,000) (6,000) $(4,519) $(9,580) $ ( 565) $ ( 590) $------ $------ $------ $ 190 1,092 ------ ------ 788 $ 1,092 $------ $------ $ 978 $64,108 $63,319 $74,530 $79,443 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 51 ANNUAL BUDGET ~- --~- ---~----- ---- -- B~~~~~ ACTIVITY ENGINEERING 502 -- --- ~--------~ - BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL One of the Associate Civil Engineer positions has been reclassified to Assistant City Engineer to more properly reflect responsibilities of the position, and the Draftsman position has been renamed Engineering Aide due to duties of the position. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - engineering, surveying, and testing services. Office Expense - provides for office supplies. Departmental Operation - includes printing and departmental supplies. Vehicle & Transportation - provides for vehicle rental for those pool vehicles for the inspector, surveying, etc. Training & Meetings - attendance at professional meetings and conferences. Other Expenses - provides for memberships and publications. Charges to Other Accounts - charges against street improvement projects for engineering performed "in-house". CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment - provides for two filing cabinets. Departmental Equipment - provides for a drafting machine and survey level. !~~- -- --~---- CITY Of TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA-----~~- 52 ANNUAL BUDGET ----- --~------ ----------- ~rA~~~~~~~~ 5~=____- -----~------~- -- -- --- ACTIVITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES This activity encompasses expenditures for the construction and improvement of public facilities ranging from government buildings, parks, street construction, traffic signals, storm drainage, center islands and beautification, and sanitary sewers. Street projects include necessary right-of-way acquisition, engineering, grading, paving, drainage structures, curbs, gutters, driveway aprons, street trees, parkway landscaping, signs and traffic signals. This activity encompasses the activities of Public Improvements, Sanitary Sewers, and the acquisition of land and improvements under Government Buildings. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ -,----- Supplies & Services ------ ------ ------ ------ Capital Outlay 148,859 886,649 554,338 1,518,917 TOTAL EXPENSE $148,859 $886,649 $554,338 $1,518,917 PROGRAM Public Land $ 43,137 $278,000 $282,178 $ 498,783 Public Buildings ------ 45,100 45,100 20,000 Street Construction 63,961 320,549 47,098 477,134 Traffic Signals 21,000 73,000 14,000 100,000 Storm Drains ------ 3,000 7,707 14,000 TOTAL IM~ROVEMENTS I II I I CITY OF ~~::",~~9ALI:~~~:~49- -$554'338-$1:'91J 53 15,000 40,000 21,254 36,000 Center Islands & Beaut. Sanitary Sewers ------ ------ 10,000 ---_.- Park Improvements 5,761 127,000 127,000 373,000 ---------- ANNUAL BUDGET ----~---- -~--- ---- ACTIVITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS -~- _m_- .-- -- ----- n ------- BUDGET DETAIL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1970-71 Actual (None) ------ ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel (None) $ ------ Supplies & Services (None) $ ------ Capital Outlay Street & Other New Projects Encumbrances Carried-over Improvements projects Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTAL -~~~~~~T 551 --------1------------- .----- 1971-72 Budget ------ $ ------ $ ------- 1971-72 Estimate ------ $ _--n- $ $ --n--' $ 1972-73 Budget ---_._- ------ ------- " II II II at !-.