HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-78FY BUDGET z ¡:: VJ :J .... co I"- <T\ VI UJ 0 U ~ lL. 0:: 0 > <:( UJ ex:: w liJ :z ~ w :I: >- => VI I- --, 0:: ...J (.!) ...J 0:: <:( 0 <:( 0 U 0:: e... lL. VI l"- e... I"- U lL. <T\ <:( :z => ::E >- ...J => --, .... ¡.o.¡ e,:¡ 0 :J ~ r.r.. 0 >- .... Ü _..-. CITY OF TUSTIN THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: With the submittal of the budget we have developed the policy and planning document that will con- tinue the course of growth and enjoyment of quality life in the City of Tustin which began as an incorporated City in 1927. The cover for this budget depicts the original corporate limits of that City which involved a total of 500 people in an area of approximately one-third square mile. As of this date the City has reached a population of 32,650 residents covering an area of over eight square miles. Significant elements in this growth was the addition of the Marine Corps Air Station (H) last year and a recent annexation of several major commercial areas and an excess of 400 acres of agricultural preserve land belonging to the Irvine Company. This population and area growth has been supplemented by a very healthy economic growth, which has progressed from an estimated 700,000 assess value in 1927 to an estimated $120,000,000 in 1977. can be developed and an emphasis on efficiency in all areas of operation. The department heads that constitute the working cadre for the City Council and the citizens devote extensive time to stay alert to advances in technology and economize wherever practical. In keeping with this spirit, this budget includes the addition of only one personnel position. This position is really a reversion to the previous concept of having a Chief Building Official and a separate Assistant Planning Director. An attempt to combine that position this year revealed that the scope of this combined position could not effectively be covered by one individual. Considering that the significant portion of our revenues come from the Community Development Department and the building activity itself, it is important that we properly address these two sub-areas and insure that adequate personnel support is provided. Servicing the needs of a growing community is not an easy task particularly in light of rising costs and a necessary concern for all individuals to select the priorities for their personal funds but yet yield the maximum return to themselves and their community. In keeping with that concern, the budget that has been proposed is a balanced budget which requires no increase in tax rate. This is made possible through as many fiscal economies as A new feature of the City's scope of activities this year is the development of redevelopment authority. A proposed budget has been included for this authority which shows the potential ex- pense for funds which may exceed the anticipated redevelopment incl'emental funding. This type of budgetting is necessary since it is important that we create sufficient debt to insure that all of the incrementa"' funding due the authority is received. The redevelopment authority will have BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN to establish its priorities and implement them in accordance with the actual increment funds that are received. We can anticipate receiving a good share of those increment funds and they have been budgetted to accomplish a number of important capital programs within the redevelopment district. In addition to the redevelopment authority, we have a significant number of capital items that have been proposed. The total dollar value for those items is approximately 1.7 ~illion dollars. It is a well balanced capital program that includes almost every element of the Cities normal capital improvement categories. A few of the more significant capital programs are listed as follows: 1. $150,000 to complete the new maintenance yard. $214,000 to complete Phase I and initiate some Phase II development on Columbus- Tustin Park. 2. 3. $50,000 to complete some miscellaneous expenses on the Newport" Avenue project and $66,000 to provide for center island landscaping. $70,000 is included to relocate the Fire Station #1 and to move the portable buildings to the location at Columbus- Tustin park for recreation purposes. 4. 5. A new funding category has been established for the major maintenance needs in the street areas. i i 6. Funds are included for the installation of the El Camino Real storm drain. 7. Funds have been included to provide installation and/or modification of signals at seven inter- sections. The above list only represents a summary of some of the more interesting and significant capital improvements. Detailed analysis and study of the budget will reveal that a number of other important projects are included, but the desire to be brief in this letter precludes the complete listing. Sources of revenue to fund this budget and the growth and continued progress of the County, come from a number of vehicles. The property tax, an important source represents less than a quarter of the total revenues received. The other areas include license and permits, fines, interest earned on funds themselves and a significant portion comes from other outside agencies. If it were not for the assistance from other agencies such as the County, State, Federal Government, almost half the budget would be unfunded. The staff has worked to avail the City of these extra sources of revenue and has been successful through our relationship with those agencies to obtain these necessary funds. Examples of those funds have been Maintenance Yard Grant received last year, the continuation of General Revenue Sharing this year, the State Bond Act approved by the voters, and passed through on a formula basis by the County, the Arterial Highway Funding Program of the County, County Revenue Shari ng, State Subventi ons and Grants, and the Federal Comprehensive of Employee Training Program. Generally, however, subventions have increased reflecting an upturn in the economy and a growth in population. Recent annexations have affected the growth in population BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN ( ¡ i I and have brought in a new sales tax areas. We predict that we will continue to have a growth in new construction and construction permits for at least the next year. As property tax has been limited by the existing SP 90 law, we are only growing in this area as a result of increases in assess valuation. As indicated, we do not place the major reliance for our budget on the property tax~ Sevent-five percent of the budget comes from other sources. As a summary to the revenue side, we have projected modest growth and those sources are funds of which are closely attend to the health of the economy. We can anticipate reasonable growth in the next year. We have also began to benefit from some of the recent annexations and are receiving increased revenues from those areas. This does not necessarily balance off the needs for services in those areas but at least it reflects an increase in our total overall revenue. And, finally, if not for our other sources of revenue, and our direction from Council to avail ourselves of these opportunities, we would not be able to support and develop the program included in this budget. In conclusion, the proposed budget is a well balanced program for efficient operations and essential services. It also incl udes a reasonable growth for the continuation of quality life in the City of Tustin. All this has been made possible without a proposed increase in the tax rate. Upon submittal of this budget, I wish to express my appreciation to the department heads that have provided their input and worked carefully to project those needs and programs that can be efficiently and economically provided through their department personnel. In addition, I wish to extend my appreciation to Mr. Blankenship, who com- piled and balanced the proposed budget and to my secretary and other members of the support staff that made possible the production of this document. With these introductory comments, transmitted herein is the budget developed by your staff for your review and consideration. It anticipated the needs of the fiscal year 1977-1978, the 50th Anniversary of the incorporation of the City of Tustin. BUDGET i i i ( Section I - General Organization Chart Bas i c City Data Definition of Terms Section II - Recapitulation and Ten Year Budget Recap of Annual Budget Annual Budget Summary Annual Budget Fund Distribution Ten Year Budget Recapitulation Section III - Revenues Summary of Revenues Revenue Deta ¡I Fund Accounting Explanation Revenue Accounts Explanation Section IV - Personnel Summary of Positions Salary Range Number by Classification Monthly Salary Range Schedule Section V - Exgenditures Activity Structure Expenditures Expenditures by Cat~gory ¡ i l - CITY OF TUSTIN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 15 18 22 23 26 27 28 28 Section VI - Oper¡¡ting Budget Activity Structure Expenditures Expenditures by Category Section VI - Operating Budget Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Pol ice Fire Engineering Maintenance Recreation Grant Personnel Redevelopment Agency Section VII - Capital Improvement Program Capital Improvement Budget Summary of Plan by Category Summary of Plan by Revenue Source Capita] Improvement Program Section VIII - Redevelogm~nt Agency Budget Redevelopment Agency Budget Recap Page 27 28 28 29 32 35 38 41 45 49 52 56 59 62 64 66 66 67 79 BUDGET z ¡:: VJ ::J .... r.r.. 0 >- .... ü :z a l- t..> lLl VI ...J ~ w :z w (.!) .... ¡:,.¡ e,:¡ '" :J ~ ORGANIZATION CHART PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION IJ" I LiCENSE AND l I PERMiT BOARD I I ! RECREATION " I CITY ATTORNEY C'TY OF TUSTIN l -ELECTORATE- CITY OF TUSTIN ~ITIZENS I OF TUSTIN I -LEGISLATIVE- I MAYOR CITY COUNCIL I -ADMINISTRATIVE AND ADVISORY- CITY ADMINISTRATOR I C~Ù~ I -STAFF RESPONSIBILITY- I I COMHUNITY ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPt~ENT POLICE SPECIAL DISTRICTS LI ß RARY LIGHTING SEWERS FLOOD CONTROL -OPERATIONS,AND SAFETY- ENGINEERING l-1l1 I NTENANCE -COORDINATION AND COOPERATION- CONTRACT SERV ICES REFUSE COLLECTION ANIMAL CONTROL DISTRICT ATTORNEY HEALTH SERVICES ASSESSOR PRIVATE UTiliTIES ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS TELEPHONE WATER I ¡ BUDGET PLANNING COt'H11SSION TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8/75 CITY OF TUSTIN BASIC DATA 1977 Founded in 1868, incorporated as General Law City September 21, 1927. GENERAL 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Area of City (sq. miles) 3.12 3.40 3.47 3.55 4.4 4.5 4.56 4.61 7.5 8.1 Assessed Valuation (in millions) $27.0 $32.4 $41.8 $53.4 $58.5 $69.0 $77.1 $89.9 $106.4 $128.9 General Property Tax Rate Per $100 A. V. $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 $0.932 $0.96 $0.9955 $0.96 Fire Insurance Classification 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 Population 13,400 18,300 22,750 24,100 25,650 25,874 26,957 28,050 31,644 33,000 Registered Voters 4,798 6,304 6,822 7,861 9,138 13,238 12,238 9,272 9,676 13,074 Housing Units 6,000 6,825 8,915 10,278 10,278 10,902 11,549 12,564 12,700 12,976 Retail & Trade Outlets (Taxable Sales) 314 332 360 429 488 493 528 528 540 589 Miles of Sewer Service 19.47 28.6 34.2 35.0 36.0 37.1 37.5 41.8 42.2 43.5 Miles of City Streets 36.39 37.9 46.5 47.4 47.9 51.5 54.8 58.9 60.5 67.7 Arter i a 1 5.02 5.0 12.5 13.1 13.1 15.8 16.4 17.3 17.8 23.6 Local 31.37 32.9 34.0 34.3 34.8 35.7 38.4 42.1 42.7 44.1 Miles of City-owned Alleys 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 City-owned Buildings 6 6 7 7 9 11 10 14 14 14 Parks Maintained 2 3 "4 4 5 6 7 9 9 9 Signal ized Intersections 18 18 21 24 28 31 32 33 34 40 City Vehicles (Total) 22 25 37 40 47 56 58 60 61 63 General -- -- 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 Fi re 5 5 5 5 8 9 9 9 9 10 Pol ice 9 10 11 11 14 20 22 22 22 22 Maintenance 8 10 12 15 16 18 18 19 20 20 Regular Employees per 1000 Population 5.80 4.93 4.01 3.72 4.36 5.05 5.19 4.91 4.03 3.96 Per Capita Cost - Normal Operations $107.57 $95.08 $73.10 $80.05 $80.16 $112.85 $112.31 $114.76 $125.45 $133.47 BUDGET 2 CITY OF TUSTIN DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Budget: A comprehensive plan, expressed in financial terms by which an operating program is effective for a given period of time. A performance budget is one which is based upon the work or service to be accomplished. An object account budget is one in which funds are budgeted for specific items of expenditure. The budget of Tustin is basically an object account budget, but incorporating the principles of performance budgeting. A. Prel iminary: The budget recommended by the City Administrator to the City Council for their consideration. B. F ina 1: The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. 2. Fund: A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accord- ance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent accounting entity. A. Genera I: A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. B. Special: Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under existing regulations. 3. Personnel: 4. Supplies and Services: 5. Ca2~LQu_tla'i: The number of, and salaries paid to City employees. Expenditures for departmental operations and related expenses. Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years. 6. Cap jt¡¡j imp rove men ts: Major improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition, buildings, street construction, and related facilities. 7. Salary Adjustment: Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. 3 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN DEFINITION OF TERMS 8. Appropriation: 9. Revenue: 10. Account Series: 11. Activity: Funds authorized to be expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, department, or group of services. The title of a particular account series. BUDGET 4 z ¡:: VJ ::> .... ,. õ >- .... ü I- w z (.!) 0 0 ¡: => <XI c'¡; :z ...J 0:: 0 => <:( I- w I- >- u e... w <:( :z V1 u W UJ I- 0:: 0 z <:( .... ¡.o.¡ e,:¡ 0 :J ~ CITY OF TUSTIN RECAPITULATION OF 1977-78 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1977-78 FUND BALANCES ON 6/30/77 Personne 1 $3,160,548 General Fund $ 148,034 Supplies & Services 1,365,330 Traffic Safety Fund --------- Capital Outlay 79,304 Revenue Sharing 35,042 Gasoline Tax Fund 13,061 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $4,605,182 Sewer Main Trunk Fund 67,356 Beautification Fund 11,130 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Grant Personnel Fund 12 BUDGET $1,676,677 Park Bond Fund 112,408 Civic Center Bond Fund 80,234 TOTAL (BUDGETED) $6,281,859 Redevelopment Agency Fund (7,000) TOTAL (ESTlt1ATED) $ 460,'¿JJ BUDGETED RESERVE 431,936 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1977-78 $6,253,518 TOTAL $6,7H,795 TOTAL $6,713,795 The purpose of this chart is to recapitulate the 1977-78 Budget by showing that the appropriations for 1977-78, plus the budgeted reserve or ending fund balances (shown on the left side of the page). equal the beginning fund balances, plus the estimated revenues for 1977-78 (shown on the right side of the page). L BUDGET t; CITY OF TUSTIN ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY ESTIMATED 1976-77 BUDGETED 1977- 78 BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE ON 6130/76 REVENUE EXPEND ITURES ON 6/30/77 REVENUE APPROPRIATIONS ON 6130/78 GENERAL FUND $ 40.721 $4.542,689 $4,435,376 $148,034 $4.413,493* $4.433.676 $127.851* TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ------ 110,000 110.000 ------ 115,000 115,000 ------ REVENUE SHARING FUND 40.658 168,160 173,776 35,042 170,000 205,000 42 GASOLINE TAX FUND (14,899) 593,874 565,914 13,061 544,225 544,325 12,961 SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 17,356 50,000 ------ 67.356 2.000 ------ 69,356 BEAUTIFICATION FUND 3,780 36,000 28,650 11,130 34,000 45. 