HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1299 (2005) ORDINANCE NO. 1299 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING ZONE CHANGE (MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT) 05-001 TO AMEND SECTIONS 3.2; 3.2.2; 3.2.3; 3.9.2; FOOTNOTES TO TABLES 3-1 AND 3-2 AND THE DEFINITIONS SECTION OF THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATING TO DENSITY CALCULATION, DEVELOPMENT UNIT DEFINITION, AND TRANSFER OF UNITS The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. FINDINGS The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That City staff has identified proposed amendments to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan as Zone Change (MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment) 05-001 to amend Sections 3.2; 3.2.2; 3.2.3, 3.9.2, footnotes to Tables 3-1 and 3-2 and the Definitions section (Chapter 6, Appendix D) of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan as identified in Exhibit A attached hereto. B. That a public tl\earing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on April 25, 2005, and continued to May 9, 2005, by the Planning Commission. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Zone Change (MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment) 05-001. C. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on May 16, 2005, by the City Council. D. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Tustin General Plan. The Land Use Element includes the City's goals and policies for the long- term growth, development, and revitalization of Tustin, including the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area. The Tustin Land Use Element identifies ten goals, which include the following: 1. 2. Achieve balanced development. Ensure that compatible and complementary development occurs Revitalize older commercial, industrial, and residential development. Improve city-wide urban design. Promote economic expansion and diversification. 3. 4. 5. Ordinance No. 1299 Page 1 of 10 2. 6. Coordinate development with provision of adequate public facilities and services. Ensure that the development character of East Tustin is compatible with the surrounding man-made and natural environment. Strengthen the development character and mixture of uses in the Old Town/First Street area. Promote an integrated business park character for the Pacific Center East area. Implement a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin which maximizes the appeal of the site as a mixed-use, master-planned development. 7. 8. 9. 10. These goals establish the framework for policies related to allocation of land use in the City, and the implementation policies reflect the direction and image the City seeks for the future. Proposed Zone Change 05-001 supports the General Plan goals and the policies established for the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area, including the following: 1. Goal 1. Provide for a well balanced land use pattern that accommodates existing and future needs for