HomeMy WebLinkAbout3RD ST W 320 11/09/2005GMTV O �iS►��� Community Development Department November 9, 2005 i ty ®f Tu s t 300 Centennial Way CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Tustin, CA 92780 320 W. THIRD STREET 714.573.3100 CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING ONE CAR GARAGE FOR A SUNROOM, BATHROOM, LAUNDRY ROOM AND A TRELLIS STRUCTURE In accordance with Ordinance No. 1001 which was adopted June 20, 1988, by the Tustin City Council, the Community Development Director has the authority to approve, approve with conditions, or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for improvements requiring a City building permit for property located within a Cultural Resource District. The proposed project includes construction of a 337 square foot addition to the rear of an existing one car garage to include a sunroom, a bathroom, a laundry room, and a trellis structure that connects the residence to the garage. The existing residence is a C -rated structure in the Tustin Historical Resources Survey that includes a single story Tudor Revival residence and single -car detached garage noted in the historical survey. The Community Development Department finds and determines as follows: A. The proposed work conforms to the Municipal Code and any applicable design standards in accordance with TCC Section 8103 (m) and would include a class B roof covering assembly. B. The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the District or Designated Cultural Resources within the District in that the proposed addition is aligned with the existing garage setback as permitted by Tustin City Code Section 9271(p) for historically noted structures. C. The addition and modification to the existing structures are designed to complement the Tudor Revival architectural style of the main building and garage, both historically significant structures as noted in the Tustin Historical Resources Survey. D. The proposed addition is located at the rear to maintain the existing historical structures and street frontage of the residence, which includes a single -car garage located more than sixty-four (64) feet from the front property line with a nine (9) foot wide driveway. E. The proposed sunroom addition is intended for a living area in closer proximity to the garden and will not intensify the existing use of the property as a single family residence. F. The proposed addition will maintain a minimum three (3) foot setback from all other structures on the adjacent property as required by Tustin City Code Section 9271(n)(5). The proposed work is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the start of any work, the applicant shall obtain a building permit and pay all applicable plan check and permit fees. 2. The addition to the garage shall be finished/painted to match the existing structures. 3. The roofing shall be asphalt shingles to match the existing structures. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall record a covenant that would restrict the use of the property as a single family unit. Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director S:\CdMIN00\CERT-APP\320W. 3rd street.doc FROM ,:.STRRTOS FORM �RX NO. : 714 628 0797 :form of Fox Group FAX TRANSMITTAL Date:.,�2 e� Recipient: Recipient's Fax: Regarding:-24n.�, Tian Pages: Comments: ,4,-,�: H,veuq 45/�A-P/ F*O6 2006 O5:44PM P1 rick fox, architect carol tink-fox, architect Providing constructive solutions G kid _72eS7-1Z1GT0^/- Sender: Marcus Guerrero 275 south glassell street orange, california 92866 tel: 714.628.0777 fax: 714.628.0797 FRCM :'STRATOS FORM �AX NO. 02ll9b11dJb 04!00 3,03iFbAti Ri-R-CORDING REQUESTED SY: COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE AND WHEN RFiCOIIVED, MNL TO: Kara E. Kosinski 820 W. 3rd 8t. Tustin, CA 92780 714 628 0797 F006 2006 05 : 45PM P2 SKi -- -KS LISA PAL+- 02 This document was electronically recorded by Commonwealth Land Title Company Recorded in Official Records, County of Orange Gary L. Granville, Clerk-Reccrder IIIIIIlIII111111111111III11111111111111flilIli 9.00 .20000291 849 03r55pm 06/02/00 12142 302 2 _ .--"f3�.�0 932.00 O:Ob 0.