HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-76FY BUDGET ----¡ September 5, 1975 TO: THE IIONORABLE HAYOR AND CITY COUNC I L FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR The following document is the final Budget for fiscal year 1975-76 for the City of Tustin. This Budget was adopted by Council action on July 7, 1975, under Resolution No, 75-42, and includes all final adjustments to the preliminary Budget including salary increases authorized by the City Council. The following tabulation delineates the changes made to the preliminary Budget. I . REVENUES 1974-75 1975-76 $+ 53,640 Property Tax Sales and Use Tax New Construction Tax Interest-General Fund Motor Vehicle Tax Homeowners Tax Relief . Weed Abatement Recreation Fees Sale of City Property Barranca Storm Drain $+ 4,000 + 2,500 + 3,000 +20,000 + 4,000 + 500 + 6,000 +45!000 - 56,000 TOTAL INCREASE $+8;,000 $- 2,360 II. EXPENDITURES A. .Deletlons Two full-time positions, Administration and Police $- 18,240 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN A. Deletions (Cont1d) Computer Services Chamber of Commerce Contribution Weed Abatement Personnel Recruitment McFadden at Williams Signal Construction Reduce Non-Departmental Contingency Warner Avenue WidenIng Corporation Yard Con,truction Overtime Training Professional and Consultant Services Duplication Equipment Rental Police Departmental Expense Training and Development Police Capital Outlay Fire Volunteers Special Equipment Rental Communications Equipment Recreation Leaders Total Deletions B. Additions Overtime Dictation Equipment Weapons and Defensive Equipment Communications Center Sign Maintenance & Striping Telephone Special Equipment Center Island Supplies Playground Equipment BUDGET -~ $- 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 27,000 - 18,935 - 4,200 -156,097 2,000 200 732 2,238 9.103 1,049 960 1,053 800 - 10,000 $-258,607 $+ 756 + 900 + 5,000 + 842 + 2,000 + 1,000 + 750 + 1,000 + 3..000 -~ CITY OF TUSTIN B. Additions (Cont'd) First Street Reconstruction Tennis Courts Joint Project Bryan Avenue Drain, Pine Tree Park to Preble $+ 14,000 + 25,000 +182,000 Total.Additions $+236,248 III. PERSONNEL Salary Increases (Budgeted In $140,000 Contingency) $+ 119,065 The final Budget contains total revenue estimates of $4,612,586, total appropriations of $4,612,586 and a projected year-end reserve of $145,457 for the General Fund. BUDGET \:I:f c:: 0 C') t11 ~ c... c - '< x c z :Þ U> ~ n ..., ." V1 (I) "T ." :x> n 0 :Þ 0 :Þ :x> ..- G'> ..- :x> c... -I (I) ~ C -< ::I: T :J "., T :x> (1) :þ <: 0 :x> "T w n 0 T (I) \D ..., C!' n ~ -< 0 "r:I ~ c: (I) ~ Z WILLIAM L. BOPF, CITY AVMINISTRATOR, AND TffE ffONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: MunIcipal government today faces one of Its severest challenges. Citizen demands for service are constantly Increasing while the resources of cities are constricting. Against this background .Is a national recession, further depressing city revenues, and rampant Inflation whIch Is acceler- ating the cost of all servIces and supplies. City government must and will survive this challenge on a short-range basis. Long-range survival will requIre a dIscipline, a flair for productivIty, a public re-education on reasonable expectatIons, a fe-ordering of priorities and resource allocation, and an Increased Involvement In State and national policy-makIng. There are those State and Federal úfflclals who belIeve that centralized decisions and regional government are the answer to today's problems--and that I~cal government Is an archaic Impediment to that solution. Local government must prove Its worth In order to demonstrate that larger government can only offer larger mistakes. A careful review of this proposed Budget Is a necessary first step In that process. 1975- 76 BU DGET This document Is the Pr~llmlnary Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, whIch Is sub- CITY OF TUSTIN mltted for your consideratIon and actIon. Inte- grated Into this Budget Is a further extensIon of financial planning for a ten-year perIod as a long.range guideline for AdminIstration and CouncIl. In overview, the City of Tustin Is operating wIth- out reserves, and that con'ltlon requires tha~ the City act wIth forcefulness and timeliness to reduce expendItures during thIs time that revenues have been so hard hit by an economIc recession. This has been done In the PrelimInary Budget. Ten full-time positions have been elIminated from the 141 positions authorized for 1974.75. In addition, hIghly desirable capital outlays and capital Improvements have had to be deferred. The net effect has been to only hold even with available reven~es. What Is the basic solutIon? Hopefully, the leadership of the Federal novernment will find the rIght combination of techniques to start our economy mov I ng aga in. I n the mean t I me, the CIty CouncIl must consider additIonal revenue sources and the City staff must become a smaller and harder organlzatlon--hlghly motivated, reorganized, well directed, priorItized, and unfettered by non- productIve studIes or projects. Only In this way BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN can the City survive this period of crisis and be prepared for the challenge, which are to follow. BUDGET FORHAT This Budget contaIns basic operating and capital ;,nprovement revenue and expenditure guidelines for a ten-year period. The importance of multi-year programmIng cannot be overstressed, for that Is the only way that sound plannIng can sJstaln essentIal programs. The ten-year projections are guidel Ines which must be reviewed each year, refined, and a new tenth year added. The presence of these projections In this Budget document will encourage such an annual review and Insure adequate visibility of these significant guidelines. The projections In the Pre] imlnary Budget will be the original requests by the departments which will be reduced to a realistic level In time to be Included in a supplemental report and the final approved Budget documen~. The Budget document contains both,an Operating Budget and a Capital Improvement Budget with cer- tain overview tables drawing the two together in a comprehensive plan. OperatIng Revenues and Capi- tal Improvement Revenues are not mutually exclusive and thus the CIty's total needs must be prioritized and coordinated. The City of Tustin Budget is further unique from the budgets of many other cities because Tustin has comb Ined many small budgetlrg "departments" Into only ten "departments" In order to improve, visIbility and control ~Ihile reducing bookkeeping detaIl. This Budget also summarizes expenses by II general categories rather than itemizing the com- plete'detail by which acco~nting records are main- tained, In order to facll itate policy review and to reduce "counting paper cl ips". Two prior years of history are now provided in order to place the current and next year in better perspective. In addition, a department1s original request for next year (summarized by Personnel, Supplies and Services, and Capital Outlay) Is pro- vided on each department's Budget Summary sheet, along with the Recommended appropriations. ThIs information may be of assistance in alerting CouncIl to department head views on departmental needs, and In evaluating d~partment head managerIal abilities. A separate report on reductions in those requests wl11 be provided as further back- ground InformatIon. CITY REVENUES Revenues declined sharply in 1974-75 from both the projections of last year's Budget and past trends. The key revenues were Sales Taxes, which were down 7.4% from an estimate of $1,184,500 to an actual of $1,096,338; New Construction Taxes which were down 46.7% from an estimate of $150,000 to an actual of $80,000; and Construction Permits which were down 12.5% from an estimate of $120,000 to an actual of $105,000. Another factor in unrealized revenues has been the delay In selling the portion of the old Civic Center site at the corner of Second and IIC" Streets. Revenues for 1975~76 hàve therefore been projected with some caution, but assuming that the economy BUDGET will begin normalization during the year. Con- tinued recession would require further action to add revenues or decrease expenditures. Property taxes are projected at a constant overall rate of $1.175, including retirement of both Park and Civic Center Bonds. Sales Taxes are projected to rise 13.5% from an actudl of $1,096,338 in the 1974-75 year to a total of $1,244,650 for 1975-76. Building Permits are held constant at $105,000, and New Construction Taxes are increased to $100,000 due to an anticipated slight construc- tion recovery. General Fund revenues are esti- mated to increase 15.2% to $3,207,218, although 3.4% of this is represented in Community Devel- opment Act funds and the sale of the Second and I'C" Street property. OPERATING BUDGET Staff has cooperated fully in realizing a savings in 1974-75 normal operations expenditures over appropriations of about $70,000, much of which was realized through salary savings achieved by not fill ing authorized positions when a vac- ancyoccurred. Unfortunately, the recession's effect on revenue and the inflation1s effect on expenditures have surpassed the Cityls ability to finance "services as usual". Coupled to this has been the assumption of a new service of Para- medics at a cost of $56,000 annually. This 1975-76 Operating Budget of $3,680,744 represents a 13.6% increase over the \974-75 actual of $3,239,178, although the increase is only 10.2% . when Grant Personnel funds are exclude~. The Consumer PrIce Index has increased 12%-whlch exceeds the normal operations appropriation increase of 10.2%. Eliminate the increase due CITY OF TUSTIN i i ! to Paramedics, and you hav~ a 3.6% lower inc: ~ase in appropriations than inflation. The 1975-76 Operating Budget thus represents a retrenching best highlighted by the elimination of ten full-timoa positions presently vacant. This represents a 7% reduction in staff, which is being alleviated to some extent by the nai l- ability of grant personnel through the Federal manpower programs. These manpower programs may end by June 30, 1976--a fact which is cause for concern in the formulation of the 1976-77 Budget. The 1975-76 year must therefore be used to care- fully review all facets of the City's operations, reorder priorities, and reallocate resources. This will be a year for decision. The 1975-76 Budget reflects a planned termination of the Nickel Bus at the end of the first quarter in anticipation of commencing service by Orange County Transit District in one form or another. A study is underway of transportation alterna- tives. The Budget plans for the continuance of tax-supported residential refuse collection in the amount of $70,000, although it is becoming increasingly difficult to continue this unique (in Orange County) free service. The Police Department is converting to a completely volun- teer re~erve officer program as one economy measure. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET The Capital Improvement Budget is more fully explained at the start of that section of t~e Budget document. All of the City's needs are not being met and, therefore, either the com- ffiüñity must adjust its expectations to a practi~al BUDGET iii CITY OF TUSTIN level or additional funding, such as a bond issue, must be considered. Consideration should be given to a bond issue election In possibly 12 to 18 months as these community Improvements can be most economically provided in that mantler. C::JNCLUSIONS goals. After all, the resources of the City are pub lie resources. It is th rough the use of the resources allowed by the public that City services and improvements are accomplished. But is the public aware of the cost of sustaining certain programs and is the public willing to provide the necessary resources to properly perform those programs? If not, services and programs should be curtailed to a level consistent with the resources provided. Departments cannot be given an assignment beyond their resources and annually be told IInext year adequate personnel and equip- ment wi II be forthcoming". At some point, hope dies and complacency is born.. The 1975-76 Budget is not a satisfactory finan- cial plan. Reserves areinadequate, r.:.:eded posi- tions have not only been denied but existing positions eliminated, salaries are not keeping pace with inflation, services and capital improvement needs remain unmet. On the other hand, City government is not immune to the Impact of a recession and must tighten its belt in such a period along with everyone else. The key concern of Administration is not the problems of lIone bad year", but the long-range direction of the City. Assuming that the Citizens of Tustin want a beau- tiful, orderly, well equipped and well protected community, then a capital improvement bond issue needs to be given consideration in the next 12 to 18 months and existing ~ervices must be reorgan- ized or additiona] resources provided. At the present time, the City is over-reaching its resources in a desire to better serve its citizens. It is commendable that the Council and staff have such good intent, but such a virtue can become a fault if it is not balanced with a sound financial plan. Americans have been known for rising to greater heights through crises and adversity. Hopefully, we can emulate our forefathers and use this occa- tlon as an opportunity to make significant improvements to the City's planning, organiza- tional structure, policies and procedures, and service delivery. Effectiveness, efficiency and economy must become criteria by which we live, along with equality, environment and social con- science. Tustin has been fortunate to have an excellent staff and, under the direction of a new City Administrator, will continue to dedicate its energy to serving the public. That is the purpose of City government. As we go through this period of '"etrenchment and, re-evaluatlon, we must establ ish goals, objectives, priorities and schedules. In addition, effective communications with the public must be established in order to coordinate City goals with community ZnspectfuII~ sub~i tt;¿ped, fi",4Bk /~:f¿>~h- ---:::~ -;> an slanK:èns Ip Assistant City Administrator BUDGET Iv CITY OF TUSTIN TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I - General Page Section V - Expenditures Page Organization Chart Basic Data 1968 through 1975 Definition of Terms I 2 3 Activity Struct~re Expenditures Expenditures by Category 27 28 28 Section II - Recapitulation and Ten Year Budget Section VI - Oper~tlD~et Recap of 1975-76 ~udget Annual Budget Summary Fund Distribution 1975-76 Ten Year Budget Recapitulation Ten Year Revenue Projections Ten Year Department ExpeRditures 5 6 7 8 9 10 Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Pol ice Fire Engineering Maintenance Recreation Grant Personnel 29 32 35 38 41 45 48 51 55 58 Section III - Revenues Summary of Revenues Revenue Deta i I Fund Accounting Explanation Revenue Accounts Explanation 12 13 16 18 Section VII - CapitaL_Improvement Program Summary of Positions Salary Range by Classification Monthly Salary Range Schedule 22 23 26 Capital Improvement Budget Summary of Plan by Category Summary of Plan by Revenue Source Capital Improvement Program 61 63 63 65 Section IV - Personnel BUDGET I \:I:f c:: I:' C') t11 ~ Iõ) "., z T ~ ..- (I) T n -I 0 :z n ~ -< 0 "r:I o- c: (I) o- Ž ORGANIZATION CHART CITY OF TUSTIN -ELECTORATE- C I TI lENS OF TUSTIN I -LEGISrATIVE- MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TUSTIN -ADMINISTRATIVE AND ADVISORY- PARKS & RECREATION CO/1MISSION CITY ATTORNEY CITY ADMINISTRATOR LICENSE AND PERMIT BOARD -STAFF RESPONSIBILITY- I I COMHUNITY ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT -OPERATIONS,AND SAFETY- RECREATION POLICE FIRE MAI~TENANCE ENGINEERING -COORDINATION AND COOPERATION- I I I SPECIAL DISTRICTS CONTRACT SERVICES PRIVATE UTiliTIES LI BRARY REFUSE COLLECTION ELECTR I C ITY LIGHTiNG ANIMAL CONTROL NATURAL GAS SEWERS DISTRICT ATTORNEY TELEPHONE FLOOD CONTROL HEALTH SERVICES WATER ASSESSOR BUDGET PLANNING COM/1/SSION TRAFFIC COMMISSION .8175 -- -'----'--~._-_._-.,.. CITY OF TUSTIN BASIC DATA 1975 GENERAL 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Area of City (square miles) 3.12 3.40 3.47 3.55 4.4 4.5 4.56 4.61 Assessed Valuation (in millions) $27.0 $32.4 $41.8 $53.4 $58.5 $69.0 $77.1 $89.9 General Property Tax Rate Per $100 Assessed Valuation 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.932 0.967 Fire Insurance Classification 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6* Popu I at ion 13,400 18,300 22,750 24,100 25,650 25,875 26,957 28,050 Registered Voters 4,798 6,304 6,822 7,861 9,138 13,238 12,238 9,272 Housing Units 6,000 6,825 8,915 10,278 10,278 10,902 11 ,549 12,564 Retail and Trade Outlets (Taxab I e Sa I es) 314 332 360 429 488 493 528 528 Miles of Sewer Service 19.47 28.6 34.2 35.0 36.0 37. I 37.5 41.8 Miles of :ity Streets 36.39 37.9 46.5 47.4 47.9 51.5 54.8 58.9 Arterial 5.02 5.0 12.5 13.1 13.1 15.8 16.4 17.3 Local 31. 