HomeMy WebLinkAboutC ST N 165 10/05/1998inspection mccurucr tr 1Y7 gra-�,•., ASSESOR'S PARC.iMUMBER: 4!153264 ADDRESS: 165 N C ST SUITE OR UNIT NO: LOT: 12 TRACT: BLOCK: C Census Tract Number Prcperty Owner: JULIE KINGRORN 165NCST rdSTIN, CA 92760 Architect/Engineer: N/A Redevelopment Area: 714/565-1513 Contractor: YOUNG'S RODFIRG 1015 VAST CRESTHUi' 714/953-5444 __SA_NTA_AHA, CA 92.701 JOB t)I:SGR!!,-TION: HER F _ T//O[�+KEW CLASS 'A' FI6EMLASS ®.00 ��ttil tiOIP'tl�.�i 9 0.00 Ouilding Permit: ni i75r 03 Y yy;S l' 4tl'"?rti.,i p 0 Electrical Permit: permit until final inailwtion approval application and state that the above ►ntorma;ion Is correct. 1 ogres to evi SMTP Fee: $ 0: Mechanical Permit; $ �,� Microfilin Fee: 0 0+ Plumbing Permit; 8 0.0 Occupancy Group: (�3/U1 Industrial Square Feet: 9 Occupant Load: 000 Office Square Feet: 0 Typo of Construction: VH Warehouse Square Fact: 0 I(esiden!iai Squ.re Fuel: a Gatc;re Sqr'"re Fe4t; Private Improve. Fermit: Number of Unita: ri Other Square Feet: 7 Number of Stores: Q Restaurant Seating: ej.ea Number of Bedrooms: ® Parking Spaces: Cornmercill Squaro Fent: ® Accessible Pa•king: �y_�y' Vatuaticn: 8 list' UBC Edition: 1_____. FEE SUMMARY Plan Chock: ®.00 TSIP Lone A Fee: 9 0.00 Ouilding Permit: The Cogfomla No*" and SaM1ty, code requires a division of industrial i75r 03 TSIP Zone R Fee: p 0 Electrical Permit: permit until final inailwtion approval application and state that the above ►ntorma;ion Is correct. 1 ogres to evi SMTP Fee: $ 0: Mechanical Permit; $ �,� Microfilin Fee: 0 0+ Plumbing Permit; 8 0.0 OCFD Fee: 6 0. � Sign Permit: 000 Refundable Bond: 6 0. Grading Permit: ,. feat hMMt, to do 0, e@ Bond Process Fes: 6 0. ("7a Private Improve. Fermit: ' 0:0 Misc. Fee: $ 0. New Development Tax: ej.ea Penalty Fes: ® 0.� Total Foes: 4 175,00 Permit Issued By: qLX Date: 10/05/36 PERMITS) ISSUED AND PERMIT NUMBER(S) 1199- 1993 Sid 309 DESCRIPTIOW FOR RELATED PETITS LICv:NSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereay affirm that I on, a Iic,,wod Contractor under the provisions of chapter 9 (commencing vvi',r ,rection 7000) of Division 3 of the Business A Professions .:o 1e, find my license is in full force and effect. ,c License Number: 1� G 9 5 6 _ License Class: conuoutors °et , Dre; 10, Sid mf —_ bwf6ER-BUILDER DECLARATION i hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following, reason (Se.tiort 7031.6 Business & Professions Code: Any City or Counl,, _ Ich recntires 116b wt to construct, alter, improve, demolish, of Mair any stri tuts, oor to its Issue 7eo, *iso requlfaa the applicant for l uch perm}t to file a signgd stats rttogt tb*t he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the C'&fractol's LicshstiUlt IChapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) } of Division 3 of the Business & Professions codel or that he or she is ext rept i there}(9i9_jtI4jhaa basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,6 by any appficant for a permit subjects the appiicant to a civil penalty of not rrore than five hundred'601farf$500.00), ❑ I as owner of thaproperty, or my ercployees with wages es thslrsolo compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or o!ibrad for sile(Section 7044, Business &.Prolessions Code: the Contractors's License Law does not apply to an ownei of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, E provicted'that7such irrprovements are not intended of offered (of sa'e. If, YI however, the building or imprtrvement is split within tae year of completion, the ownnr•builder will nava the lipiden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for purposes' nr is I, as owner t r'. .iperty, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct trio prottct (Soction 7044, Business & Professions