� 3.Qa �.DO d:•DD D.Oi� -rA13 SPACE FOR FECOMERS USE OKLY ASSESSOR'$ PARCEL No,; 401-583-08 The undersigned Grantor(s) declare that tho DOCUMENT TRANSFER TAX tS; TMZ ORDER No.: 2001743-1 $ 264-00 County $ City roc computed on the full value of the interest of property wnveyed, or escteow No 232152-K „computed on the full valuta less the value of (lens or enoumbranaes remaining thereon at the time of sale, GRANT DEEB] _011 transfer it EXEMPT from tax for the follovAng reason: FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby teIcnowledged, Quyen Kim Nguyen, Trustee of that \ certain Revmble Trust datlad March 2, 1992 hereby GRANT(S) to Kara E. Kosinski, an Unmarried Woman all that real property situated in the City &Tustin, County of ORANGE, State of California, de}sceibeld as: Legal description frj. /p11(i3iUj)��/47�/4F1i�lt,Ryl�¢ 4 fh141j attached hereto arxd made a. part hereof Dated April 14, 2000 STATE OF CAL tiN COUNTY IF v . ON } Quyen Kim Nguyen, Tru is Notary FuNio, personalty appeared ROBIN AR IN ;Krzorgily kfcWh to M9 (or proved to rite on the tlasts of sadsMctory evidence) COMM ll+t tM2 to be the peson(s) whose natno(e) is Ara "matbad to the within inctro. nvnt and edcnqurbdgEtl to m*that helshslthev axevutad the um in hisJherrdlalr 0 GZa t]m 9. MW iu ftriaed capaai Ay =). snd that by hls/hedthsir sign *Wre(s) on the Inst umnt the parsott(s). or the entity upas behal of whist► the person(s) soled, maouted the Instrument. Signature -- MAIL TAMC STATEMENTS TO' (this area for fltrt notary seal) Kart E. Kosinski - 320 W. 3rd St„ Tustin, CA 82780 FROM ,STRATOS FORM �AX NO. 714 628 0797 F006 2006 05: 45PM P3 UVWb1100b N4: UU US4 The land referred to is this Roport is situated in the State of California, County bf Urattga, and is described as follows: Lot 10, ?dock "G" of Mrs. B.A. Lewis' Addition to the Towtnsite of Tustin, in the City of Tastio, as shown on a map of pad of Ttistin City, recorded in book 4, pages 218 and 219 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, C&Ubniia_ CLIA Pie)Uminu Rap*A Fora, (Rev, I! Y95) FROM , : .STRATOS FORMAX N0, 714 628 8797 Flo 06 2006 05: 46PM P4 L'11! OWLellJb U4: UVJ3i �J 3. r3�4Jk bF4tl f -L K5 U., 1 eH l4 PRELINiCHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT r (To ba t ompf tied ay tranederee (boyar) prior to transfer of sulp)act property in itatordlanoe with Section 480,3 of the PJ -EA -SE COMPLETE FZ@Vunu9 arld TaltAtion Geeta,) A Prefirninary Change of Ownt}r9hip Report must the Nuel with ascii a ommyance in ttte nouM FW mrder'9 amen for ttw caLM wirers the p rtY Is located. ThIs particul8r form may be used in ail se courmes of Lalrfornla, THIS REPORT IS NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT FOR �asSESSOrrS US>= ONLY a LLakgRANsFERoR: oven Kim Nng=. Trustg— suYe i(TrIANSFEAEi:: Kara E. Koeinski ASSESSM'S PARCEL NVmgF.Fb 401-553-02 LEU1. tae GAIPriane I .ek 4'D ZQ J:5z �> AWRV&9/L.00A1i0N OF PR0%-MY: 320 W, 3rd St.L Ttlatin, CA _927$0 MAIL TAX INFORMATION To: Nuns ,�E. Ka%1mkl Atldras6 320 W. 3rd St. T Cf4 9?7'S0 APN F;Z"' ❑ N C GRIL) MULT AeC DATE Nv NGTICP A Ilan of propen:ly taxis appfle r to your property on March t of eedl year far the taxes owing in the following flawl year, July t through June 30. one•ha f of thmm taxes Is due November 1. sand oae-half is due Pebruary f. Tho first inateflnent becomes dollnquartt an december 10, and the second htsteliment becomes delinquent on April 10. ane tax bill Is milled befere Nvvsmbar 1 to the owner of record. IF TRIS TR4NSFER OCCURS AFTER MARCH 1 AND ON OR SFispPE DEOEMBrM S1, YOU MAY 6E RESPONSIRLr;� FOR THE SCCOND INSTALLMENT OF TAXES DUt: FESRUA 1, Tho property which you aoqulred mey be subject to a supplemental assessment in an amount to he determineel by your County Mattson Far further Informatlon on your supplsrrioMal roll 01511 WAW Please call your County Assessor. PART I: TRANSFER INFORMATION Pleaea answer all questions_ Y" NO ❑ Ej� A_ Is this transfer solely between husband and wife (Addldon of a spouse, death of a spouse, divorce settlement, ine.)