housing, commercial and industrial land, open space and community facilities and services while maintaining a healthy, diversified economy adequate to provide future City services. a. Policy 1.10 - Ensure that the distribution and intensity of land uses are consistent with the Land Use Plan and classification system. Goal 13. The project will implement policies under the goals and policies for future development of MCAS Tustin Specific Plan including: a. Policy 13.2 - Encourage a development pattern that offers a connectedness between buildings and uses, and has a strong sense of place through architectural styles and creative landscape design. b. Policy 13.5 - Promote high quality architecture, landscaping, signage, open space design, circulation patterns, and landscape patterns distinct from surrounding areas Section 2. The City Council hereby adopts Zone Change (MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment) 05-001 ("Zone Change") to amend Sections 3.2; 3.2.2; 3.2.3; 3.9.2, footnotes to Tables 3-1 and 3-2 and the Definitions section (Chapter 6, Appendix D) of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, as identified in Exhibit A, attached. Ordinance No. 1299 Page 2 of 10 Section 3. SEVERABILITY All of the provisions of this ordinance shall be construed together to accomplish the purpose of the regulations. If any provision of this part is held by a court to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall apply only to the particular facts, or if a provision is declared to be invalid or unconstitutional as applied to all facts, all of the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall continue to be fully effective. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 6th day of June, 2005. ~ P¿ZLf LOU BONE Mayor ~)(\c£)~ PAM LA STOKER City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN ) ) SS ) I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, California hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Ordinance introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin duly held on May 16, 2005, of which meeting all of the members of said City Council had due notice and at which a majority thereof were present; and was finally passed and adopted not less than five days thereafter on June 6, 2005, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: BONE, DAVERT, AMANTE, HAGEN, KAWASHIMA (5) NONE NONE NONE (0) (0) (0) Ordinance No. 1299 Page 3 of 10 - ._-------,---"--_.,-,._"---~-- '--'--- ,--. u'----- --..--"-------- -,. Chapter 3. Land Use and DevelopmentIReUS8 Reaulatlons Specifiç PIIn by deIIaIø¡ 1 IpIqIfÍriI. lOCIIIons fbr œrtaIn Iud IlleS IIId pcrmiaed dcwIopmCllt lukmltla. The Land Uae PII/I iDcIuda 1hIrIeen (13) 18p1ri1.e.1and - ~ as de8aibecllD Section 2.2.1. I!Ich pIIÇOI within tile SpecIfic Plan !au been usipod a lpeCific IIIId we desipdOll. I!Ich delipllioa has beoaI uslpeeI . P!aImiD¡ Area (PA) number, U shown 011 FI¡urc 3-1. The Plann1n¡ Ana is tho IDl8lIest rquIMory' unit fer tile applÎl:8liOn of developmCllt tep1atloas; The developmcnl