37 32.9 34.0 34.3 34.8 35.7 38.4 42.1 Miles of City-Owned Alleys 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 City-Owned Buildings 6 6 7 7 '9 II 10 14 Parks MaintaIned 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 9 Signalized Intersections 18 18 21 24 28 31 32 33 City Vehicles (Total) 22 25 37 40 47 56 58 67 General -- -- 9 9 9 9 9 10 Fire 5 5 5 5 8 9 9 9 Pol ice 9 10 II II 14 20 22 22 Haintenance 8 10 12 15 16 18 18 26 Employees per 1000 Population 5.80 4.93 4.01 3.72 4.36 5.05 5.19 4;91 Per Capita Cost/Normal Operations $107.57 $95.08 $73.10 $80.05 $80.16 $112.85 $112.31 $114.76 * The 1975 Fire Insurance Classification is presently under review and Indications are hopeful that an improvement in the clãssification will be made - A General Law City - - Tustin Area Founded in 1868 - - City Incorporated on September 21, 1927 - - Council/Administrator Form of Government - BUDGET 2 CITY OF TUSTIN 1. Budge t: A. Preliminary: B. Final: 2. .E.!!!!E. : A. Genera I: B. Specia I: 3. Personne I: 4. Supplies and Services: 5. Capital Outlay: 6. Caplta_Li I11provemen ts: 7. Salary Adjustment: DEFINITION OF TERMS A comprehensive plan, expre~sed in financial ternls by which an operating program is effective for a given perIod of time. A Eerformance budget is one which Is based upon the work or service to be accomplisheq. An object account budget is one In which funds are budgeted for specific items of expenditure. The budget of Tustin is basically an object account budget, but incorporating the principles of performance budgeting. The budget recommended by the City Administrator to the City Council for their consideration. The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities In accord- ance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an Independent accounting entity. A fund accounting for general government ~hlch Is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under existing regulations. The number of, and salaries paid to City employees. Expenditures for departmental operations and related expenses. Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful I ife of several years. ' Major improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition, buildings, street construction, and related facilities. Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change In salary rate or reclassification of positions. BUDGET '2 CITY OF TUSTIN DEFINITION OF TERMS 8. ~.riat on: 9. Revenue: 10. Account Ser I es: 11. Activity: Funds authorized to be expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, department, or group of services. The title of a particular account series. BUDGET 4 \:I:f c: 0 C') t11 ~ :Þ z 0 :x> -I T T n (I) Z :Þ T ~ n -< -I T -I Õ :Þ c :x> ..- Z :Þ OJ -I c 0 0 C) Z T -I n ~ -< 0 "r:I ~ c: (I) ~ Z APPROPRIATIONS 1975-76 Personnel Supplies & ServIces CapItal Outlay TOTAL OPERATI jiG BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TOTAL (BUDGETED) BUDGETED RESERVE TOTAL ;:=:= CITY OF TUSTIN RECAPITULATION OF 1975-76 BUDGET $2,551,494 1,044,824 ~2,374 $3,638,692 $ 975,693 $4,614,385 $ 336,920 $4,951,305 FUND BALANCES ON 6/30/75 General Fund Traffic Safety Fund Revenue SharIng Gasol ine Tax Fund Sewer Main Trunk Fund Beautification Fund Grant Personnel Fund Park Bond Fund Civic Center Bond Fund TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $ 163,400 15,828 63,140 50,180 46,171 $ 338,719 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1975-76 $4,612,586 TOTAL - $4,951.305 The purpose of this chart Is to recapitulate the 1975-76 Budget by showing that the appropriations for 1975-76, plus the budgeted reserve or ending fund balances (shown on the left side of the page), equal the beginning fund balances, plus the estimated revenues for 1975-76 (shown on the right side of the page). BUDGET 5 ------- ,.-- CITY OF TUSTIN ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1974-75 BUDGETED 1975-76 BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE ON 6/30/74 REVENUE EXPENDITURES ON 6/30/75 REVENUE APPROPRIATIONS ON 6/30/76 GENERAL FUND $ 652,267 $2,824,413 $3,313,280 $163,400 $3,204,858 $3,222,801 $145,457 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ------ 110,000 110,000 ------ 110,000 110,000 REVENUE SHARING FUND 14,774 112,626 127,400 ------ 156,907 156,907 ,------ GASOLINE TAX FUND 23,604 256,000 263,776 15,828 528,834 543,886 776 SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 277,640 ,25,500 240,000 63,140 22,000 ------ 85,140 BEAUTIFICATION FUND 21,683 24,100 45,783 ------ 25,320 25,320 GRANT PERSONNEL FUND 1,809 47,664 49,473 ------ 180,443 180,443 PARK BOND FUND 193,234 176,708 319,762 50,180 305,066 302,588 52,658 CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND 58,303 104,700 116,832 46,171 79,158 72,440 52,889 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,243,314 $3,681,711 $4,586,306 $338,719 $4,612,586 $4,614,385 $336,920 (EQU I PMENT FUND - INTERNAL) ~ (31,512) $ (86,200) $ (71 , 106) $(46,606) $ (151,420) $ (117,000) $(81,026) The purpose of this chart Is to recap by Fund both the 1974-75 Combined. Operating and Capital Improvement Budget as projected to the year's end and the 1975-76 Combined Operating and Capital Improvement Budget as recommended. One feature of this chart shows the Fund balances as contained in the Auditor's Report for June 30, 1974, the Fund bal- ances after the 1974-75 CombineJ Budget projections, and the anticipated Fund balances after the 1975-76 preliminary budget. At the bottom of the chart Is the recap on the Equipment Fund which is an internal revolving fund. Equipment Fund "revenues" are charges to the departments and "expenditures" or "appropriations" are reimbursements to the General Fund for the purchase of replacement equipment and the direct cost of vehicle operations (propane, gasol ine, oil and wash) and repaIrs (not including City labor). BUDGET (.. , ------,----- CITY OF TUSTIN - FUND DISTRIBUTION 1975-76 OPERATING BUDGET CAPITAL GENERAL PUBLIC PUBLIC OPERATI NG IMPROVEMENT GRAND FUND GOVERNMENT SAFETY WORKS RECREATION TOTAL BUDGET TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 625,636 $1,815,790 $422,574 $140,115 $3,014,115 $218,686 $3.222,801 TRAFFIC SAFETY ------ ------ 110,000 ------ 110,000 ------ 110,000 REVENUE SHARING ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 156,907 156.907 GASOLI NE TAX ------ ------ 132.786 ------ 132,786 411,100 543,886 SEWER MAIN TRUNK ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ BEAUTI F I CATION --"--- ------ 25,320 ------ 25,320 ------ 25,320 GRANT PERSONNEL 180,443 ------ ------ ------ 180,443 ------ 180,443 PARK BOND 113,588 ------ ------ ------ 113,588 189,000 302,588 CIVIC CENTER BOND 72,440 ------ ------ ------ 72,440 ------ 72,440 -- TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 992, 107 $1.815,790 $690,680 $140,115 $3,638,692 $975,693 $4,614,385 PercE'r¡tage' 18.9% 3.9% 26.8% 126.8% of Operations 27.3% 49.9% 100.0% Percentage 3.0% 78.9% 21. 1% of Grand Tota I 21.5% 39.4% 15.0% 100.0% The purpose of this chart Is to show the source of funds which finance the basic functions of the City's Budget for the 1975-76 Fiscal Year. The Capital Improvement Budget column identifies the source of funds used to finance the Capital Improvement program while the Operating Total column performs the same function for the Operating Budget. General Government includes Legislation, Administration, Community Development. Non-Departmental, Grant Personnel and Bond Retirement. PublIc Safety includes Building Regulation, Police, and Fire. Public Works Includes Engineering and Maintenance. Recreation includes only the Recreation Department. BUDGET 7 CITY OF TUSTIN TEN YEAR BUDGET RECAPITULATION (Estimated Revenue Compared to Department Requests» TEN YEAR REVENUE PROJECTION REVENUE SOURCE PAST FUTURE (In; "JO',,) 1972-/J 197]- 7~ 197"- 75 197~- 7. 197(,-77 1917-78 1978-.11 I~ 1~-80 19110--81 1981-62 19R1-C} 198)-8. I~ß)-85 PROPERTY TAXES 746.2 886.3 985,0 1,103 1,236 1,384 1,550 1,736 1,857 1,988 2.127 2,275 2,435 SALES AND USE TAX 842.4 1,030,0 ,184,0 1,245 1,345 1,452 1.568 1.694 1,829 1.975 2.133 2.304 2,488 NEil CaNST. TAX 103.8 194.6 150.0 100 100 110 120 110 100 100 55 65 100 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 106.3 130.7 120.0 105 105 120 150 120 105 105 60 72 105 STATE APPORTIONMENT5 579.5 643,7 737.0 730 742 757 774 788 805 819 836 853 875 VEHICLE CODE FINES 113,5 115.7 100.0 105 110 116 122 128 13" 14\ 148 155 163 REVENUE SIiAR I NG 99,6 92.3 92.0 94 73 _00 CO".l1. OEVEl. ACT _00 --- -oo 42 84 126 OTHER REVENUES .!..l!U ~ -!!ill ....ill .-!!l! ~ ~ -.ill ....ill -.i!! J!!!. ~ ~ TOTAL 3.888,2 3.889.4 3.819.0 3,981 4,250 4.511 4,'703 5.027 5.304 5.627 5.884 6.283 6.760 REQUESTED TEN YEAR REqUEST BY OEPARTMENT5 FOR OPERATING EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES LEGISLATION 89.6 98.7 97.4 106.4 116,0 120,6 124.2 134.1 133.1 149.2 153.7 165.9 170,9 Full-Time Employe.. 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ADMINISTRATION 106.7 152.3 150.3 156.8 166.2 176.2 186,8 197.9 217.7 230,7 244.5 259.1 274.6 Full-TIme Employees 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 COI'/IUNITY DEVELOPMENT 92.0 101.8 119.7 141.0 130.2 138,0 146.3 155.1 16... 174,3 18".8 195.9 207.7 Full-Time EmplGyees 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 NON- DEPARTMENTAL 191.4 176.8 307.8 326.2 345.8 366.5 388.5 411.9 436,6 462.8 490,6 520.0 551.2 BUILDING REGULATION 58.6 77.0 86.3 91.5 9].0 102.8 109.0 115.5 122.4 129.8 137.5 145.8 154.5 Full-Time Employee. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 POLICE 769.3 975.3 1,128.8 1,179.5 1,312,9 1,418,0 1,531.5 1.730.5 \.86B,9 1.999.8 2,139,7 2,289,6 2.449.8 Full-Time Employee. 54 54 56 58 66 67 67 74 77 79 80 81 82 FIRE 353.6 507.\ 557.5 787.6 850.6 1,020.7 1.061.6 1,135.9 1,317.6 1.291.3 1,497.9 1.452.9 1.540.5 Full-Time Employee. 27 28 28 31 39 48 48 48 4B 48 48 48 48 ENGINEERING 91.3 111.6 132.9 153,9 193.9 209.4 240.8 274.6 802.0 317.1 355.2 376,5 399.1 Full-TIme Employe.. 6 7 7 7.5 9 9 10 II 12 12 12 12 12 IlAINTENANCE 239.3 491.1 549.9 738.9 916.2 952,9 962.4 1,087.5 1,207,1 1,364.1 1,41B.6 1.617.3 1.714.3 FIll I-Time Employee. 21 24 24 32 37 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 R£CREATION 64.3 104.6 126.6 158,0 189.6 202.9 223.2 211.5 230,5 244.3 273,6 290.1 307,5 Full-Time ElT!>loyees ---L ---L ---L --L --L --L -L -L -L -L ---L ---L ---L TOTAL ALL DEPTS. 2.056.1 2,360.1 3,257.2 3.839,8 4.318.4 4,708.0 4.974,; 5,454.5 6,505,2 6,36}.. 6,896.1 7.313.1 7.770.1 Full TIme-Employe.. 131 138 141 155,5 181 193 195 204 210 213 216 218 221 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 991.2 2.572.2 1,403.~ 956,1 1,141.2 649.0 587,0 654.2 351.6 206.. 223,5 313.0 524.. TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES 3,047,3 4,932,3 4,660.6 4.795,9 5.459.6 5,357,0 5,561.3 6,108.7 6,856,8 6,569.8 7,119,6 7,626.1 8,294.5 Surplus or (Oefltlt) 840,. (1,042.9) (841.6) (814.9) (1.209.6) (846,0) (858.3) (1.081.7) (1,552.8) (942.8) (I,2}5.6) (1,343.1) (1,534.<) This thart represents staff estimates of future rev('nues using su<h variables as past history. assessed valuation, population, proposed growth and Inflation as predlttors. The expend I t'"e, requests are listed as subml tted by Department Meads. The fInal Budget will present e more refined and ..attlng projootlal of our ten year expenditure pro.pootus. Both the budget request and the pe..onnel requests will be reduted to a level whi<h Is oon.1stent wi th the paramete.. set by the revenue ?rojettlon.. BUDGET 8 ,----------,.- CITY OF TUSTIN CHART I, TEN YEAR REVENUE PROJECTIONS REVENUE SOURCE PAST FUTURE ( In 10005) .!.ill.:ll 1973-74 illi:li 1975-76 ill2:lZ. 1977-76 1976-79 1979-80 1960-81 1961-62 1982-63 1963-64 1964-65 P¡¡OPERTY TAXES (1.LL FUNDSI 746.2 886.3 985.0 1,103 1,236 1,384 1,550 1,736 1,857 1,988 2,127 2,275 2,435 Percentage Increase 18\ 18\ 12\ 12\ 12\ 12\ 12\ 12\ 7\ 7\ 7\ 7\ 7\ SALES & USE TAX 842.4 1,030.0 1,184.0 1,245 1,34S 1,452 , 1,S68 1,694 1,829 1,975 2,133 2,304 2.488 Percentage Increase 40\ 22\ 15\ 5\ 8\ 8\ 8\ 8\ 8\ 8\ 8\ 8\ 8\ NEW CONST. T1.X 103.8 194.6 150.0 100 100 110 120 110 100 100 S5 65 100 Percentage Increase 100\ 87\ (23\) (33\) N.C. 10\ 9\ (8\) (9\) N.C. (45\1 18\ S4\ roNST. PERMITS 106.3 130.7 120.0 105 105 120 150 120 105 105 60 72 105 Percentage In'Orease 83\ 23\ (8\) (12\> N.C. 14\ 25\ (20\> (12\> N.C. (43\) 20\ 46\ ST1.TE 1.PPORTIONMENTS 579.5 643.7 737.0 730 742 757 774 788 805 819 836 853 875 Percentage Increase 5\ 11\ (14\> 15\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 3\ VElIICI.E roDE FINES 113.5 lIS. i 100.0 10S 110 116 122 128 1-34 141 148 155 163 Percentage Increase 69\ 2\ (14\) S\ 5\ S\ 5\ 5\ 5\ 5\ 5\ 5\ 5\ REVENUE SHARING 99.6 92.3 92.0 94 73 --- Percentage Increase 100\ (7\> N.C. 2\ (22\1 roMM. ':'EVEL. 1.CT ------ ------ ___n- 42 84 126 Percentage Increase 100\ 100\ 50\ OTnER PEVENIJES 1,314.7 796.1 451.0 457 478 466 441 471 493 S18 544 576 60S percen....ge Ir.crease -i.!.lli ~ -!illi. --!!- S\ ---..!1lL --1?& --2L ---2!.. ---2!.. ---2!.. --&L ----2.'- GRAN ) TOTJII. a 3,888.2 3,889.4 3,819.0 3,981 4,250 4,511 4,703 5,027 S,304 5,627 5,884 6,283 6,760 'Less Capital Improvement Restricted Revenueb. (124.4> ~ ..JlQ!L ..Jl2.!L. ~ .l!..W.- ...lli!!.l.- ~ ~ ..ßQlL ...QQ!L ..J1.Q1L ~ NET AVAILABLE 3,763.8 3,461.9 3,S18 3,720 3.986 4,330 ' 4,522 4.830 S,106 5,..16 S,680 6,076 ~ Percentage Increase 10\ 9\ 2\ 6\ 7\ 9\ 4\ 7\ 6\ 6\ 5\ " 8\ a. b. Excludes Sewer Main Trunk Fund--this is not a "usable revenue" for projects other than sewer lines. Restricted revenues include Section 2106 Gas Tax, AHFP and FAU funds and County Revenue Sharing funds. Property Taxes include all funds as well as Homeowners and Business Inventory Tax relief. State Apportionments include rev".\ues from Alcoholic Beverage Licenses, Motor Vehicle Licenses, Trailer Coach In-Lieu Tax, Cigarette Tax, Highway Carrier Tax, and all gas tax revenues. ' BUDGET 9 CITY OF TUSTIN C~ART II, TEN YEAR REQUEST BY DEPARTMENTS FOR OPERATING EXPENDITURES REQUESTED EXPENDITURES (As subml tted by PAST FUTURE Department Heads) 1972- 73 1973-74 1974-75 In 1000s ~ ~ Budget 1975-76 1976-77 lliZ:.l! lill::li 1979-80 1980-81 19RI-82 ~ 1983-84 1984-85 LEGISLATION Budget 89.6 ~8. 7 97.4 106.4 116.0 120.6 124.2 134.1 138.1 149.2 153.7 16S.9 170.9 Percentage Increase 18\ 10\ (U) 9\ 9\ 4\ 3\ 8\ 3\ 8\ 3\ d 3\ Full-Time Employees 4 4 4 4 S 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 ADMINISTRATION Budget 106.7 152.3 IS0.3 156.8 166.2 176.2 186.8 197.9 217.7 230.7 244.5 259.1 274.6 Percentage Increase 31\ 43\ (U) 4\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 10\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ Full-Time Employees 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 COMMUNI' "{ DEVELOPMENT Budget 92.0 101.8 119.7 141.0 130.2 138.0 146.3 155.1 164.4 174.3 184.8 195.9 207.7 Percentage Increase U 11\ 18\ 18\ (8\) 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ Full-Time Employees 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Budget 191. 4 176.8 307.8 326.2 345.8 366.5 388.5 411.9 436.6 462.8 490.6 520.0 551. 2 Percentage Increase (47\) (8\) i4\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ BUILDING REGULATION Budget 58.6 77.0 86.3 91. S 97.0 102.8 109.0 115.S 122.4 129.8 137.5 145.8 154.5 Percentage Increase 12\ 31\ 12\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ 6\ Full-Time Employees S 5 5 5 5 S S 5 5 S 5 5 5 POLICE Budget 769.3 975.3 1,128.8 1,179.S 1,312.9 1,418.0 1,S31.5 1,730.S 1,868.9 1,999.8 2,139.7 2,289.6 2,449.11 Percentage Increase 36\ 27\ 16\ 4\ 11\ 8\ 8\ 13\ 8\ 7\ 7\ 7\ 7\ Full-Time. Employees 54 54 56 58 66 67 67 74 77 79 80 81 82 FIRE Budget 353.6 S07.1 557.5 787.6 850.6 1,020.7 1,061.6 1,13S.9 1,317.6 1,291.3 1,497.9 1,452.9 1,S40.5 Perccn~.age Increase 40\ 43\ 10\ 41\ 7\ 19\ . 4\ 6\ 15\ (2\) 15\ (4\) 6\ Full-Time Employees 27 28 28 31 39 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 ENGINEERING Bud<;et 91.3 111.6 132.9 IS3.9 193.9 209.4 240.8 274.6 802.0 317.1 355.2 376.S 399.1 Percentage Increase 17\ 22\ 19\ 16\ 26\ 8\ 15\ 14\ 192\ (6U) 12\ 6\ 6\ Full-Time Employees 6 7 7 7.5 9, 9 10 11 '12 12 12 12 12 MAINTENANCE Budget 239.3 491.1 549.9 738.9 916.2 952.9 962.4 1,087.5 1,207.1 1,364.1 1,418.6 1,61'1.3 1,714.3 Percentage Increase (25\) 105\ 12\ 34\ 24\ 4\ U 13\ 11\ 13\ 4\ 14\ 6\ Full-Time Employees 21 24 24 32 37 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 BUDGET 10 CITY OF TUSTIN REQUE STED EXPEND J TURES (As submi tted by PAST FUTURE Department Heads) 1972-73 1973-74 19711-75 In 100Ds ~ ~ Budge t 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-8D 198D-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 IŒCREATION Budget 64.3 104.6 126.6 lS8.0 189.6 202.9 223.2 211.5 230.S 244.3 273.6 290.1 307.5 Percentage Increase 26' 63' 21\ 25' 20' 7' 10' 9' 9' 6' 12' 6' 6' Full-Time Ðnployees --L --L --L --.i.