? Q S, Is this tran=cIIon only a =rrection of the name(s) of the pw mom (s) holding title to the property (For example„ a name change upon rnarrisge)7 C. Is this document rwordebd to create, terminate. or reeonvey a iendees Interest In the property'? EL D. Is this trarimcdon recorded only to creato, terminate, or recotwey a saecurlty Intaregt (e.g„cooigner)? ❑ E. la this doournant = rdaa to substitute a trustee under a dead of trust, mortpge, or other similar document? F. Did thiB transfer result in the creation of a JoInt tenancy in which the seller (trar-00ror) remains as one of the Joint tenants? Q. Does this tmnsfor return prcparry to the person who created the lalm terlancy (ofigfnai transferor)? H. Is this tran0or of property: 1. to a trust for the benefit of the granter, or grantor's spouse? 2, to as trust revocable by the transferor'? s. to a trust fmm which the property reverts to the grantor wkhln 12 years' I. If this property is subject to a lapse, Is the remaining lis term 35 years or rnory Including written options? J. Is this a transfer from parent to children or from children to parents? K IS this tranesotion to replace a principal residence by a person 55 years of age or oider'l L. its this transaolion to replace a princlpal recIdence by a person severely disabled as deflned by Revenue and Taxi tion Code Section 69.5? If you heaked yes to J. K qr L, an appliCabio Balm form must bm flIW with the Courity Assembor. Please pmvide any other Information that would help the Assassor to understand the nature of the transfer. IF YOU HAVE ANSWERED "YES” TO ANY OF THE ABOVE 01JESTiONS, EXCEPT J, K OR L, PLEASE SIGN AND DATE: OTHERWISE, COMPLEPir 13ALANCE OF THE FORM, PART II: OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION A. Date of transfer If other then recording date 3. T p of transfer, Please shook appropriate bQ K, Purchase © raireclosure ❑ Gail[ [ 'trade of Excfrange ❑ Merger, Stuck, U" Partnership Actluisition t_ )' Contract of Sale Date of Contrast [] Inheritance ---- Dodo Of Death fes- 4thor: Plowe explain: ❑ Creation ¢f a Lease Assigrxnent of a Laase [] Termination of a Lpasp Date Iease began Original term in yomm (Including written options) Remaining term In years (Including written options) C. Was only a partlal interest In the propertylranderred? ❑ Yes J No If yes. tndlciits the percentage transferred % PAGE 1 OF 2 FROM-: GTRATOS FORM �AX NO. : 714 628 0797 Fe 06 2006 05: 46PM P5 lJ2/ld6/t0i3b d4:UU :?1�3'�y54�/ St«C:HLNS u�_;A iJAi-i- i:15 PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT Pteaw anawor, to the t of yftr kmmlodgm, all applicable questions, sign and date. N a question doea not apply, Indk-we with "N/W PART III: TRANSFER INFORMATION A CASH DOWN PAYMENT OR Value of Trade or t_ change (excluding crest) B. FIRST DEED OFTqur.T o� ihtemtlar mr8_ Peynft./Mo.(Pr1n, ❑ FHA Fixed Rate ® Conventional ❑ VsriaUe Rate ❑ VA © All InGiusive D.T.($-rapped) Q Cad -Vet [] Loan Carriad by Seller Balloon Payment ❑ YRe 'No Due Date G. SECOND DEED OF TRUST P—'% Iinterbst for...._ years. Ptylritis./I%6&3'rfn. ❑ Bank or Savings & Loan ❑ Fixed Rate ❑ Loan Carried by Seller ❑ Variable Rate Balloon Payment ❑ Yea O No flue Date Amounts & Int. only)-$ Loan Amt.$� 9 New Loan ❑ Assumed Existing Loan Balance ❑ Bank or Sarongs & Loan ❑ Finance Company Amount — & Int, only) $ Loan © New Loan Q Assume! Existing Loan Salance Amourst $. D. OTHER FlNANGING:Is other financing Involveci not covered in (b) or (c) above? '_I Yea 7ZNO Type Q&__% Interest for - years. Paymts./Mo.(Prin. & Irtt. Only) -$ n Anit.$� Mnk or Savings & Loan Q Fixed Rate ❑ New loan C Loan Carried by Seller ❑ Variable Rate 1 Assumed Existing Llan Balance Balloon Payment ❑ Yoe Q No Due Date AMoUnt $. E. IMPROVEMENT BOND ❑ Yea f25ZlNQ Outstanding Balance: Amount $ F. TarAL PURCHASE PRICE (or acquisition price, V traded or unchanged, incl. real estate commission If pd.) Total itierns A through E � G. PROPERTY PURCHASED, Ohrough a broker; 0 Direct from seller; ❑ Other (explain) If purchased through a brok6r, provide broker's name and phone no.: Please explaln any special terms or financing and any other information that would purchase price and terms of sale. — help the Assessor understand the PART IV: PROPERTY INFORMATION k IS PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED IN THE PURCHASE PFUCE? (other than a mobllehome subject to local property tax?) ❑ Yes j &No If yes, enter the value of the personal property Included in The purchase price $ weaeh imrrtleei oat at personal property) B, is Tu PRoi:9RTY 1NTENDED AS YOUR S Gs? Wyou J N ., if yes. enter the date of occupmcy or inter ed occupancy e �� , ti'��, Myn no C. TWE OF PROPERTY TRANSFF-BRED: Single-family residepoe ❑ AgneultutAl ❑Timeshare ❑ M.ultip)e_ff=ily lav!dence (no. of m4ts:_Co-op/Own your -own. ❑ mobilehoms ❑ Commeacial/wnstriai If CattdoTnntium ❑ Vnimproved lot © anter (Docr*tion D. DOES THE PROPERTY PRODUCE INCOME? ❑ Yet NO — E. IF THE ANSWER TO QUESTION D IS YES, ZS THF5 INCOME FROM: ❑ tzase/Rent ❑ Contrast ❑ Mineral ltiights ❑ Other -----explain: F. WHAT WAS THE CONI31'1'[ON OF Tklly PROPERTY AT THE TLME OF SAIX7 ❑ Good ® Average Ej Fair ❑ Door Cuter here, or an att attached shoat, any othar information that would assist the Assessor in, de-teraoin,tag value of the properly, such atr the physical condition of the property, restsictions, etc. I certifyto fo`wg4 g is trite, correct abd CCridplete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed---....�._ Date: (Now ovMer/carpluaw owwr) Phage Print Namc of New Uwner/Corporate Officer— Phow No, where you ate available from 8" a.m, - 5:00 P.M. (Voll 9.00 - - (NOT$: The Assessor may =N4 you for furdtnr InfiotrMtim) if a document evidencing a Mange of owDership is pzt *nW to the recorder for tgisrordation without the eoneutrettr filing of a preliminary change of ownership report, the recorder =y charge as additional racurding fee of twenty dollars ($20). PAGE zofz 1IGN AND RETURN Community Devefe€:fment Department October 14, 2005 City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Stratos Form Tustin, CA 92730 275South Glassell Street 714.573.3100 Orange, CA 92866 Attn: Carol Fox SUBJECT: SUNROOM ADDITION AND TRELLIS STRUCTURE AT 320 THIRD STREET Dear Ms. Fox: Thank you for your submittal dated October 3, 2005, a proposal for a sunroom and laundry room addition to an existing one car garage and a trellis structure extending from the garage to the residence located at 320 Third Street in the Cultural Resources District. This letter is in response to your request to address the possible alternatives for the proposal with consideration of the development standards of the Single Family Residential (R-1) and the non -conforming status of the existing garage. The existing property includes a single story residence and a detached single car garage located five (5) inches from the easterly property line. Built in 1922, the residence and the garage are both listed in the City's Historical Survey and are referred to as examples of Period Revival Tudor architecture. You had requested that given the historical values of the existing garage, the one car garage should be maintained and the property be exempted from the R -I district regulations. The outstanding issues with the proposal are as follows: o Expansion of the single family car garage which is a non -conforming structure. The structure is non -conforming with respect to the number of required garage spaces. The R-1 district requires a two car garage and Tustin City Code Section 9273 indicates that a non -conforming structure may not be "enlarged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered unless the expansion is in compliance with the requirements of the relevant zoning district. Tustin City Code doesn't include special provisions for historic structures. The existing one car garage must be expanded to a two car garage, if the sunroom addition is to be approved as proposed. o As proposed the proposed sunroom is considered a guest room, since it is a detached livable space with a full bath with no direct access to the residence. Guest rooms built as accessory structures can be permitted in the R -I district with approval of a conditional use permit and are subject to the development standards 320 Third Street • October 14, 2005 Page 2 of Tustin City Code Section 9223 (b)(2), which requires a minimum five (5) foot setback from the side property line and a ten (10) foot setback from other structures. o If you are modifying the design to provide a cabana as originally discussed, the structure would need to be an open structure and detached from the garage subject to the requirements of a detached accessory structure as noted in Tustin City Code Section 9271 (n) and Uniform Building Code requirements. Unless your plans are modified to comply with Tustin City Code, your request for a sunroom addition cannot be approved. Should you decide to revise your plans -to conform to the Tustin City Code, please also complete the attached conditional use permit application for a guestroom addition. I hope that this clarifies the issues related with the proposal. Please contact me at (714) 573-3126, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Minoo Ashabi Associate Planner Attachment: City Council Report for Code Amendment 01-002 Tustin City Code Section 9273 Tustin City Code Section 9223) SACdd\MINOO\Letters & Memos\320 Third Street-final.doc OT CH T TURAL NSE f'i.....�ti.•Community Development Departmeph November 9, 2005 City o f Tustin 300 Centennial Way CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Tustin, CA 92780 320 W. THIRD STREET 714.573.3100 CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING ONE CAR GARAGE FOR A SUNROOM, BATHROOM, LAUNDRY ROOM AND A TRELLIS STRUCTURE In accordance with Ordinance No. 1001 which was adopted June 20, 1988, by the Tustin City Council, the Community Development Director has the authority to approve, approve with conditions, or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for improvements requiring a City building permit for property located within a Cultural Resource District. The proposed project Includes construction of a 337 square foot addition to the rear of an eidsting one car garage to include a sunroom, a bathroom, a laundry roots, and a trellis structure that connects the residence to the garage. The existing residence is a C -rated structure in the Tustin Historical Resources Survey that includes a single story Tudor Revival residence and single -car detached garage noted in the historical survey. The Community Development Department finds and determines as follows: A. The proposed work conforms to the Municipal Code and any applicable dasign standards in accordance with TCC Section 8103 (m) and would include a class B roof covering assembly. B. The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the District or Designa-zed Cultural Resources within the District in that the proposed addition is aligned with the existing garage setback as permitted by Tustin City Code Section 9271(p) for historically noted structures. C. The addition and modification to the existing structures are designed to complement the Tudor Revival architectural style of the main building and garage, both historically significant structures as noted is the Tustin I-hstorical Resources Survey. D. The proposed addition is located at the rear to maintain the existfng historical structures and street frontage of the residence, which includes a single -car garage located more than sixty-four (64) feet from the front property line with a nine (9) foot wide driveway. E. The proposed sunroom addition is intended for a living area in closer proximity to the garden and will not intensify the existing use of the property as a single family residence. F. The proposed addition will maintain a minimum three (3) foot setback from all other structures on the adjacent property as required by Tustin City Code Section 9271(n)(5). The proposed work is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the start of any work, the applicant shall obtain a building permit and pay all applicable plan check and pen nit fees. 2. The addition to the garage shall be finished/painted to match the existing structures. 3. The roofing shall be asphalt shingles to match -the existing structums. 4. Prior to issuance of,a building permit, the applicaet shall record a covenant that would restrict the use of the property as a single famil) unit. ;?1141 Ile Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director S:1Cdd1M1N00\CERT-APP320W. 3rd shut.doc