Code: The Contractor's Liceilse Law does not apply to an owner of pru, erty vrho builds or improves theron, and who contracts for such projects v,'th a c(,nrractor(s) license purEltant to the Contractor's License Law). n JI am exempt under Section — ___ ___• Business & Professions Code for the fo!!owing rreson(s): a Owner Sign a lure:___ _—_-- _ -- Date: i WORI(EfiS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby off rm under penalty of perjury one of the foitowing declarations: T Nave and will mairtain a certificate of consent to self•insura fur 3 Worker's Compensation, as proviood lot by Section 3700 of the labor Codo, for ; the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. t Ell I have and vvill maintain Workcr's Cornpansation insuranco, as requimd by Section 3700 of the Labor Cods, for the parformarice of the yolk for which this permit N issued. My Wort.ces, compensaticn insureneu LOlimt and policy number are; ! e" �j POLICY NUMBER: _ We . f% �__._ �r --- .-- — ---_ 0�___ COMPANY: -- 1TNs is for carte hundreG d>:!ars 13 fOGI a le:v). L._l I certify that in the perforinance of the work for v.hlch this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the Nlorker's Componsatk n provisions of Section i 3700 of t o Labor Coda, 1 shall forthwith comply with those provisoes. Signature: �' , "c _✓ �_DaL2_� _ WARNING: Fal:era to secure Work 's Compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to cr mina( penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dull. ri (6100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, demagee as provided for in Section 3700 of the Labor Code, interest and altomay fees, C014STRUCTIUN LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit it issued (Section 3097 Civil Code). LENDER'S NAM11: LENDER'S ADDRESS: NAZArIDOUS MATERIALS AND EMISSIONS STATLMENT FILED Cl A.O.M,D. Date: O.C.F.D. Date: Not (equired 1 T.U.S.D. Fees paid Yes E] NIA ❑ i IMPORTANT Application it hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. Each, person upon whose be' $If this application is mr,de and each person at whose requoit and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as e result of this application agrees to, and shall, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Tustin, its officers, agents and employees In accordance with the h 2 f the Uniform Administrative code. DIV1><ItJN OF WOO TRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION provisions of C apter o of any building this The Cogfomla No*" and SaM1ty, code requires a division of industrial I agree not to occupy of allow occupsnoy ly that I h have has been recNved, I certify that 1 haul reed safety pamot ea a praequiske to permit issuance unbar the applicant permit until final inailwtion approval application and state that the above ►ntorma;ion Is correct. 1 ogres to s of the catif"tea Lwow, Indeth, into axlev*tinn 6 fast or mon p this comply with so City and State laws foisting to the building construction, and I certify 1111, no is re,"W90 to descend, v+dl be modal In conn*ctlon with hereby authorise roprsesntativ*a of the City to enter upon the above mentioned "e irarson work ieuthultitia0 W loris pwmk, Ind that no built ing, structure, property lot Inspection purposes, eRalft+IdMtff. }aMetewtti, of demolition of dismantling thereof, wiM be >signotttra of Owrwr, Conti tor, or Authorized Agent.AM ,. feat hMMt, to do f , IVF arsnae►fitr+ldar t Will not 041411110Y enygna work which ' w ' WO iIVIlk ea a ow" from that Clfyiaron of IndustriN Safety, stated _..