130 ------ GRANT PERSONNEL FUND 12 190,000 190.000 12 180,000 180,000 12 PP,R K BOND FUND 59,218 387,528 334,338 112,408 354,300 336.088 1 30,620 CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND 76,193 75,081 71,040 80,234 90,500 79,640 91,094 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND ------ ------ 7,000 (7,000) 350,000 343,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $223,039 $6.153,332 $5,916.094 $460,277 $6.253,518 $6,281,859 $431.936 *Includes $42,700 from Equipment Fund to General Fund. I NTERNAL FUNDS EQU 1 Pt1ENT FUND $ 77,333 $ 148,540 $ I 50 , 600 $ 75,273 $ 151,640 $ 135,120 $ 9 1 , 793 HEALTH BENEFIT FUND 9,635 120,000 125,000 4,635 150,000 145,000 9,635 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 73,747 90,000 45.000 118,747 90,000 50,000 158.747 The pur~()se of this chart is to rec"p by Fund both the 1976-77 Combined Operating and Capital Improvement Budget as pro- jected to the year's end,~nd the 1977-78 Combined Operating and Capital Improvement Budget as recoc,"cnded. One feature of this chart shovls the Fund balances as contained in the Auditor's Report for June 30, 1976, the fund balances after the 1976-77 Combined Budget projections, and the anticipated Fund balances after the 1977-78 prel iminary budget. At the bottom of the chart is a recap of Internal Revolving Funds, the Equipment Fund and the Worker's Compensation Trust Fund. Equipment Fund "revenues" are charges to the department for "rental" of vehicles and equipment, and "expenditures" or "appropriations" are reimbursements to the General Fund for the purchase of replacement equipment and the direct cost of vehicle operations (propane, gasoline, oil and wash) and repairs (not including City labor). Worker's Compensation Trust Fund "revenues" are charges to the departments in lieu of Insurance premiums, and "expenditures" are administrative, reinsurance, legal, medical and disability expenses of the worker's compensation program. THe Health Benefit Fund is similar to the Worker's Compensation Fund with the purpose to fund health and dental costs. BUDGET '6 CITY OF TUSTIN FUND DISTRIBUTION 1977-1978 OPERATING BUDGET CAPITAL GENERAL PUBLIC PUBLI C OPERATING IMPROVEMENT GRAND FUND GOVERNt~ENT SAFETY WORKS RECREATION TOTAL BUDGET TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 915,552 $2,173,046 $639,963 $175,738 $3,904,299 $ 529,377* $4.433,676 TRAFFIC SAFETY --------- --------- 115,000 ------- 115,000 --------- 115,000 REVENUE SHARING --------- --------- -- ----- ------- --------- 205,000 205,000 GASOLINE TAX --------- --------- 148,025 ------- 148,025 396,300 544,325 SEWER MAIN TRUNK - --------- --------- ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- BEAUTIFICATION --------- --------- 45,130 -- ----- 45,130 --------- 45,130 GRANT PERSONNEL 180,000 --------- ------- ------- 180,000 --------- 180,000 PARK BOND 107,088 --------- ------- ------- 107,088 229,000 336,088 CIVIC CENTER BOND 79,640 --------- ------- -- ----- "79,640 --------- 79,640 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 26,000 --------- ------- ------- 26,000 317,000 343,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,308,280 $2,173,046 $948,118 $175,738 $4,605,182 $1,676,677 $6,281,859 Percentage 100.mb 36.4% 136.4 % of Operations 28.4% 47.2% 20.6% 3.8% Percentage 2.8% 73.3% 26.7% of Grand Total 20.8% 34.6% 15.1 % 100.0% The purpose of this chart is to show the source of funds which finance the basic functions of the City's Budget for the 1977-78 Fiscal Year. The Capital Improvement Budget column identifies the source of funds used to finance the Capital Improvement program while the Operating Total column performs the same function for the Operating Budget. General Government includes Legislation, Administration, Community Development, Non-Departmental, Grant Personnel, Bond Retirement, and Redevelopment Agency. Public Safety includes Police and Fire. Public Works includes Engineering and Maintenance. Recreation includes only the Recreation Department. *Includes $42,700 loan from Equipment Fund for Maintenance Yard Equipment. BUDGET 7 CITY OF TUSTIN TEN YEAR BUDGET RECAP I TULATI ON PAST FUTURE 1973~74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-71 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985- 86 AS5_UHPT IONS Population (1000) 26.95 27.0 28.5. 29.8. 33.00 33.60 34.30 35.00 35.60 36.30 37. 00 38.00 38.00 Land Area (sq.miles) 4.56 4.75. 4.82 6. IS 6.21 6.37 6.47 6.56 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 6.90 . Assessed Valuation($mJ1)$ 77.10 86.33 106.4 119.2 133.5 149.5 167.5 179.2 191.8 205.2 219.6 234.9 251.4 Inflation Rate 9.7% 12% 12% 8.0 6.0' 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 REVENUE ESTIMATES ($1,000) Proper tv Tax-Genera I 686.3 874.5 1,032.3 1,180.0 1,321. 7 1,480.1 1,658.3 1,774. I 1,898.8 2,031.5 2,174.0 2,325.5 2,488.9 -Debt SVC J 34. 3 153.4 186.0 181.4 186.2 181. I, 20 I. a 105.7 190.4 185.0 179.6 174.1 178.4 Sales & Use Tax 1.030.0 1.110.3 1,244.6 1,345.0 1,452.0 1,568.0 1,694.0 1,829.0 1,975.0 2,133.0 2,304. a 2,488.9 2,637.0 Ne" Construction Tax 194.6 82.5 100.0 110.0 . 110.0 120.0 110.0 100.0 100.0 55.0 65.0 70.0 100.0 "Construction Permits 130.7 105.0 105.0 105.0 120.0 150.0 120.0 105.0 105.0 60.0 72.0 105.0 105.0 State Apportionments 643.7 647.0 672.4 742.0 757.0 774.0 788.0 805.0 819.0 836.0 853.0 875.0 901.0 Vehicl<¡ Code Fines 155.7 110.0 110.0 110.0 116.0 122.0 128.0 134.0 147.0 148.0 155.0 163.0 170.0 Revenue Shar I ng 92.3 112.6 156.9 73.0 --- ConC1unitv Dev.Act --- --- 39.5 84.0 126.0 Other Revenues 796. I 496.4 1,004.9 478.0 466.0 441. 0 471.0 493.0 518.0 544.0 576.0 605.0 641.0 TOTAL REVENUES 3,889.4 3,861.7 4,651.6 4,408.4 4,654.9 4,836.5 5, i70.3 5,345.8 5,753.2 5,992.5 6,378.6 6,805.6 7,221.3 Less.Restricted 427.5 (301) (261) (284) (201) (201) (217) (218) (221) (224) (227) (232) (235) NET AVAI LABLE-OPERATlONS3,461.9 3,380.7 4,390.6 4,124.4 4,453.9 4,635.5 4,953.3 5,127.8 5,532.2 5,768.5 6,151.6 6,573.6 6,986.3 . Percentage Increase 9% 115% . 20% (5.5%) 5.5% 3.9% 6.9% 3.3% 7.6% 4% 6.4% 6.6% 6% OPERATING EXPENOITURES ($1,000) Legislation 98.7 97.4 109.0 119.9 127.5 137.3 145.5 154.3 165.5 173.5 185.9 195.0. 208.7 Staff 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Administration 152.3 150.3 156.5 192.3 206.7 228.0 236.3 250.5 264.6 281.5 298.4 316.3 335.3 S ta f f 7 8 7 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Community Development 178.8 205.9 226.9 197.0 212.8 225.6 256.4 271.8 288.1 305.4 323.7 343.1 363.7 Staff 11 11 II 9 9 9 10 16 10 10 10 10 10 Non- Oepartmenta' 161.8 142.8 115.4 205.3 220. I 231.1 245.8 257.2 271.5 286.6 302.6 319.5 327.5 Debt ServIce 134.3 153.3 186.0 181. 3 . 186.2 181.3 201.0 105.7 190.3 184.9 179.5 174.0 178.4 Po lice - 975.3 1,128.8 1,153.4 1,333.9 1,437.8 1,521.0 1,619.7 1,707.8 1,819.7 1,912..7 2,037.1 2,158.5 2,287.2 Staff 56 56 53 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 65 65 Fi re 507.1 554.9 662.3 802.5 871.4 919.8 964.6 1,021.5 1,066.9 1,145.9 1,205.8 ,1,277.7 1.354.0 Staff 28 28 25 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Engineering 111.6 132.8 130.9 151. 1 164.3 169.9 189.6 211. I 227.9 240.3 249.4 264.3 280.1 Staff 6 7 6 6 6 6 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 Maintenance 491. 1 '549.9 559.7 697.1 776.3 834.7 ~¡j3.5 948.4 1,004.1 1,063.1 1,1'25.7 1,119.2 1,262.4 Staff 24 24 22 26 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 31 Recreation 99.9 126.6 140.1 173.5 186.7 198'5 207.8 222.9 235.7 249.2 263.6 278.8 294.9 ' Staff 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. TOTAL DEPARTMENTS 2,898.6 3.242.7 3.440.2 4.053.9 4,389.5 4,647.2 4,950.2 5,151.2 5.534.3 5,843. I 6.171.7 6.519.2 6.892.2 Staff 138 141 131 141 145 148 ,,' 151 154 156 157 158 160 .160 Genera 1 Purpose Rev. Available 563.3 138.0 950.4 70.5 64.4 0.1. 7) 3.1" (23.4) (2.1) (74.6) . (20; I) 54.4 94.1 BUDGET 8 CITY OF TUSTIN PURPOSE This chart represents staff estimates of future revenues using such variables as past history, assessed valuation, population, proposed growth and inflation as predicators. The expenditure guidelines are listed as approved by the City Council in November of 1975. Annually these revenue estimates and expenditure guidel ines will be reviewed and revised as necessary. The Ten Year Budget provides a guideline for realistic planning, improved budgeting, and sound financial management. REVENUES Property Tax General: Debt Service: Sales and Use Tax: New Construction Tax and Construction Permits: State Apportionments: Vehicle Code Fines: Total Revenues: Less Restricted: EXPENDITURES GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AVAILABLE Includes all funds as well as homeowner and business inventory tax relief reimbursements. Anticipates a constant $1.00 tax rate with assessed valuation going up 12% per year until 1980-81 and 7% thereafter. Based on actual needs of Park and Civic Center Bond issues. The debt service tax rate is expected to decrease over the ten year period from approximately 18ç to 12ç/$100 AV. Increased due to anticipated inflation increases of 6%. Based on estimates of New construction and development. Increases based upon population growth. Increases based upon population gr~lth. Excludes Grant Personnel Fund which is not regularly available and Sewer Main Trunk Fund as this is not a "useable"revenue for projects other than sewer lines. Revenues restricted for capital improvements include Gas Tax Section 2106, Arterial Highway Funding Program, Federal Aid Urban Streets, Community Development Act, and County Revenue Sharing allocations. Departmental estimates include increases based on assumed rate of inflation. Staff refers to full-time employees within the departments. This reflects a surplus or deficit in potential operating revenuesaft~r revenues which are restricted to capital improvements are subtracted and 9perating expenditures are subtracted. Any surplus is therefore available to help establish an adequate Operating Reserve or support the Capital Improvement Program. BUDGET 9 z ¡:: VJ :J E-< r.r.. 0 >- t: u :z 0 I- u w VI VI W => ;z: w > w cr:: .... .'.1 CJ 0 :J ~ CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF REVENUES Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 COURSE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Project ion Budget - Property, Sales and Other Tax $2,433,135 $2,755,981 $3,025,665 $2,964,199 $3,679,190 Licenses and Permits 121,967 J22,000 95,000 J31,OOO 105,000 Fines & Forfeitures 133,487 120,000 132,000 123,500 129,000 Use of Money & Property 92,135 35,120 94,850 48,237 62,700 Revenue From Other Agenc i es 902,212 1,515,762 2,067,398 2,623,003 2,066,358 Current Service Charges 41,893 89 ,60O 109,000 1 J9, 179 148,000 Other Revenue 109,935 52,300 37,250 144,214 20,570 TOTALS $3,834,764 $4,690,763 $5,561,163 $6,153,332 $6,210,818 l BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE DETAil Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 SOURCE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Project ion Budget GENERAL FUND Property Tax 1110 Secured $ 712,198 $ 880,759 $1,053,000 $1,040,000 $1,144,000 1111 Unsecured 47,200 68,380 81,770 91,000 95,000 1112 Delinquent 7,439 8,823 8,820 9,000 9,000 1200 Franchise Fees 81,965 94,419 99,000 107,526 115,990 1310 Sales & Use Tax 1,099,491 1,194,376 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,480,000 1320 Business License Tax 78,673 98,547 100,000 103,000 103,000 1340 New Construction Tax 82,685 94,422 80,000 105,000 ]57,000 2150 Construction Permits 82,560 97,535 80,000 115,000 91,000 2160 Street & Curb Permits 31,985 10,002 10,000 12,000 10,000 2190 Other license and Permits 7,422 1,507 5,000 4,000 4,000 3120 Non-Traffic Fines 10,624 16,173 12,000 13,500 14,000 3190 Forfeitures & Penalties ------ 100 ------ ------ ------ 4110 Interest-General Fund 29,951 19,714 15,000 19,000 31,000 4112 Interest-Sewer Fund ------ 5,045 2,000 ------ ------ 4120 Other Interest 2,584 471 1,000 2,037 2,000 4130 Rents 2,914 11,024 10,000 18,000 18,000 5110 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 11,688 14,576 16,500 16,000 17,000 5120 Motor Vehicle License Tax 240,635 274,431 337,275 341,000 370,900 5140 Homeowners Tax Relief 57,216 69,842 61,440 75,000 80,000 5141 Business Inventory Tax Relief 18,643 27,923 25,000 31,000 30,000 5150 Trailer Coach In-lieu Tax 15,611 14,754 22,000 9,700 10,000 5160 Cigarette Tax 107,553 119,622 140,469 120,000 132,000 5170 Hwy Carriers License Tax 3,671 2,264 3,160 2,500 3,296 5390 County Grants Other ------ 40,777 206,000 ------ 206,000 5530 Federal Grant PWA ------ ------ 860,341 860,341 5580 Federal Grant EDA ------ 12,197 ------ ------ 5590 Fedecol 'co" CDA u__n 39,500 84,000 2,963 81,037 J" BUDGET -- 11 CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1976- 77 1977- 78 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Budget GENERAL FUND (Cont'd) 6110 Planning Fees $ 2,652 $ 9,518 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 6,000 6115 Subdivision Fees 200 823 1,000 2,500 1,000 6125 Sale of Maps & Publications 484 787 500 600 500 6130 Street Construction (657) ------ ------ 2,257 10,000 6133 Street Reimbursement ,090 867 1,000 300 20, 300 6135 Parkway Tree Fees 7,840 6,095 5,000 ------ 500 6140 Weed Abatement 706 516 500 2,422 500 6145 Recreation Fees 71,622 90,748 91,000 91,000 105,000 6150 Bus Fares 1,969 2,134 ------ 1,200 ------ 6165 False Alarm Fees ------ 210 ------ 2,400 2,200 6190 Other Current Charges 10,191 7,326 5,000 6,500 6,500 7110 Sale-City Property ------ 4,820 56,000 200 1,000 7120 Sale-Unclaimed Property 4,538 1,221 2,000 1,338 1,570 7140 Contributions 365 ------ ------ 9 ------ 7150 Park land Dedication Fees ------ ------ 12,396 12,396 5,000 7180 Damaged City Property 124 1,230 250 4,000 1,000 7190 Sundry Revenue 31,855 _8, ° 76 15,000 8,000 10,000 TOTAL $2,865,687 $3,351,553 $4,808,421 $4,542,689 $4,370,793 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 3110 Vehicle Code Fines $ 122,863 $ 115,449 $ 120,000 $ 110,000 1 115,000 REVENUE SHARING FUND 4110 Interest $ 101 $ ------ $ 500 $ ---- -- $ 5510 Revenue Sharing 119,148 168,161 ' 168,160 168,160 1 70 , 000 TOTAL $ 119,249 $ 168,161 $ 168,560 $ 168,160 $ 170,000 STATE GASOLINE TAX 4110 Interest $ 3,743 $ 4,519 $ 5,000 $ 4,000 $ 5,000 5210 Section 2J06 132,359 138,251 151,400 J61,500 1 72 ,600 5220 Section 2107 117,042 122,701 136,098 137,630 142,025 5230 Section 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5240 Gas Tax Topics 4,708 ------ ------ ------ ------ 5570 Federal Aid Urban Hwy. ------ ------ 144,700 ------ 144,700 BUDGET 12 CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Budget STATE GASOLINE TAX (Cont'd) 5310 County Grants of State Gas Tax $ 19,820 $ 92,699 $ 284,744 $ 284,744 $ 73,900 7110 Sale of Property ------ 14,828 ------ ------ ------ TOTAL $ 283,672 $ 378,998 $ 727,942 $ 593,874 $ 544,225 SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 4110 Interest $ 15,926 $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ - ----- 7130 Sewer Connection Fees 18,849 37,294 20,000 50,000 2,000* TOTAL $ 34,775 $ 37,294 $ 20,000 $ 50,000 ~ 2,000* BEAUTIFICATION FUND 4110 Interest $ 101 $ ------ $ 150 $ ------ $ 1330 Real Property Transfer Tax 28,995 35,737 28,500 36,000 34,000 TOTAL $ 29,096 $ 35,737 $ 28,650 $ 36,000 $ 34,000 PARK BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured $ 95,079 $ 97,747 $ 95,000 $ 95,000 $ 100,000 1111 Unsecured 6,301 7,589 9,640 9,703 10 ,000 1 ì 12 Del inquent 991 979 1,355 1,000 1,100 4110 Interest 4,608 508 2,000 2,000 2,500 4130 Rents 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 5140 Homeowners Tax Rel ief 7,639 7,751 5,895 7,000 7,500 5141 Bus iness Inventory Tax Re 1 i ef 2,489 3,099 2,600 2,854 3,000 5190 State Grant-Park Bonds ------ - ----- 84,000 84,000 107,000 5330 County Grant-Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 66,508 ------ 116,500 116,500 107,000 State 56 174 Funds ---- -- ------ ------ ------ 15,000 .'. Prior to 1977-78, City received 75% of Sewer Connection Fees for trunk line extensions within City. Thereafter, City received 5% of such fees for unrestricted use (after completing payoff of outstand- ing obligations to County Sanitation District No.7). BUDGET 13 ( CITY OF TUSTIN ! Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 I 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Project ion Budget PARK BOND FUND (Cont'd) 7110 Sale of City Property $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 7,500 $ 7140 Cant. From Nov. Govt. Source ------ ------ ------ 1,000 7180 Recovery Dmg. City Property ------ ------ ------ 59,771 - TOTAL $ 184,815 $ 118,873 $ 301,690 $ 387,528 i 354,300 CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured $ 89,697 $ 61,352 $ 59,500 $ 60,000 $ 72,000 1111 Unsecured 5,945 4,763 7,345 6,090 7,200 1112 Delinquent 935 615 880 880 900 4110 Interest 31,007 2,491 2,000 2,000 3,000 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Relief 6,756 4,865 4,320 4,320 5,400 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief 2,798 1,945 1,600 1,791 2,000 TOTAL $ 137,138 $ 76,031 $ 75,645 $ 75,081 1 90,500 GRANT PERSONNEL 5325 PEP Section 5 $ 14,444 $ 5,722 $ ------ $ ------ $ 5355 Anit-Recession Grant ------ ------ ------ 12,800 5390 County Grants Other ------ 490 ------ ------ 5395 CETA Title VI .38,644 133,785 185,000 157,500 160,000 5396 CETA Title I 4,381 28,329 18,592 19,700 20,000 TOTAL $ 57,469 $ 168,326 $ 203,592 $ 190,000 $ 180,000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1119 Property Taxes- Increment $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 350,000 GRAND TOTAL $3,834,764 $4,450,422 $5,561,163 $6,153,332 $6,210,818 BUDGET ]4 FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION GENERAL FUND Fund 01 Approximately seventy percent of all monies received by the City is deposited into the Genera! Fund, and is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of Gen- eral Fund monies is received from property and sales taxes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fund 02 Revenues derived from fines imposed upon con- viction of misdemeanor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bail which has been forfeited by persons violating the Code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety Fund. State law prohibits the use of monies in this Fund for pol ice officer compensation. REVENUE SHARING FUND Fund 05 Federal revenue sharing aid to cities and counties for a five-year period became effective December 1972. This initial pro- gram has been extended for a 3-3/4-year period, to October 1980. Distribution of monies is based on a formula of population, iocal tax effort (rate), and average per capita income. GASOLINE TAX FUND Fund 10 Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code are distri- buted to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gaso- line Tax Fund. Monies so received must gen- erally be expended for the construction of the State-approved "select aid system" of streets, or for maintenance. CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND Fund 20 Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this Fund. Prior to ]976-77, monies were distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. Since June ]977, 95% of all fees are distributed to the District, and 5% are credited to the City for administration and unrestricted use. This Fund will be eliminated when outstanding obligations are fulfilled. CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND Fund 30 Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from Rea] Property Transfer Taxes are deposited into Beautification Fund. The Fund is used to finance the construction and maintenance of beautification projects of the City. GRANT PERSONNEL FUND Fund 39 A separate accounting Fund has been established to record the collection and disbursement of monies from other governmental agencies which support additional employees and related costs for specific programs. An example of these pro- grams is the Comprehensive Employment and Train- ing Act. Such programs are for limited periods and the employees involved are employed only so long as the funds are provided. PARK BOND FUND Fund 40 Proceeds of the $1,200,000, twenty-year General Obl igation Park Bond Issue approved by the CITY OF TUSTIN r FUND ACCDUNTING EXPLANMIDN . PARK BOND FUND (Cont'd) Fund 40 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Fund 55 ! citizens in 1971 were deposited and expended A separate internal fund has been established I in this Fund. Additional revenues restricted to self-fund the recurring costs of statutory I to park purposes are also occasionally depos- payments under the Workers' Compensation Law ited into this Fund. Such monies are for on-the-job injuries and occupational ill- : restricted to park acquisition, park improve- nesses. Departments are charged a "premium" . ment, and related purposes. The Fund is also based on normal insurance rates (adjusted by used to control revenues and expenditures the Fund's experience) and applied to that relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. department's payroll. Expenses of the Fund include medical claim payments, disabil ity claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, legal expenses, and other expenses. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. This same fund is used to fund the self-insured retention portions of the City's liability and property insurance program. CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Fund 41 Proceeds of the $950,000, twenty-five year General Obligation Civic Center Bond Issue approved by the citizens in 1972 were depos- ited into this Fund. These monies were restricted to construction of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Centennial Way. The Fund is now used solely to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. HEALTH BENEFIT FUND Fund 53 A separate trust fund has been established to self-fund the routine cases of employee health and dental care. Departments are charged a "premium" based on employees and coverage within the department. Expenses of the fund include paid claims, administra- tive costs, reinsurance costs, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an account- ing transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. ~... COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT FUND Fund 59 The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency is a separate agency established by the City Council. The City Counci I sits as the Redevelopment Agency's governing body. Income of the Agency may consist of Tax Increment Bond proceeds, property tax increments from the County Tax Collector, rents, proceeds from sale of property, interest, and other sources. Expenditures are for redevelop- ment purposes within a defined redevelopment area. EQU I PMENT FUND Fund 70 A separate internal accounting Fund has been established to provide adequate reserves with BUDGET 1" FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION EQUIPMENT FUND (Cont'd) Fund 70 which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehi- cles and equipment which provides for replace- ment, operational expense, and repairs. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. 7 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION PROPERTY TAXES 1110, 1111, 1112 NEW CONSTRUCTION TAXES 1340 General law cities may set a one-dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, addi- tional property taxes may be established by cities for bonds and tax overrides by elec- tion process, and special adjustments due to inflation and population growth. New residential and other construction is taxed by ordinance effective October 1972. The proceeds go to the General Fund to sup- port the increased cost of municipal ser- vices generated by the new development. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2150 Franchises for operations within the City, for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, water, cable television, and refuse col- lection companies. Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. FRANCHISE TAX FEES 1210,1211,1212,1213 STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS 2160 CITY SALES AND USE TAXES 1310 A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent and is State-collected. OTHER LICENSES AND PERMITS 2190 The City Business License Ordinance es tab 1 i shes the annua IIi cense fee cha rged to all categories of businesses operating within the City. Perm it fees are charged for a license to operate taxicabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other pur- poses. BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 1320 FINES AND FORFEITURES 3110, 3120 Established by Ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty~seven and one-half cent tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. Includes Vehicle Code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eight-five per- cent of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the excep- tion of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES 1330 BUDGET 18 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4110 STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 5140, 5141 (Cont'd) Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, City Beautification, Park Bond, and Civic Center Bond Fund s. Inventory tax exemptions. TRAILER COACH FEES 5150 Primarily interest received on delinquent property tax payments. Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one-third each to schools, counties, and cities. OTHER INTEREST 4120 RENTS 4130 CIGARETTE TAXES 5160 Rent received for use of City buildings and property, primarily the Clifton C. Miller Community Center. A three-cent tax per pack of cigarettes, established October 1, 1967, is State- collected, and is distributed to cities, one- half on the basis of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of popu I a t ion. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES 5110 Fees paid annually to and distributed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and based on location of the licensed facility, 90% of which is returned to the City. Does not include the excise tax on sale of bev- erages collected by the Board of Equalization. HIGHWAY CARRIERS BUSINESS LICENSE 5170 State-collected business license fees on high- way carriers in lieu of City business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 5120 STATE GRANTS 5180 Is in lieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants from the State Office of Traf- fic Safety are included in this category. STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5210, 5220, 5230, 5240 Payments by the State to the City in lieu of property taxes on Homeowner and Business State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construc- tion and maintenance, primarily of non-local streets. STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 5140, 5141 BUDGET 19 ( ¡ REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION COUNTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5310 Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of Countywide benefit. FEDERAL GRANTS 5510 Grants from the Federal government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category. PLANNING FEES 6110 Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. SUBDIVISION MAP FEES 6115 Include subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 6125 ^ charge is made for City maps and repro- duction of documents distributed to pri- vate individuals. STREET CONSTRUCTION 6130 Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET STREET REIMBURSEMENT 6133 Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. PARKWAY TREE FEES 6135 Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of parkway trees by the City. WEED ABATEMENT 6140 Assessment charges made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property. RECREATION FEES 6145 Fees for the Summer Recreation and other recreation programs, charged to partially offset the cost of services. BUS FARES 6150 Charges made to users of the City public transportation system. FALSE ALARM FEES 6165 Service charges made to businesses, etc., having excessive false alarms on burglary and robbery alarm systems. 20 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION OTHER CURRENT CHARGES 6190 PARK LAND DEDICATION FEES 7150 Charges made to the public for special ser- vices including police protection at special events and required installation of street signs in new developments. Fees required from subdividers of resi- dential property in lieu of providing park land and facilities for future resi- dents. Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 7110 Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. SALE OF BONDS 7170 SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 7120 Not a true revenue account. Proceeds from the sale of bonds--money borrowed to be paid from additional property taxes over twenty to twenty-five years. Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY 7180 A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and con- nected to the City's sewer system. Prior to 1977-78, 75Z was retained by the City for Trunk Main extensions and 25% was paid to the Sanitation District. Since that time, 5% is retained by the City for administrative expense and the balance returned to the District. Collections from insurance companies and private property for damage to City property such as vehicles, parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc. SEWER CONNECTION FEES 7130 SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE 7J90 Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this accoun t. CONTRIBUTIONS 7140 Donations and contributions paid to the City for specific or general purposes. BUDGET 21 z ¡:: VJ :J .... ». 0 >- .... ü z 0 I- u w VI ...J w z :z 0 VI a: UJ e... .... ¡¡.¡ e,:¡ 0 :J ~ > Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Building Regulation Pol ice Fire Engi neer i ng Ma i n tena nce Recrea t i on Tota I Permanent ~ Less Elected & Attorney Adjusted Total Per 1000 Population Temporary Positions* Crossing Guards Po 1 ice Reserve Fire Volunteers Recreation Safety & Traffic Accident Reduction Team Adjusted AI] Positions Per 1000 Population City Population 1971-]2 Actual 11 5 5~ 4 44 19 5~ 20 3 Ti6 7 Tõ9 4.25 I. 28 0.90 0.48 2.23 4.00 1 17.89 4.60 25,b50 CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 1972-73 Actual 1973-74 Actua 1 1974-75 Actua 1 1975-76 Ac tua I 1976-77 Ac tua 1 II 7 9 .c~ 55 25 6 22 3 D8 7 T3T 4.09 4.52 4.76 140.28 4.38 32,000 1977-78 Budget 1.1 7 10 .'..'- 55 25 6 22 3 139 7 132 4.00 6.54 5.40 J43.94 4.36 33,000 Budgeted man-year equivalents of City positions, based on 2,080 work hours per year per position (other than Fire personnel, on shifts). Adjusted totals include all full-time and part-time, but exclude elective City Council and City Clerk and appointed City Attorney. J. 11 5 5~ 4 52 27 5~ 21 2 f33 7 T26 4.87 11 7 6 5 56 28 7 24 3 TIi7 7 140 5.19 -- II 8 6 11 7 II 1.60 1.06 0.97 3.08 4.00 I. 60 0.90 0.46 3.67 5 56 28 7 24 3 TIi8 7 T4l 4.95 .'..'. 53 25 6 22 3 T38 7 ~ 4.30 136.71 5.28 145.63 5.40 3.21 0.72 . 0.30 4.06 3.21 0.72 0.30 4.06 25,E75 2b,957 149.29 5.24 139.29 4.57 2~ÓO 29~"BOO ** Building Regulation was absorbed into Community Development in the 1975-76 Budget. BUDGET ?? CITY OF TUSTIN SALARY RANGE NUMBER BY CLASSIFICATION 1. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS - UNCLASSIFIED Position 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977 - 78 Classification Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual City Administrator 2500 2667 2667 2500 2750 3000 Asst. City Administrator 1795 1958 2125 2210 2431 2575 Police Chief 1629 2012 2000 2080 2288 2550 Asst. City Admin. (Com. Dev.) 1795 1958 2125 2210 2431 2528 City Engi neer 1795 1885 1925 2080 2288 2450 Fire Chief 1526 1629 1775 1750 1960 2100 Parks & Recreation Director 1340 1430 1550 1612 1773 1844 Maintenance Superintendent 1158 1255 1400 1456 1650 1733 Chief Deputy City Cìerk 1033 1102 1200 1248 1373 1428 City Attorney ~(a) 200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 City Clerk (b) 150 150 150 150 150 150 II. MANAGEMENT OFFICERS - CLASSIFIED Administrative Services Mgr. (Lt.) 1340 1430 1587 1650 1650 1888 Operations Manager (Lt.) 1340 1430 1587 1650 1815 1888 Investigations Manager (Lt.) -- -- ---- ---- 1650 1815 1888 Operations Officer (Fire) 1318 1430 1587 1650 1815 1888 Asst. City Engineer 1340 1453 1584 1647 1812 1884 Fire t~arshal ---- ---- ---- 1650 1812 1884 Assoc./Traffic Engineer 1297 1407 1534 1595 1755 1825 Asst. Director of Planning 1297 1407 1534 1595 ---- 1812 Building Official 1362 1453 1575 1638 ---- 1812 Supervisor-Poìice (Sgt.) 1216 1297 1440 1483 1631 Fire Captain 1196 1255 1393 1428 1571 1634 Asst. to the City Administrator ---- ---- ---- ---- 1443 1576 Asst. Maintenance Superintendent ---- ---- ---- ---- 1376 1431 Accounting Coordinator ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1404 Assistant Personnel Direcotr ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1400 Asst. Director of Recreation 984 1033 1147 1193 1312 1364 Maintenance Foreman 968 1050 1145 1191 1310 1362 III. GENERAL EMPLOYEES - CLASSIFIED Police Agent 1102 1158 1282 1320 1452 Pubìic Services Assistant 1067 1158 1262 1312 1443 1501 fa? Plus Legal Fees b Salary established by electorate BUDGET 23 CITY OF TUSTIN I I 1. GENERAL EMPLOYEES - CLASSIFIED (cont'd) Position 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 Cl ass ifi cati on Actual Actual Actua 1 Actual Actua 1 Actua 1 Building~~pec;DJr---- 1017 1139 1242 1292 1421 1478 Fire Engineer 1067 1120 1221 1239 1388 1444 Police Officer 1050 1120 1221 1258 1384 Jr. Ci vi 1 Engi neer ---- ---- ---- 1230 1353 1407 Eng. Aide/Inspector ---- ---- ---- 1115 1288 1362 Fireman 1000 1050 1145 1162 1303 1355 Equipment Mechanic 892 968 1055 1097 1207 1255 Planner I ---- 953 1039 1081 1189 1237 Equipment Operator 836 907 989 1029 1132 1177 Maintenance leadman 836 907 989 1029 1132 1177 Community Services Officer ---- ---- 882 917 1009 1049 Senior Custodian 836 878 957 995 1095 1139 Tree Tri mmer - 809 878 957 995 1095 1139 Recreation Coordinator ---- ---- 957 995 1095 1139 Planning Aide ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1099 Administrative Secretary 784 850 927 ---- ---- 1099 Engineering Aide ---- ---- 911 947 1042 1084 Maintenanceman II 771 836 911 947 1042 1084 Communications Officer 758 809 898 934 1027 1068 Deputy City Clerk 746 809 882 917 1009 1049 Maintenanceman I 734 797 869 904 994 1034 Secretary II 711 771 840 874 961 999 Records Administrator ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 999 Secreta1^Y I 677 734 800 832 915 952 Senior Account Clerk ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 951 Custodian 688 722 787 818 900 936 Maintenance Trainee ---- ---- 787 818 900 936 Senior Typist 645 699 762 792 871 929 Records Clerk ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 886 Intermediate Typist Clerk 614 666 726 755 831 864 Account Clerk ---- ---- ---- 755 831 864 Typist Clerk 557 604 658 684 752 782 Maintenance Aide ---- ---- ---- ---- 657 '-, - BUDGET 24 CITY OF TUSTIN IV. PART-TIME AND TEMPORARY - HOURLY WAGE Position 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 Cl ass Hi ca ti on Actua 1 Actual Actua 1 Actual Actual Actual Reserve Police Officer 4.97 5.32 5.00 -0- -0- -0- Volunteer Firefighter 3.00 3.12 3.15 -0- -0- -0- Recreation leader 2.75 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 Crossing Guard 2.25 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.65 2.75 BUDGET 5 r-- CITY OF TUSTIN CURRENT SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE I RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E I NVMBER Hourly Monthly Houri y Monthl~ Ho~ Monthly ~ Monthly ~ Monthly 1930 9.1615 1588 9.6173 1667 10.1019 1751 10.6038 1838 11.1346 1930 I 1815 8.6135 1493 9.0462 1568 9.4962 1646 9.9750 1729 10.4712 1815 1812 8.6019 1491 9.0288 1565 9.4846 1644 9.9577 1726 10.4538 1812 1755 8.3308 1444 8.7462 1516 9.1846 1592 9.6404 1671 10.1250 1755 1631 7.7423 1342 8.1288 1409 8.5327 1479 8.9596 1553 9.4096 1631 1571 7.4538 1292 7.8288 1357 8.2212 1425 8.6308 1496 9.0635 1571 1452 6.8942 1195 7.2346 1254 7.5981 1317 7.9788 1383 8.3769 1452 1443 6.8481 1187 7.1942 1247 7.5519 1309 7.9269 1374 8.3250 1443 1421 6.7442 1169 7.0846 1228 7.4365 1289 7.8058 1353 8.1981 142/ 1385 6.5712 1139 6.9000 1196 7.2462 1256 7.6096 1319 7.9904 1385 1384 6.5712 1139 6.9000 1196 7.2404 1255 7.6038 1318 7.9846 1384 1374 6.5192 1130 6.8481 1187 7.1885 1246 7.5519 1309 7.9269 1374 1353 6.4212 1113 6.7442 1169 7.0788 1227 7.4365 1289 7.8058 1353 1313 6.2308 1080 6.5423 1134 6.8712 1191 7.2115 1250 7.5750 1313 1312 6.2250 1079 6.5365 1133 6.8654 1190 7.2115 1250 7.5692 /312 1310 6.2192 1078 6.5308 1132 6.8538 1188 7.2000 1248 7.5557 . 