IIaDdanIs an: cllllDmized for cadi PIamùø¡ Arcs and pouped iIccording to !be ncillhOOdxxxl in wbic:h they bclaag. The L8Dd Use Plan SIaII8Iical AnoIysis Is or¡aniæd ID two ways. Table 3- I Is !be Land Use Plan St8IisIical AJialysis orpaized by land WIt cIes1ß111111on. and Table 3-2 '15 die Land Ule Plan SlIIIsIIcaI AIIalysis 0IpIIized by nelpbolbood. The nelgbbolboods of tile Plan an: shown apIn for telWcnco 111 Fiprc 301 Eacb sIaIÏIIicaI anaIy¡is COIIIaÏD.I11hc ap II'OXÎma1e ...... square foocIae allocaIiOftJ and dwelllaa unill pennl1led In each PIamdn¡ Ana ahowIi on the Land Use Plan. Bach PIannln¡ Ana Is Uliped 811 amounI of land dcwoled to exIsIIng bul1dlD¡s (wbare applicable), and incIuda 811 aIJocaIiœ of land available for new us. based on tile "-IIy1lalenslty IIandards eIIIbIbbcd In die Specific Plan. The maximum lIIII1Iberof clwdJln¡units and toIal square fooI8ae of non-rè8idcaIiaI deveIopDenI provided for ID die Spec11ic PII/I an: pn:scribed in 1bc Slalilllical Analysis and further defined in the foUowiD¡¡ I IC¡ulallcm secdoaa. ÒlicUÌalIan of de¥eIo Imllllt poIimIIa1ls baed 011 - lI!IILa&:nII D fIauns for eaç ¡ Pl8nnIiJ¡¡ Ala, WÌIIch c«cludcl land .' devoIed to arttriaIlOIdways as idelllifilld illhe CIn:uIaIion Plan (Fa¡ure 12-5) ... Ie.......,. ,,1i8 "',m1i8} wIŸ8II - ..,lItiil II ..- ..iÌIIIiII ..... ... "'. '.- The abided area CD !be Land Use PII/Ining An:u \DIP .(FIguœ 3-1) 1ndica1c8 wbere a1tematIve conceptual niadway aIIgDIDOIIU for TusIin Rand! Road and W- A- could 0CCIU'..1110 Land Vie PII/I Sta1JsIIca1 Ana1ysI8 -- !be IDOl! !8*t1y a j¡omeol for TusIio R8ncb Road and the _1OIIIb1l'ly alipmait tbr Wan.-...- If either fIna1 allgDIIIeIIt dIft'en Item tbc8e II8SIIIIIcd canccpIUaIlqliOlls, the ¡mwIsIÓDS ofSeclian3.2.5. below, sball apply,' AICAS T~ Sped/Ic PWIIReuae P/In Cl/yd TUIItI Pal/O 3-5 "-. ...-.--....-.. """'.,....-.-...... ----.-...-...... Ordinance No, 1299 Pag,e4 of 1() -"--'----"--"'____m............--....., Chapter 9 Land Use and DevelopmentlReuse Regulations DWn L L 3. 14. u 16 t4dtlr.a....a�r1:.r.>aha..1.71.pmY.o.y�rC4olfswYi.i4�4dwhad.TiglMad.[d.Yar4ri r16s.eni.es��IdrLaAls.L�r o. 17.►Al4eo!!- wiYsMlobOw•gr6sY1�1i�,M�wR.i.W�1ewWgA.i�tdswiiWdwol��.t�7aYw�\iri4lA�wLL�a�4re w\ mpwOdw\s�riWaw�ww�l►wid4iglmiS �l2AiYlpd►sr� IL re�e4a■ts\-- .��][y �� rr,il.�/ay.6lswiw.r4i�q�il�y7R4iw�v.dMilas.W.grJ�d7o+iililiw4S/rd4rA Pap 3.6 x'.11 ii•%i/1`.`.!j%.T I —1 =L EPF.Z Xjl l�MMIM"--iir WONNFF DWn L L 3. 14. u 16 t4dtlr.a....a�r1:.r.>aha..1.71.pmY.o.y�rC4olfswYi.i4�4dwhad.TiglMad.[d.Yar4ri r16s.eni.es��IdrLaAls.L�r o. 17.►Al4eo!!- wiYsMlobOw•gr6sY1�1i�,M�wR.i.W�1ewWgA.i�tdswiiWdwol��.t�7aYw�\iri4lA�wLL�a�4re w\ mpwOdw\s�riWaw�ww�l►wid4iglmiS �l2AiYlpd►sr� IL re�e4a■ts\-- .��][y �� rr,il.�/ay.6lswiw.r4i�q�il�y7R4iw�v.dMilas.W.grJ�d7o+iililiw4S/rd4rA Pap 3.6 n Chapter 3 9 Land Use and Development/Reuse Regulations 10 NNE . �t�—ITTr K.—IT, 6 jvlqi,� ELI -11, MKILU momma molwa mmu�Ll 'NOWMELMEML 10 , qhsøter 3 . Land Use and Dev.lopm8ntlReil.. R8IIullltlons 3.2.1 LInd USe ao..ndIrI. Land - daIpaIIoa haundarIeo .. 