- -2- -2- -2- -2- -L -L ~ ~ ~ TOTTIL ALL DEPARTMENTS 2,056.1 2,360.1 3,257.2 3,839.8 4,318.4 4,708.0 4,974.3 5,454.5 6, 50S. 2 6,363.4 6,896.1 7,313.1 7,770.1 Percentage Increase " 15' 38' 18' 12' 9' 6' 10' 19' (2') 8' 6' 6' Full Time Employees 131 138 141 155.5 181 193 195 204 210 213 216 218 221 PLANNED INCREASE TO OPERATING IŒSERVE 50 SO 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 (To establish ade- quate Reserve Fw>d) - - - - - - - - - - - - - GRAND OPERATING TOTAL 2,056.1 2,360.1 3,2S7.2 3,889.8 4,368.5 4.763.0 5,034.3 5,S19.5 6,575.2 6,438.4 6,976.1 7,398.1 7,860.1 PROJECTED AVAILABLE IŒVENUE 3,720 3,986 4,330 4,522 4,830 5,106 5,426 5,680 6,076 6,548 I1i\XIHU.,; FEASIBLE OPERJ\TING EXPENDITUIŒ LEVEL 3,520 3,786 4,130 4,322 4,630 4,906 5,226 5,480 S,876 6,348 (Avail.ble Revenue less $2DO,ODO for Capi tal IlIIprovements annually) SUMMARY OF ASSUMPTIONS Population (1000) 25.65 26.95 29.10 30.9D 31.4D 32.00 )".60 33.30 34.00 34.60 3S.3D 36.DO 37.DO Land Area (Sq. Miles) 4.40 4.56 4.75 4.82 6.15 6.21 6.37 6.47 6.56 6.6D 6.7D 6.8D 6.9D Assessed Valuation (in 1II1111ons) 58.51 77.10 86.33 96.7D lD8.3D 121. 3D 135.8S 142.6S 149.78 157.27 165.13 173.39 182.D5 AnnUAL InflAtion IlAte 4." 9." U\ 8' 6\ 6\ 6' 6\ 6' 6\ 6' 6' 6' BUDGET 11 \:I:f c: 0 C') m ~ :x> T <: T z c "., (I) (I) "., n -I 0 Z n ~ -< 0 "r:I ~ c: (I) ~ Z CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF REVENU£S 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 SOURCE Actual Budget Projection Budget . Property, Sales and Other Taxes $2,226,278 $2,431,950 $2,423,098 $2,716,143 License and PermIts 237,556 131,000 117,500 122,000 Fines & Forfeitures 128,715 110,000 118,000 120,000 Use of Money & Property 187,627 50,200 82,150 35,120 Revenue From Other AgencIes 1,079,417 895,780 839,698 1,477.423 Current ServIce Charges 64,961 56,500 66,900 89,600 Other Revenue 113,838 105,250 34,365 52,300 TOTALS $4,038,392 $3,780,680 $3,681,711 $4,612,586 BUDGET 12 CITY OF TUSTIN SOURCE GENERAL FUND II Property Tax 1110 Secu red 111 I Unsecured 1112 Delinquent 1200 Franchise Fees 1310 Sales & Use T~x 1320 Business License Tax 1340 New Construction Tax 2150 Construction Permits 2160 Street & Curb Permits . 2190 Other Licenses & Permits 3120 Non-Traffic Fines 4110 Interest-General Fund 4120 Other Interest 4130 Ren ts SIlO Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 5120 Motor Vehicle License Tax 5140 Homeowners Property Tax ReI ief 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax ReI ief 5150 Trailer Coach In-Lieu Tax 5160 Cigarette Tax 517~ Hwy Carriers Business Li cense Tax 5590 Federal Grant CDA 6110 Planning Fees 6115 Subdivision Fees 6125 Sale of Maps & Publications 6130 Street Construction 6133 Street Reimbursement 6135 Parkway Tree Fees 6140 Weed Abatement 6145 Recreation Fees REVENUE DETAIL 1973-74 Actual 1974-75 Budget. Project i on $ 600,230 $ 691,040 $ 720,059 56,573 61,490 61,500 3,370 7,500 7,500 64,507 66,300 80,901 1,030,025 1 , 184, 500 1,100,338 91,820 78,000 78,000 194,647 150,000 82,500 130,736 120,000 105,000 12,434 10,000 6,000 2,566 1,000 6,500 13,546 10,000 8,000 39,890 12,000 33,000 5,317 1,500 250 645 300 2,000 14,102 15,000 15,000 250,272 251,925 240,000 50,513 33,000 38,000 3,754 10,000 18,000 17,192 20,000 14,000 111,940 110,000 110,000 2,779 2,450 3,000 ----- ------ ------ 3,426 4,000 3,500 1,295 1,500 500 380 300 400 --- ---- 833 ---- --- 4,000 4,000 551 1,200 1,000 51,799 45,000 56,000 BUDGET 13 1975-76 Budget $ 859,500 73,009 8,400 88,000 1,244,650 79,000 100,000 105,000 10,000 7,000 10,000 15,000 1,000 1,000 15,900 247,401 36,960 11,200 18,000 116,605 2,833 39,500 3,500 1,500 300 500 500 4,('.00 500 76,300 -¡ CITY OF TUSTIN 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 Actual Budget Projection Budget GENERAL FUND (Cont'd) 6150 Bus Fares $ 1,662 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 500 6190 Other Current Charges 7,889 ------ 7,000 2,000 7110 Sale of City Property 463 57,250 ----, - 1,200 7120 Sale of Unclaimed Property 1,587 1,000 1,000 4,000 7140 Contributions ------ ------ 365 ------ 7180 Damaged City Property 1,597 ------ 100 100 7190 Sundry Revenue 18,017 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL $2,785,357 $2,970,755 $2,784,413 $3,204,858 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 3110 Vehicle Code Fines $ 115,169 $ 100,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 REVENUE SHARING FUND 4110 Interest $ 8,835 $ 2,000 $ ICJ $ 1,000 5510 Revenue Sharing 92,262 92,100 112,526 155,907 TOTAL $ 101,097 $ 94,100 $ 112,626 $ 156,907 STATE GASOLINE TAX FUND 4110 Interest $ 18,8]1 $ 4,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 5210 Section 2106 127,437 124,440 125,000 138,848 5220 Section 2107 113,953 107,525 11 0,000 126,786 5230 Section 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5240 Gas Tax in Li~u of TOPICS ------ ------ ------ ------ 5310 County Grants of State Gas Tax 300,162 112,000 10,000 245,200 711û Sale of Property ------ 7,000 ------ 7,000 TOTAL $ 566,423 $ 360,965 $ 256,0('11) $ 528,834 SEWER HAIN TRUNK FUND 4110 Interest $ 15,663 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 2,000 7130 Sewer Connection Fees 88,452 20,000 10,500 20,000 TOTAL $ 104,115 $ 35,000 $ 25,500 $ 22,000 BEAUTIFICATION FUND 4110 Interest $ 1,889 $ 1,000 $ 100 $ 120 1330 Real Property Tax 26,687 22,500 24,000 25,200 TOTAL $ 28,576 $ 23,500 $ 24,100 $ 25,32D BUDGET 14 CITY OF TUSTIN PARK BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured IIII Unsecured 1112 Delinquent 4110 Interest 4130 Rents 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Relief 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Rei ief 5190 State Grant-P~rk Bonds 5330 County Grant-Federal Revenue Sharing Funds TOTAL CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Proper ty Taxes 1110 Secured IIII Unsecured 1112 Delinquent '4110 Interest 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Relief 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax ReI ief 7170 Sale of Bonds TOTAL GRANT PERSONNEL 5180 State Grant - Traffic Safety 5325 PEP Section 5 5326 PEP Section 6 5327 PEP Demonstration 5328 PEP Certificate 5395 CETA Title VI CETATltle I TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Iii 1973-74 Actual 1974-75 Budg~J~- Projection 1975-76 Budget $ 97,51j2 9,890 1,232 5,000 ------ 6,160 1,232 84,000 100,000 $ 305,066 $ 80,225 $ 85,782 8,126 8,830 463 1,100 38,985 5,000 1,200 2,400 6,711 5,500 504 1,100 $ 86,000 8,800 1,100 4,700 2,400 5,500 1,700 66.508 $ 176, 7CJð $ 136,214 $ 109,712 $ 75,880 $ 68,208 ----- 6,700 ----- ------ 58,180 7,000 6,396 3,940 475 800 ------ ------ $ 140,931 $ 86,648 $ 1,487 $ 15,043 3,858 13,571 26,551 $ 68,000 6,700 ------ 25,000 4,000 1,000 $ 60,545 7,504 °00 5,000 4,413 896 ------ $ 79,158 $ $ 104,700 $ 15,300 27 ,480 4;884 $ 47,664 $ 3,641 ,71 I 160,943 19,500 $ 180,443 $4,612,586 $ 60,510 $ $4,038,3n ~780,680 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION GENERAL FUND Fund 01 SEWER MA I N TRUNK FUND Fund 20 Approximately seventy percent of all monies received by the City is deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of Gen- eral Fund monies Is received from property and sales taxes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fund 02 Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the Cityls sewer system are deposited into this Fund. Monies are dis- tributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the const:uction and maintenance of sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. Revenues derived from fines imposed upon con- viction of misdemeanor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bail which has been forfeited by persons violating the Code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety Fund. State law prohibits the use of monies in this Fund for police officer compensation. CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND Fund 30 REVENUE SHARING FUND Fund 05 Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from Real Property Transfer Taxes are deposited into Beautification Fund. The Fund is used to finance the construction and maintenance of beautification projects of the City. Federal revenue sharing aid to cities and counties for a five-year period became effect- ive December 1972. Distribution of monies is based on a formula vf population, local tax effort (rate), and average per capita Income. GRANT PERSONNEL FUND Fund 39 GASOLINE TAX FUND Fund 10 A separate accounting Fund has been established to record the collection and disbursement of monies from other governmental agencies which support additional employees and related costs for specific programs. An example of these pro- grams Is the Comprehensive Employment and Train- ing Act. Such programs are for limited periods and the employees involved are employed only so long as the funds are ?rovided. Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code are distri- buted to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gaso- line Tax Fund. Monies so received must gen- erally be expended for the maintenance or cons truct ion of the State approved "se lect aid system" of streets. PARK BOND FUND Fund 40 Proceeds of the $1,200,000, twenty-year General ObI igation Park Bond Issue approved by the citi- zens in 1971 are deposited into this Fund. .These BUDGET 16 PARK BOND FUND (Cont'd) Fund 40 monies are restricted to park acquisition, park Improvement, and related purposes. The F~nd Is also used to control revenues and expenditures relatIng to the Bond Issue's debt service. CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Fund 41 Proceeds of the $950,000, twenty-five year General ObligatIon :ivic Center Bond Issue approved by the cItizens in 1972 are depos- Itea Into this Fund. These monies are restricted to construction of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Centennial Way. The Fund Is also used to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue1s debt service. EQU I PMENT FUND Fund 70 A separate Internal accounting Fund has been establ ished to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical bas is. Us ing departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehi- cles and equipment which provides for replacement, operational expense, and repairs. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because It Is an account- Ing transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION 17 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION PROPERTY TAXES IIIO'uL11I, 1112 NEW CONSTRUCTION TAXES 1340 General law cities may set a one dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, additional property taxes may be established by cities for bonds and tax overrides by election process, and special adjustments due to Inflation and population growth. New residential and other construction is taxed by ordinance effective October 1972. The proceed!; go to the Genera I Fund to sup- port the increased cost of municipal ser- vices generated by the new development. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2150 FRANCHISE TAX FEES 1210, 1211,---1~1.2, 1213 Franchises for operations within the City, for which a fee Is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, water and refuse collection companies. Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance Qnd include GI~ctrIG~lj plumbing, and other related permits and fees. STREET PERHITS AND INSPECTlrNS'2160 The CIty tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent and Is State-collected. A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. CITY SALES AND USE TAXES 1310 OTHER LICENSES AND PERMITS 2190 The City's Business License Ordinance establIshes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the City. Permit fees are charged for a license to oper- ate taxi cabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other purposes. BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 1320 FINES AND FORFEITURES 3110, 3120 Establ ¡shed by Ordinance and effective January I, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent tax, Is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. Includes vehicle code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County MunI- cipal Court. Eighty-five percent of the ~mount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the exception of 50% r~turned to the City f~r arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES 1330 18 BUDGET INTEREST ON INVESTHENTS 4110 Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, Sewer Trunk, City Beautification, Park Bond, and Civic Center Bond Funds. OTHER INTEREST 4120 Primarily Interest received on delinquent property tax payments. RENTS 4130 Rent received for use of City buildings and property. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES 5110 Fees paid annually to and distributed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and are based on location of the licensed facil- Ity, 90% of which is returned to the City. Does not include th( excise tax on sale of beverages collected by the Board of Equali- zation. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 5120 Is In lieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION TRAILER COACH FEES 5150 Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one- third each to schools, counties, and cities. CIGARETTE TAXES 5160 A three-cent tax per pack of cigarettes, establ ished October I, 1967, is State-collected, and is distributed to cities, one-half on the basis of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of population. HIGHWAY CARRIERS BUSINESS LICENSE 5170 State-collected business license fees on high- way carriers in lieu of city business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. ~TATE GRANTS 5180 Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants from, the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category. STATE GASOL I NE TAXES 5210, 5220, 5230. 5240 State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construc- tion and maintenance, primarily of non-local streets. BUDGET 19 REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION COUNTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5310 Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of Countywide benefit. FEDERAL GRANTS 5510 Grants from the Federal Government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Ferleral Revenue Sharing Program are Included within this category. PLANNING FEES 6110 . Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. SUBDIVISION MAP FEES 6115 Include subdivision map filing fees and are charged for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 6125 A charge Is made for City maps and repro- duction of documents distributed to pri- vate IndIvIduals. STREET CONSTRUCTION 6130 Monies paid by property owners in I ieu of required installatIon by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. 20 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET STREET REIMBURSEMENT 6133 Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. PARKWAY TREE FEES 6135 Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of parkway trees by the City. WEED ABATEMENT 6140 Assessment charge made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property. RECREATION FEES 6145 A fee for the Summer Recreation and other recreation programs which is charged to par- tially offset the cost of services. BUS FARES 6150 Charges made to users of the City public trans- portation system. OTHER CURRENT CHARGES 6190 Charges made to the pub] ic for special ser- vices including police protection at special events and required installation of street signs In new developments. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 7110 Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 7120 Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. SEWER CONNECTION FEES 7130 A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and con- nected to the City's sewer system. CONTRIBUTIONS 7140 Donations and contributions paid to the City by public gratuities. CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION SALE OF BONDS 7170 Not a true revenue account. Proceeds from the sale of bonds--money borrowed to be paid from additional property taxes over twenty to twenty-five years. DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY 7180 Collections from insurance companies and private property for damage to City property such as vehicles, parkway trees, street signs, etc. SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE 7190 Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. BUDGET 21 \:I:f c: 0 C') t11 ~ ." fT :x> (I) 0 z z T r (I) "., n -I 0 Z ("'J ~ -< 0 "r:I ~ c: t/) ~ Z < CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 1971-72 Actual Legislation Admin i strat ion Community Development Non-Departmental Building Regulation Pol ice Fi re Engineering Public Improvements Maintenance RecreatIon Total Permanent Less Elected & Attorney Adjusted Total Per 1000 Population 11 5 5t 4 44 19 5t 20 3 116 7 ïõ9 4.25 Temporary Posltions* Crossing Guards Pol i ce Reserve Fire Volunteers Recreation Public Employment Positions Safety & Traffic Accident Reduction Team Adjusted All Positions Per 1000 Population 1.28 0.90 0.48 2.23 4.27 4.00 T2Db 4.76 CIty Population 25,650 1972-73 Actual 11 5 5t 4 52 27 5t 21 2 ill 7 TIb 4.8;' 1. 