1310 1299 6.1673 1069 6.4731 1122 6.7962 1178 7.1365 1237 7.4942 1299 1288 6.1154 1060 6.4212 1113 6.7385 1168 7.0788 1227 7.4308 1288 1232 5.8500 1014 6.1385 1064 6.4442 1117 6.7673 1173 7.1077 1232 1227 5.8212 1009 6.1154 1060 6.4212 1113 6.7442 1169 7.0788 1227 1207 5.7288 993 6.0173 1043 6.3173 1095 6.6346 1150 6.9635 1207 1189 5.6423 978 5.9250 1027 6.2192 1078 6.5308 1132 6.8596 1189 1132 5.3769 932 5.6423 978 5.9250 1027 6.2192 1078 6.5308 1132 1095 5.1981 901 5.4577 946 5.7288 993 6.0173 1043 6.3173 1095 1060 5.0308 872 5.2846 916 5.5442 961 5.8269 1010 6.1154 1060 1042 4.9442 857 5.1923 900 5.4519 945 5.7231 992 6.0115 1042 1027 4.8750 845 5.1173 887 5.3769 932 5.6423 978 5.9250 1027 1009 4.7885 830 5.0308 872 5.2788 915 5.5442 961 5.8212 1009 994 4.7192 818 4.9558 859 5.2038 902 5.4635 947 5.7346 994 961 4.5635 791 4.7885 830 5.0308 872 5.2788 915 5.5442 961 915 4.3442 753 4.5577 790 4.7885 830 5.0250 871 5.2788 915 900 4.2692 740 4.4827 777 4.7077 816 4.9442 857 5.1923 900 871 4. 1365 717 4.3385 752 4.5577 790 4.7885 830 5.0250 871 831 3.9462 684 4.1423 718 4.3500 754 4.5635 791 4.7942 831 752 3.5712 619 3.7500 650 3.9346 682 4.1308 716 4.3385 752 Step increments are 5%. Permanent employees normally start at Step A and are el igible for Step B after six monthsat A, and for each succeeding step after one year at the previous step. BUDGET 26 z ¡:: VJ :J .... ¡,¡,. 0 >- .... ü VI > lLI 0:: :z :::> 0 I- ¡- <::> u :z lLI lLI V'I e... X w .... ~ C) 0 :J ~ - CITY OF TUSTIN '\ , ( ACTIVITY STRUCTURE OPERATING BUDGET: General Government 200 210 260 330 Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Departmental Publ ic Safety 440 450 Pol ice Fire Public Works 500 560 Engineering Maintenance Recreation 630 Recreation Grants 800 Grant Personnel Redevelopment 900 Redevelopment Agency CAPITAL BUDGET: 10 30 40 60 65 70 80 Public Facilities Beautification Projects Parks and Recreation Facilities Transportation Facilities Traffic Control Projects Flood Control Facilities Waste Disposal Facilities BUDGET I I J REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET: 27 CITY OF TUSTIN EXPENDITURES ---- Prior History 1976-77 1977- 78 OPERATING BUDGET 1971¡-75 2975-7§. ßudqd Projection ~?~ Appi"ovcd Act i v i ty Legislation $ 111,333 $ 140,556 $ 127,175 $ 128,728 $ 139,590 $ 136,457 Administration 161,086 164,162 185,449 199,961 217,439 205,547 Community Development 203,571 196,301 193,830 196,987 242,837 232,932 Non-Departmental 411,381 457,403 431,326 44z,018 499,628 527,344 Po 1 ice 1,063,764 1,143,44; 1,313,013 1,311,813 1,431,620 1,378,391 Fi re 549,130 61¡0,561 715,322 708,362 919,315 794,655 Engineering 157,325 130,340 168,002 170,311 201,995 187,792 Maintenance 579,212 551,948 635,812 615,778 805,796 760,326 Recreation 126,637 145,938 169,015 174,682 217,595 175,738 NORMAL OPERATIONS $3,363,439 $3,570,652 $3,938-;91!4 TI:94~ $4,675,815 $4,399,182 Grant Personnel $ 43,5 ¡ 3 $ 172,778 $ 203,592 $ 190,000 $ 1S0,OOO $ IS0,000 Redevelopm~nt Agency $ --_n- $ ------ $ ------ $ 7,000 $ 16.000 $ 26,000 TOTAL OPERATIONS $3,406,952 $3,743,430 $4,142,536 $4,145,640 $4,871,815 $4,605,182 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $1,576,721 $ 767,603 ß359,539 $1,770,454 $1,676,677 GRANO TOTAL $4,983,673 .$4,511,033 $5,502,075 $5,916,094 $6,28) ,859 1977-78 BY CATEGORY OPERAT II~G BUDGET Personnel Supplies & Services Cap ita I ~ 1977-78 Tota 1 Activity Legislation Administration Community Development Non-Depar~nenta¡ Po 1 ice Fire Eng i neer i ng Ma i ntenance Recreation $ 92,253 160,242 211,002 41,000 1,231,183 611,791 139,917 388, 1 32 93,528 $2,969,048 $ 175,000 $ 16,500 $3,160,548 $ $ 42,102 44,425 20,350 1.83,944 135,849 160,529 39,575 343,350 80,706 $1,350,830 $ 5,000 $ 9,500 $ 2,102 880 1,580 2,400 11,359 22,335 8,300 28,844 ~ $ 79,304 $ $ $ 79,304 $1,676,677 $1,755,981 136.457 205,547 232,932 527.344 1,378,391 794,655 187,792 760,326 175,738 $4.399, 182 $ l80,000 $ 26,000 $4,605,182 $1,676,677 i§..281,~~ NO~~AL OPERATIONS Grant Personnel Redevelopment Agency $3,160,548 $1,365,330 $ __un $1,365,330 TOTAL OPERATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS G RAND TOTAL BUDGET 28 z ~ VJ :J .... ÇJ.. 0 >- .... ü I- UJ (.!) 0 > => CO :z 0 (.!) z I- u I- CD <:( VI 0:: w e... 0 .... ... 0 0 :J ~ ( I t CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES DEPARTMENT 200 LEGISLATION BUDGET SUMMARY The City Council is the legislative and pol icy- making body of the City. Such activities are accom- plished through the adoption of ordinances or City laws, the adoption of policy resolutions, the approval of contracts and agreements, the approval of the City's Annual and Ten-Year Budgets, and the review of the City's General Plan. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 4 $ 71,936 39 , 397 $111,333 4 $ 74,942 65,614 $140,556 PROGRAM The legislative function is responsible for the adoption of policies and legislation to better service the community and to guide the City staff in this critical period of community development. Pub! ic safety, departmental organizational studies, TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1979-80 4 145.6 1976-77 4 120.0 1977-78 4 129.6 1978-79 4 137.3 Staff Budget (i n $10005) The City Council is assisted in its legislative function by the City Clerk, who is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City, and by the City Attorney, who performs all routine legal services for City officials and departments. This activity encompasses four activities: .City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, and Elections. 1976-77 Budget Projection 1977-78 Request Approved 4 $ 86,945 40,230 $127,175 4 $ 86,945 41,783 $128,728 4 $ 90,886 46,902 1,802 $ 1 39 , 590 4 $ 92,253 42,102 2,102 $136,457 alternative methods of providing City services, and architectural and land use standards are areas of special concern. The adoption of a revised City Code during the 1976-77 Fiscal Year was a partic- ular landmark. 1980-81 4 154.3 1981-82 4 165.6 1982-83 4 173.5 1983-84 4 185.9 1984-85 4 195.1 1985-86 4 208.8 BUDGET 29 CITY OF TUSTIN LEGISLATION BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Request Approved Chief Deputy City Clerk 1 (1200) 1 (1248) 1 (1373) 1 (1373) 1 (1373) 1 (1428) Deputy City Clerk 1 (882) 1 (917) 1 (1009) 1 (1009) 1 (1009) 1 (1049) Business License Clerk ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 (915) ------ Senior Typist 1 (]62) 1 (]92) 1 (871) 1 (871) ------ I (929) Typist Clerk 1 (658) 1 (684) 1 (]52) 1 (]52) 1 (]52) 1 (782) Total Full-Time 4 4 4 4 4 4 Counc ¡¡men 5 (210) 5 (210) 5 (21O) 5 (210) 5 (210/263) 5 (210/263) City Clerk 1 (150) 1 (150) 1 (150) 1 (J 50) 1 (150) 1 (150) City Attorney 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 ( 1000) 1 (1000) Tota 1 Pos it ions 11 11 11 11 11 11 - ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $ 40,278 $ 42,700 $ 47,808 $ 47,808 $ 48,588 $ 50,254 Elected or Part-Time 26,303 26,330 26,400 26,400 27,200 27,400 Overtime 68 236 ------ ------ ------ ------ Retirement & Insurance 5,287 5,676 12,737 12,737 15,098 14,599 Total Personnel $ 71 ,936 $ 74,942 $ 86,945 $ 86,945 $ 90,886 $ 92,253 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 20,273 $ 35,950 $ 21,500 $ 20,493 $ 20,300 $ 15,500 Off ice Expen se ------ 75 100 100 100 100 Departmental Expense 3,353 8,825 1,200 1,088 1,200 8,200 Transportation Expense ------ ------ ------ ------ 100 100 Training & Development 7,498 9,502 8,730 9,000 10,002 10,002 Legal Advertising 7,983 ------ 6,000 7,000 7,000 ------ Membersh i ps ------ 236 200 200 200 200 Elections & Annexations 290 11,026 2,500 3,902 8,000 8,000 Total Suppl ies & Services $ 39,397 $ 65,614 $ 40,230 $ 41,783 $ 46,902 $ 42,102 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 1,802 $ 2,102 GRAND TOTAL $111,333 $140,556 $127,175 $128,728 $139,59~ 1116,457 BUDGET 30 CITY OF TUSTIN ( BUDGET COMMENTARY LEGISLATION PERSONNEL No personnel changes have been included in the Budget. Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. salaries increase to $262.50 per month after the March election. Council Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: include the services of the City Attorney and other legal counsel over and above the services covered by the monthly retainer. 1976-77 included $10,000 budgeted, but only $1,000 actual expense, for preparation of the City Code. This was more than offset by increased legal services. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes printing and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: includes mileage for use of employee vehicles. Training & Development: includes $6,300 for Council expenses, $2,300 for City Council, $902 for City Clerk meetings and conferences, and $500 for hosting Orange County Division of League and 50th Anniversary Old Settlers Picnic. Legal Advertising: includes publication of ordinances and notices. Memberships: includes City Clerk memberships. í I l Elections: includes cost of regular and special elections (March 1978 is a Council election date), plus the costs of annexation elections. CAPITAL OUTLAY Departmental Equipment: provides $1,802 for a more adequate postage metering machine, and $300 for a portable dictating unit for the Mayor. BUDGET 31 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 210 ADMINISTRATION BU DG ET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The City Administrator is appointed by the City Council as the chief administrative officer of the City--responsible for the implementation of Council policy and the supervision of all municipal activi- ties. He advises the Council on the financial con- dition and needs of the City, on the improvement of City services, and on the long range development of the community and its environment. The City Administrator's staff accomplishes many of EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSES 7 $121 , 830 38,828 428 $ I 6 I ,086 7 $117,319 45,570 1,273 $ 164, 162 PROGRAM Annexations, spheres of influence, community pro- motion, community relations, exploration of alter- native methods to provide efficient and effective City services, and adequate financial planning to support those services, continue to be areas of TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1977-78 9 206.7 1978-79 1979-80 1976- 77 9 192.4 10 228.0 10 236.4 Staff Budget (in $IOOOs) the centralized responsibilities in the area of finance, personnel, municipal research, procedures analysis, purchasing and budget studies. The department is also responsible for studies on the appl ication of modern management techniques; use of computers, microfilming, and information systems; the efficient and economical operation of the City organizations; and assisting other departments with special problems. The activity encompasses the activities of the City Administrator's Office and Administrative Management. 1976-77 Budget Projection 1977-78 Reguest 6P2roved 7 $143,674 40,785 990 $185,449 10 $ ! 72 , 809 43,750 880 $217,439 7 $160,2!¡2 44,425 880 $205,547 7 $143,674 55,713 574 $199,961 major concentration. Development of parks, con- tinued refinement of ten-year capital improvement and operating programs, implementation of the new Maintenance facility and the Redevelopment Agency also represent areas of prime consideration. 1980-81 1982-83 1983-84 1985- 86 1984-85 1981-82 10 250.6 10 264.6 10 281.5 10 298.4 10 335.3 10 316.3 BUDGET 32 ADMlt~ STRATI ON BUDGET DETA I L PERSONNEL SCHEDULE City Administrator Asst. City Administrator Asst. to City Administrator Asst. Personnel Director Secretary, Administrative * Personnel Aide Accounting Coordinator Sr. Account Clerk Account Clerk Intermed. Typist Clerk Total Positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Education Incentive Overtime Retirement & Insurance Total Personnel Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services Off i ce Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay Office Equipment GRAND TOTA,L CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1976-77 1977- 78 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Requêst Approved 1 (2667) 1 (2500) 1 (2750) 1 (2750) 1 (2750) 1 0000) 1 (2125) 1 (2210) 1 (2431) 1 (2431) 1 (2431) 1 (2575) I (1145) I (1249) 1 (1443) I (1443) 1 (1443) I (1576) ------ ------ ------ I (1400) 1 (1400) 1 (1400) I (927) I (964) 1 (961) 1 (961) 1 (961) I (1099 )": I (882) 1 (917) 1 (1009) ------ ---- -- -- ---- ------ ------ --- --- 1 (1059) 1 (1350) 1 (1404) 1 (822) 1 (917) 1 (1009) ------ I (914) 1 (951) ------ 1 (755) 1 (831) 1 (831) 1 (831) I (]26) ------ ------ ------ 2 (831) 7 7 7 7 10 7 $109,421 $102,482 $123,384 $123,384 $146, 197 $135,632 ------ 1,042 1,600 1,600 1,300 1,300 186 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 12,223 13,795 18,690 18,690 25,312 23,310 $121 , 830 $117,319 $143,674 $143,674 $ 1 72 ,809 $160,242 $ 30,915 $ 37,949 $ 33,000 $ 47,413 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 ----- 275 450 450 400 400 1,612 808 1,200 500 1,100 1,100 4,740 3,574 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,561 2,964 3,135 4,350 4,250 4,925 $ 38,828 $ 45,570 $ 40,785 $ 55,713 $ 43,750 $ 44,425 $ 1,273 $ 1,273 $ 990 $ 574 $ 880 $ 880 $ 161 ,086 $164, 162 $185,449 $199,961 $217,439 $205,547 *Classification re-established 7/1/77. BUDGET :3 CITY OF TUSTIN ( BUDGET COMMENTARY ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL The three positions requested are clerical and accounting positions, two of which will be funded through an anticipated CETA program for the next year (see Grant Personnel). During 1976-77, the Personnel Aide position was upgraded to Assistant Personnel Director. The Accounting Supervisor is approved to be reclassified to Accounting Coordinator in recognition of the complex nature of her responsibilities. Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department' to allow fora more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes data processing expenses, expenses of Public Agencies Data Systems membership, and implementation of business license system. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes printing of forms and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provides monthly automobile allowance authorized the City Administrator ($150) and Assistant City Administrator ($125) for meetings, inspection trips and other transportation; and mileage for minor travel by others. Training & Development: includes $3,]00 for staff meetings and conference expenses, and provides $550 for memberships in professional organizations. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: provides $300 for two filing cabinets, $490 for dictating and hearing recording equipment, and $90 for one electronic calculator. BUDGET 34 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 260 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Community Development function is responsible for land use planning an¿ various inspection ser- vices. The planning responsibil ity insures com- pliance with the General Plan and establ ¡shed community objectives. The department provides technical advice and recommendations to the Plan- ning Commission, City Council and City Administra- tor; implements the General Plan; administers and enforces zoning, sign, litter and related regula- tions; and assists the general public with devel- opment information and suggestions. The Inspection Services Division insures that all buildings in the City are constructed and maintained in compl iance with the standards of safety and sanitation established by the City's adopted codes and other applicable City, County, and State laws. In accomplishing these objectives, the Division reviews plans for conformance with existing laws, advises the public on proper methods of construction with the adopted stand- ards, and inspects construction to insure that it is in accordance with the approved plan. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 Budget Projection 1977-78 Request Approved Staff 11 11 9 9 11 10 Personnel $171,106 $179,677 $176,633 $174,041 $214,837 $211,002 Supplies & Services 31,848 16,461 17,117 22,060 26,420 20,350 Capital Outlay 617 163 80 886 1,580 1,580 TOTAL EXPENSES $203,571 $196,301 $193,830 $196,987 $242,837 $232,932 PROGRAM The 1977-78 Fiscal Year will be a time to try to catch up on the backlog of administrative details and procedures, as well as planning for major developments of the future. The following are subjects requiring the attention of the Department, Planning Commission, and Council during the year ahead: Guidelines for Planning and Development; Flood Plain Management Regulation; Energy Standards; Circulation Element of the General Plan; Zoning Ordinance revision; General Plan Amendments; revi- sion of Environmental Impact Report regulations and procedures; revision of the Subdivision Map Act Regulations; housing and maintenance programs and projects; annexation of County islands and penin- sulas within the Tustin Sphere of Influence; redev- elopment of the Town Center Area; implementation of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and census enumeration or estimate. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Staff 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Budget (in $IOOOs) ]97.1 212.8 225.6 256.4 271.8 288.1 305.4 323.8 343.2 363.8 BUDGET 35 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET DETA! L Prior History 1976- 77 1977-78 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Request Approved Assistant City Administrator 1 (2125) 1 (2210) 1 (2431) 1 (2431) 1 (2431) 1 (2528) Asst. Director of Planning and Building ------ ------ I (1930) 1 ( 1930) ------ ------ Asst. Planning Director 1 (1534) 1 (1595) ------ ------ 1 (1812) 1 (1812) Building Official 1 (1575) 1 (1638) ------ ------ ] (1812) 1 (1812) Public Services Assistant 1 (]262) ] (1312) 1 (1443) 1 (1443) ] (J 443) 1 (1501) Building Inspector 3 (1242) 3 (1292) 3 (1421) 3 (1421) 3 (1421) 3 (1478) Planner I 1 (1039) 1 (1081) I (I] 89) ] (1] 89) J (! 189) 1 (123]) Planning Aide ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 (1095) 1 (1099) Secretary II 1 (840) 1 (874) 1 (961) 1 (961) Secretary I 2 (800) 2 (832) 1 (915) ------ Senior Typist - ----- ------ ------ 1 (871) 2 (871) -.-! (929) Total Positions 11 11 9 9 11 10 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $152,547 $157, 169 $152,899 $150,000 $ I 82,159 $176,646 Education Incentive ------ 170 ------ 169 170 170 Overtime and Part-time 53 ------ ------ 138 150 2,646 Retirement & Insurance 18,506 22,338 23,734 23,734 32,358 31,540 Total Personnel $171 ,106 $179,677 $176,633 $174,041 $2]4,837 $211 ,002 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 5,034 $ 3,602 $ 3,300 $ 8,250 $ 11,500 $ 7,000 Offi ce Expense 47 175 450 350 450 400 Departmental Expense 17,603 1,343 , 750 1,700 1,900 1,900 Commission Fees 2,715 2,693 2,760 2,760 2,760 ------ Transportation Expense 3,364 6,059 6,000 6,000 6,440 7,680 Training & Development 3,085 2,589 2,857 3,000 3,370 3,370 Total Supplies & Services $ 31,848 $ 16,461 $ 17,1 ¡ 7 $ 22,060 $ 26,420 $ 20,350 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 261 $ 163 $ 80 $ 886 $ 255 $ 255 Departmental Equipment 356 ------ ------ ------ 1,325 1,325 Total Capital Outlay $ 617 $ 163 $ 80 $ 886 $ ¡ ,580 $ 1,580 GRAND TOTAL $203,571 $196,30~ $193,830 $196,987 $242,837 $232,932 BUDGET 6 CITY OF TUSTIN r I BUDGET COMMENTARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL The Assistant Planning Director and Building Official positions are approved to be re-established as separate positions and the Secretary II is reclassified as a Planning Aide due to the more tech- nical nature of her duties. Part-time salaries of $2,496 have been budgeted for Sign Code enforcement. Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes $1,500 for weed abatement which provides for the cost of clearing littered or overgrown vacant property until the City is reimbursed by the property owner. Also included is $4,000 for outside plan check of complex buildings, and $1,500 for microfilming of building records. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: Printing & Supplies includes printing and departmental supplies. Commission Fees previously provided for Planning Commission fees, prior to its dissolution 7/1/77. Transportation Expense: provides $125 monthly automobile allowance for Assistant City Administrator and monthly rental of four pool cars ($6,480). Training & Development: publ ications. includes $2,200 for conferences and meetings and $1,170 for memberships and CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: $95 is provided for the purchase of a desk-top calculator, and $160 for a bookcase. Departmental Equipment: The $1,325 provides for a microfilm reader and microfilm jackets. BUDGET 37 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 300 ¡ i l OBJECTIVES The Non-Departmental activity contains those expenditures that affect all departments or the City as a whole. Examples of these are indepen- dent audit expenses, City liability and property damage insurance, duplication expenses, postage and office equipment maintenance, and special census expenses. Special programs such as refuse collection and the City's bus system are also EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Cap ita lOut 1 ay TOTAL EXPENSE $ 49,238 364,411 (2,268) $411,381 $ 47,414 409 , 713 276 $457,403 PROGRAM Programs of the Non-Departmental activity include the following: 1. Collection of I'laste materials on a regular basis so as to protect the appearance and health of the community. This is accomplished by weekly collections under the Solid Waste Collection Contract. An exclusive contract was awarded effective June 1, 1972. 2. Purchase of replacement vehicles financed through the Equipment Fund by means of vehicle rental charges to using departments. Rental charges also cover the cost of operating and TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1976-77 1977-78 ]978-79 1979 -80 Staff Budget (in $lOOOs) 406.4 412.6 446.9 386.7 NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY included in this activity. Employee insurance and retirement expenses have been spread to the bene- fited activities and thus are no longer included. Funds for Community Promotion, such as City mem- berships in other organizations, contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, and Community Advertising, are budgeted in this Activity as they represent Citywide expenses. 1977-78 Request Approved 1976-77 Budget Projection $ 455,129 7,200 $462,329 $ 439,718 2,300 $442,018 $ 490,228 9,400 $499,628 $ 41,000 483,944 2,400 $527,344 maintaining the vehicles. 3. Provision of employee benefits to protect the employees' welfare and maintain a competitive employment environment. 4. Provision of adequate insurance to protect the City's interest in liability and property damage cases. 5. Central ization of certain common office expenses and duplication costs for greater visibility and contro 1. 6. The debt Civic Center Departmenta 1 1980-81 1981-82 453.0 461.9 BUDGET retirement cost for Park Bond and Bond have been included as Non- Expenses. 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 471.6 482.2 505.9 493.6 ,R CITY OF TUSTIN NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET DETAI L Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Request App roved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE (None) $ ------ $ __un $ u- _u $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Undistributed Fringe Benef its $ 49,238 $ 47,414 $ ------ $ ------ $ ------ $ 41,000 Supplies & Services Contractual Services Professional Services $ un_- $ 4,129 $ 2,000 $ -_u_- $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Refuse Collection 72, I 45 85,335 92,000 93,500 100,000 100,000 Contingencies ---- -- ------ 5,718 ------ ------ ------ ALditing 10,874 9,315 7,500 7,500 8,500 8.500 City Insurance 29,872 51,091 90,700 110,465 130,500 120,000 Medical Services 1,371 2,846 500 4,500 3,000 3,000 Off i ce Expense Postage 8,284 10,021 9,500 9,500 10,500 10,500 Office Equipment Maint. 1,070 1,008 900 1,900 1,100 1,100 Duplication Expense 21,163 20,170 18,000 20,000 22,000 22,000 Printing ------ ------ ------ 430 250 250 Other 9,352 4,528 3,500 3,500 4,000 4,000 Training & Development 1,979 2,427 2,930 3,527 3,850 3,850 Other Expenses Bus Expense 3 1,212 19,342 ------ 2,000 2,000 2,000 Bond Expense 153,353 186,028 181,378 181,378 186,728 186,728 Interest Expense-Short Term I 1,812 11,263 I I ,000 ------ J 1,000 7,000 City Memberships 3,300 3,383 3,500 3,518 3,800 9,016 City Advert i sing 124 94 500 500 500 500 Chamber of Commerce 8,500 7,500 6,500 6,500 5,500 8,500 Charges-Other Accounts ------ (8,76]) (12,000) (9,000) (5,000) (5,000) Total Suppl ies & Services $364,411 $409,713 $424, 126- $439,718 $490,228 $483,944 Capital Outlay Bui lding Modification $ _-un $ nUn $ 5,000 $ uu_- $ 7,000 $ -_un Motor Vehicles 25,460 42,719 70,400 68,600 115,020 56,620 Equipment Fund Reimbursement (27, ]28) (42,719) 00,400) (68,600) (115,020) (56,620) Office Equipment ------ 276 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,400 Total Capital Outlay $ ( 2, 268) $ 276 $ 7,200 $ 2,300 $ 9,400 $ 2,400 GRAND TOTAL $4ì 1 , 38~ ~457 ,4n $431.326 $442,Ql§. $499,628 ~2n,344 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN (' BUDGET COMMENTARY NON-DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL The 1977-78 "Undistributed Fringe Benefits" represents six months' liability under the anticipated unemploy- ment insurance legislation, $16,000 for the Management Merit Plan, and a $20,000 fringe benefit contingency. SUPPLIES & SERVICES I Contractual Services: Professional Services provides for water consultant expense. Refuse CoJ1ection provides for cost of refuse co1 lection service to single-family, duplex and triplex residential property and commercial businesses requiring only minimum service. Auditing provides for the City's independent audit of financial records. City Insurance provides for liability, property damage, and surety insurance. Rates are inflating. Medical Services provide for physical examinations of new employees. Office Expense: Postage provides for postage in all departments including postage ($2,500) for quarterly City ne\'ls1etter. Office Equipment Maintenance provides for maintenance of all City office equipment. Duplication Expense includes equipment rental and supplies for duplication work. Other provides for operating the central supply room. Training & Development: provides for tuition reimbursement, personnel recruiting costs, and employee recognition Contingencies: provides for a small reserve in the event the CETA program is discontinued. Other Expenses: Bond Expense provides for Park and Civic Center Bond interest expense, Bond repayment, related expenses Bus Expense provided for operating costs of Nickel Bus above the OCTD subsidy. Interest Expense provides for short term borrowing by the General Fund. City Memberships provides for City memberships in the Orange County Division, the State League of California Cities, other organizations, plus the League Office Assessment of $5,216. City Advertising includes miscellaneous City advertising expenses. Chamber of Commerce provides $6,500 for the Chamber of Commerce and $2,000 for the Jaycees. Charges-Other Accounts provides for reimbursement of overhead costs from Personnel Grants. CAPITAL OUTLAY Building Modification: requests have been moved to the Capital Improvement Budget. Motor Vehicles: provides for replacement of City vehicles from the Equipment Fund (5 patrol each, one one-ton truck at $7,420, $13,400 for the third of five installments for sweeper, and $9,300 down payment on a second street sweeper). Equipment Fund Reimbursement: reimbursements from Equipment Fund for replacement of vehicles Office Equipment: provides for replacement of three typewriters over six years of age. cars at $5,300 the vacuum street and equi pment. L BUDGET 40 DEPARTMENT 440 CITY OF TUSTIN f I OBJECTIVES POll CE BUDGET SUMMARY Police services provide protection to life and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. The patrol function is to discourage violations, detect those which occur, and apprehend violators. The detective function complements the patrol function by pro- viding thorough investigation leading to identi- fication, apprehensions, and the recovery of stolen goods. The traffic enforcement function is to facil itate the safe and efficient movement of automobiles and pedestrians through enforcement of State and ]ocal traffic laws. The department also provides educational programs on narcotic control and bicycle safety, supervises schoo] crossing guards, and performs vacation security checks. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 Budget Projection Staff 56 52 54 54 Personnel $ 974,016 $1,003,359 $1,135,567 $ 1,141,135 Supplies & Services 72,508 139,316 151,771 147,849 Capital0ut]ay 17,240 768 25,675 22,829 TOTAL EXPENSES $1,063,764 $1,143,443 $1,313,013 $1,311,813 PROGRAM 1977-78 Re~uest ~PRroved 54 $1,264,852 141,457 25,311 $1,43] ,620 54 $1,231,183 135,849 11,359 $],378,391 In 1976, this Department handled 12,757 calls for service. Part I crimes decreased 5.39%, from 2,350 in 1975, to 2,295 reported in 1976. The most significant increases/decreases were in Robberies (26 in 1975, 33 in 1976); Aggravated Assaults (24 in 1975, 33 in 1976); Burglaries (744 in 1975, 684 in 1976), and Motor Vehicle Thefts (152 in 1975, 145 in 1976). Traffic citations issued totalled 7,653, an increase of 2,563. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1980-81 60 1,707.8 1981-82 61 1,8]9.7 1982-83 62 1,9]2.7 1979-80 58 1,619.7 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 Staff 55 --s6---- 57 Budget (in $IOOOs) 1,333.9 1,437.8 1,521.0 \'- BUDGET 41 1983-84 63 2,037. I 1984-85 65 2,158.5 1985-86 65 2,287.2 CITY OF TUSTJN POll CE BUDGET DETAil Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 PERSO';rJEl SCHEDULE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Request Approved Police Chief 1 (2000) I (2080) 1 (2288) 1 (2288) I (Open) 1 (2550) Operations Manager 1 (158]) 1 (1650) 1 (1815) I (1815) 1 (1815) I (1888) Services Manager 1 (1587) 1 (1650) 1 (1650) 1 (1815) 1 (1815) I (1888) Investigations Manager 1 (1587) 1 (1650) 1 (1815) 1 (1815) 1 (1815) 1 (1888) Supervisor 7 (1 If 40) 7 (1483) 7 (J 631) 7 (1631) 7 (1631) 7 ( ) Senior Investigator 3 (1307) Traffic Officer 2 (1307) Po 1 ice Agen t 7 (1282) 13 (1320) 13 (1452) J3 (1452) 13 (J 452) 13 ( Po 1 ice Offi cer 18 (122 I) 15 (1258) 17 (J384) 17 (1384) 17 (1384) 17 ( Administrative Assistant 1 (1201) ------ ------ ------ - ---- - -- Communications Officer 5 (882) 5 (9311) 5 (102]) 5 (1027) 5 (102]) 5 (1068) Secretary I 1 (840) I (874) 1 (961) 1 (961) 1 (961) 1 (999) Secretary I 1 (800) 1 (832) 1 (9] 5) 1 (915) 1 (915) 1 (952) Senior Typist 2 (762) 2 (792) 2 (871) 2 (871) 2 (871) 2 (929) Records Clerk ------ ------ ------ ------ 4 (871) 4 (886) Intermediate Typist Clerk 5 (726) 4 (755) 4 (831) 4 (831) ------ ------ Total FuJl-Time 56 52 54 54 54 54 Crossing Guard 8 (2.40) 9 (2.40) 10 (2.65) 10 (2.65) 15 (2.75) 15 (2.75) Reserve Off i cer 18 (5.32) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) Total Positions 82 71 74 74 79 79 ACCOUNTING DETAil Personnel Regular Salary $768,538 $ 748,984 $ 829,875 $ 836,000 $ 880,155 $ 895,589 Educational Incentive 4,032 10,751 14,000 14,000 19,325 19,325 Overt i me 30,827 45,352 66,600 66,200 74,310 53,310 Reserve Officer 8,989 61 ------ ------ ------ ------ Crossing Guards 18,571 19,679 26,532 21,000 36,053 36,053 Part-Time Personnel (Cadets) ------ - -- --- ------ ------ 7,260 ------ Retirement & Insurance 143,059 178,531 198,560 203,935 247,749 226.906 Total Personnel $974,016 $1,003,358 $1,135,567 $1,1 4 1,135 $1,264,852 $1 ,231 ,183 I ¡ BUDGET J 2 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY POll CE PERSONNEL This year's budget does not include any increases in pol ice personnel. conversion of two CETA positions which have not been included. Requests included the proposed Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides contingency allocation for County Jail and victim medical examinations. Facil ities Expense: prior to 1977-78, provided for department's unique telephone service. Off i ce Expense: provides for office suppl ies, including duplication expense. Departmental Expense: provides for printing, uniforms, ammunition, travel expenses connected with out-of-County court appearances and prisoner pickup, and other departmental supplies and services. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental of all patrol and administrative vehicles for operation, maintenance, and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: includes firing range expenses, professional meetings, training seminars, POST training reimbursement, memberships and publ ications. CAPITAL OUTLAY Building Modifications: in 1976-77, provided $6,000 for necessary building modifications in the Po1ice Department. An additional allocation requested for 1977-78 has been placed in Capital Improvements. Office Equipment: provides $69 for a table, $846 equipment and other office equipment. for filing cabinets, and $567 for dictation Departmental Equipment: provides $7,993 for body armor for increased officer protection, and $1,884 for various photography equipmen including a Polaroid and two projectors. BUDGET 43 CITY OF TUSTIN- ì POll CE BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd) 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Request Approved Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 1,769 $ 3,481 $ 4,407 $ 2,207 $ 4,800 $ 4,300 Facilities Expense 5,663 505 1,300 1,300 ------ ------ Office Expense 6,233 13,063 14,000 13,500 14,200 14,200 Departmental Expense 21,390 24,396 26,867 28,700 32, ¡ 72 31,4 ì 7 Transportation Expense 39,582 100,844 101,940 101,919 85,080 81,460 Training & Development (2,129) (2,973) 3,257 223 5,205 4,472 Total Supplies & Services $ 72,508 $ 139,316 $ 151,771 $ 147,849 $ 141,457 $ 135,(549 Capita] Outlay Bui lding Modification $ ------ $ ------ $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 12,640 $ ------ Office Equipment - 1,243 393 2,310 2,329 2,794 1,482 Departmental Equipment 15,997 375 17,365 14,500 9,877 9,877 Total Capital Outlay $ 17,240 $ 768 $ 25,675 $ 22,829 $ 25,31 ] $ 11,359 GRAND TOTAL $1,063,764 $1,143,443 $1,313,013 $1,311,813 $1,431,620 $1,378,391 BUDGET 44 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 450 FIRE BUDGET SUMMARY 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 1980 - 8 1 1981- 82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Staff 28 29 29 23 29 29 29 29 29 29 Budget (in $10005) 802.5 871. 