1""...11)1 .. cIep1c11ec1 1M> !be I.8IId Use Pia, FI¡ure :1.-1. TIle PIaœID¡ .v. bolllldarle8 aN equlVlltlllJo Ibe laud IUC dCIignaIIoa boundarIa, and an: Ibo:M1 In Fil\R 3.1. A4)usImeoIa in boundaries I'IIIiIIIin& ticm finallO8d aliplllOllll or more ¡ncbe ~ ar18clm1oa1 ~ wW DOl requite a Specific Plan Amcndmtl1L WIIiI8 INCise boundaries and IICJ'III8OI will be delermiDed wbea more defInIIhè plam 81'0 ÛImiII8!I. thÒ -um1UD developmcnl iimiII as abowD in thÒ Laad Ule S8tIsIical ~ (Table 3-1) aball apply. IIIbject to 1riII8f'er conditions ~. neighbomooda provided below In SeedonI 3.2.3 and 3.2.4. . 3.2.2 Mulmum DlMtIDng Unl" The JDaXiqgm 1IIIIIIb8r of dMIIing _ÌIIIn e8Cb PIannin¡ ~ may DOl -- 1hc nlUDlxn U 8pOCIf1ed 0II1hc Land Use SIeti8I1ca1 Ana!ysil. . The calœllIioa or noIcIomIiaI clclllil)'. as IIated In dwc1Jln¡ units pet IICI'e, IhaII be bued 011 ......-..- ~ each projecI. ~ II cIdIned u .... au leas fie IIIIIiIL..roadW8)'l u idmdtiod an !be CircuIaliµ Plan (Fi¡ure 2-5) .. 18881 ""'" (.IIMIt "111 8M [lfivMa ...... .. 1M ..... ........ 3.2.3 TI'8IWf8r of DvnIlng Unit Allocation. If a PIIIIning ÁI'ca Is devclo ied with - than Ihe maximum number of units allowed, 1baitbC "unuied" -1deaIia1 develapmall potadiaI may be 1I8DIfimIdto UIIIIb8r PIauuin& ~ whiclt 8UJI XIr\8 residllllliaJ uses. In no case shalllrIIDSfen of'unitslUll!lln: A.. The maxÎmIm namber. of clwdling units in a Planning ~ exceeding pRICIibecI PIannIiti Area maximlDllS by mon: Ihan 10 perceøI wI1bouI a Spec/1Ic Plan AmGIdmIIII, as shøwn CD tile Land. Use Slalisdcal A!IaIy¡is (Table 3-1). unllllll1be ,fi>IIowin~ cri1lorla an: -. mbIecI 10 a .m- ¡¡ndlt.~ bv ibe Director of Communilv D8veIODmeaI: . 1, SudlIran.dorS ibaUlIOI ~ die !DIal DDiII a1lowab1e 111 die ova'al1 S_1fIc Plan: 2. Trmdn 8IIaI1 be COIIIiBlillll wilh die lIIOI and dcwe1oomODl ~. of 1be fIIœÏviIIII PI-In.. An:n: ~ Significamallcntlon of die bulc cb8racter of devclopu8111 in 1he pining. arlosina PIaDnIn¡ An:a. AlC4S ~"*' ~ - Plan 0Iy 01 Tcø n ~3-11 ...oO,. ..- .,..,........, "'--'-.'__""'0..- Ordinance No, 1299 , Pa!¡e 7.of 10 . Chapter 3 . Land Use and DeveloÞmentfReuse Reøulattons 5. Tenun: ~ DcvelopmClllt iD ~IIJ Area 15 ofllp8lllDenls is I cIiscrIIio!wY actIoa tequlrln¡ approval of . CODditional IIIC permll. No mon:lhan 2S perocnl of tile IDIIIIIIIIIDber of units pc:rmI\tcd WIIbin. !be T1uIin portion of lite. Specific PIIIII/'CI . nI.ay be IppIOVOd fer ipartmeaIs, 6. PrIor to ajIproYai of 811)' subdivision map 01' lite pl811 In PIannIna Area 15, . precise bouuduy plan for !be golf course IhaIJ be IIIbmiUecl by tile deve1aper 10 tho City of TuIIin for mIew aud 1JIpnJ,ya[,1bIs pl8n ""'1 ¡nciaely define.tIIe Dd¡es of Ibp _.II1II IboW \t'oaIII¡eI and vislbi!ily tom Ediøaer Aveaœ, 'I\lsllnRanc:bRoad, and North Loop Road. In lddIIIon, !be plan IhaIJ IdenIIfy . pro¡ram får public - of !be golf ooune, and ~ IdenIIfylJocate proposed bulldJn¡s and fici1llle8 such u clubbouse, drMøa- nnp, golf scboo~ snack bIir,aud malDlIIIIance yards. 