�.. �•••• "Tit 61110"040 pwh Poo" has a per" k from that division. ` OkvW y it 11116111" 1181sty fearmit Number; �y_�y' Y 1 _ y� -t�� on � sew S11 Me, color, (portal W SK so or I�eW�illy• re"011 C* MA - Altdhslr t3aldalarad • Aaseaaot _ P d 4 y , t m°Ff yr A+iFi F�itb i?t� �••� tor. L�„�, �1„ y n � ;^`��� n 4, b+ ! - - .fin ° PT PCX)ISI PAINS PE,CTIONS MAIN DRAIN F7 E WEPT. SNAL INFO CIN - TriNU t IC WOR MNAL RGIJC;iI PIA!NIBIT: 3 NINA IN PpG1L /IMAt' r 1 a ..'�w P`Y * �' .", rc. Iy > } '�p,,rW'Jp . m^wpN'•",��xVk��'m'��l�aa mods: � W {v .�.s ..x£��^rvM.a.i''`�k",`r�^,• � `+� G yy "16 "Iib 1 a * k " w y:�r "k a 4 �? mn� �nSi 4 city vT i usun October 5, 1998 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 CERTIFIC.'ATE OF APPROPRIATEWESS (71 a) 073-3100 165 N. "C" Street_Re-roof CK4-,gZhoo nJ In accordance with Ordinance No. 1001 which was adapted June 20, 1988 by the Tustin City Council, the Community Development Director has the authority to approve, approve with conditions or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for improvements requiring a City building permit for property located within 'a Cultural Resource District. The proposed project includes a re -roof alteration to a non -rated structure per the Tustin Historical Resources Survey. The Community Development Department finds and determines as follows: A. The proposed work conforms to the Municipal Code and any applicable design standnrds in that the material to be applied to the roof is similar to the existing composition shingle. The proposed "cedar" color roof material will emulate a wood shake appearance, more so than the existing re(1 color composition shingle color. 1;. The proposed work does not adversely attect the character of the District or Designated Cultural Resources within the District in that the proposed material will look similar to a wood shake roof. The roof material will improve the appearance of the stnicture and will be compatible with the .,tyle of the building and improve the character of the is ijcrict. C. The proposed work is harmonious with existing surroundings in that the "cedar" color composition shingle used to re -roof the stmeture is compatible with the style of the subject building and compatible with the surrounding residential strictures. "I'Ire proposed work is hereby approved, subi , t to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the start of any work, the applicant shalt obtain a building permit and pay all applicable plan check and permit fres. 2. Any replacement or reps;ir of any existing tlemures surrounding the facia shall match the existing materials, finish and colors of the existing structu►e.. Elizabeth A. f3in.sack Cnrnmintifv M avwlnr.m-ni r1r%xxiLArTTIL Tirrrxr fNnXA-VXT-r T-%T-T-AA"qrMAT-XTrr PNverty Owner city. Architect/Engineer Address City ---- I , piq Ra -0 State C A Zip Phone — State.— Zip ---- Prone Contractor Address 101 C T4 AV (3 V 2- 1 0 1 Phone.. 1,T,, city. State Zip Contractor's License No, S 6 2 5-6 o Classification (I— E)�—piratjion Date Jot) Description S7— Co r" P —2, ej YL (7 A PAII)ORLI Me Construction/Job M-4untion, ej o Occupvncy Group Industrial Squace Feet Occupsitt Load Office Square Feet Type of Construction R & D Square Feet ReWlentiv]. Square Feet Garage Square Feet Other Square Feet Numwr of Units Numbar of Stories Restaurant Seating Numlxr of Eledroorns Parking Spaces Cornmexcial Square Feet Accessible Parking (9 4L SIGNATURF, DATE VALWATION BY CASEMWDATE R)RCZIVZD 4 100 AM" A6,14,114ok"I. "a Cfty of twjM dm PW &tMHMh0I* an do beAr qfAW4 OOkW. 480"w WISiK ap or Asmbikly. e �. CITY OF TUSTIN Community Development Department Building Division 00 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA Inspection Linc (714;573.3141 CORRECTION NOTICE Date..�� j Permit . umber: { J> Address:( 1 spectors Name: In�pectors Phone: L �- r an revins ection prig to approval :orrect a �ter�s note he itemNn ote a ow requi.e correction p and call fer reinspectior when completed.