60 1. 06 0.97 3.08 9.03 4.00 ïJïS:71i 5.63 25,875 1973-74 Actual II 7 6 5 56 28 7 24 3 T1iT 7 ïIiO 5.19 1. 60 0.90 0.46 3.67 1. 70 ~ 5.36 26,957 1974-75 Actual 11 8 6 5 56 28 7 24 3 TIi8 T Oj1 ¡ 4.95 3.21 0.72 0.30 4.06 149.29 5.24 28,500 1975-76 Budget 11 7 II *,~ 53 25 6 22 3 TI8 7 ï31 4.30 3.21 0.72 C.30 4.06 139.29 4.57 30,500 * Budgeted man-year equivalents of City positions, based on 2,080 work hours per year per position, (other than Fire person~~I, on shifts). Adjusted totals include all full-time and part-time, but exclude elective CIty Council and CIty Clerk and appointed City Attorney., ** Building Regulation was absorbed into Community Development in the 1975-76 Budget. BUDGET 22 ,- 1;1;, CITY OF TUSTIN SALARY RANGE NUMBER BY CLASSIFICATION I. CLASSIFIED SERIES Position 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 Classification Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Operations Manager-Police (Lt.) 1216 1340 1430 ¡587 1650 Services Manager-Police (Lt.) 1216 1340 1430 1587 1650 Operations Officer-Fire 1216 1318 1430 1587 1650 Assistant City Engineer --- 1340 1453 1584 1647 Assistant Planning Director 1255 1297 1407 1534 1595 Associate Civil ¿ngineer 1255 1297 1407 1534 1595 Supervl sor-Patrol, etc. (Sgt.) 1102 1216 1297 1440 1483 Fire Captain 1102 1196 1255 1393 1428 Police Agent 1000 1102 1158 1282 1320 Public Services Assistant 1033 1067 1158 1262 1312 Building Inspector 984 1017 1139 1242 1292 Pol ice Officer 953 1050 1120 1221 1258 Administrative Assistant 937 968 1050 i 145 1249 Fire Engineer 984 1067 1120 1221 1239 Junior Civil Engineer --- --- --- --- 1230 Recreation Supervisor 953 984 1033 1147 1193 Mechanic Foreman --- 968 1050 1145 1191 Haintenance Foreman 922 968 1050 1145 1191 Park Foreman 922 968 1050 1145 1191 Tree Foreman 922 968 1050 1145 1191 Senior Engineering Aide --- --- 1033 1126 1171 Fireman 922 1000 1050 1145 1162 Engineering Aide/Inspector --- --- --- --- 1115 Lquipment Mechanic 822 892 968 1055 1097 Planning Technician --- --- 953 1039 1081 Equipment Operator 797 836 907 989 1029 Haintenance Leadman 797 836 907 989 1029 Senior Custodian 797 836 878 957 995 Tree Trimmer 771 809 878 957 995 Administrative Secretary /58 784 850 927 964 Mechanic's Helper 734 771 836 911 947 Maintenanceman II --- 771 836 911 91.7 Communications OffIcer 711 758 809 898 934 Senior Account Clerk 722 746 809 882 917 BUDGET 23 CITY OF TUSTIN I. CLASSIFIED SERIES (Cont'd) Position 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 Classification Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Deputy CIty Clerk 722 746 809 882 917 Personnel Aide 722 746 809 882 917 Malntenanceman I 699 734 797 869 904 Secretary II 688 711 771 840 874 Secretary I 655 677 734 800 832 Custodian 655 688 722 787 818 Senior Typist 624 645 699 762 792 Account Clerk --- --- --- --- 755 Intermediate Typist Clerk 594 614 666 726 755 Typist Clerk 539 557 604 658 684 II. UNCLASSIFIED SERIES A. Honthly Salary City Administrator $2~68 $2500 $2667 $2667 $2500 City Attorney* 200 200 1000 1000 1000 CIty Clerk** 150 150 150 150 150 * Plus Legal Fees. ** Salary established by electorate, B, Monthly Salary # Asst. City Administrator $1655 $1795 $1958 $2125 $2210 . (Administration) Asst. City Administrator 1655 1795 1958 2125 2210 (Community Development) # Expressed as a range through 1973-74 but converted to a flat rate comm,ncing the 1974-75 fiscal year. BUDGET 24 CITY OF TUSTIN I ;. UNCLASSIFIED SERIES Position 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 19ï ',- 75 1975-76 Classification Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget B. Monthly Salary (Cont'd) Police Chief $1551 $1629 $2012 $2000 $2080 City Engineer 1655 1795 1885 1925 2080 Fire Chief 1453 1526 1629 1775 177'5 Building Official 1297 1362 1453 1575 1638 Parks & Recreation Director 1340 1340 1430 1550 1612 Maintenance Superintendent 1102 1158 1255 1400 1456 Chief Deputy City Clerk 1000 1033 1102 1200 1248 C. Hourly Wage Reserve Police Officer $4,30 $4.97 $5.32 $5.00 $ -0- Volunteer Fireman 3.00 3.00 3.15 3.15 -0- Recreation Leader 2.75 2.75 2,90 2.90 2.40 CrossIng Guard 2.25 2.25 2,40 2.40 2.40 25 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN CURRENT SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E NUMBER Hou r I y Monthly Hourly Monthly Hourly Monthly Hou r 1 y Monthly Hourly Monthly 1650 7.8288 1357 8.2212 1425 8.6354 1497 9.0635 1571 9.5192 1650 1647 7.8173 1355 8.2096 1423 8.6192 1494 9.0519 1569 9.5019 1647 1595 7.5692 13\2 7.9500 1378 8.3481 1447 8.7635 1519 9.2019 1595 1483 7.0385 1220 7.3904 1281 7.7596 1345 8.1462 1412 8,5558 1483 1449 6.8769 1192 7.2231 1252 7.5808 1314 7.9615 1380 8.3596 1449 1428 6.7788 1175 7.1192 1234 7.4712 1295 7.8462 1360 8.2385 1428 1414 6.7096 1163 7.0442 1221 7.4019 \283 7.7712 1347 8.1577 1414 1346 6.3865 1107 6.7096 1163 7.0442 1221 7.3962 1282 7.7654 1346 1320 6.2654 1086 6.5769 1140 6.9058 1197 7.2519 1257 7.6154 1320 1312 6.2250 i079 6.5365 1133 6.8654 1190 7,2115 1250 7.5692 1312 1304 6.1904 1073 6.4962 1126 6.8250 1183 7.1654 1242 7.5231 1304 1292 6.1327 1063 6.4385 \ 116 6.7615 1172 7.0962 1230. 7.4538 1292 1258 5.9712 1035 6.2712 1087 6.5827 1141 6.9115 1'98 7.2577 1258 1257 5.9654 1034 6.2654 1086 6.5769 ,1140 6.9058 1197 7.2519 \257 1249 5.9308 1028 6.2250 1079 6.5365 1133 6.8654 1190 7.2058 1249 1239 5.8269 1019 6.1731 1070 6.4846 1124 6.8077 1180 7.1481 1239 1229 5.8269 1010 6.1212 10(,1 6.4269 1114 6.7500 1170 7.0904 1229 1193 5.6596 981 5.9481 1031 6.2423 1082 6.5538 1136 6.8827 1193 1191 5.6538 9~0 5.9365 1029 6.2308 1080 6.5423 1134 6.8712 1191 1171 5.5558 963 5.8385 1012 6.1269 1062 6.4327 1115 6.7558 1171 1162 5.5154 956 5.7923 1004 6.0808 1054 6.3865 1107 6.7038 1162 1115 5.2904 917 5.5558 963 5.8327 1011 6.1269 1062 6.4327 1115 1097 5.2096 903 5.4635 947 5.7404 995 6.0288 1045 6.3288 1097 1081 5.1288 889 5.3885 934 5.6538 980 5.9423 1030 6.2365 1081 1062 5.0423 874 5.2904 917 5.5558 963 5.8327 1011 6,1269 1062 1029 4.8865 847 5.1288 889 5.3827 933 5.6538 980 5.9365 1029 995 4.7250 819 4.9615 860 5.2038 902 5.4692 948 5.7404 995 964 4.5750 793 4.8058 833 5,0423 874 5.2962 918 5.5615 964 947 4.4942 779 4.7192 818 ' 4.9558 859 5.2038 902 5.4635 947 934 4.4303 768 4.6558 807 4.8865 847 5.1346 890 5.3885 934 917 4.3500 754 4,5692 792 4.8000 832 5.0365 873 5.2904 917 904 4.2923 744 4.5058 781 4.7308 820 4.9673 %1 5.2154 9"04 874 4.148\ 719 4.3558 755 4.5750 793 4.8000 832 5.0423 874 832 3.9462 684 4.1481 719 4.3558 755 4.5692 792 4.8000 832 618 3.8827 673 4.0788 707 4.2808 742 4.4942 779 4.7192 818 792 3.7615 652 ' 3,9462 684 4.1423 718 4.3500 . 754 4.5692 792 BUDGET 26 CITY OF TUSTIN CURRENT SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE (Cont'd) STEP B Hou r I y M()ri!hl1' STEP C Hour I y Month ly STEP D Hou r I Yl1onJhL'i STEP E Hourly Mon~hlY RANGE NUMBER STEP A Hou r 11' Mo_nthJy 755 719 684 3.5827 3,4154 3.2481 621 592 563 3.7615 3.5827 3.4096 652 62\ 59\ 3.95\9 3.7615 3.5769 685 652 620 4.1481 3.9519 3.7558 719 585 65\ 4.3558 4.1481 3.9462 755 7\9 684 Step Increments are 5%, Permanent employees normally start at Step A and are eligible for Step B after six months at A, and for e~ch succeeding step after one year at the previous step. BUDGET 26a \:I:f c: 0 C') ~ "., x ." ..., Z c -I c :x> "., (I) n ~ -< 0 "r:I ~ c: (I) ~ ž (I) T n -I 0 Z <: CITY OF TUSTIN ACTIVITY STRUCTURE OPERATING BUDGET: General Government 200 210 260 330 Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Public Safety 440 450 Pol ice Fire Public \40rks 500 560 Engineering Maintenance Recreation 630 Recreation Grants 800 Grant Personnel CÞ,P I TAL BUDGET: 10 30 40 60 65 70 80 Public Facilities Beautification Projects Parks and Recreation Facilities Transport~tion Facilities Traffic Control Projects Flood Control Facilities Waste Disposal Facilities BUDGET 27 CITY OF TUSTIN EXPEND ITURES Operating Byd~e~ Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 1972-73 1973-74 Budget Projection Request Recommended .!\ctivity Legislation $ 89,552 $ 98,659 $ 97, 470 $ 105,760 $ 107,043 $ 109,063 Administration 106,725 140,118 150,326 156,456 174,768 156,521 Community Development 150,654 178,773 205,968 184,623 265,529 226,937 Non-Departmental 191,438 296, 155 301,453 347,071 355,843 319,143 Police 769,253 975,269 1,126,817 1,052,686 1 ,255,385 1,153,434 Fire 353,646 507,058 554,973 534,717 734,487 662,356 Engineering 91,264 111,635 132,887 159,562 160,591 130,932 Maintenance 239,335 491,110 549,920 511,851 706,050 559,748 Recreation 64,257 99,872 126,638 124,254 , .1~0~ Ll.5 NORMAL OPERATIONS, $2,056,124 $2, 898, 649 $3,246,452 $3,176,980 $3.901,450 $3,4$8,249 G rant Personne 1 193, 303 59,180 ------ 50,962 ------ 180,443 TOTAL OPERATIONS $2,249,427 $2,957,829 $3,246,452 $3,227,942 $3,90: ,450 $3,638,692 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $ 9~I, 187 $2,247,317 $1,476,650 $1 , 403, 364 $1,306,100 $ 975,693 GRAND TOTAL $3,£40,jJ~ lli205,146 ~4,rU, 102 j~-,~lL. 306 $5,2Q~,550 $_lt, 6-, ~, 385 1975-76 BY CATEGORY $ 75,021 115,831 190,654 (37,290) 1,012,217 526,139 115,921 317,010 71,814 $2,387,317 168,443 $2,551,494 $ ------ $2,55~,760 $ 34,042 39,500 36,050 355,333 132 , 730 117,450 14,555 234,638 64,260 $1,028,558 12,000 $1,044,824 $ ------ $1,04Q,558 Capital 1975-76 Outlay Total $ ------ $ 109,063 1,190 156,521 233 226,937 1,100 319,143 8,487 1,153,434 18,767 662,356 456 130 ,932 8,100 559,748 4,041 140,115 $ 42,374 $3,458,249 ------ 180 , 443 $ 42,374 $3,638,692 $ 975,693 $ 975,693 $I,Ol~,067 $l¡~614,385 Operating Budget Personnel Suppl ies & Services Activity Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Pol ice Fire Engineering Maintenance Recreation NORMAL OPERATIONS Grant Personnel TOTAL OPERATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GRAND TOTAL' -- BUDGET 28 ~ t11 ...¡ 0 ." T :x> II> ~ "., n -I Z ~ 0 Z I:D C <: C ~ "., -I n ~ -< 0 "r:I ~ c: (I) ...¡ Z CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 200 LEG I SLAT! ON BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECT! VES The City Council is the legislative and policy- making body of the City. Such activities are accom- plished through the adoption of ordinances o~ City laws, the adoption of policy resolutions, the approval of contracts a~d agreements, the approval of the Clty's Annual and Ten-Year Budget, and the review of the City's General Plan. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 Staff 4 4 Personne I $51,788 $64,530 Supplies & Services 37,4~8 34,129 Capital Outlay 336 ------ TOTAL EXPENSE $89,552 $98,659 TEN YEAR GUIDELINE The City Council is assisted in its legislative function by the City Clerk who is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City and by the City Attorney who performs all routine legal services for City officials and departments. ThIs activity encompasses four activities: 'City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, and Elections. 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Request Recommended 4 4 4 4 $72,662 $ 71,615 $ 73,087 $ 75,021 24,808 34,145 33.500 34,042 ------ ------ 456 ------ -- $97,470 $105,760 $107,043 $109,063 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 ill4-85 Staff 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5, 5 5 Budget (In $IOOOs) 107.2 116.0 120.6 124.2 134.1 138.1 149.2 153.7 165.9 170.9 PROGRAM The legislative function is responsible for the adoptIon of policies and legislation to better serve the community and to guide the City staff in this critIcal period of community development. Public safety, departmental organizational studies, alternative methods of providIng City services, and architectural and land use standards are areas of special concern. The City Clerk, in cooperation with the City Attorney, anticipates the adoption of a revised City Code during the 1975-76 Fiscal Year. BUDGET 29 CITY OF TUSTIN LEGISLATION BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Ac t ua I Budge t Projection Budget Chief Deputy City Clerk I (1033) I (1102) I (1200) I (1200) I (1248) Deputy City Clerk I (746) I (800) I (882) I (882) I (917) Senior Typist I (645) I (699) I (762) I (]62) I (792) Typist Clerk I (557) I (604) I (658) I (658) I (684) Total Full Time 4 4 4 4 4 Counc i Imen 5 (150) 5 (210) 5 (210) 5 (2]0) 5 (210) City Clerk I (150) I (J 50) I (J 50) I (J 50) I (150) City Attorney I (200) I (1000) I (1000) I (1000) I (1000) Total Positions II II II 11 II ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $38,155 $37,037 $39,905 $ 39,905 $ 42,188 Elected or Part-Time 10,115 22,592 26,400 26,400 26,400 Overtime ------ 9 ------ 24 756 Retirement & Insurance 3,518 4,892 6,357 5,286 5,677 Total Personnel $51,788 $64,530 $72,662 $ 71,615 $ 75,021 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $22,738 $14,263 $1 0 , 400 $ 18,200 $ 12,700 Office Expense 397 256 150 150 100 Departmental Expense 2,307 1,658 1,850 2,074 1,250 Training & Deveiopment 4,778 8,651 8,208 6,281 8,192 Legal Advertising 3,833 5,315 4,000 6,640 6,000 Memberships 840 212 200 200 200 Elect ions 2,535 3,774 ------ 6::0 5,600 Total Supplies & Services $37,428 $ 34, 129 $24,808 $ 34,145 $ 34,042 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 336 ' $------ $------ $ ------ $ ------ GRAND TOTAL $89,552 $98,659 $97,470 $ 105,760 ~109,06j BUDGET 30 CITY OF TUSTIN LEGISLATION BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been Included in the Budget other than the revised title for the ChIef Deputy City Clerk, which was formerly Office Supervisor. Salaries for 1975-76 include annual salary adjustments as approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and Insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: include the services of the City Attorney and other legal counsel over and above the service~ covered by the monthly retainer. Office Expense: includes office supplle~. Departmental Expens~: Includes printing and departmental supplies. Training & Development: includes $6,300 for Council expenses, and $1,700 for City Council and $192 for City Clerk meetings and conferences. Legal Advertising: includes publication of ordinances and notices. MembershIps: Includes City Clerk memberships. ElectIons: Includes cost of regular and special elections. CAPITAL OUTLAY - None. BUDGET 31 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 210 ADM I N I STRATI ON BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECT! VES The City Administrator is appointed by the City Council as the chief administrative officer of the Clty--responslble for the Implementation of Council policy and the supervisIon of al¡ municipal activi- ties. He advises the Council on the financial con- dition and needs of the City, on the Improvement of City services, and on the long range development of the community and Its environment. The City Admlnlstrator1s staff accomplishes many of EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 the :entrallzed responsibilities in the area of finance, personnel, municipal research, procedures analysis, purchasing and budget studies. The department Is also responsible for studies on the application of modern management techniques; use of computers, microfilming, and information systems; the efficient and economical operation of the City organization; and assisting other departments with special problems. This activity encompasses the activities of the City Administrator Office and Administrative Management. 