7. PrIer to Iuuance of building penulls for golf coune facilities, tile IIIIimII8o owMr or operator of the golf coune IbaII enter Into a n:conIable .....,.cnI wllh 1hc Cily of TUIIIn 1Iìat will specify that !be COInII; . .) WlIII8DaIn OJICIII to Ihe public; , b) WUIIDllœ available I oenaIn IQ'CèDI8¡e ofbigh demaDd tDe timea får public walk-on \lie; and . c) Will establish.. fon:nula 10. pI8I'IIIIOO die affurdability of a roìmd óf golf 10 TUItin I'CIIidcnIs. , 8. ConcIomIniams, multiple fImiJy devcloplDOllll, and )8110 homes ilia)' COIIIain IIÙIIII!rOUS leis; bill ibaI1 be deIIgnaIed as . ....." ., DevelCDlllenl ~on alenlative map. The minimnm - fer adevelopmenl UDÎI shall be ~IICRS, D81/e1œment UnII8 W!.icIt ...-In muhIDle I!IDdud8 Iha1I be 00IIIDI'8ben0Iw1v IÏI8 nI.....NI . 9. Hotel and CODIII1erCIaI. -. noIlncludIn¡ 1hc golf coune, shall be IocaI8d only In' Ihe vlclnily of Edinger Avenue and lamborcc Road. . 10, Refer 10 SectIon 3.11.24 for cIedJcaIion requ!n:mClltl for dIe SaIIIa Ana. SaDIa Fe Cblnnel. 11. If !be fIna1 all8ßID8III tbr Tuslin Ranch Road and Warner A\lell1C dItIin tom !be USWDOd allgnmeaÞ u de8cribeclln ,SecIIoø 3.2, ad,ÎUlllDODll, In acn:ap and del/elopmeaI poIODlia1 tor Planning Area-IS 8IId Plaiming AIea 8 (CcmmDDIty Cere) IbaIl be calcu111ied In .scoordan... wilb dIe ¡mwW0DI of Section 3.2.5. While !be n:specIlve PII/Inlng Area boundaries may shift lli¡bIIy, TuIIin Ranch Road 8IId Warner AVCllne wID remain Ibe CODIIIIOI1 boundary between PI8nnIn¡ Area 1 S and Planning An:a 8. . AICAS Tu8lín Spdc PIMIR_",." CiIy d Tw/in Page 3-1:15 "'-....-..-. - """"-' ....-.,.. Ordinance No. 1299 ,._..!'..~ge~L1,~...__-,,_.._-_..--,---_.__.._._- -..--. . '-"""',-- ....--..--. ~ndlC8S D. i DEFINmoNS Words, pm.. and IIrms lICIt lI IDCi6ca1ly defined bcreiD sbaI1 be u ddiœd 1I11he Tu8IIn Qt;y .Code. . Acn:s. Oross. An esdmaIed aIlocaIian of land - wllblD a PlannIng Area. m--' . fìom 1IIe ed¡c of the a¡ijaoIaI aJlCriai roadwa)s lIIdIor the , boundary of!be PI8nnin¡ AJea (as IhowD 0II1he Land Use PIannIq Areas map). ~An 08IImaInd allocation of land - wiIbin a P1mmin& Area. baled, ClllIIOII .:reap redI1œd for InIaDaI clrculalion (local roads) wilhin a Planning Area. ~I;"" Mbt of Uses. An assumed mix of 1Dn-1'CIIdeatiaI _for each nei&hJIødIood. wblcb IIIIIbIIsh . ~ capacity of awnge dally trips for e&h noighboIbood. Bulldirur -- Bu11c1iD8 ICIII8ck dIsIanccs ... m.-ed ü:om' Ñt\In: ri¡bts-o$.way. NOIKOIIfarmIng buìldlna iotb8cb wß1 be peI1IIitted 10 remain ID accoøunodaIc crxIIIin¡ buiIdinp IlOIlo fuIIn ri¡hlll-ohay. CblIdten's lall!rmlldialie Care ShchI:r. A ~bcd emcrpncy sbeI1a' for abuJed. IIc¡I8cIccI chikhea. C'...,.,.,.,œ Plan. JIo. 1;)'pII of pl811 I8C Uåed concurrent willi 8ØblllÏllÌOll of a new deveIopmCllt proposa1. """'" projecl. or subdlvisioll used ID documelll and Ønre !bat 1110 ->' Unka¡cs an: provided belween die cIeve\opIDed project and 1118 PI8mIDg AJalNci¡bbcX'bood In wb/dIlt Is IocaœcI. 