-or d . h - Ii The following pages contain a 1971-72 budget recap showi~g carried over, and the Public Improvement Program for 1972-73. $ 91,095 $761,000 $482,318 :n,178,687 57,764 ------ 72,020 ------,- ------ 125,649 ------ 340,230 $148,859 $886,649 $554,338 $1,':>18,917 $148,859 $886,649 $554 r.ll~- $lL518~.Q ----- ectf: Work will be performed under City contract or by agreement '.:i U, agencies. PROJECT'S BY FUND $ 44,550 75,461 DISTRIBUTION OF Generål Fund Gas Tax Fund Gas Tax Fund-Grants Sewer Main Trunk Fund Beautification Fund Traffic Safety Fund Park Bond Fund ------ ------ 8,348 20,500 ------ TOTAL $148,859 $ 45,100 281,349 142,000 ------ 13,200 ------ 405,000 $886,649 $ 49/01iJ ~- 74,321 9,900 10,000 1,901 409,178 40, Q,;Ci J':>l, 8~:4 243,lÜ~1 -------- 22,2:)0 --------.- --- ----- 861, lB3 $554,338 $1,518,917 J - -------- _m_----- --- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ------n__-=-c-_~__a,-- 54 BUDGET rr----==-===CC_'CCCC"'==C:=CC'= ANN U A I. I I ¡---------.-----.---- ------- --------- - I ACTIVITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ¡---- ---- PROJECT --TA¿CÖÚ~J T-----=-,~-~ ---- I rEI-I--" J.Jl --L-",-~\ t:J_------ CAPn'AL IMPROVEMENT PPOGRM1: 1971--72 RECAP .-..---.-.-----.-'----'..'--"-- 1 C¡ 7 :t- 72 1. Public Land (901) 1. II. I II II II Highway Funding III' proyra¡¡¡ . II CITY OF TUSTIN, CAliFORNIA ._-----_.__.._._-----_.~=--=J '" " L' First and "C" Street (02) Park Site Acquisition $225,000 2. Red Hill & Bryan (03) Park Site Acquisition ------ 3. Mitchell & utt (04) Park Site Acquisition ------ 4. Prospect & Irvine (05A) Park Site Acquisition Smith Property 53,000 TOTAL PUBLIC LAND $278,000 Public Buildings (911) 1. Mercury Savings Building (OS) Moving cost of loan bldg. for Traffic Safety Grant 2,800 $ 2. Video Taping Building (06) Purchase of relocate- able bldg., Traffic Safety Grant 2,800 3. Fire Station No.2 (07) Purchase of building & site development J9,500 ----.--. TOTAL PUBLIC BUILDINGS $ 45,100 1971-.72 Es <::l.mate --.......-... $227,057 53,415 -.- $282,178 $ 2,800 :¿ , f3CJ () " ,'S c n _....,._- ~> :¡ ') ,1 B - Beautification Fund PB - Park Bond Fund GF - General Fund GT - Gas Tax Fund SMT - Sewer Main Trunk Fund AHFP - County Grant - Arterial * Fund Coding: TOPICS - TOPICS Gran~ Car ry-(iver t:o 1372-73 Fund* ..-.-'---'--- $ -.-.---.- PB 956 PB "..,..-....- 750 PE - _.,.._- -_.._--- PB ---..---- $ -.--..-,. $ ------ GF ------ GF ----'-- GF -----,- y -..-..-.- I ~----- --------------- I ACTIVITY I \ ---- PROJECT I III. -;-;-:::==~-= ANN U A L BUDGET --------------- ----- ______n PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: 1971-72 Budget Street Construction (961) 1. First Street Unit A (09) Freeway to El Camino Real (Phase A only) $ 99,130 2. First Street Unit B (16) Freeway to El Camino 45,000 Real (Phase B only) 113,500 3. Irvine Boulevard (15) Yorba Street to"B" Street 46,319 4 . Yorba Street (17) Norwood Park Place to 220' south 5,000 5. Laguna Road (18) 200' to 400' east of Newport Avenue 1,600 6. Walnut Avenue (19) At Tract No. 7405 near Oxford, pave out north side 2,000 7. McFadden Avenue (20) East of Walnut and City share of County Newport Avenue Project 8,000 8. Newport Avenue (21) Irvine to Freeway Right-of-way Study ------ 9. Alley North of Laguna (22) Chapter 27 Improvement ------ 10. Newport Avenue and Main (23) Chapter 27 Improvement ------ TOTAL STREET CONSTRUCTION $320,549 -----.---I. -.--_.____n____. ------- ACCOUNT 551 SE R ¡ ES .-- -- - - -------_u_------- 19 71- 72 RECAP 1971-72 Estimate $ ------ ------ ------ 36,320 6,563 ------ 1,102 ------ 293 2,309 512 $ 47,099 Carry-Over to 1972-73 $ 99, 130 45,000 113,500 ------ ------ 1,600 ------ R,OOO ------ ------ ------ $267,230 Fund GT G1' AHFP GT G'l' GT GT GT GT GF GF I -_J CITY OF TUS, IN. CALIFORNIA -- ----'--------"'-- 56 ------o==-=--= ANN U A L. BUD GET ---- --- -~-==-=-~=-~-=C::l\ 1971-72 1971-72 Carry-Over II PROJECT Budrret Estimate to 1972-73 Fund. -=-=- - II IV. Traffic Si9.~_als (962) I! 1. Irvine Boulevard (06) At Old Irvine Boulevard Modify signals. $ 4,000 $ ------ $ (deleted) C'l' Santa Ana Freeway Off-Ramp (09) Joint traffic signal installation on Newport with State 20,000 -- ----- 20,000 G}' Red Hill at Warner (10) Joint traffic signal installation (with Count.y & Santa Ana) 9,000 -----_. 