1974-75 Budget Projection 1975-76 RegueSt Recolmlended Staff 5 7 7 8 8 7 Personnel $ 82,605 $108,854 $119,378 $118,443 $128,383 $115,831 Supplies & ServIces 23,618 30,053 30,550 37,586 44,950 39,500 Capital Outlay 502 1,211 398 427 1,435 1,190 TOTAL EXPENSE $106,725 $140, 118 $150,326 $156,456 $174,768 $156,521 ,TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Staff 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 Budget (In $IOOOs) 156.8 166.2 176.2 > 186.8 197.9 217.7 230.7 244.5 259. I 274.6 PROGRAM -- Annexations, spheres of influence conrnunity pro- motion, community relations, exploration of alter- native methods to provide efficient and effective City services, and adequate financial pla~ning > to support those services continue to be areas of major concentration. D~velopment of parks, con- tinued refinement of ten-year capital improvement and operating programs, and implementation of the new library facility also represent areas of prime consideration. BUDGET 32 CITY OF TUSTIN ADMINISTRATION BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Actual Budget Projection Budget City Administrator I (2500) 1 (2667) I (2667) I (2667) 1 (2500) Asst. City Administrator I (1795) I (2125) I (2125) I «:125) 1 (2210) Administrative Assistant ------ 1 (1145) I (1145) I (120 I) 1 (1249) Administrative Secretary I (]84) I (927) 1 (927) I (927) I (964) Personnel Aide I (]46) I (882) I (882) 1 (882) 1 (917) Sr. Account Clerk I (]46) I (882) 1 (882) I (882) I (917) Account Clerk ------ ------ ------ I (726) 1 (]55) Intermed. Typist Clerk ------ I (726) I (]26) I (]26) ------ Total Pos I tlons 5 7 7 8 7 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $ 73,811 $ 97,310 $107,179 $106,100 $102,036 Overtime 337 ------ ------ 122 ------ Retirement & Insurance ~,457 11,544 12,199 12,221 13,795 Total Personnel $ 82,605 $108,854 $118,443 $118,443 $115,831 Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services $ 17,545 $ 22,825 $ 23,000 $ 30,000 $ 32,000 Office Expense 638 63 420 516 450 Departmental Expense 835 507 820 1,100 750 Transportation Expense 3,005 3,708 3,360 4,620 3,900 Training & Development 1,595 2,950 2,950 1,350 2,400 Total Supplies & Services $ 23,618 $ 30,053 $ 30,550 $ 37 ,~% $ 39,500 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 502 $ 1,211 $ 398 $ 427 $ 1,190 GRAND TOTAL $IO6,]~ H40, n ~ 1150,326 $156,456 $ I 56 , 52 I BUDGET 33 CITY OF TUSTIN ADMINISTRATION BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL The position of Intermediate Typist Clerk has been eliminated as an economy move in the face of a severe budget picture. The impact of this move may be alleviated through the Grant Programs whIle they exIst. Salaries for 1975-76 include annual salary adjustment as approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of pèrsohhel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes data processing expenses, expenses of Public Agencies Data Systems membership, and $.13.800 for City's share of new systems development cost. Office Expense: includes office suppllps. Departmental Expen~e: includes printing of forms and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provides monthly automobile allowance authorized the City Administrator ($125) and Assistant City Administrator ($100) for meetings, inspection trips and other trans- portation; and provides for one of Cityls pool vehicles. Training & Development: includes $1,300 for City Administrator and $550 for Assistant City Admin- Istrator meetings and conferences, and provides for memberships In professional organizations. CAPITAL OUTLAY OffIce Equipment: provides $200 for one printing calculator. and $990 for dictation equipment for City Administrator and Assistant City AdmInistrator. BUDGET 34 OBJECTIVES The Community Development function is responsible for land use planning and various Inspection ser- vices. The planning responsibility Insures com- plIance with the General :Plan and established community objectIves. The department provides technical advice and recommendations to the Plan- ning Commission, CIty Council and City AdmInistra- tor; implements the General Plan; administers and enforces zoning, sign, litter and related regula- tIons; and assIsts the general public with devel- opment Information and suggestions. The Inspection Services DIvision insures that ~II buildings in the City are constructed and EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE TEN YEAR GUIDELINE Staff Budget (In $IOOOs) PROGRAM Prior History 1~72-73 1973-74 9t $123,719 26,808 127 $150,654 1975-76 11 226.9 1976-77 11 227.2 II $150,738 27,017 518 $178,273 1977-78 11 240.8 The department has programmed the preparation of the Scenic Highways Element and a revision of the ,Circulation Eleme~t of the General Plan for completion durIng the fiscal year. CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 260 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET SUMMARY maintained in compliance with the standards of safety and sanitation establ Ished by the City's adopted codes and other applicable City, County and State laws. In accomp;ishing these objectives, the division reviews plans for conformance with existing laws, advises the public on proper methods of construction with the adopted stand- ards, and inspects construction to insure that It Is In accordance with the approved plans. This department combines the former departments of Community Development and Building Regulation commencing with the 1975-76 Budget. 1974-75 Budget frs>jectlon II $178,106 27,862 $205,968 1978-79 II 255.3 1979-80 11 270.6 II $170,333 13,960 260 -- $184,553 1980-81 II 286.8 1981-82 II 304.1 1975-76 Request Recommended II $181,569 74,409 551 $256,529 1982-83 II 3~2.3 The projected program of include annexations, and potentials with Tustin's redevelopment of the old tral business district. BUDGET II $186,388 40,316 233 $226,937 1983-84 I I 341.7 1984-85 II 362.2 the department wi II analysis of development Sphere of Influence, and town area and the çen- 35 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET DETA I L 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Actual Budget Projection Budget Asst. City Administrator I (1795) I (1958) I (2125) I (2125) I (2210) Asst. Planning Director I (1297) I (1407) I (1534) I (1534) I (1595) Building Official 1 (1362) 1 (1453) I (1575) 1 (1575) I (1638) , Public Services Assistant I (1067) 1 (J 158) I (1262) I (1262) 1 (1312) Building Inspector 2 (1017) 3 (1139) 3 (1242) 3 (1242) 3 (1292) Planning Technician ------ I (953) I (10 39) I (1039) I (1081) Engineering Aide t (864) ------ ------ ------ ------ Secretary II I (711) I (771) 1 (840) 1 (840) I (874) Secretary I 2 (677) 2 <734) 2 (800) 2 (800) 2 (832) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ Total Positions 9t 1 I II 11 11 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $110,861 $113,857 $158,854 $ 1 51,778 $168,215 Overtime ------ ------ 250 53 100 Retirement & Insurance 12,858 17,881 19,002 18,502 22,339 Total Personnel $123,719 $131,738 $178, 106 $170,333 $190,654 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 2,358 $ 2,870 $ 3,000 $ 3,747 $ 22,800 Office Expense 946 120 400 300 400 Departmental Expense 1,910 2,229 1,500 2,163 1,750 Commission Fees 4,270 1,870 2,760 2,500 2,760 Transportation Expense 4,123 4,080 4,080 4,080 6,000 Training & Development 1,180 2,144 1,872 1,240 2,340 Total Supplies & Services $ 14,787 $ 13,313 $ 13,612 $ 14,030 $ 36,050 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 93 $ 271 $ ------ $ 260 $ 233 Departmental Equipment 34. 747 ------ ------ ------ Total Capital Outlay $ 127 $ 1,018 $ ------ $ 260 $ 233 GRAND TOTAL $1J8~633 $146,069 $191,718 $184,623 $226,937 BUDGET ":If:. CITY OF TUSTIN BU~GET COMMENTARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been Included in the Budget. SalarIes for 1975-76 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City CouncIl. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retIrement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Includes weed abatement which provides for the cost of clearIng lIttered or overgrown vacant property until the City is reimbursed by the property owner. Also included Is the cost for outside plan check of complex buildings. Office Expense: Includes offIce supplies. Departmental Expense: Printing & Supplies includes printing and departmental supplies. Commission Fees provides for Planning Commission fees. Transportation Expense: provides $100 monthly automobile allowance for Assistant CIty Administrator and monthly rental of four pool cars. Training & Development: publicatIons. includes $1900 for conferences and meetings and $440 for membershIps and CAP ITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: $233 is provided for the purchase of two plan hold files. BUDGET 37 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJ ECTI VES DEPARTMENT 330 The Non-Departmental activity contains those expenditures that affect all departments or the City as a whole. Examples of these are indepen- dent audit expenses, City liability and property damage insurance, duplication expenses, postage and office equipment maintenance, and special census expenses. Special programs such as refuse collection and the City's bus system are also EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE TEN YEAR GUIDELINE Staff Budget (In $10005) PROGRAM Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 $ 190,204 1,234 $191,438 $ 7,731 298,030 (9,606) $296,155 1975-76 1976- 77 1977- 78 459.1 345.8 366.5 Programs of the "Non-DepartmentaJl' Activity include the following: I. Collection of waste materials on a regular basis so as to protect the appearance and hea I th of the commun ¡ ty. Th i s is accomp 1 i shed by weekly collections under the Solid Waste tvl- lection contract. An exclusive contract was awarded effective June i, 1972. 2. Purchase of replacement vehicles financed through the equipment fund by means of vehicle rental charges to using departments. Rental charges also cover the cost of operating and maintaining the vehicles. NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY included in this activity. Employee insurance and retirement expenses have been spread to the bene- fited activities and thus are no longer included. Funds for Community Promot:on, such as City member- ships in other organizations, contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, and Community Advertising, are budgeted In this Activity as they represent Citywide expenses. 1974-75 Budget Projection 1975-76 Reguest Recommended $(20,000) 321,453 $ ------ 339,756 7,315 $347,071 $(37,290) 397.,033 1,100 $355,843 $30 1,453 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 388.5 411.9 436.6 462.8 490.6 $ (37,290) 355,333 1,100 $319,143 1983-84 1984-85 520.0 551.2 3. Provision of employee benefits to protect the employees! welfare and maintain a competitive empl~yment environment. 4. Provision of adequate insurance to protect the City's Interest in liability and property damage cases. 5. Centralization of certain common office expenses and duplication costs for greater visibility and control. 6. The debt Civic Center Departmental retirement costs for Park Bond and Bond have been included as Non- expenses. BUDGET 38 " ----- CITY OF TUSTIN NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET DETAI L 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975- 76 Actual Actual Budge t Projection Budge t PERSONNEL SCHEDULE (None) ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Census Takers $ ------ $ 7,731 $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ Projected Salary Savings ------ ------ (20,000) ------ (37,290) Supplies & Services Contractual ServIces Refuse Collection $ 45,373 $ 53,329 $ 58,000 $ 61,125 $ 70,000 Contingencies ------ ------ ------ ------ 2,000 Auditing 6,605 7,764 7,000 11,000 7,000 ::Ity Insurance 22,286 26,530 26,900 30,550 40,605 Medical ServIces 1,966 1,629 1,000 I, ]00 ' 500 State Population Est. 360 2,252 400 ----- - ------ Office Expense Postage 7,730 7,500 7,000 6,200 7,000 Office Equipment Malnt. 2,029 802 900 750 900 Duplication Expense 23 , 797 28,350 16,500 17,200 16,500 Other 2,607 9,846 3,500 -~---- 3,500 Training & Development 613 556 900 1,128 1,000 Other Expenses Bus Expense ------ 25,144 40,000 26,500 8,000 Bond Expense 76,838 134,328 153,353 153,353 186,028 Interest Expense-Short Term ------ ------ 6,000 11,200 12,000 City Memberships 1,697 4,159 3,150 3,150 3,300 City Advertising 324 1,045 2,600 4,000 1,500 Chamber of Commerce 10,000 8,500 8,500 8,500 7,500 Charges-Other Accounts ------ --- --- ------ ------ (]2,OOO) Total Supplies & Services $202,225 ,$311,734 $335,703 $339,756 $355,333 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 6,387 $ 26,308 $ 36,970 $ 25,800 $ 57,000 EquIpment Fund Reimbursement (6,387) (37,000) (36,970) (l8,4d5) (57,000) Office Equipment 1,234 1,086 ------ ------ 1,100 Total Capital Outlay $ 1,234 $ (9,606) $ ------ $ 7,315 $ 1,100 GRAND TOTAL $203,459 $1091859 $315-,703 ~347,OZ] $319~lli BUDGET 39 It: CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COHMENTARY NON-DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL The $37,290 salary savings budgeted Is highly ambitious due to the reduction in authorized full-time positions. Of the $20,000 savings budgeted In 1974-75, $115,000 was actually realized and Is shown In the departments. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Refuse Collection provides for cost of refuse collection service to single-family, duplex and triplex residential property and commercial businesses requiring only minimum service, based on $1.45 per dwelling unit and $1.71 per business. Auditing provides for the City's independent audit of financial records. City Insurance provides for liability, property damage, and surety Insurance. Medical Services provides for physical examinations of new employees. Office Expense: Postage provides for postage ~ë-Equipment Maintenance Duplication Expense in,ludes Other provides for operating in all departments including postage for the quarterly City newsletter. provides for maintenance of all City office equipment. equipment rental and supplies for duplication work. the central supply room. TraIning & Development: provides for tuition reimbursement and personnel recruiting costs. Other Expenses: Bond Expense provides for Park and Civic Center Bond Interest expense, Bond repayment, and related expenses. Bus Expense provides for operating costs of Nickel Bus and related expenses. Interest Expense provides for short term borrowing by the General Fund. City Memberships provides for City memberships in the Orange County Division and the State League of California Cities, the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council, and other organizations. City Advertising includes miscellaneous City advertising expenses. Chamber of Comme(ce provides for City contributions to the Chamber of Commerce. Charges-Other Accounts provides for reimbursement of overhead costs from Personnel Grants. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: provides for replacement of City vehicles from the Equipment Fund (replace eleven cars at $3,700 each, replace one pickup truck at $4,600, and provides for the first installment of $12,000 for a replacement street sweeper). Three vehicles budgeted in 1974-75 were not replaced. Equipment Fund Reimbursement: provides for reimbursement from Equipment Fund for replacem~ of vehicles and equipment. BUDGET 40 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 440 POll CE BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES Police services provide protection to lIfe and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. The patrol function Is to discourage violations, detect those which occur, and apprehend violators. The detective function complements the patrol function by pro- viding thorough Investigation leading to identi- fication, apprehensions, and the recovery of stolen goods. The traffic enforcement function is to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of automobiles and pedestrians through enforcement of State and local traffic laws. The department also provides educational ~rograms on narcotic control and bicycle safety, supervises school crossing guards, and performs vacation security checks. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 Budget troJectfon 1975-76 Reguest Recommended Staff 75 82 82 82 82 79 Personnel $678,580 $91 7, 772 $1,014,520 $ 949,658 $1,056,659 $1,012,217 Suppl res & Services 75,512 54,477 93,640 87,764 167,253 132,730 Capital Outlay 15,161 3,020 20,657 15,264 31,473 8,487 TOTAL EXPENSES $769,253 $975,269 $1,128,817 $1,052,686 $1,255,385 $I,153,Ùi¡-' PROGRAM - - Criminal Homicides I 0 I I I Forcible Rapes 12 12 15 16 18 Robberies 19 26 21 55 63 Aggravated Assaults 25 24 18 49 56 Burglaries 547 744 641 750 862 Grand Thefts 87 120 152 152 174 Petty Thefts 952 1,140 1,056 1,272 1,462 Auto Thefts 114 120 126 158 181 Accidents - Fatal 4 4 3 2 2 - Injury 168 168 175 213 192 - Non- I nj ury 305 305 235 239 239 - Hit & Run 162 162 132 140 140 Traffic CItations 5,704 5.704 ' 6,000 6,467 6,000 Patrol Miles (JOOOs) 260 300 325 2~35 325 TEN-YEAR GUIDELINE 1975- 76 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Staff 79 66 67 67 74 77 79 80 81 82 Budget (In $IOOOs) 1,132.3 1,312.9 1,418.0 1,531. 5 1,730.5 1,869.9 1,999.8 2,139.7 2,289.6 2,449.8 BUDGET 41 ---,,-,--- CITY OF TUSTIN POll CE BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Actua I Budget Projection Budget -- Pol ice Chief I (1629) I (2012) I (2000) 1 (2000) 1 (2080) Operations Manager I (1340) I (1430) 1 (158]) I (1587) 1 (1650) Services Manager 1 (1340) I (1430) 1 (1587) I (1587) 1 (1650) Investigation Manager ------ -'----- I (1587) I (1587) I (1650) Supervisor 7 (1216) 8 (1297) 7 (1440) 7 (1440) 7 (1483) Senior Investigator 3 (1139) 3 (1216) 3 (1307) 3 (1307) Traffic Officer ------ 2 (1177) Investigator 4 0084) 4 (1158) Senior Patrolman 3 (1084) 3 (1158) Pol ice Agent ------ ------ 10 (1282) 10 (121j2) 1) (1)29) PI11 ice Officer 19 (1050) 19 (1120) 18 (1221) 17 (1221) 15 (1258) Administrative Assistant ------ ----- - ------ I (1201), I (1249) Communications Officer 4 (]58) 5 (809) 5 (882) 5 (8??) 