1 919.9 964.6 1,021.5 1,066.9 1,145.9 1,205.8 1,277.7 1,354.0 BUDGET OBJECTIVES Fire services provide protection to life and prop- erty through fire prevention, fire suppression, and emergency r~scue services. The prevention function is to provide pub] ic education on fire safety, fire prevention inspections, and review of proposed development plans for fire safety. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 Staff Personnel Supplies & Service~ Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 28 25 $489,063 $516,397 41,279 125,299 i8,788 19,136 $549,130 $660,832 1974-75 1975-76 245 236 479 782 306 313 ~ ~ 1,215 1,585 195.2 184.3 30.9 35.9 PROGRAM Fi res Rescues Non-Fires Other TOTAL Fire Loss (i n $- thousands) Property Saved (in $-mil1ions) TEN YEAR GUIDELINE The suppression function involves the deployment of sufficient apparatus and trained personnel in quick and effective response to any fire alarm. Since April 1975, the City has provided Paramedic service through a contract with the County of Orange. 1976-77 Budget PrQjection 1977- 78 Request Approved 25 $567,467 129,410 18,445 $715,322 25 $569,588 121,004 733 $691,325 31 $718,706 1 70 ,529 30,080 $919,315 25 $611,791 160,529 22,335 $794,655 1976-77 1977-78 Projected Projected 256 282 850 918 370 400 336 367 ---¡:sIT 1,967 396.7 200.0 34.7 30.0 45 CITY OF TUSTIN FIRE BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection- Request Approved Fire Chief 1 (1775) (1750) 1 (1960) 1 (1960) 1 (1960) 1 (2J OU) Operations Officer 1 (158?) 1 (1650) 1 (1815) 1 (J 815) 1 (18 J 5) I (1888) Fire Marshal 1 (158]) (1650) 1 (1812) 1 (1812) 1 ( 8 ¡ 2) 1 (1884) Shift Commander ------ ------ ------ ------ 3 (¡63]) ------ Fire Captain (, (1393) 6 (1428) 6 (1571) 6 (1571) 3 (¡57]) 6 (1634) Fire Lieutenant ------ ------ ------ ------ 3 (1452) ------ Fire Engineer 6 (1221) 6 (1239) 6 (1389) 6 (1389) 6 (1389) 6 (1444) Fireman 12 (1145) 9 (1162) 9 (1304) 9 (1304) 12 (1304) 9 (1355) Secretary II 1 (840) 1 (874) 1 (961) 1 (961) I (961) -.l (999) Total Full-Time 28 25 25 25 31 25 Volunteers 10 (3.15) 10 (3.15) 10 ° 10 10 Total Positions 38 35 35 25 41 35 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $385,748 $356,835 $428,383 $403,918 $512,259 $449,686 Overtime 20,909 27,619 20,500 46,349 33,500 24,500 Educat i ona] I ncent i ve 2,202 6,529 6,863 7,600 9,000 9,000 Volunteers 923 37 ------ ------ ------ ------ Arson Investigation ------ ------ ------ ------ 3,000 3,000 Retirement & Insurance 79,281 105,380 111,721 111,721 160,947 125,605 Total Personnel $489,063 $496,400 $567,467 $569,588 $718,706 $611,791 Supplies & Services Contractual Services Hydrant Rental $ 8,585 $ 12,882 $ 8,700 $ 8,838 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Communications Center 9,810 23,179 21,048 20,148 32,000 22,000 Data Processing ------ ------ ------ 600 2,400 2,400 Paramedics ------ 56,000 62,600 55,948 78,479 78,479 Facil ities Expense 2,615 1,382 1,000 928 1,000 1,000 Office Expense ------ 423 450 450 450 450 Departmental Expense 8,241 9,306 11,562 10,450 12,030 12,030 Transportation Expense 10,500 20,002 20,000 ]9,992 29,720 29,720 Training & Development 1,528 2,132 4,050 3,650 5,450 5,450 Total Suppl ies & Services $ 41,279 $125,306 $129,410 $121,004 $170,529 $160,529 BUDGET 6 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 450 FIRE PERSON~,EL Three Fireman positions requested but deleted will be filled by anticipated CETA funds in the coming year. Three Shift Commanders requested to solve problem of Chief Officer duty, but deleted whi Ie seeking an alternative solution to the problem. Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: Hydrant Rental: payment to Water Works for hydrant rental. Communications Center: payment for contract dispatching service with Santa Ana. Paramedrcs: payment to County of Orange for paramedic service contract (includes 40% increase). Facilities Expense: provides for the department's telephone system. Office Expense: provides for office suppl ies. Departmental Expense: includes printing, small tools, uniforms, and departmental supplies. Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental of all departmental vehicles and equipment for operation, maintenance, and replacement through the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: attendance at professional meetings and conferences, and memberships. CAPITAL OUTLAY M<')tor Vehicles: provides $285 to add power steering on department's pickup truck. Office Equipment: provides $741 for a table, chairs and filing cabinets. l Departmental Equipment: provides $901 for two microwave ovens, $344 for projection equipment, $212 for kitchen chairs, and $7,074 for a base radio and two radio extenders. Rescue and Safety Equipment: provides $7,674 for replacement hose, $1,861 for hose adaptors and brackets, $2,798 for 4 replacement breathing apparatus, and $402 for emergency scene 1 i ght i ng. BUDGET 47 CITY OF TUSTIN FIRE BUDGET DETAI L Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 1974-75 1975-76 Budget P-,!_oj ec t io_n Request A¡:>Qroved ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd) Capital O~ Motor Vehicles $ 14,129 $ 14,628 $ 14,627 $ 14,549 $ 285 $ 285 Bldg. Modifications ------ ------ 583 ------ 3,]10 ------ Office Equipment ------ 783 85 71 2,776 741 Department Equipment 4,659 125 2,417 2,417 10,574 8,574 Rescue & Safety Equipment ------ 3,319 733 733 12,735 12,735 Total Capital Outlay $ 18,78g- ~855 $ 18,445 $iT,T70 $ 30,080 $ 22,335 GRAND TOTAL $549,130 $640,561 $715,322- $708.362 $9 19 , 31 5 $794,655 BUDGET 48 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES DEPARTMENT 500 ENGINEERING BUDG ET SUMMARY The Engineering Department is responsible for a wide scope of activities including capital improve- ment planning, project cost estimating, project engineering, contract administration, construction inspection, traffic engineering, subdivision and lot division review, zoning application review, maintenance of street and underground faci lity EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 7 $118,394 37,886 1,046 $157,326 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 7 $ 115,682 14,272 386 $130,340 PROGRAM The following programs were completed or are under construction in the 1976-77 fiscal period: street reconstruction, Newport Avenue from Irvine Boulevard to McFadden Avenue; Third Street curb and gutter from "8" Street to Cal ifornia Street; construction of the A. G. Currie tennis courts; First Street repair and slurry seal project; Columbus Tustin Park improvements (Phase I); joint City and County modification of traffic signals and street realign- ment at Seventeenth Street and laurinda Way; and the Tustin Maintenance Facility. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1979- 80 6 199.7 1976-77 6 151. 1 1977-78 6 164.4 1978- 79 6 169.9 Staff Budget (in $1000s) map records, street dedications, and technical advice to the City Administrator and City Council on all subjects involving engineering. Represen- tative projects include street construction, sewer and storm drain construction, park and beautifica- tion projects, traffic signals, street 1 ighting, sidewalks and engineering assistance to the Maintenance Department. 1976-77 Budget Project ion 1977-78 Re~uest ~Eproved 6 $132,878 32,295 2,829 $168,002 6 $132,436 34,185 2,690 $169,311 6 $139,917 39,575 8,300 $187,792 7 $1 50 ,71 2 41,135 10,148 $201,995 Other projects in addition to the continuing pro- grams of service to the public include: process- ing the FAU traffic signal project through the State and Federal offices for approvals; coordi- nation of plan and specification preparation for the El Camino Real Storm Drain; preparation of seven annexation maps and legal descriptions; preparation of plans and specifications for the Bryan Avenue, Newport Avenue (Phase IV) AHFP projects and Red Hill Avenue at Service Road traffic signal projects. 1980-81 1981-82 1982 -83 1983-84 1984-85 7 264.4 7 280.1 1985-86 7 211.2 7 227.9 7 240.4 7 249.4 BUDGET 49 CITY OF TUSTIN ENGINEERING BUDGET DETAIL Prior Hi story 1976-77 1977-78 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1974-75 1975-76 Budqet Projected Request Approved City Engineer 1 (1925) 1 (2080) 1 (2288) 1 (2288) 1 (2500) 1 (2450) Asst. City Enqineer 1 (1584) 1 (1647) 1 (1812) 1 (1812) 1 (2000) 1 (1884) Associate/Traffic Engineer 1 (1534) J (1595) I (1755) 1 (1755) ------ I (1825) Traffic Engineer ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 (1755) Public Works Inspector 1 (1201) ------ ------ ------ 1 (1310) Junior Civil Engineer ------ 1 (1230) 1 (1353) I (1353) 1 (1353) 1 (140]) Sr. Engineering Aide 1 (1126) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Engineering Aide/Inspector ------ 1 (1171) 1 (1288) 1 (1288) ------ 1 (1362) Engineering Aide 1 (1021) ------ ------ ------ 1 (992) ------ Secretary I 1 (800) 1 (832) 1 (915) 1 (915) 1 (915) 1 (952) Total Positions 7 6 6 6 7 6 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Pe rsonne 1 Regular Salary $105,247 $100,784 $113,285 $112,907 $128,202 $ 118,534 Overt i me 647 480 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Retirement & Insurance 12,499 14,418 18,493 18,429 21,410 20,283 Total Personnel $118,393 $115,682 $132,878 $132,436 $150,712 $139,917 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 32,033 $ 6,249 $ 22,000 $ 25,500 $ 29,200 $ 29,200 Off ice Expense 21 429 950 580 630 630 Departmental Expense 3,809 3,878 4,360 4,360 4,260 2,700 Transportation Expense 1,800 3,600 3,600 3,630 4,960 4,960 Training & Development 223 116 1,385 1,115 2,085 2,085 Total Supplies & Services $ 37,886 $ 14,272 $ 32,295 $ 35, 1 85 $ 41, 135 -~ 39,~/~ Capita] Outlay Office Equipment $ 290 ~ 195 $ 190 $ 268 $ 6,756 $ 4,908 Departmental Equipment 756 19 I ~~ 2,422 3,392 3,392 Total Capita] Outlay -$ ] ,046 $ 386 $ 2,829 $ 2,690 $ 10,148 $ 8,300 GRAND TOTAL $157,325 $130,340 $168,002 $170,311 $201,995 $187,792 BUDGET ,0 CITY OF TUSTIN ( BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 500 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL The position of Associate Civil Engineer is reclassified to Associate/Traffic Engineer to reflect the traffic emphasis of the position. The conversion of one CETA position has been deleted due to anticipated CETA funding. Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: last year. engineering, surveying and testing services, and signal maintenance starting Off i ce Expense: provides for office suppl ies. Departmental Expense: includes printing and departmental supplies (and Commission fees prior to 7/1/77). Transportation Expense: provides for vehicle rental for three pool vehicles for the inspector, surveying, etc. Training & Development: memberships. attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications, and CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: provides $903 for three layout tables, $201 for one flat plan file, $331 for two bookcases, $3,240 for one programmable computer if our present unit fails, $127 for another small calculator, and $106 for a portable tape recorder. Departmental Equipment: $1,802 for two radios for existing vehicles to improve efficiency, and $1,590 to replace unrepairable radar unit. l BUDGET 51 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 560 MAINTENANCE BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Street Maintenance activity maintains, repairs and cleans public streets and related facilities so as to provide smooth, safe and attractive streets for the travel ing public and to extend the useful 1 ife of these facilities. Its work includes street and alley repair, sign maintenance, centerline and crosswalk painting, tree trimming, landscape maintenance, street sweeping, and sidewalk repair. The Government Buildings Division provides for the operation and maintenance of City buildings; EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 24 $303,630 259, 183 16,399 $579,212 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 22 $313,780 230,649 7,519 $55 ¡ ,948 PROGRAM Maintenance is a key factor in keeping facilities available, extending their useful life, and estab- lishing the tone for a positive community image. In addition, this activity has landscaped each of the existing City center islands and will land- scape most of the new center islands as well. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1979-80 1978-79 29 834.7 1977-78 28 776.3 1976-77 25 697.2 29 883.6 Staff Budget (in $IOOOs) included are the costs of custodial services, util ities, repairs, custodia! supplies, telephone service except for the separate Police and Fire telephone service charges. The Parks Division maintains, cleans and otherwise cares for City-owned or leased park facilities so as to provide convenient, safe and attractive facilities for the leisure time activities of the general public, and to extend the useful life of these facilities. 1976- 77 Budget Project i on 1977-78 Reque~ Approved 22 $359,412 269, 1 50 7,250 $635,812 22 $345,191 263,625 6,962 $615,778 28 $425,602 351,350 28,844 $805,796 22 $388,132 . 343,350 28,844 $760,326 The maintenance workload will continue to increase as additional street mileage is constructed or annexed, and additional street center islands are constructed. With the completion of the new Mainte- nance Yard in late 1977, this Department will be able to increase efficiency substantially. 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 31 1,063.2 1983-84 1984-85 31 1,192.0 1985-86 31 1,262.4 30 948.4 31 1,004.1 31 1,125.8 BUDGET 52 CITY OF TUSTIN MA I NTENANCE BUDGETDETAI L Prior History 1976-7ï 1977-7~ PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Projection Request Approved Maintenance Superintendent 1 ( 1400) 1 (1456) llT65 0) 1 ( 1650) TT1650) 1 ( 1733) Asst. Maintenance Supt. -- -- -- ------ 1 (1376) 1 (1376) 1 (1376) 1 (1431) Mechanic Foreman 1 (1145) 1 (119 ì) I (1310) 1 (131O) ì (1310) 1 (1362) Maintenance Foreman 1 (1145) 1 (1191) 1 (1310) 1 (1310) 1 (1310) 1 (1362) Tree Foreman 1 (J 145) I (1191) 1 (131O) 1 (1310) I (13 ¡ 0) 1 (1362) Pa rk Foreman I (1145) 1 (119 ì) 1 (I3JO) 1 (131O) 1 (1310) (1362) Equipment Mechanic 1 (1055) 1 (1097) 1 (1207) 2 (1207) 2 (1207) 2 (1255) Equipment Operator 2 (989) 2 (1029) 2 (1132) 2 (1132) 2 (1132) 2 (1177) Maintenance Leadman 1 (989) 1 (1029) ------ 1 (1132) 1 (1132) 1 (1177) Senior Custodian 1 (957) 1 (995) 1 (1095) 1 (1095) 1 (1095) 1 (1139) Tree Trimmer 2 (957) 2 (995) 2 (1095) 2 (1095) 2 (1095) 2 (1139) Mechanic's Helper 1 (911) 1 (947) 1 (1042) ------ ------ ------ Maintenanceman II -- 3 (911) 3 (947) 3 (1042) 3 (1042) 3 (1042) 3 (1084) Maintenanceman I 2 (869) 2 (904) 2 (994) 2 (994) 3 (994) 2 (1034) Maintenanceman I - Parks 3 (869) 1 (904) 1 (99Lf) ------ ------ ------ Custodian 2 (787) 2 (818) 2 (900) 2 (900) 2 (900) 2 (936) Typist CJerk, Intermediate'" 1 (658) 1 (684) 1 (752) ì (752) 1 (752) 1 (864) ,', Maintenance Trainee ------ ------ ------ ------ 2 (900) Maintenance Aide ------ ------ ------ -- ---- 3 (632) Total Positions 24 22 22 22 28 22 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Regular Salary $255,163 $254,374 $288,304 $273,083 $327,134 $304,823 Ove:-time 3,138 2,953 7,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 Education Incentive -- ---- 1,306 1,572 1,572 1,190 , 190 Retirement & Insurance 42,463 55,147 62,536 62,536 87,278 72,119 Part-Time & Temporary 2,866 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Total Personnel $303,630 $313,780 $359,412 $345,191 $425,602 $388,132 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 87,477 $ 63,612 $ 86,400 $ 81,900 $101 ,900 $101,900 Facil ities Expense 66,315 93,363 92,250 101,225 136,700 131,700 Departmental Expense 56,673 47,412 70,100 60,100 83,000 80,000 Transportation Expense 85,518 86,036 84,000 102,000 107,500 107,500 Training & Development 123 226 400 400 750 750 Charges to Other Accounts (36,923) (60,000) (64,000) (82,000) (l8,500) (78,500) Total Supplies & Services $259,183 $230,649 $269,150 $263,625 $351,350 $343,350 BUDGET 5: CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 560 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL The Typist Clerk position is reclassified to an Intermediate Typist Clerk position. Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: includes $12,500 for signal light energy; $45,000 for street repair; $18,500 for sign maintenance and striping; $20,000 for sidewalk construction; and $5,900 for other maintenance. Facilities Expense: includes utilities (with $12,000 increase in electricity, plus $1,000 for sports lighting), custodial supplies and building maintenance. Departmental Expense: expenses. includes maintenance supplies, miscellaneous tools, uniforms, and other' Transportation Expense: includes $78,500 for operation and repair of all City vehicles and equipment, and $29,000 for rental of departmental equipment from the Equipment Fund. Training & Development: memberships. attendance at professional meetings and conferences, publications and Charges to Other Accounts: provides for reimbursement of vehicle operation and repair costs from the Equipment Fund. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: includes $J9,080 for a new tractor mower. Office Equipment: includes $1,060 for office furniture for the Superintendent's office. Departmental Equipment: provides $5,618 for two mobile radios and a base station; $1,178 for lawn maintenance equipment; $1,431 for a powder paint striping machine (instant drying, requires no placement of cones); and $477 for two vacuum cleaners. BUDGET 54 CITY OF TUSTIN MAINTENANCE BUDGET DETAI L ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd) Prior History 1971¡-75 1975-76 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles Building Modifications Office Equipment Departmental Equipment Eq u i pmen t Fun d Reimbursement Other Improvements Total Capital Outlay $ 9,677 $ 13,267 213 6,512 6,722 (13,000) 527 $ 7,519 $551,948 ~,399 $579,2J2 GRAND TOTÞ,L BUDGET 55 1976-77 ~ Projection $ 19,000 7,250 (19,000) $ 7,250 $635,812 $ 19,000 6,962 (19,000 ) $ 6,962 $615,778 1977-78 Request Approved $ 19,080 1,060 8,704 $ 28;8Ii4 $805,796 $ 1 9 , 080 1,060 8,704 ~1i4 $760,326 CITY OF TUSTIN ( DEPARTMENT 630 RECREATION BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Recreation Department is responsible for pro- viding a well-balanced recreational and cultural program within the budgeting limits on a year- round basis, which will be of general benefit and interest to all Tustin area residents. The Department avoids the dup1 ication of recreation programs and facilities wherever possible by encouraging the efforts of and coordinating with private groups and other public agencies. The department also works with other City depart- ments in park planning, util ization and mainte- nance. EXPENDITURE SUM11ARY 1976- 77 Budget Projection 1977-78 Request Approved P r i or His to ry 1974-75 1975-76 Staff 3 3 3 3 4 3 Personnel $ 64,684 $ 68,255 $ 84,115 $ 85,005 $ 1 09 , 107 $ 93, 528 Supplies & Services 56,521 76,618 75,224 80,181 84,983 80, 706 Capital Outlay 5,432 1,065 9,676 9,496 23,505 1,504 TOTAL EXPENSE $126,637 $145,938 $169,015 $174,682 $217,595 $175,738 PROGRAM 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1976-77 1977-78 Actual Actual Act ua 1 Budget Revised Ant i cipated Revenue Summa ry Projection Projection Recreation Programs $ 51, 799 $ 71,603 $92,175 $ 91,000 $ 95,000 $ 1 00 , 500 Bu i 1 din g Ren ta Is 645 2,914 11,024 11,000 17,000 18,000 TOTAL $ 52,444 $74,517 $103,199 $102,000 $112,000 $ 118 , 500 Percentage of Expenditures 50% 53.2% 70.2% 60.3% 64.1% 64.3% TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Staff 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Budget (in $IOOOs) 173.6 186.8 198.5 207.9 222.9 235.7 249.3 263.6 278.8 294.9 BUDGET 56 CITY OF TUSTIN RECREATION BUDGET DETAIL PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Parks & Recreation Director Asst. Recreation Director Recreation Supervisor Cultural Arts Coordinator Secretary I Total Ful l-Time Recreation Leaders Tota] Positions ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel RegulMSalary Regular Overtime Education Incentive Part-Time Leaders Retirement & Insurance Total Personnel Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Department Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay Off i ce Equ i pment Departmental Equipment Total Capital Outlay GRAND TOTAL PI-ior History 1976-77 1977-78 1974-ï5 1975-76 Budget Proj ect i on Request Approved ! (1550) 1 (! 612) 1 (1773) 1 (1773) 1 (1773) 1 (1844) ------ ------ I (1312) 1 (1312) 1 (1312) 1 (1364) 1 (1147) 1 (1193) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 1 (1095) 1 (800) 1 (832) 1 (915) 1 (915) 1 (915) ~ (9511 3 3 3 3 4 3 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) 10 (2.90) 10 13 13 13 13 14 13 $ 38,687 $ 40,817 $ 48,806 $ 48,806 $ 56,383 $ 51,242 --- ------ ------ ------ ------ 724 900 842 864 864 21,276 20,367 26,913 27,179 l¡Q ,721 32,053 4,721 6,347 7,496 8,178 11,139 9,369 $-~ $ 68,255 $ 84,115 $ 85,005 $ 1 09 , 10 7 $ 93,528 $ 41,386 $ 59,849 $ 56,240 $ 60,530 $ 63,500 $ 62,500 ------ 225 400 700 550 219 11,157 12,189 13,635 13,785 13,510 10,820 2,716 2,293 3,000 2,979 5,700 4,740 1,262 2,062 1,949 2,187 2,423 2,427 $ 56,521 $ 76,618 $ 75,224 $ 80, 18! $ 85,683 $ 80,706 $ ------ $ 383 $ 785 $ 806 $ 676 $ 225 5.432 682 8,891 8,690 22,829 1,279 $ 5,432 $ 1,065 $ 9,676 $ 9,1.96 $ 23,505 $ 1,504 $126,637 $145,938 $169,015 $174,682 $218,295 $175,738 j r:.7 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN I' r BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 630 RECREATION PERSONNEL The requested Cultural Arts Coordinator position was included in the ten-year plan but will be funded through anticipated CETA funding (see Grant Personnel). Salaries for 1977-78 include annual salary adjustments approved by the City Council. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: provides $700 for teen dance bands and concerts, and $61,800 for contract instructors of self-supporting classes. Office Expense: includes office supplies. Departmental Expense: includes sports and craft supplies, $3,850 for printing of "Tustin Today" and other materials. Commission Fees were eliminated as of 7/1/77. Transportation Expense: includes the monthly vehicle rental excursion bus rental, $1,200 for two $50-per-month mileage allowances. Training & Development: provides for professional meetings and conferences for the staff, and memberships. for one pool vehicle, $1,400 for vehical allowances; and $100 for vehicle CAP I TAL OUTlAY Office Equipment: provides $130 for a fi Ie cabinet; and $95 for a desk calculator. Departmental Equipment: provides for the following: $400 for game equipment; $1,034 for sports timers, etc.; and $70 for a kiln timer, blackboard, and miscellaneous equipment. GENERAL INFORMATION The proposed department budget of $175,738 is funded by fees and charges to the extent of $105,000 or 60% of the total. BUDGET 58 I , l ( CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 800 GRANT PERSONNEL BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECT! VES This activity is established as a control account for grant funds which provide temporary personnel assistance to the. City. The Public Employment Program (PEP) was a temporary program based on the nations high unemployment and was funded on a year-to-year basis. The Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) , Title VI, is an emergency employment program designed to reduce the nation's high unemployment until such time as the economy is somewhat stabilized and strengthened. CETA Title I is a program which is designed to aid economically disadvantaged high school youths. The emphasis of the program is on training indi- viduals for future employability. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1977-78 Request 8P£roved 1976-77 Budget Projection Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE $43,513 $172,065 1,551 (837) $ 1 72 , 779 $183,056 6,944 $175,000 5,000 $190,592 13,000 $175,000 5,000 5180,000 $-1 Bo ,000 $190,000 $43,513 $203,592 PROGRAM PEP Section 5 Personnel CETA Ti tIe I CETA Title VI 3 13 25 18 23 45 45 -- ---.l2. ---.l2. ---.!.l ---.!l ---.!l - 16 40 33 36 58 58 - TOTAL BUDGET 59 GRANT PERSONNEL BUDGET DETAI L PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PEP Section 5 CETA Title VI CETA Title I In School Summer Tota 1 Personne I ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary Retirement & Insurance Tota 1 Personne 1 Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services Departmental Expense Charges to Other Accounts Total Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay (None) GRAND TOTAL CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 3 7 6 16 $38,074 5,439 $43,513 $------ $------ $------ $43,513 60 15 17 8 40 $ I 51 ,667 20, 398 $172,065 ~ y 833 718 1,551 $ $ (837) $172,779 1976-77 Budget Project ion 15 8 10 33 $ 163,909 26,683 $190,592 $ ------ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ ------ $203,592 BUDGET 13 13 10 36 $155,956 28,900 $183,056 $ 833 1977-78 Request Approved 13 12 33 58 $ 151 ,200 23,800 $175,000 $ ------ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ ------ $180,000 13 12 33 58 $151 ,200 23,800 $175,000 $ ------ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ ------ $180,000 6, III $-~ $ ------ $190,000 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTt-',ENT 800 GRANT PERSONNEL PERSONNEL The forty-five positions shown under CETA Title I are part-time positions available only to economically disadvantaged high school students. The thirteen CETA Title VI positions are full-time positions which will be continued if funded. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Charges to Other Accounts: the $5,000 is allowable administrative charges utilized to offset the overhead costs of grant administration and other related costs. BUDGET 61 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 900 OBJECTIVES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET SUMMARY The Tus tin Redeve 1 opmen t Agency wa s formed for the purpose of improving the economic, physical and social environment of the major portion of Tustin's commercial areas and old central business district. Major emphasis is on implementing public improve- ments which vi ill enhance the value of and environ- ment for businesses and residences in the project area. Since 197ï-78 will be the first full year of the Agency's operation, major emphasis is being placed on establishing project priorities, esti- mating costs and impacts, involving residents and businesses in the area, and initiating preliminary studies. Projects planned for actual implementa- tion the first year are limited by a modest but growing tax increment revenue source. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 Budget PrSJjection 1977-78 Request Approved Staff Pe rsonne I Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE $ 7,000 $ 6,500 9,500 $16,000 $16,500 9,500 $------ $------ $------ $ 2,000 5,000 $------ $------ $------ m,OOO PROGRAMS Based on priorities set by the Redevelopment Agency and the Citizens Advisory Committee, implementation efforts will be concentrated in the follOl'iing areas: identification signing for the EI Camino Real area, landscaping of center islands on Newport and portions of EI Camino Real. Lighting improvements in the older portion of the Redevelopment Area, and portions of the El Camino Real Storm Drain pro- ject, and various feasibility studies will also be undertaken. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET DET/\ I L Prior History 1976-77 1977-78 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 1974-75 1975-76 Budget Pro j ec t i on Request Approved (None) ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $------ $------ $------ $ 2,000 $ 6,500 $1 6,500 Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services $------ $------ $------ $ 4,000 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Departmental Expense ------ ------ ------ 1,000 5,000 5,000 Total Supplies & Services $------ $------ $------ $ 5,000 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Capital Outlay (None) GRAND TOTAL $------ $------ $------ $ 7,000 $16,000 $26,000 BUDGET 63 z ¡:: VJ ;:J .... ¡¡., 0 I- :z w ::E w > :> 0 il cr: :z "- 0 ::>: I- u ...J W <:( VI I- "- <:( u ¡.. ¡.o.¡ c.;:¡ Q :J ~ :>< 1-< Ü .---.-.---.- - OBJECTiVES The Capital Improvement Budget is a separate and equal partner to the Operating Budget which must be considered in any allocation of community resources. This Budget attempts to schedule those capital improvements which benefit the public directly or which assist one or more departments to perform their missions. As a convenience, the Budget is segregated into major categories. Pub! ic Facilities (10) contains building and grounds projects. Beautification Projects (30) contains those projects of pri- marilya beautification nature and excludes those projects of a functional recreation usage. Parks and Recreation Facilities (40) contains those projects of primarily recreation or park functions, although ambiguities may TEN YEAR GUIDELINE 1977-78 2.978-79 1976-77 Staff Budget (in $IOOOs) 1,008.3 631.9 503.0 PROGRAt1 The program for 1977-78 is less than desired by the many citizen interests. However, the resources of the City are reaching a point of near exhaustion. New resources must be found or the community's goals revised. The newly formed Redevelopment Agency will be of signifi- cant help in funding projects within its area. The projects contained for the balance of five years are tentative only as the annual revision of the Ten Year Plan was not completed this year. 10. Public Facilities ($308,440). With the completion of the City Center development the Council has a routine payment on the City's CITY OF TUSTIN 1979-80 543.0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET develop as in the case of the Community Building being categorized as a "Public Facility". Transportation Facilities (60) contains any project designed to facilitate the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Such projects would include street construction or major reno- vation, bridges, overpasses, bike trails, and related studies. Traffic Controls (65) contains pedestrian and vehicular traffic control devices such as signals or special lane markings. Flood Control Facilities (70) contains storm drain and flood control projects. Waste Dis- posal Facilities (80) contains any projects related to the collection and disposal of liquid or sol id wastes. Water Supply and Distribution (90) contains any projects affecting the local domestic water system. 1980-81 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1981-82 1982-83 574.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A telephone system, the balance of the Maintenance Yard construction contract, building modifications in City Hall and the Police Department, signing for the City Center development, and a provision for the relocation of Fire Station No. I from Third Street, and moving the relocatable bui ¡dings on the old Civic Center with sale proceeds or Redevel- opment funds if feasible. 30. Beautification Projects ($155,000). The landscaping of the Newport Avenue Center Islands is the principal project with a variety of pro- jects by the Redevelopment Agency on EI Camino Real if funds permit. BUDGET t - CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 40. Parks and Recreation Facilities ($234,000) The completion of construction of the Columbus Tustin Park Phase I and start of Phase II are scheduled along with some minor projects. The Senate Bill 174 funds require a 25% match and cannot be spent on school property. 70. F10od Control Facilities ($290,000). The El Camino Real drain is funded with County Flood Control funds plus help from the Redevelop- ment Agency. Red Hill and Irvine Drains are also tentatively scheduled. Community support for the funding of key storm drain projects is difficult to achieve until the City experiences a major rainfall. 60. Transportation Facilities ($357,000). The wrap-up of Newport Avenue is scheduled. Tustin has thereby solved two of its worst street problems, First Street and Newport Ave- nue. The Engineering Department, Council and community should be congratulated on attempting and completing such an imposing objective. Three AHFP (cooperative County projects) are scheduled as is $17,000 for advanced engineering and $35,000 for the start of a major street maintenance program. This latter program is an important step forward towards action rather than reaction. 