9,000 GT Red Hill at First Street (11) Traffic signal 7,400 ------ 7,400 GT installation 18,600 ------ 18,600 TOPICS TOPICS Study Report (12) Study of Traffic 4,100 4,100 ------- GT Improvement Needs 9,900 9,900 -..---- TOPICS 2. 3. 4. 5. TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS $ 73,000 $ 14,000 $ 55,000 v. Storm Drains (963) 1. Walnut Avenue (OS) Lateral at Red Hill drain $ 3,000 $ ------ $ (deleted) GT ------ 765 ------ GT 2. Red Hill Avenue (03) Additional Funds required 3. Storm Drain SIP 68 (06) Improvement District to eliminate open drain -----,- 6,942 ------ GF !\ I I I :, II I --- ---.- $ 7,707 $ ------ I ¡; II ,I II II '--c-.=.-=_J, 57 TOTAL STORJ.1 DR1\INS $ 3,000 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ~--~----------- ~ ANNUAL BUDGET----- I ACTIVITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT 551 SERIES -------- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: 1971-72 RECAP 1971-72 1971-72 Carry-Over PROJECT Budget Estimate to 1972-73 Fund VI. Center Islands and Beautification (964) 1. Santa Ana Freeway Screening (05) At Tustin Square, planting $ 3,000 $ 701 $ ------ B 2. Irvine Center Island (06) Additional Allocation ------ 1,553 ------ GT 3. El Camino Real (07) Decorative Street Lighting 8,000 ------ 8,000 B 4. 17th Street Center Island (08) 9,000 ------ 9,000 GT Carroll to Yorba 1,000 ------ 1,000 B 5. Irvine Center Island (09) 17,800 17,800 ------ GT "B" Street to Prospect 1,200 1,200 ------ B TOTAL CENTER ISLANDS AND BEAUTIFICATION $ 40,000 $ 21,254 $ 18,000 VII. Sanitary Sewers (967) 1. Red Hill Avenue (02) Repair of faulty com- paction by prior con- struction $ ------ $ 10,000 $ ------ SMT TOTAL SANITARY SEWERS S -----.- $ 10,000 S ------ III. Park Improvements (971) 1. First and "c" Street Park (02) $127,000 $127,000 $ ------ PB Park Design & Development-------- TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENTS $127,000 $127,000 $ ------ 1971-72 GRAND TOTAL $886,649 $554,338 $340,230 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -- _u .----..----. .-- --- 58 Ir ANNUAL BUDGET- ._---~_._-- ACTIVITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT 551 SERIES -----.-.--- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: 1972-73 ENGI- CONSTRUC- TOTAL PROJECT NEERING TION BUDGET FUND I. Public Lands (901) 1. Red Hill & Bryan (03) Park Site Acquisition $ ------ $148,508 $148,508 PB 2. Mitchell & Utt (04) Park Site Acquisition ------ 201,275 201,275 PB 3. Prospect & Irvine (05) Park Site Acquisition - Balance ------ 139,000 139,000 PB 4. Prospect & Beneta (06) Park Site Acquisition, 1st Install. Flood Control & School ------ 10,000 10,000 GF -- TOTAL PUBLIC LANDS $ ------ $498,783 $498,783 II. Public Buildings (911) 1. Civic Center Arch. Servo $ 20,000 $ ------ $ 20,000 GF III. Street Construction 1. First Street Unit C (24) Freeway to El Camino $ ------ $ 65,354 $ 65,354 GT Real (Phase C only) ------ 111,000 111,000 AHFP 2. Irvine Boulevard (15) Yorba Street to liB" $ ------ $ 3,000 $ 3,000 B Street ------ 5,000 5,000 GT 3. Laguna Road (18) Newport to 330' east Additional Cost of $ 300 $ 3,000 $ 3,300 GF Enlarged Project 500 3,500 4,000 GT 4. Red Hill Avenue (25) Widen east side south of Nisson, coop. with prop- erty owner $ 300 $ 1,550 $ 1,850 GT p- -- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 59 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ~---I ACCOUNT SERIES PROJECT --- III. IV. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: 1972- 7 3 ENGI- NEERING CONSTRUC- TION Str~et Construction (Cont'd) 5. Yorba Street (26) West side 17th to Jacaranda, coop. with property owner 1,500 $ 10,000 $ 6. Service Road at Fix'e StaEToo-(27f"-- Part of City cost in school street project 551 TOTAL BUDGET FUND $ 11,500 GT ------ 4,900 4,900 GF $ 2,600 $207,304 $209,904 I i I I I I I I ::~::;J ----_uu- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA =- --------- --- TOTAL STREET CONSTRUCTION Traffic Signals (962) 1. Santa Ana Freeway Off-Ramp (09) Additional funds re- quired by joint State project $ ------ $ 4,000 2. Newport at Bryan (13) Signal installation and widening 3,500 21,500 3. Red Hill at Fire Station (14) Trafflc Signal Installation 1,500 14,500 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS $ 5,000 $ 40,000 V. Storm Drains (963) 1. Newport Avenue Lateral (07) at Santa Ana Freeway $ 1,500 $ 12,500 I l 'u_---' 2. Red Hill Avenue (08) at AT&SF tracks to Sycamore - Full cost of $68,828 paid by Grant Co. deposit $ ------ $ ------ $ $ 1,500 $ 12,500 $ TOTAL STORM DRAINS $ 4,000 GT 25,000 GT 16,000 GT $ '45,000 $ 14,000 GT fin [=-- . --- ANN l1 A L ~~---~-------~ -- I ACTIVITY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I~---------- --- - I VI. VII. VIII. BUDGET ---lAccou-~n 551 --!-_SERIE~_- u_-----.-.--------- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: 1972-73 PROJECT ENGI- NEERING CONSTRUC- TION TOTAL BUDGET FUND Center Islarlds and Beautification (964) 1. El Camino Real (07) Additional allocation $ ------ $ 2,200 $ 2,200 B on Street Lighting ------ 1,800 1,800 GF 2. 17th St.reet Center Island (08) Addi ti.onal due to delays $ 200 $ 1,800 $ 2,000 GT in adjacent development ------ 3,000 3,000 B 3. Bryan & Main Island (10) $ 500 $ 3,500 $ 4,000 GT ------ 3,000 3,000 B 4. Tustin Heights Island (11) Relandscaping of triangle $ ------ $ 2,000 $ 2,000 B TOTAL CENTER ISLANDS AND BEAUTIFICATION $ 700 $ 17,300 $ 18,000 Sanitary Sewers (967) (None) $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ Park Improvements (971) 1. Red Hill & Bryan Park (03) Park design & development $ 8,500 $112,500 $121,000 PB 2. Mitchell & Utt Park (04) Park design & development 8,700 114,300 123,000 PB 3. Prospect & Irvine Park (OS) Park design & development 9,000 120,000 129,000 PB TOTAL PARK IMP ROVEMENTS $ 26,200 $346,800 $373,000 1972-73 GRAND TOTAL $ 36,000 $1,122,687 $1,178,687 -- ----- CITY OF rUS1IN, CALIFORNIA 61 Lc~ I V I T ~ -"",I~;;~ANC-;-~=~~ : U D G~ ,--'-----'------ - ---- . ---------. I -.. II AC..CQUNT SERIES - - ----- 561 BUDGE'l' SUMHARY OBJECTIVES The Street Maintenance activity maintains, repairs and cleans public streets and related facilities so as to provide smooth, safe and attractive streets for the travelling public and to extend the useful life of these facilities. Its work includes street and alley repair, sign maintenance, cent~er line and crosswalk painting, tree trimming, landscape maintenance, street sweeping, sidewalk repair, and signal maintenance. The Government Buildings Division provides for the operation and maintenance of City buildings¡ included are the costs of custodial services, utilities, repairs, custodial supplies, telephone service (except for the separate Police and Fire systems), and the rental of Council and Commission Chambers. The Parks Division maintains, cleans and otherwise cares for City owned or leased park facilities so as to provide convenient, safe and attractive facilities for the leisure time activities of the general public, and to extend the useful life of these facilities. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $170,857 $183,201 $175,690 $188,780 Supplies & Services 115,092 89,300 124,642 121,500 Capital Outlay 816 ------ 1,400 8,503 , I I I I II Maintenance is a key factor in keeping facilities available, extending II their useful life, and establishing the tone for a posi ti ve community II image. In addition, this acti vi ty has landscaped each of the existinq 'i City center islands and will landscape most of the new center islands as well. -- TOTAL EXPENSE $286,765 $272,501 $301,732 $318,783 PROGRAM The maintenance program is being significantly increased by the park acquisition and development program made possible by the $1,200,000 general obligation bonds authorized by the citizens of Tustin. Fur- thermore, the maintenance workload will continue to incrAase as additional street mileage is constructed or annexed. i- --c I' ,i ----.