5 (934) Secretary II I (]II) 1 (771) I (840) I (840) I (874) Secreta ry I I (677) I (]34) I (800) I (800) I (832) Senior Typist ------ ------ 2 (]62) 2 (]62) 2 (792) Intermediate Typist Clerk 3 (614) 7 (666) 5 (726) 5 (726) 4 (]55) TypIst Clerk 4 (557) ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Full-Time 52 56 56 56 53 Crossing Guard 4 (2.25) 8 (2.40) 8 (2.40) (2.40) 9 (2.40) Reserve Officer 18 (4.97) 18 (5.32) 18 (5.32) (5.32) 10 (0) Relief Commun. Officer I (3.60) ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Positions 75 82 82 82 72 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $512,520 $701,098 $ 790,651 $ 715,000 $ 756,164 Educational Incentive ------ ------ ------ 9,800 10,000 Overtime 45,764 55,230 51,000 55,800 48,600 Reserve Officer 9,729 4,981 8,000 9,000 ------ Crossing Guards 7,544 12,146 16,000 17,000 18,922 Part-Time Personnel 2,622 4,713 ------ ------ ------ Retirement & Insurance 100,400 139,604 148,869 143,058 178,531 Total Personnel $678,580 $91 7, 772 $1,014,520 $ 949,658 $1,012,217 BUDGET 42 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 440 POLICE PERSONNEL This year's budget eliminates two Police Officer positions and one Intermediate Typist Clerk position due to the severe condition of the economy. The impact of those reductions has been reduced by the availability of Community Services Officers through manpower grants. Senior Investigators have been reclassified to Police Agent as both classes are performing the same duties. Salaries for 1975-76 include annual salary adjustment as approved-by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides contingency allocation for County Jail. Facilities Expense: provides for the department's telephone system. Office Expense: provides for office supplies, including duplication expense previously budgeted in Non-Departmental. Departmental Expense: provides for printing, uniforms, ammunition, travel expenses connected with out- of-County court appearances and to pick up prisoners, and other departmental supplies and servIces. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental of all patrol and administrative vehicles for operation, maintenance, and replacement through the Equipment Fund. The increase is due to re-evaluating Equipment Fund rental rates and not due to additional vehicles. Training & Development: includes firing range expenses, professional meetings, training seminars, memberships and publications. CAPITAL OUTLAY OffIce EquIpment: provides $487 for dictation equipment. Departmental Equipment: provides $7,500 for weapons and defensive equipment required to be provided by statute (first of three-year program), and $500 for remote control gate control for prisoner garage. BUDGET 43 CITY OF TUSTIN POLICE BU~GET DETA I L 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 Actual Actual Budge t- Projectiùn Budget ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd) Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 36 $ ------ $ 3,196 $ 1,165 $ 1,955 Facilities Expense 6,881 677 2,540 2,540 1,800 Off i ce Expense 1,594 685 12,983 12,676 12,768 Departmental Expense 20,754 21,088 23,491 20,923 21,492' Transportation Expense 37,680 40,000 50,640 48,550 100,740 Training & Development 8,567 (7,973) 790 1,910 (6,025) Total Supplies & Services $ 75,512 $ 54,477 $ 93,640 $ 87,764 $ 132, 730 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 386 $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ Office Equipment 2,480 644 1,710 900 487 Departmental Equipment 12,295 2,376 18,947 14,364 8,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 15,161 $ 3,020 $ 20,657 $ 15,264 $ 8,487 GRAND TOTAL $769,251 ~ 7 5_.~6i 11,128,817 $1,052,68~ $1,153,434 BUDGET 44 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES Fire services provide protection to life and prop- erty through fire prevention, fire suppression, and emergency rescue services. The prevention function is to provide publ ic education on fi~e safety, fire prevention inspections, and review of proposed development ?Ians for fire safety. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 Staff Personne I Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 27 $318,718 29,902 5,026 $353,646 28 $433,315 45,353 28,390 $507,058 DEPARTMENT 450 FIRE BUDGET SUMMARY The ~uppression function involves the deployment of sufficient apparatus and trained personnel in quick and effective response to any fire alarm. Since April 1975, the City has provided Paramedic service through a contract with the County of Orange. ' 1975-76 Request Recommended 1974-75 Budget Projection 28 $487,581 47,806 19,586 $554,973 28 $470, 367 45,885 18,465 $534,717 29 $543,572 135,140 55,775 $734,487 25 $526,139 117,450 18,767 $662,356 TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1902-83 1983-84 1984-85 Staff 25 39 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Budget (In $IOOOs) 634.4 850.6 1,020.7 1,061.6 1,135.9 1,317.6 1,291.3 1,497.9 1,452.9 1,540.5 PROGRAM 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 Actual Actua 1 Budget Estimate Budget Fires 482 509 556 541 612 Rescues 417 369 410 498 550 Fire Loss (In $IOOOs) $185.4 $529.2 $150.0 $218.7 $319.9 Inspections and Investigations 1.317 2,849 . 2,700 2,790 2,820 BUDGET 45 CITY OF TUSTIN FIRE BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actua I Actual Budge t Projection Budqet Fire Chief I (1526) I (1629) I (1775) I (1775) I (1775) Operations Officer 1 (1318) I (1430) I (1587) I (1587) 1 (1650) Fi re Marshal I (1196) I (1255) I (1587) I (1393) 1 (1449) Fire Captain 4 (1196) 5 (1255) 6 (1393) 6 (1393) 6 (1428) Fire Engineer 4 (1067) 5 (1120) 6 (1221) 6 (1221) 6 (123~) Fireman 15 (1000) 14 (1050) 12 (1145) 12 (1145) 9 (1162) Secretary II I (]11) I (771) 1 (840) I (840) 1 (874) Total Full-Time 27 28 28 28 25 Vo 1 unteers 11 (3.00) 10 (3.15) 10 (1. p;) 10 (1.15) ]0 (3.15) Total Positions 38 38 38 38 35 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $248,778 $349,331 $400,846 $379,294 $384,297 Overtime ]7,528 15,397 10,000 10,832 29,599 Educational Incentive ------ ------ ------ ------ 6,863 Volunteers 3,950 1,202 1,960 960 ------ Retirement & Insurance 48,462 67,385 74,775 79,281 105,380 Total Personnel $318,718 $433,315 $487,581 $470,367 $526,]39 Supplies & Services Contractual Services Hydrant Rental $ 7,285 $ 7,670 $ 8,400 $ 8,300 $ 8,700 Communications renter ------ 11,053 11,623 11,623 19,900 Paramedics ------ ------ ------ ------ 56,000 "aciJities Expense 1,564 2,360 1,200 3,929 2,000 Office Expense 509 232 400 300 400 Departmental Expense 8,233 11,427 10,003 9,458 9,200 Transportation Expense 11,075 11,000 14,000 10,500 20,000 Training & Development 1,236 1,611 2,180 1,775 1,250 Total Supplies & Services $ 29,902 $ 45,353 $ 47,806 $ 45,885 $117, 450 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ ---- -- $ 19,822 $ 14,000 $ 14,129 $ 14,000 Office Equipment 374 207 160 100 847 Departmental Equipment 4,652 8,361 5,426 4,236 3,920 Total Capital Outlay, $ 5,026 $ 28,390 $ 19,586 $ 18,465 $ 18,767 GRAND TOTAL $353,646 $507,058 $554,973 $534,717 $66L356 BUDGET 46 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 450 FIRE PERSONNEL Three Fireman positions have been eliminated due to the severe economic situation, and this will reduce departmental manning to seven men on duty in fire suppression. Salaries for 1975-76 include annual salary adjustment as approved by the City Council. Suppl~mental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Hydrant Rental: payment to Water Works for hydrant rental. Communications Center: payment for contract dispatching service with Santa Ana. Paramedics: payment to County of Orange for paramedic service contract. Facilities Expense: provides for the department1s telephone system. Office Expense: provides for office supp!ies. Departmental Expense~ includes printing, small tools, uniforms, and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental of all departmental vehicles and equipment for operation, maintenance, and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, and memberships. CAP I TAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: provides $14,000 for the third of four payments on the new engine. Office Equipment: provides $170 for two desk-top calculators, $465 for transcribing unit, and $212 for two portab I e tape recorders. Departmental Equipment: provides $281 for lateral suction unit; $318 for camera and flash unit; $2,385 for replacement of fire hose; $294 for emergency battery lights; $276 for a 2!-inch gated wye; and $318 for light bar for pickup truck. BUDGET 47 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES DEPARTMENT 500 ENGINEERING BUDGET SUMMARY The Engineering Department is responsible for a wide scope of activities including capital improve- ment planning, project cost estimating, project engineering, contract administration, construction inspection, traffic engineering, subdivision and lot division review, zoning application review, maintenance of street and underground facility EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 map records, street dedica~ions, and technical adv'ce to the City Administrator and City Council on all subjects involving engineering. Represen- tative projects include street construction, sewer and storm drain cons~ruction, park and beautifica- tion projects, traffic signals, street lighting, sidewalks and engine~ring assistance to thp Maintenance Department. 1974-75 Budget Projection 1975-76 Request Recommended Staff 51 7 7 7 7 6 Personnel $76,906 $ 96,928 $121 ,492 $117,719 $135,423 $115,921 Supplies & Services 13,309 13,353 9,540 39,984 18,655 14,555 Capital Outlay 1,049 1,354 1,855 1,859 6,513 456 TOTAL EXPENSE $91 ,264 $111,635 $132,887 $1 59 ,562 $160,591 $130,932 TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984- 85 Staff 6 9 9 10 II 12 12 12 12 12 Budget (In $IOOOs) 124.8 193.9 209.4 240.8 274.6 802.0 317.1 355.2 376.5 399. I PROGRAM The following programs were completed in 1974-75: street widening improvements on Hitchell Street and Utt Drive adjacent to Frontier Park including storm drains on Mitchell; ~econstruction of Irvine Boulevard between "B" and Prospect; AC berm and pedestrian walkway at northeast corner of Red Hil,l and Walnut; City Center library parking lot and lighting system; modification of traffic signals on í"ed Hill at Walnut and at Sycamore; and miscella- neous drainage work at City Center. ~ther projects in addition to the concinuing pro- grams of service to the public include: completion and submittal of application for updating the City Select Street System; pre- pared maps, legal descriptions and justifica- tion proposals for four afinexations; began inventory of all traffic signal timings and establ ished nffiJ progression of Irvine Boule- vard's signal system; completed final report and recounting for the First Street and Yorba Street AHFP projects; developed minimum design standards for public works projects and updated City street improvement standard details; and continued with necessary submittals and design work on the Newport AHFP Project. BUDGET 48 CITY OF TUSTIN ENGINEERING BU!1GET DETA I L 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Actual Budget Project ;on Budget City Engineer I (1795) 1 (1825) 1 (1925) I (1925) I (2080) Asst. City Engineer 1 (1340) I (1453) I (1584) I (1584) I (1647) Associate Civil Engineer I (1297) I 0384) I (1534) I (1534) I (1595) Public Works Inspector J (1017) 1 (1084) J (1201) I (120 I) ------ Junior Civil Engineèr ------ ------ ------ ---- -- I (1 17) ) Sr. Engineering Aide ------ I (1033) I (1126) I (1126) ------ Engineering Aide/Inspector ------ ------ ------ ------ I (1062) Engineering AIde t (864) 1 (937) I (1021) I (1021) ------ Secretary I I (677) 1 (734) 1 (800) 1 (800) I (832) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -- 6 Total Positions 5t 7 7 7 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $68,399 $ 84,665 $108,745 $104,653 $101,003 Overtime 444 1,052 250 5(,9 500 Retirement & Insurance 8,063 11,211 12,497 12,497 14,418 Total Personnel $76,906 $ 96,928 $121,492 $117,719 $115,921 Suppl ies & Services Contractual ServIces $ 8,740 $ 6,820 $ 3,500 $ 32,550 $ 5,000 Office Expense 521 306 680 680 720 Departmental Expense 1,445 3,594 2,200 ' 3,655 4,260 Transportation Expense 2,l100 2,400 2,400 2,400 3,600 Training & Development 203 233 760 699 975 Total Supplies & Services $13,309 $ 13,353 $ 9,540 $ 39,984 $ 14,555 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 524 $ 871 $ 395 $ 395 $ 281 Departmental Equipment ~25 483 1,460 1,464 175 Total Capital Outlay $ 1,049 $ I, 3?4 $ J ,855 $ J ,859 $ 456 GRAND TOTAL $91,264 $111,635 $132,887 _~J59,562 $ I 30,932 BUDGET 4q BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 500 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL The position of Public Works Inspector has been eliminated due to the severe economic situation, and its responsibilities added to other positions. This has required the reclassification of the Senior Engineering Aide to Junior Civil Engineer, and Engineering Aide to Engineering Aide/Inspector. Salaries for 1975-76 Include annual salary adjustment as approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: engineering, surveying and testing services. Office Expense: provides for office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes printing and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: surveying, etc. provides for vehicle rental for those pool vehicles for the Inspector, Training & Development: memberships. attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications and CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: provides $95 for a swivel drafting chair; $43 for a coat hanger tree; and $90 for pen cleaner. Departmental Equipment: wheel. provIdes $69 for surveyor 100-foot chain; $106 for a Rolatape measuring BUDGET 50 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES DEPARTMENT 560 The Street Maintenance activity maintains, repairs and cleans public streets and related facilities so as to provide smooth, safe and attractive streets for the traveling public and to extend the useful life of these facilities. Its work includes street and alley repair, sign maintenance, center lìne and crosswalk painting, tree trimming, landscape maintenance, street sweeping, sidewalk repair, and signal maintenance. The Government Buildings Division provides for the operation and maintenance of City buildings; EXPENDITURE SUMHARY Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 MAINTENANCE BUDGET SUMMARY included are the costs of custodial services, utilities, repairs, custodial supplies, telephone service except for the separate Police and Fire telephone service charges. The Parks Divis ion maintains, cleans and ot::èrwise cares for City owned or leased park facilities so as to provide convenient, safe, and attractive facilities for the leisure time activities of the general public, and to extend the useful life of these facilities. 1974-75 Budget fr~ection Staff 21 24 24 24 Personnel $210,363 $271,121 $310,929 $301,461 SupplIes & ServIces 21,510 206,780 224,025 196,225 Capital Outlay 7,462 13,209 14,966 14,165 TOTAL EXPENSE $239,335 $491,110 $549,920 $511,851 TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1975-76 Request Recommended 27 $367,627 279,625 63, 798 $706,050 21 $317,010 234,638 8.100 $559,748 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Staff 21 37 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 Budget (In $IOOOs) 535.2 916.2 952.9 962.4 1,087.5 1,207.1 1,364. I 1,418.6 1,617.3 1,714.3 PROGRAM Maintenance Is a key factor is keeping facilities available, extending their useful life, and estab- lishing the tone for a positive community image.' In addition, this activity has landscaped each of tne existing City center islands and will landscape most of the new center Islands as well. ìhe maintenance program Is being sign ¡icantly increased by the park acquisition and develop- ment program made possible by the $1,200,000 general obligation bonds authorized by the citI- zens of Tustin. Furthermore, the maintenance workload wi 11 continue to increase as additional street mileage is constructed or annexed, and additional street center Islands are constructed. BUDGET 51 CITY OF TUSTIN MAINTENANCE BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Actual Budget Projection Budm Maintenance Superintendent, TTiT58) I ( 1255) I (1400) I ( 1400) 111 56) t-'oechan i c Foreman I (968) I (1050) 1 (1145) I (1145) 1 (1191) Maintenance Foreman I (968) 1 (1050) 1 (1145) I (1145) 1 (J 191) Tree Foreman I (968) 1 (1050) I (1145) I (I; 45) 1 (1191) Park Foreman 1 (968) I (1050) I (1145) I (1145) I (1191) Equipment Mechanic I (892) 1 (968) 1 (1055) 1 (1055) 1 (1097) Equipment Operator I (836) 2 (907) 2 (989) 2 (989) 2 (1029) Maintenance Leadman I (836) I (907) 1 (989) I (989) I (1029) Senior Custodian I (836) I (878) 1 (957) I (957) I (995) Tree Trinmer 2 (809) 2 (878) I (957) I (957) I (995) Mechanic's Helper I (771) 1 (836) I (911) I (911) 1 (947) Maintenanceman II 2 (771) 3 (836) 3 (911) 3 (911) 3 (947) Maintenanceman I 2 (734) 2 (797) 2 (869) 2 (869) 2 (904) Maintenanceman I -Parks 2 (734) 3 (797) 3 (869) 3 (869) I (904) Cus tod i an 2 (688) 2 (722) 2 (]87) 2 (787) 2 (818) Typist Clerk ------ I (604) I (658) 1 (6~8) 1 (684) Part-Time (None) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Positions 21 24 24 24 21 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $182,308 $228,239 $262,309 $254,000 $258,863 Overtime 3,133 2,612 5,000 5,000 3,000 Retirement & Insurance 24,922 34,653 43,620 42,461 55,147 Part-Time & Temporary ------ 5,617 ------ ------ ------ Total Personnel $210,363 $271,121 $310,929 $30 I, 461 $317,010 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 59,066 $ 86,215 $ 86,200 $ 65,5:0 $ 92,750 Facilities Expense 36,147 40,407 52,400 51,275 62,000 Departmental Expense 27,523 45,504 60,425 49,934 59,000 Transportation Expense 61,677 78,921 60,000 73,516 80,288 Training & Development 112 233 500 500 600 Charges to Other Accounts (163,015) (44,500) (44,500) (44,500) (60,000) Total Supplies & S~rvices $21,510 $206,780 $224,025 $196,225 $234,638 BUDGET 52 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 560 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Two Maintenanceman I positions have been eliminated due to the severe economic situation. Salaries for 1975-76 include annual sàlary adjustments as approved by the City Cc~ncil. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and Insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes $22,000 for signal maintenance and light energy; $40,000 for street repair; $14,000 for sign maintenance and striping; $ 10,000 for sidewalk construction; and $ 6,750 for other maintenance. Facilities Expense: includes utilitIes, custodial supplies and building maintenance. Departmental Expense: expenses. includes maintenance supplies, miscellaneous tools, uniforms, and other Transportation Expense: includes $60,000 for operation and repair of all City vehicles and equIpment, and $ 20,000 for rental of departmental equipment from the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: ships. attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications and member- Charges to Other .kcounts: Equipment Fund. provides for reimbursement of vehicle operation and repair costs from the CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: none. Departmental Equipment: provides $3,180 for .Intermediate size lawn mower; $2,780 for two liquid fertilizer injectors, one for Frontier Park and one for the City Center; $600 for safety equipment and ladders; $340 for two small lawnmowers; and $2,000 for vehicle radio equipment. BUDGET 53 CITY OF TUSTIN MAINTENANCE BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 Actual Actua I Budget Projection Budget ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Conti?) Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 4,221 $ ------ $ 4,611 $ 4,611 $ ------ Departmental Equipment 3,241 13,209 10,355 9,554 8,100 Total Capital Outlay $ 7.462 $ 13,209 $ 14,966 $ 14,165 $ 8,100 GRAND TOTAL $239,335 $491, nO $549 ,~2Q- _$511,851 $559,748 BUDGET 54 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJ ECTI VES DEPARTMENT 630 RECREATION BUDGET SUMMARY The Recreation Department is responsible for pro- viding a well-balanced recreational and cultural program within the budgeting I imits on a year- round basis. which will be of general benefit and interest to all Tustin area residents. The Departments avoids the duplication of recreation programs and facilities wherever possible by encouraging the efforts of and by coordinating with private groups and other public agencies. The department also works with other City depart- ments in park planning. utilization and mainte- nance. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM (Number-Attendance) Daily Summer Recreation Areas Teen Dances Held Instruction Classes Held ~ally School Year Recreation Areas Youth Excursions ~r. Citizens Exéursions Music Concerns Held Family Excursions Sports Leagues Other Activities TOTAL ATTENDANCE TEN YEAR GUIDELINE Prior History 1972-73 1973-74 3 ' 3 $35,962 $53,241 27.468 45,325 827 1,306 $64,257 $99,872 1974-75 Budget- Projection 1975-76 Reguest Recommended 3 $ 67,810 51,315 7,513 $126,638 3 $ 65,964 51,315 7,500 $124,254 3 $ 77 ,002 65,327 8,425 $150.754 3 $ 71,814 b4.260 4,041 $140,115 5- 1,200 6- I, 300 9- 2.000 7- 2,250 7- 2,550 3- 500 0- 0 5- 700 0- 0 ------ 137- 1,644 190- 2,280 200- 2,450 311- 3,810 388- 4,656 5- 1,050 6- 1,300 6- 1,300 7- 1,400 7- 1,500 9- 640 9- 650 12- 900 9- 800 9- 800 3- 180 3- 225 6- 450 4- 300 4- 300 7- 2,800 6- 3,000 15- 7,500 10- 5,500 8- 5,000 5- 275 6- 330 12- 660 9- 540 9- 540 10- 950 11- 1,150 1 3- 1,250 15- 1.550 17- 1,700 3- ---12Q. 4- 225 4- 225 5- 875 6- 1,000 9,389 ïõ:ã6õ TDi35 17,025 ï8;õ46 1981-82 7 244.3 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Staff Budget (In $IOOOs) 3 144.7 6 189.6 6 202.9 7 230.5 8 273.6 8 290.1 8 307.5 7 223.2 7 211.5 BUDGET 55 CITY OF TUSTIN RECREATION BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Actual Budget Pro j ec ~ ion Budget Parks & Recreation Director 1 (1340) I (1430) 1 (1550) 1 (1550) I (1612) Recreation Supervisor ------ I (1033) 1 (1147) 1 (114]) I (1193) Secretary I ------ ------ I (800) I (800) 1 (832) Sen ¡or Typ 1st I (645) 1 (699) Tota I Full-Time 2 3 3 3 3 Recreation Leaders 10 (2.75) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) Total Positions 12 13 13 13 13 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $19,930 $29,672 $ 41,074 $ 38,093 $ 41,731 Regular Overtime ------ 370 ------ ------ ------ Part-Time Leaders 12,912 18,859 22,000 23,452 23,736 Retirement & Insurance 3,120 4,340 4,736 4,419 6,347 Total Personnel $35,962 $53,241 $ 67,810 $ 65,954 $ 71,814 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $14,856 $34,311 $ 35,650 $ 34,800 $ 44,825 Office Expense 349 290 200 250 350 Departmental Expense 7,987 8,816 9,860 9,310 11,885 Transportation Expense 3,509 8]0 4,305 4,795 5,500 Training & Deve]opment 767 1,098 1,240 1,635 1,700 Total Suppl ies & Services $27, J-I68 $45,325 $ ~1,315 $ 50,790 $ 64,260 Capital Outlay Departmental Equipment $ 827 $ 1,306 $ 7,513 $ 7,500 $ 4,041 GRAND TOTAL $64,257 $99,872 $ 126,É38 $124,254 $ 140, lIS BUDGET 56 BUDGET COMMENTARY CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 630 RECREATION PERSONNEL Salaries for 1975-76 include annual salary adjustment as approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides $625 for teen-dance bands and concerts, and $44,200 for contract Instructors of self-supporting classes. OffIce Expense: Includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes sports and craft supplies, printing and other departmental supplIes, and $2,160 for commission fees. Transportation Expense: includes the monthly rental vehicle rental for one pool vehicle and $4,058 for excursion and beach bus rental, and $250 for vehicle mileage allowances. Training & Development: provides for professional meetings and conferences for the staff and Parks and Recreation Commission, and memberships. CAPITAL OUTLAY Departmental Equipment: provides for the following: $382 for a child's swi~g set at Frontier Park; $353 for a used piano for the Community Building; $306 for tumbling mats; and an additional $3,000 for playground equipment which benefits young children. GENERAL INFORMATION The proposed department budget of $144,682 Is funded by fees and charges to the extent of $76,300, or 52.7% of the total. BUDGET 57 ~ CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES DEPARTMENT 800 GRANT PERSONNEL BUDGET SUMMARY This activity is establ ished as a control account for grant funds which provide temporary personnel assistance to the City. The Public Employment Program (PEP) was a temporary program based on the natlon'a high unemployment and was funded on a year-to-year basis. The Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA), Title VI, is an emergency EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM START Personnel PEP Section 5 Personnel PEP Section 6 Personnel PEP Vet Demonstration PEP Vet Certificate CErA Title I CETA Title VI TOTAL employment program designed to reduce the nation1s high unemployment until such time as the economy is somewhat stabilized and strengthened. CETA Title I is a program which is designed to aid economically disadvantaged high school youths. The emphasis of the program is on training indi- viduals for future employability. Prior History 1972-73 J973-74 $166,943 26,360 1974-75 Budqet ~roiection 1975-76 Request Recommended $59,130 $------ $50,962 $------ $168,443 50 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 12,000 $59, 180 $------ $50,962 $------ $180,443 ~ 193, 303 4 11 5 3t 4 4 I 3t 5 3 6 7 23 17 27t 16 40 13t BUDGET 58 CITY OF TUSTIN GRANT PERSONNEL BUDGET DETAIL 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Actual Actual Budget Projection Budget START 4 u_--- _u--- - PEP SECTION 5 11 4 -uu- 3 PEP SECTION 6 5 1 PEP Vet Demonstration 3t 3t PEP Vet Certificate 4 5 CETA Tit I e I ------ unn -_u_- _nu- 15 Summer Program CETA Title I ------ ------ ------ 6 8 In-School --u-- u_u- n_u- 7 11 Tota I Personne I 27t 13t n_u- 16 40 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $142,000 $52,295 $------ $47,664 $148,045 Retirement & Insurance 24,753 6,835 ------ ~.2q6 20,398 Total Personnel $166,943 $59,130 $------ $50,962 $168,443 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 12,000 $------ $------ $------ $ ------ Departmental Expense 14,360 50 ------ ------ ------ Charges to Other Accounts ------ ------ ------ ------ 12,000 Total Supplies & Services $ 26.3~0 $ $------ $------ $ 12,000 Capital Outlay (None) $ ------ $------ $------ $------ $ ------ GRAND TOTAL $193,303 $--.,.--- $50,96:£ $180,443 BUDGET 59 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 800 GRANT PERSONNEL BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL The twenty-three positions shown under CETA Title I are part-time positions available only to econo- mically disadvantaged high school students. The seventeen CETA Title VI positions are full-time positions which are funded through June 30, 1976. Ten of the seventeen positions are presently filled and the balance wi II be fi lied very early in the fiscal year. The ten positions presently filled include 4 Maintenanceman Trainees, 2 Community Services Officers, I Cultural Arts Coordinator, I Research Assistant, 1 Engineering Aide, 1 Records Clerk. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Charges to Other Accounts: The $12,000 Is allowable administratIve charges utIlized to offset the overhead costs of grant administration and other related costs. BUDGET 60 \:I:f c:: 0 C') t11 ~ n :Þ ." );! V> I~ T r- n -I X 0 "'0 Z :x> 0 <: <: T X "., z -I n ~ -< 0 "r:I ~ c: (I) ~ sa H CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET OBJECTIVES The Capital Improvement Budget is a separate and equal partner to the Opera~ing Budget which must be considered in any allocation of community resources. This Budget attempts to schedule those capital improvements which benefit the public directly or which assist one or more departments to perform their missions. As a convenience, the Budget is segregated into major categories. Public Facilities (10) contains building and grounds projects. Beautification Projects (30) contains those projects of pri- marily a beautification nature and excludes those projects of a functional recreation usage. Parks and Recreation facilities (40) contains those projects of primari ly recreation or park functions, although ambiguities may TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1977-713 1976-77 1975-76 Staff &udget (In $1000s) 975.7 923.2 649.0 PROGRAM The program for 1975-76 is less then desired by the many citizen interests. 10. Public Facilities ($273,000). The land- scapIng of most of the remainder of the City Center site Is contemplated and a big start on' finally locating the Maintenance Yard in its permanent location. The Maint~nance Yard must be moved so that the Prospect Park can finally be commenced. Major decisions remain on the future of Fire Station No.1 on Third Street or its relocation which govern the extent renovation Is justified. ' 1978-79 587.0 develop as In the case of the Community Building being' categorized as a "Purlic Facility". Transportation Facilities (60) contains any project designed to facilitate the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Such projects would include street construction or major reno- vation, bridges, overpasses, bike trails, and related studies. Traffic Controls (65) contains pedestrian and vehicular traffic control devices such as signals or special lane markings. Flood Control Facilities (70) contains storm drain and flood control projects., Waste Dis- posal FacIlities (80) contaIn. any proJ8~t. related to the collection and disposal of liquid or solid wastes. . 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984- 85 654.2 351.6 206.4 313.0 ;24.4 223.5 30. Beautification Projects ($------). The delay of the Bryan and Main Street triangle will be a big disappointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission, as well as the absence of any other center island projects than the approaching Newport Avenue Project. The severely limited nature of the Operating Budget should be considered by those who feel this category has been unfairly slighted. - 40. Parks and Recreation Facilities ($200,000). The single project proposed is a big one, the Phase I Development of the park along Prospect Avenue. This project !s actually more like a BUDGET 61 PROGRA;'1 (Contld) $400,000 project because, without the movement of the Maintenance Yard, it would not be pos- sible. The disappointment of the Parks and Recreation Commission is shared by Administra- tion in that funds are not available for tennis courts, swimming pools, or certain existing park enhancements. 60. Transportation Facilities ($420,600). This seemingly adequate budget is somewhat deceiving in that it is dominated by the $386,100 budgeted for Newport Avenue, much of which Is County funding and funds carried over from 1974-75. The Red Hill RR Overcrossing Study ($11,500) represents an attempt to find the best solution to a grade separation at Red Hill which would enhance the Cityls chances of getting an at- grade connection of Newport Avenue to Edinger. Depressing the railroad may be the best solution with an added benefit of sound suppression. The reconstruction of Mitchell Avenue ($7,000) Is highly critical and the Warner Avenue Widen- ing at the railroad tracks is a prior commitment. The first (and perhaps only) year of Community Development Act funding will provide for some needed curb and stree~ work in the town center. An element missing from this category is the Bike Trail element. Specific plans, priori- ties and schedules must be developed for inclu- sion in the Ten Year Plan. 65. Traffic Controls ($52,000). Many traffic controls and control renovations are highly desirable but only two projects could find fund- ing. McFadden at Williams will actually be a larger project involving coordination Gf McFadden signals as Federal Aid Urban Streets hnds appear to be assured--making the Cityls investment go much farther. As for the New- e..., CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET port Freeway off-ramps at 17th Street, this has iong been a high-priority project which is now imminent. 70. Flood Control Facilities ($10,500). Only preliminary design work on the EI Camino Real Drain is possible--and that is through the use of Community Development Act funds.' The badly needed Bryan Avenue Drain east of Newport has no funding and yet is needed for the best possible engineering solution on Newport Avenue at Main Street. The funding of key storm drain projects Is of Increasing con- cern, and yet, I ike a leakIng roof, only gener- ates concern when it rains. 80. Waste Disposal Facilities ($------). No allocation is planned in this category, and none appears needed. Unmet Needs The City is faced with many unmet capital improvement needs and with few resources left to try on a pay-as-you-go basis. The elimina- tion of existing City services or City-paid refuse collection are a few of the alternatives. The best solution appears to be the pay-as-you- use solution, that of a bond issue. The pre- sent cl ¡mate for such a bond issue appears to be less than favorable, but advance planning should be carried out for a bond issue in approximately 12 to 18 mont1s, when hopefully the economy will be back in full swing. Bonds are the lowest cost way to secure capital improvements. Otherwise, the community must re-evaluate what they are asking the City to provide in facilities and services. Community leadership must give serious thought to these questions. CITY OF TUSTIN I SUMMARY OF PLAN BY CATEGORY 1974- 75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Bud~ Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned -.- 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES $ 511,000 $ 549,400 $116",93 $ 94,700 $ 74,000 $ 24,000 $ ------ 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 12,000 12,000 ------ 118,500 62,000 70,000 154,000 40. PARKS & RECREATION FACILITIES 310,300 293,241 225,000 51,500 45,000 170,000 80,000 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 236,650 145,623 346,560 166,000 166,500 . 151 ,200 390, 100 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 122,000 118,100 52,000 109,000 57,000 49,000 44,000 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 45,000 45,000 192,500 203,000 245¡909 lQ7 !iJQS !!9 Me SO. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES 240,000 240,000 ------ ------ .----- -----. ...--- $1,476,653 $1,403,364 $975,693 $923,200 $649,000 $587,000 ~654,200 II SUMMARY OF PLAN BY REVENUE SOURCE GENERAL FUND (GF) $ 533,488 $ 526,931 $ 1 79, I 86 $177,000 $173,000 $194,000 $305,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT (CDA) ------ ------ 39,500 84,000 126,000 REVENUE SHARING (RS) 102,512 127,400 156,907 ------ ------ GAS TAX - CITY (GT) 187,000 263,776 192,200 223,050 189 , 500 192,500 245,000 GAS TAX - COUNTY (CNTY) 17,000 ------ 37,700 20,900 ------ ------ ------ ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FUNDING PROGRAM (AHFP) 95,000 10,000 181,200 102,050 37,000 35,000 47,200 FEDERAL AID URBAN STREETS (FAU) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ BEAUTIFICATION (B) 22,000 22,000 5,000 6,000 3,500 4,000 10,000 PARK BOND FUND (PB) 275,000 229,549 ------ OTHER ------ ----- (SPß)84,000' COUNTY REVENUE SHARING (CRS) ------ ------ 100,000 UNFUNDED (Unf) ------ ------ ------ 310,200 120,000 161,500 47,000 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,476,650 $1,403,364 $975,693 $923,200 $649,000 $587,000 $654,200 BUDGET 6~ CITY OF TUSTIN 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 TEN YEAR Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned PLAN TOTALS $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 465,700 54,000 70,000 64,000 103,000 189,100 884,600 20,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ 566,500 83,400 66,700 54,700 106,900 130,300 1,740,800 45,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 376,000 149,200 64,700 99,800 98,100 200,000 I ,572, 800 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -$351,600 $206,400 $223,500 $313,000 $524,400 $5,606,400 $197,500 $ 82,700 $119,800 $133,600 $330,300 $ 877,493 249,500 156,907 130,700 11 3,200 87,000 146,200 180,100 747,450 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 58,600 19,400 5,500 12,700 25,200 ------ 465,250 ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4,000 5,000 4,000 8,000 14,000 58,500 ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 84,000 100,000 ~~, 700' $351,600 $206,400 $223,500 $313,000 $524,400 $5,606,400 BUDGET 64 CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned (AI J costs in 1975 Dollars) 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. City Center (11) Council Chambers GF $ 47.488 $ 50,000 $ $ $ $ $ RS 102,512 127,400 2. City Center (12) Landscaping, Furniture, & Carpeting GF 110,000 124,000 20,000 Telephone System GF 20,000 20,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 3. Community Building (13) At City Center GF 221,000 228,000 4. City Maintenance Yard (09) GF 10 , 000 ------ 53,093 50,000 50,000 Permanent Site on Red Hill RS ------ ------ ------ 5. Joint Fire Dispatch Facility, Santa Ana-Tustin Ci ty Share (17) Unf ------ ------ ------ 20,700 G. Stucly of Old City ¡¡¿¡II and El Camino Real (16) CDA ------ ------ 19,000 7. Fire Station No.1 Relocation (14) Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ - FIHST FIVE YE1\R TOTALS $511 , 000 $549,400 $116,093 $ 94,700 S 74,000 $ 24,000 $ ------ SECOND FIVE YEARS 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Needs unknown BUDGET 65 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 1974-75 Budget 1974-75 Expense 1975-76 Budget 1976-77 Planned 1977-78 Planned 1978-79 Planned 1979- 80 Planned 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. First St. Center Islands (14) B $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ $ $ $ $ Newport Fwy. to Prospect 2. Underground Telephone (13) Unf ------ ------ ------ 7,500 Lines Adjacent to Pine Tree Park 3. G~neral Street Lig~ting Program (16) Additional Lights, Decorative Standards Unf ------ ------ ------ 36,000 36,000 36,000 24,000 4. Newr~rt Ave. Center Island (15) GT ------ ------ ------ 69,000 Irvine to McFadden B ------ ------ ------ 6,000 5. Bryan and Main (10) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ 4,500 , Triangle r,andscaping B ------ ------ ------ ------ 3,500 6. Irvine Blvd. Center Island GT Holt to Newport ------ ------ ------ ------ 18,000 7. Red Hill Center Islands (04) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 30,000 ~T&SF RR to 950' South B ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4,000 8. Irvine Blvd. Center Island GT Pr:,spect to Holt ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 130,000 FIRST FIVE YEAR TOTALS $ 12,000' $ 12,000 $ ------ $H8,50û $ 62,000 $ 70,000 - $154,000 BUDGET 66 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 30. BEAUTIfICATION PROJECTS (Cont'd) , 9. 17th St. Center Island GT Yorba (north) to Prospect B (north) 10. Irvine Blvd. Center Island Newport to Red Hill 11. Red Hill Ave. Cente~ Island Walnut to Santa Ana Fwy. 12. Red Hill Ave. Center Island . Santa Ana Fwy. to Lance 13. Newport Ave. Center Island McFadden to Sycamore 14. Red Hill Ave. Center Island along MCAS(H) to Barranca (if annexed) SECOND FIVE YEARS TOTALS ~ Fund G'!' B GT B GT B GT B GT B CITY OF TUSTIN 1980-81 Planned 1983-84 Planned 1982-83 Planned 1981-82 Planned 1984-85 PlëJnned $50,000 $ $ $ $ 4,000 65,000 5,000 60,000 4,000 95,000 8,000 85,000 5,000 90,100 9,000 - $54,000 $70,000 $64,000 $103,000 $189,10 BUDGET 67 f,R CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 CAPITAL IHPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES B $ $ 7,430 $, $ $ $ $ 1. Frontier Park (04) PB 275,000 229,549 Development GF 53,692 2. Prospect & Irvine Park (05) SPB ------ ------ 84,000 Development CRS ------ ------ 100,000 B 10,000 2,570 5,000 GF ------ ------ 11,000 ------ ------ 125,000 3. Tennis Courts (09-11) GF 25,000 ------ 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Coop. Project with School District 4. Youth Center Improvement GF ------ ------ ------ 6,500 Partitions, block wall air conditioning 5. Magnolia Tree Park Extension GF ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 60,000 Development on ex-school site - FIRST FIVE YEARS TOTALS $310,300 $293,241 $225,000 $51,500 $45,000 $170,000 $80,000 SECOND FIVE YEARS 1980-81 1981- 82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Planned Planned Planned Planned Pl anned program to be developed. $ $ $ $ $ - SECOND FIVE YEAR TOTALS $ $ $ $ - $ BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 1974-75 1975- 76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund Budge t Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. First Street (2~) GT $ 15,000 $ 32,000 $ . $ $" $ $ Newport Fwy. to Prospect AHFP 15,000 36,300 2. Irvine Blvd. Reconstruction (30) GT ------ 50,151 "13" to Prosp~ct GF 10,000 14,522 3. Mitchell Avenue Recon- struchon (32) GF 15,000 8,000 7,000 Red Hill to 300' west of Utt 4. Newport Avenue (21) GT 80,000 ------ 136,000 102,050 Irvine to McFadden AHFP 80,000 ------ 181,200 102,050 County 17,000 ------ 37,700 20,900 5. Service Road (27) Unf ------ ------ ------ i,ooo East of School Road 6. Town Center Streets Paving and Curbs CDA ------ ------ 10,000 42,000 7. Red Hill Ave. Recon- struction & Slurry GF 4,650 4,650 Walnut to Edinger 8. Hcd Hill Ave. Widening Unf Bell to Valencia ------ ------ 9,000 9. First St. Huconstruction & Cap Prospect to Nevport GF 14,000 10. Red Hill Ave. Recon- struction (37) South of Lance Drive 20,000 11. \ilarner Avenue Widening at Red Hill Tracks GT 4,200 BUDGET 69 CA~ITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund TRN,SPORTATION FACILITIES (Cont'd) 12. Alley West of Centennial(38) GF From Centennial to First 60. 13. School Road (41) South of Sycamore 14. Valencia Avenue (34) Red Hill to RR Tracks 15. ~'1alnut Avenue (35) Fed Hill to 520' East 16. Mitchell Avenue (36) Carfax to Del ArrIO 17. Red Hill Avenue ~'1alIlut to 375' North 18. Prozpect Avenue First St. to Third St. 19. Bryan Avenue Newport Easterly 20. Williams Street (3q) Widening from McFadden to :,1ain 21. Stonehenge Drive (40) Bryan to Crom~ell Unf GT GT AHFP GF GT AHFP GT GT GT AHFP Unf 22. Firzt Street GT Newport Fwy. to City Limits AHFP 23. Yorba Street North of Norwood Park Pl. to south of Jacaranda GT AHFP 1974- 75 Budge t $ ------ CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 Expense $ ------ BUDGET 1975-76 Budget $ ------ 1976-77 Planned $ 27,500 16,000 ]977-78 Planned $ 42,000 26,000 14,000 19,000 42,000 23,000 1978-79 Planned $ 34,500 12,000 67,000 35,000 18,000 1979-80 Planned $ 18,000 12,000 18,000 11,200 70 CITY OF TUSTIN ~ 1974-75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 60. TRANSPOR'l'l\'rION FACILITIES (Cont' d) 24. Old Irvine Blvd. GT $ ------ $ ------ $ '------ $ ------ :? ------ $ ------ $ a,ooc Newport Ave. to 150' East 25. Sycamore Avenue GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 16,00C Newport to Red Hill 26. Yorba Street GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 44,OOC First St. to Irvine AHFP ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 24,00C 27. Bicycle Trails Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ projects to be determined FIRST FIVE YEAR TOTALS $236,650 $145,623 $390,100 $346,500 ,166,000 $166,500 $151,20C BUDGET ~ 71 í . '-- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Cont'd) 28. Yorba Street GT Laurie Lane to AHFP northerly City limits 29. Bryan Avenue Newport to 200 ft. east GT AHFP 30. "B" Street M¡;¡in to Second GF 31. "B" Street Main to Sixth GF 32. Laglln¡;¡ r-oad Orange to 350 ft. east of Newport GT AHFP 33. Bryan Ave. West of Stonehenge to Browning GT 34. "B" Street First St. to south of Irvine GF 35. Laguna Road Orange to 400 ft. west of Red Hill GT AlIFP 36. Second Street "A" St. to "B" St. (',F 37. California Street ~!ain to Third GF CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET 1980-81 P L:Jnned $28,700 15,400 7,000 4,000 28,300 ]981-82 Planned $ 18,000 0,500 5,500 34,700 1982-83 Planned $ 20,000 22,000 12,700 1983-84 PI anned $ 7,000 9,500 1984-85 Planned $ 72 CITY OF TUSTIN , 1980-81 Planned 1981-82 Planned 1982- 83 Planned 1983-84 Planned 1984-85 P anned CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Cont'd) 38. 'l'hird Street GF $------ $------ $------ $ 19,000 $ California to "B" St. 39. Main Street GT ------ ------ ------ 46,200 Pasadena to El Camino Real AlIFP ------ ------ ------ 25,2'00 40. "A" Street GF ------ ------ ------ ------ 17,000 Main to Second 41. Hyrtle GF ------ ------ ------ ------ 7,000 McFadden to Medallion 42. Nisson Road GF ------ ------ ------ ------ 17,000 Newport to Red Hill 43. Mountain View Drive (',F ------ ------ ------ ------ 30,500 First to south of Irvine 44. "A" Street GF ------ ------ ------ ------ 33,600 First to south of Irvine 45. "c" Street GF ------ ------ ------ ------ 25,200 First to south of Irvine - SECOND FIVE YEAR TOTALS $83',400 $66,700 $54,700 $106,900 $130,300 BUDGET 73 CArl T/¡I. I MPROVEMENT PROGRAM 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 1. Red Hillilt Warner (10) Joint Traffic Signal with County & Santa Ana 2. Red Hill Signal Interconnect (15) Cost Above TOPICS 3. Newport Fry. at Irvine (16) Joint Project with Santa IIna and State 4. Newport ùt Walnut (17) Coop. Project wid1 County 5. Red Hill at Sycamore and Walnut (18) Left Turn Phasing 6. Red Hill at Service Rd. New Installation 7. Red Hill at Bryan í19) Left Turn Phasing 8. McFadden at Williams (20) New Signal Installation 9. Newport Fwy. at 17th (23) Joint Project with State 10. Newport at Bryan (13) Signal & Widening 11. Newport at First (22) Signal Modification Fund GT GT GT GT GT GF GF Onf GT GT GT OnE 1974-75 Budget $ 9 ,000 31,000 28,000 12,000 12,000 30,000 ------ 74 CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 Expense $ 5,200 30,600 17,000 17,000 12,000 30,000 BUDGET .. 1975-76 Budge t 1976-77 Planned $ $ 24,000 29,000 27,000 25,000 27,000 24,000 1977-78 Planned $ 1978- 79 Planned $ 1979-80 Planned $ CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 CAPITAL IHPROVEHENT PROGRAM Fund Budge t Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS (Cont'd) 12. Ne~lpOrt at Irvine (24) GT $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 25,000 $ $ Signal Modification 13. Newport at Holt GT ------ ------ ------ ------ 27,000 New Signal Installation 14. Main at El Camino Real GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 25,000 Signal Modification (26), 15. 17th St. at Yorba ~ C¡¡rroll \'¡ay G'l' ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 19,000 Sign¡¡l Modification 16. First at Tustin (21) Unf ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 23,00 Signal Modification 17. Newport at Sycamore GT ---,.-- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 16,00 New Installation 18. .Installation of Raised Reflective Markers GT ------ ------ ------ 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,00 21. Pedestrian Overpass Design GF ------ 6,300 Red Hill and Walnut (25) - FIRST FIVE YEAR TOTALS $122,000 $118,100 $ 52,000 $109,000 $ 57,000 $ 49,000 $ 44,000 III BUDGET 75 76 CITY OF TUSTIN 1980-8] 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned TRAFFIC CONTROLS (Cont'd) 18. Installation of Raised GT $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Reflective Markers, a continuing program 19. Irvine at "A" St. GT 27,000 New Installation 20. Irvine at Old Irvine GT 13,000 Signal Modification SECOND FIVE YEAR TOTALS $45,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 BUDGET CAP ITAL IMPROVnlENT PROGRAM 70. Fund FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 1. Red Hill-Barranca Channel (08) GF Cooperative EDA Project 2. El Camino Real Drain (11) Laguna to First 3. Bryan Avenue Drain (12) Pine Tree Park to Preble 4. Red Hill Avenue Drain No.2 (13) Hi tchell to Walnut 5. Irvine Blvd. Drain (16) East of Holt 6. 17th Street Drain (17) Yorba to 1000' East 7. Sycamore Street Relief Drain (21) at School Road CDA GF RS Unf Unf Unf Unf Red Hill Ave. Drain No.3(18) Un! First St., Bryan to White Sands 8. 9. Red Hill Storm Drain Valencia to Edinger 10. Stonehenge Drive Drain (19) Bryan to Cro~lell 11. McFadden Ave. Drain (20) Williams to 1400' West GF Unf Unf 1974-75 Bud9~_t . $ 45,000 77 CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 Expense $ 45,000 BUDGET 1975-76 Budget $ 10,500 25,093 156,907 1976- 77 Planned $ 42,000 92,000 13,000 42,000 14,000 1977-78 Planned $ 126,000 84,000 35,000 1978-79 Planned $ 47,500 60,000 1979-80 Planned $ CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 1974-75 1975- 76 1976-77 1977- 78 1978-79 1979-80 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund Budget Expense Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned -- 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES (Cont'd) 12. Venta Storm Drain GF $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $225,000 AT&SF RR to Walnut FIRST FIVE YEAR TOTALS $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $192,500 $203,000 $245,000 $107,500 $225,0001 SEC~ND FIVE YEARS 1980- 81 Planned 198'1-82 Planned 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 Planned 1981\-85 Planned (See attached) BUDGET 78 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 70. Fund FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES (Cont'd) 13. ~ßin St. Drain GF El Camino Real to "B" St. 14. Sixth St. Drain El Camino Real to Pacific 15. Main St. Drain Preble to Prospect 16. Prospect Ave. Relief Drain First to Irvine 17. Laguna Road Drain Red Hill to 1500 ft. west 18. Amaganset Ave. Drain Acacia Dr. to Brookline 19. Pacific St. Drain Sixth to l1ain 20. Mitchell Ave. Drain Browning to 1350 ft. west 21. Tustin Meadows Nuisance Water Drain SECOND FIVE YEAR TOTALS GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GP 79 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET 1980-81 Planned $ 46,200 103,000 ------ $149,200 1981-82 P]anned $ 29,000 35,700 $64,700 1982-83 Planned $ 73,500 26,300 $99,800 1983-84 Planned $ 32,000 66,100 $98,100 1984-85 Planned $ 200,000 $200,000 CITY OF TUSTIN 1974-75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 CAP ITAL IHPROVEI1EIH PROGRAM Budge t JJ<Ecnse Budget Planncd Planned P1 anned Planned ao. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES 1. Tustin-Orange Trunk SevIer (02) SMT $240,000 $240,000 $ --'---- $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ Joint Project with District TOTAL ~'¡ASTE 'DISPOSlIL FACILITIES $240,000 $240,000 $ ------ $ ------ $ -.---- $ ------ $ ------ SE~OND FIVE YEARS 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 Planned 1984-85 Planned 1980-81 Planned 19'81- 82 Planned Needz unknown 80 BUDGET