1118 iDtepiIy of 1111 SpecI& Plan and purpose and InIaII of ead1 NeI ¡bbodIood Is maintained, . and appUcable COIIIidcraIIoas of CII)' n:quIremeIà are ideDIIfIecI8IId saI!died. n..velœlnent UDIt. ConSIsIs of all building silcl, their priva1D opeII space. - recn:aIÎOD IIId opeIIlfI8CC areai. and public 8Dd.U priV1dc IIrccU .-vIng dID po]. A d.-....- mùt may .........In _10 _at . aD n1IUO doIIIIiIv !lilt to .....- ",nlwnnn liNIoItiM far I8Ch .....1icab1e ¡;;j.;;;; &..i-ll.a. Inw donåIv- modIuIII dmsItv. and modllllD him ~ . DwaIIInK Units., Rollllln.. The cxIsIing mllÌlal)' úmily housing uniIs within Ihc MCAS Tu.w. boundary. I DwellinG! Units Del' Acre. The maxlm18ll dcnsily per Jllllllll8l11C1'8 aI which dwelling wits may be caJcu1aIr:d. This ovaa11 dcœiIy may not be exceeded - by a hdioD. . ~ Tualln P.ge/l.;J/I "'CAS TI/d'I SpecIIIc PIan/ReIJ- Plan ..-.--.,...--- -....-.-.-...,-,. . ---.-,.-....,..-- ..--' ., -'..-.".-"'" .._--,.~_._-,-----_...._..... Ordinance No. 1299 .,._.._.~_aJ:¡e90f10 Appendices . DweIIinR Units. PotentiaJ. 1110 IlllXimI8D ~ of IIOW dwdlln¡ - I bIIod oa die !lcnslty per ......ae for Cbe PIanninø An:&. Dwell"'.. Unlls TotoI. The D111X1n11IIII DWilber of aIIIfnø sad poIIIDtiaI dweUII1g DDiIs allocaled 10 ACh P1ann1n¡ Ana (Where appUcab1e). PIoot Ala RaIiq (FAR.) no JrOII t1oor - of811 buildiap wllbln a PlannIng Area c1lvidcd by Ihe net -'0 or1he Plannin, Area. . . BxislÌlll! floor Area. The square 1boCqc of cxllIIn¡ bulldln¡s wI1bID die MCAS TuIIIn boundary. . flcø Area. PoIentlal, The poIeatiallqUlll foot8ae of new development wllhIn IIIICh PIanninr An:a, 8GIDIin¡ !be IIiQuare f'ooIa&e devoted 10 exisIinr 8IrucIun: remains. F1oor Ala. Teal The total aquare f'ooIaae of no,.....dentiaI dovdopmont derJvcd by mnIIIplyinr die tlocr _18110 by die DOl acrea¡e. HousI!ItoId Income LeveL Low Fifty 10 ciply pen:cnl of !be CounIy median inonme MI. . ' . HouIehoId Income LeveL McxIonI8 BiahIY, to œe-b1Dllln:d twatly pa'CCII or1be COUnI;y llllliliaainoome JowL He_old Inèome LeveL VIIV Low Z«o to fifty pen:cnt of the Counly median incomo 18va1. . !DIerim u... The JIUIPO88 for wIdd. a ....... or Iaad or a IÌIvcIunI is or may 118 II1teDdoc1, dOIignad, amm¡ed, CIIIISIrIII*d, erccœd, occvpiod, leased, mainIaincd, abored, moved lllUJ/or ealarpd for a Ilmilcd period of time in - of six moab II1II not to cxeced 5 ;years fiom !be cIete !lr die inIcrim lease, In Rea or a peIID8IIODI use In accordance with dlls Speclðc PI8II. T.-I....- !II!t'-.lto Landscape aeIbsck cIiJIaDca an: -...red fiom 1be back ofl1te CUrb 8Id 8111. combInaIion orpatway, lidcwa11c, and planting areas.. NOJIocoaronning Jandacapc ICIbacb will be permIIIecIlD remain 10 ~aIe alliin¡ waIJs DOlin tIiun: riIbI-o~WI!Y. L8w Fnf'on:emimt Troinlnø Facililv, An educ8Iiona1 facUlty including CIaaroom tlalnlna. oftice spaoc, obIIaclc course, I)'m, Iocbr ond shaw... ãoililic:s, canine 1raiDJo&, Indoor pùIoI ran¡e, Iuer vJlIap and weapons sIorI¡e to be Ioc:aIed w1tIùn !be proposed UrbIn RqionaI Park site. MCIIS 71Id1 SpecIfc ~ Pfan CltytJIT- PIge/ ~7 ""-"-'-""""" . ..'---.......,....,.......,.-.-...-.-.-.-..... Ordinance No. 1299 _"Page 1D..()UQ-_.,---_..,,_... .. --,----"...._--,---", ..-----