--------- CITY OF TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA -------------- --,-----,,--'1 62 ANNUAL BUDGET AC~~~ I TY _.--MA~~T-~NA;CE -=--=~- -~ =~-~~~~-~_~_._lA~~~,~~T 561 BUDGET DETAIL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Maintenance Superintendent 1 (22Y) 1 (23Y) 1 (23Y) 1 (24Y) Maintenance Foreman 1 (19Y) 1 (19Z) 1 (19Z) 1 (20Z) Tree Forf'IT'ì;; 1 (1 QY) 1 (19 Z \ 1 rl9Z' 1 (20 Z) p:¡rk ForeIT,.'H ------ ] í] q 6 Î I IIQZ, ] (20Z) MEJ:h an ~ ' F rErrc.~L ------ -----.- ------ 1 (20Z) Equlpmelll.. MeLhdru-~ ------ 1 \.L /1) J. \ 1/1. ) ------ Equipment Operator 3 (16Y) 2 (16Z) 2 (16Z) 2 (112) Maintenance Leadman 2 (16Y) 1 (16Z) 1 (16Z) 1 (112) Senior Custodian 1 (16Y) 1 (16Z) 1 (16Z) 1 (112) Tree Trimmer 2 (15Y) 2 (l6X) 2 (16X) 2 (17X) Maintenanceman II ------ ------ ------ 2 (16X) Maintenanceman I 4 (13Y) 4 (14X) 4 (14X) 3 (15X) Maintenanceman I - Parks 3 (13Y) 3 (14X) 3 (14X) 2 (l5X) Custodian 2 (12Y) 2 (12 Z) 2 (12Z) 2 (13Z) :'ccrt-T '11i 'L to -- -'" ----- ..- Total positions 20 20 20 20 ACCOUNTING DETÞ.IL Personnel Regular Salary $162,932 $177,901 $172,955 $185,780 Overtime 7,925 5,300 2,735 3,000 Total Personnel supplies & Services Contractual Services Building & Utilities Departmental Operation Vehicle & Transportatlon Charges to Other Accounts Total Supplies & Servo Capital Out_~ Motor Veh;cles Departmental Equipment Total Ca¡ital Outlay' GRA;,O TO'. II, ¡ -- _.- .-- -'-- ---- $170,857 $ 34,659 35,874 25,044 14,815 4,700 $115,092 $ ------ 816 $ 816 $183,201 $ 28,500 28,500 20,300 33,000 (21,000) $ 89,300 $ ---.--- ------ $ ------ $272,501 $175,690 $ 35,350 32,500 28,300 49,492 (21,000) $124,642 $ ------ 1,400 $ 1,400 $188,780 $ 41,300 34,900 30,300 51,000 (36,000) $121,500 $ 3,885 4,618 $286,765 $301,732 $ 8,503 $318,783 I I ~ i I. II _Ii 63 - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ----------- C--- -------=: ANN U A L BUDGET= --------- ---- ---~----------------------------- ACCOUNT SERIES 561 ACTIVITY MAINTENANCE BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No additional positions are provided in this budget although two Maintenancemen have been reclassified as Maintenancemen II in order to compensate certain Maintenancemen possessing special skills or crafts, and the Equipment Mechanic has been reclassified as Mechanic Foreman. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - includes $18,500 for signal and sign maint- enance, $15,000 for street repair and $7,800 for other maintenance. Building & Utilities - includes utilities, custodial supplies and building maintenance. Departmental Operation - includes maintenance supplies, miscellaneous tools, uniforms and other expenses. Vehicle & Transportation - includes $36,000 for operation and repair of all City vehicles and equipment and $15,000 for rental of equipment from the Equipment Fund. Charges to Other Accounts - provides for reimbursement of vehicle operation and repair costs from the Equipment Fund. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles - provides for a one-ton flatbed truck with hydraulic tailgate. Departmental Equipment - provides for $550 for a small mower and edger for center islands, $900 for a radio for the new truck, $1,168 for a chain saw and miscellaneous tools, and $2,000 for an engine analyzer. -------------------- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA --------- cccc=---=---- I I I J 64 -"ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY RECREATION ._~~==.-.._.!