80. Waste Disposal Facilities ($20,000). A local drain at Newport and McFadden is planned with funding from adjacent properties. Unmet Needs 65. Traffic Controls ($311,100). The City has made excellent progress in developing a sound traffic signal system. The use of the word "system" is not exactly accurate since that implies an organized, interrelated, coordinated system. Most signals are independent installa- tions. The City has taken steps to achieve that coordination through the Red Hill interconnection project and the budgeted McFadden (and Newport next year) interconnection project which wi 1 ¡ also provide an essential signal at Williams. The McFadden project is primarily financed with Federal Aid Urban Street funds which could not be used elsewhere. A project which has been funded in prior years and is awaiting construc- tion is the Newport Freeway at 17th Street ramp signals. Included also is a signal at Red Hill and Service Road which was required by our PWA Grant Project app~ovaì. The City is faced with many unmet capital improve- ment needs and v1i th fe\1 resources left to try on a pay-as-you-go basis. The elimination of exist- ing City services or City-paid refuse collection are a few of the alternatives. The best solution appears to be the pay-as-you-use solution, that of a bond issue. The present climate for such a bond issue appears to be improving with the economy. One bond alternative is tax increment bonds through the Redevelopment program. Bonds are the 1 owes t cos t way to secure cap ita I i mprove- ments. Otherwise, the community must reevaluate what they are asking the City to provide in facil- ities and services. Community leadership must give serious thought to these questions. BUDGET ') CITY OF TUSTIN S~~MARY OF PLAN BY CATEGORY 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 60. TRÞ':¡SPJRTI~TIO:¡ FACILITIES 40. PARKS & RóCREATION FACILITIES 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 70. FLOOD CO::TROL FACILITIES 80. ~ASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES 90. WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION TOTAL PRCGRI'J.1S II SU~I;,jARY OF PLAN BY REVENUE SOURCE GU:ERAL FUND CC:'::-;U:: ¡ TY DEVELOpr'1ENT ACT V:,U!:TY FLUDD CO'iTRm:--- Fb¿¡,~CGf}\;Tr j;:;¡;~ f',\¡f:eÜ;:nfTÅ’Ic,((¡ ON btTIr¡;ç - R[i{Er.:;CSHARI r:c 1;;;5 T7\x-=-c ¡ T Y -(AS f;\"\-=COUNTY ¡-,"Rein:! íL !i:; ym:rm:G PRGr1 j:(~ n:~-.:Lj\ru--úT<:;r\: i STREET B [Tum T Cr.)! l~: :-1 ¡!ITu- ph",;"SUiO--FU:;rí---- -Ci)uf:1TVlV~.¡rJE SHARING $T{\l'f-P¡,RK SO¡¡;')S- STÞ:lEf'DiT~ Ui:-rc-L"'TD~ RC1::'ItrÖF:1E::T AGEr:CY fG'c;¡ (;-:-E)jnUTfO-CoÞ;rf (GF) (COM (CFC) (Poil'.) (Po) (Other) (RS) (GT) (UiTY) (r,!lFP) (F i\U) (ß) (PB) (CRS) (SP3) (SF) (Unf) (RDA) (EF) 1976-77 Budqet Projection $ 926,864 274,896 571 ,244 221,300 290,000 $2,284,304 $ 155,423 84,000 206,000 860,341 12,396 175,160 137,540 20,700 264,044 144,700 24,000 116,000 84,000 $2,284,304 $ 922,984 275,1 52 554,560 14,795 2,963 $1,770,454 $ 73,994 2,963 860,341 13,096 173,776 137,540 20,700 264,044 24,000 116,000 84,000 --- $1,770,454 BUDGET 1977-78 Budget $ 308,440 155,000 234,000 357,000 311,100 315,037 20,000 50,000 $1,750,577 $ 184,640 81,037 206,000 5,000 10,000 205,000 177 , 700 73,900 144,,00 107,000 107,000 15,000 73,900 317,000 ~.R.!9.Q $1,750,577 1978-79 Planned $ 23,700 50,700 45,000 124,800 272,000 58,000 $574,200 $163,500 5,000 16,000 118,000 200,000 4,700 15,000 36,000 16,000 -- $574,200 1979-80 Planned $ ------ 54,000 45,000 233,000 24,000 105,000 $461,000 $216,000 5,000 134,000 37,000 15 ,000 36,000 18,000 _.- $461,000 1980-81 Pl anned $ ------ 70,000 25,000 221,500 28,000 165,500 $511.000 $110,000 84,000 159,500 35,000 4,000 118,500 $511,000 1981-82 P1 ar,ned $ ------ 154,000 189,000 21,000 285,000 --~ $649,000 $ 67,000 60,000 227,000 36,000 10,000 249,000 _u- $649,000 66 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL H1PROVEt~ENT PROGRAM 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981 -82 Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budget Budqet 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. City Center (12) Council Chambers Arch. GF $ (3,560) $ (3,560) City Center Lighting GF 750 750 Telephone System GF 24,000 23,693 $ 23,700 $23,700 2. City Maintenance Yard (09) GF 6,100 6,100 PWA Grant Project RS 30,000 30,000 150,000 PHA 860,341 860,341 3. Fire Station #1 (21) GF 4,895 2,185 Reroofing 4. Youth Center (20) GF 3,000 1,805 Replacement Floor 5. City Center ( ) GF 1,338 1,670 Air Conditioning * 6. Fire Station #1 ( ) Unf ------- ------- 48,000 Relocation 7. City Center Signing GF ------- ------- 6,500 Bldg. Ident. & Security 8. Community Bldg. Sunscreening ( ) GF ------- ------- 3,000 9. Police Building Modifications ( ) GF ------- ------- 8,640 10. Old City Property ( ) *Unf ------- ------- 22,000 Removal of Portable Buildings 11. Maintenance Yard Equipment ( ) EF ------- ------- 42,700 Unf ------- ------- 3,900 - FIVE YEAR TOTAL $926,864 $922,984 $308,440 $23,700 * To be financed from sale of City property which is unbudgeted. BUDGET 67 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES (Cont'Ql FUND RECAP 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget GF $ 36,523 $ 32,643 $ 41,840 $23,700 ------- ------- ------- RS 30,000 30,000 150,000 ------- ------- ------- ------- RDA ------ -- -- -- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- PI-JA 860,341 860,341 ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- EF ------ ------ 42,700 Unf ------ ------ 73,900 BUDGET 68 CITY OF TUSTIN , CAPITAL mPROVEr'IErH PROGRAM 1976- 77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budget Budqet 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT 1. Newport Ave. Center Island (15) RDA ------ ------ $ 46,000 Irvine to McFadden RS - ----- ------ 20,000 2. El Camino Real ( ) RDA ------ ------ 9,000 Identification Signing 3. El Camino Real ( ) RDA - ----- ------ 44,000 Landscaping & Street Furniture 4. El Camino Real ( ) RDA ------ ------ 36,000 Decorative Lighting 5. Bryan-Main Triangle (10) GT ------ ------ ------ $10,000 Triangle Landscaping B ------ ------ ------ 4,700 6. Irvine Blvd. Center Island RDA ------ ------ ------ ------ $18,000 Holt to Newport 7. Red Hill Center Island (04) GT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ $30,000 B ------ ------ ------ - ----- ------ 4,000 8. Irvine Blvd. Center Island GT B 9. General Street Lighting Program (16) Unf. ------ ------ ------ 36,000 36,000 36,000 Additional Lights & Decorative Standards - - FIVE YEAR TOTAL ------ ------ $155,000 $50,700 $54,000 $70,000 FUND RECAP RS ------ ------ 20,000 ------ ------ - ----- B ------ ------ ------ 4,700 ------ 4,000 GT ------ ------ ------ 10,000 ------ 30,000 RDA ------ ------ 135,000 -- ---- 18,000 ------ Unf. --- --- ------ ------ 36,000 36,000 36,000 BUDGET 69 I CITY OF TUSTIN V- I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 t 40. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES Fund Budget Expense Budget Buclget Budget Budget Bucige t I 1. Columbus Tustin Park (05) SPB $ 84,000 $ 84,000 Phase I Development CRS 116,000 116,000 GF 20,000 20,000 PB 24,000 24,000 I 2. Tennis Courts - Magnolia Tree GF 2,000 2,000 Coop Project with Developer I 3. Frontier Park Handball (10) GF 3,000 2,556 Court Improvements I 4. Columbus Tustin-Park (12) GF 13,500 13,500 Phase II Development SPB ------- ------- $107,000 CRS ------- ------- 107,000 I 5. Tustin H. S. Lighting (11) PD 12,396 13,096 Practice Field I 6. Magnolia Tree Park ------- -- ----- (See Item 7) Sidewalk & Irrigation I 7. Miscellaneous Park Improvements PO ------- ------- 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 SB 174 Projects-3 years SF ------- ------- 15,000 15,000 15,000 I 8. Tennis Courts GF ------- ------- ------- 25,000 25,000 $25,000 Coop Projects with School Dist. I FIVE YEAR TOTAL $274,896 $275,152 $234,000 $45,000 $45,000 $25,000 FUND RECAP GF 38,500 38,056 -- -- -- 25,000 25,000 25,000 I SPB 84,000 84,000 107,000 CRS 116,000 116,000 107,000 SF ------- ------- 15,000 15,000 15,000 PD 12,396 13,096 5,000 5,000 5,000 ------ ------- I PB 24,000 24,000 ------- ------ ------ ------ ------- l____- BUDGET ~ 70 r:::;;~L IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF TUSTIN 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. Newport Avenue (21) GT $137,540 $137,540 $ 10.000 I Irvine to McFadden AHFP 264,044 264,044 CNTY 20,700 20,700 RS 94,160 94,160 35,000 I 2. Red Hill Ave. Widening (49) GF 1 0 , 300 ------- ------ $ 10,300 Bell to Valencia I 3. First St. Slurry Seal (46) RS 20,000 18,616 Prospect to Newport I 4. 17th St. Widening (50) RS 17,000 17,000 Yorba to Enderle Center 5. Laurinda Way (47) GF 5,000 ------- I Realignment at 17th 6. Future Project Engineering (48) GF ------- ------- 17,000 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 17;000 $ 17,000 I Design and Planning RDA ------- ------- 30,000 7. Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co. GF 2,500 2,500 I Acquisition of Rights of Way 8. Bryan Ave. Widening GT ------ ------- 12,200 Newport Ave. Easterly AHFP ------ ------- 12.200 I 9. Newport Ave. Phase IV GT ------ ------- 36,000 Bike Trail & Bryan Signal AHFP ------ ------- 36,000 I RDA ------ ------- 10,000 10. Yorba St. Widening GT ------ ------- 34,900 I Norwood Park Pl. North AHFP ------ ------- 25,700 11. School Rd. Widening , GF ------ ------- 10.000 Sycamore to Service Rd. TUSD ------ -- ----- 10,000 I 12. Major Maintenance Program GF ------ ------- 35,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 (Planned Maintenance) l BUDGET 71 CITY OF TUSTIN 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 13. Bus Benches on OCTO $ 4,000 Routes GF ------ ------- 14. Newport Ave. Widening RDA ------ ------- 39,000 East Side Bonita to Andrews 15. Red Hill Reconstruction (37) GT ------ ------- ------ $20,000 South of Lance Dr. 16. Alley Reconstruction (38) GF ------ ------- ------ 27,500 Centennial West to First 17. Valencia Ave. (34) GT ------ ------- ------ ------ $42,000 Red Hill to RR Tracks 18. Walnut Ave. (35) GT ------ ------- ------ ------ 26,000 Red Hill to 520' East AHFP ------ ------- ------ ------ 14,000 19. Mitchell Ave. (36) GF ------ ------- ------ ------ 19,000 Carfax to Del Amo 20. Red Hill Ave. Widening GT ------ ------- ------ ------ 42,000 Walnut to 375' North AHFP ------ ------- ------ ------ 23.000 21. Prospect Avenue GT ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ $34,500 First St. to Third St. 22. Williams Street Widening (39) GT ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ 67,000 McFadden to Main AHFP ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ 35,000 23. Stonehenge Drive (40) GF ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ 18,000 Bryan to Cromwell 24. First St. GT ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ $18,000 Newport Fwy. to ECL ' AHFP ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ 12,000 25. Old Irvine Blvd. GT ------ ------- ------ -- ---- ------ ------ 8.000 Newport Ave. to 150' East BUDGET 2 CITY OF TUSTIN 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget GT ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- $ 16,000 GT ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 44,000 AHFP ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 24,000 Unto ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ $571,244 $554,560 $357,000 $124,800 $233,000 $221,500 $189,000 GF 17,800 2,500 66,000 104,800 86,000 85,000 67,000 RS 131,160 129,776 35,000 ------- ------- ------- ------- GT 137,540 137,540 93,100 20,000 110,000 101,500 86.000 AHFP 264,044 264 ,044 73,900 ------- 37,000 35,000 36.000 RDA ------- ------- 79,000 ------- ------- ------- ------- CNTY 20,700 20,700 ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- OTHER ------- ------- 10,000 ------- ------- ------- ------- I. I I r f CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I 26. Sycamore Avenue Newport to Red Hill I 27. Yorba Street First St. to Irvine I 28. Bicycle Trails I I I . I I I I I ! I FIVE YEAR TOTALS FUND RECAP BUDGET 73 ( CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 I ~5. TRAFFI C CONTROLS Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budge_L Budget I 1. McFadden Signal Interconnect (20) GF $ 27,600 $ 795 $ 37,600 Incl. New Signal at Williams FAU 138,000 ------ 138,000 FAU-Others 6,700 6,700 I 2. Newport Fwy. at 17th (23) GF 25,000 ------ 19,200 Joint Project with State GT ------- ------ 12,800 I 3. Red Hill at Valencia (28) GF 10,000 ------ ------ $ 10,000 Signal Relocation I 4. 17th St. at Yorba (29) RS 14,000 14,000 Signal Relocation 5. Red Hill at Service Road GT ------- ------ 33,000 I New Signal Installation 6. 17th St. at Laurinda Way GT ------- ------ 23,500 I Signal Modification 7. Red Hill at Barranca GT ------- ------ 3,300 I Joint Agency Signal Modification 8. 17th St. at Prospect GT ------- ------ 12,000 Joint Signal Modification I 9. Newport Ave. Signal Interconnect FAU ------- ------ ------- $200,000 Interconnect plus signal work at GT ------- ------ ------- 41,000 I Irvine, Holt, First, Main, Laguna 10. Irvine Blvd. Pedestrian Signal RDA ------- ------ ------- 16,000 I 40O' East of Prospect 11. Raised Reflective Markers GT ------- ------ ------- 5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 I 12. Main at El Camino Real (26) RDA ------- ------ 25,000 Signal Modification L_- BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fund Budget Expense Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 13. 17th St. at Yorba & Carrol Way GT ------- ------ ------- ------- $19,000 Signal Modification 14. First at Tustin GT -- ----- ------ ------- ------- ------ $23,000 Signal Modification 15. Newport at Sycamore GT ------- ------ -- ----- ------- ------ ------ $16,000 New Signal Installation FIVE YEAR TOTAL $221,300 $14,795 $311 ,100 $272,000 $24,000 $28,000 $21,000 FUND RECAP GF 62,600 795 56,800 10,000 RS 14,000 14,000 ------- ------- GT ------- ------ 84,600 46,000 24,000 28,000 21,000 FAU 144,700 ------ 144,700 200,000 RDA ------- ------ 25,000 16,000 BUDGET 15 r CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fund Budget Expens~ Budg_etu liud~et- Bu_d~et- (3u_dget- Bu_dget 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES I 1. El Camino Real Drain (11) CDA $ 84,000 $2,963 $ 81 ,037 Laguna to First CFC 206,000 ----- 206,000 I RDA ------- ----- 28,000 2. 17th Street Drain (17) GT ------- ----- ------- $42,000 Yorba to 1000' East I 3. Sycamore Street Relief Drain (21) RS 16,000 ------- ----- ------- at School Road I 4. Red Hill Ave. Drain No.2 (13) GF ------- ----- ------- ------- $ 92,000 Mitchell to Walnut I 5. Irvine Blvd. Drain (16) GF ------- ----- ------- ------- 13,000 East of Holt I 6. Red Hill Ave. Drain No.3 (18) RS ------- ----- ------- ------ ------- $ 84,000 First St., Bryan to White Sands I 7. Red Hill Drain Unf. ------- ----- ------- ------ ------- 35,000 Valencia to Edinger I 8. Stonehenge Drive Drain (19) Unf. ------- ----- ------- ------ ------- 47,500 Bryan to Cromwell 9. McFadden Ave. Drain (20) RS ------- ----- ------- ------ ------- ------- $ 60,000 I Williams to 1400' West 10. Venta Storm Drain Unto ------- ----- ------- - ----- ------- ------- 225,000 I AT & SF RR to Walnut FIVE YEAR TOTAL $290,000 $2,963 $315,037 $58,000 $105,000 $166,500 $285,000 I FUND RE,CAP GF ------- ----- ------ ------ $105,000 ------- ------- CDA 84,000 2,963 81,037 ------ ------- ------- ------- I CFC 206,000 ----- 206,000 ------ ------- ------- ------- GT ------- ----- ------- 42,000. ------- ------- ------- RS ------- ----- ------- 16,000 ------- 84,000 60,000 RDA ------- ----- 28,000 ------ ------- ------- ------- ~ Unto ------- ----- ------- ------ ------- 82,500 225,000 BUDGET 76 r--CA~~llMPROVEMENT PROGRAA CITY OF TUSTIN 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 180. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES Fund Budget ~2<Qense- ~u_dget Budget - ~u<iget Buclget Budget 1. McFadden Ave. Sanitary Sewer GF ------ ------- $20,000 Walnut to Newport - FIVE YEAR TOTAL ------ ------- $20,000 ------ ------- ------- ------- FUND RECAP GF ------ ------- $20,000 ------ ------- ------- ------- \. BUDGET 77 CITY OF TUSTIN ( I I I I I I I I I I I I "- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Newport to 6th Street Line to Improve Pressure to Shopping Center, etc. RDA 1976-77 Bud9~~~I><2ense - - FIVE YEAR TOTAL FUND RECAP RDA BUDGET 1977-78 Budget $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 1978-79 Budget 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Budget Budget Budget - 78 z ¡:: VJ ~ .... ~ 0 >- .... ü . ..... > :z 0 I- u UJ VI I- LIJ (.!) Q => en >- u :z w (.!) <:( I- :z LIJ ::E "- 0 ...J LIJ > LIJ Q LIJ ex: .... ¡.o.¡ e,:¡ 0 :J ~ - .~ -- CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET ( The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency is a separate agency, although its budget is integrated in this budget document in order to clarify the various activities of the City and the Aqency. The Agency budget is recapped below in its entirety. The Agency will receive a $300,000 loan from the General Fund in order to commence projects before property tax increment revenue is received. This loan will be repaid before the end of the fiscal year. BEGINNING BALANCE 7/1/77 Less: Loan from General Fund 1976/77 NET AVAILABLE AT START OF FISCAL YEAR REVENUE 1119 Property Taxes--Increment 4110 Interest Earned TOTAL REVENUES NET AVAILABLE FOR YEAR APPROPRIATIONS - OPERATIONS I Use of City Personnel Consultants Interest Expense - Gen. Fund Loans Departmental Expense OPERATING BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Pub I i c Faci 1 it i es Removal of Portable Buildings Relocation of Fire Station Beautification Projects El Camino Real Identification EI 'Camino Real Landscaping and Street Furn i ture EI Camino Real Decorative Lighting Newport Ave. Center Islands ~ BUDGET $ ------ 7,000 $ (7,000) $350,000 $350,000 $343,000 $ 16,500 4,500 3,000 2,000 $ 26,000 $ ------ 9,000 44,000 36,000 46,000 79 CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT (Cont'd) Transportation Facilities Planning for Future Projects Newport Avenue Widening Bonita to Andrews Traffi c Contro Is Modify Signal at Main and El Camino Real Newport Avenue at Larwin Square Signal Flood Control Facilities El Camino Real Storm Drain Water Supply and Distribution Newport to Sixth Street Line $ 30,000 39,000 25,000 10,000 28,000 50,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET $317,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ENDING BALANCE 6/30/78 BUDGET :0 $343,000 $ ------