~~~~I~I~T BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES 631 The Recreation Department is responsible for providing a well- balanced recreational and cultural program within the budgeting limits on a year round basis, which will be of general benefit and interest to all Tustin area residents. The Department avoids the duplication of recreation programs and facilities wherever possible by encouraging the efforts of, and by coordinating with, private groups and other public agencies. The Department also works with other City depart- ments in park planning, utilization and maintenance. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 Actual Budget Estimate Budget Personnel $45,759 $37,157 $35,916 $43,176 Supplies & Services 15,217 17,930 15,801 24,310 Capital Outlay 946 415 415 863 TOTAL EXPENSE $61,922 $55,502 $52,132 $68,349 PROGRAM Daily Summer Recreation Areas Attendance Teen Dances Held Attendance Instruction Class Held Attendance Daily School Year Rec. Areas Attendance Youth Excursion Trips Attendance Sr. Citizens Excursions Attendance Music Concerts Held Attendance Family Excursions Attendance Sports Leagues þ.ttenàance Other Activities Attendance TOTAL I\TTENDANCE 5 1,050 44 795 6 1,225 8 530 3 325 4 2,400 4 475 6,800 . CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ~._--_._---- . 5 1,100 4 600 60 900 4 900 10 627 3 375 6 3,000 2 94 4 480 8,076 5 5 1,150 1,200 2 10 300 1,500 75 90 1,125 1,350 4 5 1,000 1,100 10 10 620 630 1 3 125 300 6 6 3,000 3,000 3 3 170 175 6 7 660 ~ ~illJ 8,150 65 ---------- ANNUAL BUDGET ~- ------------ - ~_~~~~I~~T ACTIVITY RECREATION 631 BUDGET DETAIL 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Parks & Recreation Director 1 (26Y) 1 (27Y) 1 (27Y) 1 (27Y) Senior Typist 1 (llY) 1 (llZ) 1 (llZ) 1 (12Y) Part-Time Leaders varies varies varies varies Security Guards varies varies varies varies Total Positions 2 2 2 2 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $22,581 $23,183 $23,124 $21,436 Part-Time Leaders 23,159 13,424 12,622 21,500 Security Guards ---- -- 550 ------ ------ Overtime 19 ------ 170 240 -- Total Personnel $45,759 $37,157 $35,916 $43,176 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 6,036 $ 8,260 $ 6,300 $12,500 Office Expense 186 175 100 150 Departmental Operation 6,467 7,240 7,050 8,660 Vehicle & Transportation 1,292 1,545 1,593 2,170 Training & Meetings 1,026 550 608 600 Other Expenses 210 160 150 230 -- Total Supplies & Servo $15,217 $17,930 $15,801 $24,310 Capital Outlay Departmental Equipment $ 946 $ 415 S 415 $ 863 --- Total Capital Outlay $ 946 $ 415 $ 415 $ 863 GRAND TOTAL $6~f lJ22 $55,502 $52,132 $68,349 -- -c--,c=c--------c-------"---------'--'----- CITY OF TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA ------ 66 -----oANNUAL BUDGET=c- ~--- --- --_un --- --- -~ ~--~..__. n ¡ACCOUNT -1- SERIES ~---_.- --~------~--- .---. ACTIVITY RECREATION 631 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No Personnel changes in permanent positions have been included in the budget. Salaries for 1972-73 include the revisions approved by the City Council. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services - provides $2,100 for teen-dance bands and $10,400 for contract instructors. Office Expense - includes office supplies. Departmental Operation - includes sports and craft supplies, printing and other departmental supplies, and $1,740 for commission fees. Vehicle & Transportation - includes the monthly vehicle rental for one pool vehicle and $1,300 for bus rental. Training & Meetings - provides for professional meetings and conferences for the staff and Parks and Recreation Commission. Other Expenses - provides for staff and commission recreation memberships. CAPITAL OUTLAY Departmental Equipment - includes $400 for a portable athletic backstop for Centenni.al Park, $226 for a table tennis table, and $237 for five table game boards. - . CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ---_~